Would you be interested (Would watch) Heroine comedy with peril?

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Would you watch/ support a free web series which was comedy/peril based?

Poll ended at 8 years ago

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No nudity.
No sexual content
Some deathtraps.
Some mild bondage.
No girl/girl kissing or anything erotic

Just plane ole Damsel in distress/ Heroine Peril with a comedic twist?

Oh and the kicker.... it would be a weekly series given out for free.
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Yes. Provided the models are hot, a little tongue in cheek peril and bondage would be welcome.
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Night_Lantern wrote:Yes. Provided the models are hot, a little tongue in cheek peril and bondage would be welcome.
I would agree with you except that "HOT" is subjective. my hot wouldn't be your hot.
Some folks are going to like certain models over others. What i would try and stay clear of is starting new models fetish careers with these movies. I will be using models who can actually act and give me what i need in regards to scenes.
Hanna Perez is excellent at doing comedic heroine/villain
Gigi is perfect at doing over the top cheese
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Also it should be said that in an attempt to not get the movies taken down and the website sued I will bedding generic non-licsenced characters. close to batgirl, but not batgirl.
close to wonder woman, but not wonder woman.
that way we don't get taken down.
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ABSOLUTELy!!!! if u skip into 1 hour and 5 minutes, u'll find an example of comedic peril I always thought would be good if the 2 males were female. Especially the dude getting squished. The girl getting prepped to be whipped is hot too!

There are great examples from the adams family and elvira too... I'll link them eventually...
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Funny coincidence that you posted this. I was just imagining what type of content I would produce were I to give it a shot and what I came up with would be virtually exactly as you described:

Original heroine
Cute, non-porn actress
Light comedic theme
Eroticism limited to some light bondage

Good luck with this if you do go ahead with it!
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Here is my idea for the premise of the series.
tell me if it sounds like a familiar 80's TV show.

An alien craft hovers over the planet.
Two creatures are looking over the image of a male. well built the alien describe his body as the perfect one capable of handling the power relay.

they target the male and turn on the machine. then one says to the other
"listen have you taken your break yet"
"no, why"
"because Lixa from accounting is supposed to take her break at this time and she has amazing tentacles"
"I have heard that...i could take a break if you wish to examine her tentacles from afar"
they leave and bump the machine which is supposed to be calibrating the target but with the bump they target shifts to the apartment next door. OUR NEW HEROINE!

she gets the power rely and is shocked out of sleep. she falls to the floor vibrating. she is in a strange costume with a strange device attached to her arm. she touches it and a hologram appears explaining to the guy how he's been chosen to save the planet and prepare it to receiver the alien emissaries regarding entering the planet into their federation of planets.
She is not meant to have this power and its not calibrated to her body so she will be ridiculously overpowered to the point where it knocks her on her ass when she uses it.
She then has to struggle to live up to the objectives set aside for her
(well the other guy but she has the suit now doesn't she)

what follows is a routine of getting captured while trying to figure out the powers and having to escape. Sometimes getting out of it due to sheer luck ala Jar Jar Binks.
this series will start with one episode to establish the character.

it will be given for free on Youtube or another such site.
if the response is good we will continue to release these movies once a week.

we will also be taking story ideas from you guys as to what you want to see her do.

Eventually if there is enough support we will start looking into locations and traps and will be seeking help with those via crowdsourcing.
if the projected mark doesn't make it the scene will not be filmed
(want an underwater scene? we will find a location for it to be shot and we will be asking your help in funding it)
(want her buried up to the next in the desert? we will find a location for it & asking your help in funding it)

if this final aspect doesn't come around I won't mind. its not a big deal.
it is something I'm planning just in case this takes off and we want to expand on the series.
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Cue the Benny Hill theme
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avenger wrote:Cue the Benny Hill theme
I don't know if Im going for that type of comedy though. benny hill is a little too ridiculous.
What i was thinking was along the lines a comic from the payback machine. do you guys remember marvels "new universe" where they experimented with reality in a comic? superheroes who could fly wounded a map to keep from getting lost, they wouldn't know how to get a full handle on their powers, etc. well thats where we are going, especially with the title "star brand"

only a bit more humor but mostly its stumbling around trying to learn her powers.
i think the perfect pitch would be
The greatest American hero meets Star Brand
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How about something along the lines of the old 60s Bat Man series? I think seeing a sexy superheroine in something similarly spoofy and silly would work; didn't Bat girl have her own series for a while?
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Game Over Girls does this well: https://www.youtube.com/user/raygootz?& ... eOverGirls

