A WW story Cartel Owned

A darker, full bodied blend.
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A WW story Cartel Owned
Wonder Woman makes a mistake just a small one but this time it cost her
everything. Her life changed for the worse for her and the better for
everyone else.

Diana Prince was enjoying a day off from the office and as her duties as
Wonder Woman. A leisure day of shopping. Diana liked to shop the small
shops in town giving them her business instead of the huge malls. Besides
she liked to walk. Diana had just left a local deli when she heard a
scream. Looking down the street a lady was being robbed of her purse by two
young males.
Dashing in an alley Diana spun in a blinking flash where Diana disappeared
and there in her place stood Wonder Woman. Checking to make sure that the
belt of power was in place with the lasso of truth attached to it. After
she adjusted her tiara while glancing to make sure her blue and white star
briefs were in place along with the gold bustier Wonder Woman ran into
action. Taking down the two young crooks with bursting speed. A quick back
kick to both of them put them on the ground out cold.
After the police took her statement and the woman had a her purse back
Wonder Woman went back into the alley to become Diana once more. Then she
went on her way shopping. Little did Diana know that her transformation to
and from Wonder Woman had been caught on tape. Not just anyone's tape
either. The alley Diana had transformed in held a drug dealers distribution
center. The whole alley was covered by surveillance cameras. The best money
could buy. That evening the feeds from these cameras was sent to the
headquarters in Columbia for a team to look over. To see if the area was
being scouted by cops or feds.
When the men reviewing the videos saw the transformations they called there
boss. For years Wonder Woman had been a thorn in the drug KingPins side
shutting down his American operations. Jailing some of his best men in the
process. When Javier Martienez the powerful kingpin heard that he had
Wonder Woman transformations on video he rushed down to the basement where
all the video nerds worked. After viewing it several times Javier told his
workers to get a facial match on the woman. To his surprise they had
already done it. They had Diana Prince's social security number, her
private phone number, where she worked and lived. They even knew what her
monthly bills were. Javier was ecstatic. He then as a reward handed each of
the thick eye-glassed nerds a 10,000 dollar U.S. bill which made each of
them a millionaire in Columbia. The Drug Lord rushed up to his office to
set a plan in motion to get Wonder Woman.

Diana had just finished a hard day at the office. Throwing her purse on
the table she opens the fridge to get a bottle of opened wine. Pouring
herself a glass she settlesd in her lounge chair and flicks on the evening
news.Sipping her wine a knock comes at her door. Now what she thinks.
Getting up she goes to the door opening it. A fed ex man is there with a
package.. He smiles saying urgent delivery Miss Prince please sign here.
Signing Diana wonders what it is that is so urgent. Opening it she finds a
disc with a note saying to play it at once. Now getting curious Diana puts
it in her computer and watched it. Diana's eyes bulge seeing her
transformation on tape. At the end of the video a male face appears which
she has seen many times. All on most wanted sheets Javier Martienez. Hello
Diana Javier says waving on the tape or should i say Wonder Woman. Now
before you go and try and catch the man who delivered this to you listen
up. You have about 4 minutes left until that tape is sent to every news
agency and your secret is out. At the end of this there is a phone number
just dial it let it ring once and that hang up that will tell me that you
are on your way here to Columbia. I expect you to be in my office at 9 am
tomorrow sharp a minute late and the tape you see is on every news
broadcast there is. So my people are awaiting the call good day. The tape
flashes the number then ends.
Wonder Woman can't believe this is happening. What to do? She glances at
the wall less then 3 minutes now. Picking up the phone Diana dials the
number and let it ring one time and then she hangs up. At least this gives
her until 9 am tomorrow. Standing in the middle of the room Diana spins and
becomes Wonder Woman. A fast glance to make sure everything is in place the
amazon dashes out heading for her personal jet. With luck at the meeting
tomorrow morning she will get the upper hand in this. So far Wonder Woman
hasn't been given time to even think of a plan.

Back in Columbia the Drug Lord is given word that the message was received
and answered. Smiling he talks to his right hand man Jack Tatum better
known as Jack the Wire for his use with wire on women. Breaking women was
his job and his love. Javier poured 2 glasses of brandy handing one to
Jack. Well Wonder Bitch took the bait she had minutes to answer now when
she arrives she will have seconds to comply. Time is the trick my friend.
Keep Wonder Bread from being able to think of a plan, make her make rash
decisions and we will have her. Tomorrow morning my friend your special
skills will be put to work on Wonder Woman. We will make her not so
wonderful. They toasted to a quick victory drank down the brandy and
watched the sun set.

Wonder Woman flew out over the coast and turned south heading to her
meeting with the Drug Lord. She knew that in Columbia he was a hero and she
was the evil one. Try as Wonder Woman could not a single plan would form.
Things where moving too fast. Maybe she could get the upper-hand at this
meeting. After all Javier would be busy talking wouldn't he.Thoughts raced
through the Amazon's head. Something Javier had hoped for. Making her
guess would get Wonder Woman off her game a bit. Wonder Woman glanced at
her GPS she was 20 miles out from the capitol of Columbia. Already, Wonder
Woman shook her head that was fast. The control tower gave her landing
instructions. Wonder Woman set the heading and started to descend into what
would be her hell for a long time.
After landing at the airport Wonder Woman's jet was guided to a hanger at
the far end of the field. As she was towed into a hanger she noticed a lot
of armed men around the hanger and other buildings. Must be where they hold
the drugs before they are delivered Wonder Woman thought. She would
remember this and take care of it before she left this country. After
exiting the jet a man told her a car was waiting to take her to her meeting
with Minister Javier. A minister she thought he has come up even more since
she dealt with him before. Rushed into an armed Humvee Wonder Woman was
then driven to the Javier Exports building. A huge complex newly built
housing most of Javier's business's. Except for the whore houses which he
owned all across the country. It was known that a few lesser heroines had
tried to take down the Drug Lord and had ended up beaten when their
identities were revealed and put to work in the whore houses. There
costumes were on display in a museum in Javier's new complex. In a short
time the Humvee stopped in front of the building.

