What is happening to Melissa Benoist's breasts?

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Mr. X wrote:
theScribbler wrote:Yep, Berlanti shows need more breasts :cap:
wait so ONE scene = show full of breasts? Really? wow so fans have to wait through 2 seasons of arrow for ONE scene then there's nothing after that. Compare this to Smallville. erica Durance getting out of the lake in her swim suit. Being a stripper. Hot women all over the place. Smallville is an ocean compared to Arrow and flash and supergirl. Lok at all the hot scenes from smallville on uotube. And where are the hot scenes from Supergirl other than some tiny upskirt shots? From arrow? From Flash? Kind of dry IMHO.

Wait I like this. so I all I have to do is show one scene of say lesbian activity and I can claim the whole enter series is all about lesbians?
I did not write "scene = show full of breasts"

I wrote "Berlanti shows need more breasts." Please read that again...

"NEEDS MORE BREASTS" vs your bullshit strawman version of "SHOW FULL OF BREASTS."

I'm not claiming anything, I just thought it was a fun scene. Granted, I don't buy your bullshit at all, but I wasn't participating in it when I posted that youtube scene. My post is related to the OP subject of breasts, and nothing about anything you say.
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

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Now, that's a correct description of a straw man argument.
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theScribbler wrote:
Mr. X wrote:
theScribbler wrote:Yep, Berlanti shows need more breasts :cap:
wait so ONE scene = show full of breasts? Really? wow so fans have to wait through 2 seasons of arrow for ONE scene then there's nothing after that. Compare this to Smallville. erica Durance getting out of the lake in her swim suit. Being a stripper. Hot women all over the place. Smallville is an ocean compared to Arrow and flash and supergirl. Lok at all the hot scenes from smallville on uotube. And where are the hot scenes from Supergirl other than some tiny upskirt shots? From arrow? From Flash? Kind of dry IMHO.

Wait I like this. so I all I have to do is show one scene of say lesbian activity and I can claim the whole enter series is all about lesbians?
I did not write "scene = show full of breasts"

I wrote "Berlanti shows need more breasts." Please read that again...

"NEEDS MORE BREASTS" vs your bullshit strawman version of "SHOW FULL OF BREASTS."

I'm not claiming anything, I just thought it was a fun scene. Granted, I don't buy your bullshit at all, but I wasn't participating in it when I posted that youtube scene. My post is related to the OP subject of breasts, and nothing about anything you say.
Ok my bad. I apologize. I jumped the gun.
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I personally hope Superman does turn out to be gay they have to do something with him after all to differentiate him from his far more charismatic cousin....as it stands he is a bit of a barnacle on Kara's otherwise sleek girlish hull.
I just hope his fanbase doesn't get all sodden with false hope about a spin off its far too late for Kal El, he's been overshadowed for too long...forget the gay thing after all maybe they should just kill him off that would make Kara Unique Again.

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Nothing happened to her breasts, and I hope nothing does. She looks beautiful in her costume and in regular clothes. Now, before I am accused of being a "Social Justice Warrior", I will be sure to point out that there is nothing wrong with people who find large breasts appealing.
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C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, this is SuperGirl and SuperMan.
rs_600x600-160606094205-600.Supergirl-Superman-JR-060616.jpg (109.02 KiB) Viewed 2643 times
If they have to do "something" with him, make that something new and titillating. Let SuperMan go where no SuperMan has gone before.
lusciousnet_iceman_blue_kal_kara_su_836056037.640x0.jpg (75.75 KiB) Viewed 2643 times
Postcoital, SuperGirl develops a super being fetish, and succumbs to an overwhelming need for similar sausage. Oh, the possibilities! A new encounter each week. Or, a gargantuan gang-bang for the season finale.

funny-pictures-auto-superheroes-Supergirl-371219.gif (2.97 MiB) Viewed 2643 times
In the chance she gets all modest, and becomes Miss prerogative. Those who've come soliciting, initiate plan B.
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By Penichet
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The problem is not enough exploding midgets.
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No one playing around with them,at least not in any episode,so they say to themselves"You aint playin with me,I'm shrinking up and going home"
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Well the latest episode was pretty good, i for one have enjoyed the episodes an will continue to watch them

I liked this episode so much went and made a little VIDEO version of my own
sadly I'll have too work out some other link and post it later sorry for the confusion :(
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"I suppose that I ought to contribute that I believe that a big part of the repression of sexual themes in America.... We STILL live in a world where a woman is often called a slut for participating in sexual intercourse OF ANY KIND that isn't marital.... The term itself is particularly repressive and just another of the little contributing factors to American prudism. We should ALL stop using it period."

Gonna have to say...wrong answer!! Sure we are repressed sexually in America but there is nothing unique about that. Around the world most cultures engage in some kind of sexual repression, and much of the time it is way worse than here. Some of those cultures have unfortunately absorbed aspects of the specific kind of Western sexual repression (and it is "Western", not just American...it's based on bullae from Catholicism
and/or Protestantism..some even going back to Judaism) which has made it worse, such as in Africa or South America. But some cultures are just sexually repressive bastards all on their own, whether we're talking about China or India or Arabia.

