Wonder Woman: The Twelve Heroines of Christmas -- Last Updated: 24/12/18

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Really enjoy the story so far. Can't wait to read the rest of it as you add to it.
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And now for the next twist: Mary Marvel. The basic flow of the Mary Marvel part of the story and a lot of the dialogue in it as well should be credited to Centurion, although I have added a sub-plot and expanded on his original story a little to make it fit into what this story has developed into. Enjoy.


The Present:

"Hi, Diana, remember me?"

A figure stepped from the shadows, her long black sable coat open at the front to reveal sexy, youthful curves poured into a form fitting black mini-dress with a gold lightning bolt emblem riding from her navel up to her well displayed cleavage. Her feet were covered with black thigh-length spike heeled boots.

Diana's stared at the newcomer like a deer in the headlights, then her head drooped and her shoulders sagged as yet more memories came flooding back.

Night Six, Heroine Five, Part One: A Warehouse at the Docks, Fawcett City

College freshman Mary Batson stood barefoot in the common kitchen of her dorm, staring out the window at the falling snow as she waited for the microwave to heat up her cup of cocoa. She was a trim, athletic girl with shoulder length light brown hair. At the moment she was wearing nothing but a short cotton pyjama set.

"Mary?" said one of three girls sitting around the table in their underwear playing strip Scrabble.

"Earth to Mary!"

"Huh?" she said, startled out of her reverie.

"I said: Why didn't you go home for the holidays?"

The microwave beeped. Mary took the cup out, stalling while she decided whether or not to admit that she was an orphan.

"Just didn't feel like it, I guess," she sighed, taking a sip as she looked back out the window.

"That only leaves four of us on the whole floor!" another girl said. "We need to invite some guys over!"

Her phone chimed and she snatched it up eagerly. Within two seconds, the other girls' phones had also rung, and they were all giggling and chattering, their Scrabble game forgotten.

Mary rolled her eyes. That was about all these girls could think of... boys, clothes and twittering. It was so boring! What she wouldn't give for a little action!

Just then Mary saw something out the window that almost made her spill her cocoa. She hurriedly set the cup down and dashed out into the corridor, going not in the direction of her room, but the other way, towards the stairs up to the roof. The other girls didn't even notice that she was gone.

On the roof, Mary stood shivering in the cold, hopping from one freezing bare foot to the other as she scanned the street below. Had she really seen her? Looking back and forth to make sure no one was around.


In a flash of light, her pyjamas vanished, and in their place her sweet, youthful curves were now clad in a short-sleeved red mini-dress with a gold lightning bolt emblem riding high in the valley between her firm, nubile breasts. Her feet were now covered with gold calf-length boots, and a short white cape with gold trim hung jauntily askew across her shoulders.

Mary Marvel hurled herself into the air, the chilly updraught catching and fluttering her tiny little skirt, blowing up in between her bare legs and giving her goosebumps. She sailed above the intervening buildings to the next street over and there she was... a strikingly beautiful woman with jet black hair, wearing a daring red bustier, star-spangled briefs, red boots and a gold tiara. But what was Wonder Woman doing here? How and why had she stepped out of a portal?

The Amazon beauty's posture was stiff, as if she were sleepwalking. And even as Mary spotted her, she stepped out into the street, right in front of an oncoming garbage truck!

"Holy Moley!" Mary Marvel cried, going into a steep power dive. Her slender arms encircled Wonder Woman's alluring female frame, scooping her up and carrying her out of harm's way as the truck rumbled past, blaring its horn.

The superheroine pulled up short and landed on the opposite curb, in close, intimate contact with the Amazon's body, one hand inadvertently fondling her plump, gorgeously supple breast. For an uncharacteristic moment, all she could think about was having her way with Wonder Woman.

She shook herself mentally, what was wrong with her? She didn't even like girls! Not like that anyway.

"Er... sorry about that, Diana," Mary said, blushing as she quickly snatched her hand away. "But you looked kind of zoned out..."

Without a word, Wonder Woman grabbed the front of Mary Marvel's tight red dress and tossed her overhand. Caught by surprise, the sassy young heroine tumbled helplessly and slammed butt first into a solid brick wall. She slid head down to the snowy side-walk, momentarily dazed, with her cute little tail in the air flashing her white satin underpants.

A taxi cab screeched to a halt. "Hey, sugar, need some help there?" asked a male voice.

Mary Marvel looked up, stars spinning around her head.

"I'm fine," she said, sheepishly tugging her dress down. "Where did she go?"

"Who? Oh, you mean the babe in red-white-and-blue spandex?" the taxi driver asked. "I think she went into that warehouse."

He pointed to a big solid building just up the street. The side entrance was hanging open.

"You want me to call the cops or something?"

"No thank you," Mary Marvel seethed, rubbing her smarting backside. "I'll handle it!”

Quit that! It's just a little sting to your pride. Pulling herself back to normal, she continued.

“I'm sure it's a misunderstanding, she's a friend."

Leaping to her feet, she charged headlong into the warehouse. Inside, high stacks of crates and packing cases marched away into the distance in every direction, but there was no sign of Wonder Woman. The spunky heroine strode briskly down the nearest aisle, searching for her.

And then she heard the bell. Ting-ling! Like the bells the charity Santas used. What the--? She stepped into the broad central aisle of the warehouse and there was Ms. Santa, standing alone and ringing the bell. She stopped when she saw Mary Marvel.

"Oh you're here!" Ms. Santa gushed. "That's simply... Marvelous!”

A musical giggle filled the room. “Little joke there, I hope you don't mind?"

"What's going on here?" the young super girl demanded, bunching her fists. "Where's Wonder Woman?"

"Oh, that would be telling!"

Ms. Santa said, sweeping the bell in an arc. A small but deadly-looking dart shot out, aimed unerringly at Mary Marvel's gorgeous lightning bolt chest emblem.

Just in time, the heroine spun to the left, ducking her head and bringing her arm around in a chopping motion that deflected the missile. It flew into a huge crate just behind her and exploded shatteringly, revealing the furs it contained.

That black sable would look really good on me, she thought.

What she said was, "Now that was just impolite!"

As she turned back to face her opponent, four familiar figures stepped from the shadows; Supergirl, Power Girl, Starfire, and Huntress. She couldn't quite place it, but there was something odd about them.

"Get her, girls!" commanded Ms. Santa.

They attacked from all four directions at once. Mary Marvel punched Helena, kicked Kori, pulling her punches because she didn't want to hurt them. Karen and Linda jumped her, grabbing her wrists, their hands caressing, seductively tracing the smooth curves of her body, touching her thighs, sliding under her skirt to pat her rounded bottom, caressing her breasts...

Nnnnnnn... something was wrong... The very touch of their hands seemed to be like a drug, dulling her senses and yet rousing her libido, making her blood sizzle and her heart pound in her chest. Marvel bravely fought against it, but Karen and Linda had both hands latched around her wrists now, holding her tightly as the other two joined them.

"Now just you relax." said Ms. Santa. "It will all be over soon."

"Noooo," Marvel groaned, squeezing her eyes shut as she struggled to resist.

I AM THE WORLD'S MIGHTIEST MORTAL! she thought, I AM MORE POWERFUL THAN THEM ALL!! The nubile young heroine suddenly burst free with a supreme effort, flipping backwards and scattering her four attackers like bowling pins.

Supergirl was first on her feet but Mary was on her even as she rose, pulling out the stops now, her furious fists hammering again and again into that lean, toned, leotard-clad abdomen. Linda's eyes rolled up in her head and she dropped like a rag doll. Then it was Power Girl's turn to take a beating and drop to the floor unconscious. She absorbed Starfire's starbolts as if they were feathers, dispatching her with a single blow that sent her flying. She hit Huntress so hard she heard a rib crack and smiled with satisfaction as the heroine crashed into the wall and slid silently to the floor.

“I AM THE WORLD'S MIGHTIEST MORTAL!!” she cried, pride dripping from her voice.

Technically that title belongs to Billy, she thought, but it should have been mine!

