The Cheerleaders R Goin 2 The Super Bowl

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Had a quick chat with szr and Franco the other nite and they helped me flush out a rough outline. Cheers boys!

“Hey Meg, what are we wearing today?” yelled Ashley
“#1 Ash” replied Megan
“Really? It’s gonna be freezing this morning!” said an irritated Ashley

Megan appeared at her door looking stunning in her Seahawk (powder) blue tank top, mini skirt, high gloss nude tights and white boots, “Look Ash, I know its cold, but people aren’t coming to Fanfest to see us in our sweat suits. They’re coming to see the Hawk Girls and unfortunately that means dressing like Hawk Girls. Here throw on an extra pair of these.”

A new package of high gloss sheer nude tights landed in her lap. “Gee thanks.”

“Kasey are you almost ready?” asked Megan

“Ready to roll!” said Kasey walking into the living room in her required Hawk Girls Velour Sweat suit. The girls could not go out in public in their Hawk Girls cheer outfits.

“Come on Ash we gotta go.” said Kasey.

“Let’s go then.” said Ashley closing her door.

The 3 roommates left their house and made their way to the Seaside Seahawks Fanfest, which took place during the off week before the Super Bowl. The team leaves the following Saturday for Arizona where the big game is played this year. Having made it for the 3rd year in a row, this was one of the girls’ favorite events. In addition to the Hawk Girls, the Seahawks themselves come and sign autographs for fans. The entire community shows up for Fanfest turning it into a giant pep rally for the team.

The Seaside Police and Fire Departments do a pancake breakfast to kick things off at 7am. Mayor Wendall himself even comes down to shake some hands and kiss some babies.

Megan, Ashley and Kasey were all best friends as well as senior members of the Hawk Girls (Megan was the captain). In addition to their cheerleading for the league’s elite football team, they were also the City of Seaside’s Prized Protectors. They were known as The Cheerleaders.

Megan was 5’5” with blonde hair and light blue eyes. Ashley had sandy blond hair with hazel eyes and stood 5’6” while Kasey had auburn colored hair and brown eyes. She was the shortest of the group at 5’4”.

The girls did everything together as part of the Hawk Girls. Appearances, autographs, calendar shoots were everyday things for them. In their spare time, they took pilates and martial arts exercise classes.

“You speak to Ally?” said Kasey to Megan
“She texted me saying she’s already there at the pancake breakfast.

Ally Wendell was the 4th member of the girls’ crime fighting team, albeit as the brains, not the braun. Her father was Mayor Wendell and when he took office he placed her in charge of a special task force to prevent crime in the beachy community. Ally had known the 3 cheerleaders and their identities from college, and once she had gotten the task force, she immediately recruited them. Together they keep Seaside on the up and up.

Ally is a very strong, independent woman who carried herself with great confidence. Standing 5’8” with long brown hair, her green eyes could cut right through you if need be. She was also dating the Seahawks Star Tight End, Jonny Morse.

Having shed their velour sweat suits The 20 Hawk Girls filed out of their dressing rooms dressed in their Seahawk (powder) blue tank tops, mini skirts, high gloss nude tights and white boots in their traditional cadenced walk. Making their way to the pancake breakfast, the already huge crowd began buzzing when they were seen.

“And now your Seaside Hawk Girls” boomed the PA. The girls did their standard routine to start a game and were met with a roar from the audience. Ally Wendall watched her friends and elbowed her boyfriend in the ribs when she caught him bouncing his shoulders to the beat.

“Ow. Jeez babe, I was only kidding. Give me a power suit and heels any day over their get-up.” Said Jonny Morse giving her a peck on the cheek. “Yeah right” said Ally knowing he was just humoring her. They’d been dating for over a year and were very serious. But even though she was in excellent shape, Ally knew she couldn’t hold a candle to her friends rockin bodies.

“Oh how sweet. Little Jonny Morse is all growz up and in love.” Yelled Drew Mathison, the Seahawks Star QB and MVP of the league for the 2nd straight year.
“Drew leave them alone, they’re cute” said Monica Kirkland, Drew’s girlfriend of 2 years. Monica, a 5’7 redhead, had been a huge pop star when she was a teenager but had a run of crumby albums in a row and had just recently gotten back into the spotlight thanks in part to Drew’s success.

Drew and Jonny were best friends so the 2 couples double dated frequently. Ally and Monica got along well as did Megan, Ashley and Kasey. As being the team policy, the Hawk Girls were strictly forbidden to date a player but were permitted to hang out as friends.

After the performance Megan, Ashley and Kasey met up with Ally and Jonny.
“Hey guys, aren’t you freezing?” asked Ally
“See I told you! Yes I’m freezing my ass off!” quipped Ashley.
“Toughen up Ash.” laughed Kasey.
“What are you guys doing after Fanfest?” asked Megan
“Jonny has to go to films, but then we are going to dinner. You guys want to join?” replied Ally
“Sounds good, are Drew and Monica coming?” asked Megan
“Probably. But Babe Drew and I need to meet with Keisha Stevenson after films. There’s another appearance we need to make when we get to Arizona she needs to tell us about. So we’ll be a little late”

Keisha Stevenson was in her 1st year as the new CFO of the Seahawks. A 5’6 African-American woman, she had made a huge financial impact of the team in a short amount of time.The players all loved her because she takes care of the team’s money and was willing to spend it.

“Ok then. Come and meet us at The Lanai after you’re done. Mai Tai’s will be flowing.” said Ally.
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Nice start, dubber! Good to see you with another story on! Please post again soon! I'd like to see where this one goes! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Same complements as Pics D, great start glad to see the Cheerleaders back.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?

Thanks for the encouragement boys. Gonna try and sort through this thing in a timely manner complete with pics. Cheers.

“Ahh come on in boys…have a seat” said Keisha Stevenson welcoming Drew and Jonny into her sizable office inside the Seahawk Bowl. The confident CFO invited them to sit in the lounge area of her spacious office. She wore a pant suit shaded in charcoal gray carrying herself over to join the star players.

“As you know we are doing several charity appearances during Super Bowl week in Arizona and need you guys to wrangle up some of the other guys on the team” explained Keisha.

Jonny and Drew nodded along. They liked Keisha and loved doing charity work on behalf of the team so they just needed to be told when and where and they’d be there.

“Here is your schedule so take a look and let me know if you have any questions.” The guys examined it and were satisfied. “We’re all good Miss Stevenson, happy to do it.” said Drew.

“Excellent and guys I’ve told you call me Keisha. So enough business, how do you feel about the big game?” replied Keisha.

“We’re ready. Just need to get to game time. The waiting is always tough” answered Jonny.
“Ditto, not nervous at all, just ready to play” said a confident Drew.

