Get woke go Broke

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This is not an attack of female led movies and TV

But this is an attack on woke movies and TV

Charles Angels bombed at the box office, Elizabeth Banks is blaming men, not her lousy production.
Putting aside if there was a demand for an Angel reboot, this was agenda driven

With the except of Captain Marvel which is part of the Marvel's cash cow Woke does not work

If you have a non woke agenda and you write a good story or plot it works

Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman
Lara Croft
The original Charmed
Buff the Vampire Slayer
Star Trek Voyager
DR Who's four strongest female companions come from the 1970's
Star Wars fans lov Mara Jade

What does not work and is proven by the ratings are:
ST Discovery
DR Who with Calpaldi and Whittaker
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"Get Woke go Broke" is a politically charged statement, designed and implemented by the opposition to the perceived 'SJW' menace. If you don't mean to attack all female lead movies that's great, but probably should use less politically charged terminology for your header IF you aren't looking to stir up fumes. It'd be like if I opened a topic up with the header "Manbabies go home!" and proceeded to then write how I wasn't intending it as an attack on whom I percieve as overly sensitive before then moving on to an actually valid point... That isn't to say 'you shouldn't be free to do it!!!!' just that if you insist on it, you can't then go and later complain when it turns into a politically muddled crap storm.

Which is all prelude to me mostly agreeing with most of what you've got down. Charlie's Angels clearly failed for being a terrible terrible TERRIBLE movie..... but just 'being woke' is far from the top of its list of issues. Plenty of 'woke' films that are well made and worth watching. Which leads me to your list of movies 'proven not to work' seemingly tied to their 'woke'nes by nature of the topic.

Batwoman - haven't seen enough episodes to know, but the few I have seen don't make THAT big a deal about her being a woman... though there is that obnoxious radio host lady.
ST Discovery - This show has so many problems, being 'woke' seems like a pretty weak basis of analysis
DR Who - Hardly 'woke' at all if you even bothered to watch it. Outside of the show occasionally pausing to say 'hey, women aren't completely useless!!!' at the camera, it doesn't actually treat its female characters much differently from the male. Of course the Dr DID just morph into a woman, which is only Woke if you didn't know how time lords work to begin with... though I'll actually agree that a few episodes of the recent series were more on the nose than others, the season 'as a whole' was nonetheless mostly DR Who as usual... I mean bubble wrap nukes... if that aint Dr Who, I don't know what is.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
What does not work and is proven by the ratings are:
I just focus on your Batwoman point for now:

"Proven"? How?
Just because hordes of trolls have issues and "review bombed" it?
Have the CW guys jumped out of the window becuase of the ratings?......... No
Is the show canceled? ...........No
Why do you label the ratings as bad?
Do you know the CW streaming numbers? Their sales on international markets? The future sales of Blu-rays/DVDs? ........No, no, no
The show has the 2nd best ratings out of 12 CW shows.

...and in this case it's not just "just" about a female lead tv show.
She is a strong woman, she is gay, she is a jew. (Batwoman/Kate Kane is a jew, ....not Ruby Rose)
THAT is a DEADLY combination for many insecure men, homophobics and racists.
Of course not ALL folks who don't like the show fit in these categories......but as it seems ....quite a LOT of them.
I see that everyday on comments on social media. Disgusting.
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Femina wrote:
4 years ago
"Get Woke go Broke" is a politically charged statement, designed and implemented by the opposition to the perceived 'SJW' menace. If you don't mean to attack all female lead movies that's great, but probably should use less politically charged terminology for your header IF you aren't looking to stir up fumes. It'd be like if I opened a topic up with the header "Manbabies go home!" and proceeded to then write how I wasn't intending it as an attack on whom I percieve as overly sensitive before then moving on to an actually valid point... That isn't to say 'you shouldn't be free to do it!!!!' just that if you insist on it, you can't then go and later complain when it turns into a politically muddled crap storm.