“Oh, yes. World's mightiest mortal. Something to be proud of.”

Mary turned towards Ms Santa's voice and found herself staring into the open end of a ringing bell.
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Tears silently flowed down Diana's face as the memory of what she had done continued to flood her mind.

Night Six, Heroine Five, Part Two: A Warehouse at the Docks, Fawcett City

The ringing sound filled her ears, drowning out her mind. The inside of the bell was filled with tantalizing images of that sable coat, how beautiful it would look on her, how easy it would be to take it. Something whispered in her mind about Pride, Envy, and Greed. Something that sounded like a warning, but the ringing of the bell drowned it out. Could she really take what she wanted? After all, who could stop her? The stunning superheroine dropped to her knees, feeling weak as a kitten as she fought valiantly against the thoughts flooding her mind.

"There!" Ms. Santa cried. "That should temporarily neutralize those magic powers of hers! You know what to do, girls!"

Instantly twenty-seven slinky women in sexy green leotards and white nylon tights stepped out of the shadows, surrounding her, piled on her, holding the dazed superheroine spread-eagled face down on the floor. One of them climbed on top, her silken knee on the base of Marvel's spine, grabbing her cape, wrapping it around her neck and yanking backwards. Helpless, half strangled by her own cape, her back arched so far back her torso was vertical, the heroine was powerless to fight back as other assailants reached forwards to fondle her lovely little tits. Her nipples stood up like bullets.

"N-n-no! Stop it! You... can't..." Mary protested, as a wave of feminine helplessness washed over her. More were tugging at her clothes, spreading her legs, caressing her smooth bare legs and creamy inner thighs.

Wonder Woman stepped from the shadows. Where she had been, Mary had no idea, but the mere sight of her filled Mary with hope.

“Wonder Woman, please. Help me, I can't...” she gasped as Diana concentrated and someone's fingers wormed into the heroine's cleft, pushing aside the crotch of her flimsy white panties and stroking her tender, vulnerable pussy.

"You c-c-can't... please..." the heroine panted, her hopes suddenly crushed, her body responding with a rush of unbridled sexual heat as the unseen girl rubbed her g-spot, sapping her will to resist, her mind suddenly filled with lustful thoughts towards Diana.

The next thing she knew, Diana's lips were on hers, kissing, tongue mingling with hers and Mary couldn't help kissing back hungrily. Her skin misted over with dew as a startlingly sudden orgasm gushed through her vagina, ravaging her and leaving her in a state of weak and trembling submission.

"Why..." Mary Marvel panted. "Wh-why are you... doing this?"

Ms. Santa pushed Diana aside and smiled with contentment.

"Don't worry your pretty head about that." she crooned. "Just relax and enjoy. Girls?”

Gentle hands lifted Mary to her feet, she felt something warm slipped onto her. The black sable. Good, it should be hers! No! That's... She sighed with pleasure as uncounted hands softly caressed her, pulling her backwards. Barely able to stand, she leaned back into the strangely silent women as they lowered her gently onto the floor, plying her with food? Strange. Something nagged at the edge of her consciousness, an old wizened face, a warning, but she couldn't bring it into focus. Besides, she loved mint ice cream and there was nothing that couldn't wait until she finished eating it. No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than there was a flash of lightning. Her cape was gone, her mini-dress was now gleaming black and gold, the long sleeves ending in gloves. Her gold boots now darkest black with five inch spiked heels reached up to her thighs. Her hair style had changed, giving her a wild, seductive look. Fully energized now, she stood up, looking lustfully at Wonder Woman.

Ms Santa broke into her reverie, “You can have her, if you want.”

Mary smiled seductively, “What do I have to do?”

The blond winked, "Turn her into your mistress."

Mary's smile was replaced by confusion.

Ms Santa giggled her musical giggle, “Don't worry, you'll love the idea. It's going to be delicious, let me tell you all about it while I whip up a portal back to DC. We wouldn't want Diana to be missed, now would we?”

Ms Santa giggled, and Mary with her as they followed Diana, her four friends, and twenty-seven sexy elves through the portal.
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Night Seven, Heroine Six, Part Five: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

Wonder Woman clenched her fists tightly, tears still blurring her vision as she realized what she had done. How she had used her intimate knowledge of Mary's gods, the way they always exacted a price for every gift. How she had strategically broken down each of the young heroine's strengths to make way for Hybris, Nemesis, and Peitho to imbue poor Mary with their powers and attributes, filling her with pride, envy, and lust. The bell used by people who stole from charity was the key to awakening Mary's greed. Mary hadn't stood a chance, and it had been her plan.

Diana spoke in racked sobs, “Oh, Mary, I'm so sorry.”

Mary helped Dinah to her feet, “Oh, pooh! You'll soon be over that nonsense!”

She flexed her fingers, little ripples of purple lightning dancing between them.

“After all, without my new powers Canary would never have been able to sing so seductively, now would she? And without Dinah's voice, we'd never have been able to alter the frequency of Kori's starbolts.”

Kori? “What about Kori?” Then Diana saw her, her silvery armour now a dark metallic black and her entire body glowing with violet energy. The three of them surrounded her, pressing against her, hands exploring her body as Kori and Mary released energy from their fingertips triggering erogenous responses. She could resist this, she was Wonder Woman! She would not give … Then the Canary began to sing and her world exploded into a sea of unbridled lust she could never hope to control. When Dinah's song was over and her senses righted themselves, a seductive smile played on her lips.

Ms Santa joined the group and smiled weakly, obviously drained. "Soon, Diana, I will be you, but for the next three days I must rest. You must continue my work."

Wonder Woman knelt before the red clad blond, "Rest, mistress, I will take care of everything."

Ms Santa ran a finger along the former heroine's jaw. "I knew I could count on you, Diana." then she lay down in the middle of the floor.

Huntress, Supergirl, and Power Girl took equidistant places around her, visible streams of energy began to flow from them and into the Christmas clad blond as they walked slowly around her, then Ms Santa began to glow, getting brighter and brighter until she vanished.

Rising, Diana turned towards the remaining former heroines, “You need a fourth, and I know just who!”
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Fun story!!
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Night Eight, Heroine Seven: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

Troia landed near the warehouse. It looked unassuming but, if Diana's intel was correct, was going to be a hotbed of activity in just a few minutes. Odd that she had arrived before her sister.

Inside the warehouse, Donna's arrival had been noted.

“Is everyone ready?”

Nods from around the room, “Very well then. Let's bait the trap. A little fireworks, Kori. Helena, if you would be so kind?”

Donna was about to call Diana to inquire about the delay when the signal came through on her com at the same moment that a couple of explosions rocked the warehouse. “Mayday. Need immediate assist, I say again, we need...” Jammed!! No one outside the area was going to get that message. She should go for... Another explosion.

“Diana!!!” Troia charged into the warehouse, there, scattered on the floor, Power Girl, Starfire, Huntress, Supergirl, and … “Diana!” she whispered.

Checking the area she saw nothing, but someone or something had – she knelt next to Diana, she was breathing. Good. Now to check the others. Kori was closest, she rolled her over – wait when did Kori start wearing black...

Kori's eyes snapped open as her hands released twin starbolts into twin breasts. “Surprise!!”

Donna's body arched in pleasure... a moan escaped her lips... it felt too damn good... that meant... “NO!!”

A well placed blow rendered Kori as unconscious as she had looked. Okay, a trap. Still, shouldn't be a …

An impact in the small of her back followed by sharp pain. Power Girl flying her towards the wall. No problem, a red sun burst should... the attempt sent another wave of pleasure through her... damn! Kori had somehow compromised her photonic powers. She reached up over her head, grabbing Karen by the armpits and jammed her feet into the floor, bending over forwards and pulling as hard as she could. A blue and white clad figure shot by overhead as she added her energy to Power Girl's momentum, causing her to crash into the warehouse wall. It didn't even dent.

“That tears it! Definitely a trap!”

Lusciously long lethal legs encircled her neck as a shadowy figure dropped onto her from overhead, cutting off her air. Helena! Right, render them all unconscious and get it all sorted out later. Fingers caressed her face, relaxing her, arousing her, like some kind of drug. Feels so good.

