A Very Tight Christmas, Part 1 (j.w. productions)

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Doctor Outcome
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Twas the night before Christmas and the streets were no cleaner, not a creature was stirring not even…Miss Felina? Okay, so rhyming is obviously not my forte but reviewcology is and since it’s getting closer to the holidays, I decided to dig deep into my hard-drives and try to find a superheroine vid that was Christmas related. Incidentally I came across this interesting two-parter that my homegirl had purchased a long time ago. So curl up by the fire with a hot cup of cocoa and enjoy the first part of ‘A Very Tight Christmas’.
O-Girl (Title Card)-0326.avi_snapshot_00.06_[2017.12.16_00.16.43].jpg
O-Girl (Title Card)-0326.avi_snapshot_00.06_[2017.12.16_00.16.43].jpg (12.37 KiB) Viewed 3426 times
Plot: The felonious feline known only as Miss Felina has just returned from a shopping spree…or rather a robbing spree and she’s exhausted. But the sensual cat burglar is filled with joy with the goodies that she’s swiped and for her it is truly the season to be naughty. However, the purple crusader known as O-girl is not far behind and catches up to Miss Felina, ready to snap the cuffs on her for her fiendish ways. Miss Felina tells O-girl that she should get into the holiday spirit and as a show of good faith, invites her to help her get some lights untangled for her very special Christmas tree.

Disgusted with her tricks, O-girl tells her that she’ll ‘pass’ on the offer. But Miss Felina lets her know that this ‘invite’ was not a request and tells O-girl that it’s detrimental to her own health to untangle this special set of lights that she’s dumped on her…

(Sarcastically): Oh yeah…Miss Felina is just full of yuletide and cheer, isn’t she? :hmm:

Quick Pick (Thoughts on the Vid): Well, as I said before, I’m not too familiar with the O-girl series but my homegirl apparently is. She’s been a big fan of some of the stories that the j.w. production crew has put together but while the stories are interesting she feels that they all lead in the same direction: with the title character O-girl always getting one-upped by her captors. But what she does enjoy about it is that it feels like a 60s style homage to the old Batman show, that and she enjoys seeing Christina Carter dressed up in her purple leotard and black pantyhose.

I’ve already noted in two previous reviews of this series that the creator of O-girl has a thing for bondage and comic-book like booby-traps. But however you slice it, the O-girl productions are very creative and a lot of thought was put into the set-up for these stories.

Now, the only thing the creator has to do is create some storylines that explain one thing: how in the hell does O-girl survive some of these death traps that she keeps falling ‘blindly’ into?
O-girl (Face Off)-0326.avi_snapshot_02.19_[2017.12.16_00.38.12].jpg
O-girl (Face Off)-0326.avi_snapshot_02.19_[2017.12.16_00.38.12].jpg (36.59 KiB) Viewed 3426 times
-Excellent set that they used for Miss Felina’s hideaway. Lots of space, expensive looking furniture and some fabulous looking cat statues are situated in the room to give the look that Miss Felina is a cat lover.

-Audio was sharp in some areas but a little dim in others. I had to use my headphones to hear certain parts of Miss Felina and O-girl’s conversations when they talked.

-Masterpiece of editing and the screenplay was top notch for its creation.

-Fan favorite fetish rivals Lady Diana and Christina Carter continue their hostilities in character-form with their portrayal as O-girl and Miss Felina. As usual, these two fetish models gave Grade-A performances with their presence in this vid.
O-girl (Felina not happy)-0326.avi_snapshot_01.56_[2017.12.16_00.36.56].jpg
O-girl (Felina not happy)-0326.avi_snapshot_01.56_[2017.12.16_00.36.56].jpg (22.36 KiB) Viewed 3426 times
O-girl (Making her entrance)-0326.avi_snapshot_01.53_[2017.12.16_00.36.27].jpg
O-girl (Making her entrance)-0326.avi_snapshot_01.53_[2017.12.16_00.36.27].jpg (29.09 KiB) Viewed 3426 times
As usual, Lady Diana is just dripping wet with sensuality and wickedness with her performance of Miss Felina. Everything that she does is ecstatic: the way she moves, the way she speaks and even that wicked laughter of hers sent shivers down my spine. As I’ve always said, I don’t think there’s a better fetish model at giving the kind of gusto she gives when she plays opposite Christina Carter in superheroine vid.

