Fuchsia Fox : "Date With The Fox", by Centurion

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Fuchsia Fox : "Date With The Fox"
By Centurion

Chapter 1 --

The place was the Watergate Hotel complex. The occasion was one of socialite Catherine Alessandro's "intimate little get-togethers". A continuous line of limos and sports cars passed slowly by the main entrance, letting out a steady stream of sexy young celebrities. A black Lexus pulled up, and the valet hurriedly ran up to open the passenger door for actress Skye Harrington. The gorgeous blonde stepped out of the car and smiled, her slinky red dress hugging her willowy curves, so that the tabloid photographers behind the rope barrier could snap off pictures.

Suddenly a series of loud flash explosions came from the security barricade. A black van threaded its way down the driveway and screeched to a halt in front of the Lexus. Three men jumped out and surrounded the car, all of them wearing dull gray uniforms with helmets and hard, bulletproof breastplates. "Don't anybody try anything!" the leader of the group said, his voice amplified and distorted by his mask. "Miss Harrington is coming with us!"

"I wouldn't lay any bets on that, pumpkin!" said a cocky female voice, as a beautiful girl in a two-piece spandex costume descended from the sky and landed in the middle of the scene.

"It's the Fuchsia Fox!" someone in the crowd yelled. The tabloid photographers continued to click away delightedly with their cameras. The superheroine's sylph-like body was dressed in a reddish-purple halter top, its fox-head chest emblem stretched taut across the nubile swell of two gorgeous B-cups, while her dark brunette tresses caressed her bare shoulders. Below her bare midriff, a matching 14-inch wraparound miniskirt flirted around her hips, accenting her lean, silken legs, clad in ankle boots. Her arms were adorned with elbow length gloves.

"Nail her!" ordered the leader, as he and the thug next to him opened fire with wrist lasers mounted on their uniforms. Blue beams of energy stabbed out, only to be absorbed harmlessly by the stunning superlady's spandex-clad form as she lunged forward, knocking the two villains off their feet.

But just then, the third henchman jumped the Fox from behind, his brawny hands grabbing the sassy superheroine and holding her body pinned against his armored chest plate. "You don't remember me, do ya, slut?" he sneered, one hand squeezing the girl's left breast while he gazed downward at her sweet cleavage.

"The bad breath seems familiar," the Fox said. "Didn't I arrest you a couple of years ago? An armored car heist, I think it was."

"Bingo," the thug grinned. "Name's Ironman Gilpin. I've come up in the world since then, see? Now I'm a genuine supervillain bodyguard."

"Oh really?" the heroine said, raising one flawless eyebrow. Suddenly her lissome body flipped upwards out of his grasp, both feet smacking into his chest hard enough to crumple the armored breastplate like an aluminum soda can. Spinning around, the Fox punched him in the stomach with her left fist, then followed through with a right that lifted him clean off the ground and send him crashing through the body of the black van into the cargo area, where he lay groaning.

"How's that working out for you?" the superheroine smirked, cocking her pert little tail.

There was a scattering of applause from the crowd around the hotel entrance, the photographers taking pictures while security arrived and took the would-be kidnappers into custody.

"I'll say one thing for you, Fox," said a woman's voice. "You do know how to make an entrance!"

It was Catherine Alessandro! She walked down the red carpet like a princess, dressed in a floor length strapless gown of pink satin, with gold lace and sequins around the bodice and the waistline. Her cornsilk blonde hair was done up in a chignon held together with strings of pearls, letting little ringlets dangle around her shell-like ears.

"I'm sorry about the disturbance, Miss Alessandro," the Fox said, feeling a bit upstaged.

"Not at all," the heiress said, smiling as she entwined her arm around the superheroine's arm and held on like a leech. "Every party needs a little icebreaker, to get things moving. Shall we go inside? You DID get my invitation, didn't you?"

"Well, I..." the Fox said nervously. Catherine Alessandro was not the type to take No for an answer. The socialite regularly sent her invitations by way of the Independence Avenue police station, and the superheroine generally ignored them. Well... not entirely. She made it a point of flying by in case there was trouble. "The last time I attended one of your parties, Dire Wolf showed up, kidnapped one of your guests, almost capturing me in the process, and damn near blew up the White House, remember?"

"Pshaw!" Catherine scoffed. "What are the odds of something like that happening again?" Still gripping the Fox's arm, she led the way with serene self-confidence back up the red carpet, and the superheroine had no choice but to go along with her.

As the two of them entered the ballroom, filled with four hundred of Washington's beautiful people, the Fox couldn't help feeling a bit anxious. Part of it was her natural shyness at being the center of attention in her daringly revealing little costume. As the beautiful young socialite led her around the room, introducing her to dazzling local celebrities, the superheroine's mouth felt dry. When Catherine thrust a glass of excellent champagne into her hand, she drank it automatically, smiling and struggling to keep up her end of the conversation as the two of them made their way toward the stage at one end of the room.

Naturally the Fox couldn't help thinking of the last Catherine Alessandro party she had attended, the one that Dire Wolf crashed, and which led to the Fox being forced to team up with the villainess Alley Cat, with her black steampunk bustier and mask. Now there was a girl who would make anyone nervous! The heroine had run into her most recently on New Year's Eve, when she had rescued billionaire Thomas Westerton from her clutches. The Fox touched her lips to her champagne and took another big sip.

There was something... some vague memory about that night eating at her. Hadn't Alley Cat unmasked herself? It was hard to be sure, because during their battle, the Fox had been dosed with Alley Cat's catnip drug, which loosened the victim's inhibitions. The most vivid thing the Fox recalled was stripping off her costume top and going down on Mr. Westerton's love torpedo like some drunken nymphomaniac! Her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment whenever she thought about it. She didn't even remember if the police had caught Alley Cat that night. Presumably not, or she would have heard about it.

A round of polite applause broke into her thoughts. Catherine and the Fox had mounted the stage along with over a dozen other beautiful young women, all of them famous -- lawyers, scientists, sports figures, or television anchors in the Washington area, and all of them dressed in gorgeous gowns. It dawned on the Fox that Catherine had been introducing her annual celebrity auction for charity, where the highest bidder for each girl won a date with her.

"And hold onto your checkbooks, gentlemen, because that's not all!" Catherine was saying, clutching the Fox's arm. "I am tickled absolutely PINK that my new BFF, the one and only Fuchsia Fox, has agreed to lead off the festivities with her own delicious bod! Let's hear it for her!"

The superheroine stood there stunned as the applause of the whole ballroom washed over her. Her knees trembled; her head was spinning. How had she gotten into this? She had never agreed to participate in any auction! She glanced over at Catherine, who was beaming with pride and looking so excited, and then looked back at the four hundred people in the ballroom, many of the men grinning at the prospect of bidding for a date with her. She couldn't back out now, could she?

