Origin of Bubble Gum...supervilllainess

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Heinrich Jeffers and Dr. Sidney Glenn had been friends since their days as college students at Central State University. Heinrich was a handsome fast-talking ladies man in those days while Sidney was much more of a quiet, nerdy bookworm. Heinrich was a strapping former high school football star. Sidney was a small meek young man who practically hid behind a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. They had met as college freshmen in 1985, two opposites thrown together in the same small dorm room. Heinrich spent little time studying, spending most of his time looking for the next party, the next girl, or the next scam. He had rung up large credit card bills on phony plastic to finance his campus high life, usually able to talk his way out of a tight spot. Heinrich was also an avid music fan, promoting the local college bands and counterfeiting tickets to the hottest concerts. Sidney spent most of his time in the research lab or with his head buried in a book. He was hoping to attend medical school and knew a high GPA was required to acheive this dream. While they had opposite interests and goals, Heinrich and Sidney did share a mutual admiration for one another. Sidney wished he could hustle the ladies and the system with a quick witted charm like Heinrich and Heinrich appreciated the dedication and single-minded passion Sidney had for acheiving his goal of becoming a doctor. In each other, they saw qualities they wished they possessed themselves and as a result, they remained friends throughout their four years at Central State.
The future indeed looked bright for these two young men upon graduation. Heinrich got a job working with a promotions company that handled the biggest names in the music industry and his salesmanship made him a natural promoter. Sidney was accepted into the prestigious New England School of Medicine, where he would go on to graduate with honors and become one of the leading eyes, nose, and throat specialists. Their friendship, however, would bring about the professional downfall for both. Heinrich used Sidney to get illegal prescriptions for his rock star clients and a near overdose by the lead singer of the most popular alternative band opened an investigation that would ruin both men. After tracing the source of these prescription drugs, Heinrich and Sidney's involvement in securing said drugs lead to Heinrich's firing by the promotions company and the removal of Sidney's license to practice medicine.
Since then, both men floundered as vagabonds, fighting to scratch out a living. Heinrich began promoting second-tier musical acts, working essentially as an agent for musical groups hoping to get a weekend gig at a local bar. Sidney worked outside the law, still practicing medicine illegally for those who couldn't risk going to a legitimate doctor. The former Dr. Green did patch jobs for injured mobsters, treating gunshot wounds and continuing to access prescription medications through shady pharmacists that could be bought for the right price. Since losing his license, the bitter Sidney sunk deeper into the world of crime and into medical research that would that may allow him to branch off into new frontiers of criminal activity.
The two men met over a beer in the rundown waterfront section of Central City. Heinrich's latest client was performing there that night, so Dr. Green traveled to this sleazy watering hole in the afternoon to catch up with his old friend and engage in a little small talk. Sidney had something to show Heinrich, a little side project he had been working on in his spare time. After a few minutes with the two men alone at the bar exchanging pleasantries, Sidney addressed the matter at hand.
"How did you ever get Cindy Sadler as a client, Heinrich?," asked Sidney. "She was a huge star a few years ago. And sexy too, whew, you always had a way with the ladies."
"Yeah, its sad," Heinrich lamented. "Cindy is still sexy as hell and she's only 26 or 27 years old. That teeny booper crap she sang as a teenager made her a star, but it also ruined her career. No one takes her seriously anymore...let me put it this way, if she still had a career, would she have me as a promoter?"
The Cindy Sadler saga was indeed a common, but sad, show business story. She reached mega-stardom at age 19, rattling off upbeat pop hits about going to the mall and meeting cute boys. Teenaged girls bought her records faster than the record company could press them. Cindy was also a beautiful girl with long honey blonde hair with a shapely body she showed off in a variety of sexy outfits. Her short skirts, tight jeans, and halter tops were her trademark. Standing a statuesque 5'10, Cindy Sadler seemingly had the world on a string. However, as trends and fads change, her bubble gum style of pop music grew out of fashion. By the time she was 22, Cindy was the punchline of the music industry's running joke. Unable to break away from her teeny bopper image, she found herself without a record deal and could only cash in on her fame by appearing in a reality show or two. Hoping to restart her slumbering career, Heinrich Jeffers was able to sweet talk the singer into trying a comeback. The comeback was not going well, as evidenced in her booking at a waterfront bar in a less than desirable section of the city.
"Well enough about the fast paced world of rock and roll," Heinrich said sarcastically. "What has the infamous Dr. Sidney Green been up to these days? Why did you want to meet me here for an afternoon beer?"
"Well, I've been working on something, something big," Sidney whispered. "I just need to count on you keeping your big mouth shut."
"Of course, what is it?"
"I've been toying with some high-tech sonic technology," Sidney continued as he produced what appeared to be a small microchip sealed in a hard plastic cover. "I can implant this device in the larynx of a subject, giving that subject great vocal powers."
"What do you mean?," asked a confused Heinrich. "Can it improve a singer's voice? range? or what?"
"It can do much more than that," explained Sidney. "By vocal powers I mean that this device can transform a voice into a virtual weapon. Certain pitches and tones can be turned into sonic energy. With the proper training, the test subject can emit screams that shatter glass and softer high octave pitches are capable of paralyzing or even hypnotizing human beings."
"Sounds great, Sid," scoffed Heinrich with an arrogant air of disbelief. "You were a doctor...a medical doctor. How does high-tech sonic technology like this end up in your hands?"
"Let's just say some of scientists in the lab of one of the defense department's favorite high-tech contractors haven't mastered the science of betting football games," Sidney laughed. "Some owe my mobster friends far more than they can pay. And, as you well know, medically I know the capabilities of the throat better than any man alive. Take it from me, this little chip can work."
"OK, so it probably works," Heinrich huffed. "Who in the hell is going to let you surgically implant a computer chip in their throat? I don't know many guinea pigs looking to advance the cause of science."
"This "guinea pig" will have to meet specific requirements to maximize the voice chip's potential," responded Sidney. "Only the female voice is capable of reaching the higher octaves needed to produce the sonic waves that could paralyze, knock out, or hypnotize it's victims...and this female voice should, in layman's terms, be powerful and far-ranging, like that of, say, a professional singer."
"Again, what type of professional singer is going to let you play around with their pipes?," Heinrich spat. "A professional singer makes her living, by definition, with her voice."
"A professional singer that has nothing to lose, or better yet, has already lost eveything," Sidney coldly explained. "This is a chance to become a superstar yet again. It beats playing waterfront bars for a couple hundred bucks, especially after getting used to playing large arenas for millions of dollars."
"You think Cindy will go for that?," snapped Heinrich. "You've gone right over the edge, my friend."
"Heinrich, the procedure is quite safe," Sidney reasoned. "Once she masters the voice control, she can hypnotize anyone in the sound of her lovely voice to go out and buy her record, put her on any T.V. show....hell, she can put her audience into a sound sleep, break their eardrums, or tell them all to march off a cliff. The possibilities are endless."
"The possibilities are endless for her...what about us?," Heinrich scoffed.
"My friend, you and I will control this blonde bombshell," Sidney continued. "If and when I decide to short circuit the chip, destroying her voice in the process, the only job the music industry will have for Cindy Sadler is cleaning the floors. She will do what we desire, when we desire."
"So why do you need me?," asked Heinrich. "Sounds like you've got it all figured out."
"That silver tongued charm of yours, Heinrich, is what I need," hissed Sidney sinisterly. "You know Cindy already, she trusts you...and I've never met a woman who could resist your transparent charms. You're a salesman, Heinrich, sell this to her. Get her to do this and the world is our oyster."
"Hmmm...," grinned an encouraged Heinrich, "having control of such a weapon would bring the world to our feet...especially those who took away everything we worked for."
"Think bigger, much bigger," giggled Sidney, happy that the greedy darker angels of Heinrich's nature had taken over. "Medical boards and CEO's are small change, we'll have world leaders on their knees."

Heinrich met with Cindy Sadler later in the day. The proposition would have sounded shady if it wasn't so silly. The sweet talking charm of Heinrich was able to sell the dream, even if he had trouble explaining the science. Sold out shows in mega-stadiums, performances broadcast world wide, limitless celebrity access to whatever and whoever she desired were the pictures Heinrich painted vividly for the star-struck former teen starlet. As scared as she was to go along with such a far-fetched notion, the truth was Cindy would rather risk losing everything, even her life, than continue to be a nobody, a has-been, an industry joke. The high life was tough enough to give up on once her career went flat. Corrupt manager stealing the vast riches the Cindy Sadler brand name generated left her broke. It was the one ray of light, the one hope, that the fame she had once enjoyed could return. Heinrich embraced the beautiful young singer as she agreed to take a chance on the experimental surgery. It was not mentioned that Heinrich's partner in crime would be able to remove this implant at a whim, eliminating her super powers and destroying her voice in the process. Heinrich also failed to note that she would not be able to reveal her identity while exercising these new vocal skills. Cindy Sadler was far too well known. Sidney and Heinrich's plans for her had more to do with changing her into a supervillainess, not a superstar. That part of the plan could be explained after the operation.

After a successful, simple surgical procedure, performed by the former doctor, Sidney Green, the microchip that transformed the human voice into sonic energy was in place and working better than expected. In the shabby basement of an abandoned apartment building, which Dr. Green had used as a makeshift operating room, the villainous pair worked with the powerful singer voice of the sexy Cindy Sadler. Rigorous training of her vocal capabilities was conducted as she honed her voice to become a powerful weapon. The humming of a soft melody, depending on the pitch she used, had successfully paralyzed and entranced passersby, unlucky enough to walk down the street where Cindy trained with Sidney and Heinrich. A sweet lullaby from Cindy's sonic powered pipes could bring sweet slumber while a high pitched shriek could break all windows in a city block.
Cindy Sadler, the tall honey blonde former teen pop queen, emerged with a new outfit as she prepared to introduce the world to her new powers. Her costume would consist of a bright pink sleeved leotard and a matching short pink schoolgirl skirt. Under her leotard, on her long luxurious legs, she wore pink tights that were a shade lighter than her skirt. White go-go boots, gloves, and belt almost completed her cotton candy like costume. A pink eyemask was secured over her face to protect her identity and shocking pink lipstick coated her full pouty lips. The mask, Heinrich assured her, was only temporary. Once retaking the world of pop music, she could reveal herself as the returning queen. They gave her the name of "Bubble Gum," sort of a take on the revenge of bubble gum music that would emerged renewed and at the top of the charts.
The sexy and shapely masked Cindy Sadler, in the guise of Bubble Gum, was ready to reintroduce herself to the industry that spurned her.

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Nice openner Franco. :-D Looking forward to seeing which superheroine will be the first to get a taste of Bubble Gum's siern song :twisted:

Also love her costume looking forward to the next update.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Here is a trivia question. In 1985, the year the two men met, Central Stae University went to what round in the NCAA championship?

Just kidding. Good beginning to the story!

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After extensive voice modulating training under the watchful eye (and covered ears) of Dr. Sidney Green and a costume change, Cindy Sadler, in her masked guise of Bubble Gum, accompanied her agent Heinrich Jeffers to the Central City offices of Warren Bros. records. Warren Bros. was Cindy's old record company, signed her at the peak of her career and discarded her once her popularity waned. Their CEO, the world famous adventurer, Richard Warren, would be in his Central City office this day and Bubble Gum and her agent hoped to get a few minutes of his time.
"Why can't I simply go in as Cindy Sadler?," asked the pink costumed Bubble Gum as they appeared the main entrance of the large downtown building. "Richard knows me...and I was hoping this would be Cindy Sadler's comeback, not Bubble Gum's debut."
"Yes, Richard Warren knows you as that washed up reality show star," reasoned Heinrich. "He has never met Bubble Gum, his latest star in the Warren Bros galaxy. Besides, an air of mystery will only enhance your comeback...a star that refuses to reveal her true identity. Once you remove the mask and reveal yourself, the joke will be on this industry and on Warren Bros. Records."
"I haven't said much about this because Dr. Green scares me, quite frankly," Bubble Gum sighed. "I'm not so sure about this...the mask, the costume, these powers..."
"Cindy, trust me," Heinrich said calmly as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "This is my business. Cindy Sadler will be bigger than she ever was, you just need to follow the plan."
"I know, I do trust you, Heinrich," Cindy pleaded. "I just don't want to hurt anyone. These powers are...well, pretty intense."
"Hurt anyone? Richard Warren didn't care about hurting you when he tossed you out like yesterday's trash," Heinrich hissed. "When you were left with nothing after your manager's took every dime you made, was Richard Warren there to help you after making him all that money?"
"No...," Bubble Gum said sadly, averted Heinrich's piercing stare by looking down at the ground, ashamed of her current state of affairs.
"Well then," Heinrich said in a soothing, comforting tone, "let's go inside and get you that record deal."
Bubble Gum and Heinrich entered the building and walked quickly to the elevator, leading to the top floor office of Richard Warren. After a short trip up, they arrived at the lobby of his office. While alone in the elevator, Heinrich was careful to protect his ears by placing specially designed sonic baffler earplugs in each ear. Without them, he was as vulnerable as anyone else to Bubble Gum's sonic voice stylings. Once there, they were met by Mr. Warren's secretary, Ms. Melinda Perry. Ms. Perry, an attractive brunette in her mid-30's, emerged from behind her desk in her usual smart, but sexy business attire.
"Ah, excuse me," offered Ms. Perry, looking warily at the masked woman in the garish and revealing pink outfit. "Can I help you?"
"Yes, we're here to meet with Richard Warren," Heinrich cheerfully burst forth with confidence.
"Well, do you have an appointment to see Mr. Warren?," asked Ms. Perry, still casting a raised eyebrow at the pink amazon before her.
"Well, no," Heinrich replied with an apologetic tone, "But once Mr. Warren hears this young lady's voice, I guarantee he'll be absolutely mesmerized."
"I'm sorry," Ms. Perry shot back curtly, "Mr. Warren isn't seeing anyone without an appointment."
"Please, once you hear this girl sing," Heinrich pleaded, "you'll realize Mr. Warren must see her before someone else offers her a recording contract."
"Listen, I don't audition acts, sir," Ms. Perry said, growing impatient. "If you don't leave now, I'll be forced to call security."
As Ms. Perry picked up the phone on her desk to call for security, Bubble Gum took a deep breath and began to humm a soft melody. The sonic powered humm filled the room and Ms. Perry quickly fell under Bubble Gum's hypnotic spell. The angry look she wore gave way to a look of stunned surprise. As the mesmerizing sonic waves washed over her eardrums, Ms. Perry's eyes grew vacant and a look of complete compliance came suddenly as she looked at the spellbinding masked young woman in pink spandex. Ms. Perry stood rigidly, almost frozen in place, as she lowered the phone receiver from her face slowly. Her arm fell as if it the telephone was too heavy to hold.
"Good, I told you that you'd be impressed," Heinrich joked. "Now be a sweetie and use that phone to let Mr. Warren know that we have arrived. I'm Heinrich Jeffers and this is my client, Bubble Gum."
Ms. Perry said nothing, but nodded robotically. She punched up Mr. Warren's extension and lifted the receiver back up to her face. Still wearing the mesmerized, vacant stare of complete hypnosis, the mind controlled Melinda Perry followed Heinrich's orders perfectly.
"Mr. Warren," Ms. Perry said woodenly into the phone, "A Mr. Jeffers and Bubble Gum are here to see you."
"Thanks, doll, we'll just show ourselves in," Heinrich butted in rudely as he and his sonic powered client advanced toward Richard Warren's office.
When they entered Mr. Warren's office, he was seated at his large desk, still on the phone trying to make it clear to his secretary that he had no time to meet with anyone. His attention was broken by their entrance and he shot an angry stare at the two intruders.
"Who the hell are you two?," Richard Warren shouted. "Get out of my office now."
"Just a couple of minutes, Mr. Warren," pleaded Heinrich as he stood next to the costumed Bubble Gum. "You absolutely have to hear this young lady sing...I'm bringing you the next biggest thing in music giftwrapped and dropped right on your desk."
Mr. Warren locked an angry eye at the masked blonde, who stood confidently with hands-on-hips, trying to make sense of the mask and pink costume.
"Halloween was a couple of months ago, honey," Richard Warren scoffed. "Now get out before security throws you both out...and I'll deal with that secretary of mine..."
Bubble Gum returned the angry look Richard Warren at shot her, remembering how he had treated Cindy Sadler. Before he could lob another insult at them, she repeated the deep breath and soft sonic humming that brainwashed Ms. Perry moments ago. The sonic waves washed over the room and bounced off the walls as the calming, soothing, high-octave hypnotic buzz flooded Richard Warren ears' and attacked his senses. He first froze, with his face locked in an angry scrowl, and then Mr. Warren's face relaxed as he assumed the entranced look Ms. Perry wore. With vacant eyes and an open mouthed look of a dazed daydreamer, Richard Warren sat stunned as the hypnotic humm did it's dastardly work.
Bubble Gum stopped humming her sonic assault as Mr. Warren, arguably the most powerful man in the music industry, was complete under their control.
"This might be an opportune time to talk contract," Heinrich cheerfully gushed as he took at seat before the mind controlled CEO of Warren Bros, "and once we straighten out the terms, then we can talk about using that Warren Bros.' publicity machine to promote this masked musical marvel...."
As it can be assumed, Heinrich was able to get Bubble Gum a very lucrative recording contract, with a surprisingly large signing bonus.

Dr. Green, Heinrich, and Bubble Gum kept a relatively low profile for the next week or so. This gave them time to further enhance Ms. Sadler's sonically altered vocal abilities. On the day of signing the Warren Bros. contract, Richard Warren rushed Bubble Gum to a photographer to take some professional shots of the sexy pink spandex-clad singer. It only took a week or so before the publicity machine began to promote the beautiful masked Bubble Gum. Billboards and promotional posters popped up in every major population center in the country, featuring sexy shots of Bubble Gum. Cindy had perfected the sexy come-hither look of sensual seduction in her glory days as a teen pop queen and it served her well in her photographs. The print material featured a variety of sexy shots that accompanied cryptic prose, concealing her identity, "Warren Bros. latest discovery....who is she?" The full scale media assault generated considerable buzz in the music industry as everyone wondered who his lovely masked woman was and when might the world hear her music. Everything was working as Dr. Green and Heinrich had hoped, their sonic powered siren was about to make the biggest debut in the history of the music industry.

Meanwhile, two current Central State University students were walking from the large Central State campus over to their off-campus apartment located nearby. The striking pair of female co-eds were enjoying the early spring sunshine, strolling carelessly down the sidewalk in tank tops and denim shorts, attracting a good deal of male attention. Returning from class were Kim Miller, a shapely 5'8 stunning blonde with shoulder length hair, and Serena Chou, a lovely Asian flower standing 5'5 with a long mane of jet black hair. Ignoring the leering glances of the young Central St. men, the sexy duo noticed one of the many posters of the mysterious masked singer in pink spandex posted near the student union.
"Have you seen these posters, Serena?," Kim asked as walked past the large poster, stealing a long glance at the attractive women featued in the ad."
"I haven't seen anything but those stupid posters," Serena joked. "Not to mention the billboards and radio spots and television commercials..."
"Yeah, I know," Kim replied. "It just looks like a lame promotional campaign. You know this girl can't sing. Why else do they show these sexy glamour shots without letting anyone hear the music?"
"Typical," scoffed Serena, "find a pretty girl, get her a sexy outfit, promote the heck out of her, and mix her voice so it sounds like she can sing."
"And what's with the pink mask?," laughed Kim. "Very lame."
"Hmm...we're a fine pair to talk, criticizing someone wearing a mask," Serena giggled.
The two shapely college cuties shared a hearty laugh as they enjoyed the inside joke they shared.

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Excellent beginning, Franco! I get the feeling that these two college co-ed cuties will be well featured in the next episode and add yet another Dynamic Duo of Dominoed Daredolls to your already burgeoning stable of super-powered sirens! Am I right? :wink:
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** [i]special thanks to Sgz6 and Superpics for their help in developing the heroines and for their feedback onn story ideas [/i]

