Wonder Woman (DC) various books

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As for the greatest female character of all time, please note: *Wonder Woman is bound in chains on the cover of the new Earth One graphic novel
that's about to come out in April*. According to the book's creator, in this origin retelling, WW's sexuality is now expressly "alternative", not only is she inherently bisexual but she is also into leashes, locks and chains. Steve Trevor is black, btw, but that can't possibly matter, he's always been a faceless character so giving him a bit more depth is warranted. Written and drawn entirely by men, though. I will see about looking into this particular publication...


So..remember I mentioned the hyped Wonder Woman: Earth One book? Don't buy into it, and definitely do not buy the first hardback volume (I did, sight unseen - because it was shrinkwrapped - and I regret it). The scene on the front cover (although well drawn)? Not indicative of what's inside at all. That scene represents Wonder Woman going back to Paradise Island, and during that trial she is symbolically put in chains because that's how the Amazons do things. But otherwise than that, she's not in peril. Instead she lords over everybody moralizing with radical feminism, which is what this book is about (it's not really second-wave stuff). The only other aspects of the book that I liked is that Hippolyta is pretty beautiful, and that the Amazons go apeshit wild drunk during their festival. But this is definitely not worth the money. Read it online (it's already up! I should have read it online myself before taking the plunge) and make an evaluation for yourself.


So be careful about Wonder Woman: Earth One.

Anyone peruse any other recent Wonder Woman titles?
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From an strictly fetichist point of view it was the most disappointing Wonder Woman comic book ever and one of many reasons for why the name of Grant Morrison will remain associated with infamy for generations to come.
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I just wonder who is being lectured through these comics. At the risk of stating something that will probably get some backlash, the fervid feminist push seems a bit harsh at times. Considering that women outnumber men in college and in graduation from college, and that girls on average outperform boys in high school based on standardized scores, and based on a recent Washington Post article exploding the myth of the 77 cents made for every dollar made by a male, I am starting to tire of all the lecturing and the fear of sexualizing women. I write this as someone with a mom, a sister, a girlfriend, and female friends, so it's not as though I have a mysoginist view of the world. But when I read such comics or watch commercials in which the male is the dope and the woman always corrects him, I get a bit tired of the constant message.
But if the message is for a third-world country or a culture that subjugates women, then by all means get that message out. But as it seems like a large majority of the comic book clientele is American, I would like to see the message toned down a bit. If a sexy looking Wonder Woman is chained up or in some peril, I don't think there's a risk of that fantasy crossing over to real life.
Sorry, just had to write a bit on the topic. I just miss the George Perez version of Wonder Woman in which there was beautiful art and legitimate peril.
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I miss it, too, and you know George understood it because he also runs Sisterhood of Superheroines which is fantastic! :)
I like stories like the Silver Swan origin. The premise wouldn't even fly today - an ugly woman wanting to be beautiful is simply "problematic".
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Some people don't want to stop sending a stereotype message. For whatever reason, they are so invested in it that they can't stop even when it's no longer true or was never true in the first place.

The result is that media has shifted in what can be presented. Certain political messages are pushed as the "Truth" even if there is no factual basis. And Free Speech is used to keep restricting some things that are private business by tarring everyone with the same brush.
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The art was super sexy at least. In this day n' age I consider that at least a small victory.
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So there's good news: the new Wonder Woman Rebirth series (of which 4 issues have come out so far) tamps down almost entirely on the preachiness in favor of just telling solid stories. For what it's worth, Steve Trevor is back to being white and has a black solider friend instead, they look hunky and take their shirts off a few times like it's some kind of CW show, so don't say that fanservice for a ciswoman audience doesn't exist, because it does! Unfortunately although it's The Current Year, we don't get any out-and-out lesbian relationships among a whole island full of powerful and beautiful women (why aren't LGBT advocates up in arms about that instead of worrying about the forced gaying of Captain America?) but we get tiny hints of attraction between Diana and Kasia, and Hippolyta and Phillippus which all seem natural. The art is great so far, alternately done by one male and one female artist, and the story flips back and forth between the retelling of her origin (I guess they have to keep doing that?) and an adventure she has with The Cheetah,who looks more naturally animalistic and primal than ever but is still a hella sexy werecreature-goddess-thing. Love the WW costume too.
Can definitely recommend it..let's see where it heads....


