Supergirl - Bitten

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Supergirl soared over the city, it was very quiet, normal for a weekday night at 4 am. She usually stopped her patrols after 2 am, but with the recent disappearances of young women, she was determined to do all she could. She slowly increased her circles around the city and was now miles outside the city limits, over a thick forest when she saw a flicker of light through the canopy of trees.

Hovering she looked down, she could see a small group of women in dark robs around a fire. She noted a goat with its throat slashed laying a few feet away from the women. Looking closer she noticed what looked like a deformed human skull in the middle of the fire. What was apparently a priestess poured a red liquid from a wooden bowl onto the top of the skull. The liquid sizzled and splattered onto the dark robs of the women around the fire as the fire itself turned from a yellow, blue, green flame to a deep red flame.

The Priestess then went to each hooded figure and offered them a taste of the goat's blood as she slowly went going around the circle. Once finished she held the bowl above her head "Oh great Satan please show us favor and allow us a new member to our family!"

With that Supergirl saw three figures flying beneath her, apparently not seeing her. She noted that two were carrying a third, who hung limply in their arms. Supergirl was alarmed, that it appeared that these 'Witches?' were performing some perverse ceremony, but that they had powers of their own.

She watched as they landed with the girl who slowly awoke as she they touched the ground. Supergirl could see blood dripping down from the girls neck, as the young woman began to cry. "No! Please let me go!"

That was enough for Supergirl as she shot straight down and plucked the girl away from the group of women. She took her to a nearby road and set her down. "Wait here and I will be right back."

A moment later Supergirl was back in the middle of the 'witches'. "Okay, you are coming with me." Supergirl looked at the women who seemed to be moving without moving. In a blink she found herself surrounded, the women now very close to her. "I warned you!" Supergirl threatened as she looked at the face of the girl in front of her. What she saw shocked her.

The pale young face seemed to transform. Gone was the hazel eyes replaced with a reddish-yellow glow, muscles seemed to appear on the sides of her face as the face turned very sinisiter. It gave Supergirl a chill down her spine.

In that moment of surprise the women struck. One moment she was standing the maiden of might the most powerful woman on the planet the next she was on her back as these women with strength much more than any human could possess pummeled and clawed at her with nails that seemed more like talons than nails.

"ENOUGH!" Cried out Supergirl. Using her flight power she rose up sending the women scattering. The women closed the gap again, but Supergirl was faster, smashing a fist into the grotesque evil face of the closest woman send her flying. She followed that with another and another, but they kept coming at her.

The next moment they were on her threatening to overwhelm her. Supergirl then levitated slightly off the ground and began to spin at superspeed sending the howling women one by one flying out into the dark forest around her. As Kara came to a stop, it took a moment to refocus her eyes from the dizzying spin. As she looked around her she noted nothing.

It was eerily quiet as she scanned the forest, she felt the hair on the back of her neck standing on end as she spun around seeing a thick fog creeping towards her. She instinctively backed away as she looked at the fog approaching.

"Ungggghhhh" Supergirl moaned as she felt someone kick her in the back of the head sending her sprawling onto the leafy forest floor. She rolled over onto her back as she felt the cold mist start to surround her.

Looking back at her attacker she saw two dark figures flying straight for her. The maiden of might's eyes glowed as beams of red energy erupted vaporizing the two flying figures in screams of agony.

Supergirl was back on her feet as she saw another flying woman about to hit her but Supergirl closed the gap to quickly for her attacker, and this time punched the evil being much harder. The result was not what she expected though as the woman seemed to dissolve around her fist in a dark black smoke.

It was now she felt a deep chill in her bones. She looked around her and could no longer see anything but the thick fog that now surrounded her. She was about to fly off when she gasped, someone kicked her in the crotch from behind so hard it almost knocked the wind out of her. As she inhaled she felt the unworldly cold fog fill her lungs. She began to gag as the fog filled her nostril with the smell of decay and rot.

Ignoring the unpleasant fog filling her nose she spun around. Her fiery eye lanced the attacker with her heat vision vaporizing the threat. She noted that the fog dispersed around her laser like beams. Seeing an opportunity she then expanded the beams to a wide dispersal, before getting kicked from behind again.

This time the kick was followed quickly by another, then another to the back of her head, then simultaneously behind both knees causing her dark hose covered legs to bend as another kick to her chin sent her down on all fours.

