Supergirl Season Four

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This is what the show should be like every week. Sleuthing for clues, angsty scenes with supporting cast, humour, and good action scenes featuring Supergirl. I can't believe it took this long into season 4 to produce an episode that fires on all cylinders. Unbelievably, they are following it up by taking Supergirl out of the equation next week. My God, she's barely been relevant for the entire season, and now she has to go into hiding? Well, at least last night was fun. Maybe there will even be another episode like this before the end of the season.
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I can see it, they want to develop dreamer as hero. so she can be more of a force in the later episodes, possibly the ending season.

Plus, with the CoL now deputized, the threat of Innocence being harmed while she is around increases dramatically.

DrDominator9 wrote:
5 years ago
Another good episode with a decent script and a nifty extended fight sequence between Supergirl and Otis Graves who has been "recalibrated" as Metallo. Plus they've managed to make James Olsen interesting.

Sadly though it feels like Melissa won't be wearing the SG costume much in the next episode since she's trying to keep a low profile being Public Enemy # 1 now. I guess that's why we got an episode chock full of her in the red and blue... to tide us over for a while.
I enjoyed last night's episode. The fight between Supergirl and Otis was really good. She was in legitimate peril with an upgraded Otis. The writing was great as well.

Now the Children of Liberty have legal authority. This is not good at all. Innocent aliens will most likely be publicly executed in the streets.

My prediction about Jame appears to be coming soon. The Guardian with super powers! Will Kara train James? Will training another superhero make her horny for her partner just like what happen the last time she trained a hero? Find out this and more in the next episode of Kara Danvers as the World Turns!

I think this season could be the best season yet. Sure the first half was slow, but it set up everything for the amazing second half. I loved the Bizarro reference by Alex. Yet, they still have not addressed this plot hole.
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What plot hole?😃

infogeek247 wrote:
5 years ago
What plot hole?😃
Maxwell Lord gave a woman superpowers without Black Kryptonite. Bizarro was just a woman in a coma before she became an Evil Supergirl. Maxwell Lord basically gave her superpowers. He gave her opposite powers of Supergirl to counter the girl of steel. Bizarro has fire breath and ice vision.

Live Wire is also part of this plot hole. She gain her powers by being in contact with Supergirl when they were struck by lightning. Win said Live Wire gain her powers because Supergirl's DNA interacted with Live Wire's DNA, thus giving her superpowers.

Yet, we've watched Lena struggle giving someone super powers when the clear answer was in front of her. She just needed alien DNA.
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Lena may not have wanted to use alien DNA
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Sigh. Now to show my classic Supergirl nerd cred!
I'm a little irked that Kara said she HAD to rely on Lena finding a way to heal James from his bullet wound to the spine.
I know two ways she could have helped him. Easiest is that she has access to the Fortress of Solitude, the single greatest scientific resource in the solar system. Can you honestly say she couldn't have transported "Superman's Best Friend" to the Fortress, and use the Kryptonian super-science to fix him?! We saw in Superman: Man of Steel that it had access to nanotechnology FAR beyond the ken of humanity! How many seconds do you think it would take for Kelex, the resident robot at the Fortress, to nano-manufacture something to fix Jimmy? Even some nanobots to repair him, or make a new spine?
Second, in the old days(pre- CoIE)if a human got an infusion of Kryptonian cells, they would temporarily gain super-powers. Happened TWICE with Kara. Once with a blood transfusion gave a convalescing girl superpowers(and a healed body), and a brain cell transfusion healed a guy's brain injuries, and gave him superpowers too. Too bad the girl decided to go on a crime spree, and the guy was a villain already, so he used his new found powers to commit crimes!

The second option may be a stretch, but the first...
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Yes, Danorian, not to mention all the ways that *aliens* could have helped heal James as well, and showed in the process that aliens could make useful contributions to the lives of humanity of Earth. For example, remember that alien healer guru from earlier in the season? Whatever happened to him, and couldn't there be other alien healing methods around that could have helped James?

