Mind over Overmind (Double Trouble Productions)

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Doctor Outcome
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Plot: After escaping from the Doom Dungeon with the help of the capacitor device, the mighty heroine and leader of the Sisterhood of Superheroines Alpha Madonna is free and ready to strike back against her captor: the villainous Overmind! Alpha has severely crippled the Overmind’s defenses and without his dark disciples to protect him, the raven-haired Queen Knight is ready to strike a blow for her fallen superheroines who perished fighting against the Overmind’s forces of darkness.

With much to gain and even more to lose, Alpha Madonna is determined to win this fight on her own. But even with her bravado and determination, there’s a chance that even *she* may not be ready for this final conflict…
Mind over Overmind (The Mighty over the Fallen).mp4_snapshot_02.22_[2017.01.18_20.14.26].jpg
Mind over Overmind (The Mighty over the Fallen).mp4_snapshot_02.22_[2017.01.18_20.14.26].jpg (41.18 KiB) Viewed 1790 times
Quick Pick (Thoughts on the Film)

While going through some of our hard-drives, I came across this vid and called out to my homegirl so we could watch it together. This vid was one that I had purchased a long time ago at a friend’s recommendation after I had bought ‘Snow Fall’ many years ago and I have to say this vid has a lot going for it: fantastic story with an excellent plot, fun fight scenes, amazing special visual effects, magnificent performances and a climatic twist ending that will leave the viewer thirsting for more.

When I started to play this, my homegirl was shocked to see her fan favorite fetish model Lady Diana playing the role of a superheroine, instead of the usual vibrant, yet vicious super villain. Personally, I think Diana is a highly-talented fetish model with years of experience under her belt and I enjoy her performances…well, mostly those when she plays the heroine which is something you don’t see much of from her from time to time.

Okay, I’ll confess right now, I love her just as much when she plays the villainess, but often times, I feel the writers give her *waaaaaaaaay* too much of an edge against her co-stars in these types of stories (watch some of Christina Carter’s productions and you’ll see what I mean). For the life of me I’m still trying to figure out why the producers do that so much when she’s cast as the villain: I mean, as a superheroine she’s close to being slim-pickings for her opponent but when she plays the villain, Lady Diana is virtually indestructible. I’ve seen her play Wonder Woman once and that’s when she was at ‘Knights of Gotham’s’ place shooting with Eve von Winter in one of their vampire stories. Though her performance in that vid was beautifully crafted, I’ve yet to see Diana cast as a superheroine in anything else.

So when we watched this vid together, we were both reminded of how good Lady Diana is at her profession and that she can play any role regardless of what it it. Personally, I feel she should be playing more roles like this for any future stories that she may do…she really deserves to be a superheroine in these vids.


-Great filming locations for the Doom Dungeon and the Arena of Champions, which turns out to be a fantastic backyard wrestling ring.

-The script for this story was a masterpiece of art. The writers put their heads together for this and cooked up the perfect recipe for the lead character’s comeback against the villain in this story and they left no stone unturned. The dialogue was witty also and they did an excellent job of letting Alpha Madonna and the Overmind boast against each other. Plus, the two female leads (Lady Diana and Hollywood) have double roles in this story also.