It happened with bewildering quickness. The Fox was standing there, looking like a deer caught in the headlights, as Catherine said, "I know how rich all you capitalist slobs are, so why don't we start at five thousand for the Fuchsia Fox? What do you think? Is that fair?"

"Six thousand!" called a distinguished middle-aged man who looked like a banker. Catherine nodded and smiled, almost as if he had performed right on cue.

"Seven thousand!" called much younger guy with glasses. The Fox thought she recognized him as the geeky owner of some dot com company that had been in the news lately.

"Nine thousand!" called a handsome face she definitely recognized -- rugged movie star Mike Reeves, who had just starred in a new screen version of "Tarzan"! The Fox smiled, feeling a bit flattered now. She even caught herself wishing that he would win her. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad...

Then followed a flurry of bids from all over the room, rapidly escalating before tapering off a thirty thousand. After a slight pause, the banker type bid thirty-five, and after a longer pause Mike Reeves countered with forty-five. The banker immediately raised it to fifty. The Fox bit her lip, her heart pounding in between her breasts. Come on, Mike, she thought, almost holding her breath. Don't let that stodgy old banker have me...

"One hundred and one thousand!" The room fell silent. It was the young tech company guy!

The Fox's heart fell. Catherine Alessandro looked disappointed, even a bit miffed. "Any more bids?" she said irritably. "Anyone?" But all the men were shaking their heads. "Sold then!" Catherine said, "... to Gordon Gieseck, CEO of G-Wiz Technologies."


Chapter 2 -- three nights later...

Martin Fletcher heard the shower in his apartment turn off, and set aside his laptop. He was too excited to work, anyway. He got up and went to the bedroom just as his wife Jennifer hurried out of the bathroom, toweling her brunette hair dry. Tossing aside her wet towel, she snatched up a pair of fuchsia panties and slid the garment up her long legs, snugging it in place over her neatly trimmed snatch.

Jennifer saw her husband standing there and sat down on the edge of the bed, her hands self-consciously reaching up and cupping her supple, bare coconuts.

"You could wear a bug," he said, with an impish grin. "I can give you an earpiece that would let me hear everything that goes on. Maybe a button camera attached to your chest emblem..."

"I'm glad you find this amusing, Martin," Jennifer said sarcastically. "I've been trapped into a date with a perfect stranger. Bought like a piece of meat!" In the back of her mind, she thought that she wouldn't have minded so much if it had been Mike Reeves who won, but Jenn impatiently shook the thought away.

"It's not so much amusing as... kind of hot," Martin said. "According to Wikipedia, the guy is 24 years old, and he's already a millionaire many times over. And he paid a hundred and one thousand dollars for the privilege of one date with you! Doesn't that make you feel sexy?"

Jennifer's lips twitched in spite of herself. "Well, maybe a little bit. It's just... the idea of a date with a strange man. I have no idea what to expect. I'm getting butterflies thinking about it."

"If I didn't know you better, I'd almost think you were hot and bothered at the idea that a younger guy might jump your married bones." Martin sat beside her on the bed, his right arm snaking around her, fingers lightly stroking her smooth, bare back. "Don't worry. Have a good time, flirt with him, drive him crazy with your body. If he tries anything, slap him through the wall."

"Ho ho," Jennifer said. She leaned her head against his shoulder with a soft, feminine sigh. "What if he does try something? And what if I feel like... letting him?"

"You know how much I love you," Martin said seriously, his left hand finding its way to her silken thigh. "One night isn't going to change anything between us. Just as long as you tell me all the juicy details afterwards."

"You're an animal, you know that?"

"Rowwrrr," he growled seductively, as his left hand moved along her hip and then upward along her body, cupping her soft right breast. Her nipple was hard with arousal, and Martin immediately felt his manhood respond in the same way as he gave her tit a squeeze. Jennifer lifted her face towards him, her lips parted. As he kissed her, their tongues mingling, both of his hands snaked around her naked torso, pushing her back onto the bed.

It wasn't long before his lips had left hers to explore the smooth territory of her swanlike neck and bare shoulders. His right hand found its way in between her legs where her love hole was protected by only the flimsy material of her fuchsia panties. Gently massaging her through the thin undergarment, he couldn't help but notice how wet she was already.

"Mmmm, Martin..." Jennifer moaned, squirming underneath him in helpless feminine submission as his fingers moved the material aside, easily penetrating past the lubricated folds of her pussy lips. "Darling, we shouldn't... I've... I've got to get ready..."

"Where are you supposed to meet him?" Martin said breathlessly, his heart thumping. "when?"

"He... um... said seven o'clock, in the lobby of the Parkway Hotel."

"I think you might be a little late," her husband groaned, his lips nuzzling her soft nubbins.


The doorman of the Parkway obviously had not been warned. When the Fuchsia Fox landed on the sidewalk, he stood gawking for a second, then instinct kicked in and he almost tripped over himself opening the door for her. The Fox walked into the lobby, still feeling the glow from her love-making with Martin, her wraparound miniskirt swishing around her hips, and she immediately drew the attention of every single eye.

"Hey, there you are right on time!" said Gordon Gieseck, standing near the check-in desk, wearing a flawlessly tailored tuxedo. "I can't believe it! O-M-G!"

The first thing that passed through Jennifer's mind was: He didn't really say O M G out loud, did he? Her first impression of him at Catherine's party had not been favorable. He might be 24 years old, but looked even younger with his long and gangly body, seemingly all knees and elbows, and his unruly hair, sticking out in all directions. But he had clearly made an effort with his appearance. All dolled up in his tuxedo, he actually looked kind of cute, like somebody's kid brother all dressed up for the prom.

"Hi," the superheroine said, feeling suddenly awkward as she realized that the two men standing on either side were with him -- a big, brawny security guard type on his left, and the very opposite, a smallish secretary type on his right. "I'm the Fuchsia Fox," she added unnecessarily.

"You sure are! Boy you sure are!" Gordon gushed, grinning from ear to ear. "I've got a great date planned for us! Do you eat? Of course you eat! What I mean is, we're going to eat at my place! That's okay with you, right?"

"Sounds good," Jennifer said, going to his side and slipping her right hand into the crook of his left elbow. "Lead the way."

The secretary immediately darted to the elevator and pushed the UP button. The four of them got in and rode the elevator up. During the ride, the secretary tried to talk to Gordon in whispers about some business matter he was apparently having trouble with; something about "rules", but Gordon wasn't in the mood to listen. "Gordon Gieseck doesn't play by the rules," he whispered testily. "Get it done or you're fired!"

Gordon glanced at his wristwatch, and Jennifer was just beginning to suspect that he had rented the penthouse just for this date when the car stopped and the door opened onto the roof! Across the way was a helicopter, all warmed up with its rotors going!

"HOP IN!" Gordon shouted over the noise, taking her hand and pulling her across the roof at a trot, the wind whipping their hair and clothing. As the four of them got to the aircraft, the bodyguard and the secretary opened the doors, and as Gordon and the Fox took their seats, they closed the doors again and ran back across the roof. The helicopter immediately took off and soared across the night sky, buzzing over the Mall before veering off to the southeast.

