Black Scorpion (tv show) fan fiction?

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Does anyone know if any black scorpion fan fiction exists out there, did a brief search but didn't come up with much. Thanks
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Black Scorpion fan fiction series will be amazing!!!!
Please Please Please
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I might have a crack at writing something with the character eventually. Seeing as she's the queen of getting unmasked.
"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."
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yeah! Black Scorpion unmasking scene are the best!
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Enjoy !


Black Scorpion Snared

By: Night Creeper

Disclaimer: All of the characters created by Roger Corman are owned and created by Roger Corman. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by Roger Corman, they are still owned by Roger Corman. Any resemblance to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: I would like to take the time to thank Sonny Turett for his input in this story. Basically, he supplied an outline and idea for the story, and I just expanded on it and wrote the scenes accordingly, which made things rather easy. Also, to this day, I have never watched this show. So hopefully, I didn't screw up the characters too much. Finally, even though there wasn't an editor for this story, he checked the time-line of the story, and made sure that it made sense.

Feel free to e-mail me at <[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


Black Scorpion Snared

By: Night Creeper

"Dude, I am so going to trounce this system," a short black haired man spoke as he typed on his computer keyboard, which was sitting on a long wooden table with several computers on it. Sitting around him in an U-shape, were two other men with the same set-up.

"Fuck off, William. Everyone knows that I can hack into this system faster than anyone. When I'm done, I'll kick your ass and I'll kick on Matty's ass on the network," a curly haired redhead spoke as he too was busy typing on his keyboard.

"Shut the fuck up, carrot head!" Matty, a brown haired man with a ponytail spoke as he adjusted his sunglasses. "I don't know where you two are, but I'm already reading the inventory list from the their warehouse."

"Fuck man! Matty's always getting shit!" the redhead fumed.

"Looks like David needs to dial down the center and get some professional help," William laughed. "You two kind of look alike too."

"Fuck off!"

"Quiet down guys. I think I just found enough good stuff to finance more Cudas for William, some more Cobras for David, and some Cougars for me."


"Remember those super chips and semi-conductors we were talking about a few months ago on that forum? Well, it looks like someone is beginning to ship those out. All I have to do is alter the shipping invoice, backup the itinerary, and boom, we're in business. We're shipping it to the huge corporate office and we're set. Just remember to pick up the package from the mail room tomorrow," Matty smiled as he glanced at David.

"Look man, I told you that I did not forget the last package."

"Dude! It smelled up the whole mail room and almost got us fired."

"Shit William, I didn't that the shipping order was actually for mice. I thought it was for computer mice or some kind of hi-tech robotic mice from Japan. We could make a shit load of money on robotic mice. We can reprogram them to say their own name over and over again."

"Yes David, but they weren't robotic mice. We're just lucky that Matty was able to locate some really awesome motherboards for us to sell on Sub Web. If he didn't, we wouldn't have gotten the those cars that we wanted since the seller was going to bolt."

"Hey man. It's not my fault."

"Don't worry, I can save your ass, David. Let us not forget that I made enough money from our previous heists to buy this garage. During the day, I fix cars for other people as well as modifying our own rides. And by night, we as a group search for shit to heist and sell. Man, these large companies can't even keep track of their own stuff. Are you guys aware that the Timlin Corporation is awaiting a shit load of diamonds that they are going to reprocess to make into conductors?"


"They are."


"A couple of days, but their at a warehouse right now."


"Not too far away from here. Best yet, I've already altered the guard schedule and there doesn't seem to be much to their security or firewall. I say we can change it real quick tomorrow night, hop down there, take them out, come back, and sell them."

"Shit man! No one is going to let us get those diamonds," David sneered.

"They will when we put our names on the guard list. It seems to be some cheap security firm. I've already hacked into their system and I'm downloading some names and pictures now. We'll have some badges for tomorrow night. Just remember to pick up the package from the mail room before rendezvousing here."

"It's so cool to have a garage in the industrial sector. No one really cares about large trucks around here," William laughed. "And David, don't tell that weasel friend of yours what we're doing tomorrow. Especially don't have him pick up the package from the mail room for you."

"Shit. They would be mad if we didn't have a truck. And yes, you stupid mother fuckers, I will remember the package," David fumed as he sent an instant message to another person.


Four Hours Later

A fat man with bright yellow hair raced through the streets like a bat out of hell as a black car was in hot pursuit. There weren't any flashing lights or any warning shots, just a simple car chase that had lasted for quite some time. Eventually, a sharp turn ate up the fleeing car as it hit the curb and tumbled onto its side. The black car simply stopped and a lone black figure emerged as the fat man quickly crawled out of his mangled car.

"Please . . . please don't hurt me," the fat man begged as he saw the black figure approach.

"I'll ask you one last time. Who sent that message and where is he going to be?" the lone figure asked.

"I don't know who sent it. He may be a coworker of mine, but I don't know. Every now and then, he boasts about his latest car and the money that he makes. I pick up packages for him some times and then I find an envelope of money after I make the drop. The money comes through inter-office mail, but there's never a sender," the man spoke as he glanced at the figure, not daring to risk eye contact.

"If that's all you know, then why did you run?"

"I was scared!"

"What about now?"

"I . . . I'm still scared. Please don't hurt me."

"Where is the drop off tomorrow?"

"At a warehouse. I'm suppose to pick up a package at work and pass it to a security guard before he goes to some warehouse."

"Pick up the package, but don't deliver it."

"Where am I going to put it?"

"I'll tell you," the black figure spoke as the man screamed when he saw the figure approaching him.


The Next Night

"Why do I have to do all the carrying?" David asked as he wore a fake mustache and eyebrows.

"Because you forgot the package again and I had to go back to the office and find it," William retorted. "Since you said you wouldn't forget, you're carrying the bag."

"It's not my fault. The fat fuck didn't pick it up!" David swore.

"Will you two hurry up? The guards are on a four hour rotation, which means that they'll be here soon. We need to load up this van before they get here. It would look weird if they arrived and we were loading this van, now wouldn't it?" Matty asked as he placed a few boxes into the back of the van, next to all the ropes and cords.

"Fuck no! People steal stationary from work all the time," David replied.

"Well my friend, this isn't stationary. Now grab those ropes so we can secure some of these boxes. Besides, we will be stationary in a prison cell if we're caught," Matty informed his friend.

"Spoken like a true set of captured criminals," a female voice spoke from behind the trio.

"Black Scorpion!" all three shouted as they turned and saw the feared female dressed in black.

"It's been real pain trying to track you three down in Angel City, but I've finally caught you. I even have it on tape. And I must say that your friend, David, has quite the mouth. The jury will be really happy to hear him boast about all the burglaries that have occurred in the city in the last few months," the woman said as she held a tape in her right hand.

"Fucking bitch!" David yelled as he grabbed a hubcap from the back of the van and threw it at the crime fighter. A whole slew or ropes and cords fell out of the van and landed on the pavement since David yanked the hubcap from the back of the van.

Black Scorpion easily dodged the projectile and stepped out of David's way. She then delivered a hard chop to the back of the man's neck as he ran by, sending him crashing to the ground. The woman turned just in time to block one of William's punches and they too began to dance around the parking lot as William threw punches and Black Scorpion dodged them. Soon, David got up from the ground and charged Black Scorpion, but was caught in the gut with a hard kick as the woman continued to dodge William's fists. "Sit down," she spoke harshly as spun and delivered a kick to the side of David's head, sending back onto the ground.

"A little help here!" William spoke as Matty leapt onto the woman's back.

"Where are your manners?" Black Scorpion inquired as she opened her fist, reached back, and slammed her open palms on Matty's ears. The man quickly fell off the woman and crashed onto the ground.

"Damn bitch!" David growled as he rushed the woman again, but this time he was standing next to William as they both threw punches. With the van behind the woman, she stopped moving, and simply began to block the punches as well as delivering and connecting with some of hers, most of them hit David, giving him a busted lip and some bruised ribs.

Unfortunately for Black Scorpion, she was no longer weaving and dodging. Instead, she was now standing still and basically a few steps away from Matty's fallen body, which wasn't a good thing. Even though, the man was not as fit as William or David, he was smarter. Rather than going for the woman's face or body, he decided to go after her legs. Since he was already lying on his back, he pulled his knees next to his chest and then kicked with all his might. His feet connected with the area right behind Black Scorpion's kneecaps. The blow sent the woman forward as she tried to regain her balance. This allowed Matty to leap forward, grab her ankles backward, and tripped her up. The woman crashed face forward into the hard pavement, allowing him to put all his weight on her crossed legs, pushing them forward toward her ass. "Don't just stand there! Get her arms!" Matty shouted as grabbed some rope from the ground.

"Fuck yea!" David shouted as he and William each grabbed an arm and pulled it behind the woman's back. Black Scorpion screamed and fought, but without a vertical base, the three men were able to overpower her. Within in minutes, the woman was securely hogtied as Matty got some rags and placed them over the woman's mouth.

"Should we knock her out?" William asked.

"I have a sledgehammer in the van," David replied.

"Get her inside the van, clean up this mess, and wait here," Matty sighed as he entered the warehouse. A few seconds later, he exited with another rag in his hand. The other two recoiled at the smell as Matty pulled the other rags off of Black Scorpion.

"Bastards! Let me go!" she screamed angrily. The woman quickly closed her mouth and held her breath as she smelled ether. Within in seconds, Matty had secured the soaked rag over the woman's mouth and nose. He then tied wrapped the soaked rag with other dry ones, locking the chemical against the woman's face.

"The other guards are here," David spoke as he saw the approaching headlights.

"Lock up the van. I'll go hand over the clipboard to them, and then we can be off," he laughed as he hopped out of the van.


Back at the Garage

"What have you done to me? Let me go this instant!" Black Scorpion shrieked as she woke from her slumber, only to discover that she was tied spread eagle to a hydriodic lifts that mechanics use to lift cars. The woman's boots, gloves, and mask were still on, but that was it. The woman was completely immobile due to the chains around her wrists and ankles. She was completely at their mercy, but she was furious.

"Looks like the bitch is awake," David spoke as he stood over her head.

"You've been asleep for a few hours now, Black Scorpion. The three of us are just small time criminals that don't even deserve your time," Matty spoke.

"Fuck you! You've made thousands of dollars from your heists! And it's time someone brought you all to justice!" Black Scorpion snarled as she tugged on her restraints.

"Let's shut the bitch up!" David yelled as he held out a black bag over Black Scorpion's face.

"Patience. We're criminals, not barbarians. I would never make a lady do something she didn't want," Matty spoke as he signaled with his fingers and William walked toward the woman's spread legs. "First off, a lady should be presentable," Matty laughed.

"What are you doing?" Black Scorpion asked as she saw William between her legs, but could see what he was doing. Worse yet, she saw David slowly pushing a huge red tool box on wheels. Her eyes almost popped out when she saw David pull out several black leather straps followed by a hot glue gun.

"Ready," William spoke as he gripped a strap with both hands, stretching it, allowing David to pour roll after roll of glue onto the strap. The two waited for the glue to dry just a little, so it wouldn't drip all over the place. Once they were satisfied, William placed the strap over the woman's pubic hair and then violently ripped it off, tearing her bush from her skin.

"OH GOD!" the woman screamed as she was getting an unwanted bikini wax. "Stop! I demand you stop!" she screamed over and over again as she struggled, only to lose more and more hair. As the seconds ticked by, more and more hair was violently uprooted while tears of pain and humiliation rolled down the woman's cheeks. First of all, she had never been captured and stripped before, but most importantly, nobody had ever abused her in this fashion, yet the three criminals were just ordinary people.

