Liberty Star: Inception (CHAPTER 3 POSTED)

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
Posts: 19
Joined: 9 years ago


Please leave comments and remarks, would love to hear the feed back everyone has to offer on this story. Should be a multi-chapter story introducing my original created heroine Liberty Star!



In a dark damp cave somewhere buried in the mountains of the Pakistan/Afghanistan border, five American soldiers dressed in special forces black were dragged into a center cavern made into a makeshift headquarters. A hood covered each of their heads. In their native Arabic tongues, the commander of the expedient installation started to scream orders. "Those three in there!" He screamed though none of the soldiers could understand. "Those two in here!"

Without hesitation, the men did as they were ordered. The two that had been separated from the rest were dragged, with their hands tied behind their back and bound at the ankles, into an isolated room filled with slapdash torture devices that looked barbaric and medieval. The shorter of the two had their hands cut loose only to have them shackled together above their head. Their feet were left free, barely able to stand, while the chain forced them into a helpless position. The other soldier was placed with their back against the wall, a collar chained to their neck like a wild animal and wrists bound to limit movement almost completely.

The leader walked to the smaller of the two and grabbed the hood covering their head. With one strong forceful jerk, he removed it along with any hair he might have had a hold of. A loud scream called out through the room, but it was feminine. He smiled, as he took firm hold of the young woman's hair and jerk her head up to look at him like a disobedient dog.

"A young woman in her prime, sent into a man's world!" The man said now in fluent English tainted with his Arabic accent. "Now let me show you how we treat women in our culture who try to be a man!"

He stepped back and removed the hood from the other soldier chained up. He was a tall rugged man in his peak years.

"You can watch as I break this infidel whore's will!" laughed the leader

The soldier struggled against his bonds as he looked on at his helpless partner. Before he could curse the leering leader a second radical terrorist duct taped his mouth shut avoiding any interruptions or pleas for mercy.

The leader grinned as he picked up an old leather bull whip from a dusty table. Dark brown stains ran all up and down it, proof of the previous victims it had bitten for whatever crime, real or imagined, that they had committed. He cracked a smile along with the whip beside the bound captive so she could see what was awaiting her.

"You belong in a house, servicing your man and his future generations! Not on a battlefield, where you leave yourself to the mercy of war!" He taunted.

He stepped behind her and wrapped the whip tightly around her neck and pulled hard. The air to her throat was cut off as he started to choke her.

"You will forever be grateful for the lesson I am about to teach you!" he whispered malevolently for only her to hear

He continued to choke the life from her, only letting go to prolong what was the beginning of a hellish nightmare. Stepping back, enjoying the music to his ears as she coughed and gagged for air as he cracked the whip once more. Preparing himself, he unleashed his fury as a sadistic harbinger of pain! The whoosh of the whip echoed throughout the room before the crack bit into her back, ripping the black fabric of her fatigues and tearing at the soft skin below.

The young female soldier jetted forward as the rough leather from the whip snapped, her eyes clenching together tightly while her teeth gritted.

“ARH!” She cried out, the sound of her bone chilling scream filled the cave system.

The male soldier chained to the wall could do nothing but helplessly watch as he fought the bonds which held him against the moist rock. Their captor only found sick pleasure in the moment, the sadistic smile was an indicator of things yet to come for both of them as he loaded his arm back once more. With another cracking sound, the whip shot forward and again kissed the skin of the young female soldier.

“ARH!” She cried out at the top of her lungs, another large painful gash being cut open on her back.

Blood ran, staining the whip as if adding another notch in the twisted terrorist’s gun. The black military issued t-shirt only soaked up the blood and highlighted the wounds left on her back.

The man on the wall narrowed his eyes as he continued to struggle, fighting to get free with everything in him. He screamed through the duct tape though it was nothing more than empty threats that could not be understood. In his head, he had already begun to plan his revenge against the poor souls who stood in front of them, taking enjoyment from their pain and suffering. One of the lesser soldiers stepped forward and slammed the butt of his gun hard into the male soldier’s stomach. If he could have doubled over, he surely would have from the mere force of the blow.

“You American infidels are all the same! You come to our world and show your arrogance like it was a badge of honor! Meanwhile, our people suffer as you trample on our culture, drop bombs on our cities, terrorize our streets and murder us with your bullets!” cited the herald with the whip. “You look at me with hate and disdain in your eyes but I assure you, you know no such thing but I will gladly give you a lesson in humility.”

“Please…” stuttered the young woman as she struggled to keep her feet beneath her, her knees growing weaker.

The leader looked at her, and shook his head. He was surprised she would request pity in such a situation. He blew off the request with a sarcastic smirk before he wound his arm up like a big league pitcher once more and brought the whip crashing into her back! The swooshing sound in the air was eerie, the hatred of this man flowing from his arm and into the young woman’s back.

“ARH!” She howled as she swung as far forward as her bonds would allow her to go.

“You Americans never cease to amaze me!” The leader said as he stepped forward, his chest only an inch or two away from the young woman’s face, the smell from the noxious odor from his breath filling her world. “You belong in a house somewhere, a servant to your husband as you raise more infidels which came from his loins. But you insist on taking up arms and staining our holy lands with your filthy nature!” He was quite intent he would enlighten her to his way of thinking as he wrapped his arm around her, raking his fingernails across one of the three massive cuts in the young woman’s back. She cried out again in pain, her legs wobbling beneath her to keep the pressure off hanging of her arms. “Allow me to remind you of your place in this world American scum!” He whispered to her before stepping behind her once again.

She clamped her eyes together and readied her body for what was coming. In her mind she tried to focus on anything other than the pain. All of her training, all of the intense training in the world could not truly prepare someone for the horrors she was only beginning to face. The dry leather from the whip unfolded to the dusty floor at the leader’s feet. This time his assault would be brutal, merciless and relentless. The first strike was followed quickly by another and another after that. Each blow forced another excruciating scream from the beautiful female’s parted lips. The onslaught continued, for a moment she thought it would never end. Her knees finally buckled and all the weight of her body was felt through her tightly cuffed wrists. The metal of the cuffs dug agonizingly into her skin. When it was over, ten large jagged wounds scarred her back. Tears ran down her face, the pain unimaginable to the helpless comrade in arms forced to watch.

Another one of the Islamic terrorists stepped forward, looking at the military issued metal chain which hung from the once ruggedly beautiful woman’s neck. He took hold of it and with one jerk he removed her dog tags from around her neck. He glanced at the tags then handed them to his leader as he tossed the whip to the dirty floor.

“M. Yates” The leader read out loud as he stepped in front of her. “This is your name isn’t it American swine! What does the M stand for?” He demanded but she gave no response at first, barely finding the strength to look him eye to eye defiantly as drool hung from her mouth and covered her chin.

“Go to Hell!” She muttered before spitting in his face.

The leader’s eyes closed shut, the humiliation and disrespect tore at his soul as he raised his shirt sleeve to wipe away the saliva on his face. He sneered for a brief moment, only to backhand her hard across her face.

“How dare you, cunt!” He took hold of her neck and started to squeeze. “I will ask you one more time! I strongly suggest you do not alienate me any further!” He warned as he stared back at her with equal hatred as she had for him. “What does the M stand for.”

“Miranda” She struggled to force out as the air was kept from reaching her lungs.

He gave her a sly look before dropping his hand. A deep gasp came over her as she wheezed in relief.

“Miranda, are you like most western woman? Do you use your body to get the things you want in life?” He turned his attention to the other soldier hanging on the wall. “How about him? Did you gain promotion and such favor from him by spreading your legs like a bitch in heat?” She remained silent, though each word did as much damage to her soul as the whip did to her body. The leader marveled for a moment, surprised by the sudden silence in the room. “Prideful I see! I assure you any pride you have left will be taken from you in the coming days!”

The leader looked to his men and nodded his head toward a wooden table in the back of the cavern, metal chains and restraints attached to it. “Rack her!” He ordered as he stepped out of the way.

The loyal soldiers quickly removed her from her current position, a feeling of relief came over her raw wrists for a moment as she tumbled forward onto her face. The mud on the damp floor splattered her cheek and forehead on the right side as she was forcefully lifted and dragged to the table by the men where she was laid. She offered no resistance as they spread-eagled her arms and legs., locking each of the four restraints to either a wrist or ankle. Her back arched however, trying to keep the rough sandy texture of the surface from irritating her shredded back.

The leader followed eagerly as he looked down at the once valiant special operations soldier. In his mind, the endless possibilities of what he could do rushed past like cars on a freeway. Looking toward a dark corner, he pointed to a bamboo cane leaned against the cave wall. With a nod, one of his men retrieved it.

“Stretch her out!” he demanded

The relaxation Miranda had felt in her arms and legs soon blossomed into a more perilous pain, as each turn of the rack pulled at her delicate joints. She cried out once more, her joints feeling as if they would dislocate at any moment until he gave the order to stop. She now laid stretched, held so tightly down she could only move her neck and her back pressed firmly against the table.

He looked over her, her magnificent body was easy on his eyes but it was also a weapon to be used to break her further. His left hand firmly pushed her stomach, drawing pleads from Miranda.

“No please! Don’t touch me!” she cried

The request was ignored as he started to slide the hand across the fabric. He felt her firm stomach, tickled the outline of her ribs and even groped each of her breasts.

“Stop!” She begged but it was certainly clear his intention were to continue.

“American women use their bodies to get what they want do they not?” The leader asked as he squeezed her right breast, sending the same crushing feeling through her that a mammogram would. “Tell me Miranda, have you ever used your body as a tool of seduction and sin to get what you wanted?”

Miranda shivered, having never felt more violated and vulnerable in her life than she did at this moment. More tears streamed down her face as she stared back at him.

“And the filthy pornography your culture pumps, like a poison into the world, women’s breasts are a sideshow attraction! Nothing more than a snake charmer.” He switched breast but made sure to administer the same crushing treatment. “I bet to a slut like yourself, these clothes must feel so restricting.”

Her eyes clenched together as she shook her head no, not answering his question but begging him not to do what she feared was next.

“Let me allow you some freedom then!” He forewarned, smirking as his right hand removed an American made bowie knife from his belt. He held it up, the long blade was dull to reflection but sharp to the touch as he ran it down her left arm. “Such a knife could cut straight through you, could it not?” He moved the blade across the bottom of her shirt and ran it slowly between her breasts and into the collar. “You no longer have use for this!”

He started slicing the cotton fabric and cutting away the tattered shirt until it fell open. She watched, helpless to anything he might choose to do to until only a sports bra covered her chest.

“Tell me, has your commanding officer ever seen you in such a compromising position?” He waited for an answer that did not come. “No?” He assumed out loud. “Then let me show him!”

The knife traced its way across her bare stomach until it rested between her breasts. He knew the psychology damage and effects could do worse than any physical harm ever would. Scars of the body heal, but scars of the soul never fade away. With one small twist and tug, a snapping sound filled the room as the bra was sliced opened.

Miranda cried out, thrashing her head back and forth as the warm humid air rushed across the sweat glistening on her exposed breasts. Tears flowed like rivers down her cheeks and into her matted brown hair.

“STOP!” She cried out, hoping to find some trace of sympathy and mercy in this man.

The only thing that could have made this humiliation any worse was her nipples growing hard and erect. Luckily, the warm air had little effect on them but this only gave the radical madman a couple of toys to play with.

With his left hand, he pinched the right nipple softly at first. She tried to jerk away, to remove his unwanted touch from her body but she was bound tight. His fingers rolled it softly at first but with each moment the pinch became less and less about a touch and more a means to torture her. The fingers clamped together, all of his strength behind them as he tugged it to unpleasant lengths.

“In my culture, it is not uncommon to cane free thinking women who believe they stand equal to men! When this happen, we must put them once more in their place” implying this beating was her fault. The same evil grin returned to his face as he raised the knife with his right hand.

“NO!” She belted out, expecting him to stab her as the knife came crashing into the wood just left of her face. She looked at the blade through the corner of her eyes, sobbing even harder. “Why are you doing this?” She forced out through the pain, an emotional wreck.

She did not get an answer though, he had been explaining himself all along if she could have thought clearly and read between the lines. The sadist took pleasure from her pain, and revenge through her suffering. He took the bamboo cane from his mindless follower. She watched, unsure what to expect as he gripped the cane like a baseball bat. She could only shake her head no, fearful of what would happen to her next. He made eye contact with her, showing the brown stains on his teeth as he snarled a feral grin at her.

Like a big leaguer swinging a bat with all his might, he brought the thin flexible cane crashing down across her breasts. All Miranda could do was scream out, the blunt force of the cane leaving a massive red welt across her like a racing strip. On the wall, the male soldier once again tried to get free and break his bonds but he was helpless to do so still. He could only watch with tears filling his eyes. His greatest weakness was the worthless feeling that had come over him watching as all the focus was placed on his partner as the hard slaps of bamboo on satin flesh echoed throughout the cave each time it crashed down. Miranda screamed out, trying to arch her back as the shock waves rushed through her but she could not move. The scream of pain had turned into a bone chilling cry for help as it smacked against her an again and again.