Wonder Woman stepped out and was greeted by another man. He had Wonder
Woman follow him in the building to the elevator where he pushed the button
for the 13th floor and up they went. The elevator door opened into a wide
spacious office. There were secretaries all busy on phones. Taking orders
Wonder Woman thought. Wonder Woman was escorted quickly through the area to
a huge bronze door. The escort pressed a button and spoke to someone. The
door opened with a humming sound and Wonder Woman was told to enter. She
walked in the door which closed quickly startling the amazon.

Before Wonder Woman could say a word Javier stood from his desk and spoke.
Welcome Diana, you now have 20 seconds to remove your belt, lasso, tiara,
and bracelets. Set them in this case and step back. If you don't then the
world will learn your identity. Ten-seconds left. Wonder Woman panicked.
What to do, without thinking she removed the belt, lasso, tiara and her
bracelets setting them in the case. Javier slammed the case shut locking
it. He quickly put it in his safe and locked it as well.

Now Diana here's the deal for the next two years you are not Wonder Woman
or Diana Price. You are just a civilian. After the two years I'll give you
back your items and you may go. In this time I can make enough to retire on
without your meddling. Javier put a contract on the table. If you agree to
this sing here and all id done you can go but don't come back for the two
years. If you don't agree to this then I will be forced to do things the
hard way and it will be tougher on you believe me.

Go to hell you scum Wonder Woman spat out. I'll never agree to anything you
or anyone like you say's.

Javier smiled I knew you would say that Diana. Your ego overruns your mouth
all the time. Javier pressed a button on his desk causing three oversized
men entering the room. Diana i think you know jack here? I believe you and
Jack had a run-in up in New York City one time.

Hello Diana Jack said.

Wonder Woman went to swing at Jack since she'd remembered what he did to
hundreds of women before. Strangled then beat them into becoming his
whores. After they where all used up he would use wire to bind them till
they died. Wonder Woman's swing never landed on two of the goons as they
each grabbed an arm and held them out. Wonder Woman tugged on the captors
but couldn't budge them. She watched as Jack laid out his tools on the
desk. A strange looking wire triangle piece of steel with a tee handled
key in it. Some small ones which looked like footballs with holes in the

Walking up to Diana Jack wrapped the wire around her right wrist. He then
inserted four of the little balls onto the wire then wrapped the wire
around her wrist one time both ends the same length. Jack adjusted the wire
to make the ends even and then the balls so two where on top of her wrist
on the joint and two on the bottom of her wrist on the joint. Next jack
picked up the triangle metal piece. Diana had that it had holes about the
size of the wire, The two ends of the wire were pushed in two of the holes
in the metal piece causing a clicking sound to be heard. Next Jack did the
same to Diana's left wrist. Then the two goons put Diana's arms behind her
back bending them up towards the back of her neck. Jack turned the key
tightening the wire on Diana's' wrist binding her arms tightly behind her.
Next Jack wrapped wire around Diana's neck with the odd shaped balls also.
Two Balls in front on Diana's voice box and two in the back against the
tendons along her spine. Diana heard the clicking as the wire ends where
fed threw the metal triangle. then Jack turned the key again in the slot
for the neck wire. Diana bucked wildly as the wire tightened. Diana's
breathing became labored. Jack stopped as Diana started to pant like an
overheated dog. Diana's neck and wrist where bound together tightly. Any
move Diana made tugged on the wire and made those odd shaped balls dig in
more. Staring ahead at Javier Diana watched as he put up a new document.
Well Diana this is the one youill be signing now. It a lot harder for you.
It still has the two year clause in there but after two years you only
become Wonder Woman if I think the world needs you.

Diana squeaked out never as Jack threw the overtightened wire on her neck.

I know you say that now but after time with Jack using this taming device
you will sign believe me. If you don't Jack will just tighten that neck
wire till your throat crushes thats all. Now let's get you out of that
outfit ok. After all you aren't Wonder Woman now. The two goons that held
her before flipped her onto a chair raising Diana's feet. Each one taking
off one of Diana's boots. Next Diana was hauled up and the goons rather
gently unbuckled the world famous top. Like removing one of their shirts
the gold top was pulled off leaving Diana's huge tits hung for all to see.
Without another thought her star spangled briefs where pulled down her legs
be lifted out of them. Javier gathered up the costume placing it in another
case then walking up to Diana Javier removed her earrings setting them in
the case. Then Javier opened the safe and placed the case next to the one
holding Diana's belt. Locking the vault Javier turned to Jack. Diana has a
bit of hair down there Jack why don't you remove it

Smiling Jack reaches in his pocket pulling out a lighter. Lighting it he
moves to Diana. The two goons pick up the captured amazon spreading her
legs wide revealing her pussy to all. Jack takes the lighter and runs it
over the tuff of black hair between Diana's legs. The smell of burnt hair
feels the room. Diana squirms madly in the goons arms as she is burnt clean
of hair.

Standing back both Jack and Javier admired the all trussed up Amazon. Her
pussy bare made the men smile. Javier looked at his watch. Time caused your
defeat Diana. When you got the message you had minutes. Then just hours to
get here. Then seconds to comply. Now it's all over. You will be broken.
You will sign the contract. And you will become my property. Jack break her
but don't fuck her. I want that privilege after she signs the contract.
When I tire of her you can have her for the whore houses. Now get her out
of here and start her breaking. Oh and laser her pussy I don't want a hair
growing there ever again.

Diana was led out of Javier's office down the hall to the elevator. Jacks
training facility was in a sub basement of the building. Where no screams
could be heard.
Javier watched as Diana was pulled along a smirk came to his face. Well
Wonder Woman, Diana Prince you are no more. Now you're just something to

to be continued. As stories go i'm a greenhorn at this so bear with me
I would like to thank tmon for the edit job and yes I would like for you to do the rest of this story when I get it ready. Would be helpful and id be very gratefull
Last edited by BlueEyedDoe 11 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Very nice start - love the story so far and I'm looking forward to more. Most text editors (even emails) will have a spell checker that I'd suggest you use before publishing the final form. I was able to make out most of it, but there were a couple of misspelled words that I didn't understand. If it detracted from the story at all, it was minimal. Other than that, the story line is awesome (even if it lacked any drugging or chloroforming).
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Sargeant 1st Class
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Wow, she got her bouquet roasted, that was actually pretty cool! The whole scene where she gets captured and subdued kept me on the edge as I read it, so as far that goes, it's pretty good.