"How much is left?" Matty asked.

"Almost done, but we may run out of straps," William replied calmly as he smiled and admired the angry red color on the woman's private area.

"Looks like the Amazon Jungle is nothing more than a few shrubs now," David laughed as he picked up another glue gun and continued with his work.

By the time, the two men were done, twenty straps laid on the floor with varying amount of pubic hair on them, but Black Scorpion's pussy was now as smooth as a baby's butt and redder than chilli pepper paste. The crime fighter was also sobbing as the two men walked toward her face and William used pulled the last strap tightly. The man held it a few inches from the woman's face as David traced circular patterns on the strap. "Here we go!" William laughed as he placed the strap over the woman's breasts, covering her nipples.

"NOOOOO!" Black Scorpion screamed as he pounded them into place and then with David's help, ripped them off of the woman's breasts. The woman's nipples felt like they have been ripped from her body. They were now an angry red as they burned with pain. Worse yet, the force had made them erect, much to the woman's chagrin.

"Black Scorpion, open wide and allow me to put this gag in your mouth. If not, we can rip your eyebrows and the hair on your head. Or maybe your nipples again," Matty spoke as Black Scorpion glared at him. "Again!" the man ordered as David and William attacked the woman's nipples.

"I accept the gag!" Black Scorpion screamed after the eighth tug on her nipples. By now, she could feel the pain with every breath and she simply just wanted it to stop. Thus, she accepted the gag and heard it click into place as the leather bit down on her face.

"You're going to like this part," David spoke as he held up a huge red bag and quickly unzipped it. Black Scorpion saw a huge pink dildo and screamed into her gag when she saw David grab a mechanical device that mechanics use to remove the nuts and bolts of a tire. She heard David squeeze the trigger several times, filling the room with its vile sound, before she stuck the end of the dildo onto the device. "Secure it into place," he laughed as he tossed it to William, who placed it onto a holder that was connected to a stand.

"UMMMHHPHHH!" the woman screamed into her gag as she tried to pull on her chains while William slowly pushed the dildo into the woman's dry pussy. Black Scorpion wailed into the gag when William squeezed the button and the dildo turned and shook as it entered the woman violently.

"It's a fresh set of batteries," Matty laughed as David used the glue gun and glued the on button into place. "It should go for an hour or two. You'll have to excuse us since we have to sell some of out items, but we'll be back," Matty laughed as Black Scorpion shrieked into gag as William pushed it even deeper inside her and she climaxed violently. The woman's face was flush and her chest heaved as she never felt so humiliated in her life. Yet, she know it was only time before the next climax would come.


"Such a pretty slut," Matty spoke as he caressed the woman's sweaty face. He could see the pain in the woman's eyes as her head shock violently from side to side as her body arched and almost jumped off the lift. Matty had placed a set of large alligator clips onto the woman's breasts. The clips wouldn't have been too bad, but he had connected wires to them, turning them virtually into jumper cables. At first, the battery was emitting a low level of electricity, exciting the woman's nipples and keeping them erect, allowing the clips to have a large area to bite down upon. Now, the energy flow was more intense, shocking the woman in the process, and making things worse was the amount of perspiration on her body, thanks to the dildo forcing her to climax.

"Is she ready yet?" William asked.

"Bitch is hot!" David sneered.

"We'll let her toast a little longer. Take the dildo out of her since the battery is dead. "Instead, stick the two vibrators into her ass and pussy. It will stretch her out and weaken her at the same time. We can finish our game before coming back to a perfectly weakened and if I was a betting man, a compliant Black Scorpion awaits," Matty smiled.

David stuck two vibrating vibrators into Black Scorpion's abused pussy and ass. Black Scorpion wailed into her gag as the vibrators ran wild inside her. The woman screamed and writhed in agony. However, within a few seconds, the pain was replaced by pleasure as her body betrayed her. The woman sobbed uncontrollably as she climaxed before her captors.


Black Scorpion screamed in her gag as Matty stood between her spread legs holding two gold batons with thick black wires at the end. When he got them close to each other, separated only by a few inches, blue lines began to dance across the air between them. As his hands moved them closer, sparks began to fly as a horrible buzzing noise filled the room. Finally, one they touched, huge sparks flew as the buzzing sound filled the room. Matty quickly placed one of them inside the woman's flowing pussy, thanks to the homemade vibrator. The second it was pushed inside her, Black Scorpion could feel the strong current of electricity flow through her sex, exciting it as well as the rest of her body. However, she could feel her juices begin to boil as she saw Matty move the other baton closer and closer to her sex. Suddenly, the low vibration increased as the baton inside her buzzed into life. She could feel her insides begin to heat up as the baton got closer and closer to her stuffed sex. The woman was hysterical as her eyes almost popped out of their sockets when she saw that Matty's hand was getting closer and closer to her sex. The woman squirmed in her bonds and screamed into her gag, begging Matty to stop.

"Looks like the bitch doesn't want you to get any closer," David spoke as he removed the woman's gag.

"OH LORD!! DON'T DO IT!! PLEASE!! DON'T DO IT!!" the woman pleaded as her own drool continued to drip down the sides of her mouth.

"I won't only if you suck me off so I can plow my dick inside your sweet pussy," Matty replied.

The woman's eyes narrowed as she stared a hole right through the man. However, her attitude changed as he lowed the baton even more, almost touching her skin with it. Her body arched as she tried to drive her pussy to the floor while pain and electricity coursed through her body. When Matty pulled the baton a few inches upward, the woman whined and eventually nodded her head in defeat. The man handed the baton to David and made his way to her face. Once there, he unzipped his pants and unceremoniously thrust his dick into the woman's mouth, almost gagging her. From there, he savagely pumped his meat into her mouth as he clutched the side of the woman's head. Black Scorpion wanted to crawl under a rock and die, and she resisted from biting the man's dick off due to the batons.

After a few seconds, the man pulled out as spit dribbled down the woman's cheeks. He then made his way to her sex, pulled the baton out and replaced it with his member. Matty rammed his member into the crime fighter's pussy and felt her walls clamp down on his member. The man was in heaven as he began to thrust into the woman while holding onto her hips. "We've already watched you climax numerous times thanks to the vibrator, but now we're going to see the mighty Black Scorpion climax while having a dick in her cunt," Matty panted as David and William held two electric drills, but replaced the screw head with something that Black Scorpion couldn't quite make out. However, within a few seconds, she could feel them press the cold steel onto her nipples, twisting them as if her nipples were the nuts holding a tire in place. The woman could feel herself getting close even though she was in a great deal of pain and she knew it would only be a few more seconds before she would be utterly humiliated at the hands of three small bit crooks.


"OH GOD!" the crime fighter wailed as she knelt one the floor that was made up of several black mats. She had been released from the bondage, but was still helpless. The woman was now wearing a black collar, black wrist cuffs, and pair of black ankle cuffs. Like the batons earlier, if they were brought too close to each other, a giant shock of electricity would result. Unfortunately for the woman, she found that out the hard way when she tried to escape only to find that the garage walls could set them all off. Luckily for her was that the one ankle cuff did not react to the other, nor does the wrist cuff react with the other one. However, she raised her hands to the collar, the cuffs and collar would shock her. Thus she had to be very careful at the moment since any one of the three hackers could easily push her towards a wall and render her totally helpless. Hence the reason for her kneeling before David as he turned the crank, driving a dildo further and further into her sex while her hands gripped her flat stomach, while thrusting out her breasts for his mouth to devour.

"Do you like me jacking this dildo into your cunt, bitch?" David snarled as he pulled away from her right breast as a long, skinny length of saliva extended from his lips to her nipple, dangled and wobbled as the woman's chest heaved.

"Noooooo!" the woman wailed as her face was a mask of pain and tears even though her body was quite stimulated by all the torture.

"Don't lie," David sneered. "You've already climaxed more times than the lines of code in my last program. You like this, don't you?"

"Noooo," the woman panted as she closed her eyes and tried to stop her crying. However, her body was just seconds away from climaxing, and when it was ready, her eyes flew open as she screamed. Her body quaked and shook violently as she fell forward onto all fours. The woman's head rested on the mat as the wrist cuffs and collar sent jolt after jolt of electricity through her body. She would lift her head to lessen the jolts, but the woman was to exhausted and her head kept on falling back onto the mat. Black Scorpion even tried to spread her arms out, but then her body bent forward and the dildo refused to bend, making extremely painful for her.

"I can make it easier for you," David spoke calmly. "I can let you wrap your arms around me as you hump the dildo. All you have to do is look me in the eyes as you moan in pleasure. You are moaning in pleasure, aren't you?"

"Yes . . . yes . . . I am. I . . . I . . . I . . . am . . . moan . . . moaning . . . in . . . pleasure," she panted as David helped her up. The woman wrapped her arms around him, pressing her chest against his as she moaned and groaned. Black Scorpion felt her ears burn with humiliation as she stared into her antagonist's eyes, knowing that he was loving life. She wanted to get the collar off, but the threat of being shocked prevented her from doing so and kept her compliant, even though it was the furthest thing she wanted to be.


Black Scorpion's hands were pressed against the top of a huge tool chest on top of a table as she spread her legs even more. Her ass slapped against William's hips as he pumped his member in and out of her abused sex. The woman groaned as a dejected expression crossed her face as she saw David holding a video camera, filming everything. Even though her spirits were low, the thing that kept her going other than the fear of being shocked to death by the collar, was that she still wore her mask. The mere thought of having a chance to escape and then kicking the crap out of these three buffoons kept the woman going even if William's hands clutched her hips like a vice. However, with things in their current state, escape seemed really far away.

"OH GOD!" the woman moaned loudly as she fell on top of the chest with her breasts squashed against the cold metal. Her legs were getting weak as she knew she was just seconds away from climaxing again.

A few feet away, Matty was busy typing on his computer. Black Scorpion didn't know it, but her entire ordeal was being broadcasted all over Sub Web. The entire system was in danger of breaking down due to the high volume of traffic on the server. Most of the individuals stayed silent and enjoyed the show while others were busy sending messages to him. "Damn it! Some of these people never learn," he muttered to himself as he typed a response.

"Are you sure?" came back the reply.

"Yes. I am positive," he muttered as he was glad that the person signed off, but he noticed several other unread messages, but one of them had several exclamation marks next to it, so he clicked on it.

"I have an offer for you. One that you will find very enticing," the message read.

"Really now?" he replied, skeptical as hell.

"Oh yes," the reply came back almost immediately.

"Alright then. What's the offer?"

"I have watched your little episode and although you three have come up with very interesting ideas with your limited resources, I can come up with better ones. All I ask is that you deliver Black Scorpion to me."

"Why would I do that?"

"It is in your best interest."

"How so?"

"I can easily go down to your garage and collect the prize. However, I am impressed by your ingenuity and blind luck in terms of catching the woman. Thus, I may be able to use you all in the future. It would be a waste to eliminate you three before you've reached your full potential."

Although the current string of comments scared Matty, he continued to type. "You must be joking, sir?"

"I'm not joking and I prefer if you don't call me sir. I am not a man nor do I want to be referred as one. Like I said before, I believe you three have potential, which is why I've been watching. Although all three of you have kept your face out of the camera, your physiques are different, that's how I know there are three of you. Also, I did notice that there are cars in the background. I've done a little research on you three and it appears that you restore cars and sell them, in hopes of getting your own wheels. I can change all that right here and now. Forget working for other people. Simply retire and live out your lives."

"And how are we going to do that?"

"Deliver Black Scorpion to me and I will give you ten million dollars."