Kim and Serena's private joke was a deeply held secret the two shared for they too were best known for wearing masks and concealing their true identites. These two young ladies, that looked like your average comly co-ed foxes, were actually famed costumed crimefighters, Hypergirl and Hornette. These masked avengers of justice were Central City's most renowed citizens, even if no one knew their cilivian alter-egos.
While in her early teens, Kim Miller paid her father a visit at his place of work, Hydrocon Technologies. Her father, Ted Miller, was the lead researcher and scientist for the pharmacutical branch of the corporation, developing vaccines and medicines for a wide variety of ailments. On this day, Kim's father was working on an experimental asthma medication when he was called out unexpectedly. Alone in her father's laboratory, a highly unstable chemical concoction spilled from a beaker into a solution of highly hydrogenated water. The resulting combination of volatile matter produced a purple gas that engulfed Kim and knocked unconscious. As she slept, she was exposed to this mysterious chemical cocktail for a good five minutes before being pulled out of the lab by her dad. At first, after being treated by a doctor, the exposure to this purple gas seemingly had no effects. Soon afterward, Kim began to develop a metabolism that worked twenty-five times faster than the average human. This super speedy metabolism mainfested itself into Kim developing super human running speed and lightning quick reflexes. Her reaction time and sprinting speed, like her metabolism, was 25 times as fast as the typical teenager. This chemically altered super power turned Kim Miller into a super speedy teen wonder, known as Hypergirl.
Serena Chou, like Kim, was the daughter of a scientist. Her mother, Marisa, worked in the aerospace industry, developing the latest in passenger jetliners and military hardware. In her spare time, Marisa toyed with an idea that she could develop an anti-gravity disc. With the help of top-secret military files, she perfected a disc that, when wore on the body, would give a person the power of flight. However, the power of controlled flight was the greatest obstacle Marisa faced. The anti-gravity disc might get someone off the ground, but the effect was more like floating than flying. Mrs. Chou developed a pair of small hornet-like wings, flexible superstrong plastic wings with titanium frames activated by a sonic energy pack, which allowed the bearer of the anti-gravity disc to direct their flight in any direction and to increase or decrease flight speeds.
Once the flying device, the anti-gravity disc working in combination with the sonic powdered wings, was completed, a very interested party, Marisa's thirteen year old daughter Serena, was hoping to take her first flight. Hoping to emulate the superheroines she saw on television, Serena wanted to use this flying ability as a way to become a glamourous costumed crime fighter. Despite letting her daughter take a few test flights, Marisa would not have her young daughter matching wits with Central City's criminal element. After a couple of years, Serena became quite skilled in her flying abilties and finally wore her mother down with her ambition to fight crime. If she was going to battle Central City's most nefarious villains, Marisa wanted her daughter to possess more than the ability to fly. Since the sonic powered wings resembled that of a hornet, Marisa created metallic bracelets that would give her an arsenal similiar to that of a flying insect. One bracelet allowed Serena to fire small stun darts, called 'stingers,' which contained a tiny dose of a paralyzing agent to immobilize a target. The other unleased a sticky stream of a light brown viscous fluid, which looked like honey, that could glue an attacker in place and stop him in his tracks. Once her collection of weapons was complete, Serena took on the secret identity of Hornette and became the scourge of criminals everywhere.
Kim and Serena met as members of a superheroine team, Teen Force Five. Posing as an exclusive boarding school, the headquarters of Teen Force Five, gave five very gifted young women a first rate education in utilitizing their unique powers and perfecting crime fighting techniques. Despite workign together for only two years, Teen Force Five was also the most celebrated superheroine team in the country, patroling Central City and taking down the worst supervillains as part of their extended 'field trips'. Hornette and Hypergirl were already known as solo costumed heroines, hiding their true identities from the world, when they were recruited to join the Five. Once the Five graduated from the 'academy,' this elite, but short-lived, team broke up as these five women went off to college and off to pursue careers as solo crimefighters. Whole the other three moved out of state to go to school, Kim and Serena decided to stay home in Central City and fight crime together as a duo. The girls enrolled at Central State University, studying by day and donning their spandex disguises to battle criminals by night.
Kim Miller and Serena Chou, now college juniors, were just leaving the campus area after joking about the newest masked musicial sensation. On the way to their off-campus apartment, they walked into the toney shopping area of Central City. Engaged in chit-chat, Kim and Serena noticed a young man walking slowly behind an elderly woman who was carrying her handbag on her shoulder. The man burst forward, grabbing the purse and shoving the old woman to the ground. Once he had what he came from, the mugger sprinted down the street to make off with his spoils. Witnessing this, Kim and Serena bounced ahead to check on the elderly woman's welfare. Once they were assured that only the woman's pride was injured, the shapely students helped the woman to her feet, enchanged a knowing glance, and stepped away into a dark alley.
"You got your costume?," Kim asked Serena as she gestured to her backpack.
"Never leave home without it," Serena snickered, pointing to her backpack as well.
"I think your purse snatcher is going to be quite surprised," Kim laughed. "Let's go."
Even though the alley was empty and the duo was obscured in shadows, Serena dropped a smoke pellet that released a white fog that resembled the steam that escaped from the city's manholes to provide further cover. Quickly, our college cuties transformed from sexy students into dazzling superheroines.
Kim emerged from the alley in her form flattering Hypergirl costume. In a bright yellow sleeveless spandex leotard, Hypergirl glittered as if she was gold. At the center of her ample bust, an interlocking "H" and "G" was affixed in red lettering. The costume was complemented by red gloves, red go-go boots, and a red belt. Hypergirl's shapely legs were encased in shiny tan pantyhose. A pair of yellow goggles were fitted across her face, protecting her eyes from the high speed travel as well as it protected her secret identity. While Kim wore her blonde hair long, Hypergirl tied her blonde mane back in a ponytail. The shiny, brightly colored super speedster was ready for action.
Above Hypergirl hovered Serena, in full Hornette costume. A pair of yellow goggles, much like Hypergirl's, covered her eyes. A tight black spandex leotard with long yellow sleeves gave her the look of a hornet while highlighting her sexy form. A yellow belt attached to her trim waist held the silver anti-gravity disc at the buckle and a small pair of sonic powered wings, attached at her back, fluttered slowly as Hornette got airborne. The bee motif was completed with the yellow tights she wore as well as her black gloves and boots. Silver metallic bracelets flashed brilliantly in the afternoon sunset as our flying heroine surveyed from above to located the petty thief.
Hornette located the cowardly criminal, still fleeing the scene in a sprint blocks away. Pointing her super speedy partner in the right direction, Hypergirl seemed to disappear in a blur down the block. A yellow streak raced away as Hornette trailed behind her from the air.
In a matter of seconds, covering seven city blocks, Hypergirl raced past the purse snatcher and stopped quickly in front of the thief to block his path.
"Going somewhere?," Hypergirl boastingly asked as the criminal broke to a sudden stop directly in front of the sexy spandex-clad speed merchant.
"Wha?!? Who?!? How?!?," stammered the stunned thief as the world famous crime fighter Hypergirl stood before him, appearing out of nowhere.
"Now you know its not nice to take things that don't belong to you," Hypergirl kiddingly scolded the purse snatcher.
This unexpected turn of events cause the petty criminal to panic. Looking nervously from side to side, he swung the purse in Hypergirl's direction, attempting to strike her with it. Hypergirl, with her unbelievably quick reflexes, easily grabbed the purse in flight and snatched it back into her possession.
"Wanna play rough?," Hypergirl sneered as she held the purse before the thief.
Before the criminal could flee, Hornette buzzed in from behind the scene. Out of the view of the thief from ten feet above the sidewalk, our insect-like beauty trained a paralzying dart, a stinger, at the unsuspecting target. A direct hit in the soft fleshy exposed part of his neck froze him in place.
"Freeze...," Hornette joked. "Oh...you're already frozen by my stinger, I keep forgetting to say the line first."
"Nice shot, Hornette," Hypergirl boasted. "Let's notify the police to take care of our frozen friend and get this purse back to its rightful owner."
The crowd on the street, admiring the bizarre scene, burst into applause upon the heroines' triumph. The sexy duo of Hypergirl and Hornette had again struck a victory for the law-abiding citizens of Central City.

The front page of the Central City Courier blared a large headline, announcing a major press conference at the Central City headquarters of Warren Bros. Records. According to Warren Bros. CEO, Richard Warren, he was to introduce his latest discovery, the sexy masked singer in the revealing pink costume. Curiousity was high as Warren Bros. had spent countless millions to announce the arrival of this discovery and seemed to plastered her image in every available corner of the free world. In an unprecedented move, this sexy singer would headline a concert at the world famous Central City Square Garden before releasing a single recording. The first time the world would hear this sexy masked sensation sing, it would be in one of the nation's largest, most storied venues. A worldwide audience could also catch the concert via a free weblink at the Warren Bros. website. The first tones of this mystery woman would would by heard by millions.

In the basement of Dr. Glenn's abandoned apartment hideout, a frightened Cindy Sadler confronted the sinister Sidney Glenn.
"I know we're a day away from the press conference," Cindy meekly asserted herself, "but I want out...I can't do this."
"What's the matter?," Sidney said with concern. "Everything is working as planned."
Cindy, still in the clinging pink costume sans her identity concealing mask, nervously looked to the floor, avoiding eye contact with Dr. Glenn. She wanted to wait until Heinrich left before making this declaration. Although she feared Dr. Glenn, she knew that Heinrich would likely talk her out of her decision. Too weak to resist Heinrich's charms, Cindy waited to be alone with Sidney.
"Mass hypnosis...placing people under our control," Cindy whimpered. "This is too much. I want to be a star again. I want it more than anything...but not like this. We're going to hurt and use people...I..."
Sidney calmly listened to the former teen pop princess ramble on as he produced a small remote control from his pocket, a remote no bigger than a pager.
"Our plans are going better than imagined," Sidney hissed coldly, locking his icy glaze on Cindy as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm afraid you can't just leave at this stage of the game."
"Why?!?," screamed the diva, in a customary hissy fit. "I can go whenever I please! You can't keep me here! I'm going to tell everyone what you and Heinrich are up to..."
The tantrum barely raised a stir in the remarkably calm Dr. Glenn, as he watched the fit with a stange detactment. He simply pressed the button on the remote and shot a sly smile at Cindy.
In mid-scream, Cindy's voice suddenly vanished. Her mouth moved and air could be exhaled from her throat, but no sound at all could be heard. In surprise, Cindy look went from angry to dismay as she clutched her pink gloved hands to her throat. With the simple flip of a switch, Dr. Glenn had turned down the volume of Cindy voice.
Sad, panicked eyes and open mouthed shock was all Cindy could muster as she fearfully looked at the grinning Dr. Glenn. The evil doctor stepped forward to address the now silent siren.
"Now calm down, Cindy," Dr. Glenn sneered in a mocking tone, holding the remote control that removed her voice before her stunned face. "This temporary case of laryngitis is easily curable. Remember, my dear, I gave you your great vocal powers and I can remove them at will. Do you undertstand?"
The frightened Cindy shook in fear and only managed a nod to answer.
"I installed the microchip, Cindy," Sidney stated matter-of-factly. "And that lovely voice of yours can be silenced permenantly by me if I choose. You will do as I instruct and follow my every command."
Tears welled up in Cindy's eyes as she realized the power the sinister doctor had over her. She stepped away from the doctor with her head down, resigned to her fate as Dr. Glenn's virtual slave.
"Have a seat, Cindy," Sidney commanded, "and give a little thought about the terms of our partnership. Once you come to your senses, you spoiled diva, I'll give you your voice and great sonic vocal powers back."
Cindy shot a disgusted look at Dr. Glenn as Heinrich returned to the hideout, descending from the stairs above.
"And remember, Cindy," Dr. Glenn continued, "the sonic screening earplugs Heinrich and I are wearing will keep you from using your fabulous powers on us. in case you were considering doing something stupid."
"What's going on?," asked a confused Heinrich.
"Not much, just a little disagreement over working conditions," giggled Sidney with a sinister laugh. "Someone needed to learn about the source of the great power we gave her...and how quickly that power can be taken away."
"What did you do?!?," Heinrich asked, looking at the seated and crying Cindy. "Do you hurt her?"
"No at all," Dr, Glenn noted, "I just turned down the volume a touch on her angelic voice...and once she stops her childish behavior, Bubble Gum gets her voice back."
"Sidney...," Heinrich warned, "these tactics are getting out of hand."
"Calm yourself, Heinrich," Dr. Glenn said reassuringly, "everything is under control. Cindy is onboard with the plan, even more than ever. But we do have one issue...the issue of Central City's most famed superheroines, Hypergirl and Hornette."
"Ah, we have an issue with Hypergirl and Hornette?," Heinrich tepidly asked. "How are they involved in this?"
"They aren't involved...yet," Sidney reasoned. "Central City's super spandex-clad duo could be the only obstacle in this whole scheme."
"If they aren't involved, then how are they obstacles?," Heinrich stuttered. "Why mess with those two?"
"Superheroines, like the lovely Hypergirl and Hornette, tend to pop up at the most inopportune moments, when you least expect them," Dr. Glenn continued. "Now if we lure them into a trap and subdue them when they least expect it, the chances of our success improve greatly..."

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Story General
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Nice intro Franco :-D Looks like poor Bubble Gum is caught between a rock and a hard place. Looking forward to one of your famous traps. Also, love your gals costumes.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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The next day, Kim Miller and Serena Chou, the alter-egos of Hypergirl and Hornette, were lounging in their apartment after finishing their classes for the day. It was the mid-afternoon and unusually warm and sunny for Central City in the early spring. Serena was laying down on the couch, watching television in the belly shirt and denim mini-skirt she wore on campus, while Kim was changing in her bedrrom. The warmer weather meant skimpier outfits on the female students of Central City U. and the combo Serena put together for the day drove the young men out of their minds. Speaking of skimpy outfits, Kim emerged from her room in a new string yellow bikini with red trim. As she walked out, Kim walked by like a model on the runway to show her new bathing suit off to her roommate.
"Well, what do ya think?," Kim asked as she struck a hands on hips pose like a bikini model.
"Nice, but does everything you wear have to be yellow and red?," joked Serena, referring to the similiarities to Kim's Hypergirl costume.
"Yeah, I didn't really think about that," Kim replied as she looked over her body, showcased quite nicely in the small swimsuit, "but it fit so good, I couldn't resist."
"Well, I have no idea how you keep that body of yours bikini ready with all the food you eat," snapped Serena, not completly kidding.
"What!?!," Kim blurted out as she walked over to the kitchen to make a sandwich. "You know how my metabolism is....I have to keep eating, only way to keep my energy up."
"This is a good day to head down to the pool and get a little sun," Serena announced, changing the subject. "I think I might join you down there for a little sunbathing."
"Yeah, my tan from last summer is completely gone," Kim said sadly as she looked over the light skin. "Anyway, whatca watching?"
"That stupid news conference by Warren Bros. Records," Serena sniffed. "What a con job!."
"Why's that?," Kim inquired as she walked over from the kitchen with sandwich in hand over to the television set.
"Richard Warren's doing all the talking," Serena continued. "His new pop star is just standing there, looking pretty. She doesn't even speak, let alone sing. And for the face behind the mask?"
"Yeah? She still has it on," Kim added, munching down on her peanut butter and jelly.
"And its staying on," Serena scoffed, "she's known as, get this, Bubble Gum...and the mask is staying on."
"Bubble Gum?," Kim giggled. "How lame. And the mask stays on until the CD sales go down, then there's another big news conference where she takes it off."
"There isn't going to be a CD anytime soon," Serena said with disdain. "Bubble Gum first appearance will be a concert at Central City Square Garden...and a huge free weblink if you want to watch it."
"Geez," Kim sniffed, "Warren Bros. is really pulling out all the stops on this and you know she has no talent...why else isn't she allowed to speak? Say, doesn't that Richard Warren look a little funny to you?"
"Not really," Serena answered, "Why do you ask?"
"Well, he's usually so animated...shouting, waving his arms, stuff like that," Kim responded with a note of concern. "He just seems kinda...subdued."
"Enough of this garbage," Serena boomed as she clicked off the remote to turn off the television. "Give me a couple of minutes to change and let's hit the pool, this is the first warm day in months."
"Let me guess," joked Kim, "that little black bikini with the yellow wrap?"
"Of course," Serena fired back in jest, "you aren't the only one with a color scheme to maintain."
After a good laugh, Serena emerged from her room in her black bikini and joined Kim for a short walk to the apartment pool. A break from school and crimefighting was just what the doctor ordered. Unfortunately, a doctor, Dr. Sidney Glenn, had much more sinister plans for the college-aged heroines and not long after Bubble Gum's introductory press conference, he put those plans in motion.

Later that evening, Serena and Kim were catching up on their studies, sitting in the living room with their books opened. Kim decided it was time for a snack and made her way to the kitchen. Our blonde coed grimaced as she spent a little too much time in the sun, with her fair skin a light shade of red.
"Ohhh...," Kim announced, breaking the study break silence, "I think I was out there too long. I'm as red as a lobster. Luckily this will pass in a couple of hours...a super speedy metabolism heals the skin super fast."
"Yeah, a real advantage," joked Serena, looking up from her Physics text. "And you wonder why you can't keep a tan."
A beckon light at the top of a small walkie-talkie unit, shaped like the number "5" flashed to alert both Kim and Serena. This was a relic of their Teen Force Five days, the communications device used to contact members of the team to trouble. The main headquarters of Teen Force Five was still located in Central City and their ultra secret surveillance of the city blanketed the entire metro area for any criminal activity. The communicator, resting by the kitchen counter, was grabbed by Kim.
"Serena, looks like trouble," Kim said seriously. "The Teen Force Five communicator is flashing."
"It must be Ms. Winters, our former headmistress," Serena thought aloud. "See what it is."
"Ms. Winters, what's going on?," Kim asked has she spoke into the "5" walkie-talkie.
"Hypergirl? Good to hear from you," boomed the voice from the receiver, Ms. Winters. "We picked up something from downtown Central City...do you remember Cindy Sadler?"
"Cindy Sadler? The old pop star?," Kim replied.
"Well, old is a relative term, she's only 25 or so," Ms. Winters added. "And, yes, the pop star."
"What's up?"
"Ms. Sadler was kidnapped at the entrance of the Fairment Hotel in downtown Central City this evening," Ms. Winters explained. "Two masked men in black grabbed her getting out of a taxi cab and spirited her off into a waiting van."
"Cindy Sadler!?!," Serena butted in, joining Kim in the kitchen to hear what was going on. "Why would someone kidnap her? She's not even a star anymore."
"Ah, Hornette," Ms. Winters chimed back in, "glad you're there as well. Who knows how a criminal gang works? She is still a celebrity of sorts."
"What information do you have so far?," Kim inquired. "Were you able to track the van's location?"
"Fortunately, yes," Ms. Winters beamed, "our cameras tracked the white van to an abandoned downtown apartment...we're pretty sure that's where they took her."
"Have the kidnappers made an attempt to contact anyone?," Serena jumped back in.
"Strangely, only the police," Ms. Winters said wearily. "Someone tipped off the police a couple of minutes before the abduction...very weird. We might be dealing with someone looking for attention."
"If they were looking for attention," Serena giggled, "they should have grabbed someone more relevant than Cindy Sadler."
"No time for jokes, Hornette," Ms. Winters scolded. "Take a look at the Teen Force Five laptop...I sent over a map of the area we believe Cindy was taken to."
"Got it, we'll get the map and we're on our way," Kim said in her best heroic voice. "Hypergirl out!"
"I got the map right here," Serena announced as she already had the laptop open. "Its only about four miles away."
"Good," Kim said, "I can cover that much ground in about 90 seconds. Let's get changed and get down there."
"Right," Serena cheerfully boomed, "Hornette and Hypergirl to the rescue."
With the location targeted, Kim and Serena walked into their rooms and swiftly transformed into their sexy superheroine costumes. While they thought they were dealing with simple kidnappers, our heroic duo had no idea they were speeding into a trap set especially for them. Hypergirl and Hornette were racing right into the lair of Dr. Sidney Green and his secret weapon Bubble Gum.

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Nice, Franco! Very nice, indeed! =D> =D> =D> I can't wait to see the girls in action again! Looking forward to more! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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As Kim Miller and Serena Chou, received word of the kidnapping of a former pop diva, a villainous trio arrived at the abandoned apartment basement lair of Dr. Sidney Glenn in a run-down section of Central City. Sidney and Heinrich, clad in black jackets and black pants, removed their black ski-masks used to conceal their faces during the staged kidnapping of Cindy Sadler. Cindy was also there, still wearing the pink spandex outfit she wore as Bubble Gum, sans her pink eyemask, that was obscured by a long beige overcoats. It had been a busy day indeed for the former singing sensation. Cindy was introduced as Warren Bros.' newest star in her alter ego of Bubble Gum during the afternoon while she participated in a mock kidnapping later in the evening. Dr. Glenn was careful to park the white van used in the phony abduction directly out front of the apartment they occupied. Sidney carefully surveyed the basement area to prepare for the arrival of Central City's famed superheroic defenders, Hypergirl and Hornette.
The basement area consisted of two small rooms, divided by a wall and connected by a single doorway. The first room a visitor would find after descending down the stairwell to the basement was completely empty, but the doorway leading to the back room was clearly visible from the bottom of the stairs. After the highly visible act of grabbing one Cindy Sadler out front of the Fairment Hotel, there was little time to set the scene upon arriving back at their dingy hideout.
"Cindy, my dear, please take a seat," Dr. Glenn ordered as he placed a simple wooden chair in the back room of the basement, which could be seen easily through the doorway between the rooms. "Heinrich, get the ropes so we can tie our 'victim.' A couple of spandex superpowered superbabes will be here to rescue her shortly."
"You sure about this?," asked Heinrich as he grabbed the bundled rope from a work bench. "We've been doing just fine, operating under the radar...and inviting Hypergirl and Hornette here...I got a bad feeling about this."
"Not to worry, my friend," Sidney boasted. "These superchicks have no idea that Cindy Sadler is now the sonic-powered singing sensation, Bubble Gum. They couldn't possibly anticipate that the helpless hostage will turn these powers on them. I have also rigged a couple of other surprises in the basement, designed especially for Hypergirl and Hornette's special superskills."
Cindy sat down as ordered on the wooden chair, still clad in a long overcoat to hide her pink Bubble Gum costume. Her pink eyemask was stashed in the inside pocket of the coat. Dr. Glenn and Heinrich worked quickly to loosely wrap the nylon ropes around Cindy to give the appearance that she was indeed bound by a pair of sinister kidnappers. Sidney produced a white cloth and gingerly placed it over Ms. Sadler's mouth, again tying it loosely behind her head. The scene had been set, a the pop star victim was bound and gagged, placed strategically by the doorway in the back room of the basement. Any arriving heroine would see this faux hostage upon entering the doctor's lair.

