Titans Season 2

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Grace Randolph gives you the rundown of the Titans Season 2 trailer, shot by shot.

Wonder Girl's costume looks good, as does Dove. Not sure what Starfire will look like in her new costume but hopefully it's better than last season.
Also Ravager (Rose Wilson, daughter of Deathstroke) is in the mix, wearing her eyepatch and trying to join the team. Raven's got the soul gem on her forehead, but I don't see any costume reveals. Superboy's there as Conner Kent.

Looks like there'll be Bruce Wayne, Deathstroke, Trigon, Blackfire, and members of the Fearsome Five (Shimmer looks OK, but Doctor Light's costume is a mess). The Tamaraneans are confirmed all black-skinned with supermodel level looks.

Seems like it'll be worth a look. In the first season, some episodes were crucial and others were laughably skippable.
Let's see if they have better watchability all the way through this time.

What do you think?

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Episode 1 felt more like a season finale than a first episode. Looking forward to the rest of the season though and it seems like their gonna be more in costume this time around.
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Agreed on the finale-esque nature of the premiere. They should have tacked it on to the end of the first season, and started Season 2 with the high expectations that come with rolling into Titans Tower.
Iain Glen as Batman looks a lot older than any previous incarnation in TV or movies. In fact, he's grown into an Alfred-like role: a kindly old man
who putters around in his old mansion pouring tea for his guests. It's not a very compelling portrayal. Also, the premise that Bruce Wayne paid for Titans Tower does not come at all from comic book sources. The Tower was funded and built by Silas Stone, and rebuilt by his son - however, the DC Universe stupidly placed Cyborg in Doom Patrol instead, so they had to figure something else out. Apropo use of the Kishi Bashi String Quartet version of Talking Heads' "This Must Be The Place" (as of the past few years, an over-used track beaten to death by millennials' faux-80s nostalgia).

Conor Leslie and Minka Kelly look so gorgeous (although it seems like they armored up Dove's costume a bit - it looks considerably less feminine but that's just par for the course with Current Year philosophies). Can't wait to see them in action, and hopefully Kory's outfit will look decent.
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Episode 2

Is anyone watching this show? Chime in if you are.

Titans are settled in SF and Dick is training them, while Bruce Wayne seems to be footing the bill.

There's lots of superpowered female presence to take in here -

1) Dove in full costume, and an action scene busting up a meth lab. Sexy chemistry with the actor playing Hawk.

2) Conor Leslie (Wonder Girl) and Anna Diop (Starfire) fighting the villainess Shimmer in the street, which is far too short. No costumes yet, just decently tight street clothing.

3) Teagan Croft as Raven acting a bit more mature and less annoying. She has the red gem on her forehead but no costume yet.

4) Actress Chelsea Zhang joins the show as Rose Wilson/Ravager, the daughter of Deathstroke (she's kind of like a DC analogue to X-23).
In the comics, the white-haired Rose is very capable, but also has a healthy libido because of her daddy issues.
Let's see if she goes after Dick or the other male Titans.

The action is somewhat underwhelming because they seem to be dragging out the story quite a bit, only revealing a few developmental elements at a time.
I'm holding out hope that once Deathstroke steps into the fray, things will get crazier.
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Just saw the 3rd ep. A bit more action but a lot less costumes. It seems like they ditched the secret identities as the villain recognizes them without the costumes on.
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I wish we can see more of this:

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You just did, brdiy, if you watched Episode 4, "Aqualad", which was the best one yet. (that photo is from EP4)

Excellent costume-transformation sequence with close-ups of parts of Dove and Wonder Girl's uniforms.
Great fight involving teamwork where it takes all the Titans to battle Doctor Light.
Conor Leslie in her lingerie getting busy with Aqualad, and Minka Kelly just looking amazing in whatever.
Also a really cool bonus was Ann Magnuson as Donna's Amazonian advisor - I have some of her records from when she sang for the band Bongwater! (80s and early 90s)
They introduce Jericho in the end of the episode..and there's a big hipster fixation on David Bowie (it is, after all, set in San Francisco) in that scene for some reason. Deathstroke is also very much on point (although Rose isn't in this one?).