Furthermore this leads to the same thing I've been talking about all season: even in this episode (which was very good, extremely complex and well-written for a change, and morally ambiguous in a lot of ways even though it emphasized several different methods of heroism) the aliens are 'mentioned' but hardly even seen. Not only have we not seen any of the alien ships bringing these thousands (millions?) of refugees to Earth, we barely if ever get a hint of the vast technology and otherworldly biologies they brought with them. We see some Kryptonian references like the Harunel, but that's about it. There's so much untapped stuff they could do (remember the creation of Indigo?) that it almost doesn't make any sense that they keep harping on the Lockwood/pseudo-Trumpian politics so much, other than to keep the pro-'immigrant' agenda uppermost in the series.

I remind everyone once again that aliens aren't just poor helpless 'immigrants' - they're otherworldly beings with superpowers. Let's see more of them!

It was also weird not to see any evidence of Lex or the Krasnaya Doch' in this episode..are they hiding out so deeply that we can't even catch a glimpse of what they're up to? We see a ton of Lex's ingenuity on display: from the Get Smart-style secret lab-in-the-wall and chessboard-with-secret compartment to his piles of bound notebooks, but not a whit of Lex himself. It's almost like he is a palpable character being played with the absence of an actual actor.

Overall, though, I really liked this episode for many of the same reasons people above already mentioned, especially the high level of peril that Supergirl was subjected to at the hands of Otis - at times, I thought I was watching an upgraded version of a Next Global Crisis video :)

But one thing nobody mentioned was the prison setting, which tied very nicely into the themes from the other CW shows - Supergirl running the gauntlet of the prisoners was pretty similar to when Oliver Queen (as the Inmate) ran the gauntlet in his prison episode arc. (The Flash also went to jail for a little while). Similar aspects of corrupt wardens, too - except that this warden in Supergirl was a bit his characterization.

Also, the whole thing with Brainy trying to figure his best course of action was annoying. He was almost paralyzed by indecision about whether to delete the Alien Registry even though he's the smartest being on the planet? I don't buy it. The idea that there was a chance that Lockwood would find 'another way' to crack down on aliens didn't make any sense - if Lockwood didn't have the registry, he would have a much harder time tracking down all the aliens, and they would be randomly and haphazardly hunted by the COL, rather than systematically targeted via accurate computer list. So OBVIOUSLY the right solution was to destroy the Alien Registry. He didn't need anyone to tell him that, let alone the still rather incompetent Nia.

If James gets superpowers, that could be 'problematic' as he could outshine Supergirl, and she's already been playing second fiddle (though not in this episode) too much this season as it is. James could work as a 'stopgap' superhero while Supergirl goes into hiding, but anything beyond that is going to detract from the impact of Melissa Benoist being on the screen in that always gorgeous costume.
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I think James will get super powers. But I do not think you will have time Supergirl. They seem to be getting Supergirl more time.

I enjoyed tonight's episode. What it lacked in action, it made up for it with good story. I felt engaged with the entire story. This episode flowed really well. Supergirl didn't see any action, but that was okay. It was the Super Friends Show starring Kara Danvers.

I really liked James's history as a child. Just imagine yourself trapped in a coffin during your father's funeral. My only issue in this story is the lady who tells James to leave to the funeral home. Nobody tells the family to leave at all. That's one of two issues in this episode.

Dreamer's speech reminded me of Supergirl's speech in season one. I like Dreamer's speech better because it sounded more genuine. Is it me or is Nia cuter when she is dressed as Dreamer?

The second issue is not explaining Alex's and Brainy's absence at the DEO. Did Lockwood suspend them? He just took over the DEO without any expansion. I know the President gave him permission to deputize the Children of Liberty, but they never showed the process of him taking overing the DEO.

So far all of my predictions have come true! My next prediction is for next season! I think James with superpowers and Kara will start dating again. Lena will become jealous, and she will eventually connect the dots. This will lead her to discovering Kara is Supergirl. That's just a theory. A Geeky Theory!

The preview for next week shows Lockwood getting superpowers and taking on Dreamer. Hopefully that leads to a big fight between Lockwood and Supergirl.

Tonight's episode was a letdown. I started writing this post with a positive attitude and was going to say it was pretty good. But I realized there is a major legal problem and The Super Friends are jackasses. I wished there was more action. I was hoping for a better fight between Agent Liberty and The Super Friends! John's entrance was welcomed. However, Agent Liberty injected himself with the bad serum. How long is he going to live?

Kara and Lena had the only good parts in this episode. Discovering Red Daughter's existence was okay. I would have liked Kara to have a better shock by first seeing her in person instead of on a computer.