“That's it, just relax and take a nap.”

Whatever her intent, Helena's voice broke the spell, but Donna was already greying out. No way she had enough strength to dislodge Helena when she had the leverage advantage. Only one thing to do. She dropped to her knees, her eyes rolled up into her head, and she passed out.

Huntress popped off as Troia crashed to the floor, landing lightly on her feet.

A steely hand grasped Helena's ankle and smashed her into the floor, unconsciousness was instantaneous. A quick pivot kick sent a charging Supergirl crashing into the far warehouse wall, then Power Girl was on her again.

A few blocks and evasive manoeuvrers later, Troia put everything she had into a belly blow that sent Karen reeling. Donna stayed on her, pressing the advantage. Left, right, knee, elbow, every skill she had learned from Phillipus, Diana, and Helena was on display, no holding back. She couldn't afford to, she was too heavily out-gunned.

Karen was forced back, her superior speed blocking many of the blows, her stamina absorbing others, but still she gave ground until, finally, she was backed into a wall and could give no more. Donna was about to deliver the coup de grâce, when Power Girl landed a powerful blow to her own belly, knocking the wind from her. Before she could recover her breath, she felt a pair of hands shoving her face down into Karen's cleavage, cutting her air off for the second time in as many minutes. Linda's hands held her firmly, her body now sandwiched between the two voluptuous Kryptonians as their fingers began to explore her body and her pulse began to race as she slowly slipped into a sea of pleasure and drifted towards the arms of Morpheus.

She saw Diana's face loom before her.

“Remember,” she told the young heroine, “even though you now have the powers of an Amazon, even you, Wonder Girl though you are, will be outmatched. The key to winning is to never give up. Your opponent cannot win unless you surrender or die.”

Her hands scrabbled feebly on Power Girl in front of her, finding her hair and yanking forward and down with all the force she had left, smashing the Kryptonian skulls into one another. The three of them slid to the floor, but it was only Donna who climbed slowly to her feet. Well, that was all of them. Now to... a musical note slammed into her, stimulating her already inflamed libido. She tried to fight back, but she was so tired.

A voice spoke softly in her ear as fingertips gently teased her pelvic region with strange energy, stoking the fire even more.

“You might as well enjoy this. We need you, sister.”

Mary and yet – not... she tried to pull away, but Mary's grip on her right wrist was unbreakable. She tried to twist loose but another hand grabbed grabbed her left wrist and other fingers began to tease her sex as well. Kori and Mary knew what they were about.

“Nooo! Stop!” She had to think of something else to try..

The arousing note softly sang in her ear as warm flesh pressed against her back. Dinah's black gloved fingers reached under her armpits and began stimulating her breasts, adding yet more fuel to the flame of her desire.

“She is ready.” Mary said.

She saw a shadowy face looming before her and focused her eyes, at least she would be able to identify...

“Diana?” Shock froze her into immobility, why was Diana dressed in red velvet and white fur? What is she – then she saw the lips. Diana's lips? But she's your sist... adopted sister... but what about Terry? Even as these thoughts were running through her head, she moved closer to those lips. She wanted to taste them so badly – no – but – NO!

Her world went dark in a flash of light as two pairs of lips finally met.

Diana smiled down at her sister.

“When she wakens she will be one of you. Now, counting me, we have two of everything except those with magic based powers."

She turned to Mary, "It's time for you to call on Jenn.”
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Night Nine, Heroine Eight: Hayden Apartment, Los Angeles, CA

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden stepped out of the bathroom, the soft lustre of her green skin contrasting with the sparkly bits where water droplets still remained. As she crossed the threshold to her bedroom, a cloth clamped over her nose and mouth, the aroma of chloroform filling her nostrils as the drug filled her lungs and the world began to spin. Even as she envisioned a giant green hand plucking off her assailant, something hard clamped over her left hand.

It took her dazed mind a minute to realize it was some kind of wood encasement, effectively neutralizing her powers. Even as that registered, she recognized a voice. Mary? What was she do..


Hands lifted her feet as her eyelids began to flutter. She tried to kick out at them, but it was more of a feeble squirm. Ccan't let them... take... me... stop them.


Something... wrong! Mary must need her help... need her to... to... what? Her thoughts became a jumbled disorder. She tried to focus but her world got smaller and smaller until there was a tiny little pinprick of light. A sigh escaped her lips as she finally surrendered, the last of her consciousness slipping away like the mist on a summer morning.

“Well,” said Mary, “That went off exactly as planned.”

Pressing the button on the remote, she led her three companions through the portal with their slight burden. Moments later, the portal closed behind them and the four of them, Mary, Donna, Kori, and Dinah stood before Diana with a slumbering Jenn in their arms.

* * *

A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

“Mission accomplished.”

A playful smirk played on Mary's lips as she traced a finger down the side of the slumbering heroine's face.

“When do we get to play with her?”

“The mistress has prescribed a special ritual for this one,” Diana smiled, “though I believe playing IS part of the ritual." Her voice hardened, "Now bring her.”

Diana led the way into an energy pyramid that consisted of Supergirl, Power Girl, and Huntress at the three corners of the base with no apparent apex. As they reached the centre of the base, Diana positioned them around the still slumbering Jade. Starfire and Mary Marvel on each side, Black Canary at Jade's head, and Troia at her feet.

Diana nodded and Kori removed the wooden gauntlet that encased Jenn's left hand, then she positioned herself behind Dinah.


It was a clear command. Dinah began to sing. Mary and Kori began to stimulate Jenn's breasts using their fingers and discharging their unique energies into them. The unconscious heroine began to moan. Donna began to stimulate Jade's sex, adding her own recently modified photonic energies to the mix. Diana began to slowly walk in a clockwise circle around the five of them. One full circle each minute in a precise, measured pace that showed her long shapely legs through the slit in her fur trimmed red velvet toga, the hood of which was pulled up over her head. One, two, three... each revolution marking the passage of time and levitating the six of them off the floor little by little.

Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen... Jade's eyes snapped open as she openly responded to the building passion within her. She tried to concentrate, to use her powers to free herself, but all she could get from her hand was a feeble green glow. She tried to shut out the building passion and was beginning to get some control, the glow in her hand brightening to a flame, when Diana passed Dinah's position at the fifteenth minute.

Jade vanished, reappearing almost instantly in the same space but rotated 90 degrees clockwise. Now her head was between Starfire's fingers, Donna was discharging her photonic energy into the heroine's left breast, adding to what Starfire had put there. Mary, for her part, was enjoying herself immensely as her fingertips discharged what looked like tiny bolts of purple lightning into Jenn's clit. Dinah latched her lips around the remaining breast and sang as she teased it with her tongue.

Jenn's world had turned sideways, seeming to wink out for a moment, then hands caressed her temples, discharging some kind of energy into her brain that made it increasingly difficult to focus on anything except her continuously building state of arousal.

Still Wonder Woman, looking like a Greek goddess version of Santa, continued to mark off the minutes, one slow revolution at a at a time. Still they continued to rise towards the exact centre of the pyramid.

Jade tried to concentrate, to exercise her will. Small flashes of green flame surrounded her hand but each successive attempt showed less result. The minutes ticked by, Diana's form became almost a blur as time seemed to move faster. Then her world turned sideways once more.

Jenn reappeared rotated 90 degrees clockwise once more, placing her head at the bottom of the hour. Dinah focused her voice right at the heroine's cleft, affecting the tissue much the way an opera singer can affect a glass. Mary and Kori were back to teasing breast and nipple, discharging their energies into them in the process. Donna's photonic powers were playing with Jade's mind, pulling and modifying fantasies from her subconscious, playing them in front of her, fuelling the flames of her desire and distracting her from any attempt to free herself. Now it was all she could do to hold back her orgasm. Her body desperately wanted to climax, but her will held it in check. She would not give them the satisfaction.