This is basically what Titans should look like on TV...if only Starfire and Raven could step to that same level it would be nearly perfect.
Except of course for the peril - there really isn't any. Maybe we'll see some later on.
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Cute. 😅

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Anyone still watching this? I'm up to Episode 7 and my main problem is how slowly it's progressing. We seem to basically find out one important fact per episode.
Last week in Episode 6 we got the story about Conner Kent (Superboy) and how he was grown as a genetic hybrid of Superman and Lex Luthor by disgraced scientist Eve Watson.
Krypto the superdog is cute but rather unnecessary in the story.

Now in Episode 7 Dick Grayson is agonizing over whether to tell the team his deep, dark secret (he does, but you'll have to watch to find out what it is).
There's nobody in costume, there are no fights, and only the briefest use of powers by Starfire and Raven. The whole thing is a little sleepy, not unlike the use of
the languid music in the soundtrack: The Weeknd's "Party Monster" and The Church's classic "Under the Milky Way".

Pretty much the only interesting part was how the series finally acknowledged Ravager's horny side (as often displayed in the comics) but even that wasn't fulfilled.
One thing I noticed was that there were SEVEN slots for Titans uniforms but only three of them held costumes (Dove, Hawk, Wonder Girl). I wonder if that portends anything.

You could skip most or all of Episode 7 and just move along if you knew the secret that Dick told Jason right at the end. Hopefully it gets faster-paced from here on out.
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I have come to realize that Titans works best when it's not all about Dick Grayson.
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Anyone still watching Titans? Went through Episodes 8 and 9.

The decompression is excruciating. And yes, it's still essentially all about Dick Grayson and his lies and mistakes. But there's so much time eaten up in meaningless sequences: Hank and Dawn's karaoke scene in Wyoming, Gar putzing around in the Tower, and a whole bunch of screen time attention paid to a character that gets killed anyway (not spoiling). Very little action in the meantime. The only saving grace in all this decompression is any scene that Minka Kelly is in - she's so effortlessly gorgeous and her voice is incredibly sexy, you just want to keep listening to it.

However, if you're looking for heroines in peril, you will find it in Episode 8, where Wonder Girl winds up in some very serious trouble and almost dies (although unfortunately none of it happens in costume - why does Dick fight in costume while Donna doesn't???). It's so serious that you really have to wonder why Donna recovers so quickly within the next five minutes. But if you can stand the brutality of the attack, you might want to replay it to check it out.

I think the whole problem with this season is that they made Deathstroke into almost the only real Big Bad, and frankly, he is just made out to be not that interesting. In the comics, you won't see Deathstroke calmly sitting in his family's house watching television - he's a man of action and killing. Yet they waste plenty of time with such domestic scenes here.

The one other conflict which seems to be brewing is Starfire vs Blackfire. Two seasons in and we still haven't seen Kory in any kind of costume. But Damaris Lewis (who plays Blackfire) is a strikingly beautiful model, and it would be a shame (provided Kory gets back to Tamaran) if she wasn't fully adorned in her battle costume once we finally get to see her in the flesh (she only appears as a hologram so far in EP9). Here's hoping.
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Lol, are we the only ones watching this show here? This season is a real slow burn. The whole Deathstroke arc can be covered in 3 episodes at most, and not the whole season. Maybe they should just introduce a villain of the week to make things interesting. And again, this show is supposed to be about the Titans. Right now it's shaping up to be the Dick Grayson show and should get back on track if it hopes to become interesting again.
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I like the show. As much as I like the actress, I have no use for Dawn. All she does is bitch and complain and nothing Dick does is good enough for her. He should have told her to leave long ago. Also Donna is just as annoying. She chose to leave so she does not get to call Dick.
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Bronson881 wrote:
4 years ago
I like the show. As much as I like the actress, I have no use for Dawn. All she does is bitch and complain and nothing Dick does is good enough for her. He should have told her to leave long ago. Also Donna is just as annoying. She chose to leave so she does not get to call Dick.
Minka Kelly is not exactly the greatest actress. She seems to be smiling even in the most serious of scenes, but she does look great in the costume. Just saw the latest episode and she does appear in costume even for just a short while but she did look amazing (screenshot follows) .