The girl from the stars was literally seeing stars. "Must get away." She tried to rise but was met with a hail of fists and feet pummeling her. Supergirl, was in big trouble. Unable to focus she she managed to rise to her feet again as she flung out at her attackers, catching a couple with glancing blows.

Supergirl in desperation again began to spin, but this time she was stopped by a strong strike to the front of her throat. Supergirl clutched her throat as she stumbled forward trying to get away. Her eyes glowed again, but this time her attackers flung her cape over her head and wrapped it around her face. Her heat vision dissipating against the material from Krypton.

The monsters then pressed home there advantage striking Supergirl from every angle. There strikes were like a ballet, as if all the women were fighting as one. It was too much for the maiden of might as she tried to fly straight up but was easily flung hard onto her back on the forest floor her head wrapped in her bright red cape as her hands tried desperatly and helplessly tried to defend herself.

Just as it seemed Supergirl was going to succumb to the onslaught a gun shot rang out. "The creatures dispersed into the forest leaving Supergirl battered kneeling body.

Supergirl slowly, shakily rose pulling her cape free. "Supergirl are you all right?" Supergirl tried to focus as a police woman approached. "Yes, I will be ahhhh" was all Supergirl could say as she slumped forward into the arms of the police lady. Catching the girl of steel in her arms she gently laid Supergirl down holding the lovely blonde in her lap. As the girl from the stars blacked out.

"Ooohhhh, how long was I out?" "Only a few seconds Supergirl. Are you alright?" Supergirl embarrassed and a little confused got to her feet. "Yes, I am fine” The police woman reached for Supergirl "I think you should go to the hospital?" Supergirl could only laugh "No, I will be fine" she smiled reassuringly, as she felt her amazing self-healing abilities already restoring her.

"Did you find the young woman?" Supergirl asked as she looked around for any of the attackers. "Yes, she flagged me down and told me you were back her. It appears I got her just in time." "Yes, it does seem that way." Agreed Supergirl. The police woman looked at Supergirl, "Who were they and how did they manage to overpower you?"

"I am not sure, but they seemed to be possessed women. They seemed to transform into monsters, and I " Supergirl trailed off in thought. The woman that Supergirl had saved approached. "They weren't monsters they were Vampires!"

Supergirl escorted the officer and the young woman back to the police station. The officer had let Supergirl stay as she interviewed the young woman. Supergirl, for her part had made an agreement with the local police that she would not be required to be a direct witness, due to legal and other 'special' circumstances. The girl still shaken, was given a ride home in a police cruiser.

As Supergirl and the police woman watched the young woman leave, the officer looked at Supergirl. "It is past noon, and my shift actually ended 6 hours ago. But I would like to talk to you about what happened in an unofficial capacity." Supergirl smiled at the woman "Okay, to do you have a place in mind?" The officer gave the blonde heroine her card, which she wrote her address on the back. "In an hour?" "Okay, I will be there Lisa."


Supergirl was sitting across from Officer Lisa Lipiski at her dining room table. They were discussing the story of the young woman and how unbelievable it seemed. "Yes, I would have agreed with you before last night. But those women had powers that are not easily explained." "Very true. It scares me that they had the power to take you down!" Lisa said with concern. "Well it is true they did get the better of me last night, but I was holding back to long as I underestimated them." Lisa took a sip of water. "Why do you think they ran away when I arrived?" Supergirl looked at the woman. "I am not sure, but I am glad they did." The two shared a warm smile which followed by an awkward silence.

"One thing I noticed as I fought them..." Supergirl paused before continuing, "It almost seemed they were being controlled." Lisa looked at her quizzically. "How so?" "Well, the way they fought, it was coordinated. The way they attacked me, they kept me off balance. I never knew where the next attack would come from, and once it did the ferocity and precision of the blows were uncannily.....perfect."

"Perfect?" Lisa asked. "Every attack seemed to have a purpose, setting up the next. I never felt overwhelmed like I did last night!" Supergirl looked down as she recalled her battle with the Vampires.

"So, what are we going to do?" Lisa asked. "We?" Supergirl responded. "Yes, from what you told me you put down a few of the Vamps before the subdued you. I figure they may want revenge?” Supergirl thought about this for a moment as she looked up with determination “They won’t have to come looking for me, I am going hunt those monsters down and destroy them before they hurt anyone else. You have my promise on that Lisa!”