However, I believe you can improve a lot on the general writting. You need to brush it up and make it flow better, because right now it feels telegraphed. Let's look for example at the intro, it goes like:
Diana Prince was enjoying a day off from the office and as her duties as
Wonder Woman. A leisure day of shopping. Diana liked to shop the small
shops in town giving them her business instead of the huge malls. Besides
she liked to walk. Diana had just left a local deli when she heard a
scream. Looking down the street a lady was being robbed of her purse by two
young males.
Personally, I would rewrite it as:
Away from the heaps of paperwork at the office and her duty as Wonder Woman,
Diana Prince was savoring a day off. She didn't indulge in anything fancy, being content
with a promenade around the small shops downtown, away from hustle of the malls.
Alas, just as she walked out of a deli, welcoming the warm gust breezing through her locks,
her duty caught up with her.

”Someone, pleaseee HEEELPP!!!”, she heard from a nearby alley, and an immediate investigation
revealed a lady getting mugged and bruised by a pair of ruffians.
I'm currently fighting the terrible disease of purple prosing, which manifests itself in the tendency of overburdening the text with details that steal away from the action, so don't overdo it, but try to work a bit on the pacing. Maybe you should also separate the spoken parts in some way, because as it is they are confusing. I used quotation marks, but there are other ways to do it.

All in all, I'd say it's really hard to write a good text, but I encourage you to push forward, you have some nice ideas.

Edit: and now that I have mentioned purple prose, let's look again at my fragment. I think it can be brushed even further, into something along the lines of
Away from the heaps of paperwork at the office and her duty as Wonder Woman,
Diana Prince was savoring a day off. Content with a promenade around
the smallshops downtown, she was just walking out of a deli when her
duty decided to catch up with her.

”Someone, pleaseee HEEELPP!!!”, she heard from a nearby alley, and an immediate
investigation revealed a lady getting mugged by a pair of ruffians.
You see, there were actually a lot of details in the initial fragment that weren't really needed, and the pacing is even better in their absence.
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A good start. My suggestion would be to concentrate a bit more on details to help make the moment come alive. When writing, it's always worthwhile to remember the five senses and to employ them lightly when you can. What is the heroine smelling? Her own hair on fire? You put that in but didn't give your readers WW's reaction to it. Just some tips given in the spirit of helping. Keep at it because what you've done is working pretty well so far.
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Thanks for the sugestions people, Would of responded sooner but work is keeping me extra busy these days. Will continue with this story thow. My mind is brewing up some ideas. Thank you again.
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Will there be anymore to this story, I like the way it started --hope to see more.
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well I want to add to the story but real life just isn't letting up on me. Will get to it thow
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Cartel Owned
Part 2 bu BlueEyedDoe