Again the minutes passed as Diana's black stiletto heeled sandals with red laces up to her knees slowly paced them off. One step each second, sixty steps to mark a full circle. Now, however, though her movements were still blurred, they appeared slower to the struggling heroine as she fought off her impending orgasm minute by minute, second by second.

Jenn phased out again, rotating to the three quarter hour mark. Mary leaned over, her cleavage filling Jade's vision as her fingertips traced those small discharges of purple lightning along each side of the heroine's face. Dinah had once more latched onto the breast in front of her, teasing the nipple with her tongue as she sang. Donna, on the other breast, was deftly using her fingers and discharging her photonic energies deep into the tissues. Kori, her eyes locked with Mary's, suddenly knew exactly how to tease the helpless heroine's clit to best effect, discharging starbolt energies there in a constant trickle.

Jenn thought she would go mad. Both her breasts and her clit, even her mind... all now had the combined sexual energies of the four around her. She was no longer thinking of fighting off the orgasm building within her as Diana's pacing marked off each second. No, she was trying everything she could to encourage it, but her body would not listen. She could not move, could not speak. Only her mind obeyed her wishes and all that her mind wanted was to climax, to have what would be the largest mind blowing orgasm she had ever had. In that sense, even her mind was paralysed.

Finally the fifteenth minute arrived, finally she phased out, then back in, her head once more at the top of the hour, her body now at the precise centre of the pyramid. Donna pressed her feet together, trapping the orgasm that would not come within her loins. Strips of cloth were slowly wrapped around her one by one, covering more and more of her skin. Her eyes met Diana's, asking the question she could not voice – what are you doing to me and why?

Wonder Woman smiled down at her, “Your powers, while not magic, come from a magical source – the Starheart. You already know that much, what you don't know is that the wrappings we're encasing you in were used to entrap Bastet herself for a time, giving rise to the legend of Pasht, goddess of lust. I'm sure you are beginning to understand how that could be at this particular moment. Just like you, she was trapped in her own passions by this same ritual. Unlike her, I doubt you will ever escape.”

Jade, the process now nearly complete, resembled a mummy, white cloth strips wrapped around every inch of her body. Diana looked into her eyes and put the final strip of cloth in place.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden exploded into a brilliant, blinding, green flame. When it subsided, there was Jade for all to see. The costume was both familiar and not, gleaming white boots which now had heels, the emerald green pants tucked into them fit like a second skin and shone with a high gloss. The white leotard shone like her boots, with a copy of the green birthmark on her hand cut out of the fabric, showing her cleavage. From there the differences were more pronounced. Gloves attached to her leotard like sleeves were of the same high gloss emerald as the pants. The left glove had no palm, allowing her birthmark to be displayed. Her face and hair looked painted on, like a mask, unmoving. Her nipples protruded through her costume, hard like little bullets. She rotated from the horizontal to the vertical, then, her arms outstretched, she began to spin slowly. Her eyes gleamed with an inner fire, her body was surrounded by an intense green aura.

“It is done.” Diana pulled back the fur trimmed velvet hood and smiled, “Now we have access to her energies without having to guard against her using them on us.”

Jade rose into the air, right over, had she known it, the exact spot that Ms Santa had vanished two nights ago. Unneeded for the ritual, Power Girl, Supergirl, and Huntress had stood a silent vigil at the three points of the pyramid's base. As Jade's energy flowed outwards it struck them, forming a pyramid that rotated as she did. Ms Santa, now brunette and looking very like a certain Amazon Princess began to materialize a few seconds later, rotating fixed in the exact centre of the pyramid and clearly asleep. Slowly the energy encased all five of them, forming a solid looking emerald pyramid that rose into the air until it was in the exact centre of the warehouse. There it remained, still rotating slowly and pulsing brightly with Jade's Starheart energy.

Diana turned to her sister, "We need to complete the set of three Amazons next. You know Dru even better than I. What's the best way to catch her with her guard down?"

Peering through the skylight from above, blue eyes widened as Diana's hair slowly lightened to a golden blonde, then narrowed in response to all they had witnessed as a single word came to mind, Magic!!

A shadow detached itself from the shadows, flitting lightly across the roof and dropping silently to the ground below before she used her own kind of magic to vanish into the shadows.
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December 2018 update: I began this story four years ago now, under the title of "Wonder Woman, A Christmas Story" and after the second chapter was totally bored with the direction it was taking. It was going to become one of those kinds of stories that I loathe to read where the action of the succeeding chapters becomes redundant reflections of the first.

While discussing with Tallyho his second Grace story, it occurred to me to take things in a totally different direction. As such, above, you will find the edited version of Night One and a significantly modified version of Night Two.

For any of you who have read my stuff, you do know to expect a surprise plot twist in the end.
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Dravatar, you are a genius. This story gets juicier and more suspenseful every time you write. I'm lovin' it!
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Night Ten, Heroines Nine and Ten: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

Drussilla Prince continued to watch the warehouse, she had seen no movement at all even though she'd been watching for over three hours. There had been a time when she would have arrived and charged right in, but that was 76 years in the past. She had learned the wisdom of patience and studying the objective. Like now, when the door had been left ajar and she could clearly see that both Diana and Donna were bound back to back with Diana's lasso. That meant it was just as clearly a trap, but as yet she had seen no movement. She moved closer, keeping to the shadows, something the exomantle of Dark Star made easier. She did miss the bright red costume she used to wear, but they were adults now, and the mantle of Wonder Girl had passed on to Cassie who should be causing a distraction just about...

The sliding door on the far side of the warehouse caved in yet again and Dru moved the remaining distance quickly.

"I'll have you free in just a second." she whispered.

The knots in the lasso came undone easily, since she was not the one bound by it. The lasso fell away and powerful hands grabbed her wrist, flinging her across the room and into a field of energy. The trap, it wasn't Diana or Donna, it couldn't be!

Quickly getting to her feet, she faced the two impostors, "Who are you and what have you done with my sisters?!?"

Diana's response was to walk towards her, black stiletto heeled sandals with red laces up to her knees clearly visible through the slit in the long fur trimmed red velvet toga. As she watched, the hood was thrown back to reveal a head covered in blond hair and bereft of any tiara. How had she failed to notice this before? The woman who was and was not Diana waved an arm covered in a long white glove and Troia spread out to flank her. They had her boxed, but it didn't matter because help should be arriving just about...

Cassie flew in, but Troia ducked and threw her into Dru, leaving the two of them in a heap.

The woman and Troia pounced before they could regain their feet.

"Predictable as ever, Dru. Did you really think I wouldn't have expected you to bring Cassie?" She grabbed Dru's wrist, it is Diana, and hurled her into Donna's swinging foot.

Dark Star's exomantle was designed to take a lot of punishment and spread it out, diffusing the energy of any strike. Even so, Dru's breath came out in a whuf.

No sooner had Diana released Dru than she turned her attention to Cassie. The blond was struggling to her feet when Wonder Woman's fist hit her crotch like a pile driver and the heroine returned to her knees.

"Oooh, I'll bet that really hurt. What about this?"

Diana's white gloved hands glowed purple as she reached out, caressing Wonder Girl's breasts, the strange energy pouring into them as she did so. All Cassie's pain seemed to vanish as an incredible wave of pleasure crashed over her. Pulling her hands away, she allowed the pain in Cassie's crotch to return just before she kicked it even harder than she had hit it.

"What do you think, Cass? Pleasure?"

Her hands returned to the blond's breasts sending another wave of pleasure.

"Or pain?" Again she let go, another kick impacting the heroine's crotch.

Meanwhile, Donna and Dru were more evenly matched. Troia grabbed Dru by her costume between her cleavage and yanked her to her feet. Dark Star, though still trying to catch her breath hit Donna with a blow to the abs which did not indicate any loss of strength at all. Now it was Donna's turn to drop to her knees as she found breathing difficult, but she wasn't finished either, releasing her modified photon energy directly into Dru's crotch.

