Supergirl in Dirty Laundry

A darker, full bodied blend.
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The character Supergirl is Copyrighted by DC
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Dirty Laundry
by McGheeny

The Beginning

Kara nearly crash lands in an alley somewhere on the south side of Metro City. The most recent encounter with Belko's soldiers has left her reeling and in no way "Super". As a matter of fact their new ray guns are FAR more effect on Kara's Kryptonian physiology than the previous versions. Each zap from one of the guns overloads her young fantastic body temporarily reducing her superpowers. The affects of a single blast didn't last long, maybe a couple of minutes, but those could be LONG minutes. Between the four attackers they hit her enough times with their beams to render Kara powerless as she fell from the sky. The stunned and weakened Supergirl landed less gracefully than she was use to tumbling and rolling for about 25 feet to a stop.

Lying on her right side on the cold wet cement a disheveled Kara pushes up to her right hip. She anxiously searches above her to see if the soldiers were following her. Relieved to see clear skies overhead the young blonde heroine in red and blue slowly gets to her feet. Wavering on beautiful but unsure slender tan legs Supergirl brushes herself off as she looks around. Seemingly alone, she is in one of the older neighborhoods on the Southside. Taking a deep breath and steadying herself she attempts to leap into the air but fails to fly. Stumbling and falling to her hands and knees the teen becomes painfully aware she needs more time to recover. Again getting to her feet Kara brushes herself off and straightens her uniform as she walks to the street opening to the alley.

Just as Supergirl reaches the entrance there is a commotion to her right as excited voices accompanied by the sounds of shuffling and running feet. Looking down the street Kara could see people scattering for shelter. Looking up the girl realized the cause for the uproar. Heading towards her direction sails the four soldiers in a winged formation searching the streets for their escaped prey.

Kara quickly pans the block where she is standing and discovers she is standing next to a Laundromat. The blonde teen heroine hastens to the door and slipped inside. She moves along a row of washing machines and a wall of dryers passing a curious old woman seated next to a few humming machines. The obviously troubled girl with concern on her pretty face looks first to the woman then to the glass wall on the front of the building.

The old woman recognized distress on the pretty young girl's face. She stood up, grabbed a broom that was leaning against the wall of dryers and moved to the front of the store. She stood there for a minute sometimes straining to looking back and forth up and down the street. Keeping her eyes on the window wall she slowly moves back towards the lovely girl retreated to the middle of the facility. "It's okay sweetie. They have flown by." The woman turns to the only other person in the building with her. She looks the girl up and down several times before she said, "You're Supergirl."

There is a momentary awkward pause before Kara smiles and replies, "Yes I am." She turns her focus back to the front of the Laundromat half expecting the soldiers to come crashing through the glass.

"Why are you hiding from those goons? Aren't you super-strong?" asks the woman. She studies the nervous response of the girl's posture. "Are you not Supergirl?"

"It is a long story," Kara begins, "but for now I need to keep my distance from them." Still concerned that the soldiers might come back the young heroine moves towards the front of the room.

This is curious thinks the old woman. She turns leans the broom against the dryers and reaches into her purse, "So you are Supergirl but you just are not super at this time?" The blonde heroine pauses and looks back with distain. "So, even someone like me can defeat you?"

Kara studies the old woman and evaluates her threat level. She decides there is nothing to worry about in here. "You don't want to do that to yourself." The heroine turns back to the glass wall and door and moves to check outside.

"Well I think I can defeat you Supergirl and then I will enjoy the fruits of your surrender," laughs the old woman.

Kara bends over and looks out the windows when she is surprised by two hard tips firmly pressed into the blue crotch of her uniform, "HEY!" Suddenly intense pain erupts in her loins and radiates to every muscle and joint of her amazing body. Her baby blues open wide, her jaw hangs open and her frame uncontrollably convulses for what seems forever before blackness comes to Supergirl. The beautiful heroine finally falls to the black and white tile floor of the Laundromat. Despite being out cold the beautiful 5' 6" 118 lbs blonde heroine's body continues to jerk and shudder.

The old woman lifts her right hand which holds a discharged taser gun. She smiles, "Imagine that. This even works on Supergirl." She looks down at the unconscious girl laid out on her side with her red mini skirt rolled up around her waist exposing the high thigh cut bottoms of her blue leotard. She puts her right foot on the bared tan lined cheek of the downed heroine and pushes her several times confirming Supergirl is truly unconscious. "Well, isn't this something." she muses as she looks around the room. A moment later it is obvious by the gleam in the old woman's eyes she has come up with something.

"Aooooo..." moans Kara as light and a deep aching slowly brings the girl around. Dull pain registers from her head to her toes. "Wha...what?" the heroine gradually becomes aware she is seated and restrained. Supergirl's eyes open to find she is securely tied to a chair. Yes, despite her superpowers the ropes used are more than sufficient to keep the young blonde heroine fastened to the cheap piece of furniture. Clearly she has not recovered from the soldier's blasts. Kara struggles against her bonds as she protests, "LET ME OUT OF THIS!"