Gordon leaned close to her. "I always do this to impress my dates," he said, his clammy hand feeling up her bare leg, inching toward the hem of her skirt. "Most girls really go bonzo over it. But I guess you've seen Washington like this loads of times, huh?"

"Yeah, pretty much," the Fox admitted, taking a wild guess that the number of "dates" he had impressed this way could probably fit in the back of a Volkswagen with room to spare. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, she took his groping hand and gave it a squeeze. "But isn't the whole point of meeting in a public place supposed to be for the safety of both parties?"

"I don't play by the rules," he said with a short laugh. "That's how I won you in the auction. There was supposed to be an unspoken limit of a hundred thousand on the bidding."

Jennifer's eyes widened. Now she knew why Catherine Alessandro had been miffed.

It wasn't long before she saw the Anacostia River pass by underneath them, and soon after the helicopter brought them down in the grounds of a mansion. Gordon wrestled with the door on his side and finally got it open, whereupon he helped the Fox to disembark. The helicopter took off again as the two of them crossed to a pair of sliding doors. Gordon unlocked them and ushered the superheroine inside, into a really nice sitting room, with thick shag carpets and sofas.

"I gave the entire staff the night off," he said, sliding the door shut again behind them. "The cooks left us dinner, but there's not a soul in the house but you and me!" He grinned as he went to the bar and poured two glasses of chilled champagne. Coming back, he handed her one. "But before we eat, I want to show you something..."


Chapter 3 --

"Gordon, it's... it's... words just fail me!" the Fuchsia Fox said.

Flattering, the superheroine was thinking, but a little bit creepy was running a close second. Her date had led her through the sitting room and into the living room, where two big plasma screens were each showing slideshows of HER! The still photos were taken from magazine interviews and public appearances she had done in the past couple of years. In between them stood a full-sized mannequin wearing a knock-off Fuchsia Fox costume!

"I had that custom made from your measurements," Gordon gushed, slipping one hand around her supple waist and resting his hand on her pert, miniskirt-clad butt. "I've got video files too, if you want to see them. News clips of you rescuing people, the unedited footage of you getting captured by ORCUS. I've got the stuff from when Alley Cat captured you that time. Remember that? I've even got the two porn movies Arturo Rinaldi made, and they're impossible to find any more. I've been trying to buy the rights, but there seems to be some kind of legal problem."

He chattered on, unaware that the Fox's cheeks had flushed at the mention of her defeats, not to mention those porn videos. The reason they were out of print was because she had seen to it that they were! Stiffly she drained what was left in her champagne glass.

"Ooh! Here comes the Playboy photo shoot you did last year," Gordon said excitedly, as the slideshow on the right began displaying a series of photos that were obviously more professionally posed. "I loved that! I have twenty copies! You were just amazing! Although... I was a little disappointed you didn't go all the way. I would love to see your perky little boobs on display!"

The Fox looked at him sharply. He caught on that she was a little less than flattered by that comment. "Your glass is empty," he said sheepishly. "Let me refill that..." He took her champagne glass and hurried back to the bar.

While she waited, the superheroine watched the pictures flashing by at intervals of five seconds. Both slideshows were now showing the Playboy shoot, and Jenn couldn't help but be taken back in her mind to when she had posed for it, not long after the "Arena of Doom". The photographer had been professional and respectful. When she had told him that she absolutely would NOT remove any portion of her costume (that was necessary to protect her secret identity), he hadn't tried to change her mind. He had only suggested sexy poses that would best accent her femininity and allure. Under his masterful guidance, she had loosened up enough that she did allow one or two shots with the straps of her halter top seductively undone, although with her hands still holding it in place over her chest. She had felt so glamorous and so sexy that day, thinking of all the men who would be seeing those photos and lusting after her. And Martin, who had been along, had totally agreed. The sex they had afterward had been amazing!

"Here you go," said Gordon, breaking into her thoughts by handing her full champagne glass back to her. The Fox took a gulp without thinking, feeling a bit hot and bothered by her reminiscences. She even softened enough to admit to herself that he wasn't such a bad guy, even if he had made that little faux pas about her boobs...

"Hey you want to play Trivia Trek before we have dinner?" the geek said, pointing out a plush sofa and in front of it a glass-topped table with two computer tablets on it.

"Sure," the superheroine sighed, taking another sip. For some reason, she felt thirsty.

Jennifer sat on the sofa, one silken leg curled underneath her. Gordon sat beside her and picked up one of the tablets. "I'll be playing on Expert level, but you can set yours to Novice if you want. There's just one thing," he added with a grin, as the Fox was about to reach for her tablet. "House rules. If you miss a question, you have to remove an article of clothing. Makes the game more interesting."

As she hesitated, the geek fixed his eyes on her sternly. "Or, if you don't want to wait, you could go ahead and show me your titties now. Consider that an order!"

The Fox felt a slight flush in her cheeks. From where she was sitting, the young superheroine could still see the plasma screens, flashing images of her photo shoot. Suddenly she seemed to actually be there... she could almost hear the whirring clicks of the camera, the appreciative compliments of the photographer. Only this time, he was urging her to remove her top. He had leather straps he was going to tie her up with. Jennifer felt a surge of arousal in her loins, making her nipples hard, seeing Martin on the sidelines, looking at her, making her feel bold and seductive. Her heart was thumping. She started to set down her glass so that she could undo her halter top for him...

Wait a second! What was she thinking? She couldn't remove her halter top in front of a strange man! To cover her confusion, Jenn took another gulp of champagne, and that was when she noticed the odd after-taste...

"What have you...?" the Fox said, her voice a little slurred. "Did you... put something...?"

Gordon reached over and took the glass out of the stunning superlady's hand before she dropped it. "Did I put rohypnal in your drink?" he said. "Yes. But that was only to soften you up for the subliminal image sequence I had embedded in the slideshow."

Subliminal images? Her senses hyped by the drug, the Fox was aware of them now. Mixed in with the photos of her were split-second flashes of other images -- a blonde girl wearing her costume, either securely tied up or in the middle of sex, bent over on her hands and knees with Gordon Gieseck screwing her from behind, an expression of utter bliss on her face. Jennifer tried to look away, but the images were so arousing, burrowing directly into the primitive, emotive parts of her brain, she just couldn't resist...

"Are you about to surrender yourself to me?" Gordon persisted. "Again yes. It's about time, too."

"I don't think so!" the Fox blustered, pushing herself to her feet. Her lovely knees immediately felt weak and wobbly, her head spinning with dizziness. Whirling around inside her head were feelings of bondage and sexual submission. She flopped back onto the sofa, appalled at how feeble and helpless she felt.