Her IM buzzed on her computer. “Excuse me.” She said typing a quick reply. No sooner as she finished the message her door opened and they were joined by Keisha’s assistant Lucy Morales.

The 5’3” Latina strode across the office with a box in each hand. Wearing black slacks and a white blouse, she smiled at the players as she gave the boxes to Keisha, asked if they needed anything and left.

“Sorry about that, Lucy just got your gifts from the team for making All-Pro once again. Go ahead, open them” said Keisha grinning ear to ear.

The two players opened the boxes and were impressed by the watches that were housed in them. “Sweet!” said a giddy Drew. “Keisha, you guys shouldn’t have. But I’ll take it, this thing is awesome” replied Jonny trying it on.

“That’s from the whole organization boys. I asked Coach if he wouldn’t mind if I gave them to you. Oh and if you guys have a minute I’d like to show you a DVD of one of the charities we’re going to visit next week”

“Sure what is it?” asked Drew.

“Just take a look, it speaks for itself” replied Keisha turning off the lights.

The DVD began with a bunch of fast edits much like a movie trailer. The guys were both in to it. There were clips of historical world moments, great sporting moments, natural disasters, etc. Jonny and Drew were glued to the screen. Every 3 seconds a checkerboard pattern appeared. Sporadic letters and phrases also appeared throughout the DVD. Keisha left them and went outside to find Lucy.

“Is it working?” whispered Lucy
“We’ll see. They can’t take their eyes off the plasma so I think so” replied Keisha tapping her toe on the floor. After 10 minutes Keisha went back in.

She found Drew and Jonny still glued to the plasma display in her office. She turned the lights on and stopped the DVD. Drew and Jonny were glossed over.

Keisha sat in front of them and said, “What are your names?”
“Drew Mathison” “Jonny Morse”
“Good. What team do you play for?”
“Seaside Seahawks” they replied in monotone voices.
“Good. Who am I?”
“Keisha Stevenson.”
“Excellent. Who is in control of your mind?”
“You Keisha” they both replied.
“OK. Now boys listen very carefully. The Super Bowl is next Sunday and we are heavily favored to win. You two are going to make a couple of un-characteristic mistakes that will cost us the game. Drew you are going to fake an injury to your throwing shoulder that will affect the way you deliver the ball to Jonny. Jonny you will catch a case of the drops when Drew throws you the ball. It needs to be believable though. Nothing obvious Jonny, just a key drop here, a fumble there. Drew’s injury will take any blame off of him. Is this clear gentleman?”
“Yes Keisha.”
“Now when you wake up, you will be refreshed and wide awake as if you just had a 20 minute power nap. You will remember nothing of this conversation or DVD of the charity. Is that clear?”
“Yes Keisha.”
“Oh one more thing. You are to act natural before and after the game as if you just had one of those games. If anyone gets suspicious, like your girlfriend Jonny, act natural. I don’t need the Mayor’s daughter and head of Seaside’s special task force or The Cheerleaders snooping around. If anyone suspects anything of you or more importantly me, then you are to discreetly let me know. Is that understood?”
“Yes Keisha.”
“Good, now sleep” ordered the CFO. Both players’ heads drooped forward.

Keisha buzzed Lucy and she came in to see the 6’4 Drew Mathison and 6’5 Jonny Morse asleep at the orders of her boss. “Are you going to wake them up soon?” she asked running her hands through Drew’s hair.
“Yeah, just want to collect my thoughts. Hey please control yourself” snapped Keisha as she scolded Lucy as she began straddling the slumbering star QB.

“Sorry, he’s just so hot. That washed up bimbo pop star isn’t good for him. But I am” she said licking his ear.
“Lucy enough. I’m going to bring them around so beat it” ordered Keisha.

Lucy left and Keisha slowly talked Drew and Jonny back to reality. The two players roused as if nothing happened. “Wow that was really cool Keisha. Thanks for showing us that DVD” said a now revived Drew standing up and stretching.

Keisha went back and sat down at her desk and opened a drawer revealing two pistols. She quizzed them to make sure they knew nothing of being put under and they were both none the wiser. The pistols were insurance in case they suspected anything and had to be put under again.

“Is there anything else Keisha? We are late to dinner” asked Jonny. Keisha said no and thanked them for taking the time and that she’d be seeing them soon.

The players both thanked her and left. Keisha walked them to the elevator and then joined Lucy at her desk.

“Are the watches activated?” asked Keisha
“Going online……Now” responded a pleased Lucy. “Now we can monitor them at all times. And if need be activate the buzz words from the DVD in case they get themselves into trouble. They are dumb football players so having their watches chipped was a great idea Keisha.”

“Now on to the next part of the plan.” Keisha said slyly as she picked up the phone.
“Hey it’s 154236. I have some major action to lay on the dog in the Super Bowl.”
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Nice job, dubber! =D> =D> =D> My complements! Keisha is a mastermind! My kind of villainess! Looking forward to more of this one! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Nice, rigging the Superbowl, sounds evil enough to me. Great job so far D
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?

The following week the Seahawks had finished up their Tuesday practice. Jonny and Drew had a full afternoon of appearances for charity on their plate with team CFO Keisha Stevenson. So far everything had been going according to Keisha’s devious plan.

Jonny and Drew were still under her control to tank the Super Bowl, but no one had any clue of their eminent choke job. Each time they rode with Keisha, she would check to make sure things were still ok with the 2 star players. And each time she was satisfied they were. Even the coaches had no idea.

Their significant others, Ally Wendell and former pop star Monica Kirkland, were also none the wiser as the 2 stars acted as normally as ever leading up to the big game. Ally had flown out to Arizona to support her man and to also hang out with the Superheroine parts of her Special Task force, The Cheerleaders.

Megan, Ashley and Kasey had also been making appearances on behalf of the team in Arizona a lot of the time with Jonny and Drew. They too did not suspect a thing.

As they got closer to the game, the guys appearances were less and less and Keisha had to rely on her special watches that she gave to Jonny and Drew to monitor their behavior. Every time they were out with their girlfriends especially. Keisha knew that Ally was a highly decorated detective and smart woman and the slightest slip-up by Jonny could blow up her plan.

Keisha had bet quite a bit of money on the game seeing as how she knew what the outcome would be. She loaded up on the money line for the underdogs which was going off at 1000. Meaning if you bet 100 dollars on the underdog, you’d win $10000. Great odds if they came through and in this case they were going to.

Keisha’s assistant Lucy had also made the trip and she spent most of her time remotely watching the 2 players from the team’s HQ inside the stadium in Arizona. If anything went wrong she was to let Keisha know immediately.

Jonny and Drew got back to the hotel and made their way through the crush of people in the lobby. Megan, Ashley and Kasey were also back at the hotel along with the rest of the Hawk Girls dance team. They walked by Jonny and Drew addressing the media when they heard Jonny getting angry at one of the reporters who asked him about the big spread in the game. Jonny was laying into the reporter when Keisha Stevenson got between them and walked Jonny off into the elevator.