Dark Star's mouth hung open in a silent scream of pleasure so intense she couldn't even think. Her bracelet moved to block the energy by reflex even as her own maser discharged into the centre of Donna's chest, sending her crashing into the same energy barrier Dru had been thrown into earlier. Scant seconds later, a recovering Dark Star flew forwards, following up on the attack with a series of blows that kept Troia off balance. Left and right to the wind, head smashed into the knee, using her hair to flip her to the ground, knee drop to the wind, one after the other in rapid succession. If she could just take Donna out while Cassie kept Diana busy, then maybe they would stand a chance.

Cassie was keeping Diana busy, but only because Diana was taking the time to break her. Each time she hit Wonder Girl with a wave of pleasure, the heroine got weaker, less able to focus on anything besides the pleasure. Then there were those lips... those luscious lips that kept begging to be... their lips touched and Cassie's world faded into pleasurable bliss.

Donna slipped into unconsciousness as Dru used her superior experience and freedom of thought to defeat her twin sister. Before she could turn around, however, Wonder Woman clipped her in the small of the back, smashing her into the barrier with full frontal impact. Dazed, Dark Star's hours of training paid off and she struck backwards with her elbow without thought. Sadly, Diana had been responsible for much of her training and rode the blow.

Dru, having received enough time from her efforts to partly recover turned to face her adoptive big sister.

"Diana, it's me, Dru! You can fight this!"

Diana pressed her hands to the side of her head,

"Dru? What's going on? I'm having so much trouble thinking!"

Dru stepped towards her sister, reaching out - Diana's foot sweeping her ankles the moment they were in range,

"so much trouble thinking of anything more fun than enslaving you for the Mistress!!"

A knee dropped onto the stunned Dru's stomach, winding her once more even as Diana's white gloved hands found the heroine's breasts, discharging pleasurable energy into them.

"That's right, Dru, just relax, it'll be all over soon."

"Please -- Di-a-na, -- don't!!"

Dru panted, her eyes locked on Diana's lips. She had to taste them. NO! her mind screamed at her, all her training, all her experience, her every instinct telling her to stay as far away from those lips as possible. Still they moved ever closer as the pleasure in her body built and her vision tunnelled down until all she could see was those lips - lips that begged her to kiss them. She tried to look away but her eyes would not obey. She tried to back away, but her mouth moved closer to those tantalizing lips.

She gasped as they touched, her mind going black.

Diana looked up to the pyramid that floated above the one she was standing in.

"It is done, Mistress, all three Amazons lie at your feet."

Immediately the three unconscious Amazons began to glow, their supine bodies vanishing from sight, assuming position in the top pyramid. The figures of Supergirl, Huntress, and Starfire, formerly providing corner framing for the pyramid, inside of which Ms Santa slumbered as she was being transformed into Wonder Woman, appeared where the unconscious Amazon bodies had been moments ago.

"Soon the transformation will be complete and our Mistress will return to us."

Even as the words left her mouth, Wonder Woman began to position the others, forming a pyramid as if the floating one were its capstone.

The base was built of Supergirl, Power Girl, and Starfire, the three aliens, on the floor with Diana in the precise centre of the equilateral triangle they formed. The remaining three heroines, Black Canary, Huntress, and Mary Marvel, formed a smaller triangle nested in the middle of the larger one. Maintaining a fixed distance from each other they rose into the air until they reached a point halfway up the 'wall' of the pyramid.

Diana also rose to float halfway between the two trios of heroines, maintaining an equal distance between both groups as the one group rose into the air.

When the three heroines reached a certain height, the pyramid floating above them began pulse with energy, the colour changing, moving upwards through the visible light spectrum until it reached violet.

Violet light moved along invisible lines formed by the three floating heroines, striking them and moving down from them to the heroines at the base, then from the heroines at the base to each other.

Finally, the light shot from all six of those heroines to strike Diana, floating in their precise center. She stretched out her white gloved arms, revelling in the influx of energy and began to rotate slowly, her body softly glowing, her head, covered in a fur trimmed velvet hood, bowed submissively,

"We are ready and await your return, Mistress."

Diana raised her arms and the collected energy shot from them into the bottom of the now violet capstone which then began to glow more brightly. It pulsed, purple light that became increasingly transparent until Wonder Woman was revealed to be floating in their midst.
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I just read this story again in prep for finishing and noted some inconsistencies and how the end was drifting away from the main theme. As a result, I will be doing some edits over the coming days to bring everything up to snuff and prepare for the grand finale, which I dare say, will surprise many of you.
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Night Ten: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC, 22:59 EST

The moon slid behind a cloud and the shadows deepened. Seemingly alive they swirled across the rooftop. Mere seconds passed, then the skylight opened slightly and the blackness of shadow moved into the deeper darkness within.

Below, brilliant emerald light, contained within a circle walked by the Amazon Princess. Diana, the friend she had needed to put off some eight days ago, now clearly not only in trouble, but the source of it as well. Barbara Gordon, for it was, after all, Batgirl, continued to watch. Clearly this fight wasn't going to be won by brawn, if that were the case those she was watching would already have put an end to this. No, what she needed was intel.

Another whole hour passed, during which the violet light became increasingly brilliant, casting all about it into deeper and deeper shadow until, finally, it faded. The lenses in Batgirl's cowl changed, no longer blocking certain light frequencies, but allowing her to see in the much more dim lighting of the solid energy pyramid that now floated above her friends.

Diana turned to her sister, "We need to complete the set of three Amazons next. You know Dru even better than I, what's the best way to catch her with her guard down?"

Peering through the skylight from above, blue eyes widened as Diana's hair slowly lightened to a golden blonde, then narrowed in response to all they had witnessed as a single word came to mind, Magic!!

A shadow detached itself from the shadows, flitting lightly across the roof and dropping silently to the ground below before she used her own kind of magic to vanish into the shadows.

Night Eleven: An Undisclosed Location, 01:22 EST

"So, that's it. Everything I saw, and you know my memory for detail."

The svelte figure in green ran perfectly manicured fingers through green hair while staring at herself in the mirror. "I do like this body."

Sighing at the need to get back to work, she turned from the mirror.

"Well, I guess they'll be expecting you, so you'd better not disappoint them."

Barbara picked up the sliver of midnight dark wood. "You think this will work?"

The green haired beauty shrugged. "If we time this right, it should work well, but..."

The darknight damsel put the sliver in a compartment on her belt.

"No plan survives contact with the enemy. Oh well, just remember you're the backup."

The other woman nodded, turning to check her appearance in the mirror once more.

"Do you think I should wear the jacket? I mean, it's cold out but without it you get so much more..."

She turned, shaking her cleavage, but the room was empty. She sighed.

"She's been hanging around Bruce so long that she's picking up his more rude habits."

She shook her head and returned to looking in the mirror for a moment, then went to the kitchen and made popcorn. That done, she went to her laptop, pressing her thumb on the reader. The screen came up, user id, 128 character pass-phrase, voice print with random question response, and finally a retina scan.

The thing opened and she clicked on a folder: training videos, then selected a folder inside: Fire, selected a video and pressed play.

Popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth she settled back in her chair and began to watch, speaking into the empty room.

"It's going to be a long night!"
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Night Eleven: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC, 16:38

The sun was just setting and, as she effected entrance into the warehouse, the twelve ladies below were milling about. Food and other necessities were being addressed, so they were scattered around the various rooms and only passing through the warehouse proper as necessary. Silently making her way around, she decided she needed to deal with the four: Mary, Dinah, Kori, and Donna first. Mary would be the biggest problem there, so she was shoved to the back burner.

An overhead drop and a choke hold snatched the Canary before she could utter a sound. She held the hold until she was certain Dinah was out. No singing just now, thanks.

The shadowy figure thoroughly bound and gagged the blond detective, leaving her all trussed up to a rafter.

A few minutes later she dropped on Kori. A gas pellet popped under her nose insured that she fell into Batgirl's waiting arms to be similarly lifted into the rafters where she was securely bound and gagged.

Troia was a different proposition entirely. Legs under the armpits as her line reeled her back up while she held a chloroform soaked cloth over the struggling Amazon's mouth and nose.