The leader stopped for just a moment, to admire the large welts on her breasts and the rainbow shades of bruising that were already starting to form.

“This is only the beginning for you Miranda!” He spoke to her before caning her breasts yet again. “This is my only way to take aggression out against your entire country!” The cane slapped against her again. “Soon though, you will find relief when my men take out their pent up frustrations on you!” He slammed the cane down once more, the force so strong it snapped it in half on impact.

Miranda could do nothing but helplessly cry out and scream at the top of her lungs as the pain drew her closer and closer to blacking out. Quite happy with his handy work as he looked over the tortured body, the leader finally tossed the cane to the side.

He walked back to the male chained to the wall and chuckled, the futile attempts he was making to break free and abstract his revenge was amusing.

“Now now, you knew this could happen to her when you brought her on this doomed mission of yours!” His words underscored by the sorrow sobs coming from Miranda behind him. “This is all your fault!” He took hold of the man’s dog tags and pulled them from his neck. “J. Hylton” He read out loud before jerking the duct tape from Hylton’s mouth.

Hylton screamed out as the tape pulled hairs from around his face, but at least he could talk again.

“You son of a bitch!” He screamed out. “I’ll kill you with my bare hands! Do you understand me!” He threatened, spit flying into the leader’s face. “I’ll kill every last one of you sons of bitches!” He promised, like a reaper calling to his pray.

The leader simply laughed as he stepped away from Hylton, finding humor in what he felt was shallow attempts to find control in this situation.

“Please, you embarrass yourself with your foul tongue and desecrate this holy land with your mere presence” Mocked the leader as he took a spoon from a bowl full of water, tilting his head back to take a drink. “You faithless Americans are all the same, gutless cowards who refuse to handle your own business! You’d rather hid behind a curtain while someone else gets their hands dirty with your trash.”

Hylton locked his eyes onto the man as he nearly growled in anger. His words filtered into one ear and out the other though. “How did you know we was going to be here?” Hylton asked as he fought against the restraints still. “Your men were waiting on us! Who was the mole so I can deliver your head to them just before I gut their cowardly ass!”

The leader only laughed as he took another drink from the bowl, then wiped his mouth. “The mole? Do you mean who informed us you were coming?” He asked almost as if insulted by Hylton’s question “The mole was your army!”

“No!” Hylton growled. “How dare you accuse anyone in my army of such an act!”

The leader rolled his eyes. “It all makes perfect sense if only you were smart enough to think about it!” He joked though completely sold with his conviction of words. “How would we know you would try to raid a meaningless shack in the middle of nowhere?” The questions he was asking were more like a reality check and it hit Hylton like a slap in the face. “What was the target, I am curious?”

Hylton tried to block out everything being said but it all made a horrible sense. The pieces were laid out in front of him, he just had to put the puzzle together in his mind. “A high ranking Isis target!” Hylton spat.

“A high ranking target, in a dirty slum like this?” the leader questioned sarcastically. “You Americans, are arrogant and brash but certainly you are not so simple minded and ignorant to believe any high ranking officers of any organized army would be in such a place as this!”

“Bad intel!” Hylton snapped back, still refusing to believe him.

“Bad intel! You call this bad intel!” A laugh filled the cave. “Bad intel is mistaking a civilian target for a military installation which you Americans do all the time as you bomb our schools and shell our families huddling in their hospitals” The leader stepped closer to Hylton, looking him eye to eye. “This was a setup, from the highest chain of your command on a group of soldier who deserve the treatment they receive!”


“Such vulgar mouths!” He stepped away. “We are not Isis; we are the resistance that fights against them! We are allies of your country though I personally cannot stand a single thing your country stands for!”

The words cut deeply, straight to the bone. They were so ridiculous they could not help but be true. However, these soldiers who now stood as prisoners were guilty of crimes against their country and the reality set into Hylton’s mind. “Then why go to this much trouble to have an entire unit captured and tortured?”

“Punishment for a flawed hero, whose image is more important than his life!” The man pulled up a wooden chair, this conversation had a purpose. Everything he did had purpose as Miranda’s beaten body proved. “We are now allies to your country, in their fight against Isis. This was all part of the deal though.”

“What deal?” gasped Miranda from her beaten and battered position.

“Good!” chuckled the so called resistance fighter. “She has some strength left! She will need that when my men make a mess of her!”

“NO!” Screamed Hylton. “Don’t you dare touch her!”

“Or you will do what? You are chained to a wall my American pet.” It was that moment he came to realize; this was not about one soldier protecting another but a man protecting what was his. A humble laugh came from the sick bastard who held them prisoner. “She is yours isn’t she! Your lover!”

“I will kill you sons of bitches! I swear it!” Hylton warned.

“You will enjoy watching as my men use her then! Every possible pleasure her body has to offer us, we will use! And she will do it willingly for the fear of what we will do to you!”

“Please don’t!” mumbled Miranda from the rack. “Please don’t hurt him! I’ll do whatever you want!” She somehow mustered the strength to say.

“Oh I know you will! Whether you like it or not because you are ours now!” He spoke with a sense of ownership. “A mare for us to tame and break. This deal would not have happened if she was not a key part of it.”

“What deal?” yelled Hylton.

“We agreed to make sure you all died a hero's death, so you could be celebrated in your country rather than shame it! All we asked for was guns, supplies and her.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Hylton spurred with rage. “Who the hell set us up?”

“That is for me to know, and for you not to concern yourself with!” He laughed as he turned his glance back to the battered woman. Two of his men stood near the table, having heard every word their commanding officer had said to them. They were on edge, eager to reap the rewards that had been promised to them. “Go ahead gentlemen, she is yours!”

Miranda watched as the two men turned will deviant intentions in their eyes. “Please…” She struggled to say as they slowly reversed the rack, allowing just enough slack to free her from the restraint holding her down. Each limb limply fell when the tension was released. She was so sore and beaten, she could barely move never mind muster the strength to fight against them.

“Don’t you dare touch her!” Hylton screamed as he watched. The leader simply rolled his eyes as he looked to the roll of duct tape sitting nearby.

“I have heard quite enough barking from you today fool.” The leader said as he picked up the tape, the sound of it pulling apart covered the laughter the two soldiers were sharing as they looked at their soon to be prize. “My men are going to pleasure themselves with your American tramp in ways I imagine you will regret.” He ripped the piece of the duct tape before tossing the roll down. “You are free to close your eyes, because I am fairly certain you will never look at her the same again.”

Hylton shook with anger, unsure what to believe and helpless to stop the traumatic act about to unfold in front of him. “I swear you, bas…” In mid-sentence, his mouth was covered as the leader shoved the duct tape over his mouth to shut him up once and for all.

“Enough, you are a nothing more than a cat without claws! Nothing more than a spectator to the world around you!” They shared a cold hearted stare into each other’s eyes. “Now, I have business to attend to but my men will make sure she is taken well care of!”

The leader smirked before he walked from the cavern, shutting and locking the door which was carved into the stone behind him. Hylton tried to pounce on him, wanting to show him the tiger he really had by the tail.

Miranda lay motionless, mostly only painful groans escaped her mouth to even hint she was still alive. The larger of the two soldier ran his hand through his long black greasy beard as he stepped to the left side of the table. He kept a close eye on her for a moment, not knowing any English to explain what was about to happen. He pulled a pistol from its holster and held it in his right hand before grabbing a handful of her hair, forcefully spinning her so her head was too close to his groin for comfort. Miranda shook, already broken with fear as the man held the gun above her before turning to aim it back Hylton. He peered at Hylton for a moment and back at her. The point was clear, whatever he was about to do, she would have to play along without question or Hylton’s life would be on the line. She shook her head yes, letting him know she realized whose life was in real danger.

The terrorist holstered the pistol before moving his hands toward his waist line. As he started to undo his belt, sliding the leather strap from the loop, his fellow soldier decided to lay claim to Miranda as well. Taking hold of her, he cut the belt around her waist away. She looked down, the shocking realization settled in. These two terrorists, two men she was supposed to hunt down and kill, were about to run a train on her with less regard for her wellbeing than one of Hollywood’s infamous rough sex scenes. She started to jerk her legs, showing she had a little fight left in her but it was quickly taken out of her, along with her breath, as he punched her hard in the gut.

Her body raised up, so sore and beaten, from the force of the blow. She coughed and gasped, her breath slowly returned to her but it was enough to stop her resistance and drain her last bit of fight. The smaller man took ahold of her pants, jerking the buttons from them, and pulled them down her short statured legs. She could only watch in horror as both pants and panties slid over her knee caps and dropped off her feet to the floor. She was completely naked except for what little remained of her shirt and bra.

She could not hold attention long though, as the man near her head grabbed her by the throat and bent her neck backwards over the edge of the table where his cock now hung free with a semi chub. She started to shake her head, hoping this would not happen but shamefully he only cock smacked her chin and jaw with his sweaty, unwashed manhood. He soon grew tired of her struggling instead of doing what was requested, leading him to unholster his pistol again and point it toward Hylton who watched on with horror. She froze in terror; her one weakness was the infatuation she had for this one man. She closed her eyes and hesitantly opened her trembling lips which were quickly violated by the terrorist’s penis. It tasted salty and bitter, a flavor she wished she could forget but something told her that would forever be carved into her memory. A moan of triumph escaped him as her lips closed around it.

Her mouth was warm and wet, a paradise just waiting for someone to stake their claim which is exactly what the larger of the two men was doing. He rocked his hips back and forth, his shaft growing harder by the moment as all but the head would slip from her mouth and push back deep into her throat. She wanted to so badly bite it off, and nearly did whenever his hands groped both of her breasts. She kept her eyes closed, in her mind she tried to go somewhere else to escape the traumatic event but she had been trained to focus on the moment. The best she could do was pretend it was Hylton’s dick face fucking her, forcing her head over the table after a long mission excise like he owned her. That was a fantasy she kept deep down but this was neither Hylton raping her mouth nor wanted.

The smaller of the two men placed her legs over his shoulders, smelling of her silky white skin. American women were perfect for such disgusting acts! He ran his hands up and down her legs, cherishing every moment of what was taking place. Never had he come across such a perfect body for him to simply do as he pleased! The small table was perfect for their intentions too! As her head hung backwards, full of his ally’s dick, her ass was hanging off the other side. His fingers traced and highlighted every curve her calves and hamstrings had to offer, though they had their fair share of scars on them from years of training. Her legs were not perfectly shaved since grooming was a forgotten art in the battle field! Around her hidden cave where her treasure chest hid, was a short dark haired bush.

The man could not help but snicker like a king looking as his captive queen as his fingers inched closer and closer to her crotch. The excitement of the moment already had him bursting from his pants but he was trying not to ruin the fun so quickly. Was she wet he wondered as he touched her womanhood for the first time. Her fantasies of Hylton taking her and controlling her, at this moment would add to the humiliation when the man’s finger slipped between her slippery wet lips only to find a flood of juices waiting for him. His eyes opened wide with encouragement.

Miranda’s tears start to rain across her forehead as the back of her throat continued to have a cock driven hard into it. Her jaw was so sore and it would not be long before her throat was raw. Hearing the two men talk and laugh in their harsh foreign language which she did not understand was worse than her being turned on and dripping wet. Her mind could only make up what they were saying. She was a whore, a worthless whore for these two men and who knows how many more to fuck and use whenever and however they liked she thought. A cum dump that would surely end up carrying the bastard child of a man who would take pleasure in killing her family just because they were Americans.

The smaller man ran his hand up and down her twat like he owned it. When his fingers would dance across her swelling clitoris, her body would jerk and tense up a little bit. There was no need to prepare her for what was about to happen, she was waiting for it or at least her body was. The soft vibrations of her moans would slither across the cock inside her mouth too, adding to her mouth fucker’s enjoyment. It would not be long and she would be a train for these two Arabian men who kept her alive probably for this one reason only. The smaller one was busy removing himself from his pants just as she thought.

She prepared herself, wanting this to just be over as the man she truly wanted was forced to watch. Would he ever look at her the same way again she questioned through her tears as she continued to focus on the thought it was him gagging her mouth with his dick and not some vile terrorist. She felt the second man’s erect penis start to slap hard against her dripping wet pussy. Each smack of the skin was a dagger to her heart, she was completely helpless and the sensations bolting through her body from her clit only further assured that at least part of her was ready for this. She felt the guided head of his prick slide between her lips before exploring up and down it. “Just get it over” she thought to herself, waiting for him to ram it deep inside of her.

