A darker, full bodied blend.
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Heres a story I am working with Kendra AKA Superteen. Her details are here -
Don't want to say too much about what is involved, enjoy!

Ms Americana is the property of Mr X. All other characters are owned by myself and Kendra.

Part 1: Who is Voodoo?

He was back in town, after some years away. JJ Rod’s plane had touched down on American soil. He was broad, lean and muscular, even in his grey Armani suit, women that passed by would glance at his obvious primal physique discretely through their peripheral vision, imagining what he would do to them if he ever got his hands on them. He was of African American descent and stood at 6,2. His name sounded like he worked full time as a porn star but in fact it was merely a compliment to his fabled manhood. Unfortunately Mr Rod was no gentleman, or hero. He was a gangster, pure and true, drugs and pimping were his thing, until he was taken down by the mighty Ms Americana, Queen of Justice. That was when he was a petty thug, working for a boss. 10 years in prison helped him develop a great hatred for superheroines. Drugs and pimping was his way of life and it all came crashing down. On his release, he left the country, he disappeared. No one in the criminal underworld knew where he went. There were rumours. Some say that JJ Rod had joined an international criminal network, one that worked closely with super villains. But how did JJ Rod, a mere street thug attain such prestige? How did he rise through the ranks and be welcomed into an organization such as the Snake Syndicate?

Rod stepped out of the airport, carrying one suitcase. A black limo stopped right in front of him. It was a hot summers day and as he entered the car he enjoyed the air conditioned breeze and luxury of an expensive car, something that was so far from his past life and the struggles he had been through in recent years.
“Where to Mr Rod” the chauffeur asked
He seemed miles away as he removed his dark sunglasses exposing his black confident eyes. In his head he thought to himself that he had been away for too long, now it was time to initiate the plan.
“Please, the name’s Voodoo” he replied in a deep booming voice.

Three months had passed. The news media in Saints’ City was awash with reports on a new crime syndicate, bringing with it drugs, prostitution, gun crime and sex slavery. The latter seemed to focus on the most physically attractive and mentally confident women in the city. Many of the cases on the news reports seemed to be white Caucasian women, enslaved and forced to work as fuck toys for the criminal elite. A number of superheroines had also disappeared, were Saint citys’ champions also kidnapped and sold into sex slavery too? The Queen of Justice, Ms Americana was on the case.
Other gangs had also been wiped out by this new organization, through murder, violence and gun fights. Rival operations shut down. The competition was being eaten up by a new dragon, and it was hungry. Both the news reports and the police only had one name….Voodoo.

The Saint’s City police department had already informed Ms Americana. Suspicions surrounded a new strip club known as the Kinky Kat. It was also known for its notorious fetish and sex parties. A den for the most depraved with orgies to rival the Saturnalia of ancient Rome. The club was clearly owned by some common street thug, hardly a challenge for the mighty Ms Americana. However according to the cops, something connected the name “Voodoo” to the Kinky Kat.
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Intriguing opening chapter.
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Thanks. Part 2 should be soon.
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* DISCLAIMERS: This story will likely include racial charged content, violence, BDSM, Bondage, Hypnosis and others. Credit to The Dark One for inspiration.

This is to be taken as a work of fiction and fantasy playing on certain kinks and does not condone or excuse actual acts in the real world. Additionally all characters are 18+. Thank you. *

I used to be just a normal girl, until I was in a car accident. I was messed up pretty bad and in a coma. While I was in the hospital some strange Doctors would visit me... no one knows what they did but I recovered fully in record time. About a month later I noticed it, I'd somehow gotten powers much like Supergirl's, maybe not quite on that level though. My weaknesses are different and it seems like I've been hypnotized or somehow messed with on a mental level, I'm still working that out. It's manageable... so far.

I kept it secret of course, even to my parents, I wasn't sure what to do. About another month later I decided I'd become a new Superheroine, but I'm still trying to find my footing. Some nights I put on a sort of mock version of Supergirls outfit, usually a little top with the S on it and a little skirt. Some nights I put on a Batgirl like outfit. I'm just not really sure what I want to do.

A couple months ago I met Ms. Americana and she's great. She's been mentoring me and teaching me all the tricks and tactics to being a heroine. Some of the things she has me do are a little embarrassing. She prefers I wear a really revealing outfit when I'm a heroine, she says that distraction is a valuable weapon against thugs and criminals. So, I follow her lead and do what she says, I mean, she is freakin Ms. Americana after all.