My first problem with this episode is Alex's adoption storyline. It really did not fit with tonight's narrative. I completely support LGBT individuals and their struggle to be accepted in America. James's sister's story to reveal she is also a lesbian just doesn't work for me. Seeing issues is a lot more effective than the character telling the story of a past issue. Their bonding seems so unnatural and forced. Who spends her entire day with a acquittance and encourages her to adopt a child?

The second problem is Brainy confronting Agent Liberty for arresting and questioning aliens. Agent Liberty had the legal right to arrest the woman who killed his wife. Furthermore, harboring a fugitive is a crime. In this case, Agent Liberty did nothing wrong. He was properly enforcing the law.
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I don't think I was quite as let down as you were with the episode, GPC, but there were certainly several disappointments in this show tonight.

All your points about Alex and James' sister bonding like that were correct: It was completely forced on many levels: in terms of the likelihood of them taking this trip off the cuff together, in terms of the level of pain Alex might be going through after only having learned of this possibility of the adoption over such a short period of time, the fact that she never even saw the baby or got to know the mother. It was all completely manufactured sentiment.

Your point about Brainy confronting Lockwood when the DEO team locates the killer of Lockwood's wife is also correct. As nasty as it was to be rounding up aliens, the fact is she was wanted for murder and the group of them could be seen to be harboring a criminal, although that case would have been hard to make.

But overall, Brainy has been a complete and total disaster as a character in my view this season. There's no evidence at all of a 12th level intelligence at work here. Yet another case of the writers screwing up male characters and their arcs.

Good parts of the episode: I loved how Melissa handled the scene where Supergirl finds Red Daughters living quarters and all the pictures on the wall showing everything that Supergirl might ever dread about Lex and a super powered being knowing all her secrets. She was shaking with fear in the moment and you felt so bad for Supergirl/Kara. I did like the moment where Kara almost declared to Lena that she was Supergirl but then pulled back at the last moment. The fight with multiple Eve's with stun sticks fighting Supergirl. I was happy to see Lockwood's son come back hard on his father. That was coming for a while. So, there were several good points about the show and it was interesting I felt throughout. It just lacked quality writing and quality thinking in several parts and thus was disappointing in that regard.
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You would think that they could get better writers because they do have good moments like Miss Tessmacher. If only they concentrated on doing fewer characters better rather than trying to have parts for everyone.

Lena bit about being betrayed is pretty much how this season will end when she finds out the truth about Kara/Supergirl. That would be a better story than this season's failure.
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Mel is carrying the show to the point it is hard to imagine another actress who could do better wearing the 'S'.

Without her, there would be no season 5.

ksire_99 wrote:
5 years ago
Mel is carrying the show to the point it is hard to imagine another actress who could do better wearing the 'S'.

Without her, there would be no season 5.
Well, I won't abandon the show because while it's still being made there is hope that it will improve, but at this point I don't have much optimism. I've enjoyed maybe three episodes this season, end even those ones are a pale shadow of many excellent episodes from earlier seasons. The execs have taken the show in a completely different direction this season, one that forbids Supergirl from battling powerful opponents. It's a head-scratching decision to take a show centered on a superpowered hero, and then purposely avoid having said hero use those powers. I can see centering an episode on other priorities, or even a brief story arc, but an entire season? It makes no sense. It drives away the audience. The lost potential is heartbreaking. I hope they fix it next year.
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Bert wrote:
5 years ago
The execs have taken the show in a completely different direction this season, one that forbids Supergirl from battling powerful opponents. It's a head-scratching decision to take a show centered on a superpowered hero, and then purposely avoid having said hero use those powers.
That's why the Lex Luthor arc this season has been so good. Even though he lacked superpowers at the start, he has the brains to come up with ways to fight at her level. From Otis being a new Metallo to the recent Miss Tessmacher fight. Next week with hopefully a really long fight with Red Daughter. It's the classic brains versus brawn fight with brains winning.
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ZZZZZZ....Alex relationship drama....ZZZZZ....Kara reporter crap.....ZZZZZ....more Alex relationship crap....ZZZZZZZZ....Alex can't get a baby...
ZZZZZZ....Alex sad....ZZZZZ....Kara doing more reporter crap...ZZZZZZZZ.... Finally... a Supergirl sighting. Two minutes of Supergirl in action.
James Olsen doing whatever...ZZZZZZ.....Back to reporter Kara....ZZZZZZ....Alex talking about mommy issues...ZZZZZZ...ZZZZZZZZZZZ.