There was no mercy or tenderness for her after he slipped the head of the member into her orifice. Once ready, he drilled himself deep inside of her tight paradise. Her eyes shot open as she screamed from the pain and pleasure, the vibrations of her tongue and sound sent shock waves through the invader shoving deep into her throat. The men smiled and joked once again in their hideous language. They were telling themselves she was enjoying it she feared as the man slowly withdrew all but the head of his member from her pussy once again before shoving it hard into her. Her back arched as another loud muffled moaned squealed from her mouth.

Hylton could not help himself. He wanted so bad not to watch, he tried to close his eyes and turn away but the noise she was making drew him back each time! There was no escaping from it! It was the same noises she would make when he would actually be the one fucking her! She loved to scream, and ask him how it felt between each gasping breath and moan she took. She had the sexual appetite of a man and could break it off inside of her fucking so hard. She was supposed to be his, but she was enjoying these two bitter enemies fucking her like a porn star. His hatred for her in this moment started to burn, he felt betrayed. Forgotten was the fact she was doing this so they did not shoot him. He focused on each moan and arch of her back as his eyes swept across her.

She deserved this he thought, seeing the kind of woman she really was in this moment. How many other men had fucked her in the last two years while they had been together? How many men had run trains on her like this in the bases, or stood in a circle while she jerked them each off? Every possible slutty act he could think of; he was accusing her of inside his mind. She was just a whore for him to fuck, and watching her get fucked made him hard. She deserved this, and never again would she touch him unless he wanted to take it like these men were doing. This was his torture, not a broken heart but realization he had attempted to make a whore into a wife.

Miranda’s hands gripped her breasts, pinching at the nipples as the dick between her legs fucked her hard! This man was trying to split her in half as he desperately drove himself inside of her in search of her cervix. All she could do to protest was moan louder and harder as her body rushed quickly toward an orgasm. Her mind had all but shut down, her only defense to keep from snapping was to enjoy it. Her hips even started to rock in unison as he drove himself balls deep each time. His hands held tightly to her legs, the fingernails digging into her skin and raking across it from the forced motion.

Her nipples were hard to hold onto and pinch, as they bounced up and down with her body. The better it felt, the harder she would pinch herself. Her mouth though was tasting the salty warning of precum. She was doing her job, whether she wanted to or not! The dick between her legs was plowing her pussy like it was a last request and the cock in her mouth was a leaking throbbing tamer just ready to explode! She only hoped into her throat so Hylton could not see her at her sluttiest. Her throat was raw, she prayed it would be over soon as she tightened her lips and started to bop her head though her neck ached from the torturous position.

Her best was enough, though she did not get the wish she wanted of swallowing this seed. Instead he jerked himself from her mouth, giving heed to what was next no matter how far she tried to stretch her neck to keep him throat fucking her. “Please… my mouth…” She stuttered like a whore for everyone in the room to hear between the moans as her mouth never closed. She could only helplessly watch as he jerked himself a couple of times before the first steaming hot blast of cum sprayed across her nose and mouth. Some of it did find its way deep into her throat as she hoped but most of it continued to coat her face and hair. She tried to keep her eyes closed but she felt the burning from them. His cum was everywhere and all she could do was moan. “Oh… oh… oh!” with every punishing stroke deep into her pelvis.

“Please cum…” She stuttered through her moans as she continued to pinch her right nipple and tug on it like she wanted to tear it off. It was still so sore and tender from the cane but in this moment, pain was a turn on. To her, the rougher the better! She was so close to getting off, and she was not going to let the only possibly good sensation she would have all day go to waste. Her back burned as blood stained the wood and sand from the desert found its way into her cuts but her hand found its way to her clit. She started to harshly roll it between her fingers, making her back buckle and arch more as her moans became screams. “Cum already your son of a bitch!” She screamed as her body tensed up.

She could only throw her head back and wail as her body went into a powerful climactic release all over the member raping her will and self-respect away. She was tamed and broken in so many ways, used and abused to the point Hylton would never want her again. But the lowest of disrespects, as she looked at him and jerked helplessly was seeing Hylton’s dick hard from watching her suffer at the hands of two other men. She was supposed to be his, but this made her believe she was just another common lady of the night for him.

The man fucking her called out, it was his time to explode and finish with a bang. She was too far lost in her own ecstasy to care she was not on the pill and a bastard child was possible. She was just focusing on the one hard dick in the room she could not have as he pulled himself from her. The first shot of cum barely missed going inside of her as it sprayed across her clit but the next shot after shot soaked her muscle ripped belly in the sticky sperm until the man was left standing there, jerking a milked cock.

He stumbled away from her, as both him and his fellow partner in crime started to recover from the best moment of their lives. She could only roll onto the table and cover herself up as the cum ran down her body and started to dry. She was at rock bottom, or so she thought, and did not want anyone to look at her. She sat there, trying not to cry as she shook but her firm hide end was perfectly visible to the man who just had painted her stomach white. He stepped forward and slapped it hard, the stinging red hand print left as a seal of approval. The slap lead to the first tear drop after the act to flow from her eyes. The men took one last look at their handy work before they started to leave the room, but they made sure to remove the duct tape from Hylton’s mouth.

Hylton’s eyes stared toward her, he did not make a sound as the tape was jerked from his lips. He waited until the door slammed shut and left him alone with what was once the love of his life.

“You fucking whore!” He screamed at her, all his rage coming out through his mouth. “You fucking enjoyed letting two rag head sons of bitches fuck you like a cocking sucking little slut!” He yelled, wanting to break free of his chains and choke the life from her. “Go ahead, yell for a couple more to come in here and fuck you! You’d like that wouldn’t you! I bet that would make you cum a few more times huh!”

His words were the worst part of all, he hated her now and wanted nothing to do with her. She was forever ruined and disgraced in his eyes. This is when the tears started to flood the table as she sobbed from the fetal position. She wanted to say she was sorry, she wanted to tell him she did it to protect him but he was right. They had broken her and made her enjoy it, she could not lie to herself. She was worthless now, and would gladly fuck anyone they wanted her to.

Weeks went by after that first horrific day. Hylton and Miranda were separated from that point and did not see each other again, nor anyone else from their unit. Hylton was tortured endlessly by a number of different means for any information he might have that could be used against the American infidels in hopes of removing them from the holy lands and winning the jihad the terrorists had declared. His body was beaten and broken but he was not allowed to die. He held onto his hatred of everyone, and his anger with Miranda would grow daily as he would hear her moan countless times as she was taken again and again by every member of the unit stationed in the cave.

He retained the thought he would escape and make everyone who did him wrong experience his pain. They cost him his freedom and the few things in life he had lived for. They would suffer, just like he had. So would their love one’s, just like his had! His freedom would come sooner than later though, as he hung with his arms chained above his head. His back was cut up from bamboo strikes. His nose broken, both eyes black, his lips fat, noose burns around his throat, electric bite marks up and down his arms and legs and a few broken ribs were just the beginning of the list of his injuries.

He dangled after another beating, spitting blood from his mouth while his wrists felt like they were dislocated above him when he heard an Arab soldier scream out before shots begun to ring throughout the cave. He weakly raised his head and listened to the battle as it raged on. He never thought this was a rescue mission. Just Arabs killing Arabs in some kind of senseless civil war. It was not until the door to his torture chamber burst open and he saw men in black and gray tactical gear that he began to believe his freedom was secure. “Help… me!” He stuttered as the men rushed to release him.

He fell hard to the ground, barely alive. “Bring water and a medic now!” One of the soldiers screamed out as the gunfire ceased in the background. Through the door, Hylton could see dead Arab bodies lying everywhere and the caverns of the cave crawling with countless soldiers. He closed his eyes, realizing his freedom was at hand. A tear of joy fell from his eye as the first smile in weeks crossed his face.

“Thank you…” He mumbled as the soldiers helped hold him in a sitting position to give him a drink of water from a canteen. Something caught his attention though, a patch on the sleeve of each of these soldiers read “Cage Corporation” with an eagle spread out holding a gun and test tube in each of its talons. These were not soldiers, they were mercenaries. His country had not came from him, someone else independently had unless they had found him by accident.

A medic rushed into the room and quickly opened his gear. He pulled a vial and syringe from his bag. “I’m going to give you something to help with the pain so we can get you out of here!” Hylton who had no choice but to trust him as he weakly held his arm out. He watched as the needle pushed into the skin and the clear liquid was slowly injected.

“My men…” Hylton said as he looked around the room. “Are they alive?”

“Three are dead sir!” The seeming leader of the group said with respect for his fellow soldier. “However, we found a woman and escorted her out. She was badly beaten and had been raped countless times. Doc seems to think she might be pregnant. We have already escorted her out.”

“Miranda! She’s alive!” Hylton was relieved, though he felt betrayed still. He would never want to seem any harm come to her but they were nothing more than a military unit family now.

Another soldier stepped into the room where Hylton was being helped, looking around for a moment. He grabbed his radio and spoke directly into it. “Cave is secure. Send Miss Cage in!” He ordered before looking down at Hylton. “I do not know if you remember me sir, but you once saved my life in Iraq.” The man saluted Hylton as if he was a hero.

Hylton could only muster enough strength to half way salute the soldier as the doctor started to tend to each of his wounds. “Thank you soldier…” He mumbled professionally as he could. “Thank all of you.” as he started to break down and cry, his torment was over.

From the entrance of the cave, a beautiful business woman in high heels stepped over one dead body after another with her two armed bodyguards at her sides. She wore an out of place pant suit and jacket, with part of her dark black hair hanging curled across her shoulders while the rest was pinned back. Her cold eyes were hidden by the lenses of her thick black glasses, but the abattoir scene of death and destruction around her barely registered as she entered the room where Hylton was having the cuts on his back cleaned. “Justin Hylton, am I correct?”

Hylton looked toward her, confused that a business woman would be found in this location and dress so professionally. This had to be the person in charge or the fast track to whomever was. “I don’t know why you did this, but thank you!” As he raised the canteen of water back to his mouth once more.

She rolled her eyes, gratitude was not something she wanted or appreciated. “Please, I would not have risked all this time and manpower saving you if there was not something in it for me!” She said in an overbearing tone. “You are integral to me and my plans Justin” She said, her tone quickly changing to that of a siren seducing its next victim. “I have saved your life yes, but now I need something it return from you!” She knelt in front of him, making sure not to drag her knee through the dirty ground.

Hylton looked the woman straight into her eyes, happy to do whatever was asked of him. “I’m at your service madam, whatever you need from me!”

She rolled her eyes behind her glasses, annoyed by his cordial response. “First off, I’m not a madam! In my line of work, it is best not to be, due in no small part, to the lengths I sometime have to go to get what I want!” She was a totally different beast than anything Hylton had ever dealt with before. Very cold, calculating and clearly lacking in any remorse for her actions. “Secondly, I expected to come in here and find a pissed off soldier with blood thirsty craving for revenge! If that is not you, let me know so I can leave you to die in this filthy cave with these backwards rag heads.”

Hylton sneered a little bit. “What exactly are you wanting from me?” His tone started to reflect that of hers as he quickly grew tired of her snippy wit.

She grinned as she stood up and backed away a few steps. “Bring him in!” She yelled out to the men in the main interior of the cave. Soon, the leader of the Arabic group was dragged into the chamber by two of the mercenaries, his feet and wrists bound together behind his back. He was forced onto his knees in front of Hylton, whose eyes narrowed with a burning rage. He could not say anything to plead for his life as his mouth was duct taped just as Hylton’s had been. The business woman stepped toward Hylton once more and removed a pistol from one of the mercenary’s holsters. “I want you to kill everyone who had any part of this ordeal of yours.” She held the pistol out for Hylton to take it.

He looked at the leader and back at the gun for a moment, a deranged smile crept across his face. “Help me up!” Hylton asked the mercenaries around him who begun to help him stand as he took the pistol. With what little strength he had to muster, he pressed the gun into the leader’s forehead, struggling to hold it up. The leader stared at him, returning the fear Hylton had once showed in his eyes as he tried to scream and plead for his life. There was no mercy to be given, no pity to be had as Hylton stared deep into his pupils.

His finger trembled as he started to squeeze the trigger until a loud boom filled the room from the gunshot. Blood splattered on Hylton’s face as the gun recoiled straight into the air with his weak arm. He felt so much satisfaction from this moment that he simply dropped the pistol to the ground. “Thank you!” Was all he could say at first as he drank in his revenge. “But what do you want in return?”

“My name is Courtney Cage!” she said while stepping closer to him. She had purposely distanced herself from the blood splatter. “There is a man who has something that means more to me than any life or amount of money. It is a serum, meant to drive the human body to its peak physical performance while also allowing it to heal from any injury. I want that serum so I can mass produce it.”