When Ms. Americana said I might be able to join the League of Heroines I was fucking ecstatic. She said there was just one catch... I had to take on a mission where I pose as the new Americana Girl, side kick to Ms. Americana. Well, I've been basically her sidekick anyhow, so I agreed... what could go wrong. She made me swear to not use my heat vision or flight, which is sort of one of my problems... if I make an oath or swear to something, I have to do it. Ms. Americana says it has something to do with the honorable ways of a superheroine and that most of us have that weakness.

So I made the promise and took on the mission. Ms. Americana and Sharon McCain started using their contacts to spread the word that Ms. Americana had a new sidekick, a new Americana Girl. Once the rumors were swirling in the underworld it was time to actually go out there on patrol. The plan was that one of these thugs, JJ Rod or Voodoo or someone, would let their guard down with a new heroine sidekick. Either I could find a lead or get "captured" and learn where their base was. Ms. Americana says they have a habit of just inviting a heroine into their businesses, especially the strip clubs.

I was already a little nervous to do this, I sort of have an issue around certain kinds of thugs... due to some asshole's hypnotic suggestions a while back. But now, it's time for my first night on patrol. Ms. Americana and I will go out and at some point separate and see if either of us can come up with a lead.

"Um... Ms. Americana... I know I'm supposed to be bait but... THIS is my Americana Girl uniform? I mean... are you serious???"
Last edited by kendra 7 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Part 3: The Power of Voodoo

The heat was unbearable but he was ready to endure the trials. The man sat in the sweat lodge with the priest, a practitioner of the dark arts or voodoo as they called it in the nation of Kabanda. The man had come from the west, and he had heard of methods that would give him powers. Powers that he needed to wreck havoc and revenge upon his enemies. The man studied with the master Shambala, a voodoo sorcerer for many years and proved to be a gifted student. But the trials were arduous and the teacher was strict, exposing the man to pain. Exercises involving an extreme exposure to physical suffering, for his mind and body needed to be strong to accept training in the dark arts. It was there that the man was able to experience the final test with Shambala. It was believed in the villages of Kabanda that the sorcerer was immortal, 500 years old in fact. The man however didn't care. He accepted the training as his goal and aspiration for revenge was powerful. The day of the final test came. Shambala made a voodoo doll of the man and bestowed it with powers. He lit a bonfire in his lodge and the demon Zargath came forth, ruler of the Nith dimension, a reality completed made from evil. Zargath asked for a sacrifice, and Shambala agreed. But the man was not stupid, he was once a criminal and knew the art of trickery. Shambala needed to sacrifice men and women with soiled souls to Zargath so that the demon would continue to give the sorcerer his life force and power , that is how he attained immortality. The man was not going to become another victim. He went for the nearest blade and slashed Shambala across his throat. His warm blood flowed like a river and the voodoo priest was dead. Zargath was impressed at how Strong willed the man was and asked him what his hearts desire was. The man asked to be given power like Shambala's, the power to crush his enemies. The demon gave him that and more. He breathed a part of his essence into his body. The man could feel the supernatural force in his body. And so ended his training. The man walked out of the lodge naked. His large manhood dangling between his legs. He torched Shambala's home and returned to the nearest village where the villages worshipped him as a god. After some time he left, and went to the capital city of Kabanda with the intention to fly back home. The man's name was JJ Rod, but now he was a master of voodoo.

The visions of the past faded, and he awoke from his sleep in his extravagant room in his club, the Kinky Cat. His bed was large enough for an orgy. They were coloured with red sheets and the walls were adorned with African iconography and art. There was a desk with incense burning and the strong spicy scent of sandalwood was in the air.

Voodoo was in his bed decorated with the leftovers of last night. To his right was a firm bodied blonde by the name of Shanna Carrington, a former hotshot criminal lawyer in Saint’s City, known for bringing cases against the underworld. To his left was a lean athletic female specimen known as Janice, dark haired and of latina descent, she was a fitness model and feminist who posed on the cover of many women’s magazines and often talked about women’s empowerment. Both women possessed a confident spirit but now they lay asleep, enslaved in the bed of this modern day Thulsa Doom. Shanna awoke and instead of struggling and resisting, she immediately went under the sheets to do something unlike her,
“hey master, let me suck on that dark long shaft of yours again” she said in a silky voice
“by all means” Voodoo replied
Janice was awoken by the noise of slurping and soft feminine submissive groans.
“Hey I want some” she demanded jealously, and in very un feminist like behaviour, dived under the sheets to fight Shanna for Voodoo’s manhood, however it was clear that there was literally plenty of his phallic flesh to go around. Two ordinary females would struggle to please him, but a super heroine on the other hand…….