“Wow, Jonny was really pissed at that guy.” Said Megan
“Yeah I’ve never seen him get like that before with the press” replied Kasey.
“He must be wound up for the big game” said Ashley

In the elevator Keisha acted quickly to calm Jonny down. She asked him to join her in her room so she could assess what went wrong. As the elevator door opened they were greeted by Ally and Monica.

“Hey sweetie, I was just at your room to see how the appearance at the youth center was” said Ally.
“Not now Ally” said Jonny pushing her aside.
“Jonny, what’s wrong with you?” asked a disturbed Ally.
“Sorry Ally, he is under a lot of pressure this week. He’ll call you later” interjected Keisha walking Jonny to her suite and closing the door.

“What was that all about?” asked Monica
“No idea.” Responded Ally getting into the elevator.

They met Ashley, Kasey and Megan in the lobby to discuss what happened with Jonny. Monica found Drew and he told her that Jonny had a rough day and everything was fine.

Back in the suite upstairs, Jonny was already under as Keisha was talking to Lucy.
“Yeah Drew just told Monica that Jonny had a tough day and everything was fine. Ally Wendell is in the lobby and is pretty upset” said Lucy

“One of the reporters must have said one of the buzzwords I implanted in Jonny’s mind and he reacted” said Keisha.
“Yep, the reporter asked about the spread and Jonny lost it. You need to fix that going forward Keisha. That was a fairly big blow up and will be played hundreds of times before the game” replied Lucy. “Not to mention him yelling at Ally Wendell.”
“I know Lucy. I know. Alright keep watching Drew and I will fix Jonny up. Need to keep an eye on Ally Wendell. She worries me.”
“Got it. Talk soon.” Lucy hung up.

“What is up with that Keisha Stevenson? Why is she walking Jonny upstairs and into her suite?” asked Monica to Drew.
“Babe, Keisha is trying to calm him down. Jonny blew up down here.” Replied the star QB.
“Yeah well he also blew up at me” said a pissed Ally.
“Ally I told you, he had a bad day at practice and is gripping a little bit before Sunday. Totally normal.
“Well I don’t like Keisha Stevenson telling me he’ll call me later. He has been spending all his time with that lady.” Replied Ally.

Minutes later Jonny re-appeared in the lobby and held a quick presser, apologizing to the reporters and to the team for his behavior. He then found Ally and apologized to her too.

“Sorry babe, I’m under a lot of pressure this week. The game, the fact we are heavy favorites. I mean what if I blow it for us? I’m sorry.”
“Jonny you’ve never talked like this before. Is everything ok?” asked Ally
“Yeah babe, I’m fine. Come on. Let’s eat.”

Jonny and Ally walked into the hotel restaurant. “Why are you spending so much time with Keisha Jonny? Even during the season you and Drew never saw her this much. I understand about the appearances this week but it seems like she is distracting you.” Said Ally.

“Don’t say that Ally. Keisha is a great woman. She does a lot of great things for the team and community. Leave her out of this. You know what, I’m going to bed. Catch you later.” Jonny stormed out of the restaurant.

Megan opened up her door to see a shaken Ally and Monica. “What’s wrong?” asked Megan.
“He blew up at me again Meg. He is acting totally weird” said Ally. “One second he is apologizing to me and the next he is yelling at me about Keisha Stevenson.”
“Keisha? Why?” asked Megan.
“I asked why he and Drew are spending so much time with her and he got angry.” Replied Ally.
“Yeah, they are totally together all the time for the last week.” Interjected Monica. “Drew really likes her too.”
“Ok Monica, give me a sec alone with Ally.” Said Megan.

“Al, you think Keisha has done something to Drew and Jonny?” asked Megan.
“Huh. No way. She is about as upstanding as they come Megan” replied Ally.
“Something isn’t right with Jonny ever since he went to meet with Keisha last week after Fanfest”
“Yeah but Drew seems fine.” Retorted Ally
“True but Jonny is not. He is nervous, blowing up at anyone and everyone. Totally not his style. Do me a favor, run a check on Keisha and her assistant. I’m going to get Ashley and Kasey and fill them in.”
“You sure about this Meg? This could be a huge distraction if it gets out that I am investigating the Seahawks CFO.”
“Keep it on the dl then.”

Megan filled Ashley and Kasey in on what she talked about. “What’s our move Meg?” asked Kasey.
“Not sure, need to wait on Ally and the background check. Until then we could get ourselves into a PR mess if we move on our own.”
“You think Keisha is really up to something Meg?” asked Ashley
“I don’t know guys. All I know is Jonny is acting crazy since he met with Keisha after Fanfest last week. It is a long shot but right now it is worth checking out.” Replied Megan.
“Guys we have to get ready for the banquet. It starts in an hour” informed Ashley.
“Damn it. Totally forgot.” Said Megan
“By the time we’re done, maybe Ally will have found something” said Kasey.

Back in her hotel room Ally found nothing while checking out Keisha and Lucy. Both Lucy and Keisha had no criminal record. Keisha was a successful business woman who had been CFO and/or President of every company she had worked for. Lucy had been her assistant for 5 years. Lucy did not graduate from college which surprised Ally. Lucy seemed very intelligent in the few conversations they had had.

As Ally was about to close the task force search engine, she noticed a sealed file in both Keisha and Lucy’s profile. Normally these are not accessible, but Ally’s high ranking in the police force allowed her access.

Back in 2004 Keisha left her fortune 500 company after cashing out right before the company’s stocks went into the gutter. In 2002 she settled a lawsuit with the bank she was president of for providing bad investment advice to her clients. No criminal charges were ever filed, but she and Lucy seemed to have some sort of pattern. Get into a company and then leave under serious scrutiny.

Ally continued to search bank records, house purchases and the like. Both women were very rich which was expected of Keisha but not her assistant. Ally called the Cheerleaders. She got all of their voice mails forgetting that the girls had a team banquet that would take a few hours and they were forbidden from carrying cell phones with them at team functions. She then realized that Keisha and Lucy would also be at the banquet. “Time to pay her office a visit.” She thought.

Ally got to the stadium where the Super Bowl was being played. The team had set-up their HQ there for all of the coaches and team execs. This included Keisha. Ally had no problem gaining access to the stadium with her security credentials issued to her by the league.

She made her way through the empty stadium up to the exec offices. Ally thought to herself the problem she would create if it got out that she was investigating one of the team’s top execs a few days before the Super Bowl. But it was worth it she kept saying to herself.

She quietly walked down the hall until she found Keisha’s office. Usually on task force business, Ally dressed up but today she was in her favorite True Religion jeans, Pink Lacoste Polo and flip flops. A far cry from her skirts and heels that she normally wears.