Hylton laughed as he cleaned the blood from his face with his hand. “This isn’t fantasyland Miss Cage, something like that does not existed!”

“Maybe it doesn’t, but you can find out for me while you chase your revenge!” she said

He slowly staggered to a seat with some help from Cage’s men. “Why would I go off on some wild goose chase for the holy grail and what do you want it for?”

She stepped closer to him as he leaned forward in the chair, his elbow resting on his knees. She laid both hands firmly on his shoulders and pushed him into an upright position in the chair before she slowly straddled his lap and sat down. She drove her crotch into his groin, which after weeks of hearing Miranda’s moans, was as blue as Courtney’s eyes. She hooked her arms behind his neck, letting her fingers run through his hair. “Because…” She whispered in a very enticing voice as her lips moved closer and closer to his. “I can offer you things no one else could ever possibly imagine!” Her body was just a tool for her to use, and it was clearly on the negotiating table. “Including the names of everyone who had anything to do with Operation Judas.”

“Operation Judas?” Hylton questioned as he lost himself in her sultry stare, his dick rock hard and trapped against her billion-dollar crotch.

“Operation Judas was signed off to purposely betray you and your team of Special Ops! And I have copies of every classified document pertaining to it!”

Hylton’s eyes widened as he realized how big of a conspiracy was rooted with the back stabbing he had gone through! All the pain and anguish, there were people who could suffer just as he did. He did not answer with a simple yes or no, or even a nod of the head. He answered like a man with a new lease on life, a purpose to fulfill! His arms quickly wrapped around Courtney, taking hold of her ass as if it belonged to him and squeezed it with all the strength he had while roughly pulling her to him. He kissed her lips with his chapped lips, all his lust and rage behind it as his tongue invaded her mouth. His only resistance was a welcomed moaned as two black hearts found each other.
Last edited by batgirl_brandy_wayne 7 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Great prolog, can't wait to see how it progresses and what happens when the heroine meets Courtney Cage
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lionbadger wrote:Great prolog, can't wait to see how it progresses and what happens when the heroine meets Courtney Cage
I couldn't agree more.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Wow, good job Brandy! (And by the way, I kind of feel a bit of a thing for Josh Duhamel. <wink>)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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I thoroughly enjoyed the story. I can't wait to see what happens next!
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CHAPTER TWO - Hearts On Fire

The huge newly-built arena filled with cheering, waving people basked in the South American sun. Multiple nationalities made up the crowd of thousands while high above them the white flag with the 2016 Rio Olympic Games emblem snapped in the breeze. The stadium floor was covered with gymnastic equipment, along with arena workers. Multiple teams gathered together for the competition which had already begun. In the corner, eyes that could have seduced the most faithful of men if she chose waited. She was loose, smiling and joking as one of her friends happily strode from the elevated center arena floor. They hugged for a quick moment, celebrating what was certainly a good routine.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it has all come down to one final performance of the day,” said Tim Daggett, the lead analyst at the NBC broadcast team desk. “Nastia, have you ever seen such a performance as what young Zoe Michaels has displayed during these 2016 Summer Games?”

“No Tim, I have not,” Nastia Liukin replied enthusiastically. “Eight years ago when I won Olympic Gold, it was an honor that I worked my life for, and that was just one gold medal!” A look of astonishment covered the beautiful woman’s face. “Zoe Michaels is, if I must say so myself, inches from making history! Only one routine away from her sixth gold medal in these Olympic games which would be a clean sweep on the women’s side of the competition!” She broke into a laugh, a witness to history in the making. “Right now, she is so confident and loose that short of disaster striking, she and rest of the world know what is coming when she steps up to the uneven bars in just a few moments.”

“We have both been around world-class gymnastics for many, many years,” Daggett declared. “In your opinion, if or when I should say, Zoe Michaels completes this clean sweep, where does this Olympic Games rank among the all-time great performances?” the former gymnast asked, microphone in hand.

“To be honest, in the terms of Olympic gymnastics, I do not believe we have ever seen anything quite like this!” Nastia glanced at Tim for a quick moment before turning her attention back to the television camera in front of her; the focus of the entire country was on her. “This would have to rank up there with Michael Phelps’ amazing performance or Nadia Comanice’s or even The Dream Team back in 1992. All four will be remembered for how dominant they were in their events. What we have seen so far, whether she wins this last gold medal or not, will never be forgotten and brought up at every Olympic Games from here on out as the standard of greatness and maybe even perfection!”

Back on the floor, Zoe took a deep breath as the public announcer for the building declared loudly over the house speakers “Our next contestant, on the uneven bars, representing the United States of America, Zoe Michaels!” The crowd erupted into a massive cheer. It was a clear indication that everyone present hoped she would complete the clean sweep. She looked down at the step before she started to walk onto the floor.

“Zoe,” yelled her coach, William Byson, “go finish it,” he encouraged with a vote of confidence.

A large grin crossed Zoe face as she made her way to the starting point for the uneven bars. She was calm and relaxed. Gymnastics along with everything else she had ever done came so easily to her. She never had to work as hard as the others to get what she wanted, it was almost like she was gifted. She had never tested positive for any performance enhancers, she was just a step above the rest of the women and maybe men, in the entire world.

Mixed in the crowd was a familiar face, Justin Hylton. He had a ball cap pulled low with a fully grown and groomed beard to help his disguise. He took no chances that someone might recognize him. His eyes were fixed on Zoe through his aviator sunglasses. “The senator sure does have a pretty daughter!” He said through a com link, obviously not the only person in the building with eyes on her in such a manor. “Any signs of her father?”

On the far side of the building, Miranda Yates wore a blond wig and colored contacts to turn her green eyes brown. She blended in with the large section of people around her, sporting a Team USA t-shirt which sickened her after her ordeal. She was extremely jealous, and having heard Justin’s comment about Zoe caused the fires of Hell to burn inside of her. “No signs of him yet,” she snapped, resentment oozing through her pores.

“He is here, keep a close eye out for him and do not dare do anything stupid, Miranda,” he snapped back at her, having heard the rage clouding her mind.

“No promises if I get that little tramp alone,” she vowed.

Zoe stood ready, her eyes locked onto the bars as her mind focused on what needed to be done. The crowd was silent, the world watching and waiting for this historic moment. The lights in the area glistened off her blue and white leotard with the red stripes and white stars covering her shoulders. With one last breath, she approached the bars and leaped up. Both hands wrapped around the first bar as she started to flip and spin on it with pure gracefulness and skill. Right from the outset it was clear she was in the zone as some athletes have described it.

The transition to the second bar seemed effortless as she continued to marvel the crowd with every movement, twisting and turning her body in ways few could believe. Where most had seemed strained, she thrived with a calmness that clutch athletes would kill for. Each turn of the body, twist of the wrists, spin on the bar and flip into the air was flawless. The routine was what everybody expected and more. She was about to earn her sixth gold medal with ease.

“How does she do it?” Her teammate Sara asked as they all stood in line together with their coaches. Some of them were just glad she was on the team and helped them to win a gold medal in the overall team competition. Others were amazed how good she really was with so little effort and hard work displayed in practice. A few hated her though, simply because no matter how hard they tried, they could never out match her. She was better than them, something they never could accept in their minds. “Come on Zoe,” Sara breathed softly like a prayer she watched. “You got this!”

Zoe swung to the higher of the bars for the last time, all she had to do was stick the landing and history would be hers. She tightened her legs as she released the bar. Her body soared into the air, flipping in a tight ball, until both feet planted themselves on the ground beneath her. She raised her body to a standing position and threw her arms above her. She had done exactly what she set out to do: prove to her self that she could do anything she wanted!

A radiant smile lit up her face as her teammates who loved her raced onto the floor. She met them half way, jumping in their circling arms to hug them all tightly with excitement. Everyone in the building knew it was a foregone conclusion, the judges just needed to make it a reality. After moments of celebrating, the group of girls turned their attention to the display board and waited for the judge’s score. To Zoe, it felt like an hour past in the few short moments until 16.978 flashed for the entire crowd to see! A look of shock hit her, realization of what she had accomplished rushed into her mind. The scene around her was a mob, her teammates and coaches all freaked out.

A proud father stood to his feet in the stands close to the floor. His hands clapped together with the rest of his family as they all enjoyed the fruits of Zoe’s labors. No words could describe the pride which rushed through him at the moment. His daughter was the best in the world, what else needed to be said? He blew a kiss toward Zoe, when she turned to see him in the unusually common seats he had requested. Standing at his side and clapping like a crazy person stood Zoe’s sister, Allison. She was more than just a sister, though twelve years older. She was Zoe’s best friend. She was the one who was always there to push Zoe when her father was absent and their mother too busy. She was the one who never let her give up on anything. Zoe’s mother stood next to her, sharing the same pride as tears of joy streamed down her cheeks. She wanted to wave, but the emotions were too much for her. She simply hugged herself tighter and whispered, “That’s my little girl!”

“Miranda, I cannot see where she is looking,” Justin said quietly into his com link. “Can you see? It has to be him.”

Miranda held a small pair of binoculars to her face. First she located Zoe and then followed her view into the stands. “One moment, searching,” she told Hylton to get him off of her back as she scanned the crowd. “There! Got him,” she exclaimed, looking at the beautiful family in the crowd yet focusing on the Senator in his business suit. “He’s about 15 to 20 rows up, black suit with a red tie. The whole family’s here.” Something else caught her attention though, a man dressed in kakis and a button up shirt stood beside Zoe’s father. “Impossible,” she stuttered.

“What is it Miranda?”

Miranda pulled the binoculars from her eyes, wiping them as if she had seen a ghost before she focused once again with them. “Alex O’Bryan,” she muttered softly.

“O’Bryan!” Hylton said with equal confusion. “Miranda, stop fucking around! O’Bryan is dead!”

“No!” She stammered as she zoomed on him. “I mean yeah, I know he is dead but…” she was almost speechless. Finally she completed her thought. “He’s standing right there!”

Justin Hylton rolled his eyes. He was too old to be filled full of fairy tales and ghost stories. “We watched him take a bullet to the head Miranda. He’s dead!”

Miranda was caught off guard still. She was highly trained and her body had been through hell. There was not much she had not seen but this puzzled and confused her. “It is O’Bryan, sir!” Her military training surfaced angrily. “Alive and well.”

Justin balled his fist with anger as he looked around the building and gave her a curt order. “Fall back, Miranda. Everyone fall back! This is not the time and place to make a move,” he declared sternly as he started to excuse himself through the aisle of still cheering people where he was located. He started up the stairs to the exit, his face down to avoid the camera angles in the building. Around the building, fifteen others and Miranda were doing the same. This was supposed to be an operation of some sort, but Justin had called it off for an unknown reason.

Senator Michaels’ finally returned to his seat amidst the excitement. Beside him, the young, supposedly dead soldier did the same. “I don’t understand why you requested me personally for this mission sir!” The young man asked him. “Justin Hylton is dead, and why would anyone possibly want to kill a Senator out of cold blood?”

“There is a lot of things you need to be brought up to speed on, Sergeant O’Bryan; the first being that Justin Hylton is not dead. We have definitive proof of that,” Senator Michaels responded while he kept his eyes locked on his daughter below. “We have multiple pictures of him all across the Middle East and Europe, not to mention a single survivor from a freedom force in Pakistan who reported mercenaries from Cage Corporation raided the institution where he was being kept at and freed him.”

“Alright, but I am still confused why one of the army’s most decorated soldiers would threaten your daughter, sir?”

The Senator smirked. He knew his sins had caught up to him. “Because in my years of service to this country, I have come to realize there are certain things you must do. Most of them are for the good of the country, but some of them no one will ever know about and others just make you sick to your stomach. Justin Hylton was a proud soldier at one time, but greed and corruption got to him like so many others. He and his squad were the finest of soldiers, but they started to sell black market secrets to our enemies which lead to American blood being spilled. They turned their back on us, regular Benedict Arnolds.”

Alex started to realize the situation he had been placed in though the importance still escaped him. “Sir, I have always trusted you and volunteered for any personal request you have asked of me in the last thirty years. Please, I need to know everything to keep your daughter safe.”

Senator Michaels knew he had to come clean. Alex needed to know what he was up against. “Fine, I’ll tell you the quick details but I will have to give you classified permission later and send you emails with all the gathered intel.” He looked around a moment, trying to make sure no one was paying any attention to their conversation. He lowered his voice and said, “Operation Judas was drawn up by me. It was meant to take care of our renegade soldiers while turning them into American martyrs. For that operation to work, they were supposed to have died in combat. However, the freedom fighters we paid chose to keep him alive: Quite possibly Miranda as well.”

Alex took a deep breath, he knew Justin personally and what he was capable of. “He will come after you, why am I not assigned to protect you instead of your daughter?”