What did we learn from last night's episode. The same thing we've learned from every episode going back to season two.
Prejudice is bad. Anti-immigration is bad. Guns are bad. Chauvinism is bad. Male presidents are bad. LGBT rights are good.
But most of all we learned...T.V. shows that do nothing but shove this stuff up your ass and down throat...are!

Oh...and let's not forget the retread of the Supergirl vs Supergirl arc that we got in season one with bizarro Supergirl.
And...the whole Supergirl appealing to the "good woman" deep down inside of her foe. ( i.e...Bizzaro Supergirl, Reign, Blight, Live Wire, Psi, and so on) week...Sugergirl will try to reform Red Daughter as well. Can't wait for season 5.
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Time for my LSH nerd hat!
A reminder that in the comics, Naltorians had a magical background, with some magic wielders, and sorta explaining Nia's precog ability
For the end of season 4, I'm hoping we get a scene of Nia's sister, Nura(oops, Maeve for this series), doing a ritual in jealous anger, and summoning someone-MORDRU!
We can get an Uber-bad guy for season 5, using magic, which has been rarely used against Kara. Also, we can have Maeve getting magic powers as the White Witch, serving Mordru as his main foot soldier!

My 2 cents.
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Yeah, it wasn't the best episode with all that "Alex wants be a mom" drama....but I liked how Kara had to struggle to keep her secret save :-)
And, more important, in the next episode we will have "girl on girl" action....

Let's enjoy what the show has to offer as long it lasts.....
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@@clyde11 - Wow, you're even more cynical than I am! But in that vein, even the short action sequence with Supergirl in this last episode was frustrating. The editing seemed aimed at making Supergirl's difficulties with the multiple Tessmachers as tame as possible. The shot where she is forced to her knees by multiple stun sticks is shot so that not only do we not actually see her on her knees, but even her head drops out of the shot when she is most at their mercy. It's bad enough that her fight had to be one third of three simultaneous battles, reducing Supergirl's screen time, they also had to neuter the battle in the editing room. Bummer.
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I would love to get to know Mel better...sit one on one and hear her political views and what she thinks about fans discussing her and Supergirl...then slide in and seduce her into the wonderful world of being a gothic lezdoms girlfriend.....
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I agree that the Miss Tessmacher episode was frustrating for all the reasons mentioned: too much Alex relationship stuff ("I have lost my fiancee, the poor baby" rang in my ears from Seinfeld!) and emotional validation; not enough (or inadequately directed) Supergirl action;too many humans injecting themselves with Harunel which makes Supergirl even less unique in the series than she has already been.

But I reveled in some elements of the episode anyway for some disparate but interesting reasons:

1) Bruce Boxleitner was solid as John Sheridan on Babylon 5 - one of the all-time best sci-fi characters. So it was entertaining to see his flipside as the truly sinister aspects of the President come out.

2) Lockwood as Judge Dredd "I am the law" vs Martian Manhunter advocating for "regime change". Just which regime do you think this an allegory for?
I'll give you one guess. :)

3) If you sift out all the sappy hotel room dialogue, Kelly is telling the poignant story of a female combat death in the US Army, which is something we don't usually hear anything about. A small amount of research reveals that although 16 women died in the Vietnam War and 6 in the first Persian Gulf the current war on terror, 150 US servicewomen have died serving in Iraq, Kuwait, Syria and Afghanistan. I'm not sure if the series meant to honor American female casualties, but it inadvertently did so anyway, and should be commended for bringing that to light. May our brave heroines rest in peace and honor.

4) I can read Russian ( "Zona ogrannichennovo dostupa. Postronnim vkhod vospreshchyon" = restricted access zone. no trespassing) and I can read a map. Wikipedia and DC Fandom clearly state that 'Kaznia' is located in the Balkans. Yet the map in this episode indicates Kaznia is in Irkutsk Oblast in Southern Siberia, northwest of Lake Baikal, 4000 miles from the Balkans! Glaring inconsistency in canon - didn't the writers bother to consult the previous references to Kaznia in the comics before writing this episode?
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I just thought of something silly from last ep. Now Eve knew where that one chunk of kryptonite was in the complex. During the brawl scene, why didn't one of the Eve's go back and fetch it? Then we might have had some real peril for Supergirl in this ep! Otherwise, I didn't feel any real peril for Supergirl here.