A number of buzzers sound from down the row of machines indicating wash cycles are complete. "Okay, I have to go change loads," laughs the old woman. She pauses and looks the helpless Supergirl over for a moment. Suddenly her brown eyes sparkle as she begins to hike her dress. The teen heroine's blue eyes grow wider as the hem rises higher. The old woman reaches underneath and begins to remove her underwear. With a grin she says, "We need to make sure you stay nice and quiet."

Kara is stunned to see the woman pull her underwear down those tree stump legs and allow them to fall around her ankles. "No," was all the girl could muster as the woman picks up the discarded garment and moves to the girl's side. "Get those away from me," demands Supergirl.

"Ha! Open wide Sweetie," coaxes the old woman as the young blonde closes her red pouting lips. She reaches down and takes a firm hold of Supergirl's left nipple between her index finger and thumb and pinches with all her might. She can see awkward painful defiance in the heroine's baby blues. "Awaha come on Supergirl. Open up for Mama." She then twists and pinches the hardening nipple with such vigor the young girl finally succumbs.

"AAHHAWOOMMMMPPHFFF!" cries out Kara as the pain is too much for her. As she opens her mouth the woman stuffs her underwear, crotch first, into the good girl's mouth as she continues to abuse the girl's nipple. Just like that Supergirl has the woman's "Granny Panties" completely jammed into her mouth. A piece of duck tape is applied to the girl's lips assuring there will be no spitting out of the dirty laundry. The taste filling the heroine's mouth is as disgusting as the act. As she struggles both mentally and physically with the woman's vile act as her other nipple is now being tortured by the woman's thick digits. Completely powerless Supergirl's head bows forward as her chin comes to her chest.

The woman is taking great pleasure in abusing this feckless little blonde bitch. The knobs on the girl's tits are swollen and hard making it easy to grip and torment. "I am giving you just a taste of what you will have tonight Supergirl," laughs the woman. When the blonde girl doesn't respond she cranks down on those tits.

"MMMMMMPPHHFF!" Supergirl's muffled protest or cry of agony is also communicated by a distinct look of painful capitulation on her pretty face. Her eyes close tight and her head rocks back in an attempt to quell the anguish radiating from her breasts. Clearly this woman is taking great delight in making the girl suffer with no end in sight. That's when a staggered Kara feels an impossible growing sensation quickly welling up inside her. The shocked young blonde's head comes forward as unexpected concern in her blue eyes lock with the woman's brown eyes.

"I know that look," chuckles the woman as her right hand releases the girl's left nipple. She reaches down for the hem of that short red mini skirt and flips it up exposing the blue bottom of Supergirl's uniform. Before the startled good girl can respond the woman's hand shoots down the front of Supergirl's pelvis. Thick fingers burrow between the slight part of those tan silky smooth thighs and into the warm swelling crotch of the girl's uniform.

"MMMMPPPHHHFFFF!" Supergirl desperately struggles against her bonds as she clamps her thighs closed tightly around the woman's hand. Securely restrained in the seated position in the metal and plastic chair Kara is subjected to punishment applied to her right nipple as wiggling fingers freely explore her womanhood. "MMMOOUUMM!" the girl's head shakes whipping her long blonde hair from side to side. Her chest heaves and her hips buck and squirm defiantly but it's no use. The woman's prediction has come true. She finally has got her hands on Supergirl and there is nothing the beautiful bound Kryptonian female can do about it.

The woman releases her grip on Supergirl's right nipple. Keeping her hand buried between the sexy girl's thighs she moves around behind the roped heroine. Her left hand now reaches around and takes a hold of the blonde's left tit and squeezes. As her fingers rub the swelling pussy lips her left had massages the soft fleshy mound beneath the blue of the girl's uniform. There is a renewed and ineffectual struggle against her bonds but it is obvious that Supergirl is going nowhere. A smile comes over her lips as she leans into the girl's ear and whispers, "I can feel the excitement in your pussy Supergirl." This statement is met with another short burst of the young heroine's energetic straining to free herself. As the girl tests the ropes her thighs relax enough for the woman to get her hand firmly entrenched between those long lovely tan legs.

Unsettling Desire

'OHMYGOSH!!!' Kara screams in her head as the superheroine is now completely helpless against this old woman's offensive unwanted massage. The distressed teen endeavors to keep her focus and her legs clamped shut but it is no use. Her nipple is being tormented and her loins are getting mugged by the woman's fingers. Unfortunately for the young heroine there is another hazard to the woman's handling of Kara's young supple body. Between the pain and pleasure a distraught Supergirl is now confronting growing sexual sensations building from within her core. Despite her mental revulsion to the woman's touch Kara's sexually charged Kryptonian body is readily responding to the stimulus. Part desperation and part frustration Supergirl strains unproductively against the security of the ropes.

