Bluestone Superheroine Club! is terminated!

Home of Supernova, Wondra, Darkwing and many more!
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Well, once again, one stupid, selfish person has ruined it for all Bluestone Superheroine Club Members.

Our special club videos have been pirated, and the terms of the membership were very clear from the start that if any of the membership content was found to be file-shared, the club would be immediately disbanded.

So, once again in yet another way, the pirates amongst us have negatively impacted our business and your enjoyment of our videos, making it likely that we will not be producing as much work in the future.

It's a sad reflection upon this community that it is plagued by such incredibly brainless, short-sighted fools!

First, Melanie Dunne was driven out of this industry by these brainless bastards. Now, the membership club is gone. What will be next? Probably, the loss of your best producers.

The current membership package has been removed and will no longer be available.

Foolish Mortal
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That is a shame, Hopefully you were able to identify who this person is so that they can be dealt with. Thanks for trying something new Blue.
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That's as aggravating as it is depressing. Thank you, Blue, for doing all you could.
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Foolish Mortal wrote:
6 years ago
That is a shame, Hopefully you were able to identify who this person is so that they can be dealt with. Thanks for trying something new Blue.
Yes, the person has been banned for life from my server, which includes all of my stores plus my forum, and all of his pirated videos are being taken down. It is a shame, but pirates/file sharers are a blight on our community. Unless people stop supporting them, they will destroy this whole community in a very short amount of time. I have considered giving up on these productions as a result. I don't want to disappoint the actresses and crew who have already been scheduled for the November shoot, but if sales do not improve when those videos are released, I may be retiring from producing for the Superheroine genre.

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Bluestone wrote:
6 years ago
Foolish Mortal wrote:
6 years ago
That is a shame, Hopefully you were able to identify who this person is so that they can be dealt with. Thanks for trying something new Blue.
Yes, the person has been banned for life from my server, which includes all of my stores plus my forum, and all of his pirated videos are being taken down. It is a shame, but pirates/file sharers are a blight on our community. Unless people stop supporting them, they will destroy this whole community in a very short amount of time. I have considered giving up on these productions as a result. I don't want to disappoint the actresses and crew who have already been scheduled for the November shoot, but if sales do not improve when those videos are released, I may be retiring from producing for the Superheroine genre.

That bastard!! :realmad: I so sorry that he did that to you! I'm glad you caught him. As for you, please do give up because of this pirates/thieves want to continue on stealing stuff. To me you are my hero who brings amazing videos with such beautiful and very talented ladies to make my day. Every time I have to work with this crazy job I come home I tried watch the video and let me tell ya they make my days! I love your videos and hope you still continue on doing Superheroine videos. You have my support always. :)
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A conversation I had a bit back with an angry customer.

customer - "I want my money back. You have no new stuff."
me - "I update every week and am very diligent about that. I don't think I've missed an update in 3 years."
customer - "No I meant you have nothing new I haven't see before. I got all your stuff off other pirate sites and joined hoping to see more stuff but its already pirated."
me - "Oh I am so sorry that my material was pirated and you saw it all for free and that you had to pay $18 to find out that I had no more material cause it was pirated."
customer - "You're just messing with me?"
me - "Oh no I sincerely apologize my material was pirated and you saw all of it for free. BTW what is your user account?"
customer - "Its your fault your material was pirated!!!"
me - "Thank you for being such a wonderful customer and supporting my site."
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Yes, it's amazing how many people just don't get it. How do they manage to get through life without a brain. LOL! :laugh:

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Have you thought about naming and shaming this person?
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DanDud88 wrote:
6 years ago
Have you thought about naming and shaming this person?
These pirates usually do not post on forums such as this and my forum. So shaming them really does not carry any weight. Unfortunately, I was accepting email requests for membership when the response on this forum was underwhelming, and when I had to actually plead for membership. That's how he got in, but that email address is only one of many that he uses. Plus, the more I reveal here, the more he knows what to change and not use in the future.

Basically, the damage has been done. Hopefully, the general sales of the awesome "Dark Wondra 3: Power Drain" (now fully released) will convince me that there is still enough support to continue producing into 2018.

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I tend to agree that piracy does not harm sales because pirates never convert to paying customers. They will always steal.

Its the people on the fence that are the issue meaning the people who would probably pay but found it for free so decide just to take it. However those people tend to turn into sales because if they like the stuff they buy more. So piracy is a form of free advertising.

One of the other problems are the Robin Hoods. These are people who think they are heroes posting pirated material to sights to be "swell guys".

I do want to say something that will be unpopular here however I think it needs to be discussed. I think one of the biggest drivers of piracy is a large amount of junk that is out there and that people truly get burned when they buy a product. I buy items from DLSite occasionally and I am amazed at how 80% of what I buy is junk or disappointing and I don't want to buy more. So I can see its really tempting to just go find a pirated version to avoid getting burned. Junk, false advertisement, poor free samples I think drive customers down the pirate path. Plus I think this industry has a whole lotta David Pumpkins in it.
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Bluestone wrote:
6 years ago

First, Melanie Dunne was driven out of this industry by these brainless bastards. Now, the membership club is gone. What will be next? Probably, the loss of your best producers.

Wait? What!?

Melaine has already retired? what happened? She was great!
Foolish Mortal
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Blue killed her off in Doomsayer. It was the first time he had released a death only ending and long time. Blue has a knack for changing things up, I remember when he made two videos where the heroine was not wearing hose. You would have thought someone set the house of fire. It was a week or so later when I read realized she was gone for good. There was a comment on his message board, nothing formal mind you like when Danica left.
It was contained in the Doomsayer release thread. Only then did I realize she was not coming back. Its a shame she is talented and will be missed.
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This is all depressing to read Blue. Can't believe the nerve of some people. That Melanie was driven from this industry by an asshole who couldn't get over a video where she wasn't in tights is disgusting. Hope she's okay! Send her all of our regards as I think I speak for many when I say I didn't realize she had retired. Had hoped she was going to be resurrected in a Supernova Lives! story arc.
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Night_Lantern wrote:
6 years ago
This is all depressing to read Blue. Can't believe the nerve of some people. That Melanie was driven from this industry by an asshole who couldn't get over a video where she wasn't in tights is disgusting. Hope she's okay! Send her all of our regards as I think I speak for many when I say I didn't realize she had retired. Had hoped she was going to be resurrected in a Supernova Lives! story arc.
Well, just to clear up some misconceptions, it had nothing to do with stockings and everything to do with stalking... cyber stalking. Another contributing factor was piracy, which made it impossible to make any money, or even break even, from Melanie's videos. A babe with looks and talent like hers does not come cheap. We were willing to continue though until some idiot from our community started to stalk her. She agreed to film a wrap-up video for her character, and left the role, because girls who are not limited to these community productions DO NOT want their work here to adversely affect the rest of their lives. Some guys just don't get that. They must have a problem separating fantasy from reality. Well, that's why we won't be seeing Melanie in the blue and red costume any longer. As for a 'Supernova Lives' story arc... that is a possibility if our production company can survive long enough to recast the Supernova role with a replacement of her caliber... and it's going to be a couple of hard acts to follow.... Danica and Melanie!

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Thanks for clearing all that up Blue. It really is terrible to hear she was being stalked. That's downright scary. She will be a tough act to follow. But I have faith you guys will find someone amazing if you decide to resurrect her. Until then, the world seems to be in capable hands with Melody and all the other gorgeous heroines you've got protecting it. Here's hoping they live to see many adventures yet!
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I wonder how much of this is due to the absurd sense of entitlement growing throughout the US and perhaps other countries. People are annoyed that free tv or YouTube has commercials, for example. Do they really think they should be given entertainment for free?! Are director, actresses and actors supposed to work for free?
And what can possibly be the benefit of giving away for free something you bought in the first place? If you like the material, have others pay for it! That’s the only way to encourage more production of such material.
Blue, perhaps you can create a more subtle club and just email people who have made multiple purchases from you. Don’t advertise it outside of a direct email sent from you to the repeat customer. Just a thought.
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This sucks. And now Bluestone may not be around soon as well? I hope that never happens. Bluestone has some of the hottest heroines, best FX, quality vids out there!
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This sucks... What the hell? But it's understandable. Such a bummer man
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sugarcoater wrote:
6 years ago
YouTube has commercials, for example. Do they really think they should be given entertainment for free?! Are director, actresses and actors supposed to work for free?
in fairness, the entire model of Youtube (a part of google ffs!) is to pinch stuff from other people, stick adverts on it and harvest the revenue without having to put in any effort (though I don't think it's ever made a profit).
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