The difference between the West and the others, though, is that over time we have figured out ways to release this tension that don't involve forced violence or suppression of women. That's because we have a carefully developed and nurtured system of laws and liberties. One of the most important is freedom of speech.

So when you are suggesting we all "stop" using a word (and any word only has the power you allow it to have), you are entering the realm of the repressive, regressive left, where speech is curtailed. I realize you're not advocating laws that do that. But listen: recent polls of millennials have revealed that they really don't understand what freedom of speech is, and that a majority would endorse various forms of "censorship" if it would keep people safer or keep people from feeling badly, etc. A substantial number of these kids (yeah..I know) don't understand in the slightest the rights they've been given, by the privilege (not white privilege, but the privilege of any citizen!) of being born in a relatively free Western country.

When you say we "should" all stop using a word, that's a slippery slope to telling everyone what to do by virtue of draconian edicts. It might be a law, but then it might be just a university regulation, or a method of extreme social pressure. [All three of these are freedom of expression issues: absolutely do NOT manspread on the subway, absolutely do NOT wear an Indian costume, absolutely do NOT wolf-whistle in public.] In any case, the total elimination of a term is more repressive than the use of it. With regards to the specific term "slut", here's an example: I was just watching a video with Kendra James - one of those typical daughter-and-unrelated-stepmom-have-hot-lesbian-sex ones - where Kendra berates the younger actress for taking pictures of her asshole and sending them to boys. Kendra calls her a "slut" for doing so. Now, do you really think that is inaccurate, or outside the definition of what the term means? Of course not, it's perfect. And if a boy did the exact same thing, he'd be a slut for doing it - doesn't even matter straight or gay.

Now I realize that the term indicates that the very act of sending pix of your asshole to strangers is frowned upon in America (and most likely everywhere in the world, really). Now if you're saying that such an act should become less taboo, and that *around the globe* people should start acting more loosey-goosey about sexual topics, I would tend to approve. Less repression is better than more, always. But that's more of a subject for "culture wars"...in this case, prudishness vs. libertinism. Unfortunately, many SJWs are far from libertine..they're just the opposite, advocating a regressive reverse double-standard kind of burqa-fication of depictions of the female body, while Oliver Queen can continue to take his shirt off.

Fight for social justice, sure, but make sure that the cause is of a large and legimitate concern (and not some kind of microproblem that society and the market can work out on its own), and don't ever end up on the side of the censors - our grandparents fought WWII, our parents endured the Cold War, and our siblings are in Iraq (and yes of course I realize those wars also had realpolitik concerns) to take a strong stand against just such repressive action. The same forces that censor are also those which limit other more physical rights (for example, Hillary did a debate speech about both countries that outlaw abortion, and countries that force abortion on citizens).

Censorship is everywhere, even in places where you would think free exchange of information would be paramount. For example, one of the prime sources I get my news from is the Guardian's news feed to my email box. I can count on the Guardian to cover things that might otherwise be missed by major media, yet it usually doesn't devolve into far-left rants like, say, Democracy Now would. In most cases, the Guardian is about staunchly leftist journalism (if not necessarily super-radical) and wouldn't want anyone impeding their ability to get their articles out. Yet the Guardian itself picks and chooses which articles allow comment sections at the bottom. I think if they feel there's even the slightest that "right-wing" opinions (or those counter to their editorial policy, such as for example limiting immigration to England because of Brexit) might be expressed, they don't allow comments on that particular article at all.

You can tell it's somewhat of a haphazard system because today there was a piece on the Standing Rock protestors having "tunnel vision" (they literally feel that their cause is apocalyptic and will determine the future of humanity on this planet, which is a bit of an exaggeration) and pledging not to vote because they're sick of both political parties and have undergone "trauma" (a sentiment that, as I've said on this forum before, is echoed by millennials). The Guardian had opened the comment section by mistake, let one or two comments through, and then closed it. Because Bob Forbid someone should express an opposing opinion labeling the protestors as short-sighted or impetuously naive, or whatever (I'm not saying they are, but it's a valid opinion someone could express), but due to political correctness one cannot do so since it might show lack of respect and reverence for a punched-down culture that, by the way, doesn't allow women to attend its sacred ceremonies.