Hours later Voodoo was ready for work. On leaving his room he went to his office where his boys were waiting for him. He entered wearing a necklace made of bones, sunglasses, a tight yellow shirt, dark green pants and black Alexander McQueen shoes. His time in the jungles of Kabanda had not made him an ascetic despite his status as the Voodoo sorcerer supreme on earth, possessing the power of Zargath. He was still seduced by the powers of luxury. He was also burning with a passionate vengeance and lustful desire for super heroines.

Voodoo was surrounded by his men, most were black males, his subordinates, but there were other mysterious fellows that seemed to come from outside the local community of Saints’ City so called for its reputation of being an abode for heroines. Recently justice was taking a beating and with Voodoo in town it seemed that it would not be long before the place would have to be renamed “Devils’ city”.
“Boys, good to see you after all these years. Leroy glad to see you’re out of jail. Tyrone my brother…”
Manly hugs and handshakes of solidarity followed.
“Its time we launched our strike. A number of super heroines have already been captured, The Pantha, Pure Woman and Danger Dame have all been bound and gagged, and ill see to it myself that they are broken mentally and physically, forced to work as dancers and sex workers at this grand establishment.”
Pure Woman, naked and captured in her own apartment as she came out of the shower, by one of the traps of the Snake Syndicate.
tumblr_oot3popMum1tkbi0vo1_540.jpg (69.39 KiB) Viewed 5247 times
A number of strangers stood in the room which made “the boys” feel very uncomfortable. One was a man in eastern looking black robes, wearing a hood and a mask.
“Don’t worry my brothers, its cool. This is Shiva, and over there is Komodo”, Voodoo pointed to a man at the back who must have been more than 7 ft tall. Whats more was his strange greyish green skin complexion and rough scaly appearance. Much like Shiva he was concealed, but wearing a hoodie and tracksuit bottoms.
“The Snake Syndicate was kind enough to provide us with support. Thank Shambala and the Voodoo spirits for bringing me to their acquaintance in Kabanda. Thanks to our alliance, the super heroines are being taken down one by one. We even have a mole from the syndicate, strategically placed among Ms Americana’s League of Heroines. Those super sluts have no idea. We have intel that a certain Americana Girl will be coming to infiltrate our club. We are not entirely sure what she looks like but at least this gives us the heads up. Good thing we have a surprise for her, something that will be of special concern to her, she’ll be shocked when she see’s it”
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Nice background on Voodoo although it seemed like it was a bit too easy to kill his teacher. I look forward to see how he uses his arcane magic against the rookie heroine.
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Thanks again, I didnt really want too long an origin.
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Part 4 coming soon... Feedback appreciated.
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Part 4: Americana Girl hits the streets

Things got off to a great start. Ms Americana was training me to be a better heroine, showing me the ropes and everything. I was learning some hand to hand stuff, although with my powers I hardly got the point. I even got my own Americana motorcycle, a cool crotch rocket that was red white and blue and star spangled. It was a little cheesy but like she said, we had to be beacons of hope for people.

I was a little nervous as I would race down the street on the bike, leaning forward with my back arched and wearing only the uniform which consisted of; the blue eye mask, thigh high red heels and a red white and blue slingshot bikini. I was practically almost naked as i raced along with my bubble ass out. The bikini just a string for the thong and tiny little scraps that barely covered my perky pierced nipples. Ms Americana said it was crucial to making me effective bait. She also taught me that as women our sexuality was a useful weapon in distracting the criminal elements.

I started having run ins with some of the new gang members that seemed to be sweeping across the city. They always underestimated me and at 5'2" and 118 pounds I couldn't really blame them. Ms Americana was right too, inevitably some thug would stop as he saw my mostly naked body and that hesitation would be enough for me to lay them out. It helped that none of them expected a little woman like me to have the power I do but with super strength and toughness I was well beyond any common street thugs.

I stood in the alley, making a sort of 'power pose' with my fists clenched and on my hips as i looked over the 4 downed thugs I had just taken out. The police would be on their way and just as the sirens could be heard I would make my exit on the Americana Bike. For a moment though, until I heard that siren, if felt good to take in the moment and appreciate my handy work.
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This Americana Girl may be super confident now but soon she will be exposed for the super slut that she is. Defeat will be her new way of life.

Part 5 on the way......
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Drvoodoo's schedule is such that this will be on hiatus for now. Sorry all.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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interesting story so far - looking forward to more!
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No more of this one happening but... I've switched to 3rd person perspective mostly and if anyone has an idea they want as a story (assuming I like it) I will do it.
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