Mary was going to be the big problem. Pretty much unbeatable in her current form and no real weakness to exploit. Again she put off dealing with Mary and moved on to the next most powerful on her list. Linda and Karen were easy enough to deal with thanks to a combination of Kryptonite, a red sunlight laser, and Kryptonite laced tranquillizer.

Linda first as she was the best trained of the two. She kept the laser focused on the unsuspecting Kryptonian for several minutes then, when she was alone, dropped on her, covering her mouth while a syringe with a Kryptonite needle injected the special anaesthetic directly into her bloodstream. She lost consciousness even as she was lifted up and bound to the rafters, a small piece of Kryptonite hung around her neck was just large enough to keep her weak.

She successfully repeated the procedure with Karen and she rapidly joined her twin sister, a second Kryptonite necklace on loan to her for the duration of this conflict.

Wonder Girl proved to be the easiest so far, she barely struggled as the chloroform overwhelmed her and she, too, was left bound in the rafters.

Drusilla, proved to be another matter entirely and her capture, though successful, was anything but silent. Even before she had finished binding and gagging her, the hunt was on.

Wonder Woman, who was to be the next target, voiced the question that all those remaining in the warehouse were thinking as they all quickly returned to the main room.

"What was that?"

Huntress, looking around and seeing that there were only four of them remaining, if one didn't count Jade still floating in her overhead prison, whispered to herself,

"Barbara!" Then louder, "We know you're here, Batgirl!"
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Night Eleven: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC, 18:52

Batgirl sat in the rafters watching, she had to time this just right. Come on, just a bit further that way. Now you, Helena -- THERE!

She pressed the first button in her belt buckle. Out went the lights thanks to the device she had placed on the main breaker in the electrical panel earlier.

She dropped a handful of smoke bombs into the center of the four women down below and pressed the second button. Shifting rapidly, she pressed the third button, closed the buckle, and dropped towards the floor below.

* * *

Helena had just opened her mouth to taunt Batgirl when the lights went out.

"On your toes, here she comes."

Smoke went off in their midst, enough pellets to make a column, then the big entrance as a shadowy giant bat shape dropped from overhead. Helena wanted to laugh at the predictability of it all, then noticed that the smoke eddies were wrong. "Wait -- it's..."

But it was too late. Whatever warning Huntress may have issued was lost as the batline, preprogrammed by Barbara and fired by the remote just before she dropped, wrapped around her ankles and pulled her off her feet and away from the fight. Wonder Woman's lasso lashed out towards the figure of Batgirl -- and passed right through, wrapping around Mary Marvel instead, trapping her in its coils.

"Wha..?!? It's a hologram!!!"

A yellow gloved hand reached out of the dark and gripped the lasso.

"What is your magic word, Mary?"

Mary struggled not to answer, but the lasso glowed brightly and the word came out.


She was instantly transformed as the lightning struck and travelled along the magic lasso. When it passed, Wonder Woman was on the floor unconscious, Mary was standing barefoot in a short cotton pyjama set, and Batgirl was already tossing the lasso around Ms Santa.

"Now, tell me how to release my friends from your control!"
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Night Eleven: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC, 18:54

Ms Santa struggled against the lasso that glowed ever more brightly as its magic sought out the truth. Finally she spoke, "I -- I can't..."

Barbara heard feet hit the ground behind her, well, the bat-line wasn't intended to hold Helena, just get her out of the way for a minute or two. Still, this could get tricky. She gripped the lasso more tightly,

"The lasso forces you to speak the truth. Now tell me how to release my friends."

Wonder Woman spoke behind her as strong arms wrapped around her in a bearhug.

"But she is telling the truth. Allow me to clear up your confusion. She was Princess Diana of Themiscyra, also known as Diana Prince and Wonder Woman! As for me? Daddy was a doppelgänger. I have used my abilities and a series of rituals to transform her into me even as I became her. So, while I have that knowledge, she does not."

She smiled, "More than that, they, and you come to that, will become a living battery for me, recharging me at need so that I may retain this form forever."

Batgirl smiled beneath her cowl, "I was counting on you revealing yourself. Thanks!"

The sliver of wood dropped into her hand and Batgirl stabbed it into the unprotected thigh of the doppelgänger, who screamed, released her, backed away, and pulled the sliver out. Violet energy poured out of the villainous Wonder Woman and Batgirl's lenses dropped into place, protecting her eyesight while everyone else went blind. Turning towards Huntress, who would be the biggest immediate threat, she noticed that Helena hadn't got her filters in place. Luck was still with her.

Diana, looking like Ms Santa, began to glow as well and the two of them transformed, Wonder Woman was herself once more, in appearance at least. She fell unconscious to the floor at the feet of the dumbfounded Mary, who, in turn, fell unconscious to the floor as the violet light faded. The darknight damsel moved to attack Huntress, but she, too, fell unconscious, leaving just the doppelgänger, now blond and clad in fur trimmed red velvet once more, to deal with. Ms Santa ought to have been angry, instead she was laughing as she dropped the thorn, now a shrivelled husk bereft of all power, to the floor.

"A Janus thorn! How very clever! It would have worked, too, except I'm more than just a doppelgänger."

Rubbing her thigh where it had been stabbed, she smiled sexily at Batgirl.

"Yes, it still hurts, but don't worry your little head about it, it's all healed up. I just have to wait for the poison to wear off."

"Maybe, but, without your powers, I'll take you out long before that happens."

The smile still on her face, she stared deeply into the heroine's eyes and, suddenly, it felt like they were right next to each other even though Ms Santa had opened the distance to nearly ten meters before removing the thorn.

"Ooh, does that mean you want to play?"

Batgirl blinked, then shrugged, "You could say that."

She hoped the Janus thorn would break the spell of duplicity, freeing her friends.. Only time would tell. For now she still had a doppelgänger to deal with. Even as she had these thoughts, she started to move towards the blond vixen who seemed to vanish right before her eyes.


Spiked heels impacted painfully with Batgirl's back and she tumbled to the warehouse floor. Quickly rebounding, the darknight damsel rolled to her feet assuming a relaxed stance. Ms Santa smiled and stared into Barbara's eyes once more. Again the distance seem to close between her and the heroine, who felt a flush of excitement run through her. Ms Santa moved in to the attack.

"Very soon, Batgirl, you'll be the third detective in my set."

"Bring it!"

Collecting Batgirl proved to be more challenging than she had expected, for Barbara had spent many hours perfecting her combat skills, which, while not as extensive as Diana's, nor as polished as Helena's, were used by a mind that processed what she saw more rapidly and clearly than even Batman. So it was that she was able to see the strike coming before it reached her and either block or evade. Her counters, for the same reason, were more effective than the vixen in skimpy red velvet had anticipated.

"Hold still, damn you!"

Batgirl smiled, her foot spinning in a low arc that took Ms Santa's feet out from under her.

"Now why should I do that?"

But as she fell, the Christmas clad vixen did the unexpected, she pressed her hand against Barbara's crotch, purple energy flowing from her fingertips, causing the heroine to gasp in shock at the sudden pleasure and back away.

"Did I forget to mention that mama was a succubus? How remiss of me." the blond quipped.

Regaining her feet, the Christmas clad villainess executed a perfect heel strike to Batgirl's solar plexus that was so powerful and precise it was only her body armour that prevented it from being a debilitating blow. Even so, it brought her up short. The blond sang softly as she caressed the stunned heroine's breasts.

"I've got that ma-gic touch, It makes you feel so much. It casts a spell, it rings your bell, my magic touch."

It took a minute for Barbara to recover, when she did a knee to Ms Santa's crotch and an uppercut sent her reeling. Now it was the villainess turn to roll quickly to her feet.

"I've got the feel of you now, you sexy thing. Let's dance!"

Ms Santa began to take the fight to Batgirl, now, mixing her own powers with the combat skills she remembered from the heroines she had controlled before the Janus thorn interrupted the connection. A brief light touch with all the power of an extended caress was followed by a nerve strike, or a body blow, or some kind of a kick. The combination soon had the darknight damsel reeling as her body was racked with pleasure and pain.