“The President thinks the information I have is too important to risk. He is strongly recommending I go into hiding. You trained Justin so you know he won’t give up until either he is dead or he has eliminated me and every other name who signed off on Judas.”

It was hard to believe the young soldier who looked to be no older than his mid-twenties could have trained a rugged seasoned veteran like Hylton. He was too young at first glance to have such an honor but it was a fact nonetheless. “You believe he’ll go after one of your daughters to force your hand?”

“I love Allison, but she’s my step-daughter. He knows this. No, his target will be Zoe,” the senator sighed heavily. “What’s more, he’ll use, excuse the expression, the shit storm of media attention and pressure that would come from her disappearing.”

“Understood sir, I will protect her with my life,” Alex promised.

“Which life are you on now, Alex?” The Senator joked as he watched a member of Arena Security motion at him from below. “Come on, Alex, I believe it’s time you met my daughter.”

The entire family with Alex in tow stood and started toward the member of security. He took them through the inner parts of the arena, until they reached the floor below. They waited as the podium was slowly prepared to award Zoe with her sixth gold. Alex had watched the competition with some interest but he had not focused on Zoe quite as much as he did now as she and her teammates joked around from across the floor. His eyes fixated on her, mesmerized by her sheer beauty. Allison noticed the look of infatuation on his face as he stared. “Daddy would kill you, just so you know,” she joked, breaking Alex’s focus.

“Oh no… It’s nothing like that! I promise,” he said with a hint of panic in his voice. He knew his mission was to protect her, not fall for her.
Allison only laughed. “I have seen that look before! Every guy who gets close to her has that look. They just cannot seem to help themselves.”
He nodded his head, in agreement even if he dared not to admit it. “Is that so?” He teased back at her, “I’m guessing there’s a long line of guys I’ll have to shoot as they try to crawl through her window each night.”

“Zoe? Having a guy sneak into her room,” the audacity of the mere thought tickled Allison. “You really must not understand or know my sister yet. She is as innocent as the Michigan snow. Only person you’ll be protecting her from is yourself.”

At least he thought the job was going to be easier than planned. “Trust me. I’m not going to fall for her,” he reassured Allison though he could not take his eyes off of her. She was stunningly beautiful and her smile lit up the room around her. He was lying to himself and he knew it.
“Sure,” Allison mocked as they watched Zoe and two other gymnasts from Russia and Romania make their way to the podium. Each smiled and hugged each other in excitement, their years of work paying off. With her sixth medal ceremony underway, Zoe had grown used to this but she still beamed with pride as she stood high above the rest of the competitors and waved to the crowd.

On television, Tim Daggett and Nastia Liukin watched and offered commentary to the world as Zoe leaned down to have the gold medal placed around her neck and flowers handed to her. “Over the past couple of weeks, America has fallen in love with this young lady,” Tim Daggett acknowledged.
“She has truly become America’s sweetheart, Tim,” Nastia agreed as the Star Spangled banner started to play and the three flags began to rise behind them with the Stars and Stripes in the middle. Zoe waved for a moment before placing her hand over her heart throughout the remainder of the song. She had made her country and father proud. There was nothing more she thought she could do with her life at this point but offer hope for others who wanted to chase their dreams.

Her father stood, hand over his heart but he was focused on his daughter and daughter alone. To him, she was the center of a dangerous world that would want to harm her because of his choices. Deep down, he hated himself for what he had done, not just to Justin Hylton but her as well. He could never tell her the truth he thought. It would ruin everything for her. Instead, he stood there with pride, sincerity and fear.

When the moment was over, all the cameras had flashed and all the reporters departed, Zoe finally made her way to her family. In a quick moment she rushed toward her father, flowers still in hand and threw her arms around him like a little girl. “Daddy,” she squealed happily, the smile on her face stretching from ear to ear, “we did it!” An innocent without a care in the world, her voice cracked with a giggle.

“No, sweetheart, you did it!” He squeezed her back tightly, knowing this could be the last time he’d see her for a while. “This was all your hard work. I was just enjoying the ride,” he whispered as they slipped from each other’s arms and smiled at each other. It was during this moment, the handsome hulking man behind her father caught Zoe’s attention.

“Who is that?” She asked with a bit of intrigue in her voice. He was very easy on the eyes in his rough, testosterone way.

“Come on, I’ll introduce you to him,” he said as he turned to lead her toward Alex and Allison who were still exchanging small talk. Allison had made sure to learn all she could about this mysterious man to give her and Zoe plenty of gossip that night. “Zoe, I would like you to meet Sergeant Alex O’Bryan.” His voice had a serious tone to it, only the girl’s and their mother recognized. “Alex, this is my daughter Zoe.”

Zoe was puzzled why her father acted so strange. This trip was not meant to be business. “Ok…” she hesitated while shifting her glance between Alex and her father. “I’m not trying to be rude, you seem like a really nice guy, Alex, but why are you here?” she asked.

Her father chuckled a bit. “Since you are a big time celebrity athlete now, I wanted to make sure you’re safe.”

Zoe looked at her mother, confused by her father’s explanation. “Daddy, the hotel has military security.The Olympic committee has armed guards everywhere we go. There’s no way anything can happen to any of us.” She looked toward her sister, mouthing to her “A little help please.”

Allison shook her head no and through up her hands. “He’s cute” she mouthed back. Zoe rolled her eyes as she looked at Alex. She could not deny her sister was right.

“Excuse me,” Maria, Zoe’s mother, finally spoke up, “but your father and I need to talk for a moment.” Maria took her husband by the arm and pulled him to the side. She looked over her shoulder to make sure her children could not hear her. “What the hell is going on, Jackson?”

“Nothing to worry about Maria, I promise you,” he smoothed his hand over her arm, trying to convince her.

Her eyes narrowed in anger, and her face turned blood red. “Jackson Michaels,” she hissed loudly, trying not to make a scene. “You have a lot of explaining to do! What the hell kind of mess have you gotten our family…” she rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. “What have you gotten Zoe into?”

Jackson finally pulled his wife close to him and started to whisper something into her ear. Zoe and Allison watched from a near distance as their parents looked ready to tear each other’s throats out. Allison chuckled as she looked at Zoe. “What did dad do this time?” Zoe asked her, figuring her laugh was a giveaway she knew something.

“You know Daddy and his secrets!” Allison mentioned as she turned her attention back to Alex. “Now, we need to make some ground rules for you and Studly McNuggets!”

“Studly McNuggets?” Zoe responded with a snort, amused and amazed by her sister’s geekiness at the same time. “Where do you come up with this stuff?”

“Just shut up and listen,” Allison implored, pulling her sister close. “You make sure he gets a free peek-a-boo tonight in the hotel room. Gotta show him the goods if you want to set the hook!”

Zoe cried out, mortified, “Oh my gosh, Allie! Shut up!”

“Just trying to give you some pointers. He’s cute and going to be around a lot.”

Zoe rolled her eyes as she walked away from Allison. The only conversation that was not going to drive her crazy was with Studdy McNuggets she decided. “Alex…” she said softly as she approached him slowly. “So… what exactly did daddy hire you to do?”

Alex turned and looked straight into Zoe’s baby blue eyes. He was smitten already, love at first sight. He started to speak but hesitated and Zoe seemed to return the same look back at him. Allison knew in that moment, these two were meant to be “To make sure you’re safe.”

Zoe giggled, blushing as she looked at the ground and back to Allison for encouragement. Allison nodded, trying to tell her sister to talk to him. “Well, there is a party later, that all the team is going to.” Zoe hoped he would accompany her there, but her years of hard work had limited her social skills at times.

“Your father won’t let you go,” he cut her off mid-sentence as he wrestled with his mission and his personal feelings.

Maria meanwhile had finished ripping into her husband and looked back toward Zoe who was pouting about not being able to attend the party. “Fine… he is protecting her from god knows who but I have a question for you, Jackson. Who is going to protect him from her?”

Jackson looked over at Zoe, shocked by his wife’s accusations. “What are you talking about, Maria?” He studied his daughter’s mannerisms toward Alex and saw his innocent child toeing the ground. “Besides, he knows better. He wouldn’t dare.”

“Really, Jackson, are you that blind.” Maria said as she watched beside her husband. To her, everything going on between her daughter and the soldier was painfully clear. “Pay close attention to her, how she cannot take her eyes off of him even though she is mad at him. And him, he cannot look at her. He wants her as bad as she wants him.”

He took a deep breath. “Shit!”

Outside, Justin Hylton had stormed out of the building with the rest of the men and Miranda. They met down the block from the arena. “Why did you call the mission off?” Miranda was clearly aggravated. “We could have that little bitch right now!”

“Shut up!” Justin demand as he balled up his fist. “Courtney lied to us.”

Before Miranda could respond, one of casually dressed mercenaries pulled his vibrating phone from his pocket. He read a message before stepping between Justin and Miranda. “Miss Cage would like to speak to you.” He pointed down the alleyway toward a long black limo on the far street.
Justin stared at the limo. He had a point he needed to get across to Courtney. He started down the alley while a flood of questions rushed through his head, the main one being how Alex O’Bryan was still alive. He reached the door and jerked it open. He made sure they were alone before he slammed the door behind him.

“Would you care to explain why I don’t have Zoe Michaels sitting in this limo right now,” she demanded, her voice drenched with bile.

He took a deep breath before he grabbed her tightly by her throat and shoved her back into her seat. He squeezed his hand until he could see the fear in her eyes as she gasped for air. She tried to smack him away but he would not let up. “Listen to me! We had a deal! I get you this little miracle drug of yours and you hide nothing from me. So tell me how the hell is Alex O’Bryan still alive?”

She felt the spit from his words land on her face. She shook her head, trying to give him control of the situation for just a moment. He finally let go as he tossed her face first onto the floor of the limo. She coughed as she held her neck and looked up at him. “You son of a bitch,” she screamed. “How dare you put your hands on me!” She was yelling bloody murder but deep down having such a powerful man take control of her was a turn-on that soaked her panties beneath her skirt.

“How is he alive? Answer me, bitch!” He screamed this time.

“I’ll have you killed, you stupid asshole,” she threatened though she was loving every second of it. “Do you know who the hell I am?”

“Let’s getting something straight, Courtney, when you saved my life, I agreed to help you because you had the means I needed to kill every bastard who had me set up. You told me you would withhold nothing but today I find out that you have been withholding things from the very beginning! Trust me when I tell you there are not enough mercs in your corporation to keep you safe from me if you piss me off. Now tell me why the hell is Alex O’Bryan still alive and breathing? I was standing beside him when a bullet blew his brains out.”

“Fine,” she coughed again. “You want answers then sit your ass down.” She rose up, looking at Justin from her knees. “He’s nearly a hundred years old! He does not age and his body heals itself! There are others like him, that is what my corporation was working on with Senator Michaels years ago before the government cut our funding.”

“Are you fucking kidding me!” Justin screamed, “You expect me to believe that bullshit?”

“You’ve seen him yourself!” the shouting bitch in heat screamed. “Seeing is believing, right? Not to mention that he was the most important part and the only one who volunteered.”

“Volunteered for what?”

Courtney tapped on the window wall between her and driver. “Take us back to my hotel,” she ordered, glaring at Justin one more time. “Maybe there I can help you understand just how important Senator Michaels really is to me.” Slowly she crawled the remaining distance toward Justin seductively. “Now let’s pass some time. I understand the ride through Rio can take forever.”

She started to unbuckle the belt around Justin’s waist when he grabbed her firmly by the hair. He painfully jerked her head up to look at him, drawing a sigh of pain from her lips. His eyes focused on her pupils. “You are going to tell me every little detail about this serum you want, including Alex’s involvement.” He raised his foot up, shoved it between her breasts and kicked her onto her back. “I’m sure you’re familiar with that position, whore!”

Courtney’s blood boiled as she stared up at this man, so cold and calculating while having the audacity to talk to her like she was a piece of trailer park trash. She was in heat and the street corner grin she showed while biting her lower lip clearly showed she wanted more. “Why don’t you come find out,” she countered.

He grinned as her grabbed her leg and jerked her to him. Her skin burnt across the carpet of the limo. “That’s it, you bastard, take me,” she blurted, begging to be his. “Be the big cave man!”

“Shut up, you stupid bitch,” he shouted, slapping her across the face. The pop filled the back of the limo like a gun shot, causing her to see stars. She looked around for a moment, trying to regain her focus as he bent her over the seat and slid behind her. “Let me show you how a man deals with a lying cunt like yourself, Courtney,” he spit with rage while jerking her skirt up to see the little black G-string she wore beneath it.

“OW!” She cried out as his hand spanked her right cheek, sending a jiggle through it. “Fuck me like a whore, Justin,” she begged as he ran his hand across the crotch of the small fabric covering her womanhood.