Lisa reached across the table taking the girl of steel’s hand in hers, “Supergirl, please do not underestimate them again. Please let me help, at least together we have a better chance.” Supergirl turned her hand and held Lisa’s. “It is better I go alone. If you were there I would be worried about you, and next time I intend on cutting loose.” Supergirl smiled, “And believe me when I say, you do not want to be anywhere nearby when I cut loose!” Lisa smiled and got up from her chair and walked into the kitchen before returning with a cell phone. “Here, take this. Please before you do anything please let me know. I promise I will not interfere, but you are too important to the people of the city we are both sworn to protect.”

Supergirl took the phone, and smiled at the tall blonde police woman. “Thank-you” she said giving her a small hug. “I have to go” Supergirl said. “Okay, you be careful. I will text you if I get any leads.” Supergirl smiled “Thanks”

The rest of the week was very quiet, Supergirl kept a close watch on the forest west of Leesburg, but found no sign of the ‘gang’ of vampires as she thought of them. It was just past midnight when she got a text message. It was a picture of a girl with her throat ripped out. With a note “Look at her SHIRT!” Supergirl saw she was wearing a 'supergirl' shirt.

Supergirl, landed on top of the building across the street as she watched the police go about their business investigating the brutal murder. Behind her the shadows seemed to shift and move. Supergirl spun around thinking she saw movement, but did not see anything. She turned back as she listened in on the police conversation when she felt a familiar chill.

Turning around she challenged “Show yourself” Silence answered her as she walked around the roof looking for what the vampires she knew must be nearby. As she heard her boots crunch on the roof top, she began to get an uneasy feeling. It was not easy to hide from her and yet, she had the feeling that she was being watched, no not just being watched, she felt like she was being stalked.

She went over to the door which led inside. She ‘looked’ through the door and did not see anything. Turning the knob she opened the door and was met with hundreds of vampire bats flocking past her. The sudden and unexpected appearance of the bats unnerved her as she squealed in surprise. She spun around her eyes glowing ready to incinerate the bats but they had disappeared. As she looked around she again felt as if someone or something was close.

She then looked straight up and saw a dark mist swirling above her. She hit the mist with a wide angle blast of her heat vision causing an ethereal scream of pain, as the dark mist evaporated. “Show yourself coward!” She demanded.

“SSSSSSSSupergirl, one girl a night will die until you pay for what you have done to my family.” “You think you’re scaring me? Is that how you get your kicks? Scaring innocent women?” Supergirl replied in anger. “No, not in scaring them. In feasting on them.”

“You’re a monster!” Supergirl responded. “I am not a monster nor am I no longer human. I only take a life in order to preserve my own and of my family.” “I will stop you!” Supergirl declared. She then looked down and she saw her own shadow start to shimmer and slowly rise. Supergirls eyes widened as her shadow now ‘stood’ in front of her. Two yellow eyes with red clouds swirling in them seemed to pierce her soul. “You are a fiesty little thing aren't you?" a voice behind her said. Supergirl turned around and saw a beautiful woman in long white flowing dress that seemed to float and wisp in an un-present wind. Supergirl looked at her "I am your worst nightmare you monster!" Her eyes glowed as two beams lanced out. However, her target had moved a few feet away. Supergirl fired again and missed again. Before she could retry she again was covered with her cape. This time however she did not wait for the attack as she zoomed straight up into the night sky freeing herself as she did. Looking down she gasped, her heat vision had started a fire at a building across the street.

In a flash Supergirl was next to the fire, with a great inhale she sucked in the oxygen from around fire causing it to die down, but then the heat that remained caused the fire to reignite. Supergirl then took in a deep breath, as she decided a blast of super-cooling would be enough to deal with her fire, she felt it!

As she sucked the essence of the vampire filled her lungs. Soon she was surrounded in swirling mists as she felt them entering her nose, mouth, ears. She tried to exhale and nothing came out. Instinctively she inhaled again, filling her with more of the mist. She started to feel light headed as her shadow appeared in front of her again. “Do I scare you now?”

Supergirl tried to speak, but her lungs were empty of air. Her face turned to fear as she began to panic.

The woman in white appeared beside her, her fingers tracing along the side of Supergirl’s neck. “I can see your pupils dilate; your heart beat increasing.” She took Supergirl’s hand “Your palms are becoming moist and your muscles are contracting. I can feel every drop of your scarlet nectar circulating through your body pulsing waiting for me to feed on it.!” Supergirl shook her head as it seemed her body would no longer respond as if she was in a trance. “Umm - how the pulsation prickles my fingertips with every beat.” The woman laughed “I don’t do this merely to taunt you but it allows for a better rush of blood flow to fill my hunger for you!”