Thanks for letting my left-libertarian flag fly for a bit.
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It's not difficult to chose your words carefully. It just isn't. 'Slut' is a curse word. There's no 'positive' use for it. I'm obviously not stating 'outlaw the word' because it IS just a word in that sense, no word is so terrible as to be something 'prosecutable' (Most ANYTHING in the world isn't so terrible as to need to be prosecutable) but that doesn't mean there aren't words that have little or no value to a society or culture. The only use for 'Slut' is to shame someone, (obviously it gets used HERE more than other places as a tool in narrative fiction and such which is perfectly acceptable use of curses and such IMO) but in terms of lobbying it AT someone, which is 'sluts' only legitimate usage (and the usage by which characters in our narratives lobby it against other characters), it is almost always entirely oppressive. So again, when I say 'we SHOULD all stop using it' don't read that as 'It ought to be outlawed!' I'm simply saying that it would be a happier world if more people found more constructive ways to make their arguments with people than to resort to a basically useless shaming tool in the hopes that it'll get them to 'shut up' rather than express themselves.
I was just watching a video with Kendra James - one of those typical daughter-and-unrelated-stepmom-have-hot-lesbian-sex ones - where Kendra berates the younger actress for taking pictures of her asshole and sending them to boys. Kendra calls her a "slut" for doing so. Now, do you really think that is inaccurate, or outside the definition of what the term means? Of course not, it's perfect. And if a boy did the exact same thing, he'd be a slut for doing it - doesn't even matter straight or gay.
See this is exactly what I'm talking about. No doubt sending pics of your asshole to boys is a STUPID move... but no, a boy is NOT called a slut for doing the exact same thing, in fact men are almost NEVER called a slut. Sure 'Carlos Danger' gets caught with dickpicks in his cellphone and he gets a lot of heat because he's a POLITICIAN, but by and large male's get the 'boys will be boys' treatment here. I know a dozen guys who'd all slap their buddies shoulder and call him a legend for that sort of thing (To be clear I don't think this is necessarily even WRONG, it's just unbalanced.) I mean, if someone WANTS to send pictures of their asshole to someone who wants them, it's no one elses frigging business, and certainly not their place to judge (A parent maybe, to teach, but no one else.) We're ALL fucked up in our own way, and none of us want other people judging us for the things we do that would be commonly judged out in the open. The point is, Yes, 'Slut' has a definition and yes it specifically means something, I'm proposing simply that the 'idea' that it defines is an oppressive one that only hurts and never helps.

By singling out one demographic of sexual culture we are sort of agreeing by proxy that we are all just deranged sluts and sexist pigs here for our own fetish, by saying 'this person is a slut for doing this thing that I personally find gross' you're sort of passively presenting the environment whereby we may as well ALL be sluts, because we are all depraved in something. We fetishize the abuse, humiliation or sexual torment of heroic women... THATS what WE do, it's not any 'better' or 'worse' than someone who sends pictures of their asshole to someone who wants it. It's just different. (Seems you probably mostly agree with me on this)
You can tell it's somewhat of a haphazard system because today there was a piece on the Standing Rock protestors having "tunnel vision" (they literally feel that their cause is apocalyptic and will determine the future of humanity on this planet, which is a bit of an exaggeration) and pledging not to vote because they're sick of both political parties and have undergone "trauma" (a sentiment that, as I've said on this forum before, is echoed by millennials). The Guardian had opened the comment section by mistake, let one or two comments through, and then closed it. Because Bob Forbid someone should express an opposing opinion labeling the protestors as short-sighted or impetuously naive, or whatever (I'm not saying they are, but it's a valid opinion someone could express), but due to political correctness one cannot do so since it might show lack of respect and reverence for a punched-down culture that, by the way, doesn't allow women to attend its sacred ceremonies.
This sort of circles around to my MAIN point of this entire thread... Everything said in my last post was more of an 'observational addition' to what I'd put before and not really advocating for something or making any kind of agenda or 'push.' We make more out of everything in America than it's worth. We are entirely reactionary, and so the conspiracy theories fly. A plain flies into the Two Towers, certainly a dispicalbe act of terror but one solitary act that America has suffered in hundreds of years while all of Europe is PLAGUED by them yearly, and we respond as though it's the end of the world, give up DOZENS of freedoms and now we can't go to the airport without a stick getting rammed up our asses while the 'Patriot Act' looms over all. On the smaller scale: A woman wears pants in a comic book, we cry the end of the world and the death of sex....

Mellissa's breasts are a little smaller this season of Supergirl? Well obviously there must be some demonized agenda behind it!
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God some people are really long winded around here
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I know what should be happening to her little tits.....can ya guess?
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batgirl1969 wrote:I know what should be happening to her little tits.....can ya guess?

Enlighten us. ;)
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batgirl1969 wrote:I know what should be happening to her little tits.....can ya guess?
They should be motorboated by Professor Stephen Hawking?

Did I guess correctly?
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Heroine Addict wrote:
batgirl1969 wrote:I know what should be happening to her little tits.....can ya guess?
They should be motorboated by Professor Stephen Hawking?

Did I guess correctly?
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Milking it does a body good!
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By TormentorX

Don't worry she'll make more.

Btw, I like the way you say, "No!!!"

Combine that, with a schoolgirl uniform and bondage, and you'll arouse the entire forum as if you haven't already.
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Incubus wrote:Guessing

Milking it does a body good!


By TormentorX

Don't worry she'll make more.

Btw, I like the way you say, "No!!!"

Combine that, with a schoolgirl uniform and bondage, and you'll arouse the entire forum as if you haven't already.
God I wish!!! She deserves it!!! And much much more for sure
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