At the off-campus apartment of Kim Miller and Serena Chou, the comly co-eds emerged from their bedrooms in full spandexed splendour as the masked heroines, Hypergirl and Hornette. Kim, now her tight yellow leotard with red gloves and boots, was tying her blonde hair into a ponytail and affixing her yellow goggles to prepare for action. The superspeedy heroine, Hypergirl, ran a red gloved hand over her shiny tan pantyhosed legs in a brushing motion and adjusted her red belt on her trim waist. Serena, in her sexy black leotard and yellow tights, felt for the anti-gravity disc on her yellow belt to make sure it was properly secured. The brunette shapely winged wonder Hornette gave her sonic powered hornet wings a quick once over as she too slipped her goggles over her eyes.
"You ready, Hornette?," Hypergirl asked as she saw that her crime-fighting partner was fully decked out in her curve-hugging costume.
"You got it, Hypergirl," Hornette replied confidently. "The destination is only a few blocks away. If Ms. Winters surveillance cameras are right, the villain's van should mark their location quite easily."
"Yeah, this should be easy," Hypergirl noted with a touch of concern, "maybe a little too easy."
"I see your point, sounds like a trap," Hornette said seriously, "but most of these criminals are just plain stupid. After all, how smart can they be? They kidnapped someone whose fifteen minutes of fame passed five years ago."
With that, Hypergirl and Hornette departed for the short trip to an abandoned apartment building only blocks away. Hypergirl's beautiful form went from statuesque blonde bombshell to a blinding yellow and red blur in mere seconds as she raced off to save Cindy Sadler. Hornette, under the cloak of darkness outside, elevated her bodacious bod and took flight as her sonic powered wings sped her off, trailing behind the speedy partner.
In a mere ninety seconds, Hypergirl arrived at the destination, clearly marked by the white van the criminals had used in the abduction. She stopped to look over the building before her, boarded up and in a severe state of disrepair. As the blonde sexy speedster looked for an opening, Hornette had arrived by air to join her.
"What a dump," Hornette remarked. "This looks like a crack house."
"It probably is," noted Hypergirl, "but I'll need to give it a full search."
"Don't take long," joked Hornette, knowing Hypergirl could check every room in this three story building in less time than she could fly through the front entrance.
The arrival of Central City's finest superfoxes didn't go unnoticed. Dr. Glenn managed a sly smile as he raised a finger to alert Heinrich and seemingly bound Cindy.
"Our guests have arrived," Sidney whispered.
Hypergirl sped inside, slowing her super speed down a notch to better navigate the stairs and sharp corners of the building, as Hornette floated inside the lobby as backup. The yellow and red blur raced around, checking the ground floor before heading upstairs. In a few seconds, Hypergirl streaked back and descended down the stairs leading to the basement. Hornette saw the flashing form of her partner, signaling to her that the upper floors were vacant.
From the bottom of the stairs that took Hypergirl to the basement, she could see the object of her search, the kidnapped Cindy Sadler, gagged and tied to a chair in the backroom. The doorway leading to the abducted diva obscured the occupants of the back area, but Hypergirl threw caution to the wind and advanced to rescue the hostage.
From under the chair where the bound Cindy Sadler sat, a compressed air tank with a nozzle on the end was secured to the floor. Hidden by Cindy legs, the unseen device was activated as Hypergirl sped forward. From the tank, a sticky pink liquid oozed out in front of the super speedster's path. Moving too quickly to react, the pink goo coated the floor in front of Cindy and Hypergirl's red boots were caught up in the sticky spray as the speedy heroine was brought to an abrupt stop. Unable to collect herself with the pink goop holding her feet in place, Hypergirl fell forward and landed face first in a sticky gummy glob. The resulting fall echoed in the basement as the heroine's tumble resounded with a liquidy "SPLORT!" sound.
Things happened too quickly for Hypergirl to even realize what was happening to her as she now looked like she was swimming in place in the pink goo. Her arms and legs were stuck as she fell flat onto the floor. Hypergirl groaned, as the sudden stop proved to be most disorienting, trying sluggishly to pull her arms up or move her legs. The gummy pink substance gave a bit as Hypergirl pulled, but she couldn't pull free. The entire front of her shapely speedy body was coated in the sticky goop and Hypergirl was helpless trapped by the sudden sticky surprise.
Acting quickly, as Hornette would be joining them shortly, Cindy stood up from the chair as the loosely tied ropes fell to the ground as she rose. She pulled the gag out of her mouth, removed her overcoat, and retrieved her pink eyemask. Slipping the mask over her face, Cindy was now the pink costumed Bubble Gum, her villainous alter-ego. As Cindy transformed from helpless hostage into villainous vixen, Dr. Glenn and Heinrich emerged from the shadows of the back room to witness the struggling superheroine, still dazed and squirming in a sea of sticky pink spray.
"Captured in a gob of bubble gum," hissed a sinister Sidney, "a perfect trap to stop a speedy superchick. Quickly, while the helpless Hypergirl is recovering from the sudden stop...Bubble Gum, sing our subdued spandex speedster a lovely lullaby..."
Bubble Gum, standing in front of the fallen form of the groggy Hypergirl, began to humm a soft melody. Heinrich and Dr. Glenn, protected by their sonic baffling earplugs, watched with amazement as the lovely tones fulled the air and began to effect the squirming Hypergirl. Hypergirl's breath grew shallow and she exhaled a soft sigh, giving in to the sleepy sonic-enhanced sounds filling her ears. From under her yellow goggles, the golden speedster fluttered her eyes as she tried to pull her head up from the sticky substance holding her to the floor. Hypergirl's eyes shut and her body grew limp as she surrendered to sleep, the victim of Bubble Gum's mesmerizing lullaby.
As Hypergirl fell into a sweet slumber, still gummed up in a sticky gob of bubble gum, Hornette floated down the stairs to see what her partner had found in the basement. Upon reaching the bottom of the basement stairs, the winged flying wonder saw the shocking scene of Hypergirl layed out in a sticky trap as two men and a garishly pink costumed girl stood victorously over their captive. Hornette froze in surprise for a brief moment as Dr. Glenn, Heinrich, and Bubble Gum turned their attention to the flying brunette heroine before them. Seeing her friend in danger was enough to send Hornette into action and she flew through the doorway into the back room.
What the Asian superheroine didn't realize is that the doorway was prepared for a flying insect. Six gas emitting nozzles were protruding slightly from the sides of the doorframe and waiting for Hornette to flew through before being activated. As Hornette advanced by air through the doorway to attack the villainous trio that had taken down Hypergirl, the nozzles blasted forth with a loud hissing sound as a thick green gas was released. The vision of our sexy superbee was suddenly clouded by the thick plumes of green smoke that enveloped her. Sidney, Heinrich, and Bubble Gum stepped back to avoid the sense-dulling gas and an out-of-control flying heroine.
"Gasss....no!," screamed Hornette as the sudden gas spray put her in a stupor-enducing fog.
"Bug spray, actually, Hornette," Dr. Glenn shouted with glee as the sneaky assault stunned another surprised superheroine. "A powerful neuro-toxin I concocted to deal with those pesky insects in my basement."
Hornette didn't hear much of Dr. Glenn's cocky proclaimation as the green gas, which smelled of insecticide, forced her into a coughing fit and brought on a disabling wave of light headedness and nausea. The enclosed confines and the powerful toxin attacking her senses forced Hornette to halt her flight as she floated to an uneasy stop. The woozy superheroine staggered to a clumsy landing on unstable legs and hit the ground perched on one knee.
"Don't worry, Hornette," Dr. Glenn giggled, "my bug spray isn't lethal. I have much greater plans for you and your speedy partner. Bubble Gum, a sonic scream should finish our flying friend."
Still dazed and woozy from the bug spray, Hornette was defenseless against what Bubble Gum had in store for her now. Taking in a deep breath, Bubble Gum exhaled with a loud, powerful sonic scream. The scream sent unseen ear-splitting sonic waves into the room, which filled the ears of the drugged Hornette and our heroine felt as if her brain was going to explode inside her skull. Despite her sluggish movements, Hornette grimaced in pain and clamped her gloved hands over her unprotected ears. As Hornette screamed in pain, she mercifully passed out from the sonic assault. Falling forward with her hands still over her ears, the winged wonder in black and yellow was finally at peace as she joined the stuck Hypergirl in sleep, knocked out in a devious trap set by Dr. Glenn.
Heinrich stood frozen as events had moved too quickly for him to process. His friend had been exactly right. Sidney was more than ready to deal with Central City's costumed crime fighting duo. Without their interference, the evil doctor's plans could come off easier than expected.
"Masterfully done, Bubble Gum," Sidney said sweetly while still casting a suspicious raised eyebrow at the singer turned supervillainess. "You followed the script perfectly and now Hypergirl and Hornette are in my clutches."
Dr. Glenn snapped his fingers in front of the dazed Heinrich, still too shocked to move as he looked at the fallen heroines at his feet.
"Wake up, Heinrich," Sidney mocked. "Are you with us? Let's get the bubble gum solvent to pull the helpless Hypergirl out of the sticky glob. Once our heroines awaken, I want them prepared for a private concert. A mesmerizing, mind-controlling melody is in order...and no one is better suited to sing it than the beautiful Bubble Gum."

A couple of hours later, the slumbering superheroines of Central City began to stir. The captive cuties were secured in chairs, placed back-to-back, in the same basement where they had met their defeat at the hands of Dr. Glenn and Bubble Gum. As they regained consciousness, our heroines realized they had been tied quite well with their arms pinned behind their backs. Hypergirl and Hornette instinctively tugged at their bonds, but were immobilized by the ropes and straps they were wrapped in tightly. A woozy Hornette could still feel the wings attached to her back, but she could also feel her silver bracelets, her vaunted wrist-worn weaponary, were gone as was the anti-gravity disc in her belt. Hornette looked down to see the silver disc missing and the nylon ropes holding her in place. Hypergirl was not bound in simple nylon ropes like her partner, she was wrapped about her arms and legs with damp leather straps. She could feel the cold, wet leather on her body and she realized this criminal crew were quite familair with her capabilites. If Hypergirl tried to heat up her bonds by rapidly moving her constricted limbs, the wet leather would contract with the warmth and tighten its grip on her.
"Hornette, are you behind me?," gasped the reviving Hypergirl. "Are you O.K.?"
"Hypergirl!," Hornette boomed, "I'm right here...and I think I'm O.K., still feel a little woozy from the bug spray."
"What happened to us?," Hypergirl grunted as she tugged against the damp straps. "Its like I hit a sheet of flypaper and then a soft humming noise caused me to fall asleep."
"I dunno," Hornette grimaced. "You were down when I got there. I got hit with some green gas before the most powerful shrieking scream hit my ears. That's the last thing I remember...but that singer was here...you know, the one from the posters."
"What singer?," Hypergirl asked impatiently. "What are you talking about?"
"You know, from today's Warren Bros. press conference," Hornette insisted, "Bubble Gum! I didn't get a great look, but it was her. Pink outfit, the mask, the whole deal..."
"What about Cindy Sadler?," Hypergirl groaned. "What did these fiends do to her?"
"We did absolutely nothing to Cindy Sadler," Dr. Glenn shouted as he returned to the basement with Heinrich and the masked Bubble Gum in tow. "It was nothing more than a ruse to lure the two of you into a trap."
"Who are you?," Hypergirl angrily shouted as she was now confronted by the three evil-doers . "Who is this Bubble Gum? What are you all up to?"
"You have a lot of questions, my inquisitive young friend," Dr. Glenn calmly crowed. "I am Dr. Sidney Glenn. You no doubt know nothing about me, but I have tinkered in some sonic technology. Without boring you both with the details, I have a microchip that can be planted in the throat which can charge a voice with some impressive sonic powers, as you two have witnessed firsthand."
"Why did you lure us into a trap, you sinister quack?," snapped Hornette at the unseen voice behind her.
"Patience, my dear Hornette," Dr. Glenn joked, "I was getting to that. You see I needed a powerful female voice, someone with great range that can hit the highest of octaves to maximize the sonic powers the chip possesses. The higher pitches allow my singer to hit notes that can produce ear-shattering screams, soft and lush lullabies that put people to sleep, and even a mesmerzing hypnotic tone capable of brainwashing the strongest of wills."
"So you made this girl here your guinea pig," hissed Hypergirl as she looked over the masked sexy shape of the silent Bubble Gum, "and you're using her to do your bidding..."
"Well, this isn't just any girl, superspeedster," Sidney boasted, "Bubble Gum is actually Cindy Sadler. As you've probably seen, her hypnotic voice has enchanted Mr. Richard Warren into spending millions to promote Bubble Gum's career and he's set up the concert at Central City Square Garden."
"Cindy Sadler!," Hornette screamed. "Isn't there easier ways to revive a career? Shaving your head? Making a sex tape with a boyfriend that 'accidentially' ends up on the internet?"
The masked Cindy in full Bubble Gum outfit shot an angry look at the heroine that insulted her, actually an angry look at the back of Hornette's head, but remained silent as ordered in her confident hands-on-hips pose.
"I admire your attitude, Hornette," mocked Dr. Glenn in a condescending voice, "but Ms. Sadler is returning to the music business by headlining the largest concert in history, seen and heard by millions at the arena and over the internet. A much larger audience than would ever see some tawdry tape."
"And let me guess," spat a disgusted Hypergirl, "you have Cindy Sadler in her Bubble Gum costume send out some hypnotic signal during this concert, brainwashing millions of people..."
"Brilliant detective work, Hypergirl," Sidney said with a cheery tone, "but you stumbled upon that fact a little too late. Before placing most of the world upon my mind control, I think I'd better start with hypnotizing Central City's most famed and feared superheroines, Hypergirl and Hornette. You'll make such splendid allies in my scheme for world domination."
"We'll never help you," steamed an angry, yet frightened Hornette. "You and Bubble Gum will never control our minds."
"Hmmm, we'll see about that," Sidney grinned as he looked over to the sexy sonic powered Cindy to sing the mesmerizing siren song he had trained her to perform. Sad eyes under her pink mask were locked on Dr. Glenn's evil stare as she gulped, resigned to the fact that she would have to perform this sinister deed. Bubble Gum looked away from Dr. Glenn and Hypergirl as she began a high pitched humm that grew higher in pitch as she held the note. As Bubble Gum's voice hit octaves that were almost too high to be detected by human ears, brainwashing waves of sonic energy were released which hit the ears of our bound and helpless heroines and attacked their minds and free wills. A dazed, glossed over look of a mind controlled zombie washed over the lovely faces of Hypergirl and Hornette as they were falling quickly under the control of the evil Dr. Glenn and his sonic-voiced henchgirl, Bubble Gum.

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Story General
Story General
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Excellent Franco, loved the capture of Hypergirl and Hornette also how you kept them restrained. Great work as always. :-D
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Another exquisitely designed trap from the TrapMaster! =D> =D> =D> Very nice indeed! I can't wait to see how this one comes out! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Shocking pink costume :)
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As Bubble Gum's soft harmonies filled the air of Dr. Glenn's basement lair, the bound duo of Hypergirl and Hornette were helpless to prevent the hypnotic tones from piercing their unprotected ears. A lovely high-octave assault on our heroines' free will looked to be most effective. Our sexy spandex-clad superheroines went from defiant to complaint in mere moments as the zonked-out drowsy gazes they wore on their beautiful faces would attest. Sitting still in their straps, Hypergirl and Hornette looked as if they were frozen in a state of daydreaming as Bubble Gum's sonic powered melody brought Central City's famed duo into Dr. Glenn's evil fold.
"Bubble Gum," Dr. Glenn said softly, "I think that's enough. Hypergirl and Hornette are now under our power. Our greatest obstacles are now our greatest allies."
"Oh my goodness," Heinrich stammered with amazement, waving his hand in front of the unresponsive Hypergirl, "they're both hypnotized."
"Was there any doubt?," Sidney boasted.
"Well, these superheroines have all kinds of tricks and tools," Heinrich continued. "I thought they'd be able to fight this sonic hypno stuff off somehow, but from the looks of things...Cindy's song worked like a charm."
"Bubble Gum's song worked like a charm," Dr. Glenn noted, correcting his friend. "Besides, they had no idea what we had planned for them down here. The trap was a total surprise."
"What do we do with them now?," Bubble Gum asked softly, almost ashamed of what she was a part of.
"We can untie them now," Sidney ordered. "They're nice and docile, ready to do our bidding. Hornette and Hypergirl will serve well as a defense against any other curious superheroines that poke their noses into our business."
Heinrich undid the damp leather straps that secured Hypergirl to her chair and Bubble Gum untied the ropes around the flying Hornette. Half-opened eyes under yellow colored goggles that seemed to stare off into the abyss were the only signs that our hypnotized heroines were still awake. They no longer offered any resistance against their bonds and they barely noticed the removal of the straps and ropes that pinned our girls in place. With their bondage removed, Hypergirl and Hornette sat frozen in place, sitting stiffly upright in their chairs.
"Hypergirl, Hornette," Dr. Glenn commanded, "please rise and walk over to me, your new master."
Robotically, our heroines rose and took a couple of short choppy steps in unison to face Dr. Sidney Glenn. Drowsy eyes grew wider as they approached Dr. Glenn, seemingly under his sinister mind control. Their faces grew more vacant as they stood at attention before their master, awaiting his next command.
"Wonderful," Sidney giggled, "what fun I'll have controlling you two. Ladies, who is the only person you serve?"
"You...master," replied Hypergirl and Hornette, chiming in together in a monotone voice.
"That's what I wanted to hear...," Dr. Glenn cooed.
As she wore the frozen gaze of being hypnotized, Hypergirl's nimble mind began to race as her nubile body remained still. The sonic mind controlling song Bubble Gum had performed for them was wearing off, at least in Hypergirl's case. What Dr. Glenn had failed to note in his research of Central City's sexy crime fighting duo is that Hypergirl's rapidly sped up metabolism allowed her to recover from knockouts and hypnotism at a rate much quicker than most heroines. She was still effected by sleeping gas, chloroform, hypnotic suggestion, and a disabling blow to the head, but Hypergirl could recover from these attacks much more swiftly than anyone on the planet. Essentially waking up as she was commanded to stand and face her new "master," Hypergirl decided it was best to keep acting as if she was until Dr. Glenn's control. Revealing that she was free from the villain's hypnotic spell could prove disastrous as Hornette was still hypnotized and she was in unknown territory, the booby trap laced lair of Dr. Glenn. Besides, if Hypergirl acted a fraction of a second too late, the masked girl in pink spandex could hit her with another sense shattering sonic song. The trick for Hypergirl was to appear to remain brainwashed until she could find a way to get herself and Hornette out of this sinister situation.
As the three villains stood around the hypnotized heroines, gazing with a look of disbelief on their faces, they admired their evil handiwork and marveled at how easily Central City's fell into their clutches. Of the three, only Cindy Sadler felt the pangs of regret.
"What have I done?," Bubble Gum thought to herself, still wearing the simple grin of a victor to appease Dr. Glenn. "What have I become a part of? Luring and kidnapping Hypergirl and Hornette...using my voice to put them under Sidney's control. Then, I get to hypnotize millions, all for the benefit of Sidney and his lackey."
Bubble Gum's eyes under her pink eyemask betrayed a sense of sadness that her forced smile couldn't hide. However, she wasn't the only one in the room trying to fool Dr. Glenn with a fake expression, hiding her true thoughts.
"How can I get Hornette out of here without falling victim to another trap?," Hypergirl thought to herself, still looking like a statue in clinging yellow spandex and tan nylon tights. "Grabbing her will slow me down enough to allow that girl to use her singing voice on me. Hornette is still under this guy's mind control...she might be told to attack me. And who knows what other traps are set up around her?"
Hypergirl's mind raced, weighing the possibilities of attacking the villains, rushing herself and Hornette out of the lair, or getting out with her super speed and leaving her closest friend behind. All options were risky, but, much to her dismay, the only viable option was leaving Hornette behind. Any sudden movement would trigger that sinister sonic voice or a Dr. Glenn trap.
From a dazed hypnotized damsel to a blistering yellow blur, Hypergirl appeared to disappear from the basement lair. In less than a second, Hypergirl went from a standing stop to a flashing figure up the stairs leading to freedom. Before the villains had realized what had appeared, only Hornette remained before them, still in a mind controlled stupor.
"Wha!?! What just happened?," Heinrich shouted as Hypergirl vanished in a yellow and red streak.
"She escaped!," Dr. Glenn screamed. "Hypergirl's gone...the hypnosis must have failed to work on her!"
"Well, what do we do now?," pleaded Heinrich.
"Nothing...she's gone," spat a disgusted Sidney. "All we can do is prepare for her return and keep her from ruining the Bubble Gum concert."
"But you know she'll be back," Heinrich cried, "back in a flash, I'll guess. Hypergirl will come back for Hornette."
"Yes, Hypergirl will return for her captive friend," Sidney sneered. "However, we will have Hornette's help upon Hypergirl's return. I control the very person she'll come to save."
"Won't she tell the cops about the concert? The mass hypnosis?," asked the still panicked Heinrich.
"Not likely, not while we have Hornette," said Dr. Glenn coldly. "Revealing our plan to the authorities places the fair Hornette in grave peril. Hypergirl will have to rescue her partner before spilling the beans on us."
Sidney activated a control from his work bench, sealing all entrances and openings of his apartment basement hideout. If Hypergirl did return, even with her super speed, it would not come as a surprise.
In her mind, Cindy was almost relieved. There was a ray of hope that Hypergirl could succeed in foiling this evil plan before she was forced, as Bubble Gum, to follow through on it. The hope was faint, but there was hope nonetheless.
"Don't look so glum, Bubble Gum," Dr. Glenn boomed almost cheerfully. "Hypergirl will ours again shortly...and you have a huge concert to prepare for...just like old times, eh?"
Bubble Gum said nothing, flashing an almost embarassed smile and focused her eyes softly on Sidney.

Miles away, still running at breakneck speed in a blur, Hypergirl sped through the streets of Central City. She was moving too quickly to shed a tear, but her eyes were moist under her yellow tinted goggles. Her initial burst of speed was fueled by fear as she was cornered in a villain's lair, but Hypergirl was running now in a fit of nervous energy. She no longer feared for herself, but for her friend and partner, Hornette. Hypergirl had no idea what these villains had in store for her, but she realized their best hope was for her to escape and plan for Hornette's rescue. This still didn't ease the feelings of guilt in leaving Hornette behind.
"I'm sorry, Hornette," Hypergirl thought to herself, still moving at rapid speed. "I'll find a way to get you out of there...no matter what it takes."

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Great update Franco, wonder how Hypergirl will get Hornette out of there?
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Very nice update, Franco! I look forward to the next chapter with great anticipation! :-D 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes

Awesome! The only benefit from having a busted pc being repaired...more time to check out the great stories!

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With Hypergirl fleeing the scene in a yellow and red blur, burning her way through the streets of Central City, the sexy blonde speedster's mind raced with fear and concern for her roommate and crime fighting partner, the now mind controlled Hornette. An unknown new villainess in her clinging pink costume had easily subdued her and Hornette.
'Why did Cindy Sadler turn to a life of crime?,' Hypergirl thought, 'and where did she get that pair of sonic powered pipes? Who were the two men working with her? What plans did they have for Hornette? How could anyone stop this Bubble Gum concert before millions fell victim to her hypnotic voice?'
These thoughts fired rapidly in her fast moving brain as her fast moving body raced in the direction of Metro City University. The primary thought that dominated her mind was how could she get Hornette to safety without falling into the clutches of the sinister singing sensation, Bubble Gum.

As Hypergirl planned her next move, Dr. Glenn was quickly preparing his. He approached the mind-controlled Asian heroine, Hornette, still standing at attention with a numb unresponsive gaze on her lovely face.
"Fear not, all," Sidney Glenn boasted cooly to Heinrich and Bubble Gum, "I'm sure Hypergirl's closest ally can give us some insight into where our little speedster has run off to."
"Hornette looks like she wouldn't remember her own name, Sid," Heinrich said as he looked intently at the brainwashed bee girl. "She looks completely zonked out."
"Hornette has enough brainpower remaining to tell us all we need to know...," Dr. Glenn snorted at Heinrich before turning his attention to the hypnotized heroine. "Hornette, where do you think Hypergirl would go when she's in trouble?"
"Hypergirl...," Hornette paused briefly before finishing her reply in a emotionless monotone voice, "...would likely call Ms. Winters of the Dunesmoor Girls Academy."
"Ms. Winters? Dunesmoor Boarding School?," Sidney calmly inquired. "Why would Hypergirl call her?"
"Ms. Winters runs the Dunesmoor Girls Academy," Hornette stated matter-of-factly in a robotic tone. "She brought us together as the Teen Force Five. Dunesmoor was a school for superheroines."
"My goodness," Sidney gasped, "the famous and mysterious Teen Force Five...and this Ms. Winters ran it all. Tell me, Hornette, do you have a way to contact this Ms. Winters?"
"The Teen Force Five communicator is no longer active," Hornette continued, "but I do know the phone number to her private office."
"Dial it for me, if you will," Dr. Glenn cooed sweetly as he reached into his pocket for a cell phone, "I have a devilsihly good idea...Hornette, darling, tell Ms. Winters you are in grave peril and you need her help..."
"Yes...master," Hornette said obiediently as she stiffly reached for the cell phone Dr. Glenn handed her and dialed the number of Ms. Winters' private phone at the Dunesmoor Academy.
As the Asian crime-fighting sensation brought the now ringing phone to her ear, Sidney leaned in close to whisper in Hornette's other ear.
"Make it convincing, sweet Hornette," Dr. Glenn said softly, gesturing Bubble Gum with a wave to join them. "Pass the phone to my friend in pink when I give you the signal...she'll know what to do next."
Cindy in her sexy, revealing Bubble Gum costume strode over to the scheming Sidney and the mind controlled Hornette. As much as she didn't like the task, she knew exactly what Dr. Glenn wanted her to do.

In the lavish den of Ms. Victoria Winters, in a stately manor adjacent to her exclusive boarding school, a simple tan telephone rang on her grand oak desk. Her den was more like a library, large with rows of leather-bound books on wooden bookshelves. From the hall, Victoria heard the ringing phone and made a beeline to her den. This was her private phone line, known only by her closest friends and the costumed crime-fighters she mentored. Knowing this was serious, Ms. Winters moved swiftly. The tall and still strikingly handsome red haired woman was in her mid-40's, but her beautifully umblemished face and taut body on her long-legged frame gave her the appearance of a woman much younger. Having just recently come from a relaxing bath, Victoria answered the phone in her long black silk robe.
"Hello...," Ms. Winters answered with anticipation.
"Ms. Winters...its Hornette...I can't talk long, but I'm in some serious trouble," whispered the scared voice of Serena Chou.
"OK, OK," stammered Ms. Winters, "stay calm...where are you?"
"Hang on....I'm hiding behind a bookcase...someone's coming.....," Hornette breathed in the phone with a voice reeking of fear.
"Stay with me, Hornette...tell me where you are. Is Hypergirl with you?"
As a concerned Ms. Winters mined for information, Hornette handed the phone over to Bubble Gum. Cindy took a deep breath before receiving the cell phone and placed the receiver to her mouth. She could hear a frantic Ms. Winters asking Hornette if she was still there. Without emotion, Bubble Gum closed her eyes under her pink eye mask and blasted a sonic cry into the phone and into the unsuspecting ears of Ms. Winters on the other end. The high pitched piercing sound attacked Ms. Winters' mind quickly and swiftly rendered Victoria motionless, completely under her sonic spell.
Victoria stood in stunned silence, with her normally vibrant green eyes vacant and her mouth slightly open. Bubble Gum's sonic song had claimed another victim and the lovely Ms. Winters was ready for the next command of her new master.
Dr. Glenn slyly smiled and took the phone from a silent and ashamed Cindy. The grin gave way to concentration as he prepared to give Ms. Winters her marching orders.
"Hello, Ms. Winters...pleasure to meet you," Sidney boomed confidently. "I'm assuming you are completely under my control and totally at my command, yes?"
"Yes...completely...under...your control," Victoria stated in a dazed hypnotic voice.
"Excellent, has Hypergirl been in contact with you?"
"No...I spoke to Hypergirl and Hornette earlier," Ms. Winters continued, "...about a kidnapping."
"Yes, the Cindy Sadler kidnapping," Dr. Glenn explained.
"Yes, the Cindy Sadler kidnapping," parroted the mind-controlled headmistress.
"Now, Ms. Winters," Sidney commanded, "I need you to contact Hypergirl...find her anyway you can. I need you to lure the golden speedster into a trap. I may also need some of the other celebrated members of the Teen Force Five team contacted as well. Do you think you can handle that?"
"Yes...," Ms. Winters said softly and coldly, "anything you wish..."