Supergirl felt her head tilt to the side exposing her vulnerable neck to the vampire. “Now stay still this won’t be too painful.” The vampire ran a finger along her thigh, splitting her dark hose, causing a small drip of blood to pool on the tip of her nails. The fangs of the vamp grew longer and sharper as she licked the blood from her fingers.
Last edited by ksire_99 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Damn, this is a fine piece of writing! I love me a good scary fight, and the way these magical(?) creates overwhelm our heroine was both fresh and exciting. I will sure follow what comes next!
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twd32 wrote:Damn, this is a fine piece of writing! I love me a good scary fight, and the way these magical(?) creates overwhelm our heroine was both fresh and exciting. I will sure follow what comes next!
Glad you liked it. I need to make some edits, to correct some errors (done).

Here is a couple of pics of how I kind of imagine Lisa and a Vampire minion.
hot_cop_7.jpg (117.78 KiB) Viewed 9353 times
female_vampire-scary.jpg (40.05 KiB) Viewed 9353 times
Last edited by ksire_99 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Wow dude, love the start to this one. Supergirl taking on Vampire (and vampires) has always been one of my favorite ideas. Plus that they are all vampiresses (lady vamps) even better. Great job crafting the fight K99 and love the cliffhanger bit!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Not usually a vampire fan but these girl vamps are ingenious in their attacks... Or their controller is. Either way, you've got my attention, ksire99. It's terrifically fun reading.
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Thanks Z and Dr.D!

Don't worry our heroine still has some fight left in her....some
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Great Idea Ksire_99 always loved when a superherione gets attacked by vampire.... Will Supergirl become a vampire minion and serve the vampiress?
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Great start. Looking forward to it continuing. I wonder as well will Supergirl be a vampire slave?
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Outstanding writing/story. :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
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Chapter 2

Her face turned into a scowl, as she looked looked at her fingers before looking back into the eyes of Supergirl. “What are you?” Supergirl felt a surge of energy, her eyes glowed but before she could incinerate the vampire, it was gone. Supergirl however, was still in trouble. Even she needed to breathe…eventually and with her lungs full of Vampires she was unable to inhale.

An idea formed in her head and she rocketed straight upward. Windows shook for miles as the girl from the stars blasted her way upward until she felt the cold embrace of outer space. Continuing up as she saw the international space station zip past as she continued to rise.

Stopping she opened her mouth and gave herself a bear hug as her red cape floated out behind her. Soon a ribbon of fog began to slowly stream out of her mouth and nose. The stream soon became like a smoky river ejecting from her as the vacuum of space assisted in pulling the invaders from inside her body. The fog slowly coalesced into humanoid forms in front of her. Soon three vampires inside her were now floating in the cold vacuum of space, reaching and clawing at her in desperation.

Supergirl, smiled at the three vampires as she knew the sun would be appearing at any moment. As if on que the first rays of light appeared. Even though she would never admit it, she smiled at the look of fear on their faces as they knew their fate had been sealed, just before they exploded into little bits!

Supergirl felt relieved at defeating those monsters that were trying to destroy her from within. However she was feeling very light headed now from all her exertion and the lack of oxygen. Her lungs were burning as she had to fight off the urge to take a breath. Her sense of balance seemed to waiver as she realized she was close to blacking out! She started to plummet towards earth feet first before flipping 180 degrees as she then rocketed downward, towards the beautiful blue and white marble below that was now her home.

Returning to the scene, Supergirl looked for the White Vampire who was obviously the leader of the gang. The hair stood up on the back of her neck as she felt the Vamp was close by. “Come out!” Supergirl challenged. She turned and saw a flash of white disappear behind a large cooling unit. Supergirl flew over the top hoping to catch her by surprise. Stopping she looked down and saw nothing. “Where did she go?” Supergirl whispered to herself, then was answered with a strong kick to her crotch followed with a hard karate chop to the back of her neck sending the maiden of might through the roof, landing hard on the floor below.

Supergirl scrambled to her feet, looking up at the hole ready to vaporize whatever followed her through. Instead she was met with a kick to the back sending the girl of steel through the wall, tumbling uncontrollably down onto the dark street.