“You really get off on this rough shit,” he celebrated. They had fucked before, but it was always her seducing him as a form of cheap payment. This time it was his to take, like a conquering warrior and a helpless prize.

“Yes,” she moaned aloud as his fingers rubbed through the material. “The rougher the better,” she bellowed with ecstasy. “Take it, Justin, you want it so bad!” She begged him as she shook her gorgeous body at him. “Make me your bitch!”

He could take no more, he had to have her. He smacked her pussy hard, bringing a screeching yelp of pain from his trophy. His fingers slipped between her skin and thin waist band of the G-string before he pulled the flimsy lingerie to her knees. “Trust me you won’t like what I have planned!” He fumbled to pull his throbbing cock from his pants before driving it balls deep into the loose slit in front of him.

“Oh, lord! Oh, lord,” she mumbled as her hands gripped the leather of the seat. Each thrust of his manhood was powerful and humiliating. It fed her sexual stimulation like oxygen in a flaming house.

Now in full control, Justin took his time. He pulled out slowly before he shoved himself into her again with all the strength of his hips. “Damn!” she cursed. With her face buried deep in the leather, her voice was heavily muffled but her circling butt cheeks told her story all too clearly. The pain, though severe, felt so great.

“Oh no, you do not get to hide that whorish face,” he insisted as he took a handful of her hair. He slammed his manhood into her again while he jerked her head back. She wailed out once more, though the sound was not silenced. “You really think I’m going to let you enjoy this,” he said coldly, aiming to hurt her rather than please her. But he had no inkling of Courtney’s deep capacity for humiliation.

He started to rock his hips, hard and in rhythm now which sent her into a sexual daze. She could not speak straight to tell him harder or to stop, just one slutty drawn out groan after another. She was so sore inside already, as he rammed her cervix with his shaft. She would claw back at him helplessly, arms waving; finally this was too rough for even her.

She tensed up; he was building a powerful orgasm up inside of her. She continued to try and shove him away but her short weak arms stood no chance against him. All she could do was brace her self as a climax ripped through her. She howled like a wolf at the moon, her entire body shook. Had he not been inside of her, the flood of juices would have squirted across the limo. He could feel the sudden tightness around him before the dam broke. Clearly she had come…big time!

He slowly pulled out as if he was finished with her. She laid there, her chest rose and fell. Her hair was soaked in sweat and her crotch throbbed. She could only smile, he had been the best she’d ever been with but pleasure turned to horror. He ran the head of his dick, now lubed with her juices, up and down her pussy before crawling to her anus. “No!” she shrieked with realization of what was about to come. “Don’t you dare! Don’t you do it,” she said as she tried to sit up but he easily held her down by the back on her neck.

“I’m not finished yet, slut,” he warned her as he slapped the tightest of her holes with his dick, then pushed its head against it. Her body went rigid with fear. “Relax that sphincter or this is going to hurt,” he cautioned. She tried to but it was too little too late as he shoved forward with all of his might. She rose up and screamed like she had been shot. This was not Courtney using her body like a tool this was him using her like a slave.
She clenched her eyes shut. The pressure was intense as his bitch tamer drilled itself to the deepest parts of her ass. Gone were the pleasure and the pain that excited her. They were replaced by emotions she had never experienced. No man had ever taken her like she was a piece of trash to be thrown out. To make it worse, he would spank her now and again as a reminder this was her fault for not being honest to him.

He felt a glorious rising tightening inside. He was nearly finished with her. His body froze in place as his seed rushed up from like water from a hose, shooting deep inside of her. Courtney could only open her eyes in panic, never having felt cum blasted into her body like this. He did not simply stop and unload, he slowly pumped himself as he did. To him, it only lasted a few sexually charged seconds but a lifetime of shame ran through her as she waited for him to pull out. His now flaccid tool fell from her tail end. What was once a tightly-sealed orifice was now a gapped-open pit with semen leaking from it. Justin smiled as he looked at his handy work, while Courtney laid there abused and used as creamy white jizz ran across her trophy case twat.

The limo came to a stop soon afterwards while Justin put himself back into his pants. “Next time you won’t hold out information from me, will you,” he proposed as he leaned beside her ear and pulled her face from the seat. Her makeup had run with her tears of pain as she shook her head no in humbled agreement with him. He grinned as he took one last look at her cum covered pussy before he pulled her G-string up to keep it from dripping. “Good, now take me to your room and fill me in on Alex O’Bryan,” he ordered her. The ringing final slap on her ass made his final dominating point even as it encouraged her to sit up and compose herself. She didn’t look at him throughout the entire elevator ride up to her room.
Foolish Mortal
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Wow Brandy! That was awesome!
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Location: Canada

Great story, great writing, can't wait to read more
Posts: 2
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Really good, detailed, powerful story! Well done! Has a lot of drama and variety of scenes in, and powerful, well written characters!
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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CHAPTER 3 -You Keep Running Away

A long charter bus slowly pulled to a stop in front of a massive luxury hotel in the streets of Rio. Inside, the Olympic gymnastics team from America gathered their things. The competition had come to an end for them, it was time to relax and enjoy Rio to its fullest most of them thought. Zoe stood, now wearing an American team wind breaker outfit with jacket and gold medal, while removing a gym bag from the overhead compartment. Her best friend Sara in front of her, teased her mid conversation. “All I am saying is if my daddy hired him to be my body guard, I’d never let him out of my sight.” She bantered like an innocent teenager.

“I don’t know; he is kind of cute isn’t he?” Zoe swung her bag over her shoulder and watched Sara do the same before the two of them stepped into the aisle and started to follow the rest of the team from the bus slowly but surely. “Allie wants me to just throw it at him.” She added with a blushing smile.

“Zoe!” Sara said with a naughty grin. “You little slut you, give it to him.” She laughed as they stepped off the bus into the city street. Sara stopped, tapping Zoe on the shoulder as the two of them watched a dark colored SUV with tented windows parked directly behind the bus. “Go right now, jump in the back seat with him.” She lightly shoved Zoe, encouraging her. “Live a little for once.”

Zoe’s normally smooth charm was rattled as she lost herself in the thoughts of Alex. He was handsome, and built like a soldier ready to go to war. He was there to protect her to, would it not be her place to properly thank him? “Sara” she screamed like a school girl as she shoved her toward the car again. “Stop” she mouthed silently as the red faced girl quickly turned her back to the vehicle. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you did that” Zoe said as she rushed toward the door of the hotel mortified while her best friend laughed.

“Oh come on Zoe, it’s just a guy. A really, really cute guy who is probably more man than you can handle.” Sara continued to poke at Zoe, having never seen her this torn up in her life over anything. “Take one for the team here, all of us would let him follow us around for a day.”

Zoe grabbed the door handle, nearly pulling the door from its hinges as she rushed to get out of Alex’s line of sight. As the large glass door flung open, it slammed against the limits of the hinges. The force was a slight glimpse of Zoe’s rapidly developing body limits as the glass shattered. Zoe and the rest of the team stopped, froze in shock and terror. Zoe’s hands covered her mouth. “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry.” Zoe said as a manager rushed from the front desk to look at the damage.

In the SUV, Alex sat in the front passenger seat with a group of four men with him. He watched as Zoe stepped off the bus, his heart immediately started to race. He admired every step, from Zoe’s hypnotizing blue eyes to the pure tent of the blushed cheeks. “Sir?” The driver asked, snapping Alex from his gawk. “Orders?”

“Oh shit” Alex brought himself back to reality as he turned to look at the driver and the three men in the back. “I need each of you stationed at an exit. If someone tries to enter the building that even closely reminds you of Hylton, Yates or just simply pisses you off; I need to know as soon as possible.” Alex ordered as he grabbed a small metal brief case from the floor board at his feet. He opened the door and started out when he heard the glass shatter. He ducked at first, a natural soldier’s reaction as he looked around. “Get down!” He yelled to the men in the car before he noticed the commotion.

“Damn sir” One of the men in the back told him. “You’re little princess is stronger than she looks.” They all broke into a mocking chuckle as Alex peered back at him. “Might want to be careful, she might hurt your thirty-year-old ass.”

Alex watched as Zoe, Sara and her coaches talked to the manager of the hotel. Pieces of glass lined the side walk. People all around them tried to avoid the mess Zoe had created by accident. “I’m a little older than that” Alex replied back to them as he stood in all of this princess. She was so pure and venerable. In all of his many, many years, he had secretly waited for this moment as butterflies filled his stomach. “Go park” He ordered as slammed the door, his eyes still locked on her.

“Trust me, it is quite alright!” The manager assured Zoe and her entourage with his Brazilin accent. “There is no way you could have done this by just swinging the door open. It must have been faulty glass.” He scanned over the mess at his feet, pieces of glass everywhere. “We will get this cleaned up, you just go enjoy our lovely city.”

Zoe still stood with her hands covering her mouth. Wide eyed and jaw dropped, she could not help but to continue apologizing. It was her nature to be kind hearted and sweet. “I’m so sorry again” she repeated, guilt weighing on her shoulders as her and Sara stepped into the lobby of the multi-floored building.

Alex followed closely behind, stunned as he looked at the glass sprinkled into a million pieces on the sideway. Some pieces crunched beneath him as he avoided the door man and manager with briefcase in tow. He glanced up to find Zoe as her and the rest of the team stood waiting for the elevator. “Hold that please” He shouted while they all started to pile in. Sara turned to hear the deep manly voice, quickly rushing to press the button to hold the doors open.

Zoe grinned when she seen Alex, unable to take her eyes from him as Sara held the door. “Make sure you get good and close to him” Sara whispered just before Alex squeezed his way into the front of the crowded box. Zoe smiled and bit her lip, her heart ready to pounce from her chest and beat Alex into submission. Sara could barely hold her laughter. She was certain in her mind, she would make Zoe and Alex workout one way or another. A few evil thoughts passed through her as the elevator came to a stop on the fifth floor. Just as Alex started to step through the opening door, Sara grabbed Zoe’s hand and shoved it against his butt like she had smacked it.

“SARA” Zoe screamed, perturb and excited at the same time. Alex turned to see what the commotion was about, not to mention whose hand just took a booty snatch at him. Between Zoe’s mortified cry and red face that was turning deeper shades with each passing second, he knew. He played it off, a quick sly smirk as he started down the hallway but in his pants there was a reaction. His heart raced a little as he felt himself stiffen. “I’m so going to kill you” Zoe whispered.

Sara walked closely beside Zoe, as she tried to disappear into the crowd as they all separated from the elevator and headed to their rooms. “So…” Sara pried as they watched Alex put distance between them. “How did it feel? Real tight I bet!” She carried on like the juvenile she was. “Bet it made you just want to take a bite out of it.”

Zoe’s chest raced as she shoved her friend lightly, but her light shove nearly put her through the wall. Sara stumbled as if she had been hit by a truck until she slammed into the dry wall. “Damn bitch” She yelled out, rubbing her throbbing shoulder. “Are you trying to kill me?”

Zoe covered her mouth again, as she rushed to her friend’s side. “Oh gosh, Sara I’m sorry” she said confused how she did that. She barely shoved her, Sara must just be selling it she rationalized though she did not realize her own strength. Alex looked at the two as he reached his door. He started coming to terms with the trouble this mission was going to personally be for him as he pulled the card key to his room from his wallet.
“That hurt you bitch” Sara snapped back jokingly at Zoe while she rubbed her shoulder. “Look, dream boat is in the room next to us. Maybe I should unlock the adjoining door for him tonight.”

Zoe and Sara reached their door just as Alex started to open his. “So how did you get the room right next to us?” Zoe knew the answer already; her father was a complete security freak but she wanted to make small talk. She was pure in the sense of her womanhood but she had urges like all men and women. Alex sent those urges into over drive though. She could feel the moist patch in her panties grow a little more wet.

“Yes” He said professionally as he looked into her deep baby blues. “Your father’s orders were for me to be able to reach you at a moment’s notice in case anything happened.”

Zoe pulled her room key from her bag, it was a welcomed distraction at the moment to get her eyes away from Alex before she did something stupid, like throw herself at him. “Really?” She said annoyed. “What does he honestly think is going to happen?” She asked as she pushed the key into the door knob. In her mind, she refused to look at Alex. “Anyways, got a party to get ready for so you better do what you got to.” Zoe pushed the door open and started inside, Sara quickly followed.

“No parties Zoe, your father’s orders.” Alex said as he watched the girl rush away from him. It was a reminder she was out of his league when she would not waste a single glance on him.

Zoe rolled her eyes. “Get dressed, I’m leaving here in an hour!” She yelled back as she slammed the door behind her, not giving him a chance to shoot her plans down. Alex sighed with contempt before he stepped into his room.