Wonder Woman was led Down threw the building ,everyone that passed stared at the naked woman being led by the neck. Wonder Womans face was turning a red color form the tight cable wraped around her neck. Her breathing being labored from the quick pace Jack made her move. Once in the elevator she wtched as the lights decended showing she was going down below the ground floor. It fianally stoped ar the 4 th floor below ground, Jack pushed Wonder Woman out of the elevator and down the hall , stoping at a metel door. Jack pushe the door open an marched the captured woman inside.
The walls where a dull gray with stains on them a small upright cage in one conor. Jack pushed the princesss to the cage stoping at its door. Opening it Jack told his prey that the next few days this was home. Without warning he tightened the special restraint more making it next to imposiable to breath. Jack then pushed Wonder Woman in the cage and locked it . Jak then went to a desk across the room an sat down. Not saying a word he just watched Wonder Woman as she stood weising for air. Knowing that all he had to do is wait . In time they all broke and beged to be released. Wonder Woman thow was tougher than most so Jack knew the wait would be longer but that the silence would be her down fall in the end.
One day passed, Wonder Woman staying defient. Thow Jack noticed that her squirming had increased considerbally and she was breathing mush deeper now . The air was being needed and not reaching her lungs.Wonder Womans head had turned a purpleish color now and her hands had swollen. The cables wher doing there deed. The second day as Jack sat in his chair Wonder Woman tyed to talk . Whats that tits Jack ask you need something. Wonder Woman was stagering now her legs turned to rubber. A pleease escaped her lips. Well Wonder Tits here is the deal do you agree to become Javier's personal property. A no was head leaving Wonser Womans mouth along with a hacking sound. Then you stay there like that till you change your mind or die makes no difference to me.
Hours went by in silence but Jack kne today would be the day the great Wonder Woman would fall. Her breathig was long drawn noisey breaths . The champions tongue hung out now and was swollen. Her hands where blue her fingers curled tight from the restraints. It was almost nitefall when Wonder Woman started shaking wildly. Jack heard her pleading . The begging was music to his ears. A please i beg you ill was gasp out as Wonder Woman convulsed. The end was close either she agreed tot he terms or would die. Jack ask in a clm voice do you accept the deal. Wonder Woman tryed to answer but the air was gone all she could do was nod her head her eyes pleading. On your dam amazon code of honor do you agree to all of the terms , you become property of the javier cartel. Another nod and a please swueaked out
With that Jack went to the cage a trembleing Wonder Woman ther on her knees gasping . Wuth his key for the device he backed off the cables just enough for her to breath. There you go tits you be able to breaath a bit better nowbut your not getting out of the tamer just yet. Jack calls Javier at home telling him of the events . Within an hour Javier was there with ahis lawyer and the revised contract. Jack was smiling because now came his favorite part of his work.
Wonder Woman im sure your seen the girls that work in this building and the nasty red marks around there necks and wrist. Every girl here has them. Wonder Woman stared up at her foe nodding still struggleing for air but not as hard now. Well tits they all wore the tamer and when it is removed i do it in a way that they will never forget. it keeps them in place and you will be no differant.What i do is hook up the back of the tamer to a welder simple really the negetive to one side and the positive to the other. It makes a short heating up the cables till they melt just like welding . When the cable turn a molting red your branded feeling im told as the cables get hotter is unbearable. when they melt and flow apart then it over but your marked for ever as one on Kack the Wires victims. So get ready bitch.
Wonder Woman tryed to hide in her small cage but there is nowhere to go.Jack uncovered his welder that checked the dial making sure it was set on a high setting but not to high he wanted a slow hot burn. Unlocking the cage Jack drug the freedom fighter out gripping her hair her led Wonder Woman over to a table bending her over it . STAY bitch Jack screamed at the beaten princess. She looked over her shoulder but didnt move. Jack picked up the leads to the welder bringing them to the champion. Good girl Jack said as he smacked her upturned bare ass. How this end goes here he tols Wonder Woman as he attached it to the left side of the cable binder and this one goes here on the right side. The ends didnt clamp on but where screwed on so they could be shaken off. We dont need you bucking around an knocking a lead off now. Wonder Woman looked strait ahead at the pale wall as Jack walked back to his machine.
A loud click was heard as the machine was turned on the light in the room dimed the machine humed a low growl. Instantly Wonder Woman felt the heat as it built up. Determined not to show them fear she stared at the wall but after ten seconds or so she lost it the heat built up and was burning . Wonder Woman screamed as loud as she could her body bucking. The smell of burning flesh filled the room and the wire got even hotter. The three men in the room watched as thr champion of all women was branded marked as Jacks victim. After a minute the wire caables started to melt away. Wonder Woman collapsed on the table sobing breathing in hard now that her neck was not confined any longer.Her hands free but the damage was done tendoins had been cut the fingers closed not able to move. After a few minutes Javier spoke up. I havent all nite get my proprety off the table we need it to have this contract sealed.
Jack pulled Wonder Woman off the table seting her on a chair . Javier and his expensive lawyer sat at the table .The lawyer placed Wonder Womans doom in front of her. Now Wonder Woman this is an ammended contract. Since you went the hard road it needed be changed. One change is that you become property of the Javier Cartel for good or untill your sold , traded or freed. You stop being Wonder Woman for a period of two years then only can be Wonder Woman with the Cartel boards aggrement. And then only on what mission they say. When the mission is over you return into catrel control. The cartel will own you you will work for them. Your idenitys shale be reviealed to the world . Your status here will he know as well. All information your goverment has on the cartel that you know of you will tell us. This is a binding contract in the country of Colunbia Aonder Woman. Please sign on the last page with all the names you use Wonder Woman , Diania Prince, and Princess Diania. That way there is no misleading who this contract covers.
Javier please sign just below her there and Jack please sign in the witness box. Wonder Woman was handed a pem . After some struggle she got the pen between her thumb an finger . The contract was held in place for her as her hand shook badly . First the name Wonder Woman was placed in the box then Diania Prince. The last one Prins=cess Diania was hard she felt ashamed being defeated so easiely . All she had fought for threw the years now would be gone . The names would be splatted allover the news Wonder Woman defeated enslaved. Her mother and sisters would be ashamed of her for falling so easy. With tears in her eyes the last name was placed on the contract Princess Diana.
Thank you Diania the lawyer said as he turned the contract to Javier who quickly signed on the proper lines then Jack signed in his appointed spot. The lawyer signed lastly folding the document up and placing it in his breifcase. I will go to the captial building tonight and file this with the clerk. As of now thow Diania your property of the Javier cartel. May god have pitty on your soul. With that the lawyer walked out and headed to the captial.
Well as of now Wonder Woman is no more for two years so we are just going to call you princess from now on. Jack take Princess to get cleaned up and have her brands taken care of. And call my tattooe atrist we need her marked as Cartel property. Oh and tell him i want her chiped as well . I want to know where Princess is 24/7. On it boss Jack says as Javier heads out.
Jack took Princess to the elevator taking her up 2 floors she was still underground Princess at this point had no idea where in the building she was. Jack took her to a shower room where her led the princess in .jack called in two of the nit girls to help clean up the messy Princess. Both girls worked like there lives depended on it as Jack watched. The Princess was showered shampoed , her brands where cleaned up and bandaged so there would be no infection and would heal properly. princess was dried off her hair combed out making the Princess feel somewhat human again. She was then taken to another room where there was a cot . Princess was told to lay down an rest in the morning she had a date with the tattooe shop. As soon as Princess laid her head down she was asleep the last three days had taken there toll. Exhausted she fell asleep and had visions of her future . And the vivions or nitemares was not good at all.
Late the next morning Princess awoke feeling stire and sore especially on her neck an wrist. Two girls wearing the same brands as Princess was in the room with a tray of food and drink. Princess was starving so she didnt need to be ask to eat . The brefast tasted great but was hard to swallow as her neck acked bad. The girls had a pair of six inch high heels and a thong with them. Oe of them told Princess to get dressed as she was going down town for her tattooe and the chip. Princess went to twell them that she couldnt go out in just that but her voice was a squeak. The girl told her not to try and speak as the job that Jack had done to her did damge to her vocal cords . Speach would return but would be in a low tone and labored like all the other girls tha Jack had did is work on. Now get dressed Jack dont like to wait and you dont want to feel his wrath the one girl that did all the talking said. Princess sliped on the thong which covered nothiong and slid on the heels. The girls helped Princess with her hair and makeup. They made Princess look more like a street walked than a Princess bright red lip stick lots of blush and eye shadow. This is how your to look from now on Princess the one said. You will get used to it we all have.
Jack showed up about noon to take the Princess to her appoitment. She was shuffled into a limo and driver across town to the seedy side where hookers roamed and pimps ruled, The limo stoped in front of the tattoos shop and the Princess was led into it. A burly old man watched as Jack led her to a chair . Sit bitch Jack yelled, Princess droped in the chair. Jack tilted the chair back till Princess was pointing head down her legs up next her ankles where straped to the chair and it was spread open. Princess was spread eagel the thong digging in her slit. With a yank the thong was torn away revealing her smooth bald pussy. Ok Eddie you know what to do put the Cartels logo on that mound and use the gold ring on her clit. Sure thing Jack Eddie sat between the spread legs eager to work he started . Princess felt the pricking on her mound she moaned , wiggled some . Jak slaped her head hard sit still Princess. She froze in place Eddie went about the job. When he finished the Cartels mark was on her mound in gold and red an outline of green set it off in the center was Princess clit spotrting a gold ring Set in her mound was a tracking chip like used on dogs to track them.Eddie smiles as he sat back thats the best work ive done yet Jack. Looks fine Eddie. Well Princess it time you go to meet your owner . Princess was released from the chair . Eddie placed a bandage on the tattooe to keep it clean. In a few hours that can be taken off. The ink i use sets fast its that new glow in the dark ink . Not leagel in a lot of places but here noone cares.
Jack led the Princess back to the car and without a word headed for the Javier compound. Princess wept as the car sped threw town. She knew that things where really bad but where about to get a lot worse.