So, I think there's definitely potential. Shit, I'd volunteer to help write it. Check your email.
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frankzito wrote:Game Over Girls does this well: https://www.youtube.com/user/raygootz?& ... eOverGirls

So, I think there's definitely potential. Shit, I'd volunteer to help write it. Check your email.
I have great respect for what he does and would rather not come anywhere near to what he is doing.
His stuff is really good and I don't want to infringe on that in any way shape or form.
If anything I will be paying close attention to what he does and strive to stay away from it.

what I am planning is more of a separate situation with a bumbling new superhero trying to find her footing and failing constantly.
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Definite yes. To expand on frankzito's mention of the Gootzverse, Ray does it pretty well, but there are limitations because of teen actresses and probably budget. Sometimes however they still get it really down. This one, for example, features a fantastic costume, a rageful Canary transformation, and some back and forth peril and power:
Roommates Bands of Bryant
The ending just leaves me disappointed that she didn't consider keeping the bands :)
While this one also does the same using the most attractive actress in that whole series (who plays Anastasia)
Powerstasia, Victory ending:
Defeat ending:
Please note, I'm not saying you have to come close to what he does (there are plenty of potential comedic superheroine scenarios involving entirely
adults), but the interest is definitely there, and on to my next point.

I was so impressed by the actress who played Lisa/Canary in Game Over Girls that I searched to see what else she was in - didn't come up with a whole lot but found her doing a cameo in a sexy romcomedy called Hannah Has a Ho-Phase. Wound up discovering two promising actresses (Meredith Forlenza & Genevieve Hudson-Price) that I'd never heard of, who co-star in that film and would both be excellent candidates for comedic superheroines, which brings me to a point: If you produce mild sexy peril comedies, there have *got* to be literally thousands of very attractive actresses who would go for such parts but would never go for the videos most regularly featured on here (not that there's anything wrong with them, I like a lot of them, but when an actress is trying to build a more mainstream reputation they'd be viewed as too risque). Imagine the talent pool that could be tapped!

The whole idea of the immense talent pool came to mind for me as I stumbled across a feminist video series called Lady Parts. Sure the intention of the series was to preach some sjw talking points. But there may have been some unintentional messages they also conveyed which cross over into our interests on this board. In this video, two hot actresses clothesline a casting director for offering them nonspeaking parts where they'd be doing a makeout session: But with these videos, they unintentionally acknowledge that there's this huge pool of actresses who will do whatever. I'd say, "take advantage" of that. (By, uh, hiring them).

I am really surprised there aren't more people doing the comedic angle given the large number of views Game Over Girls has been able to get.
Other examples I can recall at random include Attack of the Show's Bustice (a bit too campy) and Mighty Girl (a concept that looked promising but
never got produced in full). Oh, and Shamelessly She-Hulk is pretty good, too.

P.S. What would be the issue with girl/girl kissing? It's an essential element of the Canadian sci-fantasy series Lost Girl (which I'm really surprised nobody has mentioned on here..or tried to parody) and that series was popular. Bisexuality is practically mainstream at this point, I see no issues.
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Yes. It sounds like a live action version of Empowered, the comic by Adam Warren. I would definitely check that out.
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Yes. Sounds great fun.
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space girl was awesome.... Sexy spandex and humor... I think the basic concept of non-porn bondage/damsel in distress/superheroine has pretty much brought everyone here. Go for it.
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It's a great idea. Just keep the costumes basic, leotards and tights.
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In general, I think "sexy action comedy" sounds pretty good. That said, I can think of about a million different ways to do it, from the camp of Adam West Batman, to Empowered, to something like Spider-Man where the story takes itself seriously, but the hero has an irrepressible sense of humor.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
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IMSancho wrote:It's a great idea. Just keep the costumes basic, leotards and tights.
Yeah, its all going to be non-liscenced characters because:

a) someone else is doing that and I don't want to seem as Im stepping on anyones toes

b) I want to keep the major companies off my ass and avoid IP arguments and have my videos pulled.
there are a a few people out there that would just love to report me to youtube again and again to make my life difficult. keeping them at bay makes my life easier.
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Lurkndog wrote:In general, I think "sexy action comedy" sounds pretty good. That said, I can think of about a million different ways to do it, from the camp of Adam West Batman, to Empowered, to something like Spider-Man where the story takes itself seriously, but the hero has an irrepressible sense of humor.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
I think a good balance can be struck with all of those elements. I just have to be mindful of what Im writing. theres also the world of the tick where the entire world plays the straighten while he goes apeshit. Also maybe including elements of comedic insanity like the character badger from back in the day
(does anyone else remember this insane comic oddball)

so yes, I think its doable and we will be staying clear of anything that can get us pulled down. Since its going be free there won't be any problems making it a serial linear story because if you don't know whats going on you can always go back an episode or two to get the details and since its free there won't be the common complaint of
"you just want to milk more money from me man. Im not gonna buy an earlier episode to know whats going on man"
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I think a weekly update is too ambitious - its hard to write good comedy consistently, you may have a bucketful of ideas now but they can play themselves out pretty quickly in reality
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tallyho wrote:I think a weekly update is too ambitious - its hard to write good comedy consistently, you may have a bucketful of ideas now but they can play themselves out pretty quickly in reality
My initial Idea was to film about a dozen of them before putting up the first four
(once a week) then have the second month have 2 episodes and then by month three I would be doing a monthly series that way we can afford to start strong and have it worth watching and get all the minute details about character introductions out of the way and we can move to a solid plot motivated monthly series.....
at least thats whats in my head.
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Somebody mentioned Empowered, I've been waiting years to see that translated into a cartoon. Now, with Netflix and Amazon, it could be possible.

I like the premise of the Greatest American Heroine. Yes, I know the "spin-off/pilot" failed miserably, but I'm certain KOG could pull it off.

Bumbling heroine with a costume with no instruction on how it works is told by aliens to go save the world.
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Thank you very much for the words of encouragement
This is happening right now! we are shopping for the costume as I write this.

We will also be accepting episode ideas.
We will be posting the series guidelines soon and anyone interested in writing a scene or two for the series will be able to suggest what they wish to see and we will tweak them to fit within the series guide (or you can write it along said guide for ultimate control)

Will be posting costume soon.

We are experimenting with an unusual costume color which will be part of the running gag in the show
"brown? your costume is brown? what are you the shitstorm avenger"?
"its not brown! it,s.....well..... its a rough darkish bronze that.....ok fine its brown....ugh!"

phoxy_brown wrote:Somebody mentioned Empowered, I've been waiting years to see that translated into a cartoon. Now, with Netflix and Amazon, it could be possible.

I like the premise of the Greatest American Heroine. Yes, I know the "spin-off/pilot" failed miserably, but I'm certain KOG could pull it off.

Bumbling heroine with a costume with no instruction on how it works is told by aliens to go save the world.
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Sargeant 1st Class
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OK. So your basic idea is of a bumbling superheroine discovering her powers, but getting in over her head, with humorous elements?
Hate to break it to you, Knights of Gotham, but I think CBS already beat you to the punch (though I'm not sure if they meant to or not, lol).
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Don't forget Ryan Reynolds wise words of advice and encouragement : "Don't make the suit GREEN OR ANIMATED".
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Maybe the heroine could be oblivious to the blatant double entendres in her feisty fighting talk?

"You think you can lick me? Ha! You're going down!"
"I beat off all those guys. They kept coming and I creamed every one of them."
"Nobody takes me from behind."
"You're going to get such a fisting!"

