Phase 1 Of Migration Complete!

Info regarding this website!

OK, the process has begun!

In case you haven't noticed, the forum now resides in the /forum subdirectory where it will now live. For those of you who wish to access this forum directly, you should bookmark the new location.

Otherwise, there will still be a link on the main page to take you to the forum. Just an update. We will be doing some testing to make sure everything is working correctly before we make our next move. Stay tuned!

Hey all,

I posted something about this in the announcements section but it didn't seem to gain much attention so I am following up here.

On or around Feb 15th, the main page of this forum will be switching to a blog frontend/format.

What does that mean? The following sections will be moved or created on the new front end.

Latest Superheroine Releases

Coming Soon - (Producers) - New Feature

Superheroine Stories

Mainstream TV and Movies

Latest Cosplay Releases

In addition there will be new content as well which I will announce later.

I am sure you all have a lot of questions but note that the rest of the forum will remain unchanged. Unless you are a producer or a story author, you do not have to register for the blog front end but it is encouraged that you do with the same username and password as the forum since the 2 sections will be integrated in the near/distant future.

This is a very exciting change. One that I've worked hard on making happen (to the detriment of my other duties) But in the end the user experience will be vastly improved.

Anyway, load your slings and steady your arrows and let's hear it!

Authors and producers, get in touch so that we can start getting your content integrated with the new format.
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I got your email regarding this and sent a reply and it bounced back to me as undeliverable.
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I am sending the mail i got as a private message to you now
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Cool...hope the change goes smooth and easy for you. :D
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Just thought I'd bump this, so more people notice it prior to the change, to minimize the 'wtf has happened ?' posts.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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The same thing happened to me wrote:I got your email regarding this and sent a reply and it bounced back to me as undeliverable.
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MightyHypnotic wrote:Try it again, we've updated the servers.

send to:

[email protected]

sent again just now this moment.
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This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification



Delivery to the following recipient has been delayed:

[email protected]

Message will be retried for 2 more day(s)

Technical details of temporary failure:
The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at
[ socket error]
[ socket error]

Ahh thanks for that, I think I know what the problem is now.

OK, thanks for that info. Server has been updated and you should be able to send now, I just tested it.

I as running some tests yesterday but I wasn't getting anything back from either server. I guess it was retrying.

Anyway, we switched our mail to a secure server and I'm not all that great with mail configuration.

But it's fixed now. Send away!
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Same thing happened to me, message bounced back
Can't wait to see what it's going to look like. My main question was what sizedo you want the graphics to be? (Height and Length)
Thank you!
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You can send everything to

[email protected]

for now.

I haven't been able to deal with the SSL certs for that server yet.. I need an assistant! haha :)
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Why would a login be needed for the blog front end? Will everything still be the same on the forum end? Also if we never sign up and our username is taken on the blog front end, what will happen then?
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digitalbleh wrote:Why would a login be needed for the blog front end? Will everything still be the same on the forum end? Also if we never sign up and our username is taken on the blog front end, what will happen then?
You don't need a login.

However all forum names should have already been reserved on the front end. We ran some scripts to make that happen. There's a good chance it didn't happen for everyone and in the case of someone taking your name on the blog, we can fix that.

A login on the blog isn't necessary unless you are an admin, a story author or a producer that wants to mange their own latest release posts.

All other content will stay on the forum, with the exception of the gallery, which will live in its own location.

This is better for the forum actually since all conversations will stay there and not get subjected to bumps from release or coming soon posts.
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Our site here is just fine. I don't see the need to switch things around. That being said I followed the link to the new site but could not enter the same user and password on here. I made a new one.
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releqy wrote:Our site here is just fine. I don't see the need to switch things around. That being said I followed the link to the new site but could not enter the same user and password on here. I made a new one.

I'm afraid that train has already left the station :blush: :blink:

But the forum will still be a huge part of that switch.

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Just an update:

OK, the process has begun!

In case you haven't noticed, the forum now resides in the /forum subdirectory where it will now live. For those of you who wish to access this forum directly, you should bookmark the new location.

Otherwise, there will still be a link on the main page to take you to the forum. Just an update. We will be doing some testing to make sure everything is working correctly before we make our next move. Stay tuned!
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I hate travel!

Chat is disable. :confused:
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MightyHypnotic wrote:Yes it is, but temporarily.

Quick question and a comment.

1) the comment:
As someone who has run several dozen forums for the last decade i can tell you that most everyone hates change. change of any kind. There will be a bunch of people who will complain but for the most part continue to support the forum. What you don't see too much of is verbal public thats what I'm going to do.
Thank you for keeping this forum on the cutting edge and not letting it settle into antiquated methods.

2) The question:
Will this new front page with producers releases. Will it be possible for us to post these ourselves or will we always have to send you the details and have you put it up? and also does that mean that thee release section on the forum will be disabled or does it mean we will be updating in two places?

thank you
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To comment number 1, No problem! I enjoy doing it. :)

#2 Producers that want to post their own content will be given access to do so. I prefer that method since this allows you to get more creative with your post. I am always here for guidance if that's the route a producer wants to take but if they don't feel comfortable with the new system I am here to help with that.

But the short answer is all new releases should go on the front page from now on. Not the forum
Just one place.

The release section of the forum will eventually get locked down. The goal is to have all releases and comments on the front page and the associated release post however I know that a lot of people do NOT like the lack of threading in comment sections.
My opinion is that comments based on a release should be just that. Comments. Did you like it? Yes. Here's why or no, I didn't and here are my reasons. It's a departure from what we're used to but it's in line with how discussions are handled in todays social world.

I would also agree with people who might say "But that is what makes forums special, you can have these granular discussions with multi levels of quoting." I might have a solution for that, but we'll take it one step at a time.

I know our authors are getting used to the new system but a few have already found it to be superior to the way they were adding stories before.
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I have migrated to the new spot and do not like it at all. I am co writing a story with a fellow writer on the site, but the way the new spot is formatted it makes it difficult to do so. One example was yesterday. I managed to move the story to the new spot and told my co writer that she would need to just reply to it when she wanted to post her part of the next/continued story. She did so and I saw it, but when I went to view the story again and reply, her reply was no longer there. She didn't delete it. I didn't delete it. Where did it go? I don't mind change as long as I can find at least one tiny nugget of a "pro" to it but so far it's full of cons.

I don't know if you took a poll to decide if you should undertake this venture, but if you didn't then please try to in the future so you can decide if such a thing is favored among the people on the site. Seems like you're catering too heavily to video/producer people.
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releqy wrote:I have migrated to the new spot and do not like it at all. I am co writing a story with a fellow writer on the site, but the way the new spot is formatted it makes it difficult to do so. One example was yesterday. I managed to move the story to the new spot and told my co writer that she would need to just reply to it when she wanted to post her part of the next/continued story. She did so and I saw it, but when I went to view the story again and reply, her reply was no longer there. She didn't delete it. I didn't delete it. Where did it go? I don't mind change as long as I can find at least one tiny nugget of a "pro" to it but so far it's full of cons.

I don't know if you took a poll to decide if you should undertake this venture, but if you didn't then please try to in the future so you can decide if such a thing is favored among the people on the site. Seems like you're catering too heavily to video/producer people.
Ok, lets take this piece by piece. Your situation is unique since you have multiple authors. I have added a plugin that will allow 2 users to add content to the same story, so thanks for bringing that to my attenion SSTONE72.

SStone72 contacted me and said she could not add to the story so she added it as a comment but then requested it to be taken down since she knew it wasn't in the right spot. She now has access to the story so she can add her parts.

As for the pros, you're not giving it a chance. I think once you get familiar with it you'll see how much more creative you can be with your stories.

I have noticed several errors in your post and I will help you fix them in a PM.
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Will you be creating some sort of tutorial to instruct producers how to post?
As long as I know how to do it and don't have to bother you overtime I'm confused about something I will be fine

So it looks like everything is in place. I will most likely do a migration tonight or I might wait until next monday.

The reason being, I don't really want to make this change right when producers are trying to advertise their videos for the week. There will be too much confusion.

Stay tuned.
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is there a link to this new forum?
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Guys, I am accessing the forum on my Android/Tablet and despite everything work just fine when I am using my Notebook when I do the same thing in my tablet the chat is not working. Did anybody else had the same problem so far accessing theforum on any other kind of mobile device ?

Again, I can stress enough this issue, the chat works perfectly fine since yesterday on my personal computer but doesn't work in my mobile device.
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Don't worry about mobile chat for now, we will have it fixed.

The migration is on slight hold.

I am working on some optimized code to make the site load faster and from what I've seen so far there is been a noticeable increase. Let me know if you are experiencing the same thing.

Also the site software needs to be updated again, I will get to that tonight.
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Just let me ask for a slight favor.
Since its on a slight hold for the time being when it goes live and we HAVE to start posting releases there could you post a link to the place?

Also do you still want us to send the releases now via mail or wait until it goes live?

Just keep posting here for now.

There are a few technical reasons that I am holding back. For those that are interested, we are trying to bump the server up to PHP 5.5 and for those of you who know about coding, we have convert our db queries to mysqli (Probably should've done that years ago)
Once we've done that, I will add the front end piece. That could happen as early as Monday.

Stay tuned.
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So, that means Phase 2 has just started ? You guys should start an IT Crowd Engineers section as well.
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Ok so here is what's up with the new landing page/blog. Some siginificant developments have been made in the code that will tie the forum and blog together. I am really happy about it since, if you are a member of this forum, your membership will automatically be recognized by the blog and vice versa with single sign on being in effect.

I plan to start doing this migration next week and you might even see the new page by next week as well.

More info as I get it!
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We are getting very close to switching over to a blog front end. This is basically going to happen overnight when it does, so don't be shocked.

The reason is that the blog must sit in the root directory and the forum in a child directory to make the code that attaches the two, work.

Once thats in place, it will be business as usual. I will start talking with producers that want to manage their own content for the front page and I will help those that do not.

Nothing will change except that Latest Releases and Coming Soon announcements as well as Mainstream TV and Movies will be discussed on the front page. There will be shadow topics entered into the appropriate catgegories on the forum, but I will most likely end that after about 1/2 a year.

Producers are still welcome to post in the Latest Superheroine Release category but it will NOT be reflected back onto the front page. Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it sounds and the front page will be very simple in the beginning but I will add more features as we move forward.

This could happen as early as this weekend or perhaps Monday. Stay tuned!
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... is that why the posts no longer have Post Number or the post-date at the top?
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Omega Woman wrote:... is that why the posts no longer have Post Number or the post-date at the top?


I thought I fixed that days ago...
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MightyHypnotic wrote:
Omega Woman wrote:... is that why the posts no longer have Post Number or the post-date at the top?


I thought I fixed that days ago...
Dates and times appearing as normal for me.
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I'm using Google Chrome and also the black-background edition of the site. Would those be factors?
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Holy crap, it worked!

MightyHypnotic wrote:Try Shift+F5 See if that reloads a fresh copy of the CSS file

So will we still have all the current sections and topics?

Also will we be able to mention people without having to quote them?

MightyHypnotic wrote:Mention system coming soon. Still being worked on.

All the other topics will still be here
Okay sorry for the dumb question i havent been active on here for sometime so readapting. Is that the right word? re-acclimating there we go thats it lol
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No problem. Nothing much is going to change for the forum. If people don't want to see the front page, they can always bookmark this link...

Actually come to think of it, the forum link won't change at all...
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Why am I logged in to the forum but the same login doesn't work on the gallery?
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The gallery requires a different login. I am probably going to ditch the current gallery and go back to the one we used to have where it's tied to your username..
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Unless I'm missing it, there doesn't seem to be a chat function in the new forum mode. Is that correct? If so, I'm bummed! I use it extensively.
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