Mortal Kombat

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Chapter One

The Hong Kong Harbor was full of life as people stood around as if they were waiting for a ship to enter the harbor. In the background, the city seemed dead; like it is really late at night or early in the morning. A black limo pulled up, windows tented so dark no one could possibly have seen inside of it until the back door flew open. First to step out of the back seat was a mountain of a black man named BO. He was dressed in a nice cheap suit and built like a professional boxer or at least a man no one would dare cross. He adjusted his tie as he looked around before he stepped away from the limo. “All clear boss” he muttered to someone in the back of the limo.

Behind him, the star of the show JOHNNY CAGE stepped onto the harbor. His Armani suit made him appear out of place, if not lost. He raised his hand and slowly removed his $60,000 Maybach sunglasses as his eyes explored the harbor. In his mind, he had already won this tournament. His confidence was written all over his face, and everyone else on this harbor was just ants under his snobbish, arrogant boot. With a quick laugh, he patted Bo on the back. “Piece of cake Bo! None of these homeboys can handle me.”

Bo was used to Johnny’s remarks. They had become good friends through the years but it took Johnny’s money to make him stay. He rolled his eyes before he gently shut the door on the limo. “Where’s this boat?”

Johnny looked around puzzled and confused, he was just thinking the same thing. He scanned the harbor once more. “Should be here anytime.”
Bo opened the trunk of the limo, a surprised look painted across his face before he looked toward Johnny with a look of disbelief. Inside the trunk, there was no room to spare as Johnny’s bags were crammed inside of it. He shook his head as he stared down at the over kill of luggage. “Are you kidding me, you need this much crap for a little karate tournament?”

Johnny turned and frowned at Bo. “When I win this tournament, I want the world to see me looking my best.”

Bo shook his head, at the moment he wanted to push Johnny and all his luggage into the bay. “No way in hell I’m carrying all this shit.” He grabbed a hand full of bags, jerking them from the trunk as if he was pissed at the world before he slung his elbow into the air to shut the trunk and slammed it.
Johnny looked down at his feet as BO tossed the bags against his black Corthay dress shoes. Johnny jumped back, as if Bo had thrown a snake at him. “Easy bro, these are two thousand dollar shoes.”

Bo could not believe Johnny’s compliant over a pair of shoes. He was furious, he had kept Johnny secure for years but a pair of shoes cost more than what he made in a month. “Are you kidding me? A two-thousand-dollar pair of shoes? You won’t even give my ass a raise because you’re going broke but you can buy a pair of two-thousand-dollar shoes?”

Johnny looked down for a moment, he was genuinely shocked by Bo’s anger and aggravation “Dude, I had to look good! This tournament will save my career. And after I win it, I’ll make a movie about it; it’ll be my Braveheart.”

“On the bright side, it can’t get any worse than Ninja Monk. What the hell was you thinking making that garbage?”

Johnny balled his fist, he hated to hear anyone say anything bad about any of the movies he made. The press reviews had made him extremely insecure with his acting abilities. “Shut the hell up, it’s not my fault the director would not listen to my ideas. I would have won Academy Awards if he had.”

Bo laughed in amazement, he was not sure if Johnny really believed his own bullshit or was just stupid enough to think he was the next Christopher Nolen. “Brother, how many times am I going to have tell you having Taylor Swift dressed up as a ninja who attacks you and then wants to get with you half way through the fight was a horrible idea.”

Johnny took more offense to Bo’s doubt, how could anyone ever question his genius? “It would have been a great cameo for her, and you never know… we might have hooked up afterwards.”

Bo laughed at Johnny’s delusional statement. He was never surprised by the stupid things he would say. “It sounds like the set up to a porno, not to mention she doesn’t need another hit song about some stupid ass punk trying to get in her pants and breaking her heart.”

“Ah I don’t know; she’s got a new album coming out soon. Maybe she could’ve used the material.”

“Oh she would’ve had plenty of material, I can promise you that.”

Johnny rolled his eyes before he put his sunglasses back on his face. “Shut up and grab my bags, alright?”

Bo looked at the water for a moment, just a little shove and all the stress of this stupid trip would be worth it. “I ain’t carrying all this shit, you’ve got two hands.”

Johnny turned to face Bo, his face had “are you kidding me” wrote all over it. “I pay you to do that shit.”

“No you pay my black ass to keep you from getting your white ass kicked. Now grab a bag and get to steppin.”

Johnny shook his head, carrying his own bags was below him he thought. Bo leaned down to grab some of the bags at the same time. The two head butt hard just as they each grab and release some of the bags. Bo staggered and fell into the water. Johnny held his head as he staggered back.

“Damn it Bo, watch what you’re doing!”

Bo raised from the water, shaking his head and wiping the water from his face. “Get me out of this damn water.” Johnny reached his hand down, offering to help Bo. Bo grabbed Johnny’s hand and pulled him face first into the bay. Bo started to laugh, sweet revenge!

Johnny swam to the surface, his sunglasses gone and suit soaked in water. “Those were $60,000 sunglasses asshole.”

Bo’s eyes opened in shock and anger. “$60,000?”

“Yes, damn it.”

“I’m gonna kick your ass.” Bo and Johnny started to wrestle in the water as Bo shoved him under water for a moment.

To be continued...
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Stories Mod
Stories Mod
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I know nothing about Mortal Kombat, but I can see your writing style's certainly improved. Keep at it!
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