Rousey Vs. Holm. Don't Click Unless You Want To See The Outcome :)

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Elder Member
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Looks like she tried to out box the boxer.

Pride can be a bitch.
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You got that right. She never saw that kick coming.

But I have to admit, Rousey got ROCKED by that left and didn't drop. Most other fighters that would've been lights out. But it definitely stunned her enough for Holm to get a leg up, so to speak.
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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nice spoil, it just finished and hadn't watched yet. But meh..
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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haha was trying hard to not go on any sites till i saw it, figured this one would be ok to check. Its ok though watching it now and i hoped holm would win anyway.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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totally just made my night, thanks for that clip,,,i will still buy it when it hits DVD but now I understand what Miesha was tweeting about
" you just got knocked the fuck out bitch"
"hard to arm bar a punch in the mouth and a kick to the head"

oh well, lets see how the rematch goes.
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I've been following Holly since her boxing days and am a fan of hers. However I did not think she had enough experience in MMA to win against someone like Ronda, who many said was unbeatable.

That being said, I am so happy Holly beat her the way she did. Ronda was, as usual, pretty disrespectful to Holly in some of the interview statements and press conferences leading up to the fight and even during the staredown inside the octagon she wouldn't touch gloves with Holly, whom stuck out hers to show Ronda respect.

This is what happens when someone gets hyped up too much by fighting mostly tomato cans. Ronda has some of the worst stand up I have ever seen and finally met a striker who wasn't a bone headed "rush in and bang" type striker like Cat and Bethe.

What I find interesting is in the 1st round Ronda tried a few times to clinch and use her Judo but Holly had it all scouted and used good defense to escape them, especially that early arm bar attempt. I don't know if that is due to Holly doing a great job in her training and preparation or if Ronda is really not that good after all. I mean, she was getting defended well from a inexperienced one dimensional striker only rookie.

The icing on the cake was the fact that Ronda recently endorsed Bernie Sanders for president and then got clobbered nearly to death by the all mighty christian conservative kick of death... from the far left.... hahahahaha oh the symbolism
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