Heroine Kombat: Trinity vs. Red Falcon (Cross the Line Productions)

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Doctor Outcome
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Plot: Heroine Kombat…for many spectators who watch, it’s the ultimate form of entertainment. For the ‘Supers’ who engage in it…it is the ultimate sport of death and honor. Each week, a new pair of combatants (some good, some evil) engage each other in the greatest competition of bare-knuckle brutality in their quest for superhuman superiority.

For today’s competition, the ‘Super’ known only as Trinity takes on hot-blooded contender Red Falcon in the ultimate tournament of champions. Trinity doesn’t really see her opponent as much of a threat to her because Red Falcon has one particular flaw: he’s blind. But as the battle commences, Trinity will learn very quickly that an opponent’s pet peeves are not always their weaknesses.

In fact, during this competition, there’s a chance that Trinity’s sight may prove to be her most *fatal* flaw…if she relies on it *too much* that is…
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon.mp4_snapshot_00.56_[2017.01.26_23.44.19].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon.mp4_snapshot_00.56_[2017.01.26_23.44.19].jpg (26.74 KiB) Viewed 6700 times
Quick Pick (Thoughts on the Film):

Presented by the phenomenal production company known as Cross the Line Productions, Heroine Kombat, the greatest gladiatorial game of the future is back ladies and gentlemen! And might I say, they really have a match-up here that’s sure to leave your jaw hanging open in amazement (I know it did for me and my homegirl!)

You know, there was a martial artist named Terry Silver who once said, ‘if a man can’t see…he can’t fight’. But does not having one’s eyesight really make them easy prey for others? I won’t give an answer to that now, but that’s certainly a question that producer Logan Cross makes us think about when he created this match. Facing off is the lovely ‘Super’ known only as Trinity and her opponent is the blind martial artist known as Red Falcon in a no-holds barred battle to the death.

One of these combatants will stand tall and the other will fall. Who will it be you ask? Place your bets ladies and gentlemen…for this is one fight with a climatic ending that’ll leave you awestruck!


-Good set for Trinity and Falcon’s dance of doom with each other. Plenty of room for them to move around in just like all of the other places that Cross the Line Productions has shot in.

-The story is short sweet and simple: fight to the death, kill or be killed. That aspect in itself is more than enough to keep the viewers guessing who will win and who will lose.

-Next there’s the cast. Honestly, we didn’t really know who to root for in this fight because both the actor and actress in this were very talented. Lovely fan-favorite Tiffany Chase plays the part of Trinity and she is bad-ass as she is beautiful…since Heroine Kombat pays homage to the ‘Mortal Kombat’ franchise, it wasn’t hard to guess that the concept for Trinity was based off of Skarlet from the M.K. series…the only thing Tiffany was missing was her sais. Tiffany put on a very convincing performance with her portrayal of Trinity in this feature.
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Trinity posed for action).mp4_snapshot_01.08_[2017.01.26_23.44.55].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Trinity posed for action).mp4_snapshot_01.08_[2017.01.26_23.44.55].jpg (29.8 KiB) Viewed 6700 times
Then there’s Joshua Shibata and his portrayal of Red Falcon in the story. I gotta admit, Joshua is a pretty diesel looking guy and he showed a great deal of tenacity and ferociousness in playing the part of Red Falcon who I’m guessing is a homage to the M.K. character Kenshi and maybe the Marvel character Daredevil. Either way, Joshua showed some pretty impressive acting abilities and he really nailed the part of Red Falcon down for this story.
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Falcon ready for combat).mp4_snapshot_01.22_[2017.01.26_23.45.25].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Falcon ready for combat).mp4_snapshot_01.22_[2017.01.26_23.45.25].jpg (23.08 KiB) Viewed 6700 times
Again, it was hard to know who to root for because Tiffany and Joshua were so damned good at playing there parts.

-Speaking of acting, Tiffany and Joshua totally cut loose on each other in this story. When they’re not caving each other’s skulls in, they’re verbally cheap-shotting each other and that made this fight all the more sweeter for us. Tiffany really hits below the belt in this fight, calling Joshua’s character ‘pigeon-boy’ and even mocks him about his inability to see her.