Ally easily picked the lock and made her way inside. She walked by Lucy’s desk in the waiting area with the computer still on. She continued into Keisha’s office and began to search her desk. She found nothing.

She searched her computer. She found nothing. Ally was fairly embarrassed. Keisha and Lucy had nothing to do with Jonny’s behavior. AS she was leaving Lucy’s computer beeped. Ally stopped and looked. It was an IM from an untraceable account confirming numerous bets on the Super Bowl. “Holy shit!” whispered Ally. “She’s bet 4 million dollars on the game? Against us!”

Then 2 hidden apps in the tool bar started blinking. Ally clicked on the 1st and saw a streaming video. It was through some sort of camera that was very shaky. Then she recognized the venue of where the picture was coming from. It was the hotel banquet room and the picture was being transmitted from someone’s wrist watch. Then she saw whose wrist. Jonny’s! She clicked the 2nd app and saw Jonny standing next to whoever’s wrist watch was transmitting. She clicked back on Jonny’s cam and saw it was Drew! Ally found a document detailing the mind conditioning of Drew and Jonny to throw the big game. “Oh Jesus, what is going on here? They’ve been hypnotized. I’ve gotta…”

“Detective Wendell. What are you doing here?” asked Lucy standing in her black cocktail dress, hose and heels.
“Oh Lucy. Ahh Hello.” Stumbled Ally. “I’mmm on a um official business. There is a security threat that I was investigating here in the stadium. I’m working with stadium security making sure no computer terminals were left on as the threat could be executed wirelessly.”

Ally’s heart was racing. She threw a load of shit against the wall in hopes of something sticking. She hoped Lucy wouldn’t understand what she was talking about.

“I see. Well let me turn off my terminal then. Just need to send an email for Keisha.” Said a confused Lucy as she walked over to her computer.

“You look nice, why aren’t you at the team banquet?” asked Ally trying to gain her trust.
“I was on my way but Keisha texted me that she needed an email sent before tomorrow morning so I came back.” Replied Lucy as she typed away on her computer. “Life of an assistant.”

“OK done. Just let me shut down. Wait a sec. What is this? Hmmm. This is odd.” Said Lucy. “Here Detective take a look. Is this something about the threat?”
“Ahh ok, let me have a look. Sure it’s nothing” Said Ally trying to appease Lucy. She cautiously approached the terminal and sat down. Lucy did not appear to know that Ally had stumbled onto their plan.
“These are great flowers Lucy. Are they from your boyfriend?” asked Ally trying to further gain her trust.
“Nope bought them myself to spice up our temp office.” Replied Lucy

As she opened the file Lucy showed her, the screen started to play the same video Drew and Jonny saw. Immediately Ally knew what it was and closed it. She quickly turned around reaching for her gun but found Lucy pointing a gun at her.

“Freeze Detective. One move and I will pump you full of this tranq dart.” Said Lucy
“Lucy, this has not gotten out of hand yet. Give yourself up and I will make sure they cut you a deal.” Said Ally
“Turn around slowly Detective.” Ordered Lucy. She quickly patted down Ally. “I’ll take this.” Said Lucy relieving Ally of her weapon.
“Lucy listen, you are in a lot of trouble here. I know that you have no criminal record in the past. But you do now. Let me go and I will help you.” Pleaded Ally.
“No chance Detective. Now move it into Keisha’s office.” Said Lucy jamming the tranq gun into Ally’s back.

As Ally began to move she elbowed Lucy in the jaw and spun around to kick the gun out of her hands. She did as Lucy fired but Ally deflected it and the dart stuck in the wall. Cursing herself for wearing flip flops, Ally bull rushed Lucy into her chair but Lucy regained her senses and came down with a double axe handle on the middle of Ally’s back. Ally collapsed in pain on top of Lucy.

She pushed Ally off of her and went to reload the tranq gun. Ally grabbed her by her hose encased ankle and pulled her off her feet. They both got up and Lucy caught Ally with a kick to the mid section doubling her over. Lucy picked up the gun and reloaded it. As she turned around Ally tackled her into the wall sending the gun across the floor to the front of the office. Ally crawled on her hands and knees to get the gun. Lucy got to her feet and and scrambled to try and beat Ally knowing she was cooked if Ally got to the tranq gun.

As Ally reached out everything went black. In a last ditch effort, Lucy grabbed the vase of flowers from her desk and broke it over the head of the mayor’s daughter knocking her cold.

“You’re right detective, they are great flowers.” Said Lucy gathering herself staring down at Ally who was flat on her stomach and covered with roses and water. She bent down and grabbed Ally’s purse and found her handcuffs. She quickly cuffed the conked out cutie and texted Keisha with the news.

She got a swift response, “Good work. Prepare her for conditioning.”

“Owww my head.” Moaned Ally as her head bobbed back and forth. “Where am I?”
“Hello detective. Glad to see you are alright. After seeing the mess Lucy made with the vase, I was a little concerned about you.” Said Keisha in a sly voice.
“Add assault to your charges Keisha. Knocking me out with a vase over my head is a serious offense! This has to stop. Let me go and we can work out a deal with the FBI.” Pleaded Ally as she struggled to shake the cobwebs.
“Please detective. You know far too much and have to be conditioned to help us rather than hurt.”
“Like you did Jonny and Drew. You could jeopardize their careers.”
“Just relax Ally and you won’t remember a thing. Even that little headache will be gone.” Said Keisha as she started the DVD and left Ally squirming in her chair.

“Did she say anything about the Cheerleaders?” asked Lucy
“No. Keep an eye out though. They are usually not far behind Ally Wendell. If they show up we need to be ready for them.” Replied Keisha.

Here are some of our characters. More to follow.
Leader of The Cheerleaders Megan!
m.JPG (168.47 KiB) Viewed 4934 times
Cheerleader Ashley
a.JPG (171.81 KiB) Viewed 4927 times
Cheerleader Kasey
k.JPG (168.19 KiB) Viewed 4919 times
Head of the Seaside Task Force and the Mayor's daughter, Ally Wendell.
al.JPG (163 KiB) Viewed 4912 times
Former pop star and girlfriend of Drew Mathison, Monica Kirkland.
mo.JPG (153.48 KiB) Viewed 4894 times

Lucy, Keisha Stevenson's assistant.
Lucy, Keisha Stevenson's assistant.
l.JPG (108.18 KiB) Viewed 4889 times
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NIce dubber! Really first class! =D> =D> =D> Can't wait to see what happens next! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Nice fight D can't wait to see the girls coming to the rescue. Good Work!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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You gotta great story goin" DUB! Keep it comin'! :smt117
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Keep the stories coming I loved the attack and the whole setup of the story.