-Speaking of which, the performances of the two female leads was awesome! First there’s Lady Diana with her performance as Alpha Madonna: Diana was confident, full of energy and determination…she had a drive in her spirit that was like a candle burning brightly in this superheorine video. The fantastic part about Diana’s performance is that even though she’s a high and mighty superheroine with a sense of right and wrong, she doesn’t fail to show the same level of ruthlessness and tenacity that she’s displayed onscreen when she plays a villain in a superheroine production.
Mind Over Overmind (Introducing Alpha-Madonna!).mp4_snapshot_01.30_[2017.01.18_20.12.27].jpg
Mind Over Overmind (Introducing Alpha-Madonna!).mp4_snapshot_01.30_[2017.01.18_20.12.27].jpg (35.78 KiB) Viewed 1790 times
Even more, she doesn’t hold back when the fighting begins either and even though she’s up against the ropes a little bit, she doesn’t take any crap lying down. Seeing her fighting spirit made me root for her all the more in this vid.
Mind over Overmind (you can't hurt me!).mp4_snapshot_06.53_[2017.01.18_20.18.07].jpg
Mind over Overmind (you can't hurt me!).mp4_snapshot_06.53_[2017.01.18_20.18.07].jpg (46.83 KiB) Viewed 1790 times
Next, there’s mixed wrestling performer Hollywood playing the part of Vixxen, a former comrade turned adversary who is under the Overmind’s control. Though Hollywood doesn’t get to speak any dialogue in this story, she has a lot of fire in her when she and Lady Diana battle with each other. (Also, I suspect that Hollywood had a dual role in this story like Diana in which Hollywood could’ve been playing the part of the villainous Overmind). Either way, Hollywood was a force to be reckoned with in this story just like her performance in ‘Snow Fall’.
Mind Over Overmind (Vixxen).mp4_snapshot_01.39_[2017.01.18_20.13.06].jpg
Mind Over Overmind (Vixxen).mp4_snapshot_01.39_[2017.01.18_20.13.06].jpg (53.46 KiB) Viewed 1790 times
-The villain Overmind was a tough customer in this vid: He wasn’t some sleazy criminal…he was an other-worldly warlord who wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty when dealing with his adversaries. Overmind was full of bravado and he could walk his talk in this story also, showing that he could handle his own against the likes of Alpha Madonna. Truly and awesome if not frightening character to boot.
Mind over Overmind (Overmind taunting).mp4_snapshot_09.36_[2017.01.18_20.21.34].jpg
Mind over Overmind (Overmind taunting).mp4_snapshot_09.36_[2017.01.18_20.21.34].jpg (39.87 KiB) Viewed 1790 times
-The audio for this production was crisp and clear and the sound effects that they used for the battle scenes and display of powers was magnificent too.

-Great camerawork and cinematography also with masterpiece of editing and phenomenal camera angles and close-ups.

-Even with low-budget standards, the people of D.T. productions had some very impressive visual effects: teleportation, energy manipulation, and electrified ring and so much more. The editors really went all out when they did the visuals for this story.
Mind over Overmind (Reflector Shield).mp4_snapshot_02.52_[2017.01.18_20.15.32].jpg
Mind over Overmind (Reflector Shield).mp4_snapshot_02.52_[2017.01.18_20.15.32].jpg (37.57 KiB) Viewed 1790 times
-Loved the costumes in this story the most! I want Alpha-Madonna’s outfit so badly and my homegirl was digging Vixxen’s outfit also.

-No hold-barred battle sequences are the biggest piece of cake for this vid, next to the story and special effects. There’s face and stomach punching (the actresses do a fantastic job with simulating the blows), some wrestling holds including a scissor-grab from Lady Diana and so forth. During the first half of the battle Lady Diana is able to hold her own against Overmind and pretty soon, she has him on the run!

However, Diana’s character is at a serious disadvantage when the fight continues in the Arena of Champions: it seems that Overmind has used the energy of her fallen comrades to create an electrified force around the ring. Each time Alpha Madonna touches the ropes, she gets electrified! And even worse, the ring will only increase Vixxen’s powers when she touches it, making the beatdown that Alpha receives from her ten times worse! Man, talk about hitting below the belt!

-The best part of this story: the writers give the heroine a fighting chance instead of letting her be easy prey for the bad guys in this. They played with the outcome of the story bouncing between good gaining the upper-hand and then evil regaining the lead in the fight. I have even more respect for the creators of this production for doing that.

-There’s a climatic twist at the end of this story that even we didn’t see coming. Unfortunately, it lead to something bad, but I won’t say what and how.


-Downer ending. *sigh* as good as this fight vid was, the ending left a dull taste in my mouth. Won’t say how it ends, but it was a bit of a letdown for me.

-During the arena fight, a dog could be heard barking in the background. That’s not good as that distraction takes the feeling out of the arena battle just a little bit.

Diagnosis (What could’ve been better)

-Just one friendly suggestion: the arena battle should take place in-doors somewhere…maybe some place with an indoor ring instead of outdoors. That way there’s no unnecessary audio intrusions that can distract from the production.

Final Outcome
Well, aside from a downer ending and one small problem with audio intrusion, this vid hands down was spectacular. The thing about going through hard-drives, you never know what kinds of treasures you’re gonna find in them.