Well part 2 is here after 2 years sorry but my life turned upside down . I hope for more of a normal one now. I am a rookie so be kind.. Hope it pleases all.
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Welcome back. I'm enjoying the nuggets of scenes in your story but you definitely need a proofreader/editor. You make the reader work pretty hard to keep from being distracted. Still, you do have good events and its well thought out. Keep going.
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Elder Member
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BlueEyedDoe I've done some editing and spell-checking see hoe you like it. "Cartel Owned
Part 2 bu BlueEyedDoe

Wonder Woman was led down through the building and everyone that passed stared at the naked woman being led by the neck. Wonder Woman’s face was turning a red color form the tight cable wrapped around her neck. Her breathing being labored from the quick pace Jack made her move. Once in the elevator she watched as the lights descended showing she was going down below the ground floor. It finally stopped at the 4th floor below ground, Jack pushed Wonder Woman out of the elevator and down the hall , stopping at a metal door. Jack pushed the door open an marched the captured woman inside.
The walls where a dull gray with stains on them a small upright cage in one corner. Jack pushed the Princess to the cage stopping at its door. Opening it Jack told his prey that the next few days this was home. Without warning he tightened the special restraint more making it next to impossible to breath. Jack then pushed Wonder Woman in the cage and locked it . Jack then went to a desk across the room an sat down. Not saying a word he just watched Wonder Woman as she stood wheezing for air. Knowing that all he had to do is wait. In time they all broke and begged to be released. Wonder Woman though was tougher than most so Jack knew the wait would be longer but that the silence would be her down fall in the end.
One day passed, Wonder Woman staying defiant. Though Jack noticed that her squirming had increased considerably and she was breathing mush deeper now . The air was being needed and not reaching her lungs. Wonder Woman’s head had turned a purplish color now and her hands had swollen. The cables were doing there deed. The second day as Jack sat in his chair Wonder Woman tried to talk . What’s that tits Jack ask you need something. Wonder Woman was staggering now her legs turned to rubber. A please escaped her lips. Well Wonder Tits here is the deal do you agree to become Javier's personal property. A no was heard leaving Wonder Woman’s mouth along with a hacking sound. Then you stay there like that until you change your mind or die makes no difference to me.
Hours went by in silence but Jack knew today would be the day the great Wonder Woman would fall. Her breathing was long drawn noisy breaths . The champions tongue hung out now and was swollen. Her hands where blue and her fingers curled tight from the restraints. It was almost nightfall when Wonder Woman started shaking wildly. Jack heard her pleading. The begging was music to his ears. A please I beg you I’ll was gasped out as Wonder Woman convulsed. The end was close either she agreed to the terms or would die. Jack ask in a calm voice do you accept the deal. Wonder Woman tried to answer but the air was gone all she could do was nod her head her eyes pleading. On your damn Amazon code of honor do you agree to all of the terms. That you become property of the Javier cartel. Another nod and a please squeaked out.
With that Jack went to the cage a trembling Wonder Woman on her knees gasping . With his key for the device he backed off the cables just enough for her to breath. There you go tits you be able to breath a bit better now but you’re not getting out of the tamer just yet. Jack calls Javier at home telling him of the events . Within an hour Javier was there with his lawyer and the revised contract. Jack was smiling because now came his favorite part of his work.
Wonder Woman I’m sure your seen the girls that work in this building and the nasty red marks around there necks and wrist. Every girl here has them. Wonder Woman stared up at her foe nodding still struggling for air but not as hard now. Well tits they all wore the tamer and when it is removed I do it in a way that they will never forget. it keeps them in place and you will be no different. What I do is hook up the back of the tamer to a welder simple really the negative to one side and the positive to the other. It makes a short heating up the cables till they melt just like welding . When the cable turn a molting red you’re branded. The feeling I’m told as the cables get hotter is unbearable. When they melt and flow apart then it’s over but you’re marked for ever as one on Jack the Wires victims. So get ready bitch.
Wonder Woman tried to hide in her small cage but there is nowhere to go. Jack uncovered his welder that checked the dial making sure it was set on a high setting but not to high he wanted a slow hot burn. Unlocking the cage Jack drug the freedom fighter out gripping her hair he led Wonder Woman over to a table bending her over it . STAY bitch Jack screamed at the beaten Princess. She looked over her shoulder but didn’t move. Jack picked up the leads to the welder bringing them to the champion. Good girl Jack said as he smacked her upturned bare ass. Now this end goes here he tells Wonder Woman as he attached it to the left side of the cable binder and this one goes here on the right side. The ends didn’t clamp on but where screwed on so they could be shaken off. We don’t need you bucking around an knocking a lead off now. Wonder Woman looked straight ahead at the pale wall as Jack walked back to his machine.
A loud click was heard as the machine was turned on, the light in the room dimmed as the machine hummed a low growl. Instantly Wonder Woman felt the heat as it built up. Determined not to show them fear she stared at the wall but after ten seconds or so she lost it as the heat built up and was burning . Wonder Woman screamed as loud as she could her body bucking. The smell of burning flesh filled the room and the wire got even hotter. The three men in the room watched as the champion of all women was branded marked as a Jack’s victim. After a minute the wire cables started to melt away. Wonder Woman collapsed on the table sobbing breathing in hard now that her neck was not confined any longer.Her hands free but the damage was done tendons had been cut the fingers closed but not able to move. After a few minutes Javier spoke up. I haven’t all night get my property off the table we need it to have this contract sealed.