Hey I just thought of something funny after reading this. In this version, they depict the Amazon games as won by Diana because she was able to stop gun bullets when her competitors could not.

This gives me an idea: what about a mash-up of the Amazon games with the Seinfeld episode "The Contest"? The Amazon who would win would be the one who could go the longest without having an orgasm. This could be an excellent SHIP video where, one after another, the Amazons would succumb to their urges and lose to Diana, who holds out the longest, but after Hippolyta proclaims her the champion, she explodes in ecstatic sex with Steve Trevor in front of the whole Amazon assemblage, and then they hop on the Invisible Plane to man's world. Hot, right?
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Perez was (and still is!) one hell of an artist, but his WW run is near-unreadable if you pay too much attention to the words. He's got all of Chris Claremont's longwindedness with only a fraction of the naturalism and plotting skills.
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I really want to get back into buying WW comics, but I just can't until the classic WW outfit is used for her. George Perez's outfit (and art) was the peak for me. I really hope DC reverts back to that classic look. For 35 years or so, it was a fine outfit.
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Apparently Perez also created the Barbara Ann Minerva version of Cheetah which is still being used today. Good on 'im!!

So here's the the Chinese version of Wonder Woman as she appears in New Super-Man #2 (a funny Chinese take on Superman). She is cute!

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Omega Woman wrote:Perez was (and still is!) one hell of an artist, but his WW run is near-unreadable if you pay too much attention to the words. He's got all of Chris Claremont's longwindedness with only a fraction of the naturalism and plotting skills.
Perez kind of respected the title to death. He also ruined the supporting cast, and started the trend towards changing Paradise Island from a utopia into, arguably, a dystopia.

On the bright side, though, I've been enjoying Wonder Woman '77 a lot. They just did a two-parter with the return of Galt's Brain that was fun.
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Lurkndog wrote:
On the bright side, though, I've been enjoying Wonder Woman '77 a lot. They just did a two-parter with the return of Galt's Brain that was fun.
That Gault's brain issue is probably the best yet! Finally we get to see the full potential of Gault's telekinetic powers, and even gave me some R-rated alternate ending ideas. :)
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Topping this thread for two relevant reasons. First of all we've been discussing George Perez' legendary and revered revival run of Wonder Woman from the 80s. Well, there's a new tpb out that I broke down and bought for $25 which collects Wonder Woman 1-14 plus the 80s Who's Who entries and a couple of art covers from the 2004 tpb (Gods and Mortals). Front cover's got the peril. Issue with Cheetah's origin is included. If you don't have the Perez stuff, pick it up.


Also, people have praised Wonder Woman '77. That praise is merited. Original stories which are in the spirit of the TV show. Diana Prince is drawn to look like Lynda Carter, Steve Trevor is drawn to look like Lyle Waggoner. The covers, however, don't really feature action shots from the plot within, but rather they all seem to be pinup art of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman. Not necessarily a bad thing if you'd rather have lots of those. By the way, this seems to be a "digital-only" series? Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

But back to the stories: they're great. And original villains are introduced! Not only do we get a brand new take on Silver Swan (which is the first time she's been returned to action for a while). Because it would be politically incorrect nowadays to turn an "ugly" person into a beautiful one ("looksism", and all) we don't see her origin, just that she's a Dazzler-esque disco singer with a killer instinct. Other new villainesses include Mother Russia (hot roller derby girls) and Celsia (kind of like if you combined Firehawk and Killer Frost in one mean bod).

And finally we get a really good interpretation of the Cheetah: in this case, it's kind of a combination of the motives of the jealousy of Priscilla Rich with the origin of Barbara Minerva: Barbara becomes insanely jealous of Wonder Woman's usurping of publicity attention at the museum where she works, and one of the exhibits just happens to be Priscilla Rich's uniform. She pricks herself with the ritual knife by accident (so this is very different than the politically incorrect Perez version with the deliberate ingestion of plant-god potion, Minerva's crippled leg, her African servant who speaks in Br'er Rabbit Ebonics, and her inability to utter anything but a growl) and voila, the finest depicted Cheetah transformation since the original Perez one! She is quite articulate about her jealous rage, too. See it to believe it. There needs to be a way to capture this on film, using reasonable CGI, in a Wonder Woman movie.