"Is she under finally?" said a second man. "I've been watching on the security cameras. I've never seen a girl hold out this long." He looked to be about the same age as Gordon, but shorter and a little heavier set. Jennifer recognized him from the Wikipedia page as Norman Wolowitz, the other half of G-Wiz Technologies and Gordon's partner. Gordon had obviously lied about them being alone in the house, too.

"It took two doses, but she's under," Gordon said. "And she was about to remove her top for me, weren't you, Fox? Wouldn't you be more comfortable without it?"

The superheroine struggled to resist the compulsion to obey, her head filled with images of wanton sexual surrender. Against her wishes, she could feel her inhibitions slipping away one by one. "I d-don't... think so..." she said, squirming against the sofa cushions.

"Oh come on," Gordon said. Leaning over her, he reached behind her back, feeling for and then undoing the clasps of her halter top. The heroine's body writhed within the compass of his arms, but she couldn't actively resist as he grabbed the front of her sexy little garment and took it off of her, exposing her sweet, flawless breasts to view, her nipples as hard as bullets.

"Uhhhhh," she sighed, closing her eyes. "Martin isn't going to believe this..."

"Who's Martin?" Gordon demanded.

"M-my husband," the Fox blithely admitted, vividly recalling the feel of his hard body earlier that evening. "He gets so hot when I do kinky stuff like this..."

"The genuine Fuchsia Fox costume!" Gordon said, fingering the flimsy fabric of her halter top. "This is going to look great on my dummy!" The geek turned his attention back to the half-naked superheroine, sitting there innocently with her B-cups uncovered. "Those are really nice, too. Why don't we remove the rest of your clothes?"

"Wouldn't that... wouldn't that mean I'd be...?" the defenseless heroine began timidly, and yet feeling an up-swell of arousal between her legs at the very idea. Impatiently Gordon pushed her back, slipping his hands under the Fox's knees and shifting her lissome body so that she was lying at full length on the sofa. Quickly he seized hold of her miniskirt and panties and began tugging them over her pert little butt.

"You must tell us," Norman coaxed, kneeling beside the sofa and gawking at the Fox's lovely round coconuts. "What gives you your superpowers?"

"Can't... tell you that," she moaned, lying compliantly as Gordon slid her skirt and her panties downward along her gorgeous gams, past her knees, and over her ankles, leaving her body naked except for her boots, elbow length gloves and bracelets. Mmmm, she was getting hot!

"Come on; we won't tell anybody," said Gordon, grabbing her left wrist and trying to undo the golden bracelet so that he could remove her gloves. It stubbornly refused to come off, as if it were locked! "You're an engineer, Norm; see what you can do with this." he said to Norman, passing her arm to him.

"That won't work," the Fox said dreamily, her eyes half-closed, as Norman set to work on the bracelet. Her right arm snaked across, her hand gently and sensuously caressing his face.

The geek swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. "Wh-wh-what do you mean it won't work?"

"My bracelets are artifacts from the ancient Zumerian civilization," the heroine said. "They won't come off unless I want them to. And I don't want them to."

"Are they the source of your powers?" Gordon said excitedly, knowing in his heart that they were. Ancient unknown technology? They must be!


Chapter 4 --

Gordon Gieseck and Norman Wolowitz looked at one another, holding the Fuchsia Fox's costume in their hands. Gordon glanced up at the ceiling, checking that the video camera was still running, recording the entire thing onto Blu-ray DVD. The two geeks had slipped a drug to the superheroine and thanks to their subliminal image programming scheme, coerced her into revealing the source of her powers. She was now their captive, completely at their mercy -- or would be, provided they could figure out how to separate her from her bracelets.

"Tell us how to remove your bracelets," Norman wheedled, licking his lips as he managed to slide her gloves off, while leaving the bracelets themselves in place.

"I won't do that," the Fox answered, her lovely body writhing gently on the plush cushions, her brain dulled and unable to focus because of the drug her captors had given her. Her left hand began gently playing with her supple bare breasts, massaging them while the men watched.

"Never mind," said Gordon, beads of sweat appearing on his forehead and upper lip. "Tell me the truth. You love it when you get captured by a man and tied up, don't you?"

"What?" the Fox said sharply. His words, combined with the raw, sexual images instilled in her mind by the slideshow, triggered a moist, submissive feeling in between her legs. "N-no... of course I don't like it..."

"Don't lie to me." Gordon persisted, leaning right in her face. "You can't lie to me."

"No!" the heroine moaned, while images of ropes, leather straps and ball gags filled her mind. "You're wrong! I don't... like..."

"You get off on being helpless, don't you? Dominated, tied up, bound and gagged, used like a whore... Admit it! Say it out loud!"

"Okay, y-yes, I do!" the Fox moaned, if only to appease him.

Without even thinking about it, her right hand slipped in between her creamy thighs, her fingers unashamedly rubbing up and down along her pink, moist coosh. The two geeks could smell the musky perfume of her female sex.

"How about some nookie?" said Gordon, hurriedly setting her costume down out of her reach. "What would you say to being fucked right here and now?"

Without waiting for an answer, he grabbed her knee, roughly splaying her legs out wide so that her tender cleft was vulnerable and on display. His fingers dipped into it, stroking her wetness and causing the girl to squirm her butt ecstatically against the seat cushions. Awkwardly he climbed down in between her heavenly thighs, positioning his mouth so that he could tongue her rosy female flesh.

"Mmmmm no..." the Fox moaned in weak protest, thrusting her cleft back and forth against him. "S-stop..."

In a matter of seconds, both guys had dropped their pants and thrown them aside. Gordon wiggled his way out of his tuxedo jacket and tie, his glasses hanging slightly askew. Impatiently he threw them off as he swarmed on top of the sexy superlady, in between her classy legs, pressing his face against her soft, pliant tits so that he could suck on her nipples while he maneuvered himself toward her gaping love hole.

"Hold on; wait a second," he said, pulling out. Grabbing her rounded hips, he turned the girl around, face down across the back of the sofa, his hands snaking around her torso and kneading her sweet B-cups as he mounted her from behind.

"Ooooooh that's... God that's the spot..." the Fox sighed, feeling the rigid penetrating sensation as his torpedo slid through the moist petals of her labia and drove home. Then she let out a long, low hiss of satisfaction as he drew out again. He wasn't as big as Martin or as experienced a lover, but in the present circumstances, he wasn't half bad.

Norman meanwhile had climbed onto the sofa in front of her, whipping his schlong out of his boxer shorts. He approached the captive superheroine on his knees, rubbing the hot, spongy knob of his wanger against her beautiful face. Appalled, she tried to turn away. Thrusting her hands out to fend him off, she accidentally grabbed his man sausage, delicate fingers automatically closing around his hard boner and stroking him. Its head was already slippery with pre-cum. The male aroma rising from it made the Fox's head swim with intoxication as she fondled it.

"Oh shit," Norman murmured as the girl caressed his testicles. He closed his eyes, grabbing a handful of her brunette hair to hold himself steady as he forced his throbbing pole against her soft, angelic lips.