The old woman is enjoying Supergirl's wiggling as she keeps the pressure up on the girl's fun parts. After the blonde teen's most recent pitiful exertion against her bonds the old woman leans into the girl's ear, "So do you like pain?" as she wrenches down on the good girl's nipple with vicious pinching and twisting. A moment later she pauses on the girl's tit, "Or pleasure?" The middle finger of woman's right hand plows a path in the blue material parting those labia lips and focusing on the girl's excited growing clit. Supergirl's hips writhe and buck but the girl is held fast in the chair. The woman's left hand reaches under the collar of Supergirl's uniform dives down and under the bra. Fingers take a unyielding hold the girl's erect hardened left nipple and pinches with all her might.

"MMMMMMM!" squeals Kara against the underwear stuffed in her mouth and the tape across her lips. Her body works against the ropes but she can do nothing as the woman's fingers move under her bra to the girl's other nipple. Seconds later the same painful nipple pinch and twisting has the teen heroine squirming helplessly in the chair. The old woman keeps up the unhindered torture of Supergirl's breasts while the hand between the girl's bared and soft thighs slowly and methodically rubs small circles into the blue material covering the heroine's sweet spot. The opposing sensations are having a dastardly affect on the tied girl as the warmth inside her begins to turn to an itch in her loins.

"You like this don't you Supergirl?" whispers the old woman. The bound blonde girl's head shakes adamantly "NO" as she winces and writhes in the chair. The woman's left hand changes nipples again as the tip of the middle finger of her right hand bares down on the clit emerging between parted lips. "Open your legs Supergirl. Accept me as your master and cum for me," breaths the woman.

Kara's blue eyes look to the ceiling in despair knowing she is losing this battle, badly. The cruelty shown the girl's nipples in opposition to the practiced massage of her clitoris has Supergirl in an undeniable state of sexual arousal. When the girl slows her response to the nipple twisting the old woman's hand runs along Kara's bra to the other breast and nipple and resumes the torture. A new round of bucking against the ropes finds the girl's hips working up and down against the motion of the woman's hand. A new sensation supercharges the heroine's sexy body and psyche.

"Ahawa come on Supergirl. Admit you want this and cum for me," continues the woman's soft encouragement. She moves to the girl's other ear and sighs, "Is it because you know it will show you to be a slut Supergirl?" There is a brief struggle then Supergirl sinks to the chair again. She moves to the girl's other ear, "Oh my, honey we both know you are a tramp. Cumming for me just proves what we already know." She alternates ears again, "Supergirl you ARE a slut."

The combination of the old woman's verbal and physical assaults are having a powerful effect on Supergirl. The girl is feebly resisting the growing excitement in her loins as her hips little by little work in opposition to the fingers. Kara can feel swelling of powerful orgasms building from deep inside her. She shakes her head in an attempt to refocus but another commanding twisting of her nipple stokes the raging fire of want in Supergirl.

The old woman leans in again, "Open your legs Supergirl. Become my little blonde whore." She feels a sudden jerk of the girl's hips and a damp spot begin to grow. "That's it girly. Now, open your legs and give in to me." Supergirl's head shakes "No" but the old woman feels the girl's thighs relax. She REALLY cranks down on the girl's nipple and repeats her command, "Open your legs bitch."The young blonde girl's entire body stiffens for a moment then slumps back into the ropes. The old woman moves to the other ear, "Part your legs Supergirl and cum for your master."

Suddenly, as if on cue, Supergirl's head drops to her chest. In a sign of total surrender as those long lovely athletically slender tan bare legs part wide. Filled with shame at her own desire Kara's hips willingly pump up and down faster and faster as she can feel the oncoming climax. Still torturing her nipple the old woman's right hand has quickened and intensified the attention to the good girl's over stimulated clitoris. The beautiful teen heroine is in a state of total submission giving this old woman exactly what she wants, a Supergirl slut. Nostrils open wide moving large amounts of air an extremely aroused and uncontrolled Supergirl is on the verge of powerful waves of desire.

Unexpectedly there is loud sounding buzzing. The old woman pulls her hands from the writhing Supergirl, "I forgot to change the loads." With that she moves away from the dazed young blonde girl and attends to her laundry.

A sexually charged Kara is left bewildered and wanting. Her hips are still shamelessly working up and down with toe curling orgasms just on the other side of seconds more attention to her labia and clitoris. Looking through the hairs of her unkempt blonde mane she can see the old woman moving clothes from a washer to a dryer. Kara wants to cum. She NEEDS to cum. Straining against her bounds with all her might the haplessly horny Supergirl can do nothing to resolve her condition. Frustrating agony of unresolved desire drives the beautiful blonde girl out of her head.