Jack pulled Wonder Woman off the table setting her on a chair . Javier and his expensive lawyer sat at the table .The lawyer placed Wonder Woman’s doom in front of her. Now Wonder Woman this is an amended contract. Since you went the hard road it needed be changed. One change is that you become property of the Javier Cartel for good or until your sold , traded or freed. You stop being Wonder Woman for a period of two years then only can be Wonder Woman with the Cartel boards agreement. And then only on what mission they say. When the mission is over you return into Cartel control. The Cartel will own you you will work for them. Your identities shall be revealed to the world . Your status here will be known as well. All information your government has on the cartel that you know of you will tell us. This is a binding contract in the country of Columbia Wonder Woman. Please sign on the last page with all the names you use Wonder Woman , Diana Prince, and Princess Diana. That way there is no misleading who this contract covers.
Javier please sign just below her there and Jack please sign in the witness box. Wonder Woman was handed a pen . After some struggle she got the pen between her thumb an finger . The contract was held in place for her as her hand shook badly . First the name Wonder Woman was placed in the box then Diana Prince. The last one Princess Diana was hard she felt ashamed being defeated so easily . All she had fought for through the years now would be gone . The names would be splatted allover the news Wonder Woman defeated enslaved. Her mother and sisters would be ashamed of her for falling so easy. With tears in her eyes the last name was placed on the contract Princess Diana.
Thank you Diana the lawyer said as he turned the contract to Javier who quickly signed on the proper lines then Jack signed in his appointed spot. The lawyer signed lastly folding the document up and placing it in his briefcase. I will go to the capital building tonight and file this with the clerk. As of now though Diana your property of the Javier cartel. May god have pity on your soul. With that the lawyer walked out and headed to the capital.
Well as of now Wonder Woman is no more for two years so we are just going to call you Princess from now on. Jack take Princess to get cleaned up and have her brands taken care of. And call my tattoo artist we need her marked as Cartel property. Oh and tell him I want her chipped as well . I want to know where Princess is 24/7. On it boss Jack says as Javier heads out.
Jack took Princess to the elevator taking her up 2 floors she was still underground Princess at this point had no idea where in the building she was. Jack took her to a shower room where her led the Princess in .Jack called in two of the nit girls to help clean up the messy Princess. Both girls worked like there lives depended on it as Jack watched. The Princess was showered shampooed , her brands where cleaned up and bandaged so there would be no infection and would heal properly. Princess was dried off her hair combed out making the Princess feel somewhat human again. She was then taken to another room where there was a cot . Princess was told to lay down and rest. In the morning she had a date with the tattoo shop. As soon as Princess laid her head down she was asleep the last three days had taken their toll. Exhausted she fell asleep and had visions of her future . And the visions or nightmares was not good at all.
Late the next morning Princess awoke feeling tired and sore especially on her neck an wrist. Two girls wearing the same brands as Princess were in the room with a tray of food and drink. Princess was starving so she didn’t need to be ask to eat . The breakfast tasted great but was hard to swallow as her neck ached bad. The girls had a pair of six inch high heels and a thong with them. One of them told Princess to get dressed as she was going down town for her tattoo and the chip. Princess went to tell them that she couldn’t go out in just that but her voice was a squeak. The girl told her not to try and speak as the job that Jack had done to her did damage to her vocal cords . Speech would return but would be in a low tone and labored like all the other girls that Jack had done his work on. Now get dressed Jack don’t like to wait and you don’t want to feel his wrath the one girl that did all the talking said. Princess slipped on the thong which covered nothing and slid on the heels. The girls helped Princess with her hair and makeup. They made Princess look more like a street walker than a Princess bright red lip stick lots of blush and eye shadow. This is how your to look from now on Princess one of them said. You will get used to it we all have.
Jack showed up about noon to take the Princess to her appointment. She was shuffled into a limo and driver across town to the seedy side where hookers roamed and pimps ruled, The limo stopped in front of the tattoos shop and the Princess was led into it. A burly old man watched as Jack led her to a chair . Sit bitch Jack yelled, Princess dropped in the chair. Jack tilted the chair back till Princess was pointing head down her legs up next her ankles where strapped to the chair and it was spread open. Princess was spread eagle the thong digging into her slit. With a yank the thong was torn away revealing her smooth bald pussy. Ok Eddie you know what to do put the Cartels logo on that mound and use the gold ring on her clit. Sure thing Jack Eddie sat between the spread legs eager to work he started . Princess felt the pricking on her mound she moaned and wiggled some . Jack slapped her head hard sit still Princess. She froze in place Eddie went about the job. When he finished the Cartels mark was on her mound in gold and red an outline of green set it off in the center was Princess clit sporting a gold ring Set in her mound was a tracking chip like used on dogs to track them. Eddie smiles as he sat back thats the best work I’ve done yet Jack. Looks fine Eddie. Well Princess it time you go to meet your owner . Princess was released from the chair . Eddie placed a bandage on the tattoo to keep it clean. In a few hours that can be taken off. The ink I use sets fast it's that new glow in the dark ink . Not legal in a lot of places but here no one cares.
Jack led the Princess back to the car and without a word headed for the Javier compound. Princess wept as the car sped through town. She knew that things where really bad but were about to get a lot worse.
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Thanks, tmon, for the cleanup. Sure wish you broke it up into manageable paragraphs, too, but that's just me being greedy. :smart:
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Thanks tmom . am working on more of this story in my head will put in to comp soon.
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You're welcome Blue!
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Catrel Owned
Part 3
by BlueEyedDoe