Please more =D> :twisted:

“That you sweetie?” asked a giddy Monica as she opened her hotel door expecting to see Drew. She instead saw Ally. “Oh hey Al, thought it might be Drew. Cute jeans by the way. Have you seen them since the banquet?”

“No I think they have a meeting or something” replied Ally as she walked in. “Have you seen Meg, Ash or Kasey?”

“They called a little while ago. They were looking for you. I told them I had not seen you since before the banquet” replied Monica fixing her hair in the bathroom mirror. “It’s really weird Drew has not called. The banquet ended 2 hours ago. Maybe they’re in for the night. Should I call him?”

“No they're probably busy. And good you didn't tell the girls where I was. Why don’t you guys go get some drinks? You’re already all dressed.” Said Ally referring to Monica’s black slinky dress, opaque tights and cowboy hat.

“What about you? You seem really off Al. You ok?”
“My head is killing me Mon, I think I am staying in tonight.”

“Whatever. You like my boots or are they too biker?” quipped Monica showing them off no longer listening to Ally.
“Totally cute Mon.”

Just then Ally got a text from Megan. “Where r u? Been over 2 hours. U OK?” read the text.
Ally texted back “Yeah on my way back, will find u.”
“Who was that?” asked Monica. “Oh it was someone from the security team at the stadium. No big deal.” Replied Ally.
“Security team? Huh? What did they want?”
“Nothing. I misplaced my credential and they need my id to issue another one.”

“Well I’m going to call Ashley and the girls to see what’s up for tonight. Hopefully they don’t have practice or anything. I’m dying to blow off some steam.” said Monica grabbing her phone from her purse. As she did she noticed the lanyard from Ally’s credential sticking out of her purse. She walked over and took it out.

“Al what’s up with you? Your credential’s right heremmmmpppphhhh! Mmmppphhhh!” As the former pop queen turned around Ally jammed a white rag in Monica’s face and slammed her against the wall. The impact sent her cowboy hat went flying and also forced her to inhale a huge breath of the chloroform. Monica was instantly woozy and her eyes began to flutter. She did not know why her friend was doing this but at the same time did not care. She was only interested in closing her eyes and going to sleep. With one soft “mmpph”, she slowly slid down the wall toppling over onto her right side when she landed.

Ally immediately sent a text. “Monica ready 4 conditioning.” A return text said “On my way. Leave her to me.”

Ally immediately left Monica’s room leaving the former pop queen out on the floor.
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NIce turn of events :mrgreen:
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Really nice dubber! =D> =D> =D> It looks like Monica's about to become a "Stepford" girlfriend! :twisted: Can't wait to see what's next! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes

As the freshly mind-controlled Ally opened the door to her room, she heard “Ally what’s up? I thought you were coming to find us when you got back?” It was Kasey dressed in her Hawk Girls powder blue velour sweat suit. “We’ve been freaking out. Megan and Ashley were ready to go to the stadium when you texted.”

“Sorry Kase, but it was worth it. I found out a ton of info. But I need to find Drew and Jonny. I was going to grab my cuffs and gun to head Monica’s to see if Drew is there” replied Ally.
“She should be, we just talked to her about 20 minutes ago” replied Kasey.
“Kase, you’d better change. I’m going to send Megan over to the stadium to monitor Keisha Stevenson and Ashley up to Jonny’s room to keep an eye on him.”
“Ally what is happening? Are Jonny & Drew in trouble? Is that why Jonny freaked out today?”
“Yeah there are. I can’t stand to be the one to take him in right now. I’ll totally fill you in once we find Drew.” Replied Ally in a crackling voice. She then texted Megan and Ashley their instructions and they would rendezvous in an hour at the stadium with the police. Megan and Ashley both acknowledged and were off.

After ducking into the bathroom, Kasey the humble Hawk Girl immerged as one of Seaside’s prized protectors, Kasey the Cheerleader her auburn hair in a pony tail. Dressed in her well-known powder blue mini skirt, open criss-cross crop top, blue boots, high gloss nude tights, neck collar and mask. Her trademark weapons of choice were her blue & white pom-poms held in white elbow length gloves and completed her ensemble.

“You ready?” asked Kasey. “Let’s go” responded Ally holstering her weapon.
“Let’s take the stairs” said Kasey as they walked down the stairwell to avoid being seen.
“Yeah of course. Don’t want to have you guys in the papers. The last thing we need. There is going to be enough distraction if Jonny & Drew miss media day tomorrow.”


Megan arrived at the stadium and after showing her credential as a Hawk Girl made her way in. She quickly changed into her heroine outfit. She wore her blonde hair in a pony tail and much like Kasey, she wore the trademark powder blue mini skirt, crop top, blue boots, high gloss nude tights, neck collar and mask. As per her Cheerleader partners, her lethal blue & white pom-poms completed her ensemble.

Stealthily, Megan made her way towards Keisha Stevenson’s dangerous temporary office. The text Ally sent was “It’s Lucy behind this not Keisha. Detain her. Be there in 60 min with details.” Megan was confused as to why Ally would split the team up but she knew Ally to be an expert strategist and continued on her way.

“So Lucy is behind this. I wonder what she did to Jonny” wondered Megan while also formulating a plan. Lucy was a surprise as the villain here as she seemed like a sweet girl. Nonetheless Megan would take no chances and would get the jump on Lucy before she had the chance to react. Her pom-poms were loaded with various goodies to subdue a target quite easily.


Ashley arrived at Jonny’s suite a little apprehensive. She whispered to herself “What would he think when a Cheerleader shows up at his room to “keep an eye on him” as Ally’s text read. Similarly dressed powder blue mini skirt, crop top, blue boots, high gloss nude tights, utility belt, neck collar and blue mask. Like her two gorgeous partners her blue & white pom-poms and completed her ensemble. He blonde hair was in pig tails.

As she tried the door, it swung open. Unholstering her poms, she cautiously entered. Peering around the corner of the 2 bedroom suite she saw Jonny sprawled out cold flat on his back in the middle of the master bedroom. “Jeezus Jonny.” She said holstering her poms sprinting into the room. She tried to rouse him to no avail. She was about to contact Ally when she heard someone else walking in the suite.

Ashley quickly ducked behind the massive bed. She was surprised when she saw Lucy Morales walk in. Still dressed in her black cocktail dress, hose and heels from the banquet, she looked around as if she heard something and checked on Jonny. “Still sleeping like a baby. My baby isn’t that right.” She said running her hand down his pants.

Disgusted, Ashley readied her poms from behind the bed and as Lucy continued to molest Jonny she struck. She pressed the CF button on the handle of her right pom. Instantly the pom seeped with the sweet smell of chloroform. Ashley jumped on Lucy’s back and collapsed her into Jonny. Lucy’s air was exhaled on impact and took a huge gulp of Ashley’s pom. “You sick bitch, you are going to jail for a long time!” is what Ashley was saying to Lucy.