"Mmmmmm," the Fox moaned as her lips touched his manhood, involuntarily kissing it. Her skin was tingling with arousal as he slid inside her mouth, her body quivering with passion. Behind her, Gordon had quickly settled into a fluid, sustained rhythm, his hands squeezing her boobs as he thrust in and out of her tunnel. She was getting it from both ends at once!

"You like this, don't you, baby?" Gordon said, pumping her like a piston. "You love my dick deep inside your cunt! Don't you, bitch?"

Jenn wanted to cry out and deny it, but her mouth was full of Norman's man meat. All she could do was moan helplessly, her body buffeted by conflicting emotions. She thought of Martin, making love to her earlier in the evening. Deep down, she knew that this was wrong, and she felt the shame of it, but because of those insidious sexual images still swirling in her head, she simply could not help herself. And Martin would surely forgive her.

"Talk to me, slut," Gordon groaned, feeling his climax building. "You want it harder, don't you? Beg for it!"

Desperately the Fox yanked Norman's tool out of her mouth. "Yes!" she gasped, as white sticky semen spurted out, narrowly missing her face. "Please! Harder!"

Abruptly Gordon ejaculated, withdrawing his weapon in time to squirt a milky stream of cum across the curve of the girl's butt. Frustrated and falling short of orgasm herself, the Fox returned her attention to Norman's now half-flaccid member, rubbing him against her perky bare breasts with her left hand as he slowly regained his stiffness. At the same time, her other hand found its way down in between her own legs, fingering her wet, slippery rosebud, driving herself over the hump.

"Oh God... oh God... YES!" Jenn gasped, trembling all over as her climax finally came. Then she could relax, collapsing on the sofa's soft cushions, lungs heaving with exhaustion.

At the precise moment she had her orgasm, the precise moment of her total sexual surrender, Norman had been holding onto her left wrist. To his complete astonishment, the latch came undone and the bracelet came off into his hands! Quickly he tried the bracelet on her right wrist, but the moment had passed -- it was still locked firmly.


Chapter 5 --

Gordon and Norman pulled their boxer shorts back up. Not bothering with their pants, wearing only their shirts, boxers, and socks, they hurried to the mannequin and took off the Fuchsia Fox knock-off costume it was wearing. Then they quickly dressed it in the Fuchsia Fox's real costume -- halter top, wraparound miniskirt and gloves included.

"It's perfect!" Gordon said, standing back to admire it.

"Do you really think we can backwards-engineer her bracelet?" Norman said worriedly.

"How hard can it be?" his partner said, holding the object in his hand and examining its flawless golden surface. "We just need to get the other one away from her."

"How do we do that?" Norman said. "Getting the first one wasn't exactly a walk in the park, you should pardon the expression." They both looked back at the Fox, lying on the sofa semi-conscious, sleeping off the double dose of rohypnol they had given her. Maybe it was the exhaustion from all that strenuous sex, but she didn't seem quite as hot without her costume.

"Where there's a will, there's a way," Gordon shrugged. "We can keep her in the isolation room down in the lab while we figure it out. The house staff never goes down there. Get the table in here quick, before she wakes up!"

The two geeks hurried past the spiral staircase that led to the second floor, and into the hallway beyond, where they had prepared a sturdy metal table on wheels. Quickly wheeling it in, they both picked up the Fox's unresisting body from the sofa and transferred her to the table, snapping titanium manacles around her slender ankles and her wrists.

They were just finishing up when the stunning superheroine awakened to the disturbing awareness of being bound with her arms above her head, leaving her smooth body on display, with her legs slightly parted and her breasts jutting upward like small, rounded hills. Jennifer instantly recalled everything that had happened to her. Now that the drug had worn off, she seemed to be free of the subliminal programming and of her own mind again. She flexed her arms and tried to break the shackles, but with only one bracelet, her strength wasn't nearly up to the task.

"Don't get all weepy or anything," Gordon said, feeling her doe-like eyes fixed on him. "Or start begging for mercy, or mewling, 'What are you going to do with me?'" He was trying to sound callous but failing. Jennifer realized that the things he described were exactly what he wanted her to do. He wanted to dominate her, to feel as if he had defeated her, and he wanted to hear her say so. It would disappoint him to realize that she wasn't afraid of him, even now.

The Fox raised one flawless eyebrow. "I just want to know why you're doing this. What have I ever done to you?"

The question seemed to take both men by surprise. Norman looked wide-eyed and completely flummoxed. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed his mouth again, as if the question of why had never occurred to him before. It was something they could do, so they did it. He looked over at his partner for guidance.

"It's about power," Gordon said bitterly. "Do you know what it's like to design a revolutionary computer systems core when you're 21? One that completely changes the field? And then when you're 22, everybody is like, 'What next, Gordon? What's the next miracle you pull out of your sleeve?' Of course you don't, because you're not a genius like me."

"I don't see what that has to do with me," the heroine said, tugging at her manacles again and finding them distressingly sturdy.

"Oh God what a dimwit!" Gordon said. "The stock in my company has been falling like Windows Vista. If I can figure out how your powers work, I can turn that around. I can release it as my own work, and everybody will see that I'm a genius again. It's a bit rough on you, but those are the breaks."

The Fox lay back in her restraints, shaking her lovely head. "Is that all this is about?" she said, laughing. "Honestly, Gordon..."

"What's so funny?" her captor demanded, stung by her attitude. This wasn't the way a helpless prisoner was supposed to act. "You'd better tell me!"

"Gordon," the heroine pointed out, "the Zumerians are at least two thousand years ahead of Earth technology. You'll never be able to figure out how they work."

Norman looked shocked by this revelation. "Gordy, maybe she's right. Maybe we should--"

"Shut up, Norman!" his partner snapped. "I can do it." Gordon's eyes seemed to glitter as he put his hands on the captive Fox's lean torso, cupping her sweet little boobs, then sliding downward along her slim waist toward the vulnerable area in between her half-parted legs. The Fox felt an involuntarily quiver pass through her whole body as his fingers touched her moist pussy.

"And while we're doing it, Norm," Gordon continued, "there's the fringe benefit of having a sexy super-babe for us to plunder and use. The thing about using cosplay chicks is that they only pretend to be helpless and afraid. She really is helpless in our hands. Can you imagine how much more fun it's going to be?"

"Please, Gordon!" Jennifer begged, struggling in her restraints and against the arousal of her own body. "You're not a bad person. Listen to me before it's too late!"

At that precise moment, two red flashes of light struck the sliding glass doors in the sitting room, like two laser beams scoring a big X in the glass. Norman and Gordon looked that way, puzzled, just as the glass shattered with a mighty crash, dissolving into shards which littered the floor. Two men clad in gray uniforms with helmets and breastplates stepped through the opening, their boots crunching in the broken fragments. As they took up positions on either side of the door, a third man entered, dressed identically except for the fact that his breastplate had been discarded.