Minus points, though, for the tanktop underneath her shirt and the jeans which conveniently become Hulk-like ripped jean-shorts. I'm not into this fear-of-Islam/fear-of-third-wave-objectification modesty thing..if Cheetah is bare in the Rebirth series (and she is), she should be bare here as well.
But I guess they wanted to recreate the spirit of the 70s TV show as a "family show", which it was (except for the peril stuff all of us were gleaning from it in our precocious fetishy youth).


I originally read only the first 20 issues because comicbookdb had only catalogued 20 so far (by issue 20, we get to see Diana change into the sexy Wonder Woman wetsuit!) but then I saw there are 4 more, for total of 24. 21-22 is Gault's Brain as mentioned above. 23-24 captures a bit of blaxploitation flavor with a Parliament-Funkadelic band called Superfunk..but it makes a grevious error by introducing a Walkman into the story. The Walkmans (Walkmen?) weren't even introduced onto the market until 1979! So if this is really 1977 it's incongruous. Luckily they mitigate that somewhat by also introducing a trucker on a CB radio, which *was* the big thing back then (basically, the 1970s internet). Convoy! :)

Recommending this series highly with its true-to-source and lighthearted but still sexy flavor.

There is also now a tpb which collects the first 13..I'm definitely ordering that in the near future. (I have some other female-character tpbs which are coming in this week, that I'm going to write about first).
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shevek wrote:Also, people have praised Wonder Woman '77. That praise is merited. Original stories which are in the spirit of the TV show. Diana Prince is drawn to look like Lynda Carter, Steve Trevor is drawn to look like Lyle Waggoner. The covers, however, don't really feature action shots from the plot within, but rather they all seem to be pinup art of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman. Not necessarily a bad thing if you'd rather have lots of those. By the way, this seems to be a "digital-only" series? Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
It comes out on digital first, and then they collect each set of 4-6 stories in a printed comic book. The printed comic usually shows up around the same time as the last digital issue of the run.

I don't like the "furry" version of The Cheetah. What's the point of having a villain with fangs and claws as her superpowers? She's never going to do more than scratch Wonder Woman. At least the evil heiress versions of The Cheetah could be criminal masterminds and pose an actual threat.
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Lurkndog wrote:
shevek wrote:Also, people have praised Wonder Woman '77. That praise is merited. Original stories which are in the spirit of the TV show. Diana Prince is drawn to look like Lynda Carter, Steve Trevor is drawn to look like Lyle Waggoner. The covers, however, don't really feature action shots from the plot within, but rather they all seem to be pinup art of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman. Not necessarily a bad thing if you'd rather have lots of those. By the way, this seems to be a "digital-only" series? Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
It comes out on digital first, and then they collect each set of 4-6 stories in a printed comic book. The printed comic usually shows up around the same time as the last digital issue of the run.

I don't like the "furry" version of The Cheetah. What's the point of having a villain with fangs and claws as her superpowers? She's never going to do more than scratch Wonder Woman. At least the evil heiress versions of The Cheetah could be criminal masterminds and pose an actual threat.
I agree, I prefered the original Pricila Rich, rich hieress talented gymnist. Although CC production did a Cheetah Wonderwoman production, I'd like someone to do a Golden Age story. The comics were only 2 steps away from being adult
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I'm sorry to say I don't prefer Priscilla Rich and I'm more of a Barbara Minerva fan. You're selling her short - she just doesn't have fangs and claws. She has a killing bloodlust, supernatural speed, and super strength that almost matches Wonder Woman's. I bring you an example of the pulse-pounding action Barbara Minerva can provide, from Secret Six (2008) #3:


Mind changed yet about the Cheetah?

What I mean by digital-only series is that the individual issues only come out digitally, and then later there's a TPB that collects them in print. Like I said, the first one that collects the first 13 issues is already out so I'm going to buy it.
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It is a preference than, I prefer the vilian to be very different from the hero. Batman/Joker - Superman/Luthor .