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Hey Franco's back :D Nice update dude!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I echo Sg's sentiments! Nice little update! Look forward to more! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Franco's stories are amazing. Hope we can get an update soon.
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As Dr. Sidney Glenn continued his telephone interrogation of the hypnotized headmistress of the exclusive Dunesmoor school, he guided his index finger up the cheek of the mind controlled lovely Asian heroine standing beside him, Hornette, and slipped this finger under the yellow tinted goggles that concealed her secret identity. Lifting softly before an amazed Heinrich and Bubble Gum, Dr. Glenn pushed the goggles upward to reveal Serena Chou's beautiful face.
"Tell me, Ms. Winters, what is Hornette's secret identity?," Sidney asked. "Who is she when she's not flying around in in her skin-tight spandex?"
"Hornette...," Victoria Winters responded in a flat mesmerized tone, "her name is Serena Chou...she's a student Central State University."
"Hmmm...Serena is a lovely girl indeed," Dr. Glenn purred, "How 'bout the sexy blonde speedster Hypergirl?"
"Her name is Kim Miller," replied Ms. Winters as ordered, revealing secrets she protected vigilantly for years with amazing ease under the influence of Bubble Gum's brain bending sonic song. "She also attends Central State."
"Outstanding, you've proved to be an invaluable resource," boomed the sinister Sidney. "Of the remaining members of Teen Force Five, which could prove to be the most damaging to us? As you've experienced first hand, my beautiful muse, Bubble Gum, uses a sonic booster to her voice to hypnotize our victims. Would that be the superheroine known as Sonik?"
"Yes...Sonik would be able to resist any sonic wave attack," Victoria answered in a robotic voice. "Sonik is vulnerable to a reversal of her own sonic powers."
"I dabble in some sonic wave technology," Dr. Glenn boasted. "Can you tell me how to 'reverse' Sonik's sonic powers? Can you lure her and Hypergirl into a trap for me?"
"Yes...yes to both questions," Ms. Winters said softly yet forcefully.
"Perfect, tell me more....."

As Sidney rifled through the open book that was Victoria Winters' mind, examining all the secrets of the former Teen Force Five team members, Dr. Glenn's alternate plan was starting to unfold. He sought an insurance policy, a insurance policy by the name of Annette Sommers, the college-aged daughter of shipping magnate Stanley Sommers. Annette was a pretty socialite and fellow Central State student, favoring the bands of the burgoning Central City music scene. With long straight blonde hair, wearing a tight pink tank top and equally tight low-slung blue jeans, Annette entered one of her favorite stores, Minstrel's Music. She entered with a fellow sorority sister, Cassie Clark, a long brown haired beauty in a powder blue belly shirt and the very same style of jeans Annette wore. They passed a poster of the pink masked Bubble Gum in a seductive pose pasted to the glass door at the entrance. As the two girls chatted and looked through the racks of CD's, an attentive clerk emerged from behind the counter to attend to the needs of his sexy co-ed customers.
"Welcome to Minstrel's Music," the clerk announced with a welcoming voice. "Are you ladies finding everything O.K.?"
"We're just looking around," replied the somewhat snooty Cassie, giving the clerk a quick lookover.
"Well, we have some new C.D.'s in stock," chirped the cheerful clerk, a pale skinny young man in his early 20's. "Visit our listening station if you want to check out any new stuff."
"I've never seen you here before," inquired Annette as she too looked over the geeky young clerk. "Are you new here?"
"Yeah, just started this week," answered the clerk in a sheepish tone. "Say, have either of you heard of Bubble Gum?"
"No, who's that?," the girls responded in unison.
"The girl in the pink costume and mask...I'm sure you've seen her posters everywhere," the clerk continued. "I got a bootleg copy of her new album, something lifted right from the studio."
"Argh, the costume and all the hype," groaned Annette, "I figure that's she's just some lame pop princess."
"Nah, it's actually pretty good," explained the clerk, whispering even though the store was empty. "It's a much more alternative than I thought, it has a certain edge...I'd even say I found it mesmerizing."
"Well, I am curious to hear what she sounds like after seeing her face plastered all over the place," reasoned Cassie, gesturing to her doubting friend.
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious myself," giggled Annette.
"Go over to the listening station and I'll cue it up for you," the clerk offered cheerfully. "I've got it in the back."
As the clerk retrieved the special bootleg CD from the backroom of the store, Annette and Cassie walked over the far corner of the store where a couple of pairs of earphones were connected to a multiple-track CD player. The comly co-eds slid the earphones over their ears and secured the carefully as not to mess up their carefully coifed hair. The clerk emerged from the backroom silently and simply inserted the bright pink CD into the player. Through the earphones, Annette and Cassie first heard a loud stinging guitar riff which quickly gave way to the soft strings of what sounded like a classical violin. The girls exchanged curious glances as they heard the sudden shift in the music before the real performance began. In tune with the soft strings was a high octave sonic humm that cut in suddenly. The high pitched sonic mind altering waves washed over the ears of Annette and her friend. Their expressions swiftly changed from curious to surprised to nearly catatonic. The sonic hypnotizing song had done its worst, mesmerizing the young heiress and her sorority sister. Annette and Cassie stood rigidly and stared forward into the abyss with vacant drowsy eyes as they too fell victim to Dr. Sidney Glenn's creation, the sonic pop sensation Bubble Gum.
Watching with grinning amusement, the clerk laughed to himself as he witnessed the brainwashing of those haughty sorority snobs. How easy was it to fool these stuck-up chicks? With smug indignation, he confronted the hypnotized hotties and gave them their first command.
"Girls, I've called a cab for you already," the clerk commanded. "You will get inside and it will take you to a downtown apartment building. Don't worry, the cabbie has the address. Once you arrive, exit and knock seven times on the door. It is there that you will meet Dr. Glenn. He's the man giving the orders. Got it?"
Annette and Cassie nodded silently and woodenly as the silence of the store was interrupted by the honk of a car horn outside.
"Looks like your ride has arrived," the clerk joked. "I warn you that these downtown digs are not what a couple of pampered princesses like you two are used to, but in your state...I don't think it will matter."
The shapely sorority girls walked out together, moving slowly and somewhat sluggishly. Following the commands of the record store clerk, then entered the waiting cab and were off as quickly as they entered. As the taxi pulled away, the dorky clerk reached for the cell phone in his pocket.
"Uncle Heinrich," the clerk breathed excitedly into the small sliver of a phone, "it worked just as you said. Annette Sommers is completely zonked out and she's bringing a friend....the friend? I dunno who she is. She's also under the spell of that hypno-CD. Probably another trust fund kid with a rich daddy..."

One hundred miles away from Central City, on the campus of Southeastern University, Maya Rodriguez was laboring through another intense lab session. For the past three hours, Maya had been completing a complex chemistry experiment and the stress was showing on her face. Although her pre-med schedule kept her busier than she ever would have expected, an inner drive kept this 21 year old young lady pushing past her limits to the top of her class. That same drive served her well in the past as a promising student at the exclusive Dunesmoor Boarding School, in the classroom and in her costumed superheroine alter-ego of Sonik.
Maya was born in the war torn nation of El Salvador, the daughter of respected scientist Hector Rodriguez. As a single father to a daughter who never knew her mother, Hector doted on his only child. Dr. Rodriguez had been working on harnessing the power of sonic energy. He had perfected a pair of metal bracelets that channeled sonic waves into an effective weapon. Depending on the adjustment of the wearer of the bracelets, sonic energy could be used to immobilize or overpower a victim. While Dr. Rodriguez kept these experiments top secret, as government officials would likely abuse the power of this sonic weaponry, word had leaked to military officials of the nature of his work. Fearing that this sonic device was being developed for rebel forces, Dr. Rodriguez was arrested and sent off to a prison camp outside the capital of San Salvador. Maya, who was only thirteen at the time, was hidden in the home of friends until it was safe for her to move north into the United States. In a dingy khaki backpack left for her by her father, Maya received a small amount of cash along with a contact in America, Central City to be exact, a Ms. Victoria Winters of the Dunesmoor Boarding School for Girls. Also in the backpack were a pair of shiny metal bracelets possessing great sonic powers and directions on how to use these wrist weapons. A silver helmet that protected the bearer of the sonic bracelets from falling victim to the disabling waves of energy was also part of the package.
How Dr. Rodriguez came to know Ms. Winters was a mystery to Maya. Ms. Winters spoke vaguely of the technology he had pioneered and how she had heard him speak at a variety of seminars in the United States prior to his arrest in his native country. Under the tutelage of Victoria, Maya learned to focus and develop the power of the sonic wave emitting bracelets and how to use them in the field as part of the superheroine team, Teen Force Five. In addition to using the sonic energy to subdue a villain, the energy could be used to propel her lithe body into rapid flight. As if she needed any reminding, Ms. Winters spoke of great mind and heart of her father and of the injustice of his imprisonment. Unable to contact her father, Maya worked valiantly to live up to his legacy and continue his work. After performing heroically as the superheroine known as Sonik, Maya had basically retired her spandex suit and focused her energy on studying medicine at the prestigious Southeastern University. Since Southeastern University was located in the sleepy college town of Westborough, there was little need for a sonic powered superheroine. This wasn't the metropolis of Central City, after all.
Maya returned to her apartment exhausted by the marathon chemistry lab to find an urgent message from an old friend on her answering machine. While the message was vague, as most of her messages were, Ms. Winters let Maya know her former partners in crimefighting were in serious trouble. Maya jumped for the phone and placed a call to Victoria's private chambers. Without getting into specifics, Ms. Winters told Maya her presence was needed at the Dunesmoor School as soon as possible. Ms. Rodriguez knew that the presence of her superheroic alter-ego Sonik was needed in Central City and she dusted off her black spandex leotard and white tights for a return to her old stomping grounds.
In a secret compartment on the floor of her closet, she retrieved her costume, bracelets, and helmet that served her well as a member of the elite Teen Force Five. Maya, with long wavy black hair tied her long mane back so her form fitting silver helmet would fit snuggly. The helmet was fitted with a pair of black infra-red goggles that allowed her to see in the dark as well as concealing her true identity. College life, away from the rigors of crimefighting, had put a couple of pounds on her already voluptuous frame, but she still looked spectacular as she squeezed into a pair of white pantyhose and a sleeved black leotard.
"Fits a little tighter than I remember," Maya thought to herself as she examined herself in the mirror. While not in the superheroine shape of her past, the 5'6 olive skinned beauty was stunning as the extra pounds only enhanced her already curvy body.
A pair of black ankle-high boots and white gloves that covered to her wrist were slipped on before she attached the source of her power, the sonic powered bracelets. Her helmet was placed carefully on her head as she looked at herself as she hadn't in quite some time. The striking Latina beauty in black, white, and silver gazed at her reflection with a sly smile as she adjusted her costume before flying off to Central City. The logo at the center of her ample chest, a single white dot surrounded by five white rings against the backdrop of shiny black spandex, was the focus as the sight of herself in costume again brought back dozens of memories of a previous life, the life of the celebrated superheroine Sonik.
Retreating to a wooden enclosure in the back patio of her modest apartment, Sonik focused as she kept her arms locked straight down with the sonic powered bracelets pointed directly to the ground.
"I hope I remember how to do this," Maya joked to herself as the silver bracelets on her wrists buzzed and quickly elevated her off the ground. Once airborne, a look of intense concentration crossed her face as she focused on the task at hand. Directing her bracelets expertly as she flew upward, keeping herself aloft and speeding in the direction of Central City, Sonik was a black and white streak across the blue sky. Whatever her former partners Hypergirl and Hornette had gotten themselves into, it must be serious if Ms. Winters called Sonik in for help.

Not far away from the suburbs of Central City, Hypergirl stopped to catch her breath after making a panicked escape from the clutches of the mysterious hypnotic powers of Bubble Gum and the sinister Dr. Glenn. Hiding in the back of what was a normal looking shopping center, the sexy blonde speedster tried to gather her thoughts and plot her next move. Never before had she faced a villain or villainess with such mesmerzing power and such far reaching evil intentions. Leaving behing a friend and partner in the clutches of such villainy, under the complete mind control of such sinister evildoers, weighed heavily on her mind. Just what could they have planned for Hornette? And under hypnosis, might she reveal her true identity? Might she reveal my identity as Kim Miller? She might even have told them where we live. Might Hornette work as a supervillainess under their command?
As the yellow spandexed superfox thought of each possible scenario, each worse than the one before it, Hypergirl turned to the only person who could help her, friend and mentor Victoria Winters. Gathering her senses, Kim flashed her way to the outskirts of the city and directly to the grounds of the Dunesmoor Boarding School for Girls. Streaking in a blaze of yellow and red, Hypergirl made her way to the secret back entrance of Ms. Winters' private chambers. Luckily, Victoria was there and quickly opened the door for the sexy speedy superchick.
"Hypergirl!," Victoria exclaimed with surprise, still clad in her silk robe. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you here."
Hypergirl smiled contently, feeling safe for the first time since the Bubble Gum trap was sprung on her and her winged comrade. Ms. Winters would surely know what to do, to release Hornette from a hypnotic trance and to bring Bubble Gum and her evil cohorts to justice.

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Oh man! Is Hypergirl in for it now or what!?!? Nice update, franco! And who are these other sorority hotties? What do the fiendish minds of Dr. Glenn and Heinrich have in store for them? Let us know soon! 8)
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As the lovely blonde heroine Hypergirl approached the back parlor of Victoria Winters, her former mentor and trusted friend, she had trouble getting the words out of her mouth fast enough. Her words to explain her current predicament flew out at a speed fasterthan her tongue could keep up with. In an attempt to explain that the Cindy Sadler kidnapping was merely a ruse to draw her and Hornette into a trap, a new villain named Dr. Sidney Glenn was the brains behind this criminal operation, and the former pop star Cindy Sadler was working with this villain armed with a super sonic powered singing voice. There was a lot of information to share and Hypergirl did her best to get it all out at once. Unfortunately, our sexy blonde speedster in yellow spandex spouted mostly gibberish in her panic and Ms. Winters could only understand bits and pieces of this one sided conversation. Victoria, the red haired headmistress, approached the scared girl and gave her a tender reassuring hug, asking her to be quiet for a moment.
"Shhhh...Hypergirl, calm down for a moment," Ms. Winters whispered softly in her ear, speaking in hushed tones to relax her former pupil. "Relax, I know what's going on. Dr. Glenn set up a trap for you and Hornette. He's used some sort of sonic device on Cindy Sadler's voice and the whole Bubble Gum promotion is part of his plot to hypnotize the world. Hornette is in great danger, but don't worry, we'll get her back and back safely."
Hypergirl pulled back from Ms. Winters' embrace with wide eyes under her yellow goggles. She was calmed somewhat by being reunited with Victoria, but she was shocked at the information Victoria possessed.
"How....?," Hypergirl said breathlessly, "How could you possibly have known all that?"
"Simple," Ms. Winters said matter-of-factly, "Hornette has a tracking device in her anti-gravity belt. This tracking device also has a microphone. I heard the everything that happened."
"Everything?," Hypergirl inquired, relasing herself from Ms. Winter's hug. "And you were listening the whole time?"
"Yes, the reception wasn't great," Victoria responed, "but I was able to get the general picture."
"Then how were you not affected by her hypnotic siren song?," Hypergirl insisted. "She used it on a couple of occassions while we were captive."
"Well, I only heard what Hornette encountered," Ms. Winters explained, "and 'Bubble Gum' used a powerful ear shattering screech on Hornette first to subdue her, before singing that hypnotic song to place her under their control. Luckily, I think that first blast damaged the microphone enough to protect me from falling victim to the mesmerizing mind control music."
Hypergirl's lovely face relaxed as she released a soft sigh. Greatful for the fact that Ms. Winters was still watching over them and greatful that she too had not fallen victim to Dr. Glenn's sonic brainwashing device, the blonde speedster focused her attention to helping release her friend, Hornette, and placing a stop to Dr. Glenn's sinister plot.
"Ms. Winters," Hypergirl said calmly, yet fearfully, "we have never faced a villain as powerful as this one. Cindy Sadler or Bubble Gum or whatever is calls herself can hypnotize or overpower anyone within the sound of her voice. And this Dr. Glenn...this plan to hypnotize the entire world...its much bigger than anything we've ever handled."
"I know," Victoria stated, taking the time to basically think aloud, "this is a daunting task. Ms. Sadler's new power makes her as formidable a foe as the Teen Force Five every faced. Not to mention that she is completely under the control of this Dr. Glenn and his relentless ambition...but we do know the source of Bubble Gum's power."
"How does this help us now?," Hypergirl said with a dejected tone.
"Hypergirl, its quite simple, Bubble Gum's voice is powered by some sort of sonic booster," Ms. Winters continued as if she was on the verge of a relevation, "and who do we know that might be well suited to deal with a sonic powered villainess?"
"Oh my gawd!," shouted the excited Hypergirl, "Maya Rodriguez...Sonik! Sonik wouldn't be affected by her voice."
"Exactly what I was thinking," Victoria agreed, glad Hypergirl was thinking clearly again.
"But she's basically retired, right?," Hypergirl sighed, resigned again to disappointment.
"No, in fact, Sonik is on her way," Ms. Winters boomed. "I called her in Westborough and she's heading down her as we speak."
Hypergirl's face lit up with excitement. There was suddenly a light at the end of the tunnel. The situation seemed hopeless only a moment before and now a plan was falling into place to save Hornette and stop Dr. Glenn and his sonic singing weapon, Bubble Gum. The spandex-clad heroine in her shiny tan pantyhose acted on impulse and grabbed Ms. Winters in a warm embrace.
"Ms. Winters, you're the best," Hypergirl said sweetly in Victoria's ear. "I knew you could help find a way out of this mess."
Taken by surprise, Victoria backed away at first before returing the hug. As the mentor and pupil embraced, a visitor in black spandex landed at the doorway of Ms. Winters' back patio. Making a triumphant return to a place she knew as home for many years, Sonik smiled at the welcoming sight of Kim Miller, a.k.a. Hypergirl and Victoria.
"Sonik!," Hypergirl announced. "You have no idea how great it is to see you."
"Hey blondie," Sonik joked, "you're working that yellow spandex better than ever."
Victoria and Hypergirl separated as Hypergirl made a quick path to the stunning Sonik. Sharing a long hug, the two college co-ed heroines exchanged pleasantries.
"Sonik, thanks for coming," Ms. Winters said coolly. "It's always great to see you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm heading upstairs to change. I'll be accompanying you both to Central City Square Garden. Dr. Glenn and Bubble Gum are making their final preparations there and are in route now. Hypergirl, fill Sonik in on the particulars of this situation and take these..."
Victoria tossed Hypergirl a pair of tiny metallic colored earbuds, which the blonde speedster grabbed while wearing a quizzical look in her lovely face.
"What are these?," Hypergirl asked.
"Sonic screening earplugs...Sonik's helmet protects her from Bubble Gum's sonic singing and these will protect you from falling under her spell."
"Great," Hypergirl chirped as she inserted the earplugs into her ears. "Now hurry up and get dressed so we can rescue Hornette and bust that Bubble Gum."
"I'll be back in a flash..."
As Hypergirl told Sonik of the situation they faced, explaining how Dr. Glenn and the sonic voiced Cindy Sadler, now known as Bubble Gum, trapped her and her partner Hornette and planned to enslave the world with sonic hypnotic voicewaves, Victoria walked up the stairs leading from her back parlor into her bedroom. Hypergirl and Sonik had no idea that Dr. Glenn had already anticipated Ms. Winters' intervention and used Bubble Gum's hypnotic voice to place her under his power. Once in her bedroom, the brainwashed Victoria grabbed her phone and placed a call to Dr. Glenn in his abandoned downtown apartment building hideout. She would lead Hypergirl and Sonik to Central City Square Garden...and into the trap he had set for these two sexy young superheroines.

While Hypergirl and Sonik converged on Dunesmoor Boarding School to meet with Ms. Winters, there was a series of knocks at the front door of the abandoned apartment building Dr. Glenn and his crew used as their lair. Heinrich rushed up from the basement to quickly usher their mind-controlled guests, heiress Annette Sommers and her friend Cassie Clark,into the building and down the stairs to the basement. A subdued Hornette was also there dozing in a chair, having fallen into a deep sleep as commanded so the hypnotized Asian heroine would be well rested for the festivities planned for later in the evening.
Annette and Cassie stood frozen and at attention, looking every bit the mesmerized hypnotized lovelies they were, before Dr. Glenn and the pink costumed Cindy Sadler, a.k.a. Bubble Gum.
"What the hell is this?," Bubble Gum demanded, looking with disdain at Dr. Glenn. "More victims? Who are these girls? How did they get mind zapped? I've never even seen them."
"I'll tell you what the hell this is," Sidney snapped, "even though I need to explain nothing to you. The brainwashed blonde is Ms. Annette Sommers, the daughter of multi-multi-millionaire Stanley Sommers...and some of the recordings we laid down in our little makeshift studio down here were used to hypnotize her. Having Ms. Sommers as part of your entourage might be quite helpful in case this plan goes awry and we find ourselves in need of a well-connected hostage. As for the other girl, I'm not sure who she is...but she'll make a lovely addition to your pack of gal pals. After all, a real pop diva needs a few sexy socialite friends in the fold."
"This is getting to be too much, Dr. Glenn," Cindy sniveled. "How many people are we going to hurt?"
"We're planning on placing millions under our hypnotic control with the use of your lovely voice and my sonic powered implant," Dr. Glenn reasoned coldly with an evil tone, "and you're worried about these two spoiled rich chicks? You had better get your priorities straight and stop questioning every move I make or that permanent case of laryngitis I promised you can become a reality just before your big debut."
Sidney reached into his pocket for the small remote control device he kept that controlled the sonic boosting implant in Cindy's throat. A quick adjustment on the controls gave Bubble Gum a tingling sensation at the back of her mouth which grew into a sharp pain as the intensity of sonic feedback grew. Cindy clutched her throat and gasped with a whimper of pain as her voice was unable to make an audible sound. Tears rolled down Bubble Gum's masked face as the pain increased and the sense of helplessness grew.
"That was a small sample, Bubble Gum," Sidney spat as he watched Cindy endure the sonic enduced pain, "and the removal of your voice will be much more painful, I assure you. If you conscience is bothering you now, just take solace in the fact that you no longer have a choice. I have given you great power, Ms. Sadler, and that power is mine to command. Do you understand? Remember, my earplugs protect me from your sonic assaults in case you try anything cute with that great power."
The sobbing Cindy Sadler simply nodded and the downcast reluctant villainess retreated to a seat next to the sleeping Hornette. This sexy vision in her clinging pink costume not longer felt the physical pain, but the emotional scars remained. Just what would she be asked to do next? How many more will be victimized as Dr. Glenn's far-reaching plot unfolds?
Sidney's tone turned from menacing to welcoming as he grabbed two costumes from a napsack and handed them to the mind controlled college co-eds Annette Sommers and Cassie Clark. He handed the pink outfits to his quarry and commanded that they take them.
"Ladies, these are the outfits I want you to wear as part of Bubble Gum's elite entourage...step behind the curtain I've set up back there and change quickly. Be swift as we need to be off very soon."
The blonde and brunette co-eds woodenly nodded as they clutched the costumes they were handed. Robotically, the hypnotized sorority sisters walked behind they curtains set up for them and they quickly changed their clothes. As the ladies changed, Dr. Glenn waved Heinrich and Bubble Gum together for a brief meeting.
"Heinrich," Sidney ordered, "get the van ready as we're off to Central City Square Garden. We have a concert to prepare for."
"We're going so soon?," Heinrich asked. "Kinda early, isn't it?"
"No, not really," Dr. Glenn snickered. "Ms. Winters is bringing two special guests to a pre-concert event. Pack some of my toys and load the hypnotized Hornette up for the trip across town. Hypergirl and Sonik will get quite a surprise as they too will join our army of mind-controlled captives...and the person they trust above all others will deliver that sexy superheroic duo right into our clutches. Heinrich...Bubble Gum...get to work!"
This was not welcome news to Cindy Sadler. There was hope since Hypergirl had escaped that someone out there might be able to stop Dr. Glenn taking is sinister plan much further. That hope was all but gone now that Ms. Winters, who she placed under Dr. Glenn's control, was leading two of the world's most powerful do-gooders into a trap. THere was no choice but to follow along and load the van as commanded.
As Heinrich and Bubble GUm prepared the van, Sidney waited for Annette and Cassie to emerged from behind the curtain to display the costumes he had chosen for them. The brainwashed co-eds stepped out and were breathtaking in their pink costumes. Both wore matching short pink skirts and small pink halter tops. Their long longs were clad in vertically stripped pink and white tights with pink slip-on booties. Vacant, mesmerized eyes were hidden behind sunglasses with pink frames. The mind controlled beauties looked every part the slutty pop divas they were to emulate. Dr. Glenn smiled broadly as they looked even better than he expected. The girls in shocking pink stood frozen as Sidney approached, tying their hair into pigtails with small rubber bands and then handing each a stick of chewing gum.
"Wonderful, you both look wonderful," Dr. Glenn beamed before the dazed duo. "Follow me to the back...we have a little pre-concert party to attend and I can't wait for you two to meet the guests of honor, Hypergirl and Sonik."
Sidney practically bounced up the stairs, up to the awaiting van that would take him and his posse to Central City Square Garden. Annette and Cassie followed as commanded, unaware that they were merely pawns in a much larger game. Dr. Glenn would need to hurry. Although Victoria Winters was holding up the arrival of superheroines, Hypergirl and Sonik, Central City Square Garden needed to be properly preapred for their entrance. With those heroines under his command, there would be no one capable to preventing his plot to hypnotize millions of unsuspecting music fans.