"Now that I have your attention..." he said, and the Fox felt a shiver in her spine as she recognized the voice of Ironman Gilpin! How could he be out on bail already?

The sensuous sound of a woman's high heels made them all turn to look the opposite way. A beautiful young woman entered the living room by way of a spiral staircase that led to the second floor, her hips swaying seductively as she descended. Her sleek, delicious body was dressed in a black leather steampunk bustier, black leather boots, and fishnet stockings. Her face was half hidden by a black mask and cowl, framed by shoulder-length corn-silk blonde hair. She held a coiled black bullwhip in her gloved hands.

Oh no! Not her! the Fox thought, as a sensation of utter helplessness made her pussy tingle. What a horrible time to be caught at half strength!

"Catwoman!" gasped Norman.

"I am NOT Catwoman," the intruder corrected with a hiss. "I am Alley Cat. And you," she said, turning toward Gordon, "are Gordon Geek-o. I hope you forgive me for entering through the upstairs window. I have a thing about doors. My therapist says it has to do with my repressive childhood when I had to sneak out to go to parties with my friends, but I think I just don't trust them."

"But the alarms?" Gordon said. "I have the most state-of-the-art security system in the world!"

"Alarms? Oh pooh!" Alley Cat scoffed. "No security system designed by man is any match for me, darling." The villainess strutted around the living room, making herself at home -- raising her eyebrow at the mannequin dressed in the Fox's costume and the plasma screens still showing their slideshow. "I am here for one reason. No, make that two reasons. Actually three, when you come to think of it..."

"Get out of my house!" Gordon demanded. "I'm calling the police!" He slapped at his body with both hands, searching for his cellphone and belatedly remembering that he wasn't wearing a jacket or any pants.

With a single graceful movement, Alley Cat uncoiled her whip and flicked it around his skinny chest. There was a flash of electricity, causing Gordon to scream like a girl and drop to his knees. The Fox's bracelet fell to the floor and rolled away, but the villainess paid no attention to it.

"Didn't your mother teach you it wasn't polite to interrupt a lady carrying a 10,000 volt electro-whip?" the beautiful blonde said, coiling the weapon again. "Now where was I? Oh yes..." Her high heels thumped lightly on the carpet as she turned toward the wheeled table, where Jennifer lay completely defenseless, her brown eyes as big as dinner plates and her pulse racing with fear.

"I heard about your big date, Gordo," Alley Cat said, smiling like a cat watching a mouse hole. "I'm here for the Fuchsia Fox. How convenient to find her all tied up for me."


Chapter 6 --

"Uhh... the Fox didn't show!" Norman Wolowitz said suddenly.

Gordon, still on his knees, mouthed What the fuck?. He had been struggling frantically to think of some way to prevent Alley Cat from making off with their prisoner, but what was this happy horse shit?

"What do you mean?" Alley Cat said menacingly, turning to face Norman. "Everyone knows the Fuchsia Fox had a date with Gordon Geeko tonight. Who's this then?"

"Sh-she was supposed to meet us at the Parkway Hotel but she stood us up," Norman stammered, giving the villainess a sickly grin. "That girl? She's Sheryl, a cosplay chick we sometimes use... for a little bondage and... and stuff..." He licked his lips, thinking fast. "Look! Here's her costume!" He quickly picked up the commercial knock-off costume the mannequin had originally been wearing, which was now strewn across the floor. "See?"

Alley Cat spared a glance for the obviously cheaply made chest emblem on the halter top. Jennifer, lying spread eagled and unclad on the table, held her breath, remaining silent so that the villainess wouldn't recognize her voice. Thanks to the image enhancement properties of her Zumerian costume, she looked different with it on. Was she actually going to get away with this?

"Well, this is disappointing," Alley Cat hissed, tapping her whip against her thigh. "The Fox is usually much more conscientious about her obligations! I have a good mind to send a nasty tweet about this! Hashtag FuchsiaFink! You guys will back me up on this, right?"

"Oh sure," said Norman anxiously. The supervillain seemed to be working herself into a rage.

"I ask you, what is the world coming to," Alley Cat fumed, "when Washington's most respected superheroine reneges on her agreements? Anarchy! Sheer anarchy!" She flicked her electro-whip at the mannequin, catching it around its slender shoulders and yanking it off of its support base. With a jerk, the villainess sent the dummy smashing into the plasma screen on the left, putting a crack in it. Drawing back her arm, she slashed violently at the mannequin with her whip again and again, sparks flying, until it lay in pieces.

"That felt good," Alley Cat said, her anger seemingly spent. "What do you think you're doing?" she said sharply.

Norman had used the distraction of her outburst to sidle over to the Fox's table and begun to unobtrusively push it toward the hallway. "I... er... was going to take Sheryl into the other room and let her out of the manacles. Is that okay?"

"I rather enjoy seeing her like this," Alley Cat purred. Standing with her fishnet-clad legs spread, her glove-sheathed left hand began to idly caress her own left boob, while her other hand rubbed her leather whip up and down in between her legs against the cleft of her black bustier. "She does look remarkably like the Fox. Doesn't she, Gilpin?"

The three henchmen had remained at their places by the sitting room doorway all this time, craning their necks almost to the breaking point in an attempt to ogle the unclothed female flesh on the table. Now Gilpin strolled over.

The Fox felt her heart throbbing like a snare drum in between her two lovely coconuts as the thug's eyes roamed up and down her defenseless body, looking between her spread legs at her vulnerable slit. She had been tentatively trying out the psychic link between her remaining bracelet and her costume, and found it faintly intact. By a mere mental command, she should be able to summon her costume back to her whenever she wished. But as long as she was in restraints and only at half power because of the one bracelet having been removed, that wouldn't be the wisest thing to do. She had no choice but to lie here and let him gawk at her.

"She might at that," Gilpin admitted, a salacious grin on his ugly kisser as his hand reached out in between the Fox's creamy thighs. The heroine could only squirm helplessly in her restraints, biting her lip as his thick fingers pushed aside the moist petals of her flower and explored her juicy coosh. She let out an involuntary moan, her body shivering with desire, getting all wet and steamy as he rubbed her tender rosebud.

Norman seized on the opportunity, while everyone was distracted, to pick up the Fox's left bracelet from the floor and quickly slip it down the front of his boxer shorts. The cool metal object settled around his genitals like an oversized cock ring, almost giving him another boner.

"Well," Alley Cat said, losing interest, "I guess I have no choice but to move on to the second reason I'm here... the Second David."

Gordon drew in a sharp breath as she walked across to the other side of the living room, where a two-foot tall statuette of Michelangelo's "David" stood on a jet black square plinth, enclosed in a case of absolutely clear plastic. The bronze statuette was a model for the seventeen-foot marble masterpiece, cast by Michelangelo himself, and it was the single most expensive thing he owned!

"Oh my goodness, this looks sturdy," Alley Cat said, rapping smartly on the case. "I don't suppose there's any chance of you giving me the security code so that I can open it?"

