Party Girl superheroine Youtube web series

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Recently discovered this superheroine web series produced in Dallas that has already created two 13-episode seasons in 2014 and 2015. It's called Party Girl and is created by BJ Lewis - here's his YT channel: ... HQ2fKmIROA

It follows the exploits of a teenager named Rachel Buchanan who has a former background in gymnastics (that trope goes all the way back to New Phoenix's Darkfury..but it holds up well) and later starts training in martial arts. She anonymously stops a persecuted nerd from taking revenge on all of his classmates at a cool-kids party. As a result, rumors start flying about the "Party Girl", and so she adopts that name as her superheroine moniker, donning a black suit with a red leotard, a black wig with red streaks, and a black mask (later, she exchanges it for a glittery red one). Villains range from murderous gangsters to various high school kids gone awry. In the first season, Party Girl is played by 15-year-old Jeanne Lampley (who doesn't seem to have any internet presence except a profile on a Dallas agency page), and in the second, she is portrayed by over-18 actress Cait Pool. Both have their individual strengths they bring to the role.

Lampley Image
Pool Image

What I like most about this series is the dedication that Lewis and everyone involved shows to the project. The episodes are lengthy with many scenes apiece, the characters are well developed and there are several parallel story threads (for a couple episodes, Lewis even inserts an entire superhero team called The Immortals and a rogues' gallery called Bad Reputation) and the viewer gets sucked in for a while and really connects with the situations of all the main characters. As far as what it can recommend to folks on this board: the heroine frequently gets beaten, suffers bruises, bloodying, setbacks and peril (there's one scene where she's tied to a chair and about to be shot)..but on the other hand also often delivers an almost-too-easy ass-kicking. It'll satisfy both peril and power camps. This is definitely an adult series because of some mild profanity, lots of violence and some murders, even though the main character is a teenager. I think, however, that teens over 14 would also definitely enjoy it, especially because they can identify with many of the characters that are portrayed (they're also fairly ethnically diverse, which is nice...although for an African-American director, Lewis sure likes to cast a lot of black guys as villainous thugs).

I really only had a couple beefs with the whole thing: 1) Party Girl's costume in the second season is improved in some ways (she gets bright red boots) but also falls victim to the whole "dark jacket" syndrome..and then we don't see her red leotard again until the very end of the series. Considering that Cait Pool herself is quoted in one of the promo videos as saying that the jacket combo was too hot to wear while filming in the summer, you'd think it would've made more sense to stick to the original red ensemble. But I do understand they wanted to switch things for season two. And 2) with a whole episode in the second season revolving around prejudice against gay rights (I'm for full LBGT equality and rights, of course, I just don't think an agenda needs to be drubbed into people's heads by superhero it detracts from the moral ambiguity of vigilantism).. I thought the series was about to jump the PC shark...but luckily the content pulled back from politics following that. A few episodes later, there is even a hero called War Eagle who culturally appropriates Native American and Asian motifs for her costume..and you know the Ivy League campus protesters wouldn't be into just evens. 3) Rachel never even remotely develops any kind of romance with any other character in the series. The stories of love for family and friends are paramount..but you'd really think a teenage girl with raging hormones and parent problems would at least want to kiss someone in the course of 26 episodes, when even her lesbian friend gets some girlfriend action. I guess in that respect, the series severely passes the Bechdel Test, although I doubt that was its intention.

I guess you should start from the very beginning and watch all 26 some micro shorts. Here's episode one:

Other episodes that I can recommend for special attention are:
W.T.F. (a kinky young couple tie up Party Girl and threaten to shoot her)

Grappling (teenage female wrestler rages and hulks out)

Raise a Lil' Hell (Party Girl fights a chaotic pair of rich spoiled twins)

For My Sister (a hot Catwoman-ish thief named Delilah is introduced)

Immortalize Me Part I (Party Girl vs War Eagle)

Immortalize Me Part II (attn: extremely beautiful Belarussian actress Hanna Vaitovich who plays hooker-turned-heroine Strong-Arm)

Cornered (Party Girl fights police officers and a female detective, and gets shot..considerable peril and stress)

The actress who plays both Rose sisters, and the second actress to play Rachel's sister Michelle are also standouts.
The final episode is a real nice climax, both a revelatory shocker and a cliffhanger...changing the game a bit for what will hopefully be a third season.
(I won't post the link to that one, because you should really watch a bunch of the others to emotionally build yourself up to it).

What amazes me is how little this series has been viewed (many of the episodes have literally only 200 or so views, and none have over 1500). It's been almost criminally ignored except for a couple of fan blogs. I would like to know what people think of this series..and it might push the viewership up a bit if a bunch of people from this forum watched it, and even gave BJ Lewis some constructive praise about it to encourage him to continue. Hopefully Cait Pool can sign on for more.
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Checking it out now,so far nothing special until you reach episode 5 :)
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Yeah one gorgeous girl replaced by another gorgeous girl,still waiting for more ko's :)
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All in all worth watching and we should help out a independent movie maker like this.I can see a "ODE TO CAIT POOL" in the future :)
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See, good stuff right? You got so addicted, just like I did, that you binge-watched the whole thing in one day. (Hint: takes about four hours if you fast forward through intros & credits etc.) Also, check out the mini-episodes of the villains talking to their psychologist (I wish that there was a season three, where she identifies with them a bit too much and snaps like Harley Quinn). Arika Salazar is especially chilling as the non-makeupped conscience-free killer War Eagle.