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Nice! Very, very nice! Will Hypergirl & Sonik be able to survive Dr. Glenn's insidious machinations? Will poor Hornette ever be released from his evil clutches? What will the 2 sexy spandex clad heiresses do to our heroines with Dr. Glenn's special secret chewing gum? Can't wait to see!! Rock on, Franco!! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Great update Franco, looking forward to Sonik and Hypergirl's capture. Any chance of the rest of the force showing up?
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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"This is stupid, Ms. Winters," Hypergirl scoffed as she sat in the back of Victoria's 2005 Saab with tinted windows alongside her old teammate Sonik. "We're stuck in downtown Central City traffic while I could make the entire trip in less than 2 minutes. Sonik could fly there in five minutes."
"Listen, it's important that we work as a team on this one and having you speed over there before either Sonik or I can arrive doesn't do us much good, now does it?," Ms. Winters responded sternly as she waited patiently behind the wheel for traffic to clear. "I don't want any of Dr. Glenn's spies out there to notice that yellow and red streak of yours or to see Sonik flying overhead, getting close to Central City Square Garden. Besides, the last time you when speeding right into the fray against Bubble Gum and Dr. Glenn didn't work out so well, now did it?"
"What exactly happened?," piped up Sonik as the blonde speedster seated next to her rolled her eyes. "Hypergirl left that part out in her explanation of the situation."
"Well, Hypergirl ran full speed into some sort of pink glue adhesive that coated the floor and was captured," Victoria answered in a haughty all-knowing voice. "Do I have that part of the story right, Hypergirl?"
"Yes....," Hypergirl explained, "but Cindy Sadler was right there, tied to a chair. I had no way of knowing she was in on this plan..."
"Kinda like when Hypergirl ran at full speed into that net in Dr. Skull's lair," interrupted Sonik.
"OK...OK," scoffed Hypergirl, "but at least I didn't fall for paralyzing pollen bouquet from Venus Flytrap and his henchwoman Daisy."
"Stop it, both of you!," ordered Ms. Winters. "You should have much more important matters on your minds, like the safety of Hornette, than this childish fighting.
The two scolded sexy spandex-clad superchicks both fell silent, averting eye contact, and squirmed uncomfortably in the back seat. This was serious business and they were facing a dangerous foe. The fear of what such sinister villains had planned for Hornette shocked the shapely college aged heroines back into reality.

While Ms. Winters chauffered Hypergirl and Sonik across town through busy downtown traffic as commanded, she left Dr. Glenn and his outfit plenty of time to prepare for the spandex superduo. Once they finally arrived, Victoria pulled around the building and into an alley leading to the back area of Central City Square Garden. Unbeknownest to Sonik and Hypergirl, the person quarterbacking this mission was but a mind controlled pawn of Dr. Glenn. The evil doctor had already arranged with Ms. Winters exactly where he wanted our heroines positioned.
Sonik and Hypergirl slid out of the back of the black Saab undetected as the alley they drove into was empty. They were confronted by two doors leading inside the back area of the massive downtown arena. The trio tip-toed their way about as not to alert any undue attention from evil-doers inside.
"Ms. Winters," Sonik whispered, "which door should we try?"
"Both doors lead to empty storage rooms, if the plans I viewed are accurate," Victoria quietly responded. "But both rooms lead to a much larger dressing room area, situated directly behind those storage areas. Its my best guess that Dr. Glenn and Bubble Gum are in that dressing room."
"Are you sure Bubble Gum and Dr. Glenn are here yet?," asked Hypergirl.
"When I drove around the block, a van looking much like the one used in the phony Cindy Sadler kidnapping was off on a side street," Ms. Winters replied. "I'm fairly certain they are here."
"Then I guess it doesn't matter which door we pick," reasoned Sonik nervously, keeping her head on a swivel to spy if anyone detected their prescene outside.
"The best idea is for each of you to take a different entrance inside," Victoria offered. "Sonik, take the door on the left. Hypergirl, use the door on the right. The storage rooms are fairly large, but there should be little trouble getting to the dressing room area. I think the element of surprise is on our side if you enter the dressing room from different entrances. Plus, they cannot ambush you both as they could if you walked in together from the same doorway. I'll be trailing behind you, Hypergirl."
"Got it," Sonik and Hypergirl whispered in unison.
Sonik approached the door on the left and used a short blast of sonic energy from her silver bracelet to jar the locked door open. Hypergirl entered the door on the right with the help of a skeleton key Ms. Winters had brought along. Our spandex superheroines both went slowly inside their respective doorways and softly closed the doors behind them. As Sonik and Hypergirl disappeared inside the storage rooms, Victoria reached for her cell phone and sent an urgent text message to her master, the evil Dr. Glenn. The heroines were in place and the trap was ready to be sprung.
As Sonik, in her metallic silver helmet and bracelets and tight sleeved black spandex leotard, crept as quietly as possible in her heeled go-go boots, she activated the infra-red lenses on her helmet. The room was dark and the stacked boxes made the room difficult to navigate. Besides, the stacks of boxes made excellent places for evil-doers to hide. Just as she saw the door leading to the dressing room, Sonik spied a girl who appeared to be bound and gagged, tied to a chair just next to the door. As Sonik drew closer, she quickly saw that the captive girl was none other than her former teammate, Hornette, and she could hear the grunts and groans of struggle as the insect heroine squirmed in her chair, fighting against her bonds. Sonik slid over quickly to stand before Hornette, bringing a gloved finger over her pursued lips to tell her teammate to stay quiet. Hornette stopped making any sound and stopped thrashing about as Sonik pulled the cloth gag out of her mouth.
"Hornette, what have they done to you?," Sonik breathed, trying to speak as quietly as possible. "I thought you were under hypnosis."
"No...it wore off," whispered Hornette, as her eyes under her goggles darted from Sonik to the dressing room door. "When I came out of her spell, I was sprayed with some knockout gas and I woke up out here. They took my anti-gravity belt and and bracelets. I guess they thought this would keep me out of the way."
"No worries, hun, you're alright now," Sonik said reassuringly in her ear. "Hypergirl and Ms. Winters are with me. We're going to get you out of here."
"Don't worry about getting me our of here," Hornette insisted. "If there's going to be a showdown with Dr. Glenn and Bubble Gum, you can bet I'll be there to help."
"Are you sure you're OK?," pleaded Sonik.
"I'm fine now," Hornette said defiantly. "In fact, I'm even better now that I see my belt and bracelets sitting on the box behind you."
Sonik turned around and just as Hornette noted, Hornette's anti-gravity belt and 'stinger' bracelets were set casually on a storage box.
"Let me get you loose and we'll bust through that door together," Sonik boomed, almost too loudly as they were quite close to the dressing room door.
Sonik went behind the seated and bound Asian superfox and untied the ropes that were wrapped about her arms and torso, as well as the tightly wound ropes around her ankles. Hornette took a lazy stretch as she stood up and flexed her arms and legs now that they were free. She grabbed her belt and bracelets and clipped them on as Sonik waited. Once the sources of her powers, the stinger and honey shooting bracelets and the anti-gravity flying belt, were back in their rightful place, Hornette cast a longing look toward her former Teen Force Five teammate.
"Sonik, thank you so much," Hornette cooed softly as she embraced Sonik in a tight hug. "Its soooo good to see you again. Especially now!"
"Glad I could help," whispered Sonik. "Great to see you again too."
While locked in a tender hug, Sonik heard a metallic sound softly strike her silver helmet. She thought it was Hornette's metal bracelets hitting the helmet as her arms wrapped around her, but the naive heroine was wrong. Hornette had stuck a magnetized disc the size of a nickle to the top of Sonik's protective helmet. The Asian insect heroine was not free from the sonic mind control of Bubble Gum and Dr. Glenn and the lovely Hornette was doing exactly what Dr. Glenn had ordered her to do. With the tiny disc secure, as the sound of the magnetic disc striking the helmet was camouflaged by Hornette's metal bracelets hitting Sonik's headwear at the same time, Sonik pulled back with a wide smile.
"You have no idea how worried we all were about you, Hornette," Sonik gushed. "I'm just glad you're free from that doctor's control."
"You were worried?," Hornette joked. "Let's bust down that door sonic style and take this bunch down, just like old times."
"You got it!," Sonik smiled as she held her arms forward toward the dressing room door, ready to blast it open with a jolt of concentrated sonic energy.

As Sonik freed the "captive" Hornette, Hypergirl entered the other storeroom and found it to be brightly lit and clear of any obstructions. A few steps inside quickly revealed the prescene of two garishly outfitted girls standing in front of the door leading to the dressing room. The pigtailed blonde and brunette in the pink halter tops, short pink skirts, and striped tights chomped on pieces of gum like caffienated schoolgirls. They turned their heads to see the sexy blonde speedster standing before them, striking a stunning hands-on-hips heroic pose.
"Ladies, if you know what's best for you," Hypergirl ordered in her most heroic tone, "you'll step aside and let me through."
A sly smile crossed Hypergirl's face as she stared down the pretty pink posse, looking brilliant in her tight yellow sleeved leotard, bright red gloves and boots, and shiny tan pantyhose. The mesmerized college co-eds standing by the door looked as excited as if a celebrity had entered the room
"Oh my gawd! Hypergirl!," Annette Sommers shouted like a starstruck teen. "You're early for the concert, hun, but the first 500 fans through the door get a free Bubble Gum CD..."
As she gushed like a giddy teeny-boper, Annette opened a compact disc case and removed the pink CD inside. Drawing it back quickly, the hypnotized heiress threw the CD furiously at the feet of the confident speedy heroine. As the disc hit the floor, just at the base of Hypergirl's red boots, it shattered and erupted into a plume of pink smoke, a dose of pretty pink knockout gas.
Forunately for Hypergirl, she was far too fast to fall for such an obvious trick. As Annette brought the disc back to throw it forward, Hypergirl stepped back with her superspeed and avoided the rising pink cloud of sleeping gas. Backpedaling, Hypergirl saw a frustrated look come across her attacker's face.
"Nice try, girlie," scoffed Hypergirl, standing back a bit further. "Now that you've revealed your true intentions, I'm going to treat you two to a super speedy beating."
"C'mon, Hypergirl," taunted the brunette Cassie, barely audible as she smacked her wad of sticky bubble gum, "we're not scared of you!"
The angered young speedster seethed at the bravado of the airheaded duo in the sluttiest of pink costumes. She started a fast pace toward her two victims as Cassie reached into her mouth to grab the wad of gum and throw it on the ground. Like an exploding airbag, the small wad of gum expanded rapidly upon contact with the floor and coated Hypergirl's path with a sheet of sticky pink goop that advanced on our young heroine almost as quickly as she approached.
Hypergirl slammed on the brakes and skidded forward just in front of the ensnaring, foot trapping pink goo. In such close quarters, Hypergirl couldn't work up enough speed at that short a distance to be completely out of control. The ponytailed curvy blonde speedster stopped just short, aware another trap might be sprung, and shuffled back to avoid the glue-like gum.
"Not this time," Hypergirl thought to herself, exhaling with a loud huff as she narrowly avoided falling victim to a sticky floor again.
As Hypergirl avoided the gummy trap, the comly co-eds were apparently out of tricks as they quickly turned tail and escaped back through the dressing room door.
"Is that the best they got?," Hypergirl thought as her confidence grew. "Time to join Sonik by busting through the door and finishing this."

Almost as if on cue, Sonik blasted the door before her as Hypergirl executed a flying karate kick to bust her door off the hinges. They arrived together into Bubble Gum's lavishly large dressing room and shot excited looks about to see just what was waiting for them. Hypergirl quickly saw Sonik enter with her friend Hornette in tow, looking defiant and ready to fight. All three heroines saw Heinrich, Dr. Glenn, and Bubble Gum seated at the large makeup tables at the rear of the room. Bubble Gum's mind-controlled gal-pals stood beside the seated trio, looking as shocked as the seated villains, acting as if the entrance of Hypergirl, Sonik, and Hornette was quite a surprise. Crowding the room and blocking the heroines path to the villains were all the trappings of stardom. Bouquets of flowers, bundled of colorful balloons, and sterling silver buckets holding magnums of expensive champagne littered the room before them. Little could divert the attention of an accomplished heroine like Hypergirl in this situation, but the sight of her closest friend joining her in this fight, free from Bubble Gum's spell, was shocking enough to do the trick.
"Hornette! You're OK," Hypergirl shouted, still locking her eyes on the villains before her, ready for any surprise attack. "You're free from the doctor's hypnotic hold."
"Free, thanks to Sonik," boomed Hornette, grinding her fist into her open hand, "free and ready to rock. It appears that Bubble Gum's siren song only works once because she couldn't hypnotize me again."
"Yeah, the game is up," Sonik boasted as the curvacous Latina heroine pointed a menacing finger at the five stunned evil-doers. "Your sonic powers won't work on us, Ms. Cindy Sadler. Hypergirl and I came prepared with sonic bafflers in our ears to protect us from your sinister song stylings. You can't catch members of the Teen Force Five off guard a second time."
Standing confidently with the villains and villainesses cornered and trembling, it appeared the battle was over. Dr. Glenn's Bubble Gum gamble seemed to have come up snake-eyes. Almost resigned to his fate, Dr. Glenn stood up with his hands above his hands in a gesture of surrender.
"My hat is off to you ladies, even though I'm not wearing a hat," Sidney calmly noted before the foxy superheroines before him. "You have outsmarted me, I admit. But you have to give me this, it was a heck of a run...I almost pulled it off."
"I'm giving you nothing," snorted Hypergirl, "but a one-way ticket to prison."
"Yes, yes," Dr. Glenn continued as he paced about, gradually and slowly lowering his hands, grabbing a magnum of champagne, "to the victors go the spoils. Let's toast your victory with a taste of fine champagne...I haven't even had a chance to taste the expensive stuff yet."
"Put that bottle down!," Sonik sternly ordered, training her metal sonic energy emitting bracelet upon the menacing doctor.
"What?!?," scoffed Sidney with exasperation. "The great Sonik, Hypergirl, and Hornette can be taken down from ten feet by a simple champagne bottle?"
With his hands relaxing to his sides in a non-threatening manner, Dr. Glenn lowered the champagne bottle in his right hand to belt level. As he locked eyes with the angry Sonik, he aimed the cork of the bottle in the direction above Hypergirl. Moving slowly as to not draw a response from the heroines, Sidney's thumb at the top of the bottle pushed the cork forward. With the bubbly carbinated concoction building a great amount of pressure, the cork shot forth with a loud pop. The pop startled the college-aged superchicks as the cork flew up above the head of the sexy swift blonde speedster, Hypergirl.
Frozen by the surprise of the popping champagne cork, none of our heroines noticed the cork was shot into a large balloon above Hypergirl's head. As the fast flung cork projectile struck and popped the red balloon, the real surprise was sprung.
Above Hypergirl's head, a shower of multi-colored steamers rained down from above, now freed from the red balloon that held them. The multi-colored streamers were longer and heavier than the customary thin plastic strands and these streamers crashed upon the head of their intended target, the unsuspecting Hypergirl. These heavy, long nylon strands fell upon Hypergirl like a falling net and quickly the startled super-speedy heroine was tangled in the vine-like streamers.
"Argghhh!," shouted Hypergirl, struggling as she pulled feverishly at the colorful entangling nylon strips. "It was a trick...can't get...free."
Hypergirl was barely visible under the avalanche of trapping yarn when Hornette revealed she was still under the hypnotic control of Bubble Gum's brainwashing sonic song. Hornette, standing beside Sonik, turned her wrist over and held it forward in the bound Hypergirl's direction as she blasted her partner with a sticky stream of golden honey. Coating the blonde speedster in a light misting of sticky yellow epoxy, Hypergirl was now trapped in a cocoon of tangling nylon strands and sticky gummy goop.
"Hornette! NO!," Hypergirl shouted in panic, completely covered and totally helpless. "Still...under...their....control..."
The blonde heroine thrashed about to no avail. The quick drying golden glue from Hornette's arsenal sealed Hypergirl's nubile body as her as sealed her fate. Hypergirl was now captive again. Hornette stood frozen, showing no emotion, wearing the mask of being completely mesmerized.
As Sonik watched the scene unfold, the shock of this turn of events left her frozen in place. It had been a long time since she matched wits with a villain of Dr. Glenn's caliber and her mind was scattered as Hypergirl was captured and Hornette sudden changing of allegiances. The best plan, the sexy Latina heroine reasoned, was to lock her sonic enegry emitting weapon on the most dangerous person in the room, that being the mind controlled heroine Hornette. Head spinning as she heard Hypergirl groan under her sticky bonds, Sonik angrily addressed the sinister Dr. Glenn as she faced off with the stunned and frozen Hornette.
"How very cowardly of you," Sonik shouted, "using my hypnotized friend to do your dirty work. You know I can't use my full sonic power to hurt her, especially under her condition."
"How valiant of you, my dear," Dr. Glenn boasted, "protecting a friend and teammate in ther face of such danger. But the hypnotized Hornette will not raise a finger to stop you. I can guarantee that since I control her every action. The lovely Serena Chou, or Hornette, if you like, has already done what I needed her to do to ensure your capture. And trust me, Ms. Maya Rodriguez, you will soon be joining your superheroic friend as one of my mind controlled captives."
"How? Wha...?," stammered a stunned Sonik, shocked to hear the evil doctor address her by her actual name. How her secret identity had been compromised was irrelevant now as Sonik saw Dr. Glenn grab a simple metal tuning fork from the makeup table bolted to the wall. Confusion and fear soon gave way to anger as Sonik turned the shapely frame toward Dr. Glenn and his crew and aimed her sonic weapon directly at them.
"I don't know who you are," screamed Sonik, almost in a rage, "but if you don't release my friends and let us go, I'll blast you and your crew back into the Stone Age with a sonic boom to end all sonic booms!"
"Nice try, but did you really think I'd lure a sonic powered heroine into a trap without surrounding myself with sonic bafflers," Sidney crowed with a condesending tone, gesturing toward the various sonic baffling modules, small plastic boxes about the size of a cassette case. "We're encased in a field of energy that allows no sonic waves in or out. Sure, Bubble Gum's sonic powered voice could not be used against you in this force field, but you already arrived with the equipment to protect you from that."
Helpless and hopeless, Sonik suddenly feared that her mentor and friend, Ms. Victoria Winters would be walking right into a trap. As that thought passed in her panicked mind, Ms. Winters walked in calmly, looking as mesmerized and dazed as Hornette.
"Ms. Winters! Get out of here!," Sonik shouted, still facing Dr. Glenn and his crew, only spying Victoria's entrance out of the corner of her eye. "It was a trap!"
"Of course it was a trap, Ms. Rodriguez," Sidney giggled, "who do you think led you and Hypergirl into my clutches?"
"No...no," cried the sobbing Sonik, "you got her too?"
"Yes, I did," Dr. Glenn said happily, playing with the tuning fork with busy fingers, "Hornette got her on the phone and Bubble Gum's hypnotic hymn brought her into my fold, as you and Hypergirl will soon be."
The sound in the room was distrubed by the muffled moans and groans of the still struggling Hypergirl. Bravely, the sexy blonde captive tried to free herself, but the courageous shapely spandex speedster was losing strength and growing weary. Hypergirl's tight bod fell to the floor of the dressing room, where she rolled in a futile attempt to escape. Dr. Glenn looked to the mesmerized Ms. Winters and pointed to the bound and squirming speedy superheroine.
"Ms. Winters, would you do me a favor?," Dr. Glenn asked earnestly like a eager father instructing a child. "Hypergirl's struggling is becoming annoying. Could you do something about that?"
"Yes, master," Ms. Winters replied woodenly, "as you command. A little Insta-Sleep should do the trick."
Victoria kneeled down toward the bound Hypergirl with a bright silver aerosol can in her hand. Looking at the struggling former pupil prompted no emotion as Ms. Winters directed a spray of Insta-Sleep sleeping spray around the nose and mouth of Hypergirl. Hypergirl softly coughed at first, released a soft sigh in near exhaustion, and fell completely silent in seconds. The dazed face of Ms. Winters could be seen reflected back in the yellow goggles Hypergirl wore as Ms. Winters watched Hypergirl's eyelids slowly sink and grow closed in sweet slumber. Sonik recognized the bright silver can immediately. Insta-Sleep was something all members of Teen Force Five had in their utility packs and now Hypergirl fell victim to the fast-acting sleep-enducing mist as many villains before had.
"If Hornette isn't going to attack, I suppose Ms. Winters will," spat Sonik, feeling more fear and anger at once than ever before in her crime-fighting career. "You'll force me to injury her while you and your cohorts hide behind your screen...Cowards! All of you!"
"Ms. Rodriguez, neither Ms. Winters or Hornette will harm you," Dr. Glenn reasoned calmly and totally in control. "In fact they won't even move. Ms. Winters did her job by luring you here and Hornette attached the super-sensitive attenna to your lovely shiny helmet."
"Huh?," gasped Sonik. "What are you talking about?!?"
"Well, while you "freed" Hornette from the chair, untying her and such," Dr. Glenn explained, as he fingered the tuning fork in his hand. "She gave you a sweet little hug and slapped a little magnetic disc in that silver helmet...the disc is actually a super-sensitive attenna that seems to suck up vibrations of sound...perhaps, an illustration would make this explaination clearer...."
With that, Sidney held the tuning fork firmly in his hand and flicked the fork with a finger, sending high pitched sound waves throughout the room. While they were barely audible to the average ear, the waves of sound hit Sonik and sent her into a spasm of uncontrollable pain.
"Arrghhhh!!!," screeched Sonik, clenching her face in pain while bringing her hands over the sides of her helmet as a reflex. "Wha...what...is...this? Painnnn...soooo....mmmmuch,"
"Simple, as I've experimented waves of energy, sound , etc. and spoke with your mentor, Ms. Winters," Dr. Glenn calmly explained as he walked over to the struggling Sonik, almost crumbling in a fit of intense pain. "I know that the metallic properties of the silver alloy helmet you wear and the assorted filters inside protect your lovely ears from sonic waves of energy. But the addition of that tiny little attenna turned that helmet on your little head into a virtual sound chamber, with the smallest clanking of this harmless tuning fork by my finger sounding like thunder."
The explaination was not for Sonik's benefit as she was in no condition to hear it. The pain grew as Dr. Glenn lightly flicked the tuning fork with his finger. Ear-splitting waves of sound reverberated in her silver helmet as Sonik's knees buckled. With gloved hands over her helmet and sinking to her knees, Sonik was helpless as Dr. Glenn turned her own protective helmet into a weapon against her.
"Stoppp....P-P-Pleaseeee stoppp...," Sonik wimpered, almost curled up in a ball now on the floor.
"Hmmm...," Sidney joked, "now, I could keep this up all day, but I'd likely scramble your brain or blow out your eardrums. You wouldn't be much good to me then. Ms. Winters, can you do me a favor?"
"Yes, as you wish," Victoria robotically replied, still standing beside the recently gassed Hypergirl.
"Toss that can of Insta-Sleep to Ms. Sommers, if you will," Dr. Glenn commanded. "Now, Annette, be a sweetie and spray that knockout gas into Sonik's face. I'd let Ms. Winters do it, but I did promise that Ms. Winters would do her no harm...and I am a man of my word."
Ms. Winters tossed the can to Annette and she strode forward with can in hand to join Dr. Glenn in his triumph. Dr. Glenn's longwinded ways only prolonged the suffering of the Latina superfox, Sonik. Sonik, curled up in pain as the ear-piercing noises refused to relent, was close to passing out when Annette bent over in her short pink skirt and directed the aerosol can nozzle in the direction of Sonik's grimacing face. Sonik never saw the Insta-Sleep sleeping gas hit as the hypnotized heiress Annette Sommers sprayed her in the face, just below her goggles. Sleep was actually a relief as the heavy painful breathing and groaning seized and gave way to a quiet sigh and the soft shallow breathing of Sonik's swift slumber. Still curled up, Sonik's forced slumber concluded the latest, and perhaps most critical act in Dr. Glenn master plan. Hypergirl and Sonik were now captive and would soon be joining his brainwashed army of allies that may soon grow to millions as the planned Bubble Gum concert went forth. More importantly, the greatest obstacles in the way of Sidney's plan were out of the way. Hornette fell first and now Hyergirl and Sonik were out of the way. These heroines' superpowers might actually prove quite helpful in going forward. Failing that, keeping Annette Sommers under his control was a multi-million dollar insurance policy, although millions would be small potatoes once Bubble Gum's used his sonic implanted singing voice to enrapture the world. Controlling the world by controlling the people that controlled the world was becoming a dream that grew more real by the day. With this triumph, what could possibly stand in his way.
"Sid? Sid?," Heinrich interrupted. "Remember how quickly Hypergirl recovered from the sleeping gas before? I think she's resistant to it or something."
"Fool, as Ms. Winters reports, Hypergirl's metabolism works at superspeed," Dr. Glenn scoffed as his friend was interjecting his stupidity on this wonderful vicotry. "The gas affects her like anyone else, the drug works its way out of her system quicker than most."
"Whatever, shouldn't we do something before she wakes up again?," Heinrich implored. "Remember what happened last time?"
"Hypergirl is in no condition to do anything to anybody," Dr. Glenn sighed as he rolled his eyes. "So what if is wakes up? She's wrapped up in confetti and Hornette's honey glue. Besides, Ms. Winters has a fiendishly good idea to keep Hypergirl under our control through specially modified earplugs that keep playing Bubble Gum's hypnotic song so its mesmerizing mind control effect doesn't wear off."
Cindy Sadler sat in the chair in front of the makeup table. She was still in her sexy pink Bubble Gun costume and was unmoved by the events before her. In fact, her expression barely changed as this spectacular scene played itself out. Bubble Gum was resigned to her fate as a puppet in Sidney Glenn's play, an instrument in his symphony of world domination. Cindy secretly hoped the heroines would win and probably should have warned them of the impending trap. She didn't have the courage, however, because she doubted it would have brought her anything but trouble. Cindy Sadler had made a deal with the devil, it now appeared, and unfortunately she would likely have to honor it for good or bad. Dr. Glenn held her life and career in his hands and would do unspeakable damage to her if she resisted. Bubble Gum was merely a prop, an extra, in this scene, but she'd be a feature star in the future. The situation was now even more hopeless as two heroines with the power to stop Dr. Glenn, Hypergirl and Sonik, were defeated and would soon be members of his mind controlled army.