"WHAT!??" Matty gulped as his fingers shook as he read the number over and over again.

"Ten million dollars to deliver Black Scorpion to me. You and your two friends can even stay and watch the festivities for free. If you agree, have your fun with her and I will e-mail instructions later."

"You're not pulling my chain, are you?"

"Not at all. However, do not remove her mask or I will be forced to remove you three from the equation."

"No problem . . . the mask stays on."

"Good. Enjoy her for another hour or two. I will send instructions later tonight. In fact, enjoy her for as long as you like, but do clean her up. If she's completely exhausted by tomorrow night, so be it. But remember the mask stays on."

"For ten million dollars, we'll super glue it to her face!"

"No need for that. The mask will come off soon enough," the message appeared as a smile appeared on Matty's face and his member grew, just thinking about it.


After the Pickup

"I'm so glad that you can join me," Medusa spoke as she stood from her granite throne and greeted her guests, who nervously approached her. "I hope you don't mind sitting up here with me."

"Uhhh . . . no . . . no mind," David stammered.

"That's cute. Don't be afraid. I've kept my part of the bargain and you three have your money already. Sit down and relax, I won't bite. From up here, you can see the ring below and enjoy the festivities that I've got planned," Medusa smiled.

Matty walked to the edge of the box and looked below. They were about five feet above the general seating area. The general seating area was about eight feet above the base of the ring, which looked like it was more suited for a rodeo than a gladiator battle. The ring had a dirt floors and by the looks of things, it was very loose. Surrounding the ring was a makeshift fence of consisting of wooden boards and a rock base, keeping it in place. Elevated wooden benches were a few inches behind the fence. There was a black circular tube in the middle of the ring and four more circular tubes evenly scattered around the ring. Matty also noticed that there were several spotlights close to the fence as well. "What's with all the seats?" he asked.

"I paid you ten million dollars to deliver Black Scorpion. I'm charging one million dollars per seat to watch the show. I'm also charging a few more bucks for the activities that will ensue once the main event is over. Now sit in your seats before I decide to make you part of the decorations!" Medusa hissed as the three guys quickly sat down.

"Dude," William whispered to Matty. "Look at those people filing in and sitting down."

"Those are like the most dangerous crooks in Angel City," David gulped.

"Correction. They are the most dangerous villains, next to me that is," Medusa grinned.

"There's about fifty of them."

"Only fifty? Well, the stragglers will just have to miss the fun then. Luckily, I had everyone pay in advance."

"Dude! That's why she gave us so much time. She collected the money from them," David spoke as half the seats were now full. The main lights dimmed and four spotlights skittered around the ring itself.

"Thank you all for joining me," Medusa's voice filled the air. "I promised you a show and you're going to get one. Tonight, we have a special guest, Black Scorpion," she spoke as the middle tube lit up and revealed the fully dressed crime fighter inside. "This woman has stopped some of our greatest plans and it's only fitting that she pays for them. She has already agreed to do combat tonight. If she wins, she will be able to walk out of here. None of you will touch her if that happens or there will be dire consequences. If she loses, we're all going to have a good time. So let's see who will be the last person standing in the middle of that ring," Medusa laughed as the tube disappeared, leaving Black Scorpion alone in the ring.

"You won't get away with this, Medusa!" Black Scorpion yelled at the female.

"Save your breath, bitch!" Medusa snarled before addressing her guests. "The remaining tubes are numbered and Black Scorpion has selected the order that they will open. Each tube will open in five minute intervals. Some of the contents may be helpful to her, some may not. Let's begin!"

"Holy shit!" David yelled as he saw one of the tubes disappear, leaving a huge man, dressed like a gladiator. The man had to be at least six feet tall, if not seven, and he had muscles on top of some of his muscles. He was like a genetic freak.

"That's Granite in a loincloth and spiked suspenders making an X on his chest and back! And is that a gladiator's helmet on his head?" Matty yelled back. "That man can make wrestlers cry for their moms! Look at him! He's huge!"

"He looks like a wrestler!" William shouted back.

Granite lunged toward Black Scorpion, but she dodged him, spinning out of the way like a matador. The huge man crashed into the dirt, sending a cloud of dirt into the air. Granite quickly got up as the crowd cheered him on, and charged again. This time however, Black Scorpion delivered a chop to the back of the man's neck as she dodged him. However, the chop only made Granite mad as he snarled and caught himself before crashing into the dirt. Again, he charged, and with much grace, Black Scorpion dodged him yet again.

"Look! The tube is going down!" William yelled as the second disappeared, leaving several baseball bats.

"Take this!" Black Scorpion growled as she grabbed a bat and slammed it into Granite's gut. The huge man snarled as the crime fighter swung for the fences and broke the bat on the man's face. It took several seconds for Granite to shake off the effects of the bat, but Black Scorpion was surprised that he wasn't even bleeding. Instead, he was now growling like a hungry animal as his shoulders moved up and down as he breathed.

"That man is fucking insane!" David laughed.

"Take this!" Black Scorpion screamed as she swung the bat at the back of Granite's tree trunk legs. The crime fighter hit the man right behind the knees, causing them to buckle. The woman smiled as she hit the area two more times, sending the man crashing to his knees. Now that he was about her height, she delivered a hard kick to the back of the man's neck, causing him to scream, only to connect with another kick to the front of his face. She then circled to his front and kicked him in the chin repeatedly. "Now, let's try this again!" she spat as she slammed the bat against Granite's cheek, causing him to hit the dirt.

"SHIT!" David screamed as the crowd began to boo.

"The other tube!!" William shouted as he saw the third tube disappeared, leaving Marble, who was dressed exactly like Granite, behind.

Marble charged Black Scorpion before she could hit Granite again, giving him time to get back to his feet. Marble began swinging and throwing punches in the air as Black Scorpion attempted to dodge them. As the two circled the ring, Granite took the time to shake the cobwebs and slowly regained his bearings. While he was recovering, Marble threw a punch and missed. His fist crashed into the fence and as he tried to get his fist unstuck, Black Scorpion wailed on his back and stomach with the bat until it finally shattered after the tenth blow. Yet, he was still standing.

"What the hell," the woman blurted out as she turned around to get another bat, but instead, she was confronted by Marble, who was holding a bunch of broken bats in his two huge fists. He tossed them aside and charged, but Black Scorpion dove out of the way, and crashed into the ground. Unfortunately for her, Granite actually feigned the charge and stopped before hitting the side of the fence. Instead, he helped Marble dislodge his hand from the fence, and both behemoths moved toward the woman.

"Kick her ass!" David yelled as the crowd quickly agreed with him.

Black Scorpion saw the last tube began to disappear and she remembered her conversation with Medusa before all this. She remembered that two tubes contained adversaries and two tubes contained weapons. Sensing that a weapon was the only thing that was going to help her escape, she made her toward the tube, but just when it disappeared, a mirror was left in the ring, and a two spotlights lit it up, and temporarily blinded the woman. "ARRRGGGGHHHH!!" she screamed in pain as she covered her eyes and doubled back.

This gave the two behemoths time to approach Black Scorpion. Granite stood in front of the woman as Marble stood behind and they both delivered a punch to her mid-section that stole her breath. She felt like a car being crushed by a compactor as their huge fists pressed against her flesh. When they lifted their hands, Granite delivered an uppercut, sending Black Scorpion flying backwards into Marble's grasp, who quickly slapped on a full-nelson. Then with a smile, Granite moved in for the kill and slapped the woman five times in the face. As the woman's head hung low and she tried to clear her mind, Granite began to rip the woman's uniform, causing her to scream. Within seconds, she was only wearing her mask, her gloves, and her boots.

"Finish her!" Medusa yelled as the crowd applauded.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Black Scorpion screamed as she felt Granite's huge member pressing against her sex. Then with a huge thrust, he rammed his member into the woman. Black Scorpion's eyes almost popped out of their sockets as the pain was unbearable. She screamed and screamed as her arms and legs flailed about. Her sex was stretched to its limit, but they weren't done yet. Without warning, Marble gripped the woman's buttocks, and rammed his member into her ass. This time, the woman gave out a piercing scream as she felt the spikes dig into her flesh while the members tore her insides as they pumped.

"She's done for. Follow me," Medusa spoke as stood from her throne.

"But . . ." David stammered, pointing back at the ring.

"Don't worry about missing anything. It's being recorded for prosperity. Now come along. We have better seats!" Medusa smiled as the three men quickly followed her.

Back inside the ring, Black Scorpion was trying to gauge Granite's eyes out, but the man was just to tall and she was too weak. The two monsters continued their assault, which increased in ferocity as the seconds ticked by whereas Black Scorpion got weaker and weaker. The woman's face was now blood red as she realized that her body was betraying her and actually getting off on the abuse. The woman now felt even more humiliated as she realized that her long time foes were watching all of it as she was used like a rag doll between Granite and Marble. And just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, she climaxed, which was the first of many.

After some time had passed, Medusa entered the ring with the three men as the crowd applauded. Medusa walked up to Black Scorpion, who was completely limp, as her body quaked with aftershocks. A long line of drool trickled down her face and body as the dirt around the three was completely wet. "Ladies and gentlemen, I think it is safe to say that Black Scorpion has lost," Medusa laughed as Granite and Marble placed their hands on the crime fighter and dislodged themselves from her. The woman crashed into the ground in a heap, but made not effort to get up. "Since she lost, it's time to move her. Remember, for one million dollars, you can have a session with her. The only rules are that the mask stays on and you can't kill her."



In one session, Black Scorpion was on was bent over with her knees close to her head as someone pounded into her stretched sex. She could feel his hands knead her sweat covered breasts. The woman then moaned as she climaxed yet again. As her body shook, her assailant pulled her up, so she was no longer resting on her back. Instead, her left shoulder was pressed against the cold floor and her left cheek was supporting her entire weight. The man stood up, spread her legs so that they were perpendicular to the woman's body, and began to pump his meat into her sex again. And just like before the woman climaxed.

During another session, Black Scorpion was on her knees. Her mouth was busy servicing a man while her hands were jacking off two others. When the man in her mouth was ready to explode, her pulled out of her mouth, and shot his load onto her breasts. The two men shot their loads on her cheeks however. As the three rested, three more took their place. By the time, all twenty-one members in the group had their way with her, she was covered in their spunk.

Some sessions were just a mess of tangled bodies, groping, squeezing, and jocking for position. Finally, for her final session, Black Scorpion was licking Medusa's sex while she rode Granite's huge member. When Medusa had enough, she simply pushed the crime fighter's mouth off of her sex, and allowed the woman to ride Granite's member as she moaned incessantly, allowing the camera to capture it all. Then without warning, Black Scorpion's body tightened and she climaxed. As she screamed in ecstasy, Medusa ripped off the woman's mask, giving the camera a clear view of the euphoria plastered onto Darcy Walker's face, at least for the moment.



"Mmmmm," Black Scorpion purred as she sucked on Matty's member while kneeling before him. The woman still wore her mask and black boots, but the rest of her outfit had been removed and laid on the ground. Around her neck was a black dog collar with Medusa's name on it. Below the woman's name was an O-ring that secured a leash to the collar. It had been about three months since her detention with Medusa and her paying customers. Although Granite was in the room when she was unmasked, he had no idea what she looked like, but Medusa knew. Armed with her knowledge, the woman now had Black Scorpion under her power. Medusa didn't want to destroy the woman in one night, she wanted to humiliate and degrade the woman for quite some time. Thus, Black Scorpion was allowed to leave under a few conditions. The first condition was that she had to surrender her Scorpion Mobile to Matty, William, and David, which she did. The second condition was that she had to visit their garage at least three times a week, and she did, which was why she was on her knees servicing Matty.