Just then the doors open and in walks a 6' 0" heavyset old man looking to be in his 60s carrying a basket of clothes with a box of detergent on top of the pile. At first he sees the old woman and smiles then his eyes move to the bound blonde with tape over her mouth in the chair. He pauses for a moment looking between the two females. He turns and heads out the door but stops just outside. He looks up and down the deserted street before backing back through the doors. He turns and looks to the old woman, "What is going on here?"

The old woman goes back to putting another load of clothes into the washer, "You are Mr. Connors from building 659 right?"

The man studies the woman for a long moment, "Yes, that is correct."

"Well Mr. Connors I am doing laundry," begins the old woman. She nods over at the bound girl, "That is Supergirl." She looks up at the man for a reaction. "Yes it is Supergirl and she is entertainment while I do wash."

The incredulous man tilts his head and looks to the pretty heroine with wide blue eyes. "Why is her mouth taped and better yet why is she tied to a chair?"

"Because she is holding my underwear and that is the way I want her," says the woman flatly. "Look I was bored. This little floozy came inside dressed like Supergirl saying she is hiding from some bad guys. I could tell right away she couldn't be the REAL Supergirl. The real Supergirl is super powerful and would have no need to hide. So I put my theory to the test and she allowed herself to be tied up with plain old ropes. Do you think regular ropes would be able to hold the real Supergirl?"

Mr. Connors studies the young blonde girl in the Supergirl costume tied to the chair. "No, regular ropes would not be able to hold Supergirl."

"That is what I said. So this is just one of those dressed up street walkers it took us forever to get rid of in this neighborhood," explains the woman. "So I am teaching this little bitch a lesson so her and others won't come back to our neighborhood again." She watches the man's reaction before continuing, "You are here to do your wash? Well do your wash and you can either watch or join in teaching this girl a lesson she won't soon forget."

It is quiet for a few minutes while Mr. Connors reviews the proposition. He looks at the old woman, "It did take forever to get rid of those whores. You are not going to hurt her?"

"No, of course not," the old woman says sheepishly, "no really." This causes the man to reel back before she adds, "Look I am going to give her what she wants but in a way she won't forget it. When we are through you can spank her to make your point." The old man cocks an eyebrow. "Good. Start your wash and let's get back to schooling Supergirl."

Clothes and change go into the machines and seconds later the two old folks stand next to the bound and gagged Supergirl. Kara desperately wants to let Mr. Connors she is not a whore but the REAL Supergirl but with the old woman's "Granny panties" stuffed in and tape on the outside of her mouth the blonde teen is stuck.

"Tell you what," starts the old woman, "I will start on her tits and you can begin with the pussy.”

"Sounds good to me, " says Mr. Connors. He moves around to the front of Supergirl and kneels down. He places his hands on her knees and begins to pry those amazing legs apart. "She seems a bit stubborn."

Kara holds her legs closed but the old woman's hands shoot down the front of Supergirl's uniform with fingers slipping under the good girl's bra. Seconds later the old woman begins punishing those hardened nipples. The young teen heroine resists the pinching and twisting of her nipples as long as she can before she finally allows the man's hands on her knees to part her legs. He reaches under her thighs and pulls Kara's rear forward to the edge of the chair. The girl watches helplessly as the old man leans in and presses his nose and mouth to the damp blue crotch of her uniform. As he nuzzles her womanhood those feelings of need begin to intensify again.

Mr. Connors pulls away from Supergirl's pussy his nostrils filled with the girl's heady aroma and taste of her sex on his lips. Now, as he looks up into the young blonde's blue eyes the thumb of his right hand continues to gently brush upwards against the material covering the girl's pussy. He looks to the old woman, "You got a good hold of those tits?" From under Supergirl's uniform he can see the woman's hands turn in opposite directions causing Supergirl's back to arch and her head roll back. "Good," smiles the old man. Three fingers of his right hand he slip beneath and take a hold of the soaked crotch of Supergirl's uniform, "Let's see what we are working with..." Before starting the old man studies Supergirl's pelvis for a moment before commenting, "Did you know Supergirl has bikini tan lines?"

"Do you really care?" snorts the old woman.

"No, not really," grins Mr. Connors.

When the blue material is pulled aside fully exposing Supergirl's wet pussy to cool air for the first time Kara's entire body shudders with excitement. As the old woman keeps her breasts in agony Kara watches the gray haired man's hands press her legs open wider as he leans in and begin softly kissing her thighs. First her left then her right thigh moving from mid thigh up to her pussy. He is obviously careful not to touch her womanhood as he begins flicking her inner thighs with his tongue. Each stroke might as well be a whip lash as the building pressure of intense desire inside the girl's core is almost as agonizing as the painful nipple torture. The old woman's underwear and tape on Kara's mouth suppress the girl's ability to gasp.

Mr. Connors is slow and meticulous with his kisses covering every inch of the soft smooth skin of the girl's firm thighs. When he senses the girl's hips coming to life he moves his hands up the backside of her legs to her rear. The horny girl instinctively understands what Mr. Connors wants. Supergirl lifts her rear off the chair facilitating his ability to slide his hands under her. As he does the old man take hold, squeeze and separate her cheeks.