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Great update Franco, the trap master strikes again :twisted:
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I second sgz's comment!! A wonderfully constructed series of traps! How will any member of the former Teen Force Five survive this one? Can't wait for more stuff!! Bravo!! =D> =D> =D> 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes

I echo the above sentiments.
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Precious few moments have passed since Hypergirl and Sonik had the tables turned on them by Dr. Glenn and his heinous henchwomen. Walking into the dressing room trap, captured, and gassed, the sleeping forms of Hypergirl and Sonik were corraled by Dr. Glenn's growing army of hypnotized handmaidens, Victoria Winters, Hornette, Annette Sommers, and Cassie Clark. Annette and Cassie, in their pink tight tops and short skirts, scooped up Sonik while Victoria and Hornette dealt with the still cocooned Hypergirl. Using the universal solvant in her utility belt, Hornette sprayed the sticky yellow "honey" glue coating over the mingled streamers that effectively bound the golden blonde speedster, making the glue shell brittle and easy to break. Ms. Winters and Hornette then removed the hardened coating and untangled Hypergirl's nubile body from the spaghetti maze of colorful streamers. Both slumbering heroines were dropped into chairs, placed back to back, and strapped carefully to those chairs with simple rope. The rope, tied expertly by Ms. Winters, wrapped the heroines together at the shoulders, waist, and ankles. Both Hypergirl and Sonik sat limply, unable to resist this forced bondage, and their heavy sleepy heads dangled downward and rocked slowly as their former mentor secured them together with the most common of ties.
"What about the earplugs?" Heinrich insisted to Dr. Glenn. "Hypergirl will be coming around quickly."
"Ah, yes, the earplugs!," Sidney Glenn boomed, pulling what appeared to be a small ring box from his jacket. "From what Ms. Winters tells me, this should keep the golden speedster compliant for the remainder of our little adventure. If Hypergirl's superspeedy metabolism limits the effectiveness of our gas and hypnosis, a constant stream of Bubble Gum's hypnotic siren song playing in her ear should do the trick."
Dr. Glenn shot Ms. Winters a look now that she had completed tying our college-aged heroines to their chairs and she returned this look with a simple nod. As directed, Victoria lifted the limp sleepy heaqd of Hypergirl upward, cradling her delicate chin in her hand. Dr. Glenn opened the ring box and removed the small metallic earplugs. Hypergirl's long blonde hair was tied back, leaving her ears exposed and Sidney stepped forward to carefully insert the hypnotic earbuds into each ear. Once the plugs were in place and the hypnotic humm of Bubble Gum's sonic-powered voice began to play, Victoria slowly dropped Hypergirl's head down again, causing her blonde ponytail to fly forward. Hypergirl was still sleeping off the dose of Insta-Sleep Ms. Winters had administered, but she would quickly awaken to a reality worse than she ever imagined. Hypergirl, thanks to the music from the mind-altering earplugs, would join Dr. Glenn mind controlled army, helpless to resist his sinister commmands.
With Hypergirl taken care of, Heinrich turned his attention to the KO'ed hispanic heroine Sonik. He tried to remove Sonik's metallic bracelets with little success until Hornette stepped forward to reach under the rope to unclasp the sonic emitting weapons.
"What about this one?" Heinrich asked. "What do we do when she wakes up?"
"She's pretty powerless without her bracelets," Dr. Glenn noted, armed with the information Ms. Winters provided him about the powers of the former Teen Force Five. "We'll have Bubble Gum hit her with some of those hypnotic notes she's so famous for once she wakes up. Then Sonik can have her bracelets back and join our security force for the concert."
Cindy Sadler sat with a sullen look and her arms crossed as she watched Dr. Glenn and his hypnotic army carry out their dirty deeds. The spoiled diva did little to mask her emotions as she looked with disdain at Dr. Glenn and his stooge, Heinrich.
"What's the matter with you, Ms. Sadler?," snapped Dr. Glenn. "Not the center of attention?"
"Nothing. I'm just a little nervous before the concert," Bubble Gum said unconvincingly. "A lot is riding on this, you know."
"I need your voice at its best for the concert, Bubble Gum, so a demonstration of what I can do to that pretty little voice of yours would not be the best idea," Sidney hissed. "Just remember, if you decide to cross me, I can use the various hypnotic audio tracks we've recorded and you can lip-synch your way through the show. If you'd like a display of what I and my mind controlled heroines can do with a pampered little ex-star such as yourself, just keep giving me that superstar attitude of yours."
Bubble Gum cowered a bit in her chair and averted her tender eyes from his steely gaze. She knew Dr. Glenn's threats were quite real and the consequences of not following orders would be quite severe. An uneasiness washed over her as Cindy realized that Dr. Glenn would no longer need her services once the concert, a means to brainwashing millions of music fans with her sonic-powered song, was over.
Uneasy was Dr. Glenn's mind, even in victory. Faced with a sullen starlet that was growing unreliable, other possible problems interfering with the coup de grace, the Bubble Gum concert, which was now only a couple of days away. One thing Sidney learned from working with his gangster pals was not to leave any loose ends. With three of the former Teen Force Five under his control, that left two loose ends to attend to. Luckily, the person who knew the most about the Five was also under his control, Ms. Victoria Winters, but it would be a race against time to keep them under wraps (literally) before the concert.
Seeming to shift gears quickly, Dr. Glenn called Ms. Winters over for a private talk.

Rural farmgirl Julia Marks lived on her family farm in the flatlands of North Dakota until her early teens. Not far from the family farm, E & G Electrical had set up an experimental atomic reactor, capable of providing clean energy throughout the midwest. What the finest engineers failed to notice was that there was a small leak in the reactor, which a snooping young Julia quickly found. The brief exposure to the intense dose of atomic energy seemingly made the young girl gravely ill with radiation poisoning. After being transported to the closest hospital in Fargo and looking close to death, Julia Marks made what was termed a miraculous recovery in a short period of days. Showing no signs of radiation, Julia was released after weeks of intensive tests. What these tests didn't reveal was how the exposure to atomic energy had changed the young girl. Over the coming months, Julia's physical form had not been altered, other than the natural growth and development of a growing woman, but an emerging super-strength began to grow. Julia went from being able to lift cars and farm equipment to being able to rip a 100 year old tree out of the ground from the roots. By the time Julia reached the age of 15, the young farmgirl had the strength of 60 men. Medical technology could not explain this super-strength, only that the atomic exposure had no other effects on her young body. Realizing the gift their daughter possessed, Julia's parents sent her to a private prep school in Central City, the Dunesmoor School operated by Victoria Winters. It was there she joined other superpowered teenagers, known as Teen Force Five, and adopted the masked superheroic alter-ego, Atomic Girl.
Now attending college in the southern California city of Los Carnitos, Julia Marks was a full-time student, part-time model, and night-time superheroine. Leaving Central City 2,000 miles in her rearview mirror, Atomic Girl was now a star in her own right as she was one of Hollywood's best known superheriones. Her long flowing blonde hair would have been the envy of any Hollywood starlet as was her buxom and shapely well-toned atomically charged body. Standing at the amazon height of 6'1, Julia power packed frame was stacked well at the top and lusciously slender on her long luxurious legs. As Atomic Girl, Julia kept her long blonde hair down past her shoulders and she squeezed this dynamic bod into a tight red leotard with long blue sleeves. The atomic symbol of a single dot circled by yellow overlapping ovals was centered at the middle of her ample bust contrasted neatly by the red background. Red gloves covered over her hands and were cuffed at the wrist. Blue go-go boots and a tightly pulled blue belt hugged her small waist. Shiny tan hose shined as brightly as Sunset Blvd. on her long powerful legs. A small red eyemask covered her eyes and protected the midwest farmer's daughter's identity, but did little to conceal her wholesome beauty. Atomic Girl added a Hollywood touch to her package as she tooled around town in the latest Japanese racing bike, since her only power was super strength.
Stepping into her small, non-descript apartment close to the campus of her So. Cal. university, Julia arrived home from classes to see an urgent message was waiting for her from an old friend, Ms. Victoria Winters.

Missy Sanderson's powers emerged at an early age. In her infancy, solid items were moved at the simple shim of a young child who could at that time barely manage the power of speech. It seemed Missy could move things with only the power of her mind when she focused her mental energy. Raised by a single mother in a small northern California city, her powers to use her mind to control matter intensified as Missy grew older. Missy's mom, Debra, was a well-known psychologist and monitored her daughter's strange power and it's development over the coming years. Debra was highly suspect of the mainstream medical community and feared Missy would be merely a guinea pig in a degrading battery of tests if these mental powers were revealed to doctors. Under strict orders, Missy kept her powers a well-guarded secret as the powers expanded and grew more defined. From gaining greater control to moving larger and heavier objects, Missy soon developed the ability to enter the minds of others and read their innermost thoughts. The key for Missy Sanderson and her great mental powers were channeling these mental powers through great concentration and projecting them outward through her lovely pair of big blue eyes. With her mother's help, a device was developed, a dark shield fitted as a bar across her eyes, that allowed greater focus and intensified her mental powers. Realizing she had done all she could develop her daughter's great powers, Debra sent Missy away to the exclusive Dunesmoor Boarding School for Girls in Central City. At age 14, Missy Sanderson worked under the tutelage of Victoria Winters and joined the superheroine team Teen Force Five, working under the name of Psychik.
Psychik, now 20 and enrolled in college in southern California, still dabbled in crime-fighting from time to time, usually at the urging of her former teammate, Atomic Girl, focused mainly on her psychology studies at the University of Orange County. A small and slight of build redheaded beauty, Missy stood a mere 5'3 and weighed barely 110 lbs. Cute and freckled, she still had the tight and well-toned body of a superior athlete. Using her mental powers was one thing, but intense physical training in gymnastics and martial arts made her battle ready in the field. As Psychik, Missy wore her shoulder-length red hair in a pair of Dyna-girl-esque pigtails. A single bar across her eyes, framed with shiny silver, was fitted on her cute face. A dark purple sleeved leotard clung snuggly on her tight athletic frame. Black tights, black gloves, and purple booties completed her lovely look. The dark purple and black costume contrasted with her red hair, light skin, and sunny disposition. While watching a little T.V. and relaxing from a rare day off, Missy too received a similar message as Julia Marks. Victoria Winters was calling and Psychik and Atomic Girl would be needed to aid a friend to thwart a robbery at a downtown Los Angeles art gallery.

Moments before placing the calls to Julia Marks, a/k/a Atomic Girl, and Missy Sanderson, a/k/a Psychik, the hypnotized Victoria Winters had a brief chat with Dr. Glenn in the dressing room of Bubble Gum at Central City Square Garden. After sharing her knowledge of the two remaining Teen Force Five members left to be subdued, Sidney sped toward the phone with a sinister idea on dealing with two potential problems living 2,000 miles away.
"Sid? What's going on?," asked Heinrich, watching Dr. Glenn move with a great sense of concern and purpose.
"Not much, just a plan to get Atomic Girl and Psychik into the fold of our mind-controlled group of super-chicks," giggled Dr. Glenn. "I'll soon collect the entire Five."
"Aren't they in L.A.?," Heinrich responed with confusion. "How can we get to them in time? The concert is what? Two days away? Why are we messing with them now?"
"The last thing we need know is an surprise visits from superpowered friends now that we are so close to completing phase one of our plan," Dr. Glenn insisted. "Plus their considerable powers will come in quite handy...but trapping these two, even with Ms. Winters' help might be a bit of a problem."
"Yeah, getting to Los Angeles to find them and getting back in time for the concert will be some mean feat, Sid," Heinrich noted with great concern.
"Not impossible, not if we 'outsource' the job to a friend in Los Angeles," smiled Dr. Glenn. "You remember a lovely little catburglar and art thief from L.A., the Artiste."
"Yeah, I've heard of her," scoffed Heinrich, "but she won't work cheap."
"Well, she has been doing some marvelous things with these suspensed animation bracelets that her 'statuesque' victims find quite 'captivating," laughed Dr. Glenn. "Bugs Antonelli worked closely with her and shouldn't have a problem putting us in contact with her. Armed with the knowledge of Atomic Girl and Psychik's powers and weaknesses, not to mention Victoria's voice on the phone to lure them where we want them, the Artiste should be able to take it from there."
"Well, we don't have the money in hand yet, Sid," sniffed Heinrich, "not enough to get her to work for us."
"Money isn't an issue I assure you, my friend," Dr. Glenn boasted. "Mr. Richard Warren of Warren Records is still under our control. I'm sure I can convince him to wire us say, five million dollars, and that should be more than enough to satisfy the greedy little Artiste."
Dr. Glenn dialed the private number for Richard Warren, setting the first phase of securing Atomic Girl and Psychik in place.