However, I digress ladies and gentlemen: Joshua is no slouch, nor a pushover and his character shows that even though one of his senses are gone, the rest of him can still predict and feel out where his opponent is. He even brutalizes Trinity a great deal in this video also and Red Falcon doesn’t let up just because his adversary is a female. Honestly, that truly shocked me though that they finally did a competition where the sexes were opposite but equal in terms of fighting skills.

-Producer Logan plays with the outcome of the story also making sure it looks like one character is gaining the upperhand and then switching things around so that the other character can gain ground during the fight.

-The fight scenes were pretty impressive also, complete with martial arts, some wrestling and grappling and Trinity and Falcon get to use a vast array of super-powers at their disposal also. Plus, the actors and actresses simulated their hits extremely well when they threw a punch or kick and they made it look real when they received a blow from the other. The verbal cheap-shotting and taunting of each other made the fight all the more impressive for me.

There’s also some serious bone-breaking done in this fight too courtesy of both fighters, but Red Falcon gets to do the majority of bone breaking on Trinity. He does an over the knee backbreaker on Trinity and then proceeds to stomp on her limbs to dislocate her joints! OWWWWWWWWWW! Got a feeling Trinity was gonna need some serious medical attention in this fight…assuming she or Falcon don’t wind up in the morgue first!
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Backbreaker).mp4_snapshot_10.13_[2017.01.26_23.54.01].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Backbreaker).mp4_snapshot_10.13_[2017.01.26_23.54.01].jpg (45.83 KiB) Viewed 6700 times
That’s the thing ya’ gotta love about Logan Cross’ work with Heroine Kombat: regardless of who the opponents are, he doesn’t discriminate. He lets both sides go at each other anyway they want and he makes sure that both opponents push themselves way past their normal limitations…he doesn’t play favorites and lets one side (be it good or evil) hold the fort down against the adversary for too long like a lot of superheroine productions of today are doing.

-Excellent camera angles and close-ups during the shoot and the editing was awesome also. Producer Logan makes sure to capture every single part of the fight so that you don’t miss a thing.

-Audio was pretty decent, especially with the sound effects for blows being struck and power usage in the battle. Plus you could hear Tiffany and Joshua speak their lines with clarity in this vid also.

-Good use of props: Falcon has a sword that he is able to produce out of nowhere and he wields it to great effect. However, Trinity’s super strength keeps him from using the weapon against her during certain parts of the fight…hell, the girl was able to capture the sword with just two fingers when Falcon swung it at her!
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Sword of Honor).mp4_snapshot_06.46_[2017.01.26_23.50.58].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Sword of Honor).mp4_snapshot_06.46_[2017.01.26_23.50.58].jpg (39.36 KiB) Viewed 6700 times
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Your weapon is useless).mp4_snapshot_07.30_[2017.01.26_23.52.09].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Your weapon is useless).mp4_snapshot_07.30_[2017.01.26_23.52.09].jpg (39.77 KiB) Viewed 6700 times
Falcon also has a star shuriken in this fight, but that weapon is a serious trump card for later on though.

-Good makeup effects also: Trinity cuts Falcon with his own blade leaving a nasty scar on his face and Trinity spits up blood a couple of times when Falcon hammers her badly with punches!

-The superpowers that the combatants use in this were out of this world and the visual effects for their usage were phenomenal! Trinity and Falcon use eye-beams on each other, Falcon is able to use a special attack that blinds Trinity (albeit temporarily), he has telekinesis and force choke abilities that would make even Darth Vader proud. Trinity has super-human strength, a barrage of hand to hand combat skills and she has a super-speed move (that she sadly, only gets to use once).