My 2 cents.
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Supergirl explained to read daughter in the cliff, they have the same powers. The only peril I could see is if Lex has a weapon that red daughter does not know about. I could kill two birds with one stone literally.

Tonight's episode was nearly perfect. I think it makes sense for Alex to remember Kara as Supergirl. Jon only erased her memories of Kara as Supergirl, but he did not erase her memories of Kara's origins. This goes back to my theory several pages ago about Alex remembering Kara is an alien. Erasing Supergirl does not erase Kara's origins as an alien with superpowers.

Supergirl verse Red Daughter was pretty good. I liked Red Daughter being stronger than Supergirl. Her training was more intense than Supergirl's brief training at the DEO. I was thinking it would be crazy and awesome if Supergirl died and Red Daughter experiences a face turn to replace Supergirl. Was I only one with that thought when Supergirl was dead?

Brainy's heel turn explains the reasons for his 12th level intelligent failing throughout the season. He could be the main villain next season, but Dreamer will most likely help him see the light by expressing her love for him.

James appears to have super powers for good. I am looking forward to seeing The Guardian with superpowers next season.

Oh, I cannot forget Agent Liberty. He was used just like Red Daughter, but Otis failed to get ride of him. Maybe Agent Liberty will form an unlikely alliance with The Super Friends!

The only problems are how Supergirl survived. How can she absorb victim D fro plants? I haven't seen or heard of her having this power. The second problem is not seeing Lex betray Red Daughter. That is a very important part of the story. It's part of Red Daughter's character. She trusts Lex when she should not. We needed to see her downfall at Lex's hands. Is she really dead? Lex and Red Daughter could be faking a death scene.
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After the first fight between Supergirl and Red Daughter, I was hoping the second one would be better especially since it lasted into the night. It started off so good and then they kept cutting away and skipping so much of it. We finally had a real fight where Supergirl was being challenged and they shortened it.

I didn't like the explanation of how Supergirl survived. It would have been better if they had carried her back to her mother's house and just placed her under sunlight lamps instead since that would have been consistent with previous revivals at the DEO.

I thought Red Daughter knew that Supergirl had survived since she was listening for a heartbeat. That's why she was hovering to watch what happened. I'm hoping that It was a fake Red Daughter in Lex's eco-suit hands. It would be a shame after all the work to build up to the fight they end it so soon.

Next week is the final showdown between Lex and Supergirl. After seeing Lillian Luther helping Lena, it will be interesting to see how that will work out. Will either of them have a real role in that fight. Will Lillian tell Lena the truth about Supergirl/Kara just to even things up and twist Lena into Lex's replacement.
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I see, it got dark to show how long they fought. Without the new weapon SG woukd gave won. Interesting if Lex thinks she us dead

There is a major problem that I missed. How will the public know Red Daughter was a clone? If Red Daughter is dead, then Supergirl will struggle to explain herself. People would assume Supergirl survived Lex's assault. They must battle again and it must be in public.
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I think RD will turn. Lex just destroyed the Kzznia planes. how Lex is carrying Supergirl, they will not suspect she survived. I cannot wait for the look on his face when he realized the Supergirl is alive.
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Fantastic episode but I did have some serious issues with it.

1.) When Kara is bound in chain's with a very large chunk of kryptonite in her lap, it was extremely unlikely she'd be strong enough to break those chain's in that situation. Yet another case of the writers switching her power levels for the sake of the plot.

2.) There was simply no clear indication that the switch from day to night was an indicator of battle length. The way it was staged and filmed made it seem like there was an explosion of power or something that affected the natural phenomena. A fade or some other technique would have been much clearer.

3.) The scene where a virtually dead Supergirl draws the incipient power of sunlight to her in a "clap if you believe in fairies" moment was yet another example of the writers bestowing as of yet unseen powers on Supergirl to solve a problem. If they claim this is an evolved power for her the way Red Daughter has super electrical energy I might be able to accept that if they note it in the show with dialogue and show her using it again. If she never pulls that rabbit out of her hat again (in Season 5 preferably!) I call foul and demand the firing of the writer who came up with that BS!

That being said, the episode offered genuine action, drama and twists that worked well for the most part.

