Patreon Page allows you $5 movies!

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check it out. if this works you can expect more like these with more models.

you will notice that it mentions "the community"
this refers to this thread on this forum.
this pattern is exclusively for this forum and if it works it will allow us to make movies very affordable.
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Imagine being able to put in $5 and get a 10-20 minute Batgirl movie.
Elements will be discussed here. so it will be clear what each movie will be about. for future movies if you want special locations or costumes we can start building for those as well.

There is an option for someone to write a full scene. this will have to be discussed here prior to purchasing to make sure it jives with other patrons
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It's becoming clear to me that this isn't something that is going to catch on.
I will keep this page open and keep the Patreon page active but every time I see someone complain about the cost of videos and how producers are just trying to milk money Im going to link to this page...because it was a shot at changing the way things are done.

Imagine if everyone took the $25 a month they are accustomed to spending on a movie from one producer and gave $5 to 5 producers and got 5 movies a month.....

Its the nature of the beast. Producers will follow where the money is. its a business after all.
If I did this and it was a success, more producers would follow suit
I was willing to try something different to help people out while still making the money I need to continue producing.

My sales on C4S are really good so i know people are being our i don't know what the problem could be.
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It's only been 2 weeks KoG and with 2 posts on the same day minutes apart and nothing in between it could easily have been missed as the thread slid down the board. I'm aware you are doing it but I hadn't got around to actually reading the details of what you propose. I'm probably not the only one. Give it time.
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I'd be willing to donate to a Supergyrl video. Any chance of that. BG only comes in third, behind WW.
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tallyho wrote:It's only been 2 weeks KoG and with 2 posts on the same day minutes apart and nothing in between it could easily have been missed as the thread slid down the board. I'm aware you are doing it but I hadn't got around to actually reading the details of what you propose. I'm probably not the only one. Give it time.
Actually the producers corner doesn't get much in the way of traffic from posters so my post was actually visible on the front page for several days!
I suppose I could jump up and down screaming from the rooftops 3 times a day until people got frustrated and annoyed with me
(its not like that hasn't happened already with other producers looking to bring attention to their projects)

I'm still willing to give it a shot
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DrDominator9 wrote:I'd be willing to donate to a Supergyrl video. Any chance of that. BG only comes in third, behind WW.
Well a possibility, especially since we have the latex Supergirl costume.
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Post wrote:
tallyho wrote:It's only been 2 weeks KoG and with 2 posts on the same day minutes apart and nothing in between it could easily have been missed as the thread slid down the board. I'm aware you are doing it but I hadn't got around to actually reading the details of what you propose. I'm probably not the only one. Give it time.
Actually the producers corner doesn't get much in the way of traffic from posters so my post was actually visible on the front page for several days!
I suppose I could jump up and down screaming from the rooftops 3 times a day until people got frustrated and annoyed with me
(its not like that hasn't happened already with other producers looking to bring attention to their projects)

I'm still willing to give it a shot
That explains why I forgot about it! Post in the lounge!
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I know one of the artist on this forum has a pretty successful Patreon page.

I have humored trying something similar, but figured for videos people might not go for it. I think if more audience members were aware of the cost of productions vs profits they might be more empathic to some our producer plights.
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tbh, i come on here everyday, but 90% of the time i only look at the sidebar with the "unread posts" if a new post comes up and its not there i don't see it generally. This is the first i'm seeing this patreon. I think tallyho is right tho, make a post the same as this in the lounge, maybe even try to get to write a post about it. I will pledge money but right now with 1 pledge in a few weeks i'm worried any pledge i make may just be wasted money(in way of the 125$ may not happen)

It is a good idea tho, you just need to hype it more.

Also when you say comunity you say you are referring to this section in the forums for people to post story line idea's and such for the movies. Does that mean anyone can contribute, or are the story and things like that only for members of the forum who have also pledged. I know we get a movie for 5-10$ which is very good in itself. On the other hand it makes me think if alot of people buy into this, they may have no say what so ever due to non pledges giving the idea's. Or lets say a 100$ pledger gives you a story line idea but the "community" alters it drastically, his 100$ is basically gone.
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Sorry for not being very active. I have had a pretty bad fever the last three days and its now only starting to break.
Being self-employed of course it means i don't have the luxury of calling in sick so I've been trying to get as much work done as possible. it also means I have not exactly been myself. you know how you guys get when you have a fever....well i get irritable and very short funded and unreasonable.
Yesterday while trying to get at least one movie up I got an email from someone asking why i charge so much for my movies when my movies aren't at the same level as other producers.
it pissed me off su8re, but it also sparked my fevered memory about the Patreon page and i came back here to see what the progress had been. I was just going to let it stew for awhile and see what got traction but being sick i just posted.
If anyone was insulted or offended I apologize.

I really do want to make movies people can enjoy and afford
I will be waiting until i am 100% healthy and post this on the lounge.
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I have gotten a few private messages and after reading them i have realized Patreon might not have been the best option as Kickstarter would have been better for a project by project basis as opposed to a monthly lockdown.
Im going to look into this more when my head fully clears and come back to the main lounge with the real idea.
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I wasn't offended if you meant me. I don't tend to look in the producers corner personally and as the Lounge and releases section get more traffic I meant it would slide from the latest posts pretty quick. As said if you pump it a bit more , maybe phase in ideas of the concept into the thread over a few days, so it's getting bounced but bounced for legitimate reasons and its both encouraging debate /ideas and creating interest I think it has traction.
Sorry you have been unwell. Hail Ming! And get well soon!
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tallyho wrote:I wasn't offended if you meant me. I don't tend to look in the producers corner personally and as the Lounge and releases section get more traffic I meant it would slide from the latest posts pretty quick. As said if you pump it a bit more , maybe phase in ideas of the concept into the thread over a few days, so it's getting bounced but bounced for legitimate reasons and its both encouraging debate /ideas and creating interest I think it has traction.
Sorry you have been unwell. Hail Ming! And get well soon!
the apology was meant more in regard for the entire post in general. sounded like sour grapes, I'm taking my ball and going home, no-one likes me Im gonna go eat worms. it wasn't meant that way and should be attributed more to fever than sound thinking.

i have to get ahead of things like this because they can snowball incredibly fast
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No, you have to get well.
Priorities sir. Look after yourself. Get Eve to mop you're fevered brow.
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tallyho wrote: Hail Ming!
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