And maybe a reference to her "gold" (shitty brown) costume:
"You aquatic creeps are into water sports? Prepare for hose down with a golden shower!"
"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."
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Brad wrote:OK. So your basic idea is of a bumbling superheroine discovering her powers, but getting in over her head, with humorous elements?
Hate to break it to you, Knights of Gotham, but I think CBS already beat you to the punch (though I'm not sure if they meant to or not, lol).
yeah but when was the last time CBS or any other network asked you what you wanted to see and then worked to give it to you? yeah, I didn't think so.


This series, BTW, will be nothing like any licensed show you may be thinking about.

If you're old enough you might remember a comic book called "star brand" which was put out by marvels "New Universe"
this series will be a lot like that with the concept of "the greatest american hero" mixed in

its nothing like Suupergirl, nor is it meant to be.

What it IS supposed to be is an attempt at something new and a breathe of fresh air mixed with catering to the elements people on this forum care about.

Im pretty sure you were joking but just in case......
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Heroine Addict wrote:Maybe the heroine could be oblivious to the blatant double entendres in her feisty fighting talk?

"You think you can lick me? Ha! You're going down!"
"I beat off all those guys. They kept coming and I creamed every one of them."
"Nobody takes me from behind."
"You're going to get such a fisting!"

And maybe a reference to her "gold" (shitty brown) costume:
"You aquatic creeps are into water sports? Prepare for hose down with a golden shower!"

This.... this I like. I mean i would have to work really hard to write enough of them to make it a regular thing... but I really really really like where you are going with this.
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Thanks. It could just be something that happens once or twice per episode. Imagine someone watching the video while sipping a drink and then spraying it all over the screen when the character innocently says something wildly inappropriate with a straight face.
"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."
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Heroine Addict wrote:Thanks. It could just be something that happens once or twice per episode. Imagine someone watching the video while sipping a drink and then spraying it all over the screen when the character innocently says something wildly inappropriate with a straight face.
I'm really liking this and will definitely be stealing....i mean borrowing your examples.
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Some brown dialogue...

Aria - Bah! You escaped my death trap.

Heroine - Were you expecting me to die, Aria?

Aria - [raises eyebrow] I was kind of expecting diarrhea, yes. Didn't you see the mess my last victim left in there?

Heroine - I thought that was dried blood. You mean I've been in...

[She checks her costume]

Aria - Don't worry, the stain would never show up on that costume.

Heroine - I mean... EW! Don't you disinfect your equipment?

Aria - The clue's in the name "death trap". I don't wipe it down with disinfectant. Nor do I put safety railings around my trapdoors.
"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."
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Heroine Addict wrote:Some brown dialogue...

Aria - Bah! You escaped my death trap.

Heroine - Were you expecting me to die, Aria?

Aria - [raises eyebrow] I was kind of expecting diarrhea, yes. Didn't you see the mess my last victim left in there?

Heroine - I thought that was dried blood. You mean I've been in...

[She checks her costume]

Aria - Don't worry, the stain would never show up on that costume.

Heroine - I mean... EW! Don't you disinfect your equipment?

Aria - The clue's in the name "death trap". I don't wipe it down with disinfectant. Nor do I put safety railings around my trapdoors.
I will pay you $25 plus a free video if you write my comedic lines.
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I will totally support a Peril Web Series with absolutely no sex scenes whatsoever neither the fully frontal nude exposition of any genitals or assholes and/or the explicit act of penetration of them whatsoever (except for dildos of course and the exploitation of oral oriented "peril").

Breast are not genitals and is about time we have the nipple exploitation of both genders tits for the sake of gender equality and the same is valid for ass cheeks.

Please deliver a solid Adam West & Burt Ward Superheroes in Peril style web series ASAP.
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KnightsofGotham.com wrote:
I will pay you $25 plus a free video if you write my comedic lines.
It depends on how much you need? If you PM me when you have an outline, I can slip something in.
"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."
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