Rolling onto her back, she propped herself up on her elbows she looked up and around. Fear was creeping into her as she found it difficult to fight something she rarely could even see or hear! Her senses were on high alert as she waited for the attack, ready to counter.

“I am going to rip your throat out and hang your dead corpse from the highest steeple, Supergirl!” Supergirl bolted straight toward the sound, rocketing at incredible speed. So fast it caught the vampire by surprise. Supergirl’s fists went straight into the gut of the vampire, doubling her over. Supergirl turned upward, as she grasped the neck of the vampire and began to squeeze. But before she could close her hands to decapitate the vampire, supergirl was left holding nothing but air in her hands.

Supergirl spun around as she saw the white vampire flying off towards the west. Supergirl turned in pursuit, gaining quickly on the vampire. “You’re not getting away this time!” Supergirl said in determination as she closed in. The maid of might pulled her arm back to punch the vampire in the back as she approached, when her quarry shimmered and was now 100 yard further in front of her.

Supergirl, did not pause as she again began to close the distance this time she blasted her target with two searing beams of hot kryptonian anger. “IIIIIEEEEEEEE” Supergirl heard the satisfying scream, but again the vampire was now another 100 yards ahead.

Now over the forest, Supergirl tried another tactic, Instead of going straight for the white vampire she circled ahead and took a deep breath and let loose her best imitation of the Banshee.

However, this had no effect as the vampire was suddenly behind the girl of steel. “Hold still Bitch!” the vampire said as she brought her fangs down onto the shoulder of Supergirl. “NOOOOOOO!” screamed the maiden of might as she spun around tossing the vampire down into the trees.

Supergirl went after her in pursuit, but found nothing. After a brief search, Supergirl realized the white vampire was gone.

The girl of steel reached up and touched where the fangs had penetrated her invulnerable skin, and was relieved that only a tiny speak of blood was present. The vampire may have penetrated the surface of her skin, but did not penetrate deep enough to do any serious damage. The bite was nothing worse than a paper cut, but it still unnerved her, as she was not used to anyone being able to test her invulnerability with any success.
Supergirl started to go home, when she felt her phone buzz. Looking down she saw a message from Lisa. ‘Are you okay? Please call me.’ Supergirl, changed course and within moments was outside Lisa’s house. ‘You home?’ she texted back as she already knew she wasn’t, but was needing someone to talk to. Someone like Lisa that understood what she was going through in her battle with these monsters. ‘Be there soon. Key under plant on left’ came the reply.

Supergirl let herself in, heading to the bathroom she washed her face with cool water as she looked at herself in a very small mirror to the side of the sink. What she saw startled her to a degree. What she saw was not the normal confident heroine staring back at her. What she saw was a girl with doubt and fear of an unknown future. She began to flashback to her run ins with the vampires and how close she had been to defeat. Then a chill went down her spine as she remembered the threat, “One girl a night will die until you pay for what you have done to my family.”

“Hello?” the sound of Lisa broke the daydream. Supergirl came out and met Lisa who was dressed in her police uniform.

“I was sooo worried about you! I saw you battling those monsters. Everyone did!” Lisa hugged Supergirl, “We were so scared for you!” Breaking the hug she looked into the deep blue eyes of the young blonde kryptonian. “I am fine but the leader of the vampires got away.” Supergirl stated flatly.

“That was not just a vampire Kara, that was a Queen Vampire!” “Queen?” the girl in blue asked. “Yes, and you have killed much of her family. She will protect her remaining members with all her power and cunning!”

Supergirl looked into the crystal blue eyes of Lisa, seemingly drawing comfort from them. “How do you know so much?” She asked. “I have been learning of their ways for a long time.” Supergirl nodded as she thought that was an odd statement coming from such a young woman, but accepted it.

Lisa placed her hand in the center of the ‘S’ as she looked the kryptonian cutie over. Admiring the pretty blond woman in the most famous uniform. She admired her red boots covering just over the top of her knee, the black slightly torn nylons disappearing under the short red skirt held in place with a yellow metallic belt. The deep blue leotard that covered her arms and provided the background for the world famous ‘S’ and her long red cape attached along the neckline of the leotard. “Let me help you.” Lisa implored as her hands brushed over Supergirl taking her hands in hers.

Lisa leaned down, as Kara’s eyes closed in expectation, kissing the Kryptonian Cutie who felt a sudden rush of excitement. The girl from the stars pulled the gorgeous blonde in tight. “eep” came a small cry from Lisa.