"So close," the man panted as he pulled his member out of the woman's mouth. Black Scorpion moved closer until her right breast was rubbing up against his balls. Her left hand caressed and rubbed his knee as she stuck out her tongue and awaited his gift. Matty smiled as his right hand gripped the member and began to pump it fiercely. Within seconds, he shot his load all over the woman's chest. Black Scorpion then used her right hand to massage the man's seed all over her chest while she lapped her tongue against the head of his member, cleaning it while keeping eye contact with him the entire time.

A few feet away from the duo was William, who was busy making sure that the third condition was met. William was in charge of the porn site that starred Black Scorpion. Although, the site wasn't advertised with the crime fighter's name, Darcy Walker was the star, except she wore various costumes and masks. Never once did the mask come off during her photo shoots. It was a hardcore site and the men knew that it was a cop, who was the model since they were busted by Darcy Walker during a heist. They had no idea that Medusa set the whole thing up. Just when it looked like the game was over for the three, Granite and Marble, captured the cop, and forced her into the van, where she was forced to fuck the men. Unknown to the men, condition four was that Black Scorpion was still allowed to bust some inexperienced criminals, but the main ones were left alone. In fact, she was even caught on camera, fighting Medusa, only to lose to her as Medusa fled with millions of dollars worth of diamonds. As the weeks passed, more and more footage of Medusa eluding Black Scorpion were seen. A few days later, a scene like the one involving Medusa and Black Scorpion would appear on the site with Darcy Walker wearing various outfits fighting men. In the video, she would lose and then be forced to fuck the men in the video. It was because of this that the site made so much money. People for the most part believed it was art imitating life.

On the other side of the garage, David was finishing up with the Scorpion Mobile. He had basically taken it apart and added it to their own vehicles. The man also rebuilt a replica, which was pretty useless in terms of speed and mobility, but Black Scorpion had to drive the junker, which to the citizens of Angel City, it was her vehicle that roared down the streets, allowing her to catch her prey. Now, the damn thing kept on breaking down, and most of the onlookers couldn't help but snicker. Of course, David was also in charge of recording the videos of Darcy Walker and putting them into tapes and discs before William uploaded them to the site as streaming video or stills. Even though the men didn't get to keep the profits, Medusa was nice enough to share some of her wealth.

"Hello boys," Medusa spoke as she entered the garage with Granite and Marble walking behind her. "I see that Black Scorpion is here. Did Darcy Walker show up?"

"She showed up yesterday and we made two tapes. She also said that you were going to create a new schedule for her," William spoke as he continued to type.

"Yes. Starting next week, she will basically live here with you three on the weekends. After the filming sessions, you can do what you want with her, but nothing that will scar her," Medusa warned as she walked towards Matty. "And Black Scorpion will continue to visit you every other day during the regular week."

"Sounds good," Matty panted as he pulled away from the crime fighter, who quickly stood up and grabbed the man's hands as she bent forward and spread her legs.

"She's quite wet," Medusa spoke as she ran her fingers along the woman's pussy lips.

"A slut like myself is always wet, Mistress Medusa," Black Scorpion faked a moan as Medusa began to finger the woman.

"Yes, you are quite the slut especially when you're pleasuring me. Tonight, you won't fight crime. Instead, you'll join me and service me," Medusa laughed.

"Laugh it up bitch! When I find that tape, your ass is toast, and then I'll take all three of these bastards down too!" Black Scorpion's mind growled as she plotted on her escape. She had no idea how long it was going to take, but she refused to surrender her soul to these monsters. However, all thoughts of escape faded from her mind at temporarily as Medusa's fingers brought her to orgasm, something that the evil woman was quite good at doing, and would be doing for a long time since in a matter of weeks, the video of Black Scorpion's unmasking would be aired live throughout Angel City for all to see.

The End

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Followed by Reboot/Remake/Re-imagined from the same Writer

The Fall Black Scorpion

By: Night Creeper

Disclaimer: All of the characters created by Roger Corman are owned and created by Roger Corman. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by Roger Corman, they are still owned by Roger Corman. Any resemblance to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: I would like to take the time to thank Hugo Strange for his input in this story. Basically, he supplied an outline and idea for the story, and I just expanded on it and wrote the scenes accordingly, which made things rather easy. I would also like to thank Green Body for his input as well since I never watched the show in question before. Hopefully, I didn't screw up the characters too much. Finally, even though there wasn't an editor for this story, he checked the time-line of the story, and made sure that it made sense.

Feel free to e_mail me at <[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


The Fall Black Scorpion

By: Night Creeper

"Oh god!" Babette moaned. The woman was partially dressed and was basically standing, at least her legs were vertical. The rest of the woman was bent forward while her ass was parted and a huge beast of a man was furiously pumping his meat into her sex. Her stockings were torn and her heels were wobbling as she tried to keep her balance. The woman's blouse had been torn to shreds, but still clung to her shoulders nonetheless. Her bra was nothing more than a memory as her huge mammaries bounced and jiggled about. Babette's fingers were white as a ghost as they planted themselves against the cold metal floor, bracing her body, so that she wouldn't fall over. The woman's face was covered in a drying layer of sperm and it would have dried if it wasn't for the fact that her sweat was constantly re-hydrating it. However, Babette was loving it all, even though she was in an abandoned warehouse with very little lighting.

"You have done well, Babette," a robotic voice spoke from the shadows. "Mayor Arthur Worth has been run out of office by the people of the City of Angels. You exposed his corruption . . . of course, you had to help make it by seducing his entire accounting staff so they would fudge the books. The city is now in its greatest deficit of all time and people are scared. They are hiding in their homes, too afraid to venture out. The crime rate is incredibly high and I have you to thank for it."

"You're welcome," Babette panted as the huge man pumped harder and faster into her.

"I'm equally surprised that you got yourself hired by the new administration. I suppose Shiva Domonco was too lazy to get a new staff. She seems to have inherited the entire staff from Mayor Worth."

"She . . . she plans to get a new staff . . . but everyone has taken a pay cut to stay, so she can't hire new people without angering the citizens," Babette huffed and puffed.

"Then you will make sure that the money doesn't stop flowing? Oh wait! That's right. As long as your juices continue to flow, the money from the city will continue to be embezzled."

"WHATEVER YOU WANT!" Babette screamed as she climaxed violently and almost toppled over except for the man gripping her hips and pulling her back.

"Tomorrow Babette, you will accompany the new mayor, Shiva Domonco, to the Annual Children's Charity at the City of Angels' Fort Knox Bank. I will send my three friends, Inferno, Stunner, and Angel of Death to crash the party. You will go to the charity event ahead of the main party. Tell the new Mayor that you're going to help out with the security sweep. Seduce the guards with your charms and have them meet you somewhere, one hour after the event starts. Just make sure that the meeting place is disclosed to my friends. They will handle the guards and soon enough, the entire bank account of this wretched city will be mine!" the voice laughed. "Let's go!"

"It shall be done," Babette panted as her still trembling body fell onto the ground. The man behind her, who never left the shadows, returned to it, leaving the exhausted woman in a pool of her own juices.


The Next Day

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Shiva Domonco said proudly as she stood behind a podium, surrounded by the rich and famous of the city. There were also a few police officers, but a quite a few than were originally assigned. The new mayor paid little attention to the amount of officers around her since she was giving a speech in one of the safest buildings in the city. "Tonight, I am proud to have found a way to donate one hundred thousand dollars to the City Children's Fund. I had to get my accountants to check the numbers three times, but in the end, they assured me that the money could be allocated. Also, unlike my predecessor, who was swept away by corporate scandals and accounting fraud, I will disclose the exact accounting method used. I promise to run this city lawfully and properly unlike the last administration. Thus, instead of making the life of one person better, I will make everyone's life in this city better!" she proclaimed as the crowd applauded in response.

"Thank you, Mayor Domonco," an elderly man spoke as he approached the mayor with two men dressed in black tuxedos, carried a huge white check between them. "It is my pleasure to receive this check for the underprivileged . . ."

Unfortunately, the man was cut off as a huge ball of flame shot down from the ceiling and incinerated the check.. The two men holding the check, scampered off the stage and began to roll on the ground, trying desperately to stop the burning, while everyone else looked toward the ceiling and saw Inferno standing on the catwalk. "I'm sorry, but I am going to have to claim the check and the rest of the money in this place for the poor, underprivileged criminals of this fine city!" he laughed as another fireball engulfed a few banners and tiny fiery embers began to fall onto the crowd.

"RUN!" a wealthy woman screamed as the crowd began to disperse in total anarchy. People began to push others out of the way as they fled for their lives.

"Get him!" one of the police officers shouted as a few of them assembled on the stage. Some of the other police officers were washed away in the flood of people, while the rest aimed their guns and prepared to fire. However, before they could fire, the were engulfed in a huge blue ball. They screamed in pain as electricity flew out of their mouths.

"Shocking isn't it?" Stunner laughed as she watched the officers' sizzling bodies fall onto the stage.

"My god!" Shiva Domonco screamed as she quickly descended the steps and ran away from the stage. She didn't get the chance to run far as she suddenly ran into the Angel of Death. "No!"

"Going somewhere?" the Italian woman sneered as she tried to grab the new mayor, but her hand was kicked in the process. "YOU!"

"Black Scorpion! You're all in on this!" Shiva Domonco yelled as she backed away.

"Bitch, please! I wouldn't team up with this tramp if you paid me," Angel of Death replied with a great deal of distaste in her mouth, but before she could say anything else, she received a hard slap that forced her to bite down on her taste buds, eliminating them from their jobs for a few days.

"That's no way to talk to the new mayor," Black Scorpion calmly spoke as she delivered a hard kick to the woman's gut, causing her to tumble to the ground.

"Hold it right there!" an officer yelled as he aimed his gun on the sexy woman in black.

"Officer! She's trying to help!" Shiva Domonco yelled.

"Sorry," the officer replied as he lowered his gun and tried to help the mayor up.

The police officer distracted Black Scorpion just long enough for Angel of Death to slip away. "Shit! Where did she go?"

"Don't worry about her!" Stunner yelled as a bolt of electricity barely missed the woman's head.

"Get the mayor to safety, I'll handle her!" Black Scorpion yelled as the officer nodded and escorted the mayor away from the fight. "The numbers are slightly in my favor here, Stunner."

"Not for long, bitch!" Angel of Death yelled as she appeared next to Stunner.

"Well, now the odds are definitely in my favor," the woman in black laughed as she saw Inferno's shadow out of the corner of her eye. Luckily for her, there was a light source behind her, thus when Inferno shot his fireball, she simply rolled out of the way, forcing her two female foes, scrambling for cover as the fireball exploded in front of them.

"FUCK!" Angel of Death shouted as she ran towards Black Scorpion, but was met with an uppercut. The woman fell backwards and landed on Stunner, who accidentally sent a wild bolt of electricity, slicing the catwalk above.

"Stop hiding!" Inferno yelled as he launched fireball after fireball as Black Scorpion ducked behind several huge rollers.

"I'm not hiding. I'm just avoiding the sky that's falling," she replied from behind one of the rollers.

"Chicken shit!" Inferno laughed. "I didn't know that you had a long yellow line down your . . ." The man never finished his statement as the catwalk fell and swung in his direction, hitting him, and sent him flying faster and further than a Mark McGwire homer.

"No, but I won't be the one that will have his back permanently engraved into the wall," she spoke as she came out from behind the roller to see Angel of Death and Stunner, running towards the huge hole that Inferno had made.

"Come on boys, we've got them on the run," a police officer shouted as a handful of officers chased after the fleeing villains.

