Bi-Weekly Review - Millennia Pissed On and Shamed by

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Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Title : Millennia Pissed On and Shamed

Release Day : Nov 2014 (Re-release) First Release unknown (early 2000)

Classification : Unrated/X18+ (MPAA/OLFC) - Aggregated Sexual Violence

Actors : Wren Andrews (Millennia)

Studio : Humiliated Superheroine (Formerly

Price : USD$13.99

To Buy : ... 640x480+SQ
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Plot : Millennia's journey begins as she seeks out the Skelefreak in an abandoned mansion only to be lured into a trap. However, with her super powers she easily battles through the wave of henchmen, taking them out with extreme prejudice. But ultimately, there are too many and she is handily defeated, humiliated and brutalized. She is beaten, , fondled, stripped naked, bound, thrown in a cage, wedgied, and totally shamed until she is finally laying fully naked, and defeated on the cold concrete floor and pissed on by the skelefreak. A great movie shot by us in 640x480 standard quality starring Wren Andrews.
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Actors 5 out of 5

Wren Andrews, people that are my ages would know this is "THE" name for the superheroine genre, this is where it started, and she is at the very first and the very top of that chain.

There aren't many SHIP actress there in the 90s and 00s, people enjoy porn would think these "SciFi" type porn something they cannot process, that is, until they met Wren Andrews

Back then, she can sell peril to you anyway she can, more importantly, anyway you wanted, she can be tough and strong on one scene, and under duress and act like a damsel the next.

Wren Andrews is simply a legion in the SHIP industry, if you are a millennial SHIP fan and know nothing about Wren Andrews, your lost.

Acting 3 out of 5

In today standard, you would have think the acting is cheesy, back in the days, this is how SHIP would do, got zapped, spanked, tied up and chained up, exposes a little breast here, a little pantyhose cladded pussy there, back then it's a genre in between hardcore porn and specialist porn.

Today, we have producer that go the full mile and have the heroine stripped, fucked and toy without mercy, and there are studio that focus on the peril element and dial down the sex bit a lot. Back then, everything SHIP related is in the middle, heroine are seldom fucked, but on the other hand, were often stripped and humiliated.

Being so, acting on this would reflect the sentiment back then, not really serious, enough to sell the element and have us buy in the story, but not enough to carry the film. After all, most people engage in SHIP then is amateur fetish model. With that, I cannot deduct or award point for acting, which stays at 3.

Action 1 out of 5

Action is lacking in this movie, a quick resolution for Millennia quickly dispatched 2 henchmen is all you got, then the big boss come, basically beat the shit out of Millennia and Humiliate her to the max.

Still stuck in the 70s and 80s comic book violence where action is more comical than serious. If you want to see a showdown between Millennia and Skelefreak, you would be disappointed, in fact, if you want any action and looking at early stage SHIP production like this, you will be disappointed.

Costume 3 out of 5

Costume is a store bought put together costume, like most of the production back then and now, a yellow/gold leotard, forest green satin opera gloves, matching colour belt and mask, yellow/gold thing high boots, completed with a pair of beige stocking.

This works on Wren a lots, and her wavy blonde hair and her slender body shape max out the costume sexiness, and even more so when she have to take off her leotard, belt and stocking off screen. That gloves, boots and mask combo is uber hot. Only disappointment is that those item were taken off offscreen

Nothing wrong with a store bought costume when it work, but there are no originality either, so no point were deducted or awarded in this category.

Peril 4 out of 5

As i said before Wren sold peril anyway she can, and anyway you wanted. You want her spank? You got it, she was laid across and spanked, you want her to get peed on, you've got it, she got stuck between the villain legs and take the pee like she don't wanted it.

While the acting is not on par with today standard, but the imagination and the level of peril the superheroine went thru is more than compensate it. She was caged, spanked, chain up, undressed, zapped, bearhugged by the villain, and that is just what I remember this moment.

Sex Scene 3 out of 5

While this title does not have a hardcore sex scene, she was fingered in the pussy by skelefreak with his ridiculous gloves. The scene would not be hot in today's standard (it's like watching freddie fingering a woman) There are not much facial expression nor reaction on it.

But given this is a product in the early 2000, may even be late 90s, I am not deducting points for it either.

On the other hand, the golden shower (or implied golden shower) scene would mean this movie will be automatically class as porn in most of the world. And this, my opinion is very unjust.

Storyline 3 out of 5

The story start with the heroine in civilian cloth and talked on the phone to the commissioner (IIRC), afterward, she flashed into Millennia costume and started descend into a basement, she came across a few henchmen and dispatched them easily, until skelefreak surprise her by zapping her, to submission.

All go down hill from there, she was tied up by the two henchmen, and fondle by them, first with her breast (only 1) and then move down to her pantyhose covered crotch. But somehow the Heroine broke free and once again dispatched the henchmen, but just as she recompose herself (by covering herself back up and kicking the downed henchmen) Skelefreak show up again and zap her again. And she was defeated again.

What next is some spanking, and caging and to complete the whole humiliation ordeal, she was peed on by Skelefreak. And left imprisoned, make us wonder what happened to the heroine afterward.

Her character was not used again, so we do not know what happened to Millennia afterward.

The story is not strong and to be honest, quite cheesy, however, is still considered to be well constructed with some twist in the flow, change from winning to losing, to winning again, and to losing again. The story is quite modern back in the days, of course, if you are not born in the 80s, you probably would think the story is badly written. But most story is like that back in the days, and remember before that, SHIP does not really exist. And those story gave us the modern day interpretation of SHIP storyline, with a bit trial and error. And I respect that, which mean the score for storyline is a solid 3. Not going to hold it against the movie, but not going do it a favour either.

Total Score : 22/35 or 3.1/5 Average

My Verdict

The score is actually quite deceptive, because I am using today standard to judge this movie, I remember I bought this movie when it come out back in 2000s, back then people are still ordering VHS and I have got a DVD copy from Many, MANY years has since passed and I have inveritably lost that DVD with digitialized record keeping and the popularized download option.

That said, this is a MUST BUY for me, and this is how and why I started my SHIP obsession in the first place, without watching this movie, I will not be a fan of SHIP genre, or I wouldn't even know such thing existed. And for that reason alone, I think everyone who are into SHIP should check out this movie or at least some of the movie from the same era. In fact, I am going to do what I preached and I had re-buy this movie again, some 20 years later.

Without this movie or movie like this, I think we can probably see a very differnet landscape with the whole SHIP title, who knows, SHIP may not even existed.

That's my second review from this week, I hope you enjoy it.
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 198
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wow like this video stared Wren and goes way back to like !996-7 I believe , I have the original Videos of this series , Ity was Hot back then and actually it would probably be still now adays :)
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Neophyte Lvl 4
Neophyte Lvl 4
Posts: 35
Joined: 16 years ago

forgot I had this one. so old the audio is now messed up..Sounds like actors are on helium.
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