The lethal Latina stood no chance as she was pinned between Ashley and Jonny. Her dark eyes fluttered and her protesting stopped and she went limp. Ashley threw her off of Jonny and she came to rest on her back. She quickly reached into her utility belt and pulled out an Oxygen atomizer that worked like smelling salts. She sprayed it in Jonny’s face and he began to stir.

“Ughh, what happened? A cheerleader? What are you doing here?” asked a woozy Jonny.
“Don’t worry Jonny, I’m here to help.” Answered Ashley as she helped him to his feet. “What’s going on Jonny? What did she do to you?”
“Not sure, came home and then woke up looking at you. Holy shit Lucy Morales? What’s she doing here?”
“No idea. Was hoping you could tell me.”
“Wish I could. Is she…?” motioning to the motionless Lucy.
“No she’s unconscious. I’ll rouse her to question her soon. But first I need to contact Ally to let her now you are ok.” Explained Ashley.
“Yeah Ally. Ok good idea. Can you help me to the bed? I’m really light headed.” Asked Jonny.
Ashley walked Jonny slowly over to the bed supporting his massive frame all the way.
“Nice and easy Jonny.” she said as he turned to sit on the bed. He was standing on his own now facing Ashley who was relieved to see him standing on his own power.
“You OK?” she asked. “Yeah feeling better. I don’t know what she gave me but it packed a wallop.” He replied wiping his hands over his face.
“Trust me Jonny, I know. You’ll feel better in a few hours” said a more relaxed Ashley.
“From what Ally tells me this happens to you guys a lot huh? “ Asked Jonny still running his hands over his face trying to shake the cobwebs.
“True. Even though we’re super heroines, we’ve taken our share of lumps” answered the blonde beauty. “Why don’t you sit down Jonny? It will make you feel…” SMACK!

Before she finished her sentence Jonny uncorked a short right cross that connected with Ashley’s cheek snapping her head back and instantly knocked her out on her feet. She fell into Jonny, her head resting against his massive chest. His watch buzzed and he read, “Good work, prepare her for conditioning.” Jonny dropped Ashley onto the bed. He found the Oxygen Atomizer in her utility belt and sprayed it on Lucy. She slowly came to.

“Uggh. What? Ah shit my head. 1st time I’ve ever smelled chloroform and hopefully the last. Thanks for bringing me around Jonny” moaned Lucy. “.” She said before noticing Ashley on the bed. “Nice work Jonny. How’d you get her?”
“Gave her another lump.”
“Well whatever that means, nice work. I was not expecting her this early. Ally was supposed to warn me when she was on her way up here. She took me off guard. But good thing we built those trigger words into that hot brain of yours. As soon as she said something about contacting Ally, you acted.”
“Correct.” Said Jonny in a monotone voice.
“Alright let’s get her ready for conditioning."

Back at the stadium after having sent Jonny instructions on preparing Ashley, Megan burst into the office.
“Ah Miss Stevenson, good to see you are alright. I’m a Cheerleader and was sent to make sure you are not in harm’s way.” Said Megan.
“Well one of the Cheerleaders sent to protect me, I’m honored. What seems to be the problem?” asked Keisha
“Where is your assistant Lucy Morales? Unfortunately we have reason to believe she is trying to fix the Super Bowl drugging Jonny Morse and Drew Mathison in the process.”
“Nonsense, Lucy has been with me for over 5 years.”
“I know Miss Stevenson, it is a tough pill to swallow. Do you mind if I look around? My partners and Detective Ally Wendall will be here shortly to explain everything.”
“Be my guest”

"I love you and your partners outfits. They resemble the Seahawks" said Keisha making conversation. "I've heard they are bulletproof."
"That's our hometime Miss Stevenson, it isn't a coincidence." responded Megan with a sense of pride as she continued her search. "They look like a regular cheerleading outfit, but are actually made of a light breathable material to prevent bullets, knives, etc. from penetrating. Even our tights are impervious to sharp objects."
"Ahh, safety first I guess."

Megan slowly walked around keeping an eye out in case Lucy came back to the office. She began searching Lucy’s desk. She opened her top drawer and found a tranq gun. “Miss Stevenson, any reason Lucy would have a tranquilizer gun in her desk?”

Pffht. “For this reason.”
Before she could react Megan felt a stinging sensation in her exposed back. She turned and saw Keisha standing with a similar gun in each hand. Pffht. She fired the 2nd hitting Megan above her right breast below the shoulder. Megan reached for the dart lodged in her chest but stumbled backwards,lost her balance and landed flat on her back. “Must lettttt the girrrlllsss knowwwww” was all she said before her head bobbed to the side as she passed out from the powerful drug.

"Thanks for the info on where not to shoot you" smiled Keisha as she quickly sent Ally a text.

“2 down 1 to go.”
“Who was that?” asked Kasey.
“Megan. She got Lucy.”
“Great, let’s grab Drew and figure this mess out.”

After no one answered, they grabbed a key from a house keeper and entered Monica’s room. Seeing her on the ground Kasey went to her aide. Cradling her she pleaded
“Monica. Monica? She’s alive. Call an ambulaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh”
Cheerleader Kasey began convulsing and writhing in pain. She collapsed onto her back thanks to the 20,000 volts of Ally’s stun gun. Unlike the Cheerleader’s stun guns Ally’s did not knock Kasey out. Still twitching from the jolt, she was trying to get to her feet.

“Allllyyyy, whattttt the the the hell?” she stammered from her backside.

Ally promptly retrieved the white rag used on Monica and clamped it over Kasey’s face pinning her to the ground. In her strongest state, Kasey would have a tough time with a face full of chloroform. After a jolt of a 20,000 volt stun gun she stood no chance. Her eyes quickly fluttered under her mask and the brunette beauty surrendered to her friend’s demands.

Ally went back out into the hall and asked the house keeper for some towels. The house keeper wheeled her giant cart and was horrified to see former Pop Sensation Monica Kirkland and Super heroine Cheerleader Kasey unconscious on the floor. Before another second passed, Ally quickly chloroformed the house keeper dropping her to the floor. She swapped clothes with the house keeper and cuffed her to the bed. She then threw Monica and Kasey into the laundry bin. She immerged from the room as a house keeper and went to the service elevator. The door opened to find Lucy and Jonny wheeling a similar cart with similar cargo. An unconscious super heroine Cheerleader inside.

Keisha smiled when she got Ally’s text of “On our way.”
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Very, very nice, Dubber! =D> =D> =D> First rate! Your stories are getting better all the time! Keep up the great work! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Nice multiple chloros =D> Great stuff D as always need to go watch the Superbowl now!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?