The pain was easy enough to deal with, but the pleasure was proving to be enough of a distraction that it was putting her off her game. Suddenly Batgirl closed her eyes and focused. Her eyes opened and she clearly saw Ms Santa's next move. She reached out, snagging Ms Santa's hand as it was headed for another of those deadly caresses.

"I think I've had enough of your touch, thanks. How about we try mine?"

It was a beautiful manoeuvrer, her right leg arcing from left to right at knee height while her right hand moved back to front in an open palm strike to the chest. The foot impacted the back of Ms Santa's knees and the combination laid her flat out on her back, stunned. Ms Santa needed a moment to catch her breath, so Barbara used it to her advantage, removing the batcuffs from her utility belt.

As she approached the fallen Ms Santa, the villainess, still recovering, smiled.

"I've enjoyed this pumpkin, really, it's been fun. You dosed me with Janus thorn. You gave me a bit of a beat down. Yeah, loads of fun, but I need my beauty rest."

Batgirl smiled back, "You'll have plenty of time to rest where you're going."

She leaned over to fasten the cuffs around the villainess wrists.

"Oooh, I had no idea you were so kinky! Still, I think I'll pass, Batty. I just have too much to do tomorrow, so I think I'll need to..."

Pulling Batgirl off balance, she kissed her full on the lips. Barbara's eyes widened in shock, then her body began to relax, and finally, her eyes closed. No transfer of energy, no coma, just a deep hypnotic state. Ms Santa gently lowered the heroine to the floor.

"Now listen, Batgirl, you just sleep until sunset tomorrow and I'll be back."

Batgirl's body arched in pleasure, she moaned softly, then relaxed as her breathing took on the even rhythm of slumber. Ms Santa leaned over and put the cuffs around the sleeping heroine's wrists and held up the key.

"I'm kinky too."

Rising, she returned to the spot under the purple glow still emanating from the imprisoned Jade, lay down and closed her eyes. The pyramid slowly formed around her once more and she vanished, leaving the floor and rafters littered with unconscious heroines, most of them still gift-wrapped.
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Excellent chapters. I wasn't sure what the outcome would be in the final fight. Thanks for bringing this to a conclsion. Can't wait for the big finale. I just hope it's not another year or two!
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Day Twelve: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC, 07:30

A small black cat slipped in through the broken skylight. It stopped by each heroine for a moment, staring at them through slitted blue eyes. The two Kryptonians were bound back to back on either side of a vertical support. Their skin had a deathly pale pallor and might have been taken for dead save for the slow, even rising and falling of the chest that revealed they were still breathing. Black Canary and Troia were bound flat on their backs to one of the rafters. They too were in a deep slumber. The cat moved on, checking next on Wonder Girl, also securely trussed to a rafter, and Darkstar, more hurriedly bound, still well secured to a vertical support. Both of them were, likewise, in the same coma-like state. Starfire was secured to a rafter as well, her hands bound in such a way that any discharged starbolts would hit her own body. Her breathing, too, was deep and regular.

The cat stared at Jade for a few moments, then searched for and found a way down to the floor. It stopped by Huntress, sniffing. She, too, was out cold, her eyes moving rapidly below their lids, her breathing normal. Next a quick stop by the slumbering form of Mary Batson. She too appeared to be fine, but was shivering slightly. The cat repositioned the black sable coat so that it more thoroughly covered the sleeping young woman. Mary sighed softly, but remained otherwise immobile. Batgirl remained deep in peaceful slumber even though the cat nudged her several times. Finally, the cat moved on to the final heroine in the room.

Wonder Woman was a different matter. She, too, was unconscious, but her breathing was rapid and shallow, her eyes moving jerkily under her lids in the manner of one trapped in a nightmare. The cat meowed mournfully, but softly, then went about its work.

Quickly and carefully, the cat used tooth and paw to gather the lasso from where it lay next to the fallen Amazon. Bunching the lasso, it took one end of the bundle in its teeth and backed into the shadows and, from there, found a ground floor exit to the building, dragging the lasso all the way.

The hours drifted by and the heroines slumbered on, unnoticed by the sun as it passed by the windows in the same order it did every day and finally began to sink into the west.
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Night Twelve: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC, 16:39

She had been waiting for hours, watching the sleeping heroines for any change, there had been none. Now the sun was finally setting and she silently shifted position yet again. Cramped muscles could be disastrous when the time finally came to act. She settled in again with a patience that would have surprised anyone who knew the green haired beauty, but if Barbara's plan were to have any hope of success, she must strike at precisely the right moment: when the mysterious Ms Santa had arrived, all the heroines had regained consciousness and before they had returned to full power.

She shifted her attention as there was finally activity below. Wonder Woman's body shook in a silent scream as she sat bolt upright. The moment passed, slowly the Amazon Princess climbed to her feet. The woman's eyes narrowed as she watched the heroine's attire change from her brightly coloured armour to a red velvet toga with white fur trim. Diana smoothed the fabric against her skin with white gloved hands and stepped towards the centre of the space below, her sandals clicking on the floor. The long slit in her toga revealed her stockinged legs and the red, calf high laces of her sandals with each step. Arriving at the spot she wished to be, she knelt and waited.

The wait was not long for either of the women as a tiny point of lavender light appeared directly below the hovering Jade and began to grow outwards in size as it got increasingly brilliant. It was not long before the woman watching from above had to close her eyes to keep from going blind. Indeed, she could still see the light through her closed eyelids. Eventually the light began to dim and Diana spoke.

"Welcome back, mistress."

It was the Christmas clad blond who stepped from the fading light, her outfit showing a lot more skin than that of the kneeling Diana. Her full skirt was mid thigh and, though she wore a coat, it hugged her like a second skin and was cut to show off her generous cleavage. Black stiletto heeled boots to her calf, a black belt, white satin gloves, and a santa hat jauntily perched atop her long blond locks completed the picture. A single gloved finger lightly lifted Diana by her chin.

"Rise and attend me."

The woman above smiled. Diana may not be fully Diana any longer, but 'Ms Santa' was not Diana yet, either. So far Barbara's plan was right on schedule.

"Our servants?"

"They still slumber, mistress."

Ms Santa nodded, stepping back below Jade, she stretched out her arms, extending all her fingers, closed her eyes, and concentrated. A long time passed with no further activity, but, one by one, the heroines began to stir. Huntress was the first to awaken, a look of determination and anger on her face. Her muscles tensed, but before she could take any action, her eyes briefly glowed with a purple light and her face assumed a blank stare.

Mary awoke more slowly, then stood abruptly to her feet and began to struggle with the adhesive gag Batgirl had put over her mouth the night before. In the rafters, the various heroines came round. Each case was the same in two respects, they awoke with a clear mind but, before they could take any action, their faces blanked. All except Barbara, she had awakened at sunset, as previously instructed, but rather than taking any action at this point she was biding her time, waiting for the moment when her actions would have the most impact. Ms Santa, however, was not willing to let her wait.

"I know you're faking, pumpkin, so you might as well get up. You're outnumbered and the element of surprise is gone, so you might as well surrender."

"She's not as outnumbered as you think!"

Mary Batson was angry.

"You used me! Used me!! I think it's past time to put an end to your evil games! SHA-"

Batgirl tried to intervene, "Mary, wait!! Don..."


The word echoed through the warehouse, magical lightning cutting off Barbara's wasted plea. There, transformed once more, stood Mary, dressed all in black, a wicked smile on her face.

"I'm ba-ack!"

Even as the words left her mouth, Mary was engulfed in magic green --


The surprise in Ms Santa's voice was readily apparent as she watched the heroine bank and came around for a second pass.

"If you insist."

She 'fired' leaving Huntress likewise surrounded by the green flame.

"Stop her! Now!"

Flying closer to the floor, she passed directly over Batgirl, leaving her surrounded in flame as well.

Ms Santa laughed, "Fool! You have just trapped the only ally that you had here!"

Batgirl took the magic lasso that Fire had handed off under the covering fire and secreted it under her cape, tucking it into her belt. Fire, for her part, played as if she didn't know.

"Oh! Thanks for the tip!"