Also, to see Lady Diana play a hard-ass heroine with more guts and honor than anything was a double treat for me and I really wish she’d play more roles like this one. Hell, if anything, I’d love to see a continuation of this…I’d pay almost anything just to see a continuation of this story after the climatic twist they gave at the end of this story.

Final Outcome for ‘Mind over Overmind’: 10 out of 10 all the way! :thumbup:

*Sadly, D.T. Productions still doesn’t have a clips4sale store yet so if you want to check this masterpiece out, you’ll have to see it here:

https://www.dtwrestling.com/mm5/merchan ... -0816-02DL
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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Here's some more snippets from this super-powered fight fest!
Mind over Overmind (Interceptor blast).mp4_snapshot_03.17_[2017.01.18_20.16.37].jpg
Mind over Overmind (Interceptor blast).mp4_snapshot_03.17_[2017.01.18_20.16.37].jpg (35.47 KiB) Viewed 1788 times
Mind over Overmind (Chokehold).mp4_snapshot_08.14_[2017.01.18_20.19.40].jpg
Mind over Overmind (Chokehold).mp4_snapshot_08.14_[2017.01.18_20.19.40].jpg (25.91 KiB) Viewed 1788 times
Mind over Overmind (K.O.!).mp4_snapshot_07.42_[2017.01.18_20.18.50].jpg
Mind over Overmind (K.O.!).mp4_snapshot_07.42_[2017.01.18_20.18.50].jpg (31.91 KiB) Viewed 1788 times
Mind over Overmind (Vixxen appears).mp4_snapshot_01.29_[2017.01.18_20.25.31].jpg
Mind over Overmind (Vixxen appears).mp4_snapshot_01.29_[2017.01.18_20.25.31].jpg (58.36 KiB) Viewed 1788 times
Mind over Overmind (Vixxen attacks).mp4_snapshot_01.48_[2017.01.18_20.26.09].jpg
Mind over Overmind (Vixxen attacks).mp4_snapshot_01.48_[2017.01.18_20.26.09].jpg (41.59 KiB) Viewed 1788 times
Mind over Overmind (Fighting back).mp4_snapshot_05.08_[2017.01.18_20.28.39].jpg
Mind over Overmind (Fighting back).mp4_snapshot_05.08_[2017.01.18_20.28.39].jpg (42.21 KiB) Viewed 1788 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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Location: Wesker Laboratories

And a little more for your enjoyment!
Mind over Overmind (Alpha disciplined).mp4_snapshot_03.15_[2017.01.18_20.27.53].jpg
Mind over Overmind (Alpha disciplined).mp4_snapshot_03.15_[2017.01.18_20.27.53].jpg (33.68 KiB) Viewed 1787 times
Mind over Overmind (Alpha electrocuted).mp4_snapshot_02.10_[2017.01.18_20.26.48].jpg
Mind over Overmind (Alpha electrocuted).mp4_snapshot_02.10_[2017.01.18_20.26.48].jpg (56.57 KiB) Viewed 1787 times
Mind over Overmind (Alpha weakened).mp4_snapshot_09.52_[2017.01.18_20.22.13].jpg
Mind over Overmind (Alpha weakened).mp4_snapshot_09.52_[2017.01.18_20.22.13].jpg (34.61 KiB) Viewed 1787 times
Mind over Overmind (Aris, the wicked twin).mp4_snapshot_11.49_[2017.01.18_20.30.59].jpg
Mind over Overmind (Aris, the wicked twin).mp4_snapshot_11.49_[2017.01.18_20.30.59].jpg (48.88 KiB) Viewed 1787 times
Mind over Overmind (Aris' wicked glee).mp4_snapshot_12.38_[2017.01.18_20.31.57].jpg
Mind over Overmind (Aris' wicked glee).mp4_snapshot_12.38_[2017.01.18_20.31.57].jpg (38.88 KiB) Viewed 1787 times
This is Lady Diana at her greatest and most phenomenal best, everyone! So make a bee-line to your nearest download center and check it out!

*Diana, if you're out there and you're reading this...this was a spectacular performance! You really gotta play this role again! :yahoo:
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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