Which is all prelude to me mostly agreeing with most of what you've got down. Charlie's Angels clearly failed for being a terrible terrible TERRIBLE movie..... but just 'being woke' is far from the top of its list of issues. Plenty of 'woke' films that are well made and worth watching. Which leads me to your list of movies 'proven not to work' seemingly tied to their 'woke'nes by nature of the topic.

Batwoman - haven't seen enough episodes to know, but the few I have seen don't make THAT big a deal about her being a woman... though there is that obnoxious radio host lady.
ST Discovery - This show has so many problems, being 'woke' seems like a pretty weak basis of analysis
DR Who - Hardly 'woke' at all if you even bothered to watch it. Outside of the show occasionally pausing to say 'hey, women aren't completely useless!!!' at the camera, it doesn't actually treat its female characters much differently from the male. Of course the Dr DID just morph into a woman, which is only Woke if you didn't know how time lords work to begin with... though I'll actually agree that a few episodes of the recent series were more on the nose than others, the season 'as a whole' was nonetheless mostly DR Who as usual... I mean bubble wrap nukes... if that aint Dr Who, I don't know what is.
Regarding BatWoman and this is for both you and the other poster. google the ratings. If they eliminate the gratutious male bashing on Batwoman it would work better

ST Discovery is woke if you like Michael Burnham is a Mary sue. they had a recognized actress who is internally respected in Yeoh and that should have been the focus
I have watched every DW episode of both classic and New even got through the Calpaldi era which as you know I have said is worse than Whittaker or Dr Donna. First Time Lords don't change sex until Moffat. And my point is you can have strong female companions who are not woke. Romana is an equal to the Doctor she is definitly not woke. Leela is not woke and can kick butt. Liz Shaw was the smartest contemporary companion , these are all from the 1970's
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Maskripper wrote:
4 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
What does not work and is proven by the ratings are:
I just focus on your Batwoman point for now:

"Proven"? How?
Just because hordes of trolls have issues and "review bombed" it?
Have the CW guys jumped out of the window becuase of the ratings?......... No
Is the show canceled? ...........No
Why do you label the ratings as bad?
Do you know the CW streaming numbers? Their sales on international markets? The future sales of Blu-rays/DVDs? ........No, no, no
The show has the 2nd best ratings out of 12 CW shows.

...and in this case it's not just "just" about a female lead tv show.
She is a strong woman, she is gay, she is a jew. (Batwoman/Kate Kane is a jew, ....not Ruby Rose)
THAT is a DEADLY combination for many insecure men, homophobics and racists.
Of course not ALL folks who don't like the show fit in these categories......but as it seems ....quite a LOT of them.
I see that everyday on comments on social media. Disgusting.
If she was a strong woman, she would not have to steal all of Bruce's stuff, the animated version didn't
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Here is what Woke means to me
Intolerance of those of us with moderate and conservative views
demonization of men calling us the Patriarchy
attacking business people
attacking Jews
heckler's vetos
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Charlie's Angels has a long history of failed sequels on TV, one that didn't even make it out of pilot stage, so blaming it on the agenda when there were so many other flaws shared with recent sequels to existing franchises blurs things. After all Terminator: Dark Fate also bombed at the box office with a more famous cast from the original movies and more action sequences.

I didn't bother with ST Discovery after it left free CBS commercial just because it was so badly written and executed that it was ST in name only. I stayed with ST:TNG only because it was on commercial TV and I kept hoping it would get better with not much else to watch. As my roommate put it, "This was almost a good episode and then they had to screw it up." Plus they were using recycled plots from the original series and doing them worse.

You've got lots of bad movies and shows out there that just don't do it right for lots of better reasons than agenda.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago

If she was a strong woman, she would not have to steal all of Bruce's stuff, the animated version didn't
Oh not that old hat again...
Batman is gone for whatever reason....Luke Fox takes care of his old stuff.
Gotham needs a hero(ine).
Kate wants to do the job, and Luke Fox thinks it is a good idea and outfits her with that tech.
So......No one has "stolen" anything from anyone.