"Thank you, Black Scorpion. You saved my life," Shiva Domonco said as she appeared with Babette behind her.

"All in a days work," the crime fighter said as she ducked behind one of the rollers. By the time Mayor Domonco ran behind the roller, the woman was gone.

"Where did she go?" Babette asked as she appeared behind the mayor.

"I don't know, but I do have to thank her for rescuing me. Is there a way to get in touch with her? Did Worth have a red phone to call her?"

"Not that I know of."

"Perhaps I'll have to use the media then," Shiva Domonco mused as she walked away from the brunette.


Black Scorpion followed Babette, who was carrying a black briefcase, through what seemed like a maze of tunnels. A few hours ago, the crime fighter saw an evening news bulletin where the reporter read a message from Shiva Domonco, requesting a meeting with the crime fighter. Also in the message were the instructions to pick up Babette from City Hall. "Where are we going exactly?" Black Scorpion asked Babette.

"We're going to the former Mayor's vault. Arthur Worth built this for himself by stealing the money from the citizens of the city. Mayor Shiva Domonco wants your opinion on what to do with it," Babette replied as she took a few more turns before they passed through a huge steel door.

"Black Scorpion, I am so glad that you could come tonight," Shiva Domonco said happily as she greeted the crime fighter. "I wasn't able to thank you properly for your assistance at the charity event a few weeks ago. However, my accountants did show me the books and I was able to find this poorly constructed vault for the Mr. Worth's ill-gotten goods."

"That's a rather big vault," Black Scorpion replied as she glanced at the two men dressed in tuxedos, who were busy trying to open the vault. She immediately recognized them as the men, who carried the check. "What's in it?"

"Cash, checks, gold, silver. You name it, it's probably in there. The accountants were very vague on how much was inside, but regardless, it will help the city."

"So why you call me here?"

"So we can meet again and you can serve as my lapdog once more!" Angel of Death laughed as the vault popped open and numerous black tendrils shot out from the vault, restraining the struggling Black Scorpion.

"ARGGGHH!" the woman screamed as she fault to free herself.

"The charity allowed me to scope you out and I've decided that you are worthy of my time," Shiva Domonco spoke as the tendrils forced the crime fighter to kneel before her as Babette opened the suitcase and placed it next to the new mayor. "Inferno, Angel of Death, and Stunner, all work for me. We've made a deal. They promised me that they would steal all the money from the bank if I captured you. It took me a few months to sway Babette to my side before she framed the former mayor for corruption. Most of the money was funneled through various dummy corporations to a little island, not to far from here. The City of Angels will soon be a police state. I will be the last elected mayor of this city since I will forever rule it."

"You're mad!" the crime fighter snarled as she continued to struggle.

"Here you go," Babette said as she handed Shiva Domonco a large needle and syringe. The brunette then opened the suitcase and a small screen appeared on the back of the top. It sprung to life and it showed Black Scorpion her car and the apartment of her alter ego, Darcy Walker. The secretary swabbed the woman's arm before Shiva Domonco pricked her skin and injected the contents into the helpless woman's body.

"My other associate, Mr. Crunch was able to place a homing device on your vehicle during the charity event. We've been tracking you ever since," Shiva Domonco said as she pulled out a remote control from her pocket. "Ms. Darcy Walker, your crime fighting days are over," Shiva Domonco spoke as she pressed a button on the remote. Immediately, her car blew up and her apartment burst into flames.

Black Scorpion was lost for words as she heard her real name. Her eyes locked onto the burning building and car. As the flames roared and danced, her eyes became heavier and heavier. While her former apartment and her car burned within the darkness of the night, the woman slowly drifted into the dark and was engulfed by the darkness of sleep.


"Ms. Darcy Walker has awaken," Shiva Domonco laughed as she approached the naked and bound woman. The captured heroine was gagged and secured to a bed that almost filled the entire cabin of Shiva Domonco's private jet. "I've decided to allow you to wear your mask. The boots are here because I think you look damn sexy with them on. While you were asleep, I've taken the liberty of shaving your body hair. Trust me, none of it will ever grow back. Thus, if you felt a bit chilled between your legs, you now know why."

"Mmmmpppphhhttt!" Black Scorpion growled into her gag.

"Don't give me that look," Shiva Domonco smiled as she got on the bed and slithered her way toward her captive. When she was hovering over Black Scorpion, the eyes of the two naked women locked onto each other. "You're still giving me that look, but look at that," Shiva laughed as her right hand began to trace the folds of Black Scorpion's pussy lips. "Is that fear in your eyes? And look. That appears to be sweat appearing on your brow. Do you think more will appear if I do this?"

"Mmmmppptttt!" Black Scorpion groaned into her gag as her head swished from side to side.

"Perhaps I should have tickled your cunt a bit before I jammed four fingers into you, but I thought a slut like you could handle it. Such a shame. But trust me, my dear, when I am done with you, you will be able to handle it. Now, try to be a good girl and put up a fight. I so do want to enjoy this," Shiva laughed as she continued to savagely pump her fingers in and out of the bound woman's gash.

"ARRRRGGGHHHH!" Black Scorpion screamed as she felt her body betray her. The woman counted in her mind and tried to regain some control, which she slowly did after a few more seconds. Finally, using all her will power, she stopped her head from thrashing and locked eyes with Shiva Domonco again. The bound woman glared at the woman with would have spat at her if it wasn't for the gag. Her eyes were like daggers as they looked menacingly at her captor.

"Did I not tell you not to look at me like that?" Shiva Domonco spoke as she pulled her fingers out of the bound woman's sex and flicked the juices all over Black Scorpion's face. She then grabbed the woman's face and licked from her chin to her forehead, over and over again, until Black Scorpion's face was covered in a shiny sheen of saliva. "That didn't taste too bad. Since I've just tasted you, you now owe me. You'll spend much of your life licking me from now on," Shiva spoke as she released the woman's hand and began to pump her sex again. Black Scorpion had closed her eyes when the woman began licking her. Now that Shiva was busy pumping her fingers in and out of her sex again, the woman's head began to thrash as her body was betraying her yet again. Except this time, the woman lacked the willpower to combat the evil woman. Thus after a few more seconds, the woman sobbed as a climax washed over her.

"Ahem," a deep voice coughed from behind Shiva Domonco.

"Mr. Crunch. About time you showed up. Come to bed and show Ms. Walker what we have in store for her now," Shiva Domonco spoke, never turning her head toward the door to the bedroom.

Black Scorpion turned her head when she heard the bed moan as Mr. Crunch stepped on the bed. She saw a huge black man in a black suit and wearing sunglasses next to her. The man held a rather large ominous black box with scorpions carved onto the side. After he got closer, he tilted the box so she could see the lid, where there was an encryption that read, "Darcy Walker: The Black Scorpion's Friends."

Shiva Domonco moved and laid down next to the woman. "You're going to enjoy this. Remember when I told you that your crime fighting days are over, well your new friends are going to ensure that my comments earlier will come true," the evil woman whispered into Black Scorpion's ears as Mr. Crunch opened the box and poured numerous silver scorpions onto the bound woman's body.

Black Scorpion's eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw at least twenty of them crawling around her breasts and stomach. She couldn't see the ones on her legs or lower abdomen, but she could feel them slowly moving about. The woman screamed into her gag as she began to tug on her bounds, trying to free herself. Goose bumps appeared on her body as the scorpions moved about her body at will. Some of them even went as far as using their claws to clamp onto her skin. What really set the woman off was when some of them began to attack her nipples with their claws. Others began to attack her sensitive pussy lips, driving the woman wild.

"These aren't your normal scorpions. I made these myself. Well, I guess I didn't really make them. They are real scorpions, but I have placed some hardware inside of them. Basically, I control their nervous system under that exoskeleton of theirs. Also, their claws have been reenforced. They have much better grip as your nipples can attest too. I thought you were angry with me earlier and I saw your shamed face after your climax, but your nipples seem to be redder than that now. Anyway, after they get settled, their tails will began to strike, and with every strike, your body will be introduced to a creation of mine. See, I've replaced their venom with something that I think you will quite enjoy. The new drug laced toxin will make you beg for me to ram my fist in your cunt and pump the shit out of you. Basically, the toxin is aphrodisiac, a highly addictive one at that. The only problem is that when my babies attack, it will still hurt. OH! I see they are ready. Now, just relax, because this might sting a little," Shiva Domonco laughed as she saw the scorpions tense up.

"AGGGGGGHHHHH!! ARRRRRRRRRR!! GGGGGGGPPPPPLLLLLTTTT!!" Black Scorpion wailed as her entire body surged and fell back onto the bed. Her head was thrashing about as her body began to burn up after all the stings. The woman's body felt as if someone was jabbing cold icicles into her. The worst part was that some of the scorpions were actually stinging her in some really sensitive areas like her own sex. Within in seconds, a warm gush of her own juices flowed freely and constantly from her pussy. Her nipples weren't being left alone neither. In fact, several stingers stung her nipples, making the woman's nipples quite erect. The rest of her body was being stung repeatedly, making the woman feel like a voodoo doll. This continued for several minutes as sweat poured out of every pore. The woman's heart was beating rapidly as her chest heaved and her lungs burned for air. Her face was a mask of agonizing pain and her body was as red as her face. By the time, the scorpions all stopped stinging her, her body was about as pink as a newborn rodent with angry red dots all over her body. Her breathing was still hard and forced when the scorpions made their way off her body and back into the box, leaving the woman to her fate.

"Look at your nipples. They're standing up like the peaks of a majestic mountain range. Or like the tip of the ice cream in a cone. Let's see if it tastes like it," Shiva spoke as she twirled her tongue at the base of the bound woman's right nipple, before dragging her tongue up the entire length. Black Scorpion moaned as her body climaxed. Shiva waited for the woman to return to Earth before she pumped her fingers in and out of the woman's cunt. She pumped for a total of five seconds before the woman exploded like a gusher. Shiva then backed off, allowing Mr. Crunch to place a huge strap-on around her waist. "This dildo is going to ram itself into your cunt. It may stuff your cunt, but I'll use bigger ones later on in our relationship. Look at me!" Shiva spoke as she gripped the woman's wet face. She could see the tears in Black Scorpion's eyes, but she could also see the lust. Thus, it didn't surprise her at all when the woman nodded in approval, granting permission for the evil woman to ram the dildo into her sex.

Black Scorpion came again and again as Shiva Domonco plunged the dildo in and out of the woman repeatedly. Mr. Crunch held Black Scorpion's head in place, making sure that when her eyes were open, she could see Shiva Domonco's smiling face. Black Scorpion was utterly humiliated as she glanced at her rapist's eyes repeatedly. "I can't fight. I am so wet. The scorpions did this to me. Oh god!" her mind groaned as she climaxed again.

Shiva Domonco pulled the dildo out of Black Scorpion's cunt and slid off of her. She pat the woman on the head a few times as if she were her pet. The evil woman slid off the bed, grabbed a towel and began to dry herself off. She then got dressed and snapped her fingers. Mr. Crunch quickly disrobes and shows off his muscular body that would put most bodybuilders to shame. The man quickly unties Black Scorpion, who quickly shoves her hands into the man's face, but was unable to stop him from slamming his body against her legs, forcing them apart. "Fuck her," Shiva Domonco snarled as Mr. Crunch rammed his member into the woman's sex in one violent motion. Black Scorpion screamed in pain as the man picked her off the bed and slammed her into the side of the plane.