Kara's eyelids flutter as his thumbs rub slow circles on her pussy lips either side of her throbbing clitoris. She wants to scream as the agonizingly slow pleasure is torture to her. When the old man leans in again and presses his lips to her clitoris Kara wanted to explode. Unfortunately for her he quickly pulled back from the kiss as the teen heroine's hips worked feverishly up and down.

Looking back at the old woman he grins, "She wants to cum but I am not sure I am doing this right."

"Here trade with me," says the old woman pulling her hands from under Supergirl's uniform.

In total and complete disbelief Supergirl watches as the two old people change positions on her. The old man's hands dive down the front of her uniform and bra taking an authoritative hold on her breasts. Meanwhile, the old woman kneels down between the girl's wide spread legs. The man's rough hands begin working over Kara's soft and VERY sensitive breasts and nipples. Renewed sense of pain causes the blonde teen heroine's intense feelings to falter. But when the old woman drew her right fist back and then punched the girl directly in the pussy Kara's body bucked and jerked in pain. She desperately wanted to close her legs but the woman sat right between them preventing the blonde teen heroine's ability to protect herself. The stubby fingers of the woman's left hand wound themselves and twisted in the girl's neatly trimmed pubic hairs and yanked upwards.

The old woman's grip was solid as she was able to lift Supergirl's ass off the chair by the girl's own pubic hairs. That is when the woman took aim and landed another nasty sadistic right set of knuckles to Supergirl's vulnerable bared pussy. "You were going to cum for someone other than your master," another cruel punch to the swollen lips, "You are my slut Supergirl." It took three more perfectly placed punches before the old woman let the girl's humping hips hit the chair again.

Tears welled up in Kara's blue eyes as pain radiated from her loins to every nerve ending of her elegant young body. Slumped in the chair as the old man's hands continue to exploit her situation by abusing her breasts. Just then Supergirl feels hands on her knees pushing her legs outwards. She looks down to see the old woman bend over and begin kissing the girl's thighs. An apprehensive Kara steels herself against more punishment from the old woman when she realizes those old lips were working their way up to...

The old woman presses her lips hard into the swollen pussy lips. She uses her tongue to find Supergirl's clit and begins to suck on it. Her hands keep the girl's legs open wide as she focuses on sucking the excited clit in and out of her lips. She pauses for a few moments to give the girl's stimulated sweet spot a good tongue lashing before sucking it in and out again.

Mr. Connors is enjoying the view of this old woman's face pressed between Supergirl's parted thighs. He is alternating between pinching, twisting and kneading the girl's supple B cup tits. As the woman slowly slid her hands up the teen's lovely legs the girl willingly lifted her hips so those hands could take hold of her tight little ass. When a sexually ecstatic Supergirl eagerly began grinding her overexcited pussy into the old woman's face he almost came in his pants. It is obvious that Supergirl is close to orgasm once again.

The two old people have a helplessly horny Supergirl on the verge of powerful orgasms once again. The young heroine's body is covered in perspiration as her grunts and heavy breath signaled pending climax. The most telling sign was the heavy aroma of Supergirl's sexual scent that filled the entire Laundromat. That is when the dryer buzzers went off.

The old woman pulls away from a frantically humping Supergirl as she signaled Mr. Connors to remove his hands. "Gotta remove clothes and you have to put your clothes in the dryer." The old man frowns at her for a moment until she smiles and nods, "We did come here to wash our clothes."

With that, the two turn and head towards their perspective machines leaving a totally undone Supergirl tied to the chair in frustration as her hips slowly hump air. She needs sexual release so badly her entire Kryptonian body aches. The strain of orgasms poised at the precipice of her vagina is so great it is actually causing her pain. If she wasn't tied to this chair, if she had her superpowers, if she had someone who truly wanted to make her cum, her orgasms could be achieved. Sadly, Kara is rendered helpless and extremely horny without hope of climactic relief. Supergirl slumps to the chair as the agonizing pressure of sweet relief denied takes forever to subside.
Last edited by McGheeny 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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That was excellent!!
Loved it!
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tumkar wrote:
4 years ago
That was excellent!!
Loved it!
Thanks for the input. It's much appreciated. ;)
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One of the things I love about it is that at the same time as finishing seemingly on a sort of cliff hanger, it also works as a complete standalone short story.
Out of interest do you think you'll ever give it a second chapter?
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tumkar wrote:
4 years ago
Out of interest do you think you'll ever give it a second chapter?
There will be an addition that will conclude this encounter for the girl of steel :yes:
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The old woman checks her first dryer and determines the clothes need more time to dry. She adds change and turns the knob. The machine comes to life as garments inside begins to tumble in the heat. She goes to the next machine. She these clothes are ready. The old woman pulls clothing out of a dryer and dumps them on a folding table. As she begins to sort them, she looks to the helpless bound blonde teen. “Don’t worry honey. We will be right back with you.”