Donna is very pretty and I hope to see more of her in costume.

Finale next week. It looks like we'll be seeing most of them in costume again at last.

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Yes Minka Kelly does look good in the costume. She is attractive. Just wish the writing for the character had been different.
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There was finally some decent costume action in the penultimate Episode 12.

We see a scene of Ravager training with her father, and Chelsea Zhang looks great in the costume. She also looks nice in her underwear.
We also see a dream sequence of Dawn fighting Hank in the ring, and Minka Kelly looks great there too, as evidenced by the above screenshot.
Starfire and Donna are still not in any costumes.

Titans also breaks canon with regards to the making of costumes for Batman and Nightwing, because it's not Lucius Fox who creates the Nomex suit that we glimpse in the episode, but rather some guy the writers invented named Stu, who has a front called Stu's Handmade Shoes which really makes armored high-tech costumes for vigilante crimefighters in the barely concealed basement. I'm sure that all the ladies, though, are going to be very happy to see the cutest butt in DC Comics history once it debuts next week in the season finale.
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Season 2 Episode 13

And...the season ends with a great wrap-up, with all threads tied together except for Blackfire, who will be a Big Bad in Season 3.
Damaris Lewis who plays Blackfire is gorgeous, and up to the task to be the evil sister.

Believe it or not, there is *more peril* in this one episode than in the entire previous season of Supergirl.

Among other things, there is a *cradle carry* - when was the last time you saw that in a mainstream superhero TV show?

Chelsea Zhang looks amazing in the Ravager costume - it actually increases her overall shapeliness. CW shows don't do that kind of thing, as we've seen.

If Starfire only had a costume like the rest of them, it would be nearly perfect. Here's hoping she gets one next season.

Also..there is a beautiful young blonde Amazon (batgirl1969's favorite kind, I would imagine) who has one line in the episode.
Played by Madison Cipparone, she is only credited in imdb as "Female Delegate" but let's cross our fingers and hope she will be
Cassie Sandsmark next season, because that would be awesome! (although Conor Leslie returning would be great too)

I won't say much more - this finale is worth your time, because even if you haven't been following Season 2 that much, this is just one
solid 50 minutes of superhero television that makes most CW shows (except Black Lightning) look silly.
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I just hope Donna does return next season because that death scene has got to be the dumbest and most unecessary I've seen TV history
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brdiy wrote:
4 years ago
I just hope Donna does return next season because that death scene has got to be the dumbest and most unecessary I've seen TV history
Yes! Indeed! So many things wrong about that scene..... was really angry about it. :crazy:
Why does Superboy not react? Would have been easy for him!
Why is she electrecuted in the first place? Why does that (seemingly) kill her? Couldn't she have used her lasso on that thing?
....and and and.....
I watched all episodes by now and in general I do like the show (otherwise wouldn't watch it), mainly for Dove and Donna! And for Ravager(?) if that is the name of Deathstroke's daughter.
But I do have some problems with it:
- Too many backstory episodes that tell us stuff from the past, interesting and important but in that amount it slows downs the main story way too often for me
- In general I prefer heroes without superpowers and heroes that doesn't have a big team around them. Like Arrow in the early seasons. This one is a team show, ok. But I don't like to see a flying dog with laser eyes, that's a little too "much" for me. :hmmm:
- Too less action! They sometimes/often even fight in their civilian clothes.....ODD.
- No one cares much about secret identities. Many doesn't wear masks. OR don't use them, like Dove in the last episode where she wears it on her forehead for ages.
- Villains don't use the fact that many don't have secret identities
......which is a NOGO for me in general when it comes to vigilantes. Not wearing a mask is highly crazy/irresponsible, if there are some folks you care about.....
- The Police seem to ignore them completely
- Both Robins are morons
(Dick for imprisining himself)
and young Robin is just a brat.

On the good side the show does have quite some interesting characters, the storyline is interesting and the action scenes are pretty good.
Lokking forward to another season with hopefully some good action and peril scenes. And Ladys.... please all put on masks ;)
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