What I liked about the original Cheetah she was outmatched but often got the upper hand
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I never see this cover when people talk about Wonder Woman and tentacles.
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That's 'cause about three people remember the Loebs era of Wonder Woman happened at all.
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A plane flying squid! Who'da thunk it?
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So I got the Wonder Woman '77 Volume 1 TPB last month. Great collection. Will definitely get Volume 2 when it's available. Looking forward to TPBs of Batman '66 vs WW '77, and WW vs Bionic Woman (not even on DC, it's put out by Dynamite!) as well.
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A veritable who's who of WW villains revealed in the latest issue of WW meats Bionic Woman. I sure hope there's enough peril this time.
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Interesting issue 5 cover:

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Well, unlike the classic WW '77 comics coming out, the new Wonder Woman stuff is a bit full of SJW-isms ruining the story. For example, in the new one-shot "Wonder Woman: Steve Trevor"(about a side adventure Steve Trevor has)..within the first two pages you already get into SJW absurdity, depicting a "meninist terrorist" organization, just so you know how solidly the book's writer is against MRAs.

Problem is, there are no such things as "meninist terrorists"..or certainly not ones defending the rights of men per se, wearing a stupid "XY" on their shirts and face masks/balaclavas (which are actually more a thing with Black Bloc anarcho-leftists! and Islamic fighters like ISIS or the Chechens). Guess what kind of real terrorists are actually "meninist" (that is, in favor of subjugating women)? That's right, the Islamic ones! The ones that have been blowing people up left and right from a street in Australia, to the parliament in Iran, to a teenybopper concert in London, to a church in Egypt.

My point is this: SJWs and Tumblrist complainers are always talking about how female comicbook characters are not portrayed as "real" enough, and their costumes aren't practical enough, etc. Well, instead of portraying ridiculous things that don't exist in the real world (i.e. "meninist terrorists"), how about writing about terrorists that DO exist, and in fact DO believe in the subjugation of women? Or would that be too politically incorrect to delve into?

Behold the full ridiculosity. As far as I'm concerned, this is right up there with Marguerite Bennett's "unsolicited comments about Israel" injection, or
that Indonesian artist whose editors didn't catch his anti-Semitic coded messages against Kitty Pryde until after X-Men Gold was published.....




Seriously, the rest of the story after the unnecessary "phallus" reference is fine, but it's this snarky interjection of cringey SJW bullshit that ruins a comic for me.
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This guy does a review of that comic. Seems to say the same thing.
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Mr. X, that guy's channel is called Diversity and Comics. He has a fairly pleasant voice. He is one of several Youtube channels - along with the likes of Capn Cummings, Aydin Paladin (female), and The Grove of Eglantine - who are constantly taking Marvel to task for being full of SJW bullshit (because, it essentially is) and sometimes DC as well (as seen above). And of course the occasional IDW, Image (esp Bitch Planet) and Aftershock (Insexts) among others.

It's getting hard to find books, at least well-promoted ones, that *aren't* constantly trying to beat readers over the head with third-wave feminism,
anti-Trump protest, apologism for Islamist violence, anti-imperialist anti-American sentiment, virtue signaling for Black Lives Matter, and the like.
For example, don't read "Strong Female Protagonist" unless you want to vomit cookies all over yourself due to the whiney millennial garbage inside.

There are still some, however (for example: Fathom, Empowered, Vampblade, Superzero and Sex, among others) that entertain for the sake of entertaining (and some are pretty sexy while doing it). So I'll continue to highlight those in the Comics forum when I can, OK?
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I comment only to say that I find it unlikely you'd find Wonder Woman making that many Phallic comparisons to begin with. Hasn't she always sort of been fairly classy? No matter how much something may look like a penis, it's sort of baseline humor of the lowest brow to point it out which is why it ought to be avoided in all forms... then again, it appears that Steve Trevor used, honest to God, the word 'dorks' up there as well... which also isn't very literary... so the comic itself doesn't seem to have been done much by professionals. The film did a much better job of being feminist without male bashing. Hopefully, we'll see more things follow the example.
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One would hope so, Femina, but I doubt it. The Wonder Woman movie had to reach a very large audience to be successful, which means it had to tread carefully between many lines. From what I've heard (I still haven't seen it yet..frankly, I've been too busy with my own videos), it has succeeded.