"OHHHHHH GGGGGGOOOOOODDD!!!" Black Scorpion screamed into her gag as her legs wrapped themselves around the man's backside. Her own arms wrapped themselves around his tree trunk of a neck as she pressed her breasts against his body. The woman was thrusting her hips to meet his as her backside slid up and down against the side of plane, drenching it with her sweat.

After numerous climaxes, Mr. Crunch threw the woman back onto the bed. Before the man got dressed, he pulled a huge tub from under the bed. He then pulled the still recovering woman from the bed and into the tub. Mr. Crunch then grabbed a hose and began to spray a intense blast of water into the woman's sex. The woman screamed into her gag as she climaxed again and again. Shiva Domonco watched as she saw her henchman's sperm being washed away. Once Mr. Crunch was done, he toweled himself off and got dressed. "We have plenty of sessions like this in store for you. There's nothing but more drugs and fucking in your future. Now it's time to get acquainted with a few old friends," Shiva Domonco whispered into Black Scorpion's ear after Mr. Crunch picked up the exhausted woman. In a matter of seconds, the door to the room flung open and Inferno, Angel of Death, and Stunner were on the other side, waiting for her.


"OH GOD!" Black Scorpion screamed as she climaxed yet again. The woman was still only allowed to wear her mask and boots liked earlier before, except this time she had a few things added. Her legs were spread and her ankles were chained to the floor. Around her neck was a black diamond studded dog collar with a light chain connected to a pulley, which was housed inside a tan compartment on the ceiling that was no bigger than a ten-gallon storage box. The chain forced the woman to stay in one place or risk choking herself. Her hands were free to move about. At first, she tried to fight off her attackers with her hands, but after an hour of futile struggling, spankings, penetrations, and numerous orgasms, the woman simply stood still and stared at Shiva Domonco, who was seated a few feet away from the group, with pleading eyes.

Currently, Inferno was pumping his cock in and out of the woman's once virginal anus. His hands gripped her hips and even though the woman hand just came down from her orgasmic high, her hips were meeting his thrusts, making the crime fighter's situation even worse. At the same time, both Stunner and Angel of Death knelt in front of the woman, and were busy alternating between licking and fingering her now totally shaved pussy. Black Scorpion couldn't even look down at the woman. Instead, she was forced to watch the movie screen provided by Shiva Domonco's private jet. The screen gave her all sorts of angles and made her ordeal even worse as she couldn't believe that her body would betray her while her foes abused her.

"You look so beautiful in agony," Shiva Domonco laughed as she sipped her champagne glass. "I'm sure you're aware that your in my private jet. My god! All that sweat glistening off your body. You're going to make an excellent fucktoy."

"I . . . I . . . don't . . . think . . . AHHHHH!!" Black Scorpion tried to object, but stopped when Angel of Death bit down on her clit.

"You use to like that when you were my slave," Angel of Death mocked when she released the sensitive nub before biting down on it again and again, causing the woman to scream and frantically whip her body about, strangling herself in the process.

"Darcy Walker, your new name is Fucktoy. Now Fucktoy, fondle your tits and scream out your new name or Angel of Death is going to rip your clit off," Shiva Domonco giggled as she relished the torment plastered on Black Scorpion's face.

Black Scorpion held out for a few minutes before Angel of Death began to grind her teeth and tug against the sensitive area. It was so bad that she thought her clit was going to rip right out. Thus, her mind in order to save itself, relented. Her hands shot up to her breasts and began to knead them. "I am Fucktoy! I am Fucktoy!" the woman cried in anguish as Angel of Death released her clit.

"How long before we arrive at your fortress?" Stunner asked Shiva Domonco.

"Fool! You weren't suppose to tell her that!" Shiva Domonco snarled angrily.


"No matter. Seeing the look of horror on her face is quite pleasing. That's right Black Scorpion. We're off to my fortress. I'm sure that you're aware that the former mayor had embezzled quite a large amount of money. Well, the money actually went into my own accounts after it was recovered. Also, about four hours ago, the gold that you protected two weeks ago were secretly transferred to an anonymous account in Switzerland. It's not a Swiss Bank Account, but it's just as safe, if not safer," Shiva Domonco boasted. "However, you don't need to know all of this. Stunner, this news must be rather shocking to our new fucktoy."

"Yes," Stunner smiled as she shot a bolt of electricity against the sensitive pink flesh of Black Scorpion. The woman howled in pain as Stunner stopped, allowed the woman to recover, and then shot another bolt.

"GOD DAMN IT! You're frying my dick!" Inferno screamed.

"Then pull out, you smuck!" Angel of Death snarled as she raised her hands to show the man that she wasn't even touching the woman anymore.

"Fuck no! Her hips are fucking amazing right now! And her hole is squeezing my cock like a vice!" the man said with savage glee.

"Men!" Stunner grumbled as she continued to shoot blasts of electricity at Black Scorpion's slimy pussy. Not only that, but a long trail of drool was now meandering down her chin and chest. Stunner made the woman howl again and again, and even forcing her to climax a few times before the woman's brain finally endured too much, and shut down.


"Time to wake up Fucktoy!" Shiva Domonco hissed as she slapped Black Scorpion across the face over and over again until she opened her eyes. "Get up, we have a lot of things to do today," the woman snapped.

Black Scorpion wanted to snap the woman's neck, but found herself sliding off the examination table. She blinked her eyes a few times and saw a huge mirror in front of her. The reflection staring back at her was a woman, who was only wearing a black mask and her black boots from her old costume. There was a new addition however, which was the same collar from the plane ride as well as a pair of manacles, each with a chain that connected to the leash that one of Shiva Domonco's henchman was holding. Standing next to the mirror was a huge, muscular African American male. The man belonged in wrestling and handed the leash to Shiva Domonco, who quickly lead the crime fighter out of the room with the huge man a few steps behind.

The trio passed by four rows of huge silver containers, each one the size of two school buses placed back to back. Black Scorpion couldn't see inside the containers, but she could see huge black hoses pumping things in and out of the containers. After a long walk past the containers, the trio arrived on a moving sidewalk that moved them down a long corridor with bulletproof glass along the sides. Black Scorpion could see more rows of the silver containers, except this time she could see dark objects inside them. As the trio moved further and further along, the path curved and for a few seconds, there was nothing regular walls. However, after a few seconds, another corridor with glass along the walls appeared. This time, Black Scorpion could see huge figures inside the containers. "Originally, they were patterned after Mr. Crunch, the former professional wrestler behind you. However, I have decided to make a few changes. After months of experiment, I finally achieved what I wanted. Those vats are to pump life into my creations," Shiva Domonco spoke as she pointed at the clear containers.

"What are they?" Black Scorpion asked as they entered another corridor, where the faceless figures were sparring with each other.

"They are part of my new clone army. Each one will be pumped full of steroids and the best DNA around. I have decided that they will receive the DNA of the City of Angels's most vile villains. Of course, I have to obtain that first, but I will. Once they inherit the new DNA, I will mass produce them and they will be part of my army, which I will use to rule the city!" Shiva Domonco boasted.

"Oh my god!" Black Scorpion gasped as she saw a nude Stunner. The woman was sweating profusely as her body climaxed again and again. She was sandwiched between two gigantic faceless clones. One of the clone's huge cock was pumping inside her ravaged cunt while the other one was devastating her anal passage. The woman's proud white skin was nothing more than a memory since most of her skin was now an angry red or dark pink. Scattered throughout her body were blue and black bruises. All of the abuse came from the clones' very own hands as they manhandled her and fucked her into submission. The brunette's shoulder length hair almost looked like a silver wig since it was covered in a layer of dried sperm. Stunner's eyes were vacant as she moaned in despair.

A few more seconds later, Black Scorpion was treated to another scene that involved Angel of Death. The Italian woman was buck naked and her pristine white skin was covered in a layer of white goo. The woman's knees were pinned against her chest as a huge clone pummeled her pussy while another one drove his huge dick into her mouth. The woman's hands were busy jerking off another set of cocks as they sprayed even more sperm onto her body. Much like Stunner, Black Scorpion could make out the woman's vacant eyes.

"If you're wondering, these are actually just test clones. They were made from the first batch. The ones that we passed earlier, still in their tubes are the new ones. Those have already inherited the DNA of Inferno and soon, they will inherit DNA from Stunner and Angel of Death. Of course, they will inherit yours as well," Shiva Domonco boasted.

"You won't get away with this," Black Scorpion attempted to growl, but came out like a whimper instead.

"You know, that's exactly what Inferno said before decided that he wouldn't be part of my plan anymore. We basically took a sample of his blood, melted him down, preserved his DNA, and pumped into the holding vats. It was a real scream."

"You monster."

"That's what Stunner and Angel of Death said before I threw them at the mercy of my clones. Sex will be my clones' reward for completing their training. Do you want to join them?"

"No," Black Scorpion replied meekly.

"Good! I have other plans for you!" Shiva Domonco spoke as Mr. Crunch injected a fluid from a high powered-needle gun into Black Scorpion's arm. The crime fighter yelped in pain before falling backwards into the huge man's chest. "Don't worry. We'll be back to my room in a few minutes," Shiva Domonco laughed.


Black Scorpion awoke to find herself lying down on the examination table again. She could see her glistening nude self with the help of the mirror that was the ceiling. She still had her mask and boots on though. Also, the woman could see the metal contraption that was secured to her head, which kept her mouth wide open and unable to close. It almost resembled the headgear that some unfortunate children had to wear as part of their orthodontic treatment. The only difference was that her version wasn't made for comfort since it also squeezed the bottom half of her ear, causing her earlobes to be a bloody red. The woman could make out numerous black rectangles with wires strategically placed all over her body. She had two on each breast, four of them on her bare stomach, one each on each armpit, four more on her thighs, two of them along her sex, one each on her neck, one of her throat, one on each cheek, one on her forehead, and although she couldn't see them, she knew that she had four on her buttocks. Black Scorpion had no idea what was going on, but she knew that she was not going to like it, especially since she her wrists and ankles were secure to the table.

"I see you're awake," Shiva Domonco spoke as she entered the room with Mr. Crunch behind her. The huge black man lumbered toward Black Scorpion and placed a black rectangle on each of her open palms as well as the back of her hand. He then attached one each to the bottom of her feet. "I'm guessing you're kind of interested about the black rectangles. Normally people use white ones, but you are the Black Scorpion, so I thought I would go with the theme. Anyway, you may be shocked by the ramifications," Shiva Domonco laughed as she signaled to Mr. Crunch, who pressed the button on a remote, sending electricity through the bound woman's body.

"OH GOD! OH MY GOD!!" Black Scorpion screamed in pain, but came out all garbled, thanks to the metallic gear.

"From this day forth, Darcy Walker, your life of freedom and fighting crime are over. The police already believe that you died in the apartment fire. However, the blaze was so hot that the building collapsed and your remains were buried under the rubble. The surrounding area was deemed unsafe, so no one had the chance to uncover anything. Luckily for everyone else, they all escaped. As for the Black Scorpion, she too is presumed dead. Your ride blew up and was totaled. The coroner wasn't even able to find a body afterwards. It has been speculated that the explosion caused your carcass to fly out of the car, where it crashed into the river, headed downstream, and out toward the ocean, never to be recovered. Good riddance. Especially since you're now prepared to assume your new role as my permanent guest and toy. From this day forth, you will call yourself, Fucktoy. You will respond to it and everything. Understand?" Shiva Domonco asked as she took the remote from Mr. Crunch.

"GO TO HELL!" Black Scorpion shouted, but the words were completely garbled. The only thing that expressed her hate was her facial reaction.