Brainy, my least favorite character this season by far, also got much more interesting... at long last.
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Not a bad episode although I was a little disappointed with the last fight scene. It was over way too quick, also one second it’s day and a big punch later it’s night time. Seeing Supergirl lay there defeated was cool. Although, she could have just been knocked out and not near death. It would have saved the trouble of that weird power of pulling daylight out of plants. Someone must have read dark knight returns and just decided to throw that in.
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Cannot wait for the reaction of RD when she sees Kara or SG alive.
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As scrambled and political as so many storylines have been this season and just as I was about to give up on this show.....
we get one of the best TV superheroine scenes of all time!!

Supergirl battling her Russian clone and very soundly defeated lying helpless and motionless was an AMAZING SCENE
and played beautifully again by Melissa. Wish it was shown with less cutting away and imagine how good it
would have been if Red Daughter picked her up and carried her away unconscious?

But I will take this scene as is and savor it forever as Supergirl in all her glory was no match for the evil Russian!!

Now when has there ever been a superheroine series on television with the main hero battling and
losing in such convincing fashion. I can think of the old Black Scorpion maybe but never being dominated like this.
This show has won me back!

Hopefully Supergirl can recover but would love to see her losing again in the season finale.
I have a feeling she'll be losing even worse and Red Daughter will turn and swoop in to save her.
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Losing again is possible, but I think that in the next fight with the new armor, she will win. It was the new power that took her down.
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With that episode now in the books, makes me rethink all the best perils Supergirl has experienced over the past 4 years.
My favorite top 5....what are yours?

1-S4- Supergirl losing to Red Daughter
2-S2- Supergirl solar flares herself until she nearly passes out and is slapped silly by Mama Luthor
3-S3- Supergirl is defeated by Reign
4-S4 -Supergirl is captured in chains by Children of Liberty
5-S1-Supergirl is sucked unconscious by Black Mercy

peter75 wrote:
5 years ago
With that episode now in the books, makes me rethink all the best perils Supergirl has experienced over the past 4 years.
My favorite top 5....what are yours?

1-S4- Supergirl losing to Red Daughter
2-S2- Supergirl solar flares herself until she nearly passes out and is slapped silly by Mama Luthor
3-S3- Supergirl is defeated by Reign
4-S4 -Supergirl is captured in chains by Children of Liberty
5-S1-Supergirl is sucked unconscious by Black Mercy
Black Mercy is one of the worst episodes in my opinion. It was very boring. It also wasn't good peril. Supergirl wasn't defeated by battle.

Supergirl and Flash were defeated by Livewire and Banshee, and the public had to save them. That's one of my favorite perils as the unexpected citizens saved the day.
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Now this would a better season closing than we are going to get to set up next season:

Miss Tessmacher and Red Daughter come into the base to report everything is going to plan to Lillian Luthor. With Lillian telling them that Lex alway did let his ego get in the way of his plans, but soon Lena would be joining them to take out Supergirl.
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That was a very good defeat for our sexy heroine!
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Anybody got any screen captures from this episode? We're way overdue. PLEASE!!!
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DrDominator9 wrote:
5 years ago
Anybody got any screen captures from this episode? We're way overdue. PLEASE!!!
How about I go one step further. I went and did an edit of the green kryptonite/Red Daughter scenes!
I uploaded it at:!Aiq_RsXFNT0cpjQjG9kiWj3T4gTJ

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Any video on the final scene with Alex?
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infogeek247 wrote:
5 years ago
Any video on the final scene with Alex?
Because you asked for it, here:!Aiq_RsXFNT0cpn2isEgL2dQkm1lB

Mind you, the science is completely wrong on this as plants immediately convert the solar energy into sugars(it's called the Kreb's cycle, check it out!), and have no mechanism to reverse it.
Supergirl(and Superman) are supposed to be scientific characters, not mystical ones(which is why I dropped PAD's "Supergirl" series in the 90's). If you want a magical heroine, try Wonder Woman or Mary Marvel!

I won't spoil the finale for anyone. I will say I feel satisfied with the season finale. It lived up to the hype.
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I thought the battle we had been waiting for between Lex and Supergirl could have been better if they kept doing it like the beginning and ending. The middle with the gymnastic moves as Lex attacked was kind of silly seeing how Supergirl has fought in past battles.