“OH Sorry, Did I hurt you?” exclaimed a worried Supergirl. Lisa just smiled “No darling, it is just, um your strength is a little freighting to tell you the truth.”

Supergirl took a step back, taking a deep breath she calmed down a little. “Why don’t you get changed into something more comfortable and I will be right back.” Supergirl leaned in and gave Lisa a small kiss and went out the back door and zoomed up into the sky.

Soon Supergirl was back with a box under her arm. Lisa had changed into a low-cut, backless white with light blue highlights flowing dress. She had a two glasses of wine in her hands as she came to meet Supergirl.

The two sat and chatted on the couch for a while, when Lisa finally asked. So what is in the box? Supergirl gently pushed the box over to Lisa. “Open it and see.” Lisa grabbed hold of the lid, and was surprised at how heavy it was. She stood up and with both hands pulled the lid off.

A small groan escaped the lips of Supergirl as Lisa looked inside at a golden Alms Bowl Buddha statue that is glowing. Lisa picks the statue up and looks at it and then the girl of steel who seems to be resting a little uncomfortably leaning back on the couch with a small grin.

“Is this kryptonite?” Lisa asked as she set it down on the table. The statue was now glowing brightly as Supergirl felt her powers being sucked out of her. After a few moments the glowing died down to a faint glow. Supergirl, then sat up, “Yes, it is Gold Kryptonite. It subdues my powers.” “I thought kryptonite was deadly to you?” quizzed Lisa. “Green Kryptonite is lethal, Gold however, makes me as weak and vulnerable as any human.

Lisa leaned close as her finger traced the ‘S’ “So the super is gone” she leaned down and kissed the ‘S’ working her way up to her lips. “But my sexy girl is…” Kissing the heroine she gently slipped her hand up the inside thigh putting her index finger on her womanhood rubbing it in circles. Supergirl gasped as Lisa’s ministrations sent her into a sensual frenzy as spikes of pleasure rushed up her spine.

“Lets get you to bed!” Lisa said. She took Supergirl’s hand and picked up the golden Buddha with the other and led the girl of steel into the bedroom.

Supergirl awoke rolling over to find Lisa was not there. Slowly the naked girl padded to the door. She could hear Lisa talking in the other room, but she could not make out what was being said. As she opened the door Lisa hung up the phone. She was dressed in her uniform and spied the beautiful girl. “Good morning honey.” Lisa picked up the box, approaching the blonde, giving her a small kiss. “I have to go to work, but make yourself at home. I am going to call you later, I have an idea how to end your vampire problem once and for all.”

Supergirl, smiled as she felt a calm she did not think she had ever felt. She looked at Lisa as she walked into the bedroom with lust filled eyes before going into the bathroom. Lisa went inside the bedroom to put the Buddha in the box as Supergirl closed the door to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for her patrol.

Supergirl was dressed in her uniform the lead box zipped back into her apartment unseen. Dropping the box off at her apartment she was going to take care of some personal things as she had not been home in a couple of days. She started to go through the mail but felt a little tired. She yawned as she sorted through the mail as she walked into the bedroom. She plopped down on the bed, opening another letter but did not read it as she fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.
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Nice second part K99 :)

The battle between Supergirl and the Vampires was AWESOME. Love how Kara was clever zipping up into orbit to get rid of the vampires in her lungs. Also like how Kara was feeling a bit vulnerable after nearly getting bit. Golden Kryptonite budda statue wonder where Kara got that, but nice she could use it to make Lisa comfortable.

Look forward to part 3!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Wonderful. Supergirl fighting the vampires was wonderful and I like her at Lisa the police officer. Looking forward to part 3 as well.
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Bronson881 wrote:Wonderful. Supergirl fighting the vampires was wonderful and I like her at Lisa the police officer. Looking forward to part 3 as well.
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This fight scene is an instant classic! So much to take from it in terms of style and pacing. Great stuff!
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Thanks for the kind words, SGZ, B881, Flag, and Dr. D.

And that is high praise coming from you Dr. D!
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Just to join the choir; that fight scene was awesome! The flight into space was particularly clever!
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New to the site,love the story so far. How can I read the rest of the story
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Ksire is still a member here you could ask if he has plans to finish it by private message. (If you are unsure how post here and I will tell you)
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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I have a draft of the next chapter, just didn't seem right...I'll try and post something in a few weeks.

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Still waiting on the rest of the story. Please put one out soon,really looking forward to it.
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