“Teenagers” he reminded himself silently as his door shut behind him. He stepped to a kitchen table in his room where he laid the brief case down. He opened it to reveal a rugged lap top while he sat down, powering the machine up. A few moments passed before he started to log into a highly classified server which contained emails from Jackson Michaels entitled “Operation Judas” and “Hylton, Justin P.” He quickly lost himself in deep concentration.

“I’m taking a shower” Zoe told Sara as she pillaged through her suit case for something to change into for the party. “I don’t really have anything to wear” Zoe remarked as she pulled a pink lace pair of boy shorts from her drawer and a matching bra.

“Oh wait” Sara yelled as she ran to her closet, raiding her things before she pulled out a skin tight short white halter top dress with little to cover the back. “Wear this, soldier boy won’t be able to keep his hands off of you.”

“I’ll settle for him not taking his eyes off of me.”

Sara was a bit shocked by how naïve Zoe actually was. “You do not pay much attention do you?” Sara questioned as Zoe simply shrugged her shoulders. “He is undressing you every time he looks at you.”

“Really?” Zoe snapped before she caught herself.

Sara smirked, finally getting the reaction she so desperately wanted from her friend. “Listen to me, that man is obsessing over you. And judging from your face, so are you.” Sara realized Zoe was smitten. “Your dad would freak; you know that right?”

Zoe rolled her eyes as she turned to walk into the bathroom. “I know, I know. He’s too old for me.” She said as she slammed the bathroom door behind her, heartbroken to the truth. Still, she could not help but picture him in her mind as she started to turn the large tile stand up shower on. She wanted to feel him wrap his large arms around her, and pull her close but part of her wanted him to be her first. In her mind she flirted with the thought of him seeing her naked as she let her wind breaker outfit fall to the bathroom floor. She stepped under the falling hot water, running her hands threw her hair as she pictured him being there with her.

Her imagination was running wild, like she was a small child again. She closed her eyes to help picture it. She could feel his firm muscular body pressed up against her back. Her shoulders laid against his peaks as he leaned down to kiss her lips as water ran across both of their bodies. His hands roamed her stomach, his fingers like a French tickler just sending shock waves throughout her. The thoughts made a flood of juices between her legs. She wanted him so bad as her own hands rubbed across her belly.

She continued to dream, even moving her lips as if he was really there kissing her. Her hands slid up her body, taking hold of her firm breasts. To the world, she stood groping herself but it was him in this fantasy. The mere thought made her weak at the knees. She could see her breasts disappearing beneath his hands as she squeezed them herself. She tilted her head, wanting to allow him access to kiss her neck. He could leave mark after mark on it, she would only lust more with each.

Her right hand started to creep down her body, the warm drops of water help the slippery when wet sensation as she fantasized it was him still. She needed him as bad as she wanted him right now. She felt her fingers slid across her belly as they took a one-way trip to her most personal of locations. No man had ever touched her smooth gold mine before, she was a pure as a Greek sacrifice. She gasped softly and bit her lip when her fingers brushed across her swelling clitoris. “Oh Alex” She moaned, the echo of passion drowned by the sounds of the flowing shower.

In her mind, it was his hand that rubbed up and down her twat softly. His large middle finger slipped between her lips, feeling just how wet he made her as he pressed himself against her. She was melting into this wet day dream. With slow motions, her middle finger started to outline her sensuality. Her moans grew with each circle of her finger as it teased her in place of Alex’s hands. “Alex…” She stuttered through the pleasure as steam filled the room around her. She picked up her pace, needing this release from the sexual frustration that was pent up inside of her. “Oh…. Alex… harder…” She did as she told herself, her finger pressed harder against herself as the slow soft circles she was making became more violent and rough. She was lost in her own little private porn, though she could feel his lips as they caressed her neck and shoulder as she willingly gave herself to him.

“Baby…” She moaned loudly. Her body was soaked in sweat, her pink virgin nipples stood erect and delicate to her pinching fingers. Her knees wobbled some. “Baby I want you…” She whispered to the steamy dream boat in the room beside of hers. She continued to picture his strong frame taking her like a man. He was steady and strong, silent and bruiting. The moment was perfect for such an inexperienced maiden.

She could hear him whisper into her ear, as if someone would hear them. “Do you like that baby?” he asked as her back arched in response, his penis throbbed hard against her back as she fiercely tried tease it to the point he would have to take her right then and there. She wanted so badly to reach behind her, take it into her hand and jerk it slowly. Her body ached for him now, so close to releasing this need for him.

“Yes” she replied to him as he ran one hand to her back and bent her over in the shower. She played the scene in her mind out like a game of adult charades as she bent herself forward, one arm bracing herself against the sandy tan colored tile. She was beyond dripping at this point as her longest finger slipped inside of herself. She pictured him as he stood behind her, his cock in hand. The throbbing large head rubbed up and down her until he slid it inside of her slowly and gently.

“Ready” he would ask his true love.

“Yes” She replied, more than willing to give her cherry to him. She would proudly be a notch on his bed post. She pushed a second finger into her, stretching her tight muscular crotch. She could feel him throb as her fingers took what was his. She was a sheath to his Excalibur, the tight squeezing rock in which he built his kingdom within. She moaned louder, as her thumb slipped back to her clit and her fingers danced upon her g-spot.

She looked over her shoulder, almost seeing his massive frame standing behind her like a mirage. His hands held firmly to her waist as she rocked her body with every motion of his hips. “Alex don’t stop!” She pleaded as she stared into his imaginary eyes. “Right there baby… right there! OHHHHH” She was so close; she could feel herself squeeze around her two fingers. “I’m going to cum” She whimpered as the moment would soon be over. “Mmmmmmmmmmmm!” She threw her head back; she wished it was his hand pulling her hair as her juices flowed from her. She longed to know more than ever how his steamy seed would feel inside of her, coming deep with her cervix as her pussy squeezed and drained it. “Oh gosh” she said as she collapsed to her knees, her entire body shook from the climax. She felt her cum flow down her legs as she dropped her head in a submission to the ecstasy. “Alex” She trembled one last time as if he had just unloaded deep inside of her as she got off on his massive dick.

In the hotel room next to hers; her dream boat which just took her fantasy cherry, studied every piece of information he had received. He realized how dire the situation was, and the importance of this job took on a completely new meaning. He looked up, his eyes locked on the adjoining doors of the room. “Holy shit” he said to himself. “What have they gotten yourself into Alex?” He asked. He was nerves, maybe even a bit scared as he heard chatter come from the hallway with a slamming door. He could not make out the words, but he was certain it came from Zoe’s room.

He rushed to his feet and raced to open the door where Zoe stood with her team mates. They were all primped in beautiful dresses and makeup. Most men would kill to see so many beautifully fit women as they stood before him, but in this moment the hallway was just him and Zoe. “Where are” he stuttered as he tried to fight back his primal urges as she stared helplessly at her young beautiful sun kissed back showing through the white halter dress. “Where are you going?”

“To the party I told you about” Zoe answered as she started toward the elevator with Sara beside her. There was a glow to her, an acceptance she wanted this man rather than a crush. She looked over her shoulder, as her hips swayed a little. “You coming?” She asked.

Reality crashed into him, something he knew sent a controlled panic over him. “No, no you’re not!” He said as he rushed behind her and took her by the arm softly. This was the moment they both wanted, that first touch to see what each other’s reaction would be. Emotions saturated both as they stared into one another’s eyes. “Your father said you was to stay here, that was my orders.”

The fun was sucked from the hallway as Zoe jerked her arm from him. “Yes I am, my father is just over reacting and being his over protective self. Now let go of me.” She turned to start toward the elevator again where a majority of her team mates waited.

“I said no” an asserted Alex rebutted. “Now get back in your room.”

Zoe jerked away again as Alex grabbed for her. “Get away from me” she screamed like a brat not getting her way and raced toward the opening elevator door.

“Damn it” Alex rushed after her, as he watched her entire team disappear onto the elevator. He grabbed her one more, and jerked her back into the hallway just as the elevator had started to close. The brass metal sliding doors shot open as her team all started to freak out.

“Let her go asshole” Sara screamed as she smacked him across the back. Alex turned to give her a look of warning before he started to pull Zoe down the hallway again. Sara was intelligent enough to back away slowly. “Zoe, you’re on your own.”

“LET ME GO” Zoe screamed, hoping to get the attention of hotel security and her coaches. “Let me go you over juiced freak” She cried out again before she swung her purse into her groin.

“Fuck” he stuttered as he nearly crumpled to his knees in throbbing pain. Zoe jerked from his arm and raced toward her awaiting team mates who held the elevator. “Get back here” He screamed as he pushed himself up. With a few quick steps, he chased Zoe down yet again. “Enough!” He shouted as he spun her to face him and threw her over his right shoulder. “She isn’t going” he told her team mates as she started to beat and pound on his back with her fists.

The elevator shut as he started to walk her down the hallway. She continued to kick and scream as she laid bent over his shoulder. “Somebody help me” she cried out. “This mad man’s trying to kidnap me.” Alex did nothing but roll his eyes, for a moment he thought about just throwing her out a window or hand delivery to Hylton. He would bring her back in a day he joked to himself.

The noise brought a security guard who rushed down the hallway, as well as her coach from his room. “What in the world is going on here? Put her down right now” Coach Byson demanded Alex.

Alex wanted to rip the coach’s head off, just as a way to take out his frustration. “Go back in your room, her father ordered me to keep a close eye on her and not let her leave this hotel.”

“Coach Byson, help! He’s trying to hurt me” Zoe screamed, the response was an obvious lie and plead from an unruly teenager not getting her way.
“Sir, I need you to put the girl down” the security guard said as Alex reached Zoe’s door.

“Sure thing, you have a key to this room?” Alex sarcastically snapped.

“Yes sir” the guard answered as he dodged one of Zoe’s kicking legs. He had been informed about Alex’s stay at the hotel. “Sorry Miss Michaels but your father contacted the hotel earlier today and told us the same thing.” He pulled a master key card from his belt and unlocked the door. As it pushed open, Alex all but threw Zoe inside before he slammed the door shut.

“Trust me Zoe, this is for your own good” Alex told her as he held the door knob shut. Zoe started to beat and pound on the door.

“Let me out of here you bastard” She screamed from behind the door.

“You cannot keep her locked up like a prisoner” her coach argued but the look he received from Alex was enough of a warning, he needed to step away from the situation before it got worse for him.

Zoe continued to beat, bang and pull at the door as she tried to get out. The door started to open and Alex pulled it shut again and again. “Damn she’s strong” Alex said as he strained. The body guard only laughed at the scene.

Zoe continued to beat on the door for a few moments before she turned and looked at the balcony. She smiled as she walked toward it and opened the sliding glass door. She looked over the rail, the street was five stories down and her team mates were piling into a taxi van. She studied if there was a way down, her eyes mostly focused on the flag poles. “Wait for me” She screamed. Sara looked up and smiled, unsure how Zoe intended to get away.
Alex and the security guard both looked at each other, confused why Zoe suddenly stopped beating the door down. “You need to unlock this door” Alex said, not sure what to expect from this prima donna.

“Yes… yes” The security guard fumbled for the key card again as he opened the door. The two of them burst through just in time to see Zoe leap from the balcony to the street below.

“Zoe no!” screamed a terrified Alex as he rushed toward the balcony, believing he just watched her jump to her death. Both men nearly ran through the glass doors until they reached the railing, expecting the worst. “Zoe no…” Alex screamed as he expected to see a crowd gathered around a dead body but instead he watched an Olympic gold medalist display her gifts for the world.

With ease, Zoe had jumped from the balcony and grabbed onto one of the many flag poles. Like a pattern, they were a difficult pathway to freedom provided by the street below. She did not sweat as she swung and flipped, though it did offer Alex and the security guard a few unexpected eye full shots of her pink panties. She marveled as people on the street looked up in shock and terror. With ease though, she swung from one pole to the next as she made her way closer and closer to the street below.

Her teammates all exited the van and looked up, some shocked by her defiance and others scared to death she would fall and kill herself. The same looks of dreed came from Alex as she moved closer and closer to the ground, until she safely flipped from the last pole and landed on her feet. “Son of a bitch” Alex muttered, first from relief that she was safe. “Son of a bitch” he said again realizing she was going to the party.

Zoe looked up the building and smiled, a slap in the face of Alex. She waved innocently, though she was mocking the fact he was unable to stop her. She blew him a good bye kiss, her hand moved to her mouth and waved toward him like she had pony expressed it to him before she gave him a look of death and flipped her middle finger at him.

“Son of a bitch!” Alex screamed again as he stood in all of what he just witnessed.

“Dude, she’s a keeper” the security guard joked as they watched Zoe pile into the van with her team mates.

Alex looked at the guard, for a moment he wondered if he could get away with pushing the asshole over the rail. He thought better of it before he turned to race from the room. She was not getting the better of him he said to himself. “Zoe’s outside, getting into a van” He said into the com link to the four other men who were there to help protect her. “Someone stop her” he screamed.