"Fine! We'll do it the hard way," Shiva Domonco spoke as she slowly turned the dial and the electricity began to flow. Black Scorpion moaned and groaned as her body twitched. Her body began to react as she became moist and her nipples slowly became erect. It only took a few more seconds before her nipples were fully erect. That's when Shiva Domonco placed a long transparent cylinder over each nipple. Mr. Crunch then attached an arch with a long hose in the middle to the two cylinders and Black Scorpion's nipples were painfully sucked into the cylinders. The woman howled in pain as Shiva Domonco increased the electricity flow.

"OH MY GOD!! OH MY DEAR GOD!!" Black Scorpion wailed as her head whipped side to side as her body continued to be jolted by the steady stream of electricity.

"We're not done yet," Shiva Domonco spoke as she picked up a another transparent cylinder, except this one was a long and thick. The woman traced it along the bound woman's pussy lips for a few seconds, before pushing it slowly past them. Shiva Domonco could see Black Scorpion's eyes pleading with her to stop. "Don't worry. My strap-on is bigger than this," Shiva laughed as she continued to push it in. The slowly slipped an inch in before she suddenly punched it and hammered it inside the woman. Black Scorpion shrieked in pain as Shiva Domonco hammered it in, but her screams got worse when the cylinder began to send out electric current to her sensitive womb.

"OH DEAR GOD! MAKE IT STOP!! MAKE IT STOP!!" Black Scorpion screamed.

Shiva Domonco giggled and picked up a black baton with a red button on it. She slowly moved it back and forth over the woman's body, hovering it a few inches above her. Then as she came to her stomach, she pressed the button. Black Scorpion saw four blue lines bursting out of the baton and hitting the black rectangles. The rectangles were already sending current through her body, but with the baton, the current was tripled in that area, causing the woman to howl in pain. Shiva Domonco smiled wickedly as she released the button only to press it again close to the woman's breasts. The jolt caused Black Scorpion's nipples to extend even more as they shot further into the cylinder. "I know you like it, Fucktoy! Beg me for it! Beg me for more!" she snarled. As time passed, with a demonic smile, Shiva Domonco moved the baton all over the woman's body, making sure to steer clear of the woman's dripping sex, even though the cylinder should have dammed her up. However, she could see the woman's eyes grow incredibly wide as she moved the baton to her crotch.

"NO!!! PLEASE GOD!!! NO!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!" Black Scorpion screamed.

Shiva Domonco chuckled to herself as she savored every second of Black Scorpion's plight. She knew that the woman was use to shooting electricity through devices on her wrists. However, those devices have long been removed, and the only hint of her old costume were the boots and masks. The evil woman could see the bound woman's body quiver as her eyes begged for mercy. She could see the sweat pouring off of the captive's body as she screamed. Shiva Domonco knew that Black Scorpion was saying something, but she couldn't figure out what she was saying. Of course, it didn't really matter, because Shiva Domonco only wanted to hear a few audible words from the woman's mouth. "Tell me, Fucktoy! Enjoying yourself?" she asked.

Black Scorpion howled in pain as she felt the baton's power energize the rectangles on her cheeks. However, when the baton was moved over her nose, she slammed her eyes shot as she felt a gigantic bolt shoot through her skull and into her brain. This sent all sorts of signals to her nerves. The jolt shot down her spine and through every cell in her body. Without any resistance whatsoever, the woman climaxed violently. Her body danced on the table as she climaxed again and again in rapid succession. By the time, Shiva Domonco took the baton away from Black Scorpion's face, the woman was flopping about in her restraints like a fish on a fisherman's line when its first dragged out of the water. Sweat splashed all over the room as saliva flowed from the corners of the woman's mouth. The woman was now barely conscious as she continued to climax.

"I don't want my little fucktoy to be brainless. I'll give her a few minutes here. She looks so beautiful when she's heaving and moaning," Shiva laughed as her hand caressed the bound woman's face, stroking it and causing the woman to moan.

"Oh shit," Black Scorpion cursed mentally after a good ten minutes of recovery. "I can't take much of that."

"Welcome back," Shiva laughed as she moved the baton about without pressing the button. "Mr. Crunch! Would you do the honors?" Shiva asked as Mr. Crunch watched with little emotion. As his mistress continued to move the baton about, he pressed another button. Suddenly, the table began to shift and move. Black Scorpion's legs began to part as she was slowly raised to a reclined position, almost like an airplane seat in coach. Her wrists which were secure next to her rib-cage also moved. They were now a forty-five degree angle and her knees were bent, almost touching her wrists. Knowing her vulnerable position, the woman was struggling like mad when she saw the baton approach her sex again.

"If you don't want me to shock your cunt, you'll have to do a few things for me. Do you want to do a few things for me?" Shiva Domonco asked as she bent down towards Black Scorpion's face and brushed her drenched hair. "Nodding your head eh? Mr. Crunch, remove the headgear," Shiva Domonco ordered as her servant did what he was told.

"YES! ANYTHING!" Black Scorpion gasped aloud when the metal was removed from her mouth.

"Excellent," Shiva spoke as she picked up a glass full of a green solution. "Drink this and don't spit any of it out. Or else, your cunt will be on fire!" Black Scorpion nodded her head and opened her mouth wide as the evil woman poured the liquid into her mouth. Once Shiva stopped pouring, the captured crime fighter quickly swallowed the concoction. Almost instantly, she began to feel lightheaded. "By the way, we injected you with a drug earlier in the hallway. That drug made you sleepy at first. It then went latent. Now, with the help of the drug that you just swallowed, you will become very horny. Basically, in a few more minutes, you'll be begging me to push the button when the baton is over your cunt," Shiva laughed.

"What have I done?" the woman cried as she felt her body began to heat up.



"OH LORD!!" Black Scorpion wailed. Shiva Domonco still refused to have the woman wear anything other than her mask and boots. Now, the crime fighter was standing with her legs spread and her ankles shackled to the floor, keeping her in place. Her legs were pressed against a huge metal cabinet. The top of the cabinet was perfectly flat and had railings on three of the four sides. The woman's hands were bound to the sides by regular rope, but she could move her hands from the rubber handle to the rest of the metal railing, as long as her hands moved in a straight line. Making the matter worse was that the ropes around her wrists were also tied to her thighs, which meant if she moved forward too much, her legs would press against the side and her body would rest of the top of the cabinet, which wouldn't be a bad thing if it the top wasn't like a hot plate that shocked her occasionally. Her neck was a different story as a noose was tied around her neck and connected to the railing directly ahead of her. There wasn't much slack so the woman could only keep it at a certain level. Coupled with her hands, the woman's tits and stomach could either rest of the cabinet's top and be shocked, or she could move her hands back toward her body and lift her head, only to be choked by the noose. Of course, there was a third solution, which was to position herself halfway between the two extremes, but her arms would get tired, and she would be forced to at least shocked a few times before she could force her exhausted body to resume the position again.

Shiva Domonco smiled evilly as she slapped her captive's ass a few times while Mr. Crunch watched, showing no emotion. Some times out of sheer boredom, the evil woman would push Black Scorpion's body down and keep it down as she screamed in excruciating pain or she would yank her hair and pull her head back, listening to her choke. All that was quite fun for the woman, but it lost its luster after a good hour or so. Thus, she decided to finally humiliate the woman even more before they both retired to her bed, where her Black Scorpion would spend the night licking her sex. "Darcy Walker, you are nothing more than a fucking machine. You are my slave! You're nothing more than a piece of ass, a cunt, and a pair of tits that deserves only to be beaten and raped!" Shiva Domonco yelled into the woman's ear as she pressed her body down onto the metal.

"OOOOOOHHHHHHH GGGGGGGGOOOOODDDDDD!!" the bound woman shrieked like a banshee. Her body was thrashing about as the volts flooded her body and fried her nerves. The woman could feel bolts of electricity flying through her mouth as she screamed. She could even feel her eyeballs heat up as she tried desperately to raise herself.

"You are not the Black Scorpion anymore! "You are nothing more than a fucking machine! You are my slave! You're nothing more than a piece of ass, a cunt, and a pair of tits that deserves only to be beaten and raped!" Shiva Domonco screamed again as she yanked the woman up by the hair, choking her.

"GGNNNNHHHHPPPHHHH," the woman choked as she tried to see through her tear soaked eyes. Her vision was blurring from all the pain and lack of oxygen. Of course, mental and physical exhaustion also came into play. Shiva had told her earlier that she would break both her body and will before the night was out and now, Black Scorpion didn't doubt that statement at all since she was hanging on by a thread.

"Darcy Walker, you are nothing more than a fucking machine! You are my slave! You're nothing more than a piece of ass, a cunt, and a pair of tits that deserves only to be beaten and raped!" Shiva Domonco yelled as she forced the woman down onto the metal again. Only this time, Mr. Crunch rammed a huge vibrator into Black Scorpion's pussy, filling her, and exciting her.

Shiva Domonco raised and pushed the woman done at will. She didn't count time, she simply alternated between the two. A good half an hour passed before she held Black Scorpion and made sure that she wasn't frying or choking. "You already had quite a few orgasms. You must like this. You must love the delicious pain. I knew you were a slut, but I didn't know that you were a pain-slut, getting off on something as vile as this. I mean you were the one that helped me tie all this rope. You told me how tight it should be and everything. You even got in position for this. I guess you really wanted this. I guess you really wanted to be a pain-slut. Darcy Walker is a pain-slut! Darcy Walker is nothing more than a fucking machine! You are my slave! You're nothing more than a piece of ass, a cunt, and a pair of tits that deserves only to be beaten and raped!" Shiva Domonco yelled as she pushed the woman down onto the table as Mr. Crunch turned the vibrator to maximum speed and shoved it deep into the bound woman.

Black Scorpion screamed in both lust and pain as she every shock was a step up on the ladder of bliss. Her body had suffered like nothing she had every endured before, but her mind was the part of her that took the most beating. For much of her ordeal, her mind was pushing her to hold on. Her mind had asked her not to give up. However, her mind was telling her absolutely nothing, and worse yet, when the newest climax overcame her, the only voice in her head was Shiva Domonco's voice. "Darcy Walker is nothing more than a fucking machine! I am Shiva Domonco's slave! I am nothing more than a piece of ass, a cunt, and a pair of tits that deserves only to be beaten and raped!" she screamed again and again as the Shiva watched with a huge smile on her face as she knew that she had broken Black Scorpion and all she had to do was to reenforce her new identity through more training and some drugs, and there would be no going back for her.


Black Scorpion's face was covered in Shiva Domonco's pussy juice. The woman was still dressed in her black mask and boots. However, Shiva hand given the woman a present to wear. Black Scorpion now wore a gold chain attached to one of Shiva's genetically-altered scorpions, which hung between the woman's breasts. The scorpion would alternate its stings between the breasts, injecting the woman with a stimulant, making the woman feel light headed and extremely horny. Currently, the woman sat between Shiva Domonco's legs, pressing her back against the woman's chest. Shiva was busy fingering the woman's clit while Black Scorpion fondled her breasts and pulled on her own nipples. Every now and then, Mr. Crunch would hand her a cup of green liquid, which she would drink, and hand the empty cup back to him. The green liquid coupled with the scorpion's stimulant made the woman very horny and very susceptible to Shiva Domonco's commands, making her nothing more than a puppet.

"Help me!" Stunner screamed as she bounced up and down like a Jack-In-A-Box, while riding one of the clone's huge dick. The woman was looking right into Black Scorpion's eyes while her hands were busy jacking off two more clones. There were also twenty more of them standing in the background awaiting their turn. All of the clones looked like the now deceased Inferno and they had the combined endurance and strength of Inferno, Mr. Crunch, Angel of Death, Stunner, and Black Scorpion. Some of them were even as sadistic as Shiva herself and they took great pride in fucking their toy. In fact, Stunner had already fucked ten clones already.

