Fighting the Poison (Super vs. Evil Productions)

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Doctor Outcome
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Plot: The magnificent Moonstar had just tracked down her sister Angelstar who has been missing for quite sometime. Moonstar is relieved to find her sister safe and not in danger, but when Angelstar wakes up from a drug-induced sleep that she was in, it appears that Moonstar may be the one who is in danger...
Super versus Evil_Fighting_the_Poison.mp4 (Laser Eyes battle) snapshot_10.02_[2015.09.23_18.14.16].jpg
Super versus Evil_Fighting_the_Poison.mp4 (Laser Eyes battle) snapshot_10.02_[2015.09.23_18.14.16].jpg (21.9 KiB) Viewed 3276 times

-Now this folks is my idea of a superheroine story right here! A friend of mine knew that I loved combat battle between superheroine (and or villains) and she strong recommended this one. I gotta say offhand, the creators of this wonderful heroine battle really knew what I was looking for and I enjoyed every juicy tidbit from this production. Don't know who wrote this magnificent piece, but they deserve an award! :thumbup:

-First, there's the gorgeous Tiffany Chase with her portrayal of Moonstar. Tiffany showed great concern for Lindsay Lamb's character Angelstar when they are reunited. But when Angelstar engages in the ye' ole' fisticuffs, Tiffany realizes that all is not right and she has a really nasty dilemma on her hands. The way Tiffany tries to reason with Lindsay and tries to shake her out of her drug-induced trance was fantastic and Tiffany's character had no qualms about fighting her sister, but tries to use the least destructive force as she knows that Angelstar is not herself. Tiffany carried her performance with great professionalism and that made the story all the more enjoyable.

-Lindsay Lamb's performance was just as top-notch. As Angelstar, Lindsay was almost like a machine in the story, totally devoid of any kind of emotion. All she lived for at that moment was the battle against Moonstar, totally unaffected by empathy or conscience. Also, the way Lindsay cries out in pain and moans from the drug's effects as she tries to break free was magnificent. I even love how Moonstar tries to tell her to fight it and every time she does, the pain gets worse and she fears that she won't be able to control herself. That's almost like when the Maverick Hunters from the 'Mega Man' series are taken over by the Sigma virus and they fight to stay as themselves but are unable to do so.

-The costumes were fantastic, particularly Tiffany's so that's more bonus points for this production.

-The combat for this was extraordinary. The slow-motion parts were implemented correctly and at just the right moment to and the camera angles the production crew used to focus on the models were spectacular! They made sure to capture every good angle of their movements and facial expressions with closeups and what not. The sound effects they used were also an excellent icing on the cake for this fight vid, especially when the combatants strike each other in slow-mo. Plus, the actresses really know how to 'sell a hit' and also how to 'take one'. They must've done a spit-load of rehearsing to get the fight just the way they wanted it.

-The Special Effects? What can I say except: THEY WERE OUT OF THIS WORLD! :yahoo:
The laser beams, the flying down entrance from Moonstar...hell, Angelstar even gives her poor sister an uppercut so nasty, the girl literally flies through the roof before crashing back down like a bloody meteorite! My jaw literally hit the floor when I saw that part!

-Downer ending for this story, but it made the story all the more interesting. The ending was very heartbreaking and part of me wishes that it didn't end the way that it did. (I hope the writers do change the fate of the characters at the end of this). Won't say how it ends, but it will get you all choked up (I know I did). :weep:


-Eh, a few but none that can really detract from the story. If Angelstar is evil, they should personify that with something like a change of color in her costume or maybe wearing dark contacts in her eyes to show that the drug she's been injected with is controlling her every move. Though none of that is really necessary for the vid as Angelstar's actions speak for her, but I think it'll help the audience recognize when she's in control of herself and when she's not.

-Slow motion parts were a touch much, but they were still implemented right so this con is forgiven.

-More punches and counter exchanges would be good as well as more display of super abilities.

-A happy ending for next time would be really good instead of a downer ending. Beyond these four cons, everything else was superb!

Final Outcome

'Fighting the Poison' was a wonderfully scripted, wonderfully acted and superb heroine battle classic that really pushed the limit and succeeded in breaking the threshold of my expectations. There's so much magic in this production that it's like getting a front row seat to an 'Mortal Kombat' championship fight!

Final Score for 'Fighting the Poison': I give it a 15 out of 10!

This is a vid that I would not only highly prescribe...I recommend getting a daily dosage of this series if there's more like it where it came from! To the producers of this phenomenal project...KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! :thumbup:

You guys want more? This is where the action is:
Super versus Evil_Fighting_the_Poison.mp4_snapshot_18.06_[2015.10.01_13.27.03].jpg
Super versus Evil_Fighting_the_Poison.mp4_snapshot_18.06_[2015.10.01_13.27.03].jpg (10.6 KiB) Viewed 3272 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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I totally agree. Everything they produce is just as good. Tiffany is my favorite actress working for them.
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Doctor Outcome
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DonShip wrote:I totally agree. Everything they produce is just as good. Tiffany is my favorite actress working for them.
Agreed! I'll be reviewing 'Shadowgirl: Welcome to Earth' in a few days. That vid was totally kick ass!
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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I'll certainly look out for this one; Tiffany Chase is awesome, so sexy and beautiful and she handles the fight scenes so convincingly!
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Doctor Outcome
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redmanx wrote:I'll certainly look out for this one; Tiffany Chase is awesome, so sexy and beautiful and she handles the fight scenes so convincingly!
If you loved this, you'll love Shadowgirl. I guarantee it!
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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