The limmo pulled up to the gate to the heavely guarded compound. The driver told the guard that the Princess had arrived, The guard looked in the back seeing a woman in high heels with Jacks marks on her . Jack was beside her removing the covering from her fresh pussy tattooe. The guard chuckles and waved the car threw. Once inthe gate the limo pulled up to the front door . Jack led the princess from the limo makng her stand at the door. When the door opener Javier was there grinning widley at his new piece of property.
Welcome princess to your new home. This is where you will spenf your days in the service of me. I am now your god your warden and Master. You may call me Master Sir or Lord.You have no rights or privilages and will not earn any. Here in this compound you serve me. You will suck and fuck be my human toliet or whatever elsi i wish do you understand princess. A yes squeaked out of her lips then realizing she repeated yes Sir.Princess was led into the mansion and as the door closed she knew this was her prison for a long long time to come.
Javier escorted princess dircctly to his privite quarters. This princess is where you are to be till told otherwize Feel free to look around if you like.Princess roamed the room in a daze. There where restraints mounted to the walls and floor a cage a wall loaded with bondage devices. Whips ,paddles , straps for disapline .Her eyes widened seeing the dreaded pear of anguish. Javier seeing princess staring at it told her it will be placed in your ass for days if i wish , make me mad and ill crank it up till it locks solid so be on your toes.
Now come here and kneel i need you to suck my cock.Princes walked over head hung low the realization that her life was over she hab become property. Droping to her knees she watched Javier drop his shorts revieling a huge uncut cock. Hold out your tongue princess he ordered .Her tongue stuck lot mouth open his cock slaped off her tongue a few times then sliped into her open mouth. On instant her lips closed around the shaft and she began her life as his toy. Princess bobed her head on the hardening shaft her face burning in shame as she worked Javier,s cock into a rock hard staff. She slurped loudly the tongue rolling over the pulsing member. After 5 minutes Javier shoved his shaft down her throat at pumped a thick load into her belly . Princess gaged and coughed cum squirting out her nose her eyes burning. When Javier was spent he pulled out looking down at the dihorned princess. Now clean it Javier commanded. Her tongue laped at the cock washing the cum off it. She locked at the cock an balls another five minutes then Javier pushed her away. Enough i have to meet some people soon you will go to the wall now. Javier pointed to the wall with schackles .Princess walked over wuth Javier behind her he grabed a arm raising it to a cuff hanging down from the ceiling locking her in it. He repeated the process with her other wrist. Princess stood with her wrist chackled over her head. Javier walked to a table picking up a remote. Pressing a button the chains raised pulling her up till she was on tip toes. That will keep you safe Javier stated. Wit that he walked out of the room leaving princess with a foul taste in her mouth and a feeling of defeat in her heart.
Weeks went by to princess it was years . princess was made to suck and fuck everyday.Princess learned how to make Javier happy with her mouth pussy and ass. Every morning a blow job then a hard fuck. Noon another fuck and after dark anything was possible.Javier would always cum in his property either down her throat or deep in her pussy or ass. A month into princess'e fuck training she became ill in the mornings Not knowing rhe sings she was confused Javier burst out laughing. With a simple test he showed Princess. Telling her you whore your knocked up. Thats the final nail in your hero days.The fucking an sucking continued still. Princess became just a body allthoughts left her total defeat.
Javier made the annoucement that the champion of all women Wonder Woman was pregnant. her days as the worlds champion where done. She would bare his child then become just part of hie empire. a tool to use.
Back in the States retired admiral Rick Challingswirth fumed. He had worked alongside Wonder Woman for years. At his home in Pennsylvania he sat thinking working on a plan.It could work but he needed help and not help from the othersuperheros. They turned a blind eye to Wonder Woman.
Rick would need help thow planning an assult in a a country that hated the USA could end in a political disaster starting a war. Rick had friends old retired navy seals ,rangers special force members. Rick started making calls not one man turned down the admiral.
Two weeks later twenty men where at the Admirals farm putting there plan togeather and praticeing there plan.With luck in another monththey would put the plan into action. WonderWoman would be rescued but what would be left of the once proud woman.
Back at Javiers compound a very pregnant princess walded around her prison room her belly showing to be about 3 months along now.Javier had stoped pounding her pussy but her ass and mouth where open game. Javier had started to let others use princess also now she sucked cock constantly her ass was raw from being stuffed but the pussy was off limits to show this Javier had a pussy corset sewed on the lower lips with a lock keeping the pregnant pussy safe. Princess and come to the realization that this was to be all she was ment for now no hope of being her old self. She stared out the barred window when the door opened and another friend of her owner entered the fifth of the day. Another face fuck she assumed. The huge black man grabed Princess by the hair forcing her down his cock pointing out slaping her face she parted her lips and the thick cock plunged in fully. She grew used to being used roughly and accepted the cock down her throat the agaging reflix long from all the pratice princess got she slurped on it like the pro she had become. Number five today she thought as she gave the cock a good work over.. With a grunt his seep pourd into ber belly. Once spent she cleaned the cock not being told to now it was part of her job as Javiers property. She polished the dark shaft then gasp as the man slaped her face with a strong blow . I owed you that [rincess you runied my operations yrs ago now your the one runied. He stormed out slaming the door leaving princess on her knees crying . Each man that entered to use her left with some comment that cut her deep. She turned and stared out the window again at where she wished to be but knew she never would again be.
It was bike week in daytona thousands of bikers allover the place among them twenty of the worlds best special forces mixed in with them and one Admiral. All looking like bikers they where bikers also so was easy to fit in. A group of bikers going on a boat ride wouldnt look out of place but the boat they all loaded into was anything but just a boat.As the boat roared out to see it turned south the twin jet motors thundering the boat looking like a silver bullit as it sped torwards the target.
The plan simple hit the beach beline to the compound thirty miles inland rescue Wonder Woman and head back the thirty miles and get out of there. Sounded simple but Admiral Rick knew it would be nothing like simple.Armed with the best weapons and themen to use it the plann had good chances.And bringing Javier back with them to stand trail would top it all off. Or as Rick thought bring him back in a body bag.

