Happy National Superhero(ine) Day!

General discussions about superheroines!
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Apparently it's National Superhero Day. I only assume that includes superheroines. Thoughts on USA Today's list of "5 female superheroes you should be obsessed with"?
http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/ente ... /83641686/

I feel really odd about #5...
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Don't know enough about the new Ms Marvel. I hear she's pretty fun though for the audience who reads her, its also cool to see a superhero's and heroines of different ethnicity so that's a plus for her as well.

I love Captain Marvel. Won't deny it. I like the new costume, feel like it better represents where Captain Marvel/Miss Marvel comes from than the stupid lightning bolt ever did (seriously I know people loved that costume but putting Miss Marvel in a black suit with a random lightning bolt on the front rather than the Marvel Star was seriously retarded) now if they'd only stop messing with her hair I'd be 100% cool with the new direction (if they cut it any shorter she'll be bald for crying out loud)

Batgirl I haven't read since they put her in a jacket and slacks. Dunno why you'd give up the protective capability of the good old bat body armor for something much less protective. Don't care why they did it, Barbara isn't a tweenager, she shouldn't be written like one.

People are already obsessed enough with Supergirl... no reason she should be on this list... I mean her popularity was never in question nor the amount of obsession she (ad Wonder Woman) receive. Nice to see her show successful though, even if its not very good it means we can hope for a trend of networks feeling safer about female lead supershows. *Keeps fingers crossed*

I Zombie is NOT a superhero show. #5 is just there cause the author loves the show or something... dunno.
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Miette, I feel odd about her too.

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Femina wrote:Don't know enough about the new Ms Marvel. I hear she's pretty fun though for the audience who reads her, its also cool to see a superhero's and heroines of different ethnicity so that's a plus for her as well.
Her book is pretty fun, but I kind of fell that because she is underage we really shouldn't be talking about her on this site.
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I adore izombie, but Liv ain't a superhero.
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As long as Supergirl makes the list I'm happy. They could mark out for Ma Hunkle and the silver age Sue Storm for all I care as long as Kara gets props.

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ltrltr wrote:I adore izombie, but Liv ain't a superhero.
I dunno.

The show has little cut aways that give it a comic book feel. So it does feel like it might be part of the genre.

She has powers, in a sort of way, she just has to eat peoples brains to indulge it. She's just not the sort of heroine you might expect in the buff and obvious sort of way. She's more along the lines of the quirky 'Deadman' or 'Hellboy' sort of heroine.

She is a little out of the box to call a Superheroine, though i think a case might be made for it.
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Kitten wrote:
ltrltr wrote:I adore izombie, but Liv ain't a superhero.
I dunno.

The show has little cut aways that give it a comic book feel. So it does feel like it might be part of the genre.

She has powers, in a sort of way, she just has to eat peoples brains to indulge it. She's just not the sort of heroine you might expect in the buff and obvious sort of way. She's more along the lines of the quirky 'Deadman' or 'Hellboy' sort of heroine.

She is a little out of the box to call a Superheroine, though i think a case might be made for it.
I see both sides of it, and that's what has me conflicted. (Leaning toward "nope," though.) I think it leads to a semi-philosophical question of: What exactly makes a someone a superheroine?
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ksire_99 wrote:Miette, I feel odd about her too.

Hate that costume soooo much. The lightningbolt means literally nothing. From Captain Marvel's star to Miss Marvel's to.... lightningbolt. Dumb. I firmly believe that you can mess with costume designs all you want, but if you mess with the Heroes symbols and the emblems that are uniquely theirs, that's a failed costume.
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I would hope for a costume malfunction instead of a failure. :ras:
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Everybody knows the correct top 10 list is :

For DC Comics /

Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Batwoman, Black Canary, Huntress, Speedy, Supergirl, Wondergirl, Batgirl and Hawkgirl;

For Marvel Studios /

Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Jessica Jones, Mockingbird, Elektra, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, SpiderWoman and Black Cat;

For TwentyCenturyFox /

Phoenix, Storm, Psylocke, Kitty Pryde, White Queen, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Lady Deadpool, X-23, Jubilee and Invisible Woman;
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A little late to the party but, shout out to my favorite gal

Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Other than Liv (who doesn't make any sense on there), this list has a clear agenda: characters that have been "Batgirled" by the politically correct brigade and diversity police. Media writers, especially younger idealistic ones, would of course push these kinds of characters because ..I'm kind of surprised that Wonder Woman (the new Earth One version) isn't also on there.

If there are superheroines I'm currently "obsessed" with, it would be those who have a dark twisted and unpredictable ambiguous nature which I think makes their backstories complex, their transformations notably hot, and their sensuality all the more fiery when combined with a brooding intelligence.
If I were to pull a top list out of nowhere (not being definitive about it), I would mention the likes of Enchantress (DC), Black Alice, She-Hulk, Rose & Thorn, Black Cat, Miss Fury, Jennifer Blood, and Dagger, among others.
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