"Not a chance," Gordon said, squaring his shoulders. In his mind he was calculating that even if the villainess got away with the David, thanks to Norman's quick-thinking he still had the Fuchsia Fox. And the statue was insured.

Alley Cat made a commanding gesture toward the other two thugs, still standing in the doorway. They grabbed Gordon on either side and frog-marched him up to their mistress. "Are you sure?" the villainess said teasingly, as her gloved left hand slid downward along Gordon's skinny chest, plunging smoothly under the waistband of his boxer shorts.

The geek jerked upright in more ways than one as he felt her leather-clad fingers playing with his balls. He closed his eyes, sweat pouring from his forehead as she grabbed his wiener and began stroking him up and down. "T-two three one aught four one five six..." he gasped.

"Aren't you sweet?" Alley Cat said, extracting her hand from his boxers and wiping it on his shirt. As one of her henchmen started toward the case to key in the code, she stopped him. "But that's too easy. Let's do it the hard way."

"Knock yourself out," Gordon gasped, recovering his composure. "That plastic has a refractive coating to reflect lasers. It will take almost a ton of pressure before cracking. So unless you brought a wrecking ball with you in your back pocket, you're out of luck."

"Gilpin!" Alley Cat called, "stop playing with that chick and come over here." As her henchmen joined her, she let her left hand glide over the thug's big, brawny shoulders. "Meet my wrecking ball. Gilpin has spent time undergoing some interesting chemical treatments at a private sport clinic, haven't you my darling?"

The henchman pulled on a pair of gloves with reinforced knuckles. He walked up to the case, took a moment to psych himself, and gave it a punch. WHAM! The plastic gave, but didn't break. Rubbing his knuckles, he took a deep breath and tried again, putting his entire upper body into it. WHAMM!! A hairline crack appeared in the plastic! With a grin, he moved around to the side and tried again.

While everyone else was busy with this, Norman slunk back to the wheeled table and once again tried to quietly push the Fox out into the hallway, hoping the wheels didn't squeak. From the hallway, he could get her to the elevator. Once he was there, he could hit the alarm and he'd be safe in the lab with their captive until the police arrived. Gordon would just have to take his chances. Norman's eyes wandered upward along the Fox's smooth, shapely legs, lingering on her gorgeous pink pussy...

"Norman! Up here!" the heroine hissed indignantly, blushing like a rose. "Undo the manacles!"

"Do I look stupid or something?" the geek whispered, with a firm shake of his head. "I'm just getting you safely out of here. You'd better not make a sound, either. The way she attacked that mannequin, I have a feeling you'd be in worse trouble than we are if she knows who you are."

The Fox lay back in her restraints, feeling a surge of hopelessness wash over her unclothed body from head to toe. Alley Cat did seem much more volatile than last time they had met. The heroine tugged uselessly at the titanium manacles as Norman gently pushed the table, gliding her smoothly toward the hallway door. Tears unexpectedly pricked at the back of her eyelids. With only one bracelet, she hadn't a chance of breaking free; she might as well resign herself to captivity.

Meanwhile Gilpin took another shot at the case. His third punch cracked it again, and his fourth demolished it into a pile of variously-sized shards. Alley Cat darted forward delightedly and picked up the statuette, her gloved hands caressing the smooth bronze.

"Excellent!" she exulted. "Now gentlemen, if you will..." The other two henchmen quickly trussed Gordon's hands behind him, then tied his ankles. One pushed him onto the sofa while the other produced a small black cylinder about the size of a beer can, with an LED display on its top. Gordon's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at the object was set on the glass table in front of him. It looked almost like a...

"A bomb. Yes," Alley Cat confirmed with wide grin. Handing the David statuette to one of her men, the villainess squatted in front of him. "My third reason for being here tonight. Gordo," she added in a softer voice for his ears only, "you crossed Catherine Alessandro. That was an incredibly stupid thing to do." Firmly she pressed the button on top of the bomb. The LED screen lit up with bright red numbers, showing four minutes, and then rapidly began counting down.


Chapter 7 --

"Norman, hurry!" the Fuchsia Fox hissed.

"Don't you think I'm trying?" the geek snapped. With the addition of the bomb to the mix, it hadn't taken him more than half a second to see that his and Gordon's only hope of rescue now was the Fuchsia Fox! He had already unsnapped the manacles on her slim ankles and hurried around the left side of the table, where he struggled with the manacle on her wrist. It was stuck! It didn't want to come loose!

"If you have any last words for posterity," Alley Cat was saying to Gordon, her gloved hand caressing his face as he stared at the bomb, "just keep them to yourself, okay? I hate that kind of thing." The villainess stood up, gesturing toward her henchmen. "Now where is the other geek?"

"Norman," the Fox said calmly, "I don't mean to rush you, but--"

"It's stuck!" The manacle on her left wrist suddenly popped open. Now that she was 75% free, the superheroine summoned her costume. There was a barely perceptible flash as her halter top, panties, elbow length gloves and miniskirt disappeared from the mannequin and reappeared around her smooth, lissome body. Jenn was a little dismayed to find that her costume was criss-crossed with long, jagged rips, the gloves hanging in tatters, where Alley Cat had flailed at it with her whip.

"HEY!" shouted one of Alley Cat's thugs, looking for Norman and seeing the superheroine almost free.

Alley Cat whirled as the Fox sprang into a half-upright position with her right wrist still firmly held by the titanium manacle. "I should have known that it was really you!" the villainess snarled. "Love the new punk costume by the way!" Uncoiling her electro-whip, the villainess lashed out at the still trapped heroine.

The Fox put up her left arm defensively as she tried to raise her force shield. She was distressed to find out that with only one bracelet, she couldn't! Jennifer's body tensed as she felt the whip coil around her forearm. Ten thousand volts was going to hurt -- a lot!

Nothing happened! "Oh drat!" said Alley Cat bitterly. "The power cells must be drained!"

Drawing all the power she could to enhance her strength, the Fox gave a yank on the whip, pulling the blonde villainess in close enough to strike out with one alluring leg. As Alley Cat fell back stunned, the heroine quickly managed to unlatch the other manacle, freeing herself. Norman was on the other side of the table, passing her the other bracelet...

Just then Gilpin charged. The impact of his huge body slammed the Fox against the table, pushing the table itself until it fetched up against the wall, while Norman ducked underneath just in time to avoid being crushed. Pinned in between the strapping henchman and the hard metal table, the spunky girl struggled to hold Gilpin off as his beefy arms encircled her slender waist, groping under her sassy little miniskirt. Drawing back her right fist, she let him have it right in the jaw. Unfortunately with only one bracelet, the Fox wasn't as strong as she usually was. Although it clearly hurt him, he shrugged the blow off.

"You sucker punched me last time, bitch," the henchman smirked, his chest pressing up against the sexy superlady's frail feminine body. "This is payback."

"You know what they say about payback," the Fox said grimly, smacking him in the jaw again, this time putting everything she had into it. Gilpin let out a grunt of pain as his grip relaxed and he staggered backward, temporarily stunned.

Taking full advantage, the superheroine squirmed out of the thug's clutches. Grabbing his left arm, she twisted it behind him, her gorgeous gams locking around his chest as she snaked her other arm around his broad, muscular shoulders in the choke hold that Barbara Wright had taught her.

Shaking his head, Gilpin recovered his senses. "Real clever, toots," he grimaced, straining for breath. Then he suddenly wheeled about and slammed his back against the nearby wall. UNNNGH! And again! OOOF! Crushed between the two with no force shield to protect her, the Fox gasped as her breath was squeezed out of her lungs. Desperately the plucky young heroine struggled to hold on to her grip, but it was no use. Her arms and legs felt weak; she was on the verge of passing out.

Gilpin extended one ham-like hand and pinned the Fox to the wall. Turning toward her, he grabbed hold of the front of her skin-tight costume, squeezing her soft round breasts. "Let me show you how it's done, babe," he sneered. The thin fabric of her halter top stretched, tearing many of the rips in its fabric wider, as the henchman lifted the girl off the floor, drawing her into his grasp.

"I know how it's done, thanks," the heroine panted, bringing her classy knee up into her opponent's abs with all her strength. As the henchman faltered, her left fist and then her right struck again on his abused jaw, making his eyes rattle. He tried to rally, but the heroine had seized his wrist, prising his fingers off of her costume as she swung around, flipping him over her shoulder and across the room.

"Don't just stand there gawping, you clowns!" Alley Cat shouted, waving her other two henchmen forward. They took aim with their wrist-lasers, snapping off shots with those blue energy beams. The Fox turned and evaded for all she was worth, ducking behind the metal table and using it as a shield. Catching her breath, the stunning superheroine picked up the table and hurled it, knocking both of the thugs for a loop.

"Have I ever told you that you play an irritating game of chess, Fox?" Alley Cat complained, as she and her three henchmen scrambled for the sitting room doorway. "I'd love to hang around and finish you off, but the clock is ticking! Au revoir!"

Clock? Jennifer suddenly remembered the bomb! Her head snapped around in the direction of the sofa. Gordon Gieseck was staring at the countdown with a sort of horrified fascination as Norman struggled to untie him. The bright red LED screen read 0:08 seconds and counting!

"Norman! Get out of there!" the Fox shouted, realizing even as she said it that there was no time. The heroine charged, scooping both men into her arms and lifting them behind the now overturned metal table. It was the best she could do. Pushing the men to the floor, she dove on top of them, desperately trying again to raise her force shield.

The bomb went off with shattering roar, destroying the sofa, the glass table, both plasma screens, in fact pretty much all the furniture in the living room. Fortunately, the metal table they had taken refuge behind had been designed to hold the Fuchsia Fox prisoner, and in consequence it was strong enough to protect them.

The Fox peered over the edge, then stood up to full height as she surveyed the smoking wreckage. "What a party," she said, as a lighting fixture fell from the ceiling with a crash. Strolling toward the sitting room, she picked up the David statuette, which Alley Cat's henchmen had left behind in their haste to escape. It didn't appear to be damaged. The superheroine considered chasing after them, but her body already felt battered and bruised enough for one night. Her costume looked and felt as if had been run through a shredder. The rounded shapes of her girls could more or less be clearly seen, and the nipple on her left one was playing a tantalizing game of peekaboo with her fox head emblem. Plus with only one bracelet...

That reminded her. The Fox turned back toward Gordon and Norman, who by now were standing up and looking around the demolished living room in a sort of shell-shocked way. Norman was still holding her left bracelet. "I'll just relieve you of that, if you don't mind," the heroine said sarcastically, holding out her hand.

"Right..." Norman said, handing the artifact over without hesitation.

Gordon watched dully as the Fox slipped her bracelet back around her lovely wrist. "Look, I'm sorry about all this," he said. "I know there's nothing I can do to make it up to you... but you saved my bacon here. If there's anything... just, you know... say the word."

"You could start," the heroine said, "by handing over the footage your security cameras took earlier."

Gordon hissed through his teeth, hoping that she had forgotten about that. "Okay. That's fair..."

"Then you're going to donate five million dollars to charity."

"Five--!" Gordon nearly gagged. But he nodded, then a lop-sided grin crossed his face. "Hey! It was still a pretty good date, though... am I right?"

The statement surprised the superheroine into a smile. Partly she was thinking of what Martin had been telling her earlier in the evening, and how much he was going to love hearing all the details. "Let me put it this way, Gordon," she said. "It was certainly a date I'll never forget."

THE END>>>>>>
By Centurion
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Once again he has a rather fun idea for set-up. I like that it wasn't made completely explicit that she was drugged at the party even though it was obvious what happened. And there's fun little twists, like the nerds protecting her even though they were taking advantage of her as well. And it's nice to see that there's arch rival being developed.
Neophyte Lvl 5
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I enjoy these stories, but I'd love to see the Fox lose once in awhile. Face it...the guy never goes for her mask? Really? That would be the first thing to go.
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Guys, thank you so much for your comments. I'll be sure to send them to Centurion and if he replies, post his comments here. :-)
bobcashman wrote:I enjoy these stories, but I'd love to see the Fox lose once in awhile. Face it...the guy never goes for her mask? Really? That would be the first thing to go.
Bob, I am glad you've been enjoying the Fox series (and the naughty direction I have tried to influence Centurion in going with the Fox). One note, though, generally the Fox does not wear a mask. Centurion has crafted things so that the Fox's Zumerian outfit creates some sort of image enhancement aura that basically makes the Fuchsia Fox unrecognizable from her non powered up persona of Jennifer. Ergo, usually there is no mask to remove. :-)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Here's the response from Centurion :

Today at 8:40 AM

ToJennifer (aka Flirty)

Message body :

If you don't mind posting a follow-up, unless you've already mentioned some of this...

I appreciate all the comments. Of course this is another of those scenarios which are easily overused. I racked my brain to think of twists that would make it different from the usual drugged-and-taken-advantage-of scenario. That's the reason I came up with the plasma screen slideshow -- I needed something to distract the Fox as well as the reader from the possibility that Gordon had spiked her champagne. I'm thrilled to know that it worked. Alley Cat is always a fun character to write, but ever since the debacle on New Years Eve, I had been thinking about turning her a bit darker. She may have an actual split personality at this point, and literally think that Catherine Alessandro is a separate person.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Hey guys. I received an email from Centurion asking me to post this little photo manipulation he did which kind of roughly shows how he perceives the Fuchsia Fox to look. His fear is that from his story descriptions, the way he perceives her as looking is not effectively conveyed. Anyway, here's the picture he asked me to post for him ...

Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Most enjoyable. I liked how the introduction of the bomb forced Gordon and Norman to work with the Fuschia Fox. And of course the image of the heroine draped over the couch.
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