“Are they ready?” asked Keisha.
“All set. Should we rouse them?” asked Lucy.

Lucy walked over to the slumbering Cheerleaders and waved a bottle of smelling salts under their noses. All 3 were tied securely to chairs.

Megan’s head bobbed back and forth to avoid the smelling salts but finally came to. “Keisha you fiend, you are going to pay for this” said an angry Megan.
“Now now my beloved cheerleader, just settle down while we wake up your partners and I will explain everything.”

“You guys ok?” asked Megan.
“My cheek is killing me! Jonny sucker punched me” responded Ashley moving her jaw around.
“Where’s Monica and Ally, Keisha?” asked Kasey
“They are just fine ladies. Back at the hotel none the wiser. They were important pieces to insure your capture. Now a little mind conditioning and my plan is home free.” Responded Keisha
“We know all about your plan Keisha. You are going to ruin Jonny and Drew’s careers by doing this.” Shouted Megan.
“They will be fine. They are the highest paid players at their positions so them throwing this game will be chalked up to one of those days.” Said Keisha “Lucy turn on the dvd and get this over with.”
“Wait Keisha, let’s talk about this. You’ve kidnapped a high ranking Police officer along with us and a slew of other charges. You are going to jail for a long time, give it up now while you still can.” Pleaded Ashley.
“No thanks. Once you are under my control no one will be able to stop me from taking complete control of Seaside when we return. With the amount of money I make today I will be able to do whatever I want and use you 3 plus Ally Wendall to help me.”

The 3 Cheerleaders struggled against their bonds but could not budge them. Lucy started the dvd and the abstract images began to play on the plasma. Megan, Ashley and Kasey were transfixed on the screen. Lucy and Keisha left.
“Put another 10 million on the money line but spread it out between sports books.”
“Keisha we don’t have that kind of money”
“Transfer it from the team account. It will be put back before anyone realizes.”
“OK but I think we’re being greedy.”
“Who can stop us? We have the Cheerleaders, Ally Wendall and Monica Benson plus Drew and Jonny. No one will suspect a thing.”
“I guess you’re right. What do you want me to do with the Cheerleaders once they are conditioned?”
“Let them go. They won’t stand in our way now. They will go back to the hotel and meet everyone else who is under our control.”
“Alright, see you back at the hotel.”
Keisha left her office and Lucy made the additional bets.
After 20 minutes Lucy went into Keisha’s office. The Cheerleaders were still staring straight ahead. Lucy ran some test questions by them and all 3 checked out as being under their control. She untied all 3 and ordered them out of the office.
All 3 cheerleaders left without incident. But as they reached the door they stopped.
Lucy said, “I told you to leave. What’s the problem?”
Megan turned around and replied “You’re our problem” and promptly fired a dart from her right pom-pom striking Lucy in the thigh. The Latina looked and was shocked to see a pin sized dart sticking out of her tights. Her vision began to blur and she said, “But how? You wereeeee unnnnddeerr ourrrrrrr controllllllllllllllllllllll” and then she dropped onto the floor out cold.

“Great call on these neck collars Kasey. The anti-mind control device worked like a charm.” Said Megan walking over to Lucy.
“I’ll say. We’d have been totally screwed without them.” Replied Ashley.
“Come on guys we have work to do.” Said Kasey

They quickly scooped up Lucy and secured her to a chair in Keisha’s office. They revived her with their o2 atomizer and began to question her.

“How do we get Drew and Jonny out of the mind control?”
“You bitches think I am telling you anything?”
“Yes we do in fact. Lucy we can work out a deal so Keisha takes the brunt of this. But make no mistake you are going to tell us what we want to know.” Said Megan readying a syringe from her utility belt.
“What is that?” asked a nervous Lucy.
“A little cheerleader truth serum” answered Megan. “You will be telling us what we want to know”
And she injected Lucy with the serum.

Super Bowl Sunday had arrived without incident. Keisha had been anticipating game day for some time. She was wearing a Seahawk Blue short sleeved blouse and black Capri slacks. Knee boots and opaque tights completed her powerful outfit along with new jewelry to match in order to celebrate her new found fortune. But as the game wore on it became more apparent that something had gone drastically wrong. The Seahawks were drilling their opponents 42-14 with Drew and Jonny leading the way.

Pacing in her private suite at the stadium. Keisha was panicking as there was only a few minutes left in the game. She re-traced her steps to see how this could have happened. She went over everything with Drew and Jonny last night. The Cheerleaders were under her control. “What happened Lucy? What went wrong?” she said to herself.

“I don’t know Keisha. Things were going as planned. Something must have failed in the mind control.”
“Ya think you idiot! We need to figure out this betting situation. I can cover my losses but not the teams. Let me see the spreadsheet of what we bet.”
Lucy handed her the sheet.
“Lucy this says I bet $10 million of my own money and none of the teams. What happened?”
“Sorry Keisha. The Cheerleaders may have had something to do with that” responded Ally Wendall at the front of the suite with her weapon drawn. She was in a black pinstripe blazer and skirt with off black nylons and heels. Her badge was on the waist band of her skirt.
“What the? How?” stammered Keisha.
“Sorry boss. They were not under our control and they offered me a deal. They said I was going to jail for 25 years at least. I can’t handle that Keisha. I’m sorry; I didn’t know what else to do.” Said Lucy looking down at the floor.
Meanwhile the game had ended and the celebration was on in Arizona. The Seahawks had won another Super Bowl.
“You idiot! How could you let this happen? I’m going to kill you” yelled Keisha as she pulled her tranq gun out of her purse. But before she could Ally rushed her and tackled her. They rolled around the floor of the suite. Ally quickly got the upper hand and had Keisha on her stomach. As she pulled her cuffs out she read Keisha her rites. But before she finished Lucy grabbed Ally’s gun that she had lost in the struggle and nailed her in the back of the head with the butt end.

Lucy rolled the now knocked out Ally off of Keisha and helped her up. “Sorry Keisha. I got scared; I didn’t know what to do. The cheerleaders captured me and injected me with truth serum and I told them how to free everyone from the mind control. I’m so sorry. And they also made me change the bets. But it’s not as bad…”
“I know Lucy. But you saved me here. Good work. You can explain the rest later. Cuff her and get her out of site.” Said Keisha cutting her off.
Lucy grabbed Ally’s ankles and dragged her into the suite. She flipped her onto her stomach and cuffed her hand behind her back. “I guess you can add another assault charge to my bill” said Lucy as she did so. She then picked her up and tossed her in the suite bathroom.
“OK all done Keisha” Said Lucy.
“Good, my hands are full. Can you grab my briefcase and let’s go.”
“Sure” As Lucy bent down to get Keisha’s briefcase, Keisha bonked her assistant over the head with her tranq pistol. Lucy never saw it coming and collapsed onto her stomach.
“You made too many mistakes Luce. Sorry sweetie but we have to separate ourselves.” Keisha dragged her unconscious assistant into the bathroom and cuffed her to Ally who was still out cold. For good measure Keisha shot both of them with the tranq pistol further enducing their unconsciousness.

As she came out of the bathroom though, Keisha was startled to see the Cheerleaders standing Hands on hips.
“Going somewhere Keisha?” asked Kasey
“Ahh the Cheerleaders we meet again. But this time you won’t get away.” Said Keisha defiantly.
“No more bullshit Keisha. Lucy told us everything. We changed your bets. You bet on the Seahawks which means you won. But all the winnings are going to charities in Seaside along with the rest of your bankroll. You are going away for a long time” replied Megan.
Keisha was shocked. Lucy’s spreadsheet said nothing about betting on Seaside. If she had known that should would have left much earlier and avoided this run in with the Cheerleaders. She was desperate and with one last ditch effort tried to escape.

After setting down her briefcase, Keisha put her hands up. She told the Cheerleaders where Ally and Lucy were. Megan went to check on them.
“They’re alright but unconscious” said Megan noting the tranq darts sticking out both the girls nylon encased legs. “I need Ally’s handcuff keys.”

Kasey walked over and asked for the handcuff keys. Keisha told her they were in her briefcase. Kasey ordered Keisha away from the briefcase and holstered her poms to open it. Ashley also walked over and kept her poms aimed at Keisha.
On a knee Kasey asked “What’s the combo?”
“1 2 3”
“Very original.” Quipped Ashley.
Kasey’s finely manicured fingers lined up the combo on the briefcase. She picked it up and set it on the table in the middle of the suite. Ashley stood next to her with her poms still trained on Keisha.

Kasey tried to open the briefcase and was surprised to that it didn’t open. “What the hell Keisha? Why won’t it open?”
“Oh sorry about that. I changed the combo, in all this confusion I forgot. Try 6 6 6. You can never be too safe these days. Always have extra security.”
“Now you are creeping me out with the combos.” said Ashley
Kasey tried 666 and popped open the briefcase with Ashley looking over her shoulder. POP a huge cloud of red gas poofed into Kasey and Ashley’s faces.
Keisha’s last ditch effort worked. This was something she had installed on her briefcase in case she was stopped by police or in this case super heroines. The 666 code triggered the gas to engulf it’s victim.
“Gas! Cough cough Ash watch ouuutttt” said Kasey who inhaled the brunt of the toxic fumes. Kasey fell into the briefcase and then slid off the table onto the floor gassed out.

Ashley got a secondary blast but not enough to incapacitate her. Seeing Kasey already out on the floor, she turned back to Keisha who was already upon her. Too slow to defend herself, Keisha ran over her sending her poms flying. Keisha picked up the dazed blonde and pushed her face into the still smoking briefcase. Ashley couldn’t hold her breath and quickly succumbed to the fumes falling to the floor.

Oblivious to this because of the all the noise in the stadium was Megan who was waiting for the keys to Ally’s cuffs. She walked out to see the suite looking like a war zone with a red haze hovering throughout. She then noticed her partners on the floor. Both on their backs and no Keisha. She quickly unholstered her poms. She saw Keisha spring out from behind the couch and make a break for it. Megan let go a stream of her stun ray that stopped Keisha in her tracks. Not wanting to be hit with the ray, she ran out onto the balcony of the suite. Megan went after her. Keisha was climbing over the railing to the next suite.

Megan grabbed her by the legs. Keisha kicked at Megan trying to shed her but could not. Then as she thrashed, Keisha lost her balance and started to fall over the railing to the horror of the still celebrating fans. Now Megan had Keisha’s arm as she hung over the stands below.

“I’ve got you Keisha. Try to throw your other arm up to me” pleaded Megan
“Let me go. I am not going to jail” said Keisha trying to make Megan drop her
“No way. I am trying to help you. You need mental help Keisha”
“I said LET ME GO”
Megan continued to struggle keeping her grip. But she was shocked when she saw Keisha pull out her tranq gun from her waist.
“Keisha don’t be stupid, you’ll never survive this fall. Let me help you”
“I’m beyond help” said Keisha as she fired the pistol.
Megan could not dodge the dart for fear of losing her grip. It stuck out of her neck and she immediately felt her grip slip. She knew she only had a matter of seconds before passing out and tried with all her might to pull. But her eyes were drooping and Keisha’s hand began to slip out of Megan’s. “Nooooo” and Megan let Keisha’s hand go, collapsing back on to the balcony unconscious.

“Megan wake up. Meg come on. There she is.”
Megan jumped up. She was on the couch of the suite. “Where is she? I tried to hang on but she shot me with her fucking dart gun. I dropped her.” Recounted Megan
“Sweetie she is alright. Just broke her leg if you can believe it.” Said Ashley.
She and Kasey had been revived along with Ally and Lucy. Lucy had been taken away already and Ally explained what happened to Keisha.
Megan asked Ashley and Kasey “How the hell did she get away from you guys anyway?”
“Her briefcase was booby trapped with knockout gas. Never saw it coming.” Said Kasey
“Kasey was out in an instant and then that crazy bitch shoved my face right into the briefcase. It smelled like sweet perfume didn’t it Kase?”
“More like bad air freshener” responded Kasey.
“And how about you Ally?”
“Lucy pistol whipped me from behind. She added another 10 years to her sentence. My head is still killing me.”
“You’re becoming more and more like us Al” laughed Ashley
“You guys are the most hapless super heroines ever. I think it is rubbing off on me.” Quipped Ally.
“How are Drew and Jonny?” asked Megan
“Co MVP’s. And the money that we bet from Keisha’s account is going to pay for a new library at the elementary and upgrade the youth center.” Said Kasey
“I can’t believe she survived. I tried to hang on to her.”
“I know Meg. She said that to the police and paramedics. They said that when you let her go she swung under the suite balcony and didn’t fall all the way down to the stands. So you did save her.” Said Ally
“I’ve had enough of Arizona. Can we go home?” asked Megan
“5 1st class seats courtesy of Keisha Stevenson and the Seaside Seahawks. I’ll go and get Monica and we’ll see you at the airport.”
Ally left and the 3 cheerleaders followed behind. “We do need to be more careful guys. These crooks are more and more desperate not to be caught. “ said Megan
“Agreed, next time we’ll only get knocked out once”
Ally shook her head as they walked out of the stadium.

The End!
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Hot ending :-D
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Superlative storytelling, dubber! Very nice! =D> =D> =D> Love the action at the end! Can't wait for the next one! 8)
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer." - Paul Atredes
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Echoing Pics comments, well done. :D
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Very good ending dubbphil! Looking forward to the next cheerleader adventure! =D>
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