"See Fucktoy, when my clones are done with their training, they can either fuck Stunner or Angel of Death. They are basically rewards for my clones completing their training. You won't have to worry about the clones however. You're going to be subjected to drugs and constant use by me," Shiva Domonco spoke into Black Scorpion's ear.

"Drugs and constant use," Black Scorpion moaned.

"OH GOD!! NOT AGAIN!!" Stunner screamed as she climaxed yet again. At the same time, all three clones shot their loads. Her pussy began to flood as her face was now covered in sperm. The woman was almost catatonic when the two clones that she was giving hand jobs to, left the room and were quickly replaced by two more. The clones grabbed her hand and placed them on their rock hard members. They then pumped her hand up and down their shaft and after a few seconds, the broken woman performed her task without their assistance. The woman was now on automatic pilot and would do anything.

"Do you want to be up there servicing the clones or me, your mistress?" Shiva asked Black Scorpion.

"I rather be servicing you," the woman moaned right before she climaxed.


Angel of Death, who was dressed exactly like Black Scorpion, as she valiantly tried to punch and kick the clones away. So far she was able to defeat three of them, but there were at least twenty standing between her and the escape door. The woman hadn't worn clothes ever since the fateful flight to Shiva's fortress. Now that she had clothes on again, she felt a bit more human, rather than a mere plaything, thus she realized that she fighting for her life. If she lost, she would have to return to her hell, but for the moment, she was content on trying to fight off the clones and escape. However, three of the four walls were real, but one was nothing more of a hologram, being projected on a transparent sheet of plastic. Behind the hologram were Babette, Black Scorpion, and Shiva Domonco.

Darcy Walker, the real Black Scorpion, was awake, but her head was swimming. She was still nude except for her mask and boots. However, she was also wearing her scorpion necklace, supplied with a live genetically altered scorpion. Unlike the previous scorpion, this one had was able to extend or retract the chain. Shiva Domonco had inserted an extra long chain into the scorpion itself, which allowed it to act like a spider, lowering itself all the way to Black Scorpion's sex, or retract the chain so that it was next to her throat. Regardless of where it was, it usually stung the woman, making her incredibly horny. Currently, the scorpion was busy injecting her breasts with its toxin as the woman sat on a couch, between both Shiva and Babette. Shiva wore a sharp blue business suit, while Babette was the polar opposite as she was totally nude. Both women were busy fingering Black Scorpion's soppy sex as they watched. Shiva Domonco had convinced Black Scorpion that she was watching a tape of one of her failed escapes even though the woman had never even attempted to. However, she couldn't distinguish fact from fiction anymore, since her entire captive life had been spent either fucking, being tortured, or being drugged.

Back in the room, Angel of Death kicked a clone right between the legs after shocking it with her blasters on her wrists. When it fell to its knees, she chopped it on the back of the neck, sending it crashing to the ground. Then she prepared for the next clone. However, she wasn't aware that the previous three that she had defeated, were now standing behind her. As the woman prepared to fire, one of the clones grabbed the blaster, tore it off her wrist, and shot her with it. Angel of Death screamed in pain as another clone did the same with the other blaster. Within seconds, the woman was writhing on the ground in excruciating pain and screaming like a banshee. The other clones watched and began to line up behind the others, making sure not to block the view of the fake wall.

Black Scorpion cooed and moaned as her excited sex shot pleasure throughout her body. She saw the scene in front of her and remembered all the electrodes that Shiva Domonco had placed on her body over the course of her one and half week ordeal. Black Scorpion remembered how she tried to fight it at first, but after a few hours, she was begging to lick the woman's sex. She remembered how disgusting and humiliating it was to service the woman with her tongue. But now, she worshiped Shiva's sex every night as she fingered herself. Her drugged mind watched the scene in front of her and her pussy began to juice up even more, remembering all the climaxes that racked her body.

Back in the room, the clones stopped shocking Angel of Death. The woman was barely conscious as they tore her clothes from her body, leaving the mask and boots. A clone flipped her over so that her face was planted against the floor. They then turned her and yanked her head up by her hair, making sure that everyone in the next room, could see the woman's pained face. Then another clone rammed its huge member into the woman's ass. Angel of Death woke from her sleep, screaming her head off as the clone began to pump into her ass. The clone gripped her hips and lifted her into the air as it stood and pumped into her. Another clone dropped onto its knees, went under the woman, and began to assault her sex with its tongue. Angel of Death moaned as she saw two more clones approach her. Instinctively, her hands quickly shot out from her body and began to jerk their cocks. "I am a fucktoy! I am Fucktoy!" the woman moaned as she reverted back to the broken woman that she had become. Then, she was swung to the side, where she plunged her mouth on a waiting clone's dick.

"I am Fucktoy," Black Scorpion spoke mechanically as Mr. Crunch entered the room and handed the woman a cup full of green liquid. Black Scorpion took the cup and drank the contents down in one gulp. The woman's head wretched backward as she moaned, sending a deluge of honey from her sex.

"Is my Fucktoy ready to return to bed?" Shiva Domonco asked.

"Yes," Black Scorpion moaned as Mr. Crunch picked her up and followed both Shiva and Babette out of the room.


"Oh god," Black Scorpion moaned as she laid on Shiva Domonco's bed. The woman's body was covered in red kisses, with the majority of them centered around her breasts and pussy. Her legs were spread and entwined with Shiva and Babette's legs as she laid between the two of them. Shiva was on her right and Babette was on her left. Both of them were busy pumping their fingers in and out of Black Scorpion's dripping sex while planting more kisses onto the woman.

"Fucktoy is such a dirty little tramp," Shiva Domonco whispered into the woman's ear before she tugged on the woman's earlobe.

Due to the combination of constant drugs and sex, Black Scorpion's will had been greatly reduced. Her mind was constantly clouded and she had problems thinking straight. The woman's mind was so use to Shiva Domonco's soft voice whispering into her ear that her brain often had some of her most spoken phrases and words ingrained into her brain. Not only would her brain pick up on it, but Shiva's pet scorpion around the woman's neck would also pick it up, thus stinging the woman and making her even wetter. After weeks of this, Black Scorpion no longer needed the scorpion to react, but it still stung her nonetheless. Also, during her training sessions, Shiva Domonco often told the captured woman that she would look after her like a mother. Black Scorpion's brain picked up on it after a few sessions and during the height of her climaxes, she would often refer to her captor as mother. However, in the last few days, she was calling the woman by the name more and more. "I'm such a dirty tramp, mother," she moaned.

"My pussy eating whore is all wet," Shiva cooed as Babette giggled before she began kissing Black Scorpion's breasts, making sure to avoid the scorpion necklace.

"Oh god! It feels so good, mother," Black Scorpion repeated again and again.

"What's your name then?"

"My name?"

"Yes. Your name?"

"I am . . ."

Sensing that Black Scorpion's mind was resisting yet again, Shiva Domonco was determined to completely break the crime fighter's will, and decided to poke the woman a little more. "You're name is Fucktoy. I am your mother. I will take care of all your needs. All you have to do is obey me without question and service me on command. My little pussy slave likes to climax. She needs to climax, but she needs to wait for me to allow her to climax before she can," Shiva Domonco whispered into the woman's ear as her fingers slowed down.

"NOOOO!" Black Scorpion screamed as her hands flew from her sides and down to her sex, where they began to pump. However, Babette quickly grabbed both of the woman's hands, pulled them back toward her head, and planted her own knees on them, trapping them.

"Only an obedient pussy slave can climax. If you're not a good little tramp then mother won't allow you to climax. Be a good little slut whore and I will let you climax," Shiva spoke as she blew the woman's engorged nipple.

The warm air caused the woman to moan as her body screamed for release. All the chemicals and frustration was almost bad enough to make her explode. Her mind continued to put up a fight as it tried to push back the animal lust that was building inside her. However, slowly and slowly, cracks began to appear as Shiva sped up her fingers and slowed it back down, making sure to excite and deny the woman, all the while, whispering in her ear. After half an hour, Black Scorpion's lust won out and with a low moan of defeat, she embraced her new identity. "Yes mother! Fucktoy wants to be a good pussy slave! Fucktoy wants to climax! Fucktoy needs to climax!" she screamed as Shiva pumped her fingers rapidly in and out of the woman's sex, causing her to climax.

"Yes you are. Yes you are," Shiva Domonco laughed triumphantly.


"Fuck them! Fuck the shit out of them!" Black Scorpion shouted to two of the finished clones, who were busy pumping their members into the ravaged pussies of Stunner and Angel of Death. Both women were on all fours, moaning in despair as Black Scorpion held on to their leashes, which were attached to the black collars around their necks. The former heroine was allowed to wear her old costume, whereas her old foes wore absolutely nothing. She was under strict orders to watch the new batch as they enjoyed their rewards.

Shiva thought it would be fun to see the two broken women's reactions when Black Scorpion entered the room with the finished clones. However, Shiva was a bit disappointed when the former dangerous pair simply got into position and allowed the clones to fuck them. It was obvious to the evil woman that the two slaves were completely broken. Worse yet, they no longer talked, which didn't make things as enjoyable as it use to be when they screamed and begged. "Bah! Those two are almost worthless now," Shiva snarled as she watched the scene through the hologram wall. "At least, they still know to fuck. Babette, have you contacted the other villains of the City of Angels?"

"Yes," Babette moaned as she pulled her head from between Mr. Crunch's thighs.

"Have the agreed to meet me?"

"Yes. I promised them some gold."

"Excellent. They won't get the gold, but they will get something else, a huge surprise. Some of my clones have already established a laboratory in the city and although my current clone army is complete, there's always room for improvement. We can melt the males like we did with Inferno. Then we can recruit the females as fresh meat for my clones. No reason for me to use my daughter to entertain the clones," Shiva smiled as she blew a kiss to Black Scorpion, who was busy yanking the leashes, causing the women to scream. "Then with their combined DNA, I will be able to rule the city with an iron fist!"

"Long live Shiva Domonco!" Babette shouted before diving back onto Mr. Crunch's cock.

"That reminds me, I should have my baby come and lick my sex," Shiva Domonco smiled as she thought of all the havoc that her new clones could cause before she thought of the pleasure that her daughter could provide her after the victory.


The End
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Great! Can't wait for other stories about Black Scorpion!
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Sargeant 1st Class
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Such a hottie! Black Scorpion's suit is tailor-made for peril and bondage and Michelle Lintel always gave great performances when unmasked. Very sexy and I hope to see more stories like this. Anyone know if there are any videos out there too?
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SHF did a vid and thats where I think the still is from above, starring the lovely Dani G if I remember correctly

viewtopic.php?f=37&t=24629&p=98353&hili ... ion#p97953
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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ricky1989 wrote:Great! Can't wait for other stories about Black Scorpion!
Sadly those are the only two known fan fictions written about Black Scorpion. Somebody :please: provide some more !


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Hope for new stories..please someone provide!!!! :)
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new stories anyone?
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nothing new?
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No new story??
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Please excuse the thread necro, but I've found what could likely be the only other still-extant Black Scorpion fanfic, "The Adventures of Black Scorpion", by no less than legendary fanfic author L'Espion, available on no less legendary superheroine site Wizard's Lair, here (just scroll down a bit): ... Espion.htm
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I have a storified roleplay on DeviantArt: ... -916020291. NSFW and would probably end up in the Heroine Dungeon here, so be warned. Bondage, sex, humiliation--you know the whole triumvirate.
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