Kitty Got Claws (Dawnstar Productions)

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Doctor Outcome
Posts: 518
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Location: Wesker Laboratories

Hey guys, hope everyone enjoyed their glorious Labor Day weekend over the past week. I’ve been going through my files and I happened to come across a video patient that could use a little stitching up. ‘Kitty’s Got Claws’ and I think after we’re done stitching her up, we may have to trim them a little of the cons that kinda brought her score down…
kitty_got_claws.wmv_snapshot_03.29_[2015.08.10_22.05.27].jpg (43.18 KiB) Viewed 1421 times
Plot: The felonious feral known as Cheetah is up to her old tricks again, this time planning what should have been the perfect bank robbery. However, her scheme is foiled by the amazing Amazon herself Lady Liberty, who has found Cheetah and is planning on sending her straight to the kennel. What Lady Liberty doesn’t know is that Cheetah is the one holding all the cards at the moment…and she’s ready to play every last one to get Lady Liberty right where she wants her…


-The talented and lovely Kara Smithfield puts on yet another witty performance, this time playing Wonder Woman’s arch-nemesis Cheetah. Kara truly is a sight to behold in this vid and everything she does in this vid was sensual (though she couldn’t get too frisky in this one like she did in ‘Spiderwebs’ as her female co-star had limitations on that, which is okay).
Needless to say though, Kara was fabulous in her performance: speaking with a European accent, her facial expressions when Lady Liberty appears before her, the way she gently rubs her hands on Lady Liberty when she’s been subdued, etc. She even plays with a shiny piece of silver like a cat would do with a ball of yarn and at one point, Lady Liberty uses that to distract her. I could go on forever naming things that made Kara’s performance as sweet as a Kit-Kat bar, but you’ll have to see it for yourself to get a better picture.
-I recently did a review on Amanda Chesterfield and her performance with her sister Julia in the Dawnstar production ‘Electra-Angels’ and I decided to check this vid out to see how well Amanda can do on her own. Her performance here was so-so, mainly because she gets taken down too easily in the first couple of minutes of the story. But she made good use of her time in front of the camera, so I’ll give her an ‘A’ for effort on this one.
-There was a great scene where Amanda staggers around after being shot in the rear by Cheetah’s henchman Boris with a blowgun. Kara then takes her down and removes her gauntlets after Boris takes her belt of strength from her. There’s also a great knockout scene where Kara scratches Amanda with her claws which are covered in a poison called ‘cataphrenic’ and she also uses a nerve pinch to render poor Amanda unconscious.
-Cheetah gets ahold of Lady Liberty’s lasso and aside from using it get information, she uses is to make walk on all fours! Oh the humanity, folks. LOL!
-Though Amanda’s character does go down early on, later she attempts to fight back with everything she has. Lady Liberty and Cheetah struggle on the couch together and that’s where Cheetah’s costume destruction begins (sort of). (It should be noted that during the struggle scene, Kara accidentally injured her shoulder when she and Amanda went down hard on the couch in the outtakes. I was wincing when Kara went down as that injury looked painful…good thing it didn’t stop her from filming).


-This vid wasn’t really one of Dawnstar’s better stories as there doesn’t really feel to be much of a story here. And usually in most of Dawnstar’s productions the villains have more of an aim but this one didn’t really hit the bullseye like his previous installments.
-Amanda’s being cast as Lady Liberty feels more like a con here than a pro. Though it was fun seeing her play this part, Kara has her severely beat in the performance department (and that’s not because Kara got to play the part of the villain). Amanda tried really hard in this one, but not well enough.
-The ripping up of Cheetah’s tights didn’t really scream erotic for me in this vid. Afterwards, it kinda made her costume look a little ugly and the tights were what made the outfit look really hot too.
-Some scenes lingered a little too long, particularly the scene where Lady Liberty has been weakened and Cheetah is just sitting there relishing that she has captured her. There’s a part where Amanda tries to summon someone for backup but nobody comes to her aid and I was really hoping that someone like Batgirl or Supergirl would show to give her a hand.
-The ending was too bland for my taste. Cheetah takes Lady Liberty’s tiara and uses the lasso to make her believe she’s an ordinary girl? What kind of ending is that? It kinda feels like Dawnstar was running out of ideas for this one and was trying to find a way to wrap things up.

Diagnosis (What could’ve been better)

-I think in the future stories, Dawnstar should let the heroine triumph a little bit more earlier on in the story. While it’s great that Amanda put up some resistance later on, they did it a little late in the game and still ended the story on a downer note.
-Amanda just didn’t look like she was feeling the character for this story, so maybe someone else should play the part of Lady Liberty for the next chapter (if there is one).
-The tights destruction didn’t work too well in this story. It just seemed rather pointless unless there’s total costume destruction on both characters…they should go that route if they can next time.
-A better ending is needed for future Cheetah and Lady Liberty storylines. The ending to this vid just seemed a little too bland for my taste.

Final Outcome

I never thought I’d see the day where I’d have to give a diagnosis on one of Dawnstar’s vids but they did their best with what they had, but it feels that this one was lacking something creativity-wise. Maybe that injury Kara sustained earlier during filming had something to do with it, I wonder. Either way, this vid while fun, could use a little improvement.

Final Score for Kitty got Claws: 6 out of 10.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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