Meanwhile, Mr. Connors moves his wet clothes from the front loader washing machine to a dryer by Supergirl. The old man becomes acutely aware of the pungent aroma of Supergirl's sexual desires. The sweet scent of wetness that drenched the crotch of her uniform permeates the air inside the laundry mat. It has been a LONG time since he has had a raging hard on like the one in his pants right now. Pausing to eye this beautiful young blonde girl, dressed like Supergirl, his mind goes to thoughts of his youth. He imagines himself using the favors of this sexy girl’s amazing lean tan body over and over, until he is completely spent. He may not be able to do it as often, or as long, as he used to, but the old man is VERY sure he can give this floozie all she can hand for a good while. He quickly tossed his laundry into the dryer, feed the machine, and turned it on for an hour. Now, back to play with the girl.

The excitement that shook Kara to her core has almost faded when she hears footsteps approaching. To weary to lift her chin off her chest the girl remains slouched in the cheap plastic chair. Her eyes open to see a pair of men’s brown leather shoes and dark brown cuffed trousers on the black and white tile floor. She sighs and closes her eyes, ‘Mr. Connors’. The hapless teen heroically tests her restraints again, but no luck. The ropes secure and her powers absent, Kara remains these old people’s prisoner and sex toy.

“Where to begin,” smiles the old woman as she appears in front of Supergirl.

“Do we let her orgasm this time?” sheepishly asks the old man.

The woman left hand takes a handful of blonde hair and lifts the girl’s head. She turns Supergirl’s head to the right and then left. “Do you think she deserves to cum?” Those fiery blue eyes open and scowl at the old woman. “Well, looky here. There is still some spirit left in her. What do you think girly? Should we let you cum?”

As an angry Kara glares at the old woman, she attempts to summon heat to her vision. After a frustrating moment of failure to generate even a spark the heroine receives a stinging slap to her left cheek, SMACK! The old woman’s strike also briefly scrambled the girl’s thoughts. SMACK! Another powerful flat hand slaps Kara. This time the painful blow restores her focus. The third time, SMACK! Kara’s rage becomes distress. SMACK! Tears are beginning to well up in Supergirl’s baby blues.

“Spread your legs girly!” growls the old woman. She can see misery turn to concern on that pretty face. As she raises her hand one more time those lovely bare legs part at the knees. “Slide forward!” commands the compliant bound blonde girl. Supergirl obeys, scooting her rear to the edge of the seat. Still holding her hand at the ready she looks the girl in the eyes and gives a one-word command, “Wider!”

A troubled Kara looks from the old woman’s eyes to the hand poised to deliver another unforgiving slap. Supergirl apprehensively opens her legs leaving herself extremely vulnerable to the woman in charge.

“Now,” says the woman as her hand lowers. With her left hand twisted in the girl’s gold mane the old woman steps to Supergirl’s right side. “Join me,” she offers to Mr. Connors as she motions for the man to stand on the opposite side of the girl in the chair. When the man is in place the old woman looks back to Supergirl. “Alright tramp, we are going to play a game.” As she speaks the old woman takes a hold of Supergirl’s red mini skirt and hikes it up around the girl’s tiny waist. “There, that’s better.”

Kara’s lower body is uncharacteristically left uncovered exposing the lower part of her blue leotard. The teen’s wonderfully girlishly curvy hips of her 34-23-32 frame are left inconsiderately on display. The high cut material unveils the girl’s tan lines on smooth sun-kissed skin, as well as stretching blue over a raised triangular pubic mound. With her flawless taut tawny legs spread wide, Supergirl allows the old folks a rarely seen darker blue color of the heroine’s delightfully damp leotard crotch. Now the smell of Kara’s sex saturates the immediate vicinity. The blonde teen closes her eyes and bows her head in inescapable shame.

“Okay, here we go,” announces the woman. Her right hand reaches down and begins to massage Supergirl’s inner right thigh. She looks to her partner and nods. A moment later, Mr. Connors mimics the move on the girl’s left bare thigh. “Let’s see how hot we can get her without touching that pussy.” As she slowly works Supergirl’s sensitive skin she yanks Supergirl’s head up by blonde hair.

A shocked Supergirl’s blue eyes open wide as she looks into the old woman’s grey eyes. ‘No! This Can’t Be Happening!’ thinks a distraught Kara. As the hands rub circles in her thighs the teen can feel her loins come back to life.

“You have a free hand Mr. Connors. Don’t forget her tits,” laughs the old woman.

“Right you are,” replies the old man. As his left-hand plays with the young girl’s thigh, his right-hand slides down the front of her uniform. He rustles around until he goes past her bra and takes a hold of her left nipple.