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Very nice! I wondered who the other 2 spandexed super-hotties were gonna be! I love the origins on them both! Looking forward to more! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Great job Franco, like Atomic Girl and Pyshic looking forward to their date at the muesum.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Later that evening at a small art gallery in downtown Los Angeles, two heroines had arrived as requested by an old friend. Julie Marks, the blonde buxom powerhouse, was in full Atomic Girl costume when she arrived on the scene after speeding over on her motorcycle. Missy Sanderson, in her superheroic alter-ego of Psychik, was already waiting at the scene. The gallery appeared to be quite small and, judging from the lack of light inside, no one appeared to be inside. The contrast in the size of the superpowered SoCal duo was striking as Atomic Girl towered over the pigtailed Psychik, but they were equal in terms of powers. The former teammates exchanged a hug and compared notes on how each was brought to this particular location in downtown L.A. on this late evening.
"Still traveling in style, Atomic Girl?," joked Psychik, gesturing to the souped up racing bike Atomic Girl rode to the scene.
"This is Hollywood, baby," laughed Atomic Girl, "I can't arrive in a Honda and maintain my glamourous image. By the way, how did you get here?"
"Ah, my Honda is parked down the block," snickered a somewhat embarassed Psychik.
"Always the smart and sensible one," noted Atomic Girl, the blonde bombshell. "I'm assuming you got the same message I did from Ms. Winters. I haven't heard from her in quite a while and she never called to request help."
"Yeah, I think so," Psychik said seriously, "about a friend of hers that was targeted for a robbery...a sculptor named Ms. Labeau at this address. I found it a little odd myself. I didn't know she had friends out here."
"Yep, that's the message I got," nodded Atomic Girl. "I was told to meet you here. What puzzles me is that this is more of a police matter. I mean, this sounds like a common robbery from what I was told."
"It isn't as if we're dealing with some supervillain on this one," Psychik agreed. "I got the same impression as you. But if Ms. Winters called us in, this must be important."
"We do owe it to her to follow up on this," Atomic Girl said, still deep in thought, "and if we were dealing with some nefarious evildoer, Ms. Winters would have let us know just what we were walking into."
The busty blonde amazon in the tightest of red spandex leotards, Atomic Girl, walked over to the main entrance of the art gallery to get a better look. Psychik, in her purple spandex and single-bar eyepiece, followed behind to join her. Upon closer examination, the small windows out front were blacked out with curtains and there was no marking out front to indicate that this brick building did indeed house an art gallery. Atomic Girl could have torn the door from the hinges quite easily to gain entry into the building, but a simple knock would have to do. After waiting for a brief moment, a petite woman in a smock opened the door, quite relieved to see that superheroic help had arrived in the persons of Atomic Girl and Psychik. The small woman, standing only 5'4, was quite attractive with jet black hair cut short in a bob to frame her pretty pale face. Her black hair and alabaster skin with dark red lipstick gave her something of a Goth look.
"Atomic Girl? Psychik? How wonderful it is to see you both here," the raven haired beauty announced greatfully. "I'm Ms. Cheri Labeau and I called Victoria for help. Please, come in and welcome to my modest workshop."
Psychik and Atomic Girl entered the building with Ms. Labeau trailing behind them, closing the door behind them. The workshop was indeed modest and quite small. On a workbench, there was clumps of unformed gray molding clay. Next to the bench was what appeared to be a short stage, which was currently vacated, where large sculptures were worked on with a large chute above the platform. Surrounding the work area were incredibly life-like sculptures of various people, working in normal mundane occupations. The was a fireman in full fire-fighting gear holding a hose. Two fisherman in yellow raingear were casting a net into the ocean. There were two large construction workers carrying a what appeared to be a thick metal girder over their large and muscular shoulders. The shapely young heroines in their form-fitting costumes looked around with amazement at the remarkable quality of the statues around the small room.
"Ms. Labeau," Psychik asked aloud as she scanned about the room, "How do you know Ms. Winters?"
"Ms. Winters and I have been friends for years," Cheri noted, watching the heroines closely as they examined her sculptures. "She and I attended graduate school years ago."
"What do you need our help for?," Atomic Girl asked directly, cutting to the chase. "If you're worried about being robbed, why not just alert the police?"
"Its not as simple as just calling the cops, Atomic Girl," explained Ms. Labeau. "The molding clay I use is quite rare and very expensive. The clay is only found in a small reserve in a remote area of South America...Chile to be more specific. It can be treated to become highly explosive and its virtually undetectable. Quite simply, in the wrong hands, this substance could cause a great deal of damage."
"How do you get your hands on such a rare and valuable commodity?," inquired a skeptical Psychik.
"My friends in the art community are very wealthy people, Psychik," Cheri boasted. "As you can see from the quality of my sculptures, this clay can be formed into remarkably beautiful and life-like statues. Only this rare material gives you such quality."
"Well, they are incredibly life-like," Atomic Girl commented with amazement. "I would have sworn these were flesh and blood people, not sculptures."
"What makes you think someone is planning to steal this clay?," interjected Psychik.
"I was grabbed by a couple of men on the streets, claiming they work for someone who calls himself the El Diablo," Ms. Labeau commented calmly. "They were asking questions about my workshop and the materials I was using in my sculptures."
"Why would someone like that be so obvious?," sneered a disbelieving Atomic Girl. "From what I know of his work, El Diablo would storm this place with guns blazing with no warning."
"Ah...I dunno," stammered Cheri, looking a bit unsteady as the holes in her story were being exposed. "Maybe they didn't know what I used and they were fishing for information..."
As sculptor Cheri Labeau tried to explain away the flaws in a story that smelled fishier by the second, Psychik began to detect a troubling energy from the statues that surrounded them. In addition to all the sculptures wearing a small black bracelet on their wrists, Psychik could definately sense the brain waves slowly emitting from these life-like statues. These were not inanimate objects formed in clay, they were living, breathing people placed in some sort of suspended animation.
"Something isn't right here, Ms. Labeau," interrupted Psychik. "As if your story isn't unbelievable enough, perhaps you could explain why these clay statues are emitting brain waves like a normal people?"
Both Cheri Labeau and Atomic Girl looked shocked at Psychik's revelation. The jig was truly up and Ms. Labeau wisely folded her hand.
"Well, Psychik, that might be because the sculptures around you are not sculptures at all," Cheri defiantly announced, reaching into a pocket of her smock for a remote control device. "They are real people...and my lame story held the two of you up long enough to spring my trap!"
By depressing a small button on the remote, the statues became even more life-like as they sprang to life and into action. The sculptures appeared startled at first, as if they had awoken from a deep sleep, but they quickly advanced on our two sexy superchicks. Armed with the information provided by Dr. Glenn, courtesy of Ms. Winters, the statues acted on Psychik and her mysterious mental powers first. The fireman simply turned in the direction of the purple and black clad heroine and pointed the nozzle of his firehose in her direction. The stunned Psychik, scanning the room as the sculptures began to move forward, never saw what was to happen next. From the nozzle of the hose, a blast of air shot a blob of gray modeling clay into Psychik's face. The gooey wet clay landed directly across the single bar goggles she wore, blocking her source of mental energy and blinding her temporarily. As Psychik brought her hands to her face in panic, desparate to pull the sticky gray goop off her eyewear, the fisherman approached the blinded heroine from behind to cover her in their entangling fishing net. The weight of the net brought the smaller heroine to the ground, keeping her tangled and immobilized for the moment.
With Psychik quickly subdued, the construction workers each held a side of the metal girder and rushed Atomic Girl, trying to ram the superstrong blonde beauty with the heavy metal object. Atomic Girl was alarmed at the ease in which Psychik was depowered and netted, but still kept her bearings long enough to blunt the charge of the burly construction workers. With a powerful downward stroke of her mighty right arm, the heroine in red spandex swiftly knocked the girder to the ground, taking the construction workers down with it. The fireman then turned the hose around and attempted to strike Atomic Girl with the heavy nylon firehose, casting it forward with a whipping action. Atomic Girl stepped back, grabbed the flying hose out of the air, and tugged ferociously. As the fireman still held onto the hose, Atomic Girl's tug send the hapless firefighter flying forward and right into the long legs of the sexy blonde powerhouse. Instinctively stepping back to avoid the fireman that fell in front of her, Atomic Girl stumbled back into the platform of Ms. Labeau's sculpting area. The Goth faux-scupltor had drifted away from the scene to avoid the fray and stood close to the brick wall of the studio. She was simply waiting for the right time to pull the lever mounted to the wall and the right time had arrived with Atomic Girl gathering herself while standing on the sculpting platform. Pulling the lever quickly, a rush of plaster was released from the chute above Atomic Girl's head. As the quick hardening plaster rained down, it quickly coated the stunned Atomic Girl. From head to toe, the 6'1 amazon heroine was covered in a gray goop that froze her in place. Atomic Girl's shapely outline was now a statue as the plaster hardened almost upon contact.
With her quarry now helpless for the moment, Cheri Labeau, also known as the Artiste, acted swiftly. Reaching into her pocket, she retrieved two small black bracelets and dashed over to the struggling Psychik, squirming under the weight of the fishing net that was dropped on her and trying to get the clay off her goggles to activate her mental powers. Before Psychik could acheive this goal, the lovely Artiste slid her hand through an opening in the net and clipped the black bracelet on Psychik's wrist, covered by a black glove. Psychik's struggle ended immediately as she seemed to freeze in place, motionless in the same position she was in once the bracelet was slipped on by the evil villainess. The Artiste's latest experiment was indeed a success. Her black bracelets turned its victims into virtual living statues, paralyzed by neural blocking waves of energy. The statue-izing bracelets placed the wearer in a state of suspended animation.
Now that Psychik was frozen and completely subdued, the Artiste turned her attention to the powerful Atomic Girl. While her quick drying plaster was strong enough to contain an elephant, she knew it would only temporarily hold the superstrength of the sexy blonde superheroine. As the Artiste approached the encased Atomic Girl, the plaster casting containing the superfox began to crack at its foundation. Inside the plaster molding, Atomic Girl struggled with all of her considerable might and was beginning to break free. Her mighty right arm shook as the plaster cast broke at the shoulder and a thrust of her fist caused the hardened gray material to fall off, exposing the blue sleeve of her spandex leotard and a bright red glove. Acting promptly, the Artiste used the opening to slap a black bracelet on Atomic Girl's wrist, just below the red glove. The struggle, which sounded almost like a volcano erupting with Atomic Girl breaking free of the plaster mold that held her in place, ceased immediately. She too, like her partner Psychik, was paralyzed by the brain jamming bracelets, locked in a state of suspended animation, and was rendered a sexy shapely statue. The trap had been excuted with expert precision and the Artiste had earned every penny Dr. Glenn was paying her. Psychik and Atomic Girl was helpless captives, ready for their trip back to Central City to be delivered into the clutches of the sinister Dr. Glenn.
With the help of her 'statues,' the Artiste used a powerful solvent to remove the plaster from the bodacious body of Atomic Girl and to clean the clay from Psychik's goggles. She then used her sculpting skills to pose the pliable heroines into the positions the Artiste wanted. Atomic Girl and Psychik were posed in the classic hands-on-hips heroic pose, looking confident and sexy. The Artiste even pushed up the corners of their mouths to form lovely smiles on their beautiful faces. The pigtailed mentally powered heroine in purple spandex and black tights looked fetching as the superheroine Psychik, ready to be displayed as she stood frozen and posed perfectly. The wholesome girl-next-door good looks of the red spandex clad Atomic Girl shined brightly, as did her long and remarkably curvy frame, in her heroic pose. Paralyzed and powerless, the superstatues were now ready for shipment.
The Artiste's 'sculptures,' loaded the precious cargo into large wooden crates, well padded to protect them during shipping. With holes large enough to allow plenty of oxygen, the crates containing Atomic Girl and Psychik were sealed and loaded into an awaiting van parked in the back of the building. These packages were to be shipped directly to Central City via airplane and to be delivered to a certain Dr. Glenn. Once the van was on it's way to the airport, the money promised was wired immediately to an account the Artiste had designated. The last two pieces of the puzzle that was the former Teen Force Five were in place and they too would soon be superpowered members of Dr. Glenn's mind controlled army.

Meanwhile, at central City Square Garden, as Dr. Glenn and Heinrich were busy confirming the capture of Atomic Girl and Psychik and transfering the money requested, Bubble Gum began to stir as she kept a close eye on the men that controlled her. Annette and Cassie, the comly co-eds, Hornette, and Victoria Winters stood motionless in a hypnotized stupor as they awaited further instructions from Dr. Glenn. Dr. Glenn, viewing video imaging sent from Los Angeles of the paralyzed Atomic Girl and Psychik, failed to notice that Hypergirl was beginning to awaken from the effects of the Insta-sleep spray administered by the brainwashed Ms. Winters. With the hypnotic siren song playing softly in her ears, courtesy of the earplugs inserted after her capture, Hypergirl began to assume to look of a mesmerized captive. Bubble Gum softly walked over to the awakening Hypergirl and slowly removed the small earbuds from the super speedster's ears. Keeping a watchful eye on Dr. Glenn and Heinrich as she acted, Cindy clutched the earplugs in her hand and slowly stepped back to her original position. The hypnotic music would soon wear off and Hypergirl would be free of Dr. Glenn's mind control. If she acted in a timely fashion, Bubble Gum might have a superpowered ally in her attempt to stop Dr. Glenn and his plot to brainwash the masses. Bubble Gum could only hope that her first act of defiance would not result in the final act of her career.

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Great stuff Franco, looking forward to the conculison.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Another Fantastic story Franco! Your traps always capture my imagination :-D
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As Atomic Girl and Psychik were being transported back to Central City, after being captured by a very capable hired hand, the sexy Artiste, Dr. Glenn was busy at his laptop, transfering the required funds to the Artiste via Richard Warren's plentiful bank account. AS the transfer was quite complicated, the evil doctor was focused on the task at hand, not noticing that Cindy Sadler, still in her masked guise as Bubble Gum, had removed the hypnotic earplugs from Hypergirl's ears. Cindy was still a bit befuddled as to how she could get out of this mess Dr. Glenn created. Buying time seemed to be the only option. Hypergirl was still sleeping off the dose of Insta-Sleep, although her rapid metabolism would process the drug through her system quickly and she'd be awakening soon. Cindy wondered how she could communicate with Hypergirl to seek her help. Dr. Glenn and Heinrich would assume Hypergirl was under hypnosis, making her the perfect sleeper agent, but there was no way Hypergirl would trust her right away and she'd have no time alone to talk with the sexy speedy heroine.

"Dr. Glenn, I have to go to the bathroom," Cindy announced like a seven year old girl in the back of her father's care.
"Isn't there one here in the dressing room?," Sidney asked, with his face still buried behind the screen of his laptop.
"Yes...and its loaded with that electrical equipment you had us lug in here," huffed Bubble Gum. "Some sonic baffling crap."
"Hmmm...," Dr. Glenn pondered, still busy banging away at the keys of his mobile computer. "Fine, Heinrich, take her down the hall to the restroom."
"Me? Why do I have to go?," whined Heinrich, feeling the task was beneath him and feeling he was playing a smaller role in this plot than anticipated. "Why not get one of these zonked out chicks take her to the bathroom."
"Well, being a touch 'zonked out,' as you put it, doesn't exactly them best suited for keeping an eye on someone," Sidney spat, disgusted with the insubordination he was hearing from his lackey. "Besides, there are people working out there...it might look a bit suspicious to see Hornette or Annette Sommers walking around out there."
"Yeah, OK," replied a downcast Heinrich.
"...and since there may be some workers out there, Bubble Gum, my dear," cooed Dr. Glenn with his voice dripping with condesending insincerity, "be sure you have your cute little pink mask on."
"IT's ON ALREADY!," screamed the sexy blonde diva.
"C'mon, let's go," Heinrich mummered, hoping to get this menial task done as quickly as possible.

Bubble Gum, masked and in her full form-fitting, curve hugging pink costume, exited the dressing room with Heinrich trailing behind and entered the hallway. The hallway was dark, empty, and very quiet, save the clicking of Bubble Gum's boots and Heinrich loafers on the tiled floor. They made the short trek down the hallway to the door of the women's restroom. "I think I can take it from here, Heinrich," Bubble Gum scoffed to her former friend, the fiend who had talked her into working with the sinister Dr. Glenn.
"Just make it quick....OK?," Heinrich snapped.
Bubble Gum's eyes under her pink mask shot back a silent icy stare as she opened the door and entered the restroom.

As Heinrich waited patiently outside the door of the women's bathroom, a smartly dressed young woman was walking down the hall. She wore her brunette hair up in a bun and wore a black pin-striped suit with a white blouse and a tight short black skirt. Despite her conservative attire, the shapely sexy body she possessed was impossible to miss. As the woman approached, wearing glasses and holding a clipboard, Heinrich grew very uncomfortable. The last thing they needed now was some noisy employee of the arena seeing something she shouldn't see and ruining the plot that was so close to completion. Heinrich knew he had to play it cool to avoid suspicion, but he needed to get rid of this lady as soon as possible.
"Hi, are you with the Bubble Gum group?," the perky young lady asked as she walked right up to Heinrich.
"Yes, yes I am," stammered Heinrich, not playing it as cool as he thought he could. "Bubble Gum's in the restroom now and I'm escorting her. Everything is top secret until the concert, you know."
"Oh, I certainly understand," the young lady beamed. "I'm Suzie Curry and I'm part of the promotions department. We're certainly working overtime on this concert. This is one of the biggest we've ever had here. The whole secret 'Bubble Gum' thing has really peaked everyone's interest."
"Well, then you understand that I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Heinrich asked politely, "no one can see Bubble GUm until the concert."
"Listen, I know this is sooo unprofessional," Suzie asked with a raised eyebrow, "but could you get an autograph for me?"
"I'm afraid that's not possible right now...," Heinrich said as the young promotions assistant pulled a simple black pen from her clipboard.
Heinrich was relaxed as he saw Suzie grab the pen and would grow even more relaxed at what happened next. Pointing the tip of the pen in Heinrich direction, right about face level, Suzie clicked the top of the pen to spray a stream of white knockout powder. The powder shower struck Heinrich across the face. Heinrich didn't even have time to cough before surrendering to sudden slumber, managing only a soft gasp, before collapsing to the floor. Suzie smugly watched Heinrich drift swiftly off to sleep and stood over his now slumbering body, managing a wry, evil smile. Suzie clearly enjoyed her work. She quickly scanned the hallway for any other unwelcome visitors or members of Bubble Gum's entourage. Suzie was watching the hallway closely for any sign of Bubble Gum upon her arrival and waited for the perfect moment to strike. Still scanning for the unexpected in the empty hallway, Suzie pulled her wristwatch to her mouth, which was really a secret communicator.
"Ladies, we have Bubble Gum cornered in the restroom," whispered Suzie. "I gassed one of her bodyguards and the hall is clear for now. Get over here so we can secure our little prize."

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Oh man! :shock: Talk about plot twists! Now our little villainess is about to be kidnapped! But by whom, the bad guys or the good guys? My hat's off to you, Franco! I never saw this coming! Nicely done! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Suzie had to only wait mere moments for her two friends to arrive. Hustling to the scene as directed were two young ladies. There was Sherri, the taller of the two with long auburn hair, and Sandi, a cute blonde with her short hair cut in a bob. Both wore the disguise of chambermaids, in light blue button-up smocks with white aprons, and they pushed a large laundry cart to the scene. These three comly young cuties had blended in nicely to their surroundings, posing as employees of Central City Square Garden, to gain access to the facility and give them a chance to kidnap their quarry, the lovely and mysterious Bubble Gum.
"Sherri, Sandi, our moment has arrived," Suzie whispered to her comrades in kidnapping. "Bubble Gum is all alone in there. The Headmistress will be most pleased."
The Headmistress was a woman in her mid-30's who ran an underground school for young criminals. The attractive, but stern-looking, villainess wore her sandy blonde hair up in a bun and favored high collars and long skirts. She was rarely seen in public as her "students" usually did her bidding as part of their sinister "lessons." The Headmistress was much like Victoria Winters, a seasoned mentor who taught her young charges the tricks of her trade. Unlike Victoria Winters, her trade was committing crimes, not preventing them. Her three star pupils, Suzie, Sandi, and Sherri, were following the orders of the Headmistress. The three sexy student bodies were hardly schoolgirls, each was in her mid-20's, but they were well on their way to getting their post-graduate degrees in larceny. The Headmistress' plan was to kidnap the new media sensation and reap untold fortunes as the multi-millionaire Richard Warren of Warren Records would undoubtedly meet any price to get his latest singing sensation back safely, especially with her mega-hyped concert only hours away. The tyranical teacher instructed her charges to stakeout the area around Central City Square Garden and use their training in the criminal arts, as well as their feminine guile, to bring Bubble Gum back to the "school" as their captive.
"Wait out here with the basket until I signal you to enter," Suzie continued. "Put the baskey against the wall so no one can see the bodyguard out cold on the floor. I'll prepare Bubble Gum for a short nap."
"Gotcha," replied Sandi, the lovely blonde maid, "but are you sure the coast is clear?"
"Yeah, we all saw Hypergirl and Sonik enter a few moments ago," added Sherri.
"I thought we were sunk when those super chicks arrived," Suzie noted with relief, "but it looks like fortune is smiling on us, ladies. We couldn't have asked for a better opportunity."
"Well, be quick, Suzie," Sandi insisted, "the last thing I want to do is tangle with Hypergirl or Sonik."
"Be back in a flash," giggled Suzie with a sinister smirk.

Bubble Gum was standing silently at the wash basin, staring at her own lovely reflection in the large mirror. Cindy knew she could only take a limited amount of time to ponder her fate before Dr. Glenn would send someone in after her. Her mind raced as to how she could somehow signal Hypergirl, who would soon be awake, and aid her in stopping Dr. Glenn, Heinrich, and his mind controlled helpers. As the door burst open, breaking the silence, Bubble Gum feared that a member of Dr. Glenn's crew was coming in to bring her back to the dressing room. Much to her relief, a smartly dressed brunette she didn't recognize entered. Cindy let out an audible gasp before relaxing, almost embarassed to act so startled.
"Oh my, I'm sorry," Suzie apologized, "I didn't mean to frighten you."
"That's OK," Bubble Gum replied, still breathing heavily. "I didn't think anyone else was in the building."
"Really? All the employees are here preparing for your big debut," Suzie smiled. "Listen, I just came in to freshen up a bit. It's been a long day, you know."
With that, Suzie stood right next to Bubble Gum, standing at the row of sinks and looking into the large mirror. Suzie slipped her hand into her small handbag and retrieved a small spray bottle. This simple act didn't surprise Bubble Gum as she too kept all her beauty products ready at all times in her purse to look her best at any moment. The prescene of another, however, did make Cindy uncomfortable as she no longer had a quiet place to ponder her dilemma and she was stepping away to politely excuse herself. With her gaze locked on her own reflection in the mirror, Suzie secured the small plastic spray bottle in her hand and quickly spun to face the departing Bubble Gum. With economy of motion, Suzie swiftly struck, stabbing her arm forward and spraying a light misting of sleeping gas directly into the surprised face of the masked Cindy. The fast acting sleeping spray allowed Bubble Gum to only emit a soft sigh as her eyes flickered briefly before softly closing. Cindy fell backward and stiffly as she was asleep on her feet, almost crashing into the tilted wall of the restroom before Suzie could reach out to grab her, holding Cindy in a tight embrace to keep her from falling to the floor. With Bubble Gum subdued and asleep, Suzie signalled her teammates to enter.
"Now!," Suzie shouted, a less than subtle means of drawing their attention.
Sandi and Sherri, the costumed maids, raced in with the laundry basket as Suzie carefully held the limp body of Bubble Gum upright. Suzie held Cindy at the shoulders as Sandi and Sherri lifted her up by her legs. They gently lowered the sexy masked singing captive into the laundry basket and quickly closed the lid at the top.
"We've got her," Suzie beamed. "Now let's get out of here."
The three sexy pupils of the Headmistress burst open the restroom and made a quick path down the hall, with the maids pushing the laundry basket behind Suzie, who was leading the way. Suzie opened the exit door where a laundry service van was parked in the back alley, awaiting their arrival. Inside the van, Sandi and Sherri removed Bubble Gum from the basket and strapped her sleepy, sexy body to a gurney. They rolled her onto her back and tightened the nylon straps over her shoulders, waist, thighs, and ankles. Suzie watched intently as she shed her businesswoman's disguise and changed into her normal costume, a schoolgirl outfit. Suzie moved quickly to tie her white blouse into a halter top and slipped into her short plaid skirt, shiny tan pantyhose, and white knee socks. The Headmistress was quite strict when it came to the school's dress code. In her prescene, all students were to be in their full school uniform. After securing the KO'ed Bubble Gum to the gurney and setting it down in the back of the van, the sensational Sandi and the sexy Sherri also changed into their revealing school uniforms. As Suzie walked to the front of the van to drive her classmates and their precious kidnapped cargo back to the secret campus of the Headmistress, Sherri and Sandi sat at each side of Bubble Gum's gurney to keep an eye on their KO'ed captive.
"Suzie, do you think we should unmask her before bringing her to the Headmistress?," Sherri asked as the auburn haired bombshell tugged at the pink mask over Bubble Gum's slumbering face.
"No! The Headmistress is very clear that Bubble Gum was not to be unmasked until she was safely on campus," Suzie commanded. "Besides, I'd hate to have to report this because you know how unpleasant detention can be."
"All right," sighed a disappointed Sherri, releasing the mask from ther fingers. "You and the Headmistress get to have all the fun."

As the hijacked laundry van drove through heavy downtown Central City traffic, Cindy began to stir a bit. Her vision was foggy, but she could feel the straps holding her in place and could feel the motion of the vehicle on the road. Bubble Gum's memory too was a bit foggy as she slowly came to from the surprise gas attack from Suzie. She was feeling weak and tired as she was still feeling the effects of the knockout gas. Cindy tried to figure out exactly what was going on as all she could recall was the sudden attack in the restroom by someone that she thought worked at the arena. The gassing and the nylon strapping that kept her bound and on her back forced her realize that she was the victim of a kidnapping. Through squinted eyes, Bubble Gum could see her captors, three young women in schoolgirl costumes. Not giving in to panic, Cindy decided to play possum and pretend to still be sleeping until the moment was right to strike. These scandalously costumed kidnappers might think they are getting Warren Bros. newest singing sensation, but they likely had no idea of the new powers she know possessed.
Feeling that the van had stopped, either at a stop light or at their final destination, Bubble Gum decided it was the time to introduce these mini-skirted captors to her real capabilities. With her eyes still closed, Cindy took in a deep breath and released an ear-shattering scream that would quickly disable these young ladies. The sonic-powered cry was unexpected and quite effective. Without warning, each of the three was grimacing in pain and trying to cover their ears from the sonic assault. Somehow, Suzie was able to throw the van into park as the disabling scream buckled their knees and caused all three to screech in agony. The sonic cry made the Headmistress' students feeling as if their brains were about to explode. Intense pain from this sonic assault was relieved as Suzie, Sandi, and Sherri promptly passed out. With her cute kidnappers out cold, Cindy was able to wiggle her sexy, shapely body enough to loosen the nylon straps that held her to the gurney. Once the straps were loose, Bubble Gum's pink gloved hands tugged at the straps to release herself and escape.
While her first instinct was to flee this terrifying situation, an idea struck Bubble Gum. An idea that might solve all of her problems. Cindy darted to the front of the van to see exactly where they were parked. From the foot and auto traffic visible all around them, they were still in downtown Central City, parked at a stop light. Cindy pulled the KO'ed Suzie out of the driver's seat and pulled the van to the curb amid the honking of various impatient motorists. After parking the laundry van, Bubble Gum dragged the sleeping student body of Suzie to the back to join her mini-skirted friends. Cindy's excited mind danced with possibilities. Before this trio of Headmistress' pupils would awaken from the sonic powered scream, Bubble Gum's hypnotic harmonies would lull this criminals to fall under her mind control, joining her as mesmerized allies. With the schoolgirls under her command and having Dr. Glenn unaware of her whereabouts, there was a chance she could thwart Dr. Glenn's sinister plot. What seemed to be the worst of circumstances turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to Cindy Sadler. She now had the opportunity to get the jump on Dr. Sidney Glenn and she had some well-trained criminal help under her control.