I just can't believe all the insane work BJ Lewis did on it, all the while still doing his job as not-so-mild-mannered "county government reporter and videographer for the Denton Record-Chronicle," and then blogged about it a whole bunch (, and then too few people are watching it.

I don't think there'll be a season three, though. I think Lewis has moved on to work on a new sci-fi fantasy series called "Shift".
and the lead character will be Dallas actress Shelby Chambers:
Visually she doesn't quite make the same impact as the Party Girl actresses but I guess we'll see what the series is about - there aren't many details.
Maybe she has the power to "shift" through space or time?

Meanwhile, here's the cast photo of season one, including Normita Joven in the Delilah costume:

I hope more people check it out!
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Message to the forum from BJ Lewis/Taurian Films! [with a couple of notes inserted by me]

Thanks for the good word and for watching the show! We have had a few people discover the show recently, glad it's still got legs that are taking it around the globe. Season three as a live action show is likely not in the cards. We have a third season written, but Cait Pool, our talented season two actress, she has gotten SUPER busy with work and is will on her way to being a SAG actress and thus outgrown what she could do for us at this time. We are looking at costs and artist to turn those 13 season three scripts into digital web comics to complete the story as we took the story to some fun, dramatic and action packed places.

Now, for what we have cooking right now.... --> Suicide Squad fanfilm, "A Typical Tuesday" starring Cait's older sister Caly.

SHIFT is something we were set to start filming this past weekend, BUT our lead actress bailed [no Shelby Chambers, who is displayed above ]so we are having to recast and will get to it later this year.

We have "20 Minutes or Less" coming. It's a 10 minute short that we are entering in a local film contest -->

We have "Cheerleader Karate School" coming. It's like...if you took Buffy, Supernatural, Dragon Ball Z and any number of Japanese Magical Girl animes...put them together in a blender, you would get CKS. It will have the drama and heart of Party Girl but with the action dialed up to 11. I'm excited for it. Our plan is to film the teaser and then try and raise funds/find investors/sponsors for a full 40 minute episode if not the whole first season. [sounds possibly cool, no?]

We also have a graphic novel/film we are developing and have been the past few years with actress, model, radio personality and stunt woman, Annie Cruz. It's called HTB. [Note: HTB = Hard Target Bitch]

Should be launching the fundraising for the book very soon. So long story longer, we have lots and lots of stuff we are working on that we hope people will check out and will enjoy. We're really striving to have more people talking about Taurian Films and our projects by the end of 2016. Hope you will continue to be aboard the hype train as it goes as far as it can.

-BJ Lewis

Then I asked a few more questions and he responded again with this:

Feel free to paste my response in the forum! That can get more eyeballs for our stuff, which is what we want. Might be a bit of work and money for a total revision of seasons one and two in print forum [I asked him if he was going to do comics, wouldn't it make sense to adapt seasons one and two first]...probably have some flashbacks or maybe a brief recap with links to Youtube or our web site if we have DVDs or streaming options by then.

[What happened to season one Party Girl actress?] Jeanne Lampley had an acting opportunity in New York and that's the last I knew.

[Did Michelle survive? Rachel did not actually see her die]. Michelle does not survive and that drives a ton of the third season drama and Rachel wanting to distance herself from Party Girl. She does not get costumed in season three until the very last few episodes (story reason for that) for a big throw down three seasons in the making. Connie gets a costume and an aggressive agenda [lesbian aggro heroine? could be interesting] in season three. And then I was looking at time jumping ahead 3 or 4 years to [Rachel's] college years and her taking on the name of RAVE and (reluctantly) continuing heroics.

And yes, Shelby is out of SHIFT. Which sucks because she is a cool person we were looking forward to working with.

-BJ Lewis
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That last one for yoga/leggings fans like me :love:
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Whilst this series is never going to receive the "Parental Discretion Advised" type of classification, it is not short on violence or peril. It has elements of Buffy about it, and not just because the heroine is small and blonde. Her personal troubles and family life are well drawn, as is her growing realisation to the addictive nature of her secret life. Some of the scripts needed a further re-write on occasion, and the lack of funding probably held them back a lot of times, but this is an excellent piece of work from the cast and crew. I am amazed that anyone in this day could have put together an original series like this that is not adult-oriented, or fetish-based. They deserve to be saluted for their efforts. Having binge-watched it over the last week I am sorry that they cannot continue with a live action third series, but I wish all concerned well for their next enterprise.
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