A wave of her hand opened a small path in the back of the flame allowing Batgirl the protection of it and giving her an unblocked path as well. A moment later, having cleared the mystic flame, the darknight damsel was being lifted to the rafters via batline.

Fire, meanwhile, was sealing each of the rafter stranded heroines in green spheres of fire, just as she had Mary and the Huntress. This task completed she and Barbara dropped from overhead, Fire cutting off Diana while Batgirl dropped the lasso around Ms Santa and drew it tight. She stuck the landing while Fire floated gently to the floor behind her.

"Now, Ms Santa, you will reveal to me how to free my friends."
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Night Twelve: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC, 16:57

Diana watched from behind the office wall as Batgirl slipped the noose of her lasso around Ms Santa and drew it tight.

"Now, Ms Santa, you will reveal to me how to free my friends."

Even as the words came out of her mouth, the lasso pulled right through the...

"What the -- Hologram!"

Diana stepped around the corner and grabbed Batgirl from behind, pinning her arms to her sides.

"Thoughtful of you to leave one of your hologram generators lying around."

"I do try."

Barbara zapped her with a taser and turned to face her. Diana's muscles were still shaking as the darknight damsel moved in, a gas pellet concealed in her glove. The Amazon, not called Amazing for nothing, intercepted the fist, twisted it over open floor, forcing Barbara to drop the gas pellet there, where it popped harmlessly. A backhand blow to her other hand sent the taser flying.

"I think we should play a new game, Babs, as I've had quite enough of your toys."

Diana's left hand reached out and caressed the crime fighter's right breast, then, with the right threw her across the floor. While not as fast as either of the supers, Diana was the fastest of her sisters and crossed the distance before the poor bat had time to recover.

* * *

Barbara zapped her friend with a taser, dropped a knockout pellet into her glove, and turned swinging. She knew that no plan survives contact with the enemy, that's why she had prepared so. Still, Diana had an edge -- she knew Batgirl's fighting techniques well while the reverse was no longer true. Somehow, Diana had the skills and strength of everyone on the other side while having none of their weaknesses. The plan had tried to minimize that effect by keeping the supers under the effects of green K for the duration, but it still left her an uphill battle. A fact that Diana demonstrated, shaking off the taser effect and, using one of Helena's moves, intercepted her blow painfully twisting her wrist and crushing her hand until she was forced to drop the gas pellet on the floor. She tried another strike with the taser, but Diana backhanded it across the room.

"I think we should play a new game, Babs, as I've had quite enough of your toys."

The caress was more intense than anything Barbara had ever experienced. Perfect, sensual, even -- magic! She was definitely in trouble. Then she was flying. Away from her taser. She tried to twist for a decent landing, but was only able to fall well. She was trying to regain her feet when Diana's white gloved fingers found both breasts this time. She felt helpless. Awash in a sea of pleasure so intense it threatened her sanity. She felt a response building within her body.

"No! Don't!"

Diana smiled, “Why? Don't you like the way it feels?”

A gentle pinch elicited the moan that was welling up within, and Diana, uncharacteristically, giggled.

“Yes, I think that you do!"

A crotch strike doubled Barbara over, then more of that magic touch on her breasts cancelled out the pain.

"Are you ready to? Oh! Yes! I think so!"

Her nipples were so hard, the pleasure washing through her made it so hard to think of anything else as Diana played her breasts with magical precision.

"I have all the skills and powers of the mistress, now, and she has mine. You have lost."

Barbara dug deep within, but the most she could do was to look Diana in the eyes.

"Have I?"

Then she glanced down at those lips. Those soft, inviting, lips right there in front of her.

"I think so, Babs, you can no longer resist your desire. Surrender."

Barbara knew she had to concentrate. That she had to focus if she were to -- lips. They were soft and inviting. Wait!! You don't like girls!!

She drew back her fist, swinging with everything she had. Diana shook the blow off with a smirk.

"Is that the best you have left? Come, Babs, taste of my lips and know true bliss."

Again her hands knew just how to send the struggling Barbara. Her skills deserted her, her mind struggled to focus. Those lips -- what do they taste like? She tried closing her eyes but, when she did, all she saw were those lips. She sighed as Diana's hands teased her breasts, continuing to do things that just overwhelmed her senses. She opened her eyes, Diana smiled at her. With an effort she looked away from those -- they look so sweet. Surely it wouldn't hurt to taste? NO! I must prevail! Diana's lips are -- Diana's lips -- Lips. She sighed and leaned forwards, their lips glowing as they touched. Barbara's body stiffened. For a moment it seemed the pleasure would have no end but her body relaxed into Diana's arms and her world went black.
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Night Twelve: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC, 16:57

The woman clothed in green flame, startled by Batgirl's outburst, started to turn and look.

"What the -- Hologram!"

Hologram, wait! Was Diana a... Her head was already pivoting back towards Diana when she felt a thrill of sensation running down her spine. No one can touch me when I'm covered by the magic flame.

"How is it that I can?"

The voice behind her broke perfectly into her inner conversation. Is she a...

"Mind reader? Not quite, though I am well attuned to your emotions and I know that what you really want is for me to..."

The finger, it was definitely a finger, ran down her spine again sending that thrill to every nerve ending in her body. She pivoted, swinging, but her skills were rudimentary as she relied mainly on her powers. The sexy blond she had seen earlier easily intercepted the fist. She's not supposed to be able to get through my...

"Fire? Did you forget that I am a being of magic? I can move through its ripples the way you move through air. Better even."

Fingers ran down her captive arm sending yet more unwanted, though admittedly pleasant, sensations through her nerve endings. She knew exactly how these powers worked, but that didn't mean she could resist them any better than... What was that sound? Barbara!! She's in trouohhh!

"Just as much trouble as you are, my dear Fire. You will complete my set of three beings whose powers are created by magic."

Green flame flew from her hand to the sexy blond in red. Ms Santa laughed it off, literally.

"I'm afraid you're in quite the pickle, my dear Fire. You might as well give up and wait for Diana to finish with the little bat over there."

A green fiery knee hit a red clad crotch.

"Laugh this off!"

She grabbed for blond hair, got red hat, tossed that aside and grabbed the hair, yanking the head it was connected to down into a rising knee. The impact was solid and Ms Santa went down. The fire covered woman approached the fallen sex bomb just as she exploded.

"Try to be nice! That's what I get. Well, if that's the way you want to play it!"

Ms Santa changed her orientation to the fiery woman without rising. Now perpendicular to her, the Santa clad vixen placed her feet, right behind the heroine's knee, left in front of her ankle and rolled.

"What th-- ughh!"

The poor girl hadn't seen it coming and the combination of the foot strike behind the knees with the torque against the ankle dumped her on her face. The blond wasn't satisfied with just dumping her, however. She continued to roll, bending the heroine's knees and painfully stretching them out over her own ankle. The scream was loud and the flame went out. Now a green haired woman in dark green leather was face down on the floor. Pinned down by a leg lock and unable to reach her tormentor with her hands, she could do nothing to stop the blond from working her legs over.

"I don't need you functional, merely alive so that deliciously magical life force of yours can be tapped. You and Mary and Jenn will provide the magic. Diana's magical origins will let her channel that magic -- and all the powers of the others -- into me on an as needed basis. The perfect battery that will keep me young and healthy for years to come."

She changed the hold into a figure four leg lock, sat on the leverage ankle, grabbed a handful of green hair, and yanked, arching the heroine's spine. The heroine screamed again, then muttered something under her breath. Green fire exploded outward, sending the sexy Santa siren flying to land with a whump.

"You really shouldn't piss me off. It's a bad idea!"

She stalked towards the red clad vixen and kicked her in the head with the better of her two legs. The other leg wobbled and she nearly fell, but she managed to get her stronger leg back on the floor in time. Rattling off a stream of angry Spanish at the now fallen figure, she kicked her in the head a second time.

"You really shouldn't do that. It's just not nice!"

She turned towards the sound just in time to see a black gloved fist up close and personal.
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Your fight scene here is magical on every level!
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My thanks Dr D.
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