That doesn't mean the comics will follow suit. Marvel, especially, is Disney's private playground, which allows them to hire a bunch of writers who know nothing about comics, or to keep writers whose social justice conscience consists of inserting 'progressive internet buzz' words like 'cuck' and 'meninist'
into books, and to do it unironically to try to make a political point (rather than doing it to make fun of it like, say. Empowered does) or to appear 'hip' to what they believe is a progressive millennial readership (but which largely actually consists of people who read comics for reasons OTHER than preahcy politics). Other than plummeting sales for various titles, there's no indication that there's any pressure among Marvel writers to be as fair and balanced as the movie is.
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On the positive side of the Wonder Woman outlook, Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti will be putting a Wonder Woman/Conan book. As long as Conan isn't somehow portrayed as a 'cuck', this should be a fantastic outing with the power of both of the characters combined, it's literally a hormone festival with the warrior cheesecake flowing from every possible direction.

And I know there are people on here who are big fans of Conan (and Red Sonja). So let's see what these two writers can do!
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Hey folks - the latest issue of Wonder Woman Rebirth (#27) has a rare mainstream instance of Female Muscle Growth!

Unfortunately, in this instance the benefactor of the FMG is used as some kind of moral lesson and is female-fridged. I really wish the villainess had gotten away somehow, and become a potent antagonist to WW in the future with an awesome costume, but it was not to be. But until that happens you do get to see some awesome displays of strength. It's also interesting that the current writer of this title, Shea Fontana, is mainly known for penning the very popular Super Hero Girls. I wonder if Fontana even realized she was tapping into an adult fetish..probably not.
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For anyone interested, the current run of Wonder Woman (#38-40) has a three-issue arc about Silver Swan. In the new version, it's still Vanessa Kapatelis, now resentful and murderous because WW neglected her as a 'friend' when she was sick. Apparently Kapatelis is now schizophrenic and in need of mental help, so she doesn't consider herself to be Vanessa when she is Silver Swan. Also her body is changed by "nanite" injection.

Kind of a stupid premise to begin with, but what's worse is how ugly they make Silver Swan look on purpose - a character that has always been about transforming ugly duckling females into someone beautiful and powerful (and vengeful). She gets the worst disheveled "Tumblr-chick" haircut imaginable, and her face is also kept rather square-jawed so as to look unfeminine. The costume is also more raggedy than previous ones.

This matches up well with the current portrayal of the Female Furies in Mister Miracle: varied female body types tending toward ugly faces and masculine-style features (except for Lashina, who is still toned down a bit) and nothing that shows buxomness.

Welcome to the world of politically correct comics - it's not just Marvel and Image pushing this agenda - I was going to say it's just a bit more subtle at DC, but not really: the latest issue of Supergirl has Kara basically acting as a background character in her own book who listens to the problems of her new 'non-binary' pal (who has no powers other than a constant ability to whine).

But I digress. If you like the character of Silver Swan, I would say read these ones online before deciding to pick them up. Overall, the character of WW seems better served right now in the newest Brave and the Bold (which of course is selling way better as a result).
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Hey! If you're looking for Wonder Woman peril in comic books today, look no further than Christopher Priest's current run on Justice League.
In the new issue #42, Wonder Woman gets shot for what I think might be first time ever? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Here's the result. Plus, it looks like there's some romance a-brewing between Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Jessica Cruz (female Green Lantern).
That could be interesting.
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She was shot I think by "Mayfly" I think. It wounded her, and caused her equilibrium to be off for a few issues.
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Back in the original series there was at least one time where she got hit by a ricochet that knocked her out, but nothing serious.
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Oh yeah, I remember the Mayfly character because I looked her up once. She was an assassin who could move superquick, right?

Anyway, thanks for the clarifications, much appreciated. This definitely seems to be the most serious wounding by gunshot of WW in comic book history I would think. She'll probably get healed via the powers of deities etc. But those peril shots are nice.
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