An alarmed look covers Kara’s pretty face as she looks to the old man. As he kneads her left breast, and pinches her nipple, his left hand begins dragging his fingertips lightly up and down her thigh. She struggles with the spikes of excitement running up and down her spine. The two old people are quickly bringing Kara right back to the point of want and uncontrollable desire.

Suddenly, the young heroine can feel the old woman’s fingers have reached the Kara’s blue protected sweet spot. She turns her head to see the smiling woman. The woman expertly teases the teen’s labia as fingers run just under the elastic of the leotard. Shamefully, Kara finds herself shifting her hips trying to get the woman’s finger tips to make contact with her excited loins. Unfortunately for her that is not the old woman’s intention, not yet. So, the playful fingers tickle and torment the heroine’s sex. Meanwhile, the old man’s fingertips are lightly moving over the girl’s silky skin up to her swollen crotch, pauses, then travels back down her trembling leg. The sexually electrifying move intensifies the agony in Kara’s body.

The perspiration forming on Supergirl’s brow informs the old woman this slut is being driven towards orgasm. “How are you doing Supergirl?” The conflicted look in those blue eyes amuses the woman. “Oh, you have a lot more to go girly.” She removes her fingers from under the leg opening, and begins gently tracing the raised mound of blue, back and forth, from thigh to quivering thigh.

“MMMMMM!” groans Kara as her hips slowly rock back and forth. She desperately wants either the old man or old woman to make direct contact with her throbbing labia. The rising tide of passion is growing more powerful inside her. The teasing of her young Kryptonian body is reaching the point of torture. Each stroke fans the flames of excruciating anticipation and dammed up pleasure. Both sensations cause Supergirl’s shaky lean legs to spread wider.

“Look at that!” chuckles Mr. Connors. He has moved to the girl’s right tit as he looks at the girl’s hips working up and down. “She is begging for it.” The old man takes a firm hold of the right rock-hard nipple pinches and give it a good hard twist.

“MMMMMM!” moans Kara through the disgusting “Granny panties” stuffed into her mouth and duct tape. Her eyelids flutter as Supergirl suddenly experiences a spasm of release escaping from deep inside her. The wetness washes down her inner vaginal walls, escaping her trembling labia lips, and soaks the crotch of her uniform. Her hips increase the pumping action as the teen desperately tries to encourage her agonizing back built orgasms to flow.

“STOP!” orders the woman. A confused Mr. Connors pauses and lifts his left hand from the girl’s thigh. The old woman shakes Supergirl’s head by her hair, “You don’t cum yet Supergirl! You don’t cum until I let you.” She shakes the girl’s head again, “GOT IT!” The quivering heroine under her control obediently nods her head. “Good,” says the woman. She looks to the old man, “Continue.”

The slight pause in action to Kara’s impatient body was not near enough for her to regain her composure. When the two old folks go back to work, the young Kryptonian is immediate thrown back into the tormented throes of barely restrained agonizing passion. She wants to orgasm, but the old woman won’t allow it.

“Okay hold on,” say the woman in charge. She looks to the old man, “Okay, I want to you rub her pussy and clit. You keep up the massage until I let you know it’s my turn. Ready?” asks the woman. Mr. Connors nods and she looks to the slowly rocking hips.

Mr. Connors places his entire left-hand on Supergirl’s pussy. He cups those full throbbing lips. He slowly begins to rub the girl. His fingers gradually move down to the drenched material between her legs. The girl’s hips work back and forth scandalously grinding herself into his hand. “She really is a nasty whore isn’t she?”

Kara ignores the man’s slander. She focuses her entire being on using the old man’s hand to bring her relief. As his hand moves clockwise her hips gyrate counterclockwise. When his hand moves back and forth along her crotch the teen’s hips pump up and down in opposition to his touch. The thrilling friction brought about by his hand against the blue crotch of her uniform stimulates Kara beyond words. Her nostrils are wide open audibly snorting air in and out. She’s cumming. She’s cumming.

Mr. Connors clearly has the girl on the verge of orgasm when he sees the old woman nod. He lifts his hand from the tramp’s overexcited pussy.

SMACK! The old woman cruelly slaps Kara’s pussy, “MMMMMMMMMM!” The girl’s eyes roll to the back of her head as her legs slam together and her hips jerk and buck uncontrollably.

The old woman yanks Supergirl’s hair, “SPREAD YOUR LEGS BITCH!” It takes a long moment but those lovely shaky legs slowly open. “Wider!” When Supergirl has spread wide the woman nods to the old man. Mr. Connors goes back to rubbing Supergirl’s pussy.

It was amazing to Kara how quickly the gentle massage of her vaginal lips made the sharp stinging disappear. To her surprise the Kryptonian was again working herself feverishly into the old man’s hand. When his finger began plowing a trench in the thin strip of blue, Supergirl made sure his finger made contact with her sensitive clitoris, “Mmmmm.” Both appalled and excited by the man’s touching her in this way, the aroused teen willingly surrenders herself to physical pleasure. The old man has her runaway orgasmic locomotive coming off the rails…SMACK! “MMMMMMM!”