But my favorite part of this fight? Trinity and Falcon have the ability to teleport around each other like a pair of Super-Saiyans just like in the Dragonball series! The producer used this power to great effect during the fight and my homegirl and I were just in total awe and amazement at how well it was utilized. There’s even a part in the story where Trinity and Falcon attempt to dodge each other’s attacks using the teleportation technique while trying to attack the other. And if they score a hit on each other at the same time, the teleportation continues! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

-A brutal outcome to this fight folks: won’t say how it ends or who is left standing but let me just say right now that somebody certainly didn’t see the ‘last attack’ coming!

Final Outcome

‘If a man can’t see…he can’t fight’. However, if there’s one thing the martial arts have taught us over the years is that we must utilize everything we know and not just what we have in our possession in order to achieve victory. If we rely just on the senses we possess and nothing more, we end up overestimating our abilities and underestimating the prowess of the adversary. This was definitely a moral that Falcon and Trinity learned in this story albeit one of them learns it in a painful demise.

All in all, this film had little to no cons in it and definitely doesn’t need a diagnosis from me. I was truly impressed with the outcome of this production and it left my homegirl and I wanting to see more. I guarantee if you purchase this vid…it will want you thirsting for more also!

Final Outcome for ‘Trinity vs. Red Falcon’: a whopping 10 out of 10!

As a reviewcologist, I highly recommend you visit your local Superheroine.com pharmacy for a healthy dose of this download!
Last edited by Doctor Outcome 7 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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Here's some more snapshots of this brutal smash-out!
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Kombatant revives).mp4_snapshot_06.09_[2017.01.26_23.50.06].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Kombatant revives).mp4_snapshot_06.09_[2017.01.26_23.50.06].jpg (24.28 KiB) Viewed 6699 times
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Scissor grab).mp4_snapshot_05.15_[2017.01.26_23.49.25].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Scissor grab).mp4_snapshot_05.15_[2017.01.26_23.49.25].jpg (35.56 KiB) Viewed 6699 times
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Sidekick!).mp4_snapshot_01.58_[2017.01.26_23.46.38].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Sidekick!).mp4_snapshot_01.58_[2017.01.26_23.46.38].jpg (41.95 KiB) Viewed 6699 times
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Trinity getting choked out).mp4_snapshot_09.15_[2017.01.26_23.53.07].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Trinity getting choked out).mp4_snapshot_09.15_[2017.01.26_23.53.07].jpg (25.87 KiB) Viewed 6699 times
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Trinity locked down).mp4_snapshot_02.34_[2017.01.26_23.47.36].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Trinity locked down).mp4_snapshot_02.34_[2017.01.26_23.47.36].jpg (33.4 KiB) Viewed 6699 times
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Lazerette).mp4_snapshot_13.43_[2017.01.26_23.56.54].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Lazerette).mp4_snapshot_13.43_[2017.01.26_23.56.54].jpg (26.73 KiB) Viewed 6699 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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And just a few more screengrabs for your pleasure:
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Blinded).mp4_snapshot_11.38_[2017.01.26_23.55.02].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Blinded).mp4_snapshot_11.38_[2017.01.26_23.55.02].jpg (29.68 KiB) Viewed 6697 times
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Don't blink).mp4_snapshot_15.26_[2017.01.26_23.58.09].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Don't blink).mp4_snapshot_15.26_[2017.01.26_23.58.09].jpg (39.62 KiB) Viewed 6697 times
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Force choke).mp4_snapshot_12.06_[2017.01.26_23.55.43].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Force choke).mp4_snapshot_12.06_[2017.01.26_23.55.43].jpg (32.24 KiB) Viewed 6697 times
Pictures are worth a thousand words ya'll. If you really want to feel the rush of this action-piece, check it out here:
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Check it out here).mp4_snapshot_18.54_[2017.01.26_23.59.57].jpg
Heroine Kombat_Red Falcon (Check it out here).mp4_snapshot_18.54_[2017.01.26_23.59.57].jpg (10.88 KiB) Viewed 6697 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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One of my fav
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Doctor Outcome
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Steakos93 wrote:
6 years ago
One of my fav
Likewise Steakos93. Tell me, what did you enjoy about this battle? I'm anxious to know what you found interesting. :yes:
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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