This the third part i think one more will finish the story. Unless my mind drifts more
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the 4Th part I want I wanted to say will be the last part that's an opps on me
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Hello BED:

Well I will start out with saying I see a lot of effort in your writing, a real attempt to blend plot with the eroticism, and your detail with bondage is exquisite. I also can't complain about WW getting away :)

That said, your story is a bit brutal and a LITTLE (key word) campy for my likes.... WW seems to be captured and fold far too quickly and there is a real emphasis on physical over psychological pain. Nothing wrong there just not really MY cup of tea.

For me the "Contract" thing is not working, I mean he HAS her, weather she signs or not, and it woudl seem to me WW would figure that out and safe herself some pain by just saying yea, whatever.

Oh and GREAT job in securing her magical items, I often wonder WHY idiots don't do exactly what you did, get them off her, and put them in a safe and sink the safe in the Mariana's trench or something....then pound WW till she can no longer uncross her eyes.

I would like to see you one day, go for a more sensual enslavement or even mind control but over all this is the best story I have seen in months...just not MY tastes :)
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Blue EyedDoe

Princess stood looking out the bared window rubbing her swollen belly. Over four mounths pregnant .Diana couldnt believe she had been in Javier's compound for over six months now. She knew she had to make decision's soon on the baby and her future. her baby was Javier's she knew this. He was the only one permitted in her pussy and he made sure no one else was in it.Diana's ass hole and mouth thow was open game and everyone of Javier's henchmen had used those holes over an over.
Javier entered Princess.s room she turned to see her Master lowering her eyes the feeling of defeat flooding threw her everytime she seen her Master now. We need to talk slut, Javier told his slave. Seems there is a party heading here to rescue you. Now your bareing my child and i want it here and i think you want to be with this child once its born am i correct. Diana shook her head yes unable to speak as there was a lump in her throat. Good Javier says ill make a deal you help me get rid of your rescue i let you live and you can be with your child after its born but you forfirt all rights to become Wonder Woman ever again. You will become a whore in Jacks whorehouse but will see your child often all you need do is help me now . What do you wish your slave to do Master Diana ask.
The sleek boat carrying the team landed om the beach without being noticed . Admiral Rick sent two men out to accomadate a ride as it was over 30 miles to the compound where Diana was being held. After twenty long minutes an old GMC bus pulled up to the stop at the beach. About time Rick told the men. Sorry boss but this the only ride in the area. Fine lete roll Rick says loud but not to loud. They all pile in the bus loaded with guns and start down to the compound.
The ride was long bumpy and slow. With five miles to go the bus rounds a curve the lights shine on a woman standing in the middle of the road waving her arms . Boss we have company the friver shouts. Rick looks ahead and sees someone he knows . Shaking his head he looks again its Wonser Woman he tells the men. What the hell one of them say she is very pregnant it looks like. The bus creeps to a stop with the Admiral hoping out before the bus stops completely. Diana, Rick yells out a bit louder now as he forgets himself for a second. What is going on how did you escape Javier. Rick i knew you would come its in your heart to save people needing saved. But please Rick turn and go back now i beg you. I am here now on my own free will Javier and i have become lovers i am with his child. I wish no harm to Javier i beg you. I know he has done wrong in the past but with my influince he can and will change. Rick shook his head Diana its his brainwashing that makes you say this . Diana puts a finger to Ricks mouth no Rick it isnt. At first i was abused badly yes but we fell in love now we have made a child Javier an i. So please go in peace dont think badly of me but be happy in knowing im at peace . I want to raise this child and make hi or her a leader for the future.
Rick couldnt blieve it Was his ears working corectly.Wonder Woman , Rick studered . No Rick Wonder Woman is no more i am now Javier's lover that is all no Princess no Diana just Javiers woman. Please go no harm will come to anyone go in peace. If this is what you want Diana we will go. But if you ever want out call ill be here in a blink of an eye. I know Rick now go before something happens that puts us all in danger please. Javier knew of this raid for weeks knows a lot of things he shouldnt. Let it be for our sake. Ok Diana be well . Ricks leans in kisses Diana on the cheek before returning to the bus. Diana watches the old bus turn and leave before walking back up the road.
Javier steps out of his armored truck as his slave returns . Did they buy it slut. I belive so Master says the knockedup Princess. She hands Javier back the skimpy dress she was wearing standing there naked in front of her owner and his men. Ok you piece of ass back to the compound and for your sake they better all leave.
Back at the beach Rick and the men are having a talk. They knew we where coming men. Somehow they know the plan so for Wonder Womans safty we had to back off . Im sure if we would of went forward there would of been a major battle. Shit the one recuit says Admiral you spent a lot of your money on all this . Rick nods i did but her saftey nd well being come first. She is pregnant which none of us knew . If and when she is ready we will know and will return. Till then we watch and wait. The boat backs off the beach and heads up the coast not as fast as it headed down with a load of men wondering what the fuck just happened.
In the compound Javier was partying drugs boose woman passed arond. All the men enjoying the time there leader was giving them. Princess was back in her room her belly shining in the moonlight threw her window the baby kicking inside her. Tears flowing down her cheeks . She knows her chance for any repreve was gone.
Jut 15 weeks later Princes gave birth to a healthy baby boy just what javier wanted. For the first year after the birth Princess was with her child nursing and taking care of him like any mother would. On his first birthday a nanny was put in place and to her word Princess was taken to Jacks personal whorehouse. The word was spread threw the area that Wonder Woman was now working in the brothel. The line of men wanting the pussy was long Diana was busy servicing all the kinks of the vile men who visited. On weekends she got to see her child. Time took its toll on the once famous woman. Her body showed the signs her popularty with the customers dwindled. Jack decieded she nolonger paid her way. She was put out on the street to spend her days as a worn out whore.
Back in pennsylvania Rick awaited a message that never came . Diana didnt want to let Rick see her now and she was ashamed. This was a fitting end for her. She was cought tamed and trained then cast aside. She only sees her son now when he goes into town to collect his fathers money from the vendors.And he dont even look her way she dont want him to know that she is his mother. The gods have failed me she mumbles before curling up in her makeshift home in the alley to go to sleep.

That's all folks for now anyways
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