The old woman watches Supergirl’s amazing sexy body contort and spasm in pain. Her large flat hand blow had again struck perfectly on the target. This time she didn’t have to say anything. She simply shook the girl by her hair and Supergirl parted her legs for them. She watched the girl’s hips rotate up anticipating Mr. Connors touch again. That is when she delivered another vicious open hand to the swollen sweet spot, SMACK!

“MMMMMMM!” Kara’s knees crash together as sharp pain emanates from her loins. Her eyelids flutter and the whacked teen is shockingly feeling arousal. Her thighs press together quelling the brutality and slowly feeling it turn to warm exhilaration. The hand in her hair demands Kara spread her legs again. Keeping her eyes closed, the girl opens herself. This time she feels the warm soothing hand of Mr. Connors. Her body relaxes as her focus goes back to the male contact between her trembling.

The hold woman holds Supergirl’s head up by her hair. She watches Mr. Connors as his right-hand rustles under the top of the girl’s uniform. His hand moves from tit to tit enjoying his full unrestricted access to those tits. Meanwhile, his left-hand goes back to rubbing the girl’s pussy. Without warning, she reaches down and pushes his hand out of the way. She gathers a handful of blue and pulls the crotch of the girl’s leotard to the side. Releasing her grip on the uniform she straightens up. Gleefully the woman points the exposed pussy covered by a neatly trimmed wispy blonde bush, “Have at it.”

Kara is momentarily stunned at the move as the strong scent of her sex fills her nostrils. Mr. Connors hand goes back to methodically rubbing her loin. His middle finger is now parting her lips and making direct contact with her excited clitoris, “Mmmmmm.” Her eyelids close and she focuses on the encouraging light touch.

It takes Mr. Connors little time before he has the blonde girl shamefully working herself into his hand again. Keeps the pressure on the fat pussy lips and slippery rubbery clit. Those fantastic tan legs open wide giving him unfettered contact to her throbbing pussy. He smiles as the girl is beginning to have trouble controlling her hips. He flicks and pinches the clit as he massages the pussy, until he gets the nod.

SMACK! “HAHAHAHA!” laughs the old woman as this time her nastily brutal open hand made direct contact with Supergirl’s uncovered and VERY vulnerable pussy!

“MMMMMMMMM!” Kara goes out of her mind as this time the woman’s hand caught Supergirl’s overstimulated clitoris too! Her hips buck and jerk up and down for several minutes before slowing. This time with being made to, the teen spreads her legs.

“Oh, you little Slut!” SMACK! Supergirl’s legs close and her hips rock back and forth for another couple of minutes. Then, almost defiantly the girl slowly opens her legs. SMACK! Another perfectly placed stinging slap to the girl’s twat.

“MMMMM!” tears are filling Kara’s eyes. The sharp pain is almost unbearable. Strangely the sting is somehow enhancing the pleasure Mr. Connor is administering to her loins. She struggles to regain her composure before unfolding her long Coppertone legs and leaving herself vulnerable for either a massage or another painfully demoralizing slap.

The old woman nods and Mr. Connors places his hand on Supergirl’s pussy. There is a sudden jerk of the girl’s hips but then they relax as the man begins to rub her. When his hand begins running up and back along the girl’s crotch the old woman growls, “No penetration!”

Mr. Connors nods and continues to plow his finger into the girl’s trench. When his finger comes close to the girl’s vaginal opening, he skirts it by running along one of her pussy lips. Soon he has her hips following his finger again as she desperately wants him inside her. He pinches and twists the trapped girl’s left nipple as his middle finger begins rubbing her clit.

The old woman lets Mr. Connors have an extended session with Supergirl until she saw the girl’s back arch and her legs spread wide open. She raises her hand and growls at the old man. She swung with all her might just missing the man’s hand as she ruthlessly spanked Supergirl’s pussy, SMACK!

This time a completely lost in approaching ecstasy a wildly sexually unhinged Kara takes the stinging swat to her loins. She continued panting as she closed her legs for only a moment before spreading them again. SMACK! Another callous hand makes contact and Supergirl bucks and jerks but hold her legs wide open. SMACK! The teen recoils for a few seconds but then boldly opens herself up for more. SMACK! The stinging blows are now intensifying her desire and are propelling her to a recklessly humbling series of orgasms. Her thighs part, SMACK! And again, SMACK! She is cumming! SMACK! She is Cumming! SMACK! She Is Cumming! SMACK! SHE IS CUMMING! SMACK!

Just then the alarms begin going off indicating the dryers are done. The old woman releases her hold on the girl and says, “Time to fold the clothes.”

To Be Continued
Elder Member
Elder Member
Posts: 461
Joined: 20 years ago

Nice work! Poor Supergirl!
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