Dr. Glenn noticed that Cindy and Heinrich had been gone for an awfully long time. He had finished transfering Richard Warren's generous donation to his criminal cohort, the Artiste, and now feared the worst.
"What the hell is taking them so long?," Dr. Glenn announced aloud to no one in particular. "If Heinrich screwed this up...."
Sidney bolted out the door of the dressing room, where his mesmerized army of heroines awaited their next command (save the sleeping Hypergirl), the view of Heinrich collapsed on the floor jolted his senses. He ran over to see if Heinrich's protective earplugs were still in place, which they were. Dr. Glenn tried to figure out how Bubble Gum overpowered his henchman without using her sonic-powered voice, but no answers were apparant. He took a quick peek into the ladies' restroom, but it was empty as he expected. Cindy Sadler had escaped somehow, putting everything he had worked for at risk. Instead of steaming with rage, Dr. Glenn calmly reached into his pocket for the sonic scrambler that would disable Bubble Gum's newfound sonic singing powers.
"We will meet very soon for I know where she'll go first," Dr. Glenn thought to himself with a look of grim determination on his face. "Cindy Sadler will perform as commanded, even if I have to destroy her voice to do it."

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This has been a fun story so far. Love the various traps.
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Great updates Franco, loved the idea of having a rival school of young villians. As always looking forward to more.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Very nice indeed, Franco! I can't wait to see Bubble Gum use her powers for her own benefit! This'll be good! :-D 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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An excited Cindy Sadler, in all the pink splendour of Bubble Gum costume, finally saw the avenue to free her from the clutches of Dr. Glenn and his nefarious plan to use her hypnotic voice to mesmerize millions. A trio of "schoolgirls" sent by the Headmistress had unwittingly aided Bubble Gum escape. These were schoolgirls by costume only as they were are well-trained agents in their 20's. Now that they too had fallen under the spell of Bubble Gum's sonic powered pipes, Cindy had added three allies in a plan to foil Dr. Glenn and free those, like record mogul Richard Warren and superheroines Sonik and Hornette. While an opportunity was presented to her, all Bubble Gum needed now was a plan. How would she and the Headmistress' schoolgirls attack Dr. Glenn and his mind-controlled army? How could she alert Hypergirl, whose mind control muzak earplugs had been removed, of her intentions to stop Dr. Glenn? Hypergirl only knew that Bubble Gum was part of the criminal crew that captured her, her partner Hornette, and her mentor Victoria Winters. With so many unanswered questions, Cindy figured it would be best to get out of the busy downtown traffic in Central City traffic and get to a safe location.
Bubble Gum settled into the driver's seat of the van and prepared to drive off to an area less congested to formulate some sort of plan. As she turned the key in the ignition, the engine was slow to turn over. What Cindy had failed to notice was the small cameras mounted in the dashboard of the van. The Headmistress installed them to monitor the criminal "lessons" being carried out by her "students." From the hidden campus of this criminal college, the Headmistress had seen all of the action that took place in her van, including the sonic blasting of her girls Suzie, Sandi, and Sherri.
"Very impressive, I had no idea of the vocal powers of this mysterious Bubble Gum," the Headmistress thought to herself, viewing the monitor trained on the driver's seat of her vehicle. "She will prove much more valuable than a simple damsel for ransom. In fact, she'll make a splendid addition to my student body."
The icy Headmistress didn't panic at the unexpected turn of events, in fact, she knew a great opportunity when she saw one. With a few keystrokes on her laptop computer, the Headmistress could take control of this situation while safely tucked away in her underground lair.
As Bubble Gum turned the ignition key, thick nylon straps sprang from the arm rests of the driver's seat. These straps effectively bound Cindy's wrists to the arm rests. A surprise seat belt, made of the same rugged nylon material, wrapped about her waist. Bubble Gum was held prisoner by remote control, bound to the driver's seat of the van she hoped would drive her to freedom. Cindy tugged her arms and squirmed in her seat in a futile attempt to free herself from these nylon straps.
"Huh!?!?!," Bubble Gum gasped as she realized her prediciment, bound to the seat. "Not again..."
From the center console in the dashboard, what looked to be a GPS device with a small screen lit up and quickly, the image of the Headmistress' stern face appeared. A tiny speaker below the screen broadcast the villainess' menacing message.
"Hello, Bubble Gum," Headmistress purred, "you certainly are full of surprises."
"Headmistress!?!?," Bubble Gum groaned, still pulling at her bonds, "What do you want with me?"
"Well, originally I thought you'd fetch a handsome ransom from Warren Records," the Headmistress noted matter-of-factly, "but now I see the wonderful vocal powers you possess. You dispatched three of my best students in mere moments. A super-powered young woman such as yourself would make a wonderful addition to this year's incoming freshman class."
"Not likely, Headmistress," spat Cindy defiantly, "I won't be the pawn of another criminal mastermind ever again."
"Hmmm," the Headmistress pondered aloud, "another criminal mastermind? To which of Central City's arch villains are you referring to, darling?"
"I'm not telling you anything," cried Bubble Gum in a fit of anger, still struggling with the strapping that secured her in her seat. "all you need to know is that I'll never help you!"
Cindy took a deep breath and tried to use the only weapon at her disposal, her sonic powered hypnotic voice. She released a soft humm that grew louder as she held the note. From the screen, the smug expression on the Headmistress' face was unchanging. The villainess rolled her eyes and feigned boredom at Bubble Gum's attempt to hypnotize her.
"That was a valiant effort, Ms. Bubble Gum," yawned a mocking Headmistress, "but it appears your mesmerizing song could break through the digital filters on this line. Now, don't be hasty in decision to enroll at my finishing school. I won't press you for an answer now, in fact, I'll allow you to sleep on it..."
From the center of the steering wheel, directly in front of the bound and squirming Cindy Sadler, the whoosing sound of compressed air being released could be heard shortly before a blast of white powder. Scored a direct strike across the face of Bubble Gum, the powder cloud engulfed her face, and left a chalky residue on her pink eyemask, nose and mouth. Cindy managed only a brief gasp and a soft sigh in surprise at the white powdery sleeping spray. Bubble Gum's head rocked back as her eyes rolled back, ready to surrender to the surprise slumber. Once her eyes drew closed, her shapely bod relaxed and her head slumped forward. Still strapped to the driver's seat, Cindy Sadler was in the throws of sweet slumber.
"Sweet dreams, Bubble Gum," cooed Headmistress, broadcasting from her secret lair. "Once the van returns, we'll have to deprogram Suzie, Sandi, and Sherri...and prepare our pink masked new pupil for her freshman orientation..."
The windows of the van were tinted to conceal the activities of the passengers inside. From the bank of remote controls at her disposal, the Headmistress placed the van on 'auto-pilot' to drive itself and its cargo safely to the Headmistress' secret criminal campus. As one of the Headmistress' sexy student bodies was assigned the duty of using a remote control to drive the van back to headquarters, the treacherous teacher made a short trip over to her science department. The Headmistress wanted to make sure that sonic baffling gag was ready for Bubble Gum's arrival.

Back at Central City Square Garden, Dr. Sidney Glenn and a revived Heinrich prepared to retrieve their prize, the sonic songbird Cindy Sadler.
"So you say you know where Cindy will go?," whispered a confused Heinrich.
"I can track the implant in her throat, moron," hissed Dr. Glenn, still seething at incompetence of his friend. "How could you possibly have allowed her to escape?"
"I dunno," muttered Heinrich, his unsteady voice shaking with fear, "Some sexy gal from the arena staff came by and hit me with some knockout potion. That's all I remember."
"Do you mean that somebody may have made off with our meal ticket?," Dr. Glenn asked with a tone rising in anger.
"I'm not sure," Heinrich gasped, "like I said, I talked to some chick who said she worked for Central City Square Garden and she zapped with with some sleep spray."
"Well, it doesn't matter if this 'chick' was helping Cindy escape or if she kidnapped our sonic-powered singing sensation," Dr. Glenn reasoned, "we'll have to depart to get her back. Let's scan the area with the tracking device. She'll turn up and when I find her, I'll give her a sore throat Bubble Gum won't soon forget."
"But what about Ms. Winters, Hornette, Sonik, Hornette, the heiress girl?," babbled a frazzled Heinrich. "We're just going to leave them here?"
"Calm yourself, Heinrich," Sidney coldly commanded. "We'll bring Hornette and Sonik with us in the van as some super-powered backup. Hypergirl is still too dazed to be much help right now. I'll simply command the others to sleep and lock the dressing room door before we leave. Our package from the Artiste won't be arriving for awhile. Round up Hornette and Sonik and all attend to the others....but we must hurry."
"OK, OK," agreed Heinrich as he grabbed Hornette and revived Sonik from her forced slumber. He led their two heroines by the arms to the van awaiting outside.
Dr. Glenn made his rounds, commanding the others to drift off into a deep sleep. Once he finished, he too sped off to meet Heinrich and the mind controlled heroines for their search of Cindy Sadler. A confused Hypergirl was slightly stirred by Dr. Glenn's directive, as the dose of Insta-Sleep was beginning to wear off. The room was silent, save to soft snores of the dozing captives inside.
"Where did everyone go?," wondered a dizzy Hypergirl. "And why am I still stuck in this confetti?"
As the haze in the super-speedster's mind began to clear, it became quite evident that she was unattended. It was also quite clear Hypergirl was not under the mind-controlling effects of Bubble Gum's hypnotic hymns. Despite the strength of Hornette's sticky yellow honey and the strands of confetti that wrapped her neatly, Hypergirl made quick work of her bonds to free herself. After all, she had no idea how long before Dr. Glenn and Bubble Gum would return.

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It looks like The Headmistress and Dr. Glenn are heading for big showdown! But who knows if they may join forces? Will an unholy alliance between the villainous Doctor and the sinister schoolmarm spell certain doom for Bubble Gum? Can the hypno'd heroines be victorious against the lovely ladies of larcenous letters or will The Headmistress put everybody in permanent detention?

Great trap in the van catching Bubble Gum, TrapMaster! Can't wait 'til the next exciting chapter! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Great update. Can't wait for more.
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Bubble Gum awoke in a strange dark room deep inside the underground criminal campus of the Headmistress. She was bound to an old style school desk, a wooden chair with a desk attached. Cindy could feel her pink eyemask was still on, but she could also feel the a criss-cross of ropes that secured her to the desk and the cold piece of metal strapped over her mouth. Her first instinct was to release an eye-curdling sonic cry, disbaling everyone within 100 feet, but the gag over her mouth prevented any sound from escaping. Bubble Gum scanner the darkened room, which looked like an empty classroom with rows of desks. There was an old style movie projector in the back of the room and a movie screen had been pulled down, covering the chalkboard, at the front. Cindy could only manage a muffled moan through the metallic gag and she was tied much too tightly to pull free of the bonds that bound her to the desk. Not long after waking from a knockout chalk dusting in the Headmistress' van did her captors make themselves known.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Bubble Gum," the Headmistress evilly joked, "sleeping in class? I'm afraid I'll have to give you detention."
A stern looking, but oddly attractive woman, looking as if she was in her mid-30's, entered with three of her 'students' in tow. The Headmistress wore her dark brown hair up in a bun and wore a matronly long sleeved black dress. Sporting a small pair of glasses, frilled collars, a black choker, and long high-heeled black boots, looking like a school marm from the 19th century. The long dress covered her arms and hung low below her ankles, but the dress was still tight enough to show off her still voluptuous frame. Following behind her into the dark classroom were the very same Suzie, Sandi, and Sherri that Bubble Gum had quickly dispatched and hypnotized as the criminal co-eds attempted to escape with their prize, the new singing sensation Bubble Gum, from Central City Square Garden. The comly co-eds were back in their school uniforms, tight white collared short-sleeved shirts tied into midriff-exposing halter tops, micro-mini plaid skirts, and shiny tan pantyhose. Bubble could only shoot a menacing look behind her mask to disguise her fear. Her lovely sonic-powered voice had been muted by the contraption secured over her mouth.
"I see you've tried to blast the gag off with that super-powered voice of yours," the Headmistress coldly noted, flanked by her three 'students' wearing angry scowls trained on the helpless Bubble Gum. "We took the precaution of fitting a sonic-baffler over your mouth to prevent any repeat performances like we had in the van."
"Let me and the girls have a few moments alone with his one, Headmistress," spat the sexy brunette Suzie. "We've got a little score to settle with blondie here."
"Yeah," added the buxom auburn haired Sherri, "if that sonic scream wasn't painful enough, the electric shock zap to free us from her hypnotic control was pure torture."
"Girls, this lovely songbird in the pretty pink package is far to valuable to be roughed up," instructed the Headmistress. "Besides, the electric 'zap' was not only a way to free you from her mind control, but it was punishment for getting a failing grade on your mission to kidnap Bubble Gum."
"But Headmistress," whined the sandy haired Sandi, "how were we supposed to know...?"
"Silence," ordered the stern Headmistress, "unless you and your fellow students would like a trip to the school nurse, I suggest to keep your mouths shut during class."
All three of the shapely 'schoolgirls' bowed their heads, knowing full well they had better mind their teacher.
"Now, back to Bubble Gum," the Headmistress cheerfully noted, switching moods suddenly, "She'll make a splendid addition to our student body, however, I feel a complete freshman orientation is in order..."
Bubble Gum's eyes widened with fear, having no idea just what this treacherous teacher had in store for her. The sense of foreboding only increased has the Headmistress produced a small perfume atomizer from her tiny handbag.
"First, to make you a more compliant student," cooed the Headmistress, leaning in closer to the desk-bound Bubble Gum, "a little relaxing spray of liquid of my patented cure for A.D.D. Just to open your mind to the little orientation film you're about the watch."
Cindy squirmed in her seat, pulling her face away from the perfume atomizer being thrust in her face. She closed her eyes as she heard the hiss of the spray and felt a sense dulling light liquid misting hit her face. Bubble Gum went from defiant to compliant in mere moments, with eyes half-opened in a sleepy daze. The pink songbird relaxed as a dull, emotionless stare crossed her lovely masked face. She stared ahead silently as if in a fog as the 'relaxing' effects of the spray prepared her for the 'film' the Headmistress was about to show her.
"Sandi, dear," ordered the grinning Headmistress, looking with giddy glee at the drugged Bubble Gum sitting sleepily in a stupor, fetch those earphones and place them on Bubble Gum's head. Suzie, darling, be a dear and turn on the projector."
Sandi retrieved the earphones and gently placed them over Bubble Gum's ears as Suzie started the old style reel projector. The scene was filled with a bright white light at first as that soon gave was to a swirling kaleidoscope of bright colors. The spinning rainbow of colors danced, spun, and melted into one another as Bubble Gum stared forward at them with rapt attention. The relaxing music, with the soft strings of a harp, was mixed with the soothing voice of the Headmistress asking her to obey, obey the commands of her teacher, the Headmistress.
"Headmistress, ma'am," inquired the lovely Sherri, "when you we get to remove her mask and see who she really is?"
"Hmmm...," pondered the Headmistress, "in due time, young lady, in due time. Ms. Bubble Gum isn't going anywhere and, besides, once she finishes her orientation, she'll willingly give us all we need to know about her background and how she received such wonderful sonic vocal powers."
The Headmistress and her shapely student bodies departed the room, leaving Bubble Gum to sit and sway to the spinning colors and the soft music. Cindy still wore the sleepy mesmerized stare of one slowly losing her free will to the sinister schoolmaster, the Headmistress.

Meanwhile, Hypergirl, the blonde ponytailed, yellow and red spandex-clad speedster, managed to pull the sticky confetti strands off her curvaous tight body. She could see the mess left in the dressing room and the sleeping forms of her mentor Victoria Winters, heiress Annette Somers, and her gal pal Cassie Clark, lying about on the floor. This scan of the room revealed that Dr. Glenn, his stooge Heinrich, Bubble Gum, and her brainwashed crime fighting super partners, Hornette and Sonik, were gone. While Hypergirl had no idea when the villains and their mind-controlled allies would return, the speedy super chick quickly made the rounds to check the welfare of the women sleeping around her. While the slumbering ladies seemed perfectly healthy, they were all in a state of deep sleep. Hypergirl was pondering the fate of her friend, Sonik, as Sonik fell prey to the same trap she walked into. Were they using Bubble Gum's sweet hypnotic hymns to recruit Sonik into their mind controlled army of superheroines? Perhaps they were soon to return to place Hypergirl herself under Bubble Gum's mesmerzing spell. Hypergirl could only assume the worst as she heard the roar of an engine firing in the nearby alley. Moving at such a rapid speed that she almost appeared invisible, Hypergirl was going to see exactly what was going on outside. Besides, the goggled super speedster in the yellow leotard and shiny tan hose needed to get to a safe location should the sonic-voiced Bubble Gum make another appearance.
Racing into the alley, Hypergirl saw the van making a speedy get-away from the alley, heading full-steam out into the Central City downtown traffic. Using her rapid running skills, the sprinting heroine passed the van to get a quick peek as to who was inside. Hypergirl could see Heinrich behind the wheel with Dr. Glenn monitoring something in the front passenger seat. Sitting behind the driver were the hypnotized Hornette and Sonik, staring straight ahead and sitting rigidly upright. Hypergirl reduced her speed slightly to let the van pass, taking a tactically advantageous position a few paces back to follow the van wherever it was heading.
"Dr. Glenn?," asked a puzzled Heinrich, behind the wheel of the speeding van, "did you see something?"
"See what?," huffed an impatient Dr. Glenn, still looking down at the laptop in his lap, trying to track the sonic device implanted in Cindy Sadler's throat.
"Damned if it didn't look like a yellow flash, just for a brief moment," Heinrich wondered aloud.
"Probably a headlight, Heinrich," Sidney reasoned, with his concentration unbroken on the monitor below. "It looks like I'm getting a reading...just on the outskirts of the city, in something like a business park. Just what the hell is she doing there?"
"I dunno," boomed Heinrich, his spirit lifted by finally being able to do something helpful, "but I know a quick route out there...and we'll miss all this traffic."
"Fine, just get us there so we can find her," grunted an unimpressed Dr. Glenn.
Fifteen minutes later, heading to the suburbs of Central City, Dr. Glenn arrived with his mind-controlled heroines in tow. The speedy super-fox Hypergirl was following closely behind, moving swiftly enough to remian undetected. The signal reading on the tracking device grew stronger as they arrived at the small two-story building of a simple correspondence college, the University of Flagstaff. Looking just like the rest of the bland beige buildings in the business park, Heinrich parked the van in the empty parking lot.
"The University of Flagstaff?," Dr. Glenn boomed with amazement, "an online college? What's Bubble Gum doing here? Getting her diploma?"
"You sure this is the place?," inquired Heinrich.
"Positive, the readings are unmistakable," noted a confused Dr. Glenn. "But why is she hiding here? Or did one of Central City various ne'er-do-well supervillains snatch her before the concert?"
"Well, it's not as if we're walking in defenseless," Heinrich stated with an air of false confidence. "Hornette and Sonik will provide some superheroic help in bringing her back."
"Well, time is of the essence," Dr. Glenn steamed, "and we don't have time to fool around. Let's get these spandex supergirls offloaded and do an old-fashoined storming of the building."
Dr. Glenn and Heinrich departed from the van, bringing Hornette and Sonik along, to approach the front door. The building was covered with tinted glass, as was the front entrance, as they collected at the door for a quick entry. Sonik, using her sonic powered bracelet, shot a silent stun ray into the lock of the door, jarring it open. Hypergirl watched the entire scene from only a few feet away, croutched in the hedges that surrounded the parking lot. As the golden speedster saw the door blasted open and the quartet enter the building, Hypergirl slowly tiptoed to follow them in.

Inside the underground campus of the Headmistress' school, located under the faux-University of Flagstaff, a young redheaded lady, wearing the sexy schoolgirl uniform of the Headmistress' criminal co-eds, was watching the bank of monitors linked to the small surveillance cameras posted all about the exterior of the building. She could see the uninvited guests breaking in the front door and the silently sneaking Hypergirl following behind in the parking area.
"Natasha to Headmistress, do you read me, Headmistress?," the redhead asked calmly into a wrist communicator which was cleverly disguised as a small ladies' watch.
"Yes, Natasha," the Headmistress replied, as she was leading her three prized pupils to the science department in the hallway, "I read you. Something strange going on out front?"
"Yes, Headmistress," Natasha calmy noted, "Strange indeed. A major breach. Two men with superheroines Hornette and Sonik have entered the ground floor of the facility. And the heroine Hypergirl is following behind, ready to enter herself. Should I start the complete lockdown procedure, Headmistress?"
"Secure the elevators doors on the ground floor and close off their only entry to the campus below," ordered the Headmistress, cool under fire while her mind raced at how Hypergirl, Hornette, and the seemingly retired Sonik located her secret lair. "But that will be a temporary precaution."
"Temporary, Headmistress?," inquired a confused Natasha.
"Yes, we're more than ready for them, Natasha," Headmistress giggled. "I'll give you the command to open the elevator in a few minutes. I'll address the students and make sure all the necessary steps have been made for their arrival."

Throughout the massive underground complex, a complete school was in operation. A small army of twenty mini-skirted students, beautiful women in their early to mid 20's, were being prepared to carry out their criminal lessons in an unsuspecting Central City at the command of the heinous Headmistress. This college of crime was complete with a dorm area, a kitchen, a gymnasuim, and departments of criminal science, criminal chemistry, and criminal history. A full curriculum for the young villainess in training. As the assembly of sexy young 'students' went about their sinister studies, the Headmistress interrupted their instruction to make an important announcement.
"Students, we have a major breach of security. Well known superheroines Hypergirl, Hornette, and Sonik are entering the facility," the Headmistress announced from her office microphone. "Please don't panic. All of you have been trained to deal with such a situation. Prepare as you have been taught...and these heroine will be dispatched post haste."
The students, scattered throughout the complex, calmly stopped what they were doing and prepared for the arrival of three super-powered foes. These young women had been well-versed in the stengths and weaknesses of Hypergirl, Hornette, and Sonik. It would be a simple operation, set and spring the trap as each unexpecting superheroine inspected the campus. There was no panic as all twenty women went right to work, having been drilled many times on just such an occurance.
"Headmistress, should we prepare the underground escape vehicles?," Natasha from the control room asked via her wristwatch.
"Not yet, Natasha," the Headmistress cooly ordered. "If the Central City Police arrive in full force, we shall make all necessary escape plans. For now, its just the three heroines and two guys, either undercover cops or they might have something to do with Bubble Gum's sonic vocal powers. We'll be releasing the elevator doors in three minutes...wait from my command first."
"Yes, Headmistress," Natasha complied, "they are looking around the lobby for a way in right now. Hypergirl hasn't entered yet, she's still hiding behind the van in the parking lot."
"Very good, Natasha," complimented the proud teacher, "keep me posted. I'll make sure all the student body is fully prepared."

Dr. Glenn, Heinrich, Hornette, and Sonik walked about the lobby. It was empty, save a receptionist desk that was currently unattended. There were no doors except the two elevator doors in this abandoned office area. Dr. Glenn commanded first Sonik and then Hornette to try and blast the elevator doors open with their various powers, Sonik's sonic charge and Hornette's stinger, but the steel doors wouldn't budge. The hypnotized heroines milled about emotionlessly as Dr. Glenn grew heated and frustrated with the failure to enter the facility. Peeking around the van to see that Dr. Glenn, Heinrich, and the mind controlled heroines were still in the lobby, Hypergirl waited patiently to them to enter. Once they found a way inside, her superspeed would allow her to enter from behind. A door left open for a split second was more than enough time for the blonde bullet known as Hypergirl to make her entrance. Maybe this location would answer the many questions Hypergirl had about exactly what was going on.
Just as Dr. Glenn's temper reached its zenith, the elevator doors opened. While there was no elevator car in the shaft, the shaft was empty, one could see a hallway and a couple of doors below. The underground complex had been revealed and Dr. Glenn and crew eagerly jumped down the short distance to enter the hallway below.

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Hail, hail! The gang's all here! LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE! Can't wait for more! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Wow! The masterpiece continues. Nice work. :D
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Great update Franco! Looking forward to the showdown.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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