I agree with you that the trailer....was actually...not clever. I wouldn't call it men bashing...but I wouldn't have greenlighted that one because it did too much damage (what they should have known).
It doesn't fit to the tone in the actual TV show....but that trailer repelled a huge amount of people that are convinced now ...that in every episode men gets tortured and blamed.
And that is completely not the case.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Here is what Woke means to me
Intolerance of those of us with moderate and conservative views
demonization of men calling us the Patriarchy
attacking business people
attacking Jews
heckler's vetos
I see a lot of problems with this because what 'woke' means to you and what it means to anyone else using it aren't a congruent verifiable thing, because the term is basically a new 'cuss word' that isn't properly defined.

I don't claim to know your mind or what you mean when you use it... but I DO know I've seen it utilized hundreds of times to...

-Illustrate intolerance toward those championing democratic or socialistic views.
-demonize those pushing for gender and racial equality (regardless of how valid or fair that push is behaving)
-attack disgruntled employees
-Jews? Really? Is this a real thing? From what I've been exposed to, 'SJW' types aren't anti-jewish. I've seen this type of arguing bandied about here and there from time to time and can only scratch my head about it. A general push for representation among ethnicites actually INCLUDES representation of Jewish ancestry... so... eh? Maybe I'm missing something Idk.

So the term, as so many newly coined terms tend to become, is already basically corrupted of whatever useful/hopeful messages it hoped to convey and from what I can tell by means of your idea of what it is... basically an ironic antithesis of that. I'm not saying 'you aren't allowed to use it' cause free speech says we can say whatever we want (Boobalooga!) but I AM saying, again, that if you are going to use it... you should stop anticipating any hope of a calm or emotionally balanced discussion with those you consider your opposition. It's not a neutral term. It's starts discussion off on a hostile note.

-What's a heckler's veto? I don't think I've heard that one?
Regarding BatWoman and this is for both you and the other poster. google the ratings. If they eliminate the gratutious male bashing on Batwoman it would work better
I haven't seen this... but to be fair, I actually skipped the first few episodes, and I DO recall the trailer involving most of those episodes having some eyebrow raising lines so again, I don't want to read to much into/out of Batwoman myself.
ST Discovery is woke if you like Michael Burnham is a Mary sue. they had a recognized actress who is internally respected in Yeoh and that should have been the focus
I have watched every DW episode of both classic and New even got through the Calpaldi era which as you know I have said is worse than Whittaker or Dr Donna. First Time Lords don't change sex until Moffat. And my point is you can have strong female companions who are not woke. Romana is an equal to the Doctor she is definitly not woke. Leela is not woke and can kick butt. Liz Shaw was the smartest contemporary companion , these are all from the 1970's
Again, Star Trek Discovery's problems are so numerous and all encompassing that a Mary Sue at the center of it is just a blip in the pond. Replace the character with anyone else and nothing about the rest of the terrible things in the show are changed. It still remains a betrayal of the ideals of the Star Trek franchise as a whole with the most notably 'fantastical' version of Star Trek suedo-technobable yet... so I still take exception with any idea that the show is failing because its 'woke'.
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Femina wrote:
4 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Here is what Woke means to me
Intolerance of those of us with moderate and conservative views
demonization of men calling us the Patriarchy
attacking business people
attacking Jews
heckler's vetos
I see a lot of problems with this because what 'woke' means to you and what it means to anyone else using it aren't a congruent verifiable thing, because the term is basically a new 'cuss word' that isn't properly defined.

I don't claim to know your mind or what you mean when you use it... but I DO know I've seen it utilized hundreds of times to...

-Illustrate intolerance toward those championing democratic or socialistic views.
-demonize those pushing for gender and racial equality (regardless of how valid or fair that push is behaving)
-attack disgruntled employees
-Jews? Really? Is this a real thing? From what I've been exposed to, 'SJW' types aren't anti-jewish. I've seen this type of arguing bandied about here and there from time to time and can only scratch my head about it. A general push for representation among ethnicites actually INCLUDES representation of Jewish ancestry... so... eh? Maybe I'm missing something Idk.

So the term, as so many newly coined terms tend to become, is already basically corrupted of whatever useful/hopeful messages it hoped to convey and from what I can tell by means of your idea of what it is... basically an ironic antithesis of that. I'm not saying 'you aren't allowed to use it' cause free speech says we can say whatever we want (Boobalooga!) but I AM saying, again, that if you are going to use it... you should stop anticipating any hope of a calm or emotionally balanced discussion with those you consider your opposition. It's not a neutral term. It's starts discussion off on a hostile note.

-What's a heckler's veto? I don't think I've heard that one?
Regarding BatWoman and this is for both you and the other poster. google the ratings. If they eliminate the gratutious male bashing on Batwoman it would work better
I haven't seen this... but to be fair, I actually skipped the first few episodes, and I DO recall the trailer involving most of those episodes having some eyebrow raising lines so again, I don't want to read to much into/out of Batwoman myself.
ST Discovery is woke if you like Michael Burnham is a Mary sue. they had a recognized actress who is internally respected in Yeoh and that should have been the focus
I have watched every DW episode of both classic and New even got through the Calpaldi era which as you know I have said is worse than Whittaker or Dr Donna. First Time Lords don't change sex until Moffat. And my point is you can have strong female companions who are not woke. Romana is an equal to the Doctor she is definitly not woke. Leela is not woke and can kick butt. Liz Shaw was the smartest contemporary companion , these are all from the 1970's
Again, Star Trek Discovery's problems are so numerous and all encompassing that a Mary Sue at the center of it is just a blip in the pond. Replace the character with anyone else and nothing about the rest of the terrible things in the show are changed. It still remains a betrayal of the ideals of the Star Trek franchise as a whole with the most notably 'fantastical' version of Star Trek suedo-technobable yet... so I still take exception with any idea that the show is failing because its 'woke'.

Do you kow that the most attacked and picketed person by the Woke/Antifa is a Jew named Ben Shapiro

Do you know that Israel is the most attacked country in the world by groups like the Squad and that BDS is Nazi like economic attack against Jews
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Oh look a thread about conservative americans being pissy that other conservative americans are not conservative enough

That's original, what's next? A movie about how bruce wayne became batman?
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lionbadger wrote:
4 years ago
Oh look a thread about conservative americans being pissy that other conservative americans are not conservative enough

That's original, what's next? A movie about how bruce wayne became batman?
Might be useful for you to read the original post
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I just hate that Elizabeth Banks is blaming men for the film's failure. If a male director of a film blamed outside forces for the lack of success of one of his films we would excorciate him and rip him over the coals for being a weak and whiny little bitch for being unable to look himself in the mirror and admit that maybe his creation was not exactly a perfect film, that it might have fatal flaws that might turn away prospective filmgoers in droves. I hate when people blame others for their own personal failures. When I watch a TV show or movie I just want to escape this conservative/liberal stuff for an hour or two without being preached to without being indoctrinated with a skewed world view that I don't agree with. I just don't get worked up over supposed "woke" shows or movies such as Charlie's Angels, female Ghostbusters, Bat Woman or any of these other shows, because I simply choose not to watch them, out of sight out of mind. I just read that there is a new Party of Five reboot coming (loved the original version), but in the new version the parents don't die in a car crash, they get deported back to Mexico. I guess I could get hot and bothered about this lame political plot twist, but instead I will just change the channel and watch something else. Life is too short to get worked up about a lame TV show. I just don't see the point of getting one's nose out of joint regarding shows or films that many could give a rats ass about. At the end of the day, whether a film or Tv show is woke or not is irrelevant, all that is important is whether it is compelling enough for 60 minutes or two hours, and if it is not, it will go away all on its own.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Might be useful for you to read the original post
it absolutely wasn't

And I fully expect to see "x infinity" more lists of stuff you personally like and why it is better than stuff you personally don't like

that seems like a good basis for an interesting non circular discussion
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The problem I have with these "agendas" like "get woke go broke" that they put movies and TV shows into one "evil" corner.
Such as the latest Ghostbusters movie. Some/many men already get problems when they see that there is an all female Ghostbusters crew. Especially if these women aren't all sexy, brainless dolls. They wouldn't complain in that case.
And yeah, I know that by saying that I might be pretty alone on a site like this one - but don't worry, don't get the pitch forks out just yet, I do enjoy sexy, brainless dolls too from time to time, but I enjoy other types as well.
You don't have to like the movie, because it isn't as good as have could have been. And yeah, I don't like Melissa McCarthy, because of her roles and the type she is playing in these movies. But overall the movie isn't bad, it is ok.
But many just read a headline as "all-female cast" and immediately they have an anti attitude against the movie. Like every movie with many women in it is a hardliner, feminist attack on them. They hear about a ....trailer..... for a TV show (Batwoman) and immidiately it gets sorted into the SJW, feminist corner.
And is Charlie's Angel another "feminist" attack? Just because the Angels are all strong women? I haven't seen it yet, but I will.

What I agree on that is it a really crappy move from Elizabeth Banks. They should have promoted the movie better, than the result wouldn't be as bad as it seems to get.
Now her move just seems like a desperate attempt to push/promote the movie. But her actions doesn't have any influence on the movie for me, they doesn't change the quality of the movie.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago

Do you kow that the most attacked and picketed person by the Woke/Antifa is a Jew named Ben Shapiro

Do you know that Israel is the most attacked country in the world by groups like the Squad and that BDS is Nazi like economic attack against Jews
This has F'k all to do with the broader picture of the 'leftest'/'woke'/'SJW'/non-conservative cultural impact on cinema don't you think?... or even just their cultural impact in general! Terrorists and hard core violent activists can't be associated with a general populace like they're peas and a pod?

You don't get to group people who like or make movies that have agendas you may not agree with and lump them in along with f'king Antifa on a whim. That's ridiculous. I liked Captain Marvel, I currently vote democratic, I support the growth and PUSH for gender and racial equality... and I've never once felt the urge to slip on a bandana to riot. I am NOT Antifa, nor is anyone I know, nor have EVER known (so far as I know). Like... nobody with half a brain would find the casting of Arnold Schwarzenegger as an action hero over an African American indicative of the KKK's influence in Hollywood.... cause that's equally ridiculous. They might complain, they might voice disappointment, but they wouldn't say 'you know what? This is the same thing as those guys who put on costumes and burn people they hate alive!' and you wouldn't WANT them to lump you in with those people, and so it is with the vast VAST majority of all those 'woke' people going 'broke'.

I can also state with perfect confidence, without even seeking out any evidence at all, that no one has ever attacked Israel because the Charlie's Angels movie flopped... I liked Black Panther, I like Dr Who, and I sure as shit don't approve of missiles being fired at Israel, nor does anybody I know.
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Femina you miss the point or you are ignoring it

Woke has permiated the TV and movie industry and has targeted people

White males and Jews are the main targets

My point remains you can make a great movie or show with a non white male without demeaning that group

DS9 Avery Brook lead character but the other white males not playing aliens were developed characters
Voyager same thing with female lead

Now look at DR who the last three seasons Calpaldi was dominated by his two female companions and Missy, heck they brought the First Doctor back so Bill Potts could attack and lecture him. In Whittaker's season: Useless white male companion :Graham. Except for the Captain in the 2nd last episode every white male is evil, lazy, greedy,cowardly or stupid

Now if Marvel does the Black Widow as it was done in the first 2 Avengers and Winter soilder, it won't have that problem.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Woke has permiated the TV and movie industry and has targeted people

White males and Jews are the main targets
A little subjective, given that the little fascist chap you idolise above is happy to say things like "Jews who voted for former U.S. president Barack Obama are Jews in name only, or JINOs.” That's only what? 70% of American jews?

I think it's around the 11 minute mark of him making the same bollