Web of Doom

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“…and after they took the money out of the vault, the three of them just walked out the front door.” the bank manager said. “Then, after about 10 minutes the police showed up and cut us all loose from that sticky web stuff the older lady sprayed from her handbag.”

“All right. Thanks for your help sir,” replied Dyna-Girl. “I’m sure the police will be in touch with any information that becomes available.” With that, the bank manager wandered back over to a cluster of police and reporters, leaving Dyna-Girl to puzzle over yet another crime.

“This definitely sounds like the work of the Black Widow,” the young heroine mused. “This is the fourth bank hold-up in two weeks. I wonder what’s gotten her so anxious and greedy all of the sudden.” Clad in her pink leotard and tights, with matching cape, gloves, and boots, the lovely pig-tailed young superheroine avoided the knot of reporters and made her way outside to the waiting Electra-Car.

Climbing inside the vehicle, she checked the famous Electra-Comp she wore on her left wrist. The device connected her with the ultimate computer system, Crime-Scope, and was the source of all her powers. “Still on full power automatic,” she muttered to herself. With her partner Electra-Woman away on foreign assignment for Newsmaker Magazine, in her alter ego Lori, of course. And their computer scientist Frank Heflin was also out of town, attending a Computer Recording And Processing convention in New York. That left the teenage superheroine Dyna-Girl to unravel this latest mystery.

Addressing her Electra-Comp, she said, “Crime-Scope, upload to Electra-Car’s display screen a city map and indicate the locations of the most recent crimes being attributed to the Black Widow.” Almost instantly the dashboard screen came to life with a detailed city map showing four small blinking dots. Gazing at the image and chewing on her lower lip, the teenage crimefighter had a sudden thought. “Crime-Scope, overlay the map with an image of the Black Widow’s hourglass insignia, aligning the four corners with the indicated crime scenes.”

Dyna-Girl gasped as she realized she had stumbled on the answer, or at least the next part of the puzzle. The hourglass aligned with the crime locations far too perfectly to be a coincidence. That could only mean one thing… “Crime-Scope, magnify image to show the point in the center of the hourglass.” The display zoomed in to show a residential neighborhood in the central part of the city. Above the indicated location, text appeared labeling the address as “5207 Rose Garden Lane, Resident: Eric Nid.”

The spandex and nylon clad young heroine’s eyes widened as she realized, “Eric Nid? Eric Nid? Wait a minute! Arachnid! Electra-clever!” Knowing she had uncovered Black Widow’s secret hideout, Dyna-Girl pondered her next move.

“There’s no way Black Widow will be expecting anyone to find her, especially not this quickly. If I can take her by surprise, I can catch her without any trouble, even without Electra-Woman or Frank to help.” Her plan decided, the petite young brunette activated the Electra-Car and sped through traffic, towards Black Widow’s secret hideout.

A few minutes later, the Electra-Car came to a stop a block away from the address indicated by Crime-Scope. Nestled in a quiet suburban neighborhood, Dyna-Girl used the vehicle’s remote cameras to observe the suspected house. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary; the place looked just like all the other middle-class homes nearby.

“No cars in the driveway,” the teen heroine observed quietly. “This is the most electra-perfect place to put a hideout I could imagine, right in the middle of a normal quiet neighborhood.” The small house seemed almost cheery, with its bright paint and freshly-mowed lawn. “Not at all like a place you’d suspect an arch-criminal like Black Widow to be living.”

Getting out of the Electra-Car, Dyna-Girl moved around to the equipment bay in the side of the vehicle. Unlocking the compartment, she removed a long tan overcoat and then resealed the latch. Putting on the coat allowed the teenage voltage vixen to cover her brightly colored uniform. “This disguise will let me get close enough to have a good look around,” she thought as she made her way down the sidewalk.

Wary of being watched, the disguised heroine walked casually to the sidewalk leading to the house’s front porch. A closer examination of the home revealed nothing indicating any criminal activity. “Oh well, here goes,” Dyna-Girl thought to herself. “I’ll use the old stop-and-ask-directions routine if anyone’s at home.”

Crossing the porch, the beautiful young crimefighter pressed the doorbell. And waited. After a moment, she knocked on the door, calling, “Hello? Is anyone home?” When no response came, she gingerly turned the doorknob slightly and found the front door unlocked. “Electra-lucky for me; now I don’t have to creep around looking for a way inside.”

Gently pushing open the door, Dyna-Girl slipped quietly inside, closing the door silently behind her. Nothing seemed amiss in the normal family home. As she moved through the living room, she began to have second thoughts. “Maybe Crime-Scope is on the blink again,” she thought. “It would be very embarrassing for a family to come home and discover a disguised superheroine lurking around their empty house.”

Hesitantly she turned back toward the front door, her gaze passing across the dining room table. It was there that she noticed a neatly folded canvas bag. Clearly printed on the bag was a label reading First Savings Bank. “Electra-bingo!” the lovely young girl thought.

At that moment Dyna-Girl thought she heard the distant noise of a woman’s voice. Moving toward the sound, she came upon a hallway bookshelf that was very slightly ajar from the wall. A slight push was all I took to reveal a secret stairwell leading downward toward the sound of the mysterious voice.

Knowing she was indeed on the right track, Dyna-Girl removed the overcoat disguise, revealing her slender figure in the familiar pink leotard and tights. Steeling herself, she slipped into the secret passage and silently crept down the stairs. As she descended she could make out the voice of an older-sounding woman who seemed to be singing and muttering to herself.

Dyna-Girl found a dark alcove at the bottom of the stairs, which led to an open lighted area beyond. The alcove led out in an elaborate carved arch passageway. Peering around the corner, the young pig-tailed heroine saw a seemingly older woman whose back was turned to her. The woman, wearing a simple black dress, was standing over a table loaded with various denominations of money. “Electra-terrific,” Dyna-Girl silently thought. “I’d recognize Black Widow anywhere. And she’s caught red-handed.” The teen dynamo also noticed that Black Widow’s black leather handbag was sitting atop the table, about three feet from the arch-villainess.

Dyna-Girl knew all about that handbag. All of the Black Widow’s tricks and traps were sprung from the contents of that vile satchel. “I can’t let her get her hands on that purse.” Using the advantage of surprise, the powerful young heroine emerged from the shadows. She stepped forward onto the tiled-area in the center of the archway and placed her hands on her hips in the classic heroine stance.

“Hold it right there, Black Widow,” called a triumphant young heroine. “Your crime spree is over.”

Black Widow turned a surprised face to the intruder. “Dyna-Girl! What a surprise. I wasn’t expecting company.” Black Widow played the part of the matronly old grandmother to the hilt.

“I’m sure you weren’t expecting me,” Dyna-Girl replied. “Now, don’t move, and tell me where your henchgirls are.” Her ready stance prepared her for any attack.

Ignoring the heroine’s last words, the older woman replied, “Oh, I must look a fright. Let me get my compact and powder this old nose of mine.” With that she made a move toward retrieving her bag. Wary of such a move, the feisty teen heroine was ready.

“Oh no you don’t! Activate Electra-Force Shield.” Dyna-Girl pressed a control on her wrist-mounted Electra-Com and aimed it at Black Widow. Immediately the arch-villainess was enveloped by a glowing silhouette that immobilized her, still an arm’s length away from her dreaded handbag. Black Widow struggled weakly but couldn’t escape the glowing confinement.

Victorious, the lovely young superheroine said, “Now that I’ve got you under wraps, let’s see about…” At that moment, a loud hiss of compressed air shot forth from the walls of the archway above and beside Dyna-Girl. She gasped as she looked down to see dozens of tiny white particles adhering to the leotard and tights of her colorful uniform. “What’s this?!” she blurted out.

Instantly all the white particles covering the shapely young heroine’s body seemed to explode into almost-microscopic white threads, whose tendrils quickly wrapped themselves around Dyna-Girl. Thousands of tiny web-like threads encircled the startled Dyna-Girl, pinning her arms to her side and wrapping themselves around her nylon tights-covered legs.

With her arm trapped, the force field holding Black Widow vanished. And struggle as she might, the beautiful young heroine remained trapped within the seemingly unbreakable strands. “Can’t… break free,” she panted as she writhed within the wicked bonds. Unable to hold her balance, Dyna-Girl slid down the wall and fell to her side on the tile floor, twisting her body in a futile effort to break free.

Meanwhile, the aged arch-villainess had recovered from the force filed assault and grasped her notorious handbag. She rummaged within it as she made her way over to the prone young Dyna-Girl, still held fast within her silky cocoon. “Well, well dearie,” the villainesses voice said. “It looks like you could use a bit of freshening up.”

With a look of horror, the helpless young heroine watched as Black Widow removed a small spray bottle from her purse. “No, you… can’t… do this,” she said as she struggled weakly. “No.., please.”

“Don’t worry darling,” Black Widow cooed, as she aimed the spray at Dyna-Girl’s unprotected face. “Everything’s going to be all right.” She then triggered the spray and the beautiful bound girl was helpless to avoid the sprayed mist.

Unable to dodge the spray, Dyna-Girl immediately felt the effects of the concentrated chloroform knock-out spray. “No…, don’t,” she muttered weakly. “Can’t… stay…. awake.” Dyna-Girl’s eyelids fluttered weakly and then her head lolled to the side as the anesthetic took full effect, dragging the weakened superheroine into unconsciousness. She lay limply, bound at Black Widow’s feet, helpless and totally unable to resist whatever fate the notorious arch-villainess had planned.
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Sargeant 1st Class
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Forgot to log on. The above story is mine. And there's more to come...
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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Ever so slowly, the beautiful teen superheroine Dyna-Girl began to emerge from the effects of Black Widow's knock out spray. Weakened and dazed, she groggily took note of her surroundings. Her last memories of her capture by the arch-villainess returned as the last remnants of her unconsciousness faded away.

She found herself lying on a surface that had been tilted back at a 45 degree angle from upright. The gloomy stone walls told her that she remained in Black Widow’s underground hideout, which had been disguised as a normal-looking suburban house.

Trying to move, she found herself unable to lift her arms, body, or legs off the surface she was lying atop. “Uh…, can’t... move,” she muttered as she struggled to free herself. Looking at her prone form, she realized with dread that she was helplessly adhered to Black Widow’s treacherous web. “Oh, no!” she gasped. “I’m stuck to this web like a fly on flypaper.”

Realizing her peril, Dyna-Girl remembered hearing about the time when Batman and Robin had become ensnared by Black Widow’s terrible trap. It was only through the use of Batman’s famous utility belt that he and Robin escaped. Now fully awake, the beautiful heroine looked to her left, and was disheartened to see that Black Widow had removed her Electra-Comp, and with it, her only hope for escape.

Then she noticed that her powerful wrist computer wasn’t the only thing missing. Gazing down, she now saw that someone had removed her cape, boots, and the belt that normally encircled her trim waist. While she didn’t worry much about her cape, her belt contained a hidden knife in the metallic buckle, which might have come in handy, if she were able to move her outstretched arms.

And the removal of her boots left her feeling even more vulnerable. As Dyna-Girl struggled she could see the strands of adhesive webbing maintain their hold on her shapely, pink tights-covered legs and feet. “I fell right into Black Widow’s clutches,” she lamented. “How can I ever escape this Electra-sticky trap?”

Just then a door slid aside in the gloomy rock wall beyond Dyna-Girl’s perilous web trap. From it emerged three figures all too familiar to the powerless teenager. First out was the evil arch-villainess Black Widow carrying her infamous handbag containing many of her tricks and traps. Following her were two younger women, obviously henchgirls, whose figures Dyna-Girl remembered from watching four recent bank security videotapes.

Both appeared to be only a few years older than Dyna-Girl herself. Both girls had short hair, one blonde and the other brown with slightly Asian features. They were dressed in identical costumes: long-sleeved skintight black tops that came down to just below their chests, with a small red hourglass insignia on their left breasts, and short black gloves. Below the girls’ very bare midriff, they wore opaque black tights and no footwear. Dyna-Girl’s fists clenched in frustration as she realized that the blonde girl was also wearing the red belt from her own uniform! The trapped young heroine felt even more vulnerable as she lay there, powerless to resist the evil captors looking at her helpless form.

Black Widow spoke. “Ah, I see that our young guest has awakened from her beauty sleep. Tell me dearie, how do you feel?” The two henchgirls looked at Dyna-Girl with triumph and amusement.

“I’d feel better if I could get off of this web trap and put you behind bars,” the helpless heroine replied, renewing her struggles to free herself. “That was a dirty trick Black Widow, having your accomplices activate that cocoon trap.”

The two beautiful henchgirls smiled as Black Widow replied, “Oh no darling. They had nothing to do with your capture. You underestimate me dearie. Knowing how you heroines love to stand triumphant and make your pronouncements, I simply had a trigger installed under the tile in front of the archway. Anyone standing there long enough gets a squeezing little surprise. Serves you right, sneaking up on an old lady that way.” She wagged a finger at Dyna-Girl’s trapped form. “Since you’ve never met, I’d like to introduce my associates. Spiders have eight legs, but right now, I only have two.” She indicated her two henchgirls. “Legs, I’m sure you know our young guest, Dyna-Girl.”

The two girls looked at the struggling young heroine with mischief. “Oh yes,” said the shapely young blonde. “We’ve been looking forward to meeting you.” She ran her gloved hands around the stolen belt at her waist, teasing the captured Dyna-Girl. “It’s a pleasure,” said the Asian-looking brunette. “For us.” She gazed at the trapped young girl the way a cat might study its prey moments before she pounced. Dyna-Girl’s breathing deepened as she realized the true danger of her predicament.

“Well dearie, I knew it wouldn’t take too long before you and your partner Electra-Woman came to call,” Black Widow said. “But I was surprised at how quickly you found my lair. By the way, where is that rather imposing friend of yours?”

Trying hard not to give anything away, Dyna-Girl replied with a courage she didn’t quite feel. “Electra-Woman will be here at any moment, so you’d better let me go right now or she’ll really be Electra-upset.”

With a mock frown, Black Widow said, “Really? I don’t quite think so darling. You see, we noticed via our long distance surveillance cameras that you arrived in the Electra-Car alone. And our underground hideout is shielded from any homing signals from your fabulous Crime-Scope. And in keeping a close watch on the local media, we’ve noticed that you seem to have been, shall we say, ‘flying solo’ the past few weeks. It’s almost as if Electra-Woman has gone on extended vacation, hmm?”

The arch-villainess chuckled as Dyna-Girl’s eyes widened, realizing that her bluff had been called. “No sweetie, I don’t think we’re going to be interrupted for quite some time.” The laughter from the henchgirls, Legs, made the captured heroine’s struggles all the more desperate, but still she remained hopelessly in Black Widow’s power.

“What do you want with me, you evil fiend?” asked the ensnared Dyna-Girl. “You know you’ll never get away with this!”

Black Widow regarded the helpless heroine. “Oh my little captive, there’s bravery in your words but fear in those lovely eyes of yours. I’m sure you’ve heard how I trapped Batman and Robin in the very net that now holds you prisoner. If not for their confounded utility belts I would have finished them. You’ve noticed that I learned from that oversight. Without your wonderful Electra-Comp device, and without your meddling partner, you are completely helpless to resist me.” Her eyes shone with a light of pure menace as she gazed at the captured Dyna-Girl.

Almost breathless with fear, the powerless young heroine gasped, “Please, can’t you let me go? What are you going to do with me?”

“Well dearie, I had toyed with the idea of persuading you to become one of my group of Legs. You would certainly make a lovely addition, don’t you think so girls?” Black Widow asked.

The young Asian beauty smiled, “Oh yes ma’am. She would make a wonderful playmate. I think she would look absolutely scrumptious in our uniform.” Her mischievous glare made the helpless Dyna-Girl tremble.

“You know I’d never join your gang, Black Widow,” replied the ensnared crimefighter.

Black Widow continued, “You’d never join us willingly, but there are many ways of altering a person’s perceptions. You would be amazed to find yourself helpless to resist my every whim. Let us not forget the time you became a part of Ali Baba’s criminal plans.”

Shuddering, Dyna-Girl remembered all too well her inability to resist the effects of Ali Baba’s potion, which turned her into one of his evil minions. She had been completely in his spell, going so far as to battle Electra-Woman and lead Ali into the secret world of Electra-Base.

“Yes, the idea to have you in my power is very tempting,” cooed the arch-villainess. “But your do-gooding Electra-Woman would probably find a way to change you back the next time we battle, and I can’t afford the liability. And so, regretfully, I have no other choice but to eliminate you.”

“No, you can’t,” protested the pig-tailed heroine as she renewed her struggles to free herself from the adhesive webbing. Her nylon-covered legs flexed as she fought for leverage against the sticky substance. “Please…, you’ve got… to let me... go.” Gasping, she knew she was unable to break free of the diabolical trap she had fallen into.

“I am so sorry child,” said Black Widow. “But it’s really the only solution. And we must get moving, since I’m certain that the police will eventually discover my secret little hideout, just as you did. Come, come, we mustn’t dawdle. Legs, if you would fetch Bruno please.”

Dyna-Girl watched in despair as the blonde henchgirl walked over to a nearby table and carefully picked up a small black box. She then brought the box over and placed it near the bottom of the frame surrounding the web trap. Legs stroked the top of the box lovingly with her gloved hand, as she would do a favorite family pet.

“Dear, you’re about to meet Bruno,” said the evil Black Widow. “He’s an extremely rare giant Asian wolf spider. I’m afraid that he hasn’t been fed today, and he absolutely loves young pretty heroines who can’t mind their own business. His venom is quite powerful you know, strong enough to stop a stampeding elephant.”
Dyna-Girl fought back frightened tears as the evil villainess continued. “While being quite powerful, Bruno’s venom is equally slow-acting. After his bite, you will begin to feel a paralysis spread across your young body. As it does, you will become unable to move, even if you weren’t already trapped in my wonderful web. As the paralysis spreads, it will begin to slow down your breathing and circulation. Time will seem to become slow-motion as the effect reaches your brain and you will become very, very drowsy. Eventually, the effect will completely move throughout your entire system, with your final moments occurring as your breathing slows and stops.”

Despair flooded the captured young brunette’s heart as she knew she had no chance of escaping this horrible fate. “Please Black Widow,” she pleaded. “Don’t do this. You can’t.”

Turning to the Asian henchgirl, the villainess asked, “Legs, is all the money and equipment loaded on the van?”

“Yes ma’am,” replied the beautiful minion. “And all the booby traps are set upstairs so that no one will be able to rescue her before it’s far too late.” Legs looked triumphantly at their captive, enjoying these final moments.

“Good. Then it’s time we departed.” The arch-villainess motioned to her henchgirls. “Legs, open the box and let Bruno see his new friend. Good-bye dear sweet Dyna-Girl. Thanks so much for… ‘sticking around.’” The three women laughed as the blonde Legs, still wearing Dyna-Girl’s belt, slid the front of the box away and joined her departing companions.

Fearfully the trapped young superheroine watched as a furry black spider emerged from the box near her tights-clad feet. It was about 5 inches across its body and legs, and it moved slowly out of the box. Dyna-Girl dared not move for fear of attracting the attention of the creature. Stock still, she gazed at it, almost hypnotized. She silently willed it to go any direction but toward her helpless form.

The creature seemed to hesitate, almost as if it sensed that prey was nearby. After a moment it resumed its slow march toward the diabolical web holding the helpless Dyna-Girl.

“Why in the world did I think I could handle Black Widow on my own?” the captured heroine thought to herself. “Now I’m trapped, powerless to escape as this hideous creature is stalking towards me. If only I could get free of these sticky bonds. But it’s no use; I’m Electra-finished.”

The spider had now reached the edge of the frame containing the web trap. It placed a single leg on the frame and stopped. A few heartbeats later it resumed its slow progress, having sensed the minute trembling in the web caused by the trapped young heroine’s breathing. It placed its legs on the web itself and began to crawl.

Desperately Dyna-Girl resumed her frantic struggling, hoping to shake the spider from the insidious web. But to no avail; the spider seemed to easily hang onto the web, using the same adhesion that held the pig-tailed girl prisoner. The more she struggled, the more the spider sensed his prey was near.

Inexorably, the spider climbed until it came to Dyna-Girl’s pink tights-clad foot. Knowing that it could bite at any moment, the helpless heroine kept still as the disgusting creature reached out a leg and touched her foot. Knowing it had indeed found its prey, the spider slowly began to crawl onto Dyna-Girl’s nylon-encased ankle.

Terrified, the captured young crimefighter thought, “Oh no, what can I do? It’s found me, how can I prevent this creature from injecting me with its poisonous venom?” Trembling slightly, she watched as the spider slowly began to make its way up the front of her calf.

Dyna-Girl had always been proud of how her legs looked in her pink nylon tights, often times wishing that she could go without her boots. Even in her secret identity as high school student Judy, she had admired the look and feel of her shapely legs whenever she wore tights or pantyhose. She was now horrified to look down at her legs, watching the poisonous giant wolf spider as it clung to her nylon tights, climbing upward toward her knee.

The captured young beauty slowly squirmed and writhed, still completely unable to free herself from the web’s diabolical grip. It held her fast as the spider made its way onto her knee. It almost seemed to caress her legs wrapped in their nylon tights. “If only I could get loose from this fiendish trap,” Dyna-Girl thought with despair. “I could toss that spider across the room and find a way out of here. I can’t believe how easily Black Widow captured me.”

The venomous spider was now clinging to Dyna-Girl’s leg just above her pink-clad knee. She became almost entranced as she watched Black Widow’s evil pet hesitate, knowing she had only seconds before the creature bit, injecting her with its poisonous venom.

Suddenly there was a metallic flash before her eyes and the spider went flying across the room, landing in a far corner. Dyna-Girl was amazed to see a whir of motion as a lithe figure in black swept up the spider’s box and pounce across the room, sealing the creature inside its former home.

Turning around, the shapely figure stood and regarded the helpless heroine. “Whew, that was cutting it a little too close,” the blonde woman known as Legs said to the bewildered young captive. “Another couple of seconds and Bruno would’ve bitten you.” She walked over to stand beside the web holding Dyna-Girl prisoner.

“What’s going on? Who are you?” asked the confused superheroine.

Still holding Dyna-Girl’s stolen belt, Legs flipped open the metal buckle to reveal the small knife hidden within. “Sorry, I’m police undercover officer Sandi Huggins,” she replied smiling as she bent down and carefully began using the blade to cut the helpless young girl from the web’s adhesive surface. “But you can call me Legs.”

“Electra-nick of time rescue!” breathed a shaken Dyna-Girl. “I can’t believe it; I thought I was done for.” She stood on her own two feet as her blonde rescuer used the knife to free her arms from the sticky strands.

“Sorry about all this, Dyna-Girl,” the beautiful blonde Legs said as she removed the last of the webbing from the young girl’s spandex-covered arms. “I’ve been undercover in Black Widow’s gang for over a month, trying to discover what her scheme is. I couldn’t risk helping you earlier. I knew that if I blew my cover I couldn’t defeat both my ‘partner’ and Black Widow’s bag of tricks. I had to wait until I had to go run some errands for them that I could double back here to free you. And it took me a few seconds to disarm the booby traps upstairs. By the way, good thinking having that knife in your belt. As we took your Electra-Comp, boots, and cape, I noticed it and thought it might come in handy.”

Fastening the belt back around her trim waist, Dyna-Girl said, “Thanks for the rescue Legs. I mean Officer Huggins. Now, where are my other things?”

“I’m sorry, but Black Widow smashed your Electra-Comp to make sure it couldn’t be used against her. And she tossed your cape and boots into her van to make sure no evidence was left behind,” Legs replied. “Look, I’ve gotta get back before they get suspicious. I’m sure that we’ll be seeing each other again. Next time, remember that I’m on your side. Hopefully we’ll be able to defeat Black Widow before she can complete her evil plans.”

Dyna-Girl wrapped her arms around the blonde beauty in a quick hug. “I’ll remember, and I know that we’ll beat Black Widow together. Please be careful.” She watched as the black tights-wearing undercover officer slipped through a door and vanished.

Looking down at herself, the freed heroine said aloud, “Now to get back to the Electra-Car and home to Electra-Base. I need to replace my cape and Electra-Comp, but I think I could get used to not having to wear boots.” After a lingering glance at her shapely pink tights-clad legs, the beautiful pig-tailed brunette heroine dashed up the staircase, through the house, and into the night.

The End
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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Great little yarn, liked the webbing trap for poor Dyna-Girl
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Last edited by cthulhu1 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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C, after reading your newst instalation, I am humbled that my little tale got you writing again. You are amazing and we are ALL glad that you're writing again.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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