And Christina Carter is still the damsel in distress in this vid but she makes great use of the ‘distress’ part and her bravado entrance at the beginning is always a treat to watch. I just loved her ‘Superman’ style of talking down to the villain in this vid:

O-girl: You got it all wrong Miss Felina. Santa gives presents to the children…he doesn’t steal them!

Feilina (playfully shakes her hips): Not when I play Santa.

O-girl (dryly): Cute.

Classic. I loved the exchanges between these two women and the dialogue between them is always full of flavor like a stick of ‘Juicy Fruit’ gum.

-The outfits in this vid were erotic as usual. Lady Diana get to don two outfits in this one: her Mrs. Claus style outfit with earmuffs and satin pantyhose as well as her Miss Felina outfit which consist of black vinyl or leather, high heels and cat ears (just like Lee Meriwether).

And Christina Carter gets to wear that sexy purple leotard with black satin pantyhose and purple high heels. I hope that’s an outfit that Christina can wear anytime she pleases cause girlfriend looks sweeter than a Cinna-bon in that outfit.

-Excellent camerawork with wide angles, close-ups and slow zooms to capture the magic.

-Fantastic props ranging from jewelry boxes, to spray cans, digital remote that Lady Diana uses to spring her trap and finally those Christmas lights which are used on O-girl.

-Speaking of which, the ‘strangle lights’ are the high-light of this vid. Once sprung, Miss Felina explains that once activated, they constrict and tighten around the subject from the slightest movement. And if the subject continues to struggle, they’ll tighten even more.
O-girl (Explaining the strangle lights)-0326.avi_snapshot_04.32_[2017.12.16_00.41.36].jpg
O-girl (Explaining the strangle lights)-0326.avi_snapshot_04.32_[2017.12.16_00.41.36].jpg (25.03 KiB) Viewed 3426 times
When Lady Diana explained that I was like, ‘hoo-boy! This is like an erotic version of ‘Saw’ and she’s ‘Jigsaw’. LOL! But no seriously, the strangle lights were an interesting contraption and Christina spends a great deal trying to get out of the fiendish device. They even made it look like the lights were constricting on Christina when it was being pulled in-between her legs! Now that’s good special effects!

-Lady Diana does a fabulous strip-tease when she’s switching outfits, but that intercuts between her changing and Christian’s struggling.
O-girl-0326.avi_snapshot_10.55_[2017.12.16_00.45.04].jpg (28.2 KiB) Viewed 3426 times
Just a few:

-I didn’t like the music that they used when they sprung the trap on O-girl. Sounded like a weird horror-vibe.

-Sad that there wasn’t a fight between Christina and Lady Diana.

-Lady Diana and Christina don’t really get to engage in any sexual trysts in this vid so that may be a disappointment to some. (I know I was kinda disappointed).

-They spent a majority of the last part of the vid showing Christina struggle while Diana changes clothes. I would’ve just had Miss Felina knock O-girl out and then change outfits before re-awakening her for a little ‘fun’.

-Downer ending. Won’t say how it ends, but the good news is that it leaves room for another chapter which continues.

Final Outcome:

Pretty interesting if not decent holiday episode for O-girl. Despite a few flaws and a downer ending though, this vid was very entertaining to watch and I’m glad that my homegirl had purchased this so long ago.

Final Ooutcome for ‘A Very Tight Christmas’: 8 ½ out of 10.
As a reviewcologist, I recommend taking this fetish vid in medium doses to get the full-on sensuality of its treatment.

You can find it here:
https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/49861 ... art+1+of+2
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Doctor Outcome
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Here's a few more snippets for you to put underneath your Christmas tree this season:
O-girl (Felina massaging her feet)-0326.avi_snapshot_00.33_[2017.12.16_00.34.28].jpg
O-girl (Felina massaging her feet)-0326.avi_snapshot_00.33_[2017.12.16_00.34.28].jpg (30.11 KiB) Viewed 3423 times
O-girl (Felina off guard)-0326.avi_snapshot_01.51_[2017.12.16_00.36.10].jpg
O-girl (Felina off guard)-0326.avi_snapshot_01.51_[2017.12.16_00.36.10].jpg (30.37 KiB) Viewed 3423 times
O-girl (Don't struggle)-0326.avi_snapshot_03.02_[2017.12.16_00.39.51].jpg
O-girl (Don't struggle)-0326.avi_snapshot_03.02_[2017.12.16_00.39.51].jpg (20.53 KiB) Viewed 3423 times
O-girl (All tied up)-0326.avi_snapshot_06.16_[2017.12.16_00.43.36].jpg
O-girl (All tied up)-0326.avi_snapshot_06.16_[2017.12.16_00.43.36].jpg (30.35 KiB) Viewed 3423 times
O-girl (Plug it in, plug it in)-0326.avi_snapshot_05.11_[2017.12.16_00.42.35].jpg
O-girl (Plug it in, plug it in)-0326.avi_snapshot_05.11_[2017.12.16_00.42.35].jpg (26.59 KiB) Viewed 3423 times
O-girl (Nap time gorgeous)-0326.avi_snapshot_15.56_[2017.12.16_00.46.26].jpg
O-girl (Nap time gorgeous)-0326.avi_snapshot_15.56_[2017.12.16_00.46.26].jpg (43.17 KiB) Viewed 3423 times
Check this vid out today folks. Afterall, tis the season to be naughty. :giggle:

G-day party people! :buhbye:
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I am yet to see a villainess as devious and delicious as Diana Knight. Makes me want to fall into her clutches.
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Doctor Outcome
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ltrltr wrote:
6 years ago
I am yet to see a villainess as devious and delicious as Diana Knight. Makes me want to fall into her clutches.
Oooh, now that sounds delicious alright! I just pray she's gentle but seeing the way Christina gets 'woman-handled' during some of their encounters, something tells me Lady Diana likes to play rough.
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Doctor Outcome wrote:
6 years ago
ltrltr wrote:
6 years ago
I am yet to see a villainess as devious and delicious as Diana Knight. Makes me want to fall into her clutches.
Oooh, now that sounds delicious alright! I just pray she's gentle but seeing the way Christina gets 'woman-handled' during some of their encounters, something tells me Lady Diana likes to play rough.

Oh I think she'd be gentle. She would put you though wicked torture but she wouldn't get her hands dirty (hence the gloves) and have such a gorgeous smile whilst she did it.
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Doctor Outcome
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ltrltr wrote:
6 years ago
Doctor Outcome wrote:
6 years ago
ltrltr wrote:
6 years ago
I am yet to see a villainess as devious and delicious as Diana Knight. Makes me want to fall into her clutches.
Oooh, now that sounds delicious alright! I just pray she's gentle but seeing the way Christina gets 'woman-handled' during some of their encounters, something tells me Lady Diana likes to play rough.

Oh I think she'd be gentle. She would put you though wicked torture but she wouldn't get her hands dirty (hence the gloves) and have such a gorgeous smile whilst she did it.
Now you got me melting just fantasizing about that.

I don't know what it is, but there's something about that laugh of Diana that really gets me amped sometimes. It's chilling and sensual at the same time.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome wrote:
6 years ago
ltrltr wrote:
6 years ago
Doctor Outcome wrote:
6 years ago
ltrltr wrote:
6 years ago
I am yet to see a villainess as devious and delicious as Diana Knight. Makes me want to fall into her clutches.
Oooh, now that sounds delicious alright! I just pray she's gentle but seeing the way Christina gets 'woman-handled' during some of their encounters, something tells me Lady Diana likes to play rough.

Oh I think she'd be gentle. She would put you though wicked torture but she wouldn't get her hands dirty (hence the gloves) and have such a gorgeous smile whilst she did it.
Now you got me melting just fantasizing about that.

I don't know what it is, but there's something about that laugh of Diana that really gets me amped sometimes. It's chilling and sensual at the same time.

You and me both. I could imagine running to O Girl's rescue, not seeing the danger and then we are both Diana's prisoners.
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Doctor Outcome
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ltrltr wrote:
6 years ago
Doctor Outcome wrote:
6 years ago
ltrltr wrote:
6 years ago
Doctor Outcome wrote:
6 years ago
ltrltr wrote:
6 years ago
I am yet to see a villainess as devious and delicious as Diana Knight. Makes me want to fall into her clutches.
Oooh, now that sounds delicious alright! I just pray she's gentle but seeing the way Christina gets 'woman-handled' during some of their encounters, something tells me Lady Diana likes to play rough.

Oh I think she'd be gentle. She would put you though wicked torture but she wouldn't get her hands dirty (hence the gloves) and have such a gorgeous smile whilst she did it.
Now you got me melting just fantasizing about that.

I don't know what it is, but there's something about that laugh of Diana that really gets me amped sometimes. It's chilling and sensual at the same time.

You and me both. I could imagine running to O Girl's rescue, not seeing the danger and then we are both Diana's prisoners.
You my friend have a wonderful imagination. I love the way you think! :)
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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