I did like the final few scenes that set up next season plus the Luthors gathering in the White House for Lex's gloating triumph. I feel sorry for any servants deciding to finish off untouched beverages. :)
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All I'm going to add to this (in addition to the botched science in Supergirl's deus ex machina scene of drawing 'sunlight' from plants) is that it totally strains incredulity that Kaznia, which has been established in the series as a poor, landlocked nation in central Siberia (although it was in the Balkans in the comics), somehow can afford an aircraft carrier with a fleet of jet planes. Where would they even keep the ship if they have no port?
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shevek wrote:
5 years ago
All I'm going to add to this (in addition to the botched science in Supergirl's deus ex machina scene of drawing 'sunlight' from plants) is that it totally strains incredulity that Kaznia, which has been established in the series as a poor, landlocked nation in central Siberia (although it was in the Balkans in the comics), somehow can afford an aircraft carrier with a fleet of jet planes. Where would they even keep the ship if they have no port?
This post is a shot at this critique, not the writer (LOL, I know it is, but I like her way of thinking and bringing these things to our collective attention). The comment is factually right, but it is a hour show, and as someone who also 'gets on a roll' critizing the writers I will give a pass on this.

I read this critique and for a moment thought it was taking a backhanded stab at the CW writers. But I realized it was a double backhand at DC for creating Kaznia/Croatia/Russia (take your pick).

BTW, If this episode was next year, Lex would have flown thru the Admiral Kuznetsov like Ms. Marvel. (or is Marvel trying to steal DCs superpowered girl's thunder?)

My thoughts on the episode it was very good in that it tied up this season and placed a seed for next year. I will give the writers a pass on superfluous things like Kaznia, which are only tools for the characters and to add a 'back drop' for the characters to use.

BTW: I did call Supergirl would be truly super powered once Red Daughter was gone. and based on what happened to Eve, each copy was a little stronger and a little dumber. Well Kara's IQ has more than once called into question this season.

So, my crystal ball for next season is Kara is truly superpowered and a little tougher to bring to her kness (thank you to the show producers and Mel for the FMBs with the knee pads!) so Lena v SG becomes more of a chess match of geniuses.

Thanks for reading my meandering thoughts! suckers :)
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As a superheroine in peril fan, I have to say I'm am totally dissapointed in the whole Supergirl series. It should be called Kara Danvers show for how little Supergirl shows up in her original costume. Plus what few peril and ko scenes that ever do happen, they never show the full ko scene and and maybe a little more skin without her cape covering lots of her. It seems they purposely make the ko scenes lame and never give a great "money" shot like the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman series always did, especially the first year. Hoping the Batwoman series is a little sexier with a lot more peril. Just waiting for a Wonder Woman series to finally show up after a successful movie. My two cents worth ... Luther
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Luthor, while you make a valid point about how the Supergirl show too often cuts away at the most poignant peril moments, I'm going to have to take issue with your selective memory of how wonderful the Wonder Woman show was when it came to peril scenes. I know, I know, I'm treading on sacred ground here but hear me out.

The Wonder Woman tv show runs here on a local New Jersey station every Saturday night right after Wild Wild West (an excellent series of its own, I might add) and currently they are on Season 3, the second half. Let's just say one could take a half-hour nap during one of these shows and not miss a scene with Wonder Woman in costume. And then, when she is finally wearing that lovely uniform, the famous female heroine is doing little more than standing on a moving truck driving through a parking lot or dropping out of a window in a stunt shot that they reverse to make it seem as if she's leaping up to that window. If you're lucky (and you need to be) you might get a bullet deflection scene.

More often than not, however the script concentrates on Diana Prince wearing the designer clothing du jour. I'm not going to say the woman wasn't stunningly beautiful no matter what she was wearing but as to peril scenes and "money shots" after that first season, it doesn't come close to one fifth, I'd say, of the peril moments that the Supergirl tv show has offered up since its inception.

Your memory is selective, as is most of ours regarding that wonderful show, but for me, I'd rather revel in the glory of the Supergirl's show's continued use of peril scenes throughout its run. Is there room for improvement? Absolutely! Far, far too often the writers put her in peril positions where she should frankly be better and smarter at either avoiding them or battling her way out, but I'm pretty sure that people will look back on this show as a fantastic display of network-approved peril as one is likely to ever get. I suspect that future generations will look back on the show as the mother lode of such entertainment.
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