The man who was blending into the lobby looked up to see the white van door shut. He stood up and rushed through the main exit in time to see the van speed down the Rio street. “Sir, she got away” He said into him com link as Alex raced down the steps.

“Be right there” Alex screamed as he skipped steps with each racing stride of his feet. He was determined this girl was not going to get the best of him as he pulled the lobby staircase door open and raced toward the exit. He threw his body into the door beside the one Zoe had shattered earlier. It flew open, with the same powerful reaction as earlier. The glass from it shattered all over the ground as well, just as the maintenance man was
finished cleaning up the mess from earlier.

The maintenance man looked down in shock and disgust. “Are you serious” he screamed as he looked back up at the man who rushed by in a blur, leaving a path of destruction in his wake.

“Which way did she go” Alex asked his fellow guard as he raced to catch his breath.

“That way sir, but you’ll never catch her.”

“Don’t ever say that to me again” Alex slurred as he turned to look up the street. In the distance he could see the van turn left at a stop light. His eyes narrowed on it like a hawk hunting it pray before he took off in a dead run.

In the van, Zoe and her friends celebrated and laughed. “Oh my goodness Zoe, that was the craziest thing I have ever seen” a beautiful young black girl said through her hysterical laugh.

“Did you see his face?” Another white girl with red hair asked. “You totally freaked him out! He did not know whether to jump after you or what.”
Zoe only laughed harder and harder, though the moment was a complete adrenaline rush for her. She felt more alive than she did during the Olympic competitions even. Sara leaned against Zoe as she gasped for breath, she tried to speak but could not due to her uncontrollable cackling. “Zoe” She forced out as she tried to calm down. “That man doesn’t know if he wants to sleep with you or choke you” She teased.

“He’ll be fine” Zoe played down the moment, not truly realizing the situation she was in. “He’ll learn what I say goes from now on at least.”
“Holy crap” the young black gymnast who sat across from Zoe in the van leaned forward is a suddenly serious tone, her eyes fixed on something behind them. “Zoe, you’re not going to believe this but isn’t that lover boy?”

Every girl in the van turned to look behind them. Zoe’s eyes opened with shock. “You’ve got to be kidding me” she mumbled with amazement as Alex ran full speed up the side walk. His face was red and his clothes were covered in sweat. “He doesn’t give up!” She said before she leaned up to talk to the driver. “Listen, if you can hurry up and get us around this traffic, my friend Sara said she would show you her boobs.”

“ZOE” Sara screamed, realizing this was karma for all the poking fun she had thrown at Zoe earlier.

The driver smiled and nodded his head, that was all the motivation he needed as the van pulled from the bumper to bumper traffic and started to drive down the side walk. Alex stopped, trying to catch his breath as he looked on. “Son on a bitch” he said again as Zoe looked through the back window from a few hundred feet in front of him. His fist balled with rage as she blew him another kiss. He took it as her taunting him, telling him to come and get her. “You bitch” he said to himself before he started to run after the van.

Zoe laughed as she turned to relax in her seat again. “That should get rid of him” she said relieved as the van turned right onto another street and speed away with Alex in chase. Zoe kept looking behind her as Alex came around the street corner still in chase. “You have got to be kidding me” she was astonished as the van came to a stop at a red light. “Come on, we have to get going!” She said as he ran closer to the van.

“Can’t go, we are blocked in at a light” the driver told her.

“I think it’s pretty hot, him running after you like that” Sara teased, knowing Zoe could not stand him at the moment. “Wish a hunk would chase me down.”

“Sara! You’re not helping.” Zoe turned to see Alex as he ran to the side of the van, they looked each other eye to eye for a moment. The only thing which kept him from taking hold of her was the glass between them as he stepped from the side walk into the street, right in front of a speeding car rushing to turn right. Zoe screamed as the car slammed into Alex, throwing him onto the hood. He smashed into the wind shield, shattering it before the car slammed its breaks and sent him rolling onto the street in front of it. Zoe and the rest of the girls all screamed. Suddenly this moment took a horrible turn for the worst or so they thought.

Alex pushed himself to all fours, his clothes torn and his body bruised though his broken right leg seemed to heal as quickly as it snapped though no one noticed. His eyes narrowed on the van as he stood up, hobbled on one leg and spit blood from his mouth. Zoe watched, it was quite a turn on to know he had gone through so much just to try and chase her down. She was glad he was standing and did not seem to be hurt as the van faded from distance. “Oh my gosh” She said as she sank into her seat. “I hope he’s alright.”

“Oh he’s fine” the red head said as she continued to watch behind them. “As a matter of fact, he’s chasing after us again.”

Zoe rolled her eyes, ready to just give up as she watched him grow smaller in the distance. The same excitement she felt in the shower started to burn between her legs again. “Wow” she muttered much to the attention of Sara who pitched her butt hard. “Ouch.”

“Hot ass must be in heat for that dog to chase you like this” Sara teased.

A few minutes later, Zoe and her team mates stepped out of the van as Sara sat in the front seat with her hands cupping her dressed. She had her boobs pulled out, on full display for the driver who smiled as he stared in a hypnotic trance at them. She jerked the dress over her bust before she exited the van herself, rolling her eyes at Zoe. “I hate you, do you know that?”

Zoe laughed as they started into the Rio Scenarium which had been rented out by an American booster for the American athletes to enjoy themselves at this night. “Aggravate me again bitch” Zoe joked as they smiled at the door men when he opened the main entrance for them. “Thank you” Zoe winked and flirted as they stepped into the huge club.

Minutes later, Alex arrived at the club. He was completely out of breath and his clothes were soaked in sweat, torn and stained with blood as he bent over with his hands on his knees. His chest heaved with his heavy breathing, as he read the sign that welcomed American Olympians. He started toward the door but the door man stepped in front of him to stop him. “Wow, nobody goes in there but people on my list” he said as he held up a clip board.

“Zoe Michaels, short little gymnast bitch” Alex described as his heart rate started to slow down. “Is she in there.”

“Yeah, but you aren’t going in so what’s it matter?” He asked as he looked over the man who had been through hell.

“Get out of my way” Alex said as he started toward the door, but the door man placed his hand on Alex’s chest and shoved him back.

“I guess you didn’t’ hear me” He told Alex but in a moment, Alex grabbed his hand and twisted it. The crack could be heard as he fell to the ground screaming with a dislocated elbow. All of Alex’s anger had been taken out on him.

Alex smarted off while he stepped over top of the balling door man. “Excuse me.” He pushed through the doors and into the building, where he stopped to look at the crowd. He was ready to string Zoe up, but he had to find her first. Sara was the first to notice him, all beaten and ragged from the chase. “Zoe, your man’s here” she nodded with a childish smile.

Zoe turned to see him as he started toward her. “You’ve got to be kidding me” she said, expecting him to grab her arm and drag her out of there. She stood up as he reached the table, just as a slow song was coming on. “Alex, I’m so sorry…”

Before she could finish, he grabbed her arm and started toward the dance floor. “You at least owe me a dance” he said as he nearly dragged her across the bar behind him until they reached the dance floor. He turned to face her as he wrapped his arms around her. Like a gentleman, he gave her space and kept his hands firmly on her waist. She smiled, surprised he wanted to dance after all of this and aroused by the fact he told her they were going to dance.

“Are you alright?” She asked, in the back of her mind she questioned if she was really worth all the trouble he had just gone through.

“Not really” he said, his charm replaced by an angry young man who tried his best not to make a scene in public. “Your stunt at the hotel was the dumbest thing I have ever seen in my life. You could have killed yourself” he grunted as he gritted his teeth.

“I was fine, I knew what I was doing” She answered, unable to keep from smiling as he vented. He was cute when he was mad, maybe she should run from him more often she thought. “Six-time gold medalist, remember” she teased.

“Thanks for the car ride by the way, not every day you get ran over chasing an immature teenager around a foreign city.”
She broke into a laugh. “You’re ok though, right? I mean you ran all the way here after me.”

“That’s another thing, if you ever do something so stupid again that I have to chase you through traffic, I’m going to shoot you in the leg.” He was clearly venting but it was still funny as he found a way to calm down as he stared at her.

“Really, how can I be worth all this trouble?” She asked as she slipped a little closer to him while they danced. “Daddy is seriously over reacting again.”
“I promise you Zoe, this time he is not. There are really dangerous people out there who are after your father and will do whatever it takes to get to him.”

Zoe raised an eye brow, she did not believe a word Alex was telling her. “I have heard this so many times before, and it is always dad over reacting. Trust me, nothing is going to happen!”

Alex laughed a little bit though he was reluctant to play down the seriousness of the situation. “I hope your right” he said as he raised his hand and wiped it across his lip to check for blood.

“Are you alright, honestly?” Zoe asked, sincerely concerned as her and Alex continued to reason with each other like rational adults. “You look a little beat up? I can kiss try to kiss it better, always worked for me growing up with my mom.”

Alex laughed a little. He turned his head sideways and pointed to a small bruise on his jaw line. “Right there’s pretty sore.” Zoe raised onto her tippy toes, barely able to reach without him leaning down. Her lips playfully pressed against the spot. “And here” Alex quickly said as he raised his head and pointed to a bruise on his neck. Zoe laughed and kissed it too.

He pointed once more to his nose. “Hey, you naughty thing” Zoe joked as she playfully slapped his chest. “I’m not kissing you all over.”
“You said you would kiss it better, and I am hurting all over.”

Zoe rolled her eyes and leaned her body against Alex. He looked down, surprised his anger and frustration disappeared so easily with the touch of her chest against his. He smiled, realizing in this moment Zoe’s sister was right. He had fallen for her or was fast. “There really are dangerous people out to get your father Zoe, but I won’t let them hurt you.”

Zoe held Alex close as the music continued to play and the lights from the club danced across the floor. “But I want to enjoy my time while I’m here. Just please promise me you won’t knock me out of enjoying my time here, I’ve worked so hard.” She locked onto his eyes as they dance. “I won’t swing from buildings or get you run over by cars anymore. I promise.”

Alex laughed. “That’s a relief” he said as he brushed a piece of hair from her face. “Deal, you can enjoy yourself but I go with you no matter where it is.”

“Even the little girl’s room?”

“Of course the little girl’s room, what man doesn’t get off watching a girl piss and gossip” he teased as he pulled her tighter against him.

“Hey, how’d you know we go in there to gossip.”

“A hundred and sixty some years’ experience” he said accidentally being honest with her. He realized his mistake and quickly tried to ignore it like he had told a joke.

“Damn, you look good for a corpse that should be rotting in the ground.” She snapped.

“By the way, I broke the door man’s arm when I came in here so they might try to throw me out in a minute.” Alex remarked to quickly change the subject.

Zoe looked up and rolled her eyes. “You are a disaster; do you know that?”

“What can I say, it’s a little blonde’s fault.”

In the crowd watching closely was a man with a smart phone. He was not supposed to be there but he kept to himself which caused no suspicion around him. His camera focused on Zoe as she danced close to Alex, his arms wrapped around her like a large protective blanket. He snapped a few quick pictures of the two before he sent them via a text message to someone listed in his phone as Blazer.

Lying in bed, wearing nothing but a sheet was Justin Hylton with Courtney Cage next to him. Her hair was a mess, her upper body covered in bite marks and nipples stiff as her breasts were on full display. It was obvious he had screwed her again. He heard his phone vibrate, as he turned to pull it from the night stand beside his hotel bed. He opened it and studied each of the pictures closely. He laughed, he knew what two people in love looked like. “Enjoy her tonight Alex, tomorrow she is mine” he taunted as Courtney raised up to look at the pictures. Hylton looked at her for a moment, then laid the phone down. “Damn you’re a horny little slut.” Courtney smirk before she rolled on top of him and started to make out with him as their naked bodies grinded together.
Last edited by batgirl_brandy_wayne 7 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Okay, some editing notes out of the way first. Several times you used the word 'through' when you really meant 'threw." Slightly distracting but I can point out such picayune items because we're friends and I care and want to help you do better. That's the bad news.

The good news is that I thoroughly enjoyed the lighthearted fun of this chapter, including the relationship between Zoe and Sara, the Olympic-quality escape from the hotel room down the flagpole circuit by Zoe, as well as the second smashed door and the poor maintenance man tasked with the clean up. I also liked your interesting introduction of Alex's Wolverine-like healing abilities and his slip about his age: a nice set up for more information about the mysterious bodyguard. Oh yeah, and that shower scene was worth the price of admission alone. Keep up the good work.
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Neophyte Lvl 2
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Fixed those word slips Dr. D, thanks for letting me know! Far from a English major here, just a girl trying to tell a story! :)
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