Wonder Woman vs. the Gremlin Part II (C.C. Productions)

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Doctor Outcome
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WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Title card).mp4_snapshot_00.20_[2017.11.18_00.57.44].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Title card).mp4_snapshot_00.20_[2017.11.18_00.57.44].jpg (43.96 KiB) Viewed 2682 times
Plot: Previously on ‘Wonder Woman vs the Gremlin’, our beloved Amazonian princess found herself at the mercy of a mischievous little gremlin who sought to wreck havoc on poor Wonder Woman. However, Wonder Woman managed to escape and after learning that the Chief was in cahoots with the gremlin to capture and humiliate her, Wonder Woman prepares to fight back. Setting up a live webcast and a couple of booby traps around her home, she is now determined to capture the gremlin and bring a positive image back to her good name as the most powerful superheroine the city has ever known!

(sarcastically): Yeah right. And Arkham Asylum is a retirement home for the ‘criminally challenged’. :yawn:
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Opening dialogue).mp4_snapshot_00.31_[2017.11.18_00.58.23].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Opening dialogue).mp4_snapshot_00.31_[2017.11.18_00.58.23].jpg (73.63 KiB) Viewed 2682 times
Quick Pick (Thoughts on the Film): Well folks it’s official: the funtastic world of Christina Carter just got zanier (and right now my homegirl and I are still kinda debating on whether or not that’s a good or a bad thing). The first chapter of this vid was pretty decent so when we heard that there was a sequel to the ‘Gremlin’ saga, we decided to give this one the benefit of the doubt. I gotta say we were somewhat impressed but then somewhat letdown if not disappointed.

The way Christina was telling this story, chapter 2 of the ‘Gremlin’ storyline was a little disjointed and a tad bit all over the place. Christina was trying to put everything she had into ‘one punch’ and while she hit dead center during some parts of production, other times she was just ‘swingin’ and a missin’. Now don’t get me wrong, the vid had it’s entertaining moments but then other times it drags out and you’re saying to yourself, ‘Come on Christina. We gotta move this along now girlfriend.’

I don’t know…maybe it’s just me but I kinda feel like the writing for this particular vid was rushed rather than thought out and that’s kinda why things turned out the way that they did.

Critical Analysis (The Good, the Bad and the WTF)

Normally, I don’t give a ‘critical analysis’ on a patient (and I try my damnest not to do that when giving these reviews) but given that there’s too many pros and cons to list separately in this vid, I’m gonna do my best to hit dead-center on what was good, what was bad and what had me mostly saying...
becky-look-at-her-butt.gif (3.21 MiB) Viewed 2682 times


First, the cinematography, editing, sound effects, costumes, camerawork and snappy dialogue was pretty smooth and Christina is once again a one-woman show. She is able to hold her own with her wit and charm and she gets to don her Wonder Woman outfit as well as some civilian attire as Diana Prince (a white tank top, a star-spangled thong, a necklace and she’s barefoot in both outfits). Might be time for Christina to get a new Wonder Woman outfit though cause the one she's wearing can barely support that magnificent cleavage of hers (homegirl was flashing a nipple or two in this vid and it's debatable if that was intentional or not). But it looked like her 'nursers' were trying to escape captivity (not that that's a bad thing cause it makes for good eye-candy for the viewer) :shifty:
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Acme Box Trap).mp4_snapshot_01.00_[2017.11.18_00.59.18].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Acme Box Trap).mp4_snapshot_01.00_[2017.11.18_00.59.18].jpg (72.08 KiB) Viewed 2682 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Bowling anybody).mp4_snapshot_01.39_[2017.11.18_01.00.37].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Bowling anybody).mp4_snapshot_01.39_[2017.11.18_01.00.37].jpg (61.1 KiB) Viewed 2682 times
Christina also makes good use of props within her environment: she has a sledgehammer (which gets used against her a great deal throughout this vid), she sets up booby traps for her adversary the gremlin and she spends a great deal doing comical stuff ala Looney Tunes which is pretty much the basis for this entire vid clip. And as always the Gremlin, (who is never seen, only heard) makes for a pretty tough customer for Diana Prince to have to deal. I just loved the Gremlin’s voice and hearing it taunt, tease and laugh at Diana whenever she thought she had the upper-hand over it.

So, where exactly did things go wrong for this particular chapter? As much as I enjoy seeing Christina trying to move in a different direction with her custom ideas, this one was just way too silly for words.

Christina kinda overdoes things a little with her performance (and she rarely if ever does that) even if this is geared towards the Looney Tunes style of cartoon humiliation. Most times she’s serious and stays on point with things but her performance here is like a cross between Wonder Woman meets Elmer Fudd meets Wile E. Coyote. I mean she is relentlessly clubbed upside the head with the sledgehammer, she does far too many finger dribbles throughout the vid, there’s way too many ‘Wonder Woman’ transitions and some of her acting seems a little forced at times.

WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Finger dribbling).mp4_snapshot_04.37_[2017.11.18_01.06.24].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Finger dribbling).mp4_snapshot_04.37_[2017.11.18_01.06.24].jpg (43.61 KiB) Viewed 2682 times
Oh and don’t get me started on the booby traps: while that was a creative idea, seeing them backfire on Christina made me ask myself, ‘Is this a C.C. Production or am I watching an erotic version of ‘Home Alone?’ LOL! No but seriously, some of the gags were humorous, other times they just fell kinda flat kinda like Diana Prince did when that gremlin was bopping her upside the head. Hell, Christina even gives a rather forced ‘Yeeeow!’ or ‘Yeooouch!’ when she’s struck. It just didn’t feel genuine but that’s not to say that her acting is bad, it just felt forced instead of natural when she performed this piece.

Also, the Rhode-Island red rooster performance really had me saying, ‘what the sh*t?’ I’m sorry gang, I’m really trying hard not to mutilate this vid with my review scalpel but that part right there really had me shaking my head with confusion. I’m like, ‘is that meant to be funny or just silly?’ Even my homegirl had a hard time trying to decipher that scene. I mean, we get it, Christina’s character is getting clubbed so badly that she’s not in her right state of mind but having her walk and move like a rooster didn’t really do much for me.

Plus, Christina overdoes it with the ‘glub-glub-glub’ babbling that she does when she’s struck and she’s stumbling and wandering around in a daze.

Final Outcome

Well, I’d better stop here as I don’t wanna spoil too much for those who haven’t seen this. I’m gonna go out on a limb and presume that this was a custom request and if it was, then there’s plenty of room for improvement for the next chapter. But as I said, the room for improvement is totally up to the customer as it is their money hence their fantasy so I totally acknowledge that this person who requested this was trying to see their fantasy come to life and I truly respect that.

Recently, I’ve heard that Christina has been doing a lot of running around lately going from Production studio to production studio. Last I heard she was back doing work at Heroine Universe (which is truly a shock and awe to hear as I heard the webmaster say that Christina was done doing productions for that particular company). But it looks like Miss Carter has decided to rejoin Savannah, Kobe, Tomiko and the rest of the gang for some good-ole fashion fun. In the long run though, I hope Christina doesn’t overdo it with the running around that she’s doing so that she can prep up for her next Wonder Woman battle. She still has a fight to win in the ‘Dark Dimension’…and I’m hoping she’ll come out on top if there is another chapter for that one (I'm aching to see her score a victory after seeing this vid).

Final Score for Wonder Woman vs the Gremlin Part II: 7 ½ out of 10.

My recommendation: take this in small doses to get the full benefit of the vid. But other than that, enjoy the show if you’re a Looney Tunes fan like me.

https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/60717 ... Gremlin-II
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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Here's more pics from this Looney Tune parody:
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Diana getting pissed).mp4_snapshot_04.24_[2017.11.18_01.04.59].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Diana getting pissed).mp4_snapshot_04.24_[2017.11.18_01.04.59].jpg (52.11 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Don't open that door).mp4_snapshot_10.39_[2017.11.18_01.16.52].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Don't open that door).mp4_snapshot_10.39_[2017.11.18_01.16.52].jpg (59.62 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Lying down on the job).mp4_snapshot_09.44_[2017.11.18_01.14.36].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Lying down on the job).mp4_snapshot_09.44_[2017.11.18_01.14.36].jpg (60.24 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Get on the good foot).mp4_snapshot_06.38_[2017.11.18_01.08.37].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Get on the good foot).mp4_snapshot_06.38_[2017.11.18_01.08.37].jpg (62.98 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Fire's out...and so are you).mp4_snapshot_11.50_[2017.11.18_01.26.37].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Fire's out...and so are you).mp4_snapshot_11.50_[2017.11.18_01.26.37].jpg (52.61 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_I (Sledgehammered)I.mp4_snapshot_04.34_[2017.11.18_01.05.59].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_I (Sledgehammered)I.mp4_snapshot_04.34_[2017.11.18_01.05.59].jpg (56.79 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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And just a few more for your enjoyment (or amusement):
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Crosseyed).mp4_snapshot_07.30_[2017.11.18_01.12.00].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Crosseyed).mp4_snapshot_07.30_[2017.11.18_01.12.00].jpg (54.47 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Down for the Count).mp4_snapshot_05.17_[2017.11.18_01.07.35].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Down for the Count).mp4_snapshot_05.17_[2017.11.18_01.07.35].jpg (50.11 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Down for the count...again).mp4_snapshot_14.02_[2017.11.18_01.27.55].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Down for the count...again).mp4_snapshot_14.02_[2017.11.18_01.27.55].jpg (57.6 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (How do you take your tea).mp4_snapshot_04.55_[2017.11.18_01.06.57].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (How do you take your tea).mp4_snapshot_04.55_[2017.11.18_01.06.57].jpg (57.54 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Strike!).mp4_snapshot_10.51_[2017.11.18_01.19.43].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Strike!).mp4_snapshot_10.51_[2017.11.18_01.19.43].jpg (61.6 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Say Cheese).mp4_snapshot_01.21_[2017.11.18_00.59.59].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Say Cheese).mp4_snapshot_01.21_[2017.11.18_00.59.59].jpg (64.16 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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And here's the last dose:
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Calling the Chief).mp4_snapshot_02.06_[2017.11.18_01.01.24].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Calling the Chief).mp4_snapshot_02.06_[2017.11.18_01.01.24].jpg (71.29 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (All tied up).mp4_snapshot_14.13_[2017.11.18_01.28.35].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (All tied up).mp4_snapshot_14.13_[2017.11.18_01.28.35].jpg (74.48 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (All gagged up).mp4_snapshot_16.27_[2017.11.18_01.30.49].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (All gagged up).mp4_snapshot_16.27_[2017.11.18_01.30.49].jpg (89.69 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Another loss for Wonder Woman).mp4_snapshot_19.48_[2017.11.18_01.31.36].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (Another loss for Wonder Woman).mp4_snapshot_19.48_[2017.11.18_01.31.36].jpg (48.57 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (I don't think so).mp4_snapshot_20.07_[2017.11.18_01.32.18].jpg
WW_vs_Gremlin_II (I don't think so).mp4_snapshot_20.07_[2017.11.18_01.32.18].jpg (19.22 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
As I said, take this one in moderate doses gang.

Until next time, th-the-th-the...
that_s_all_folks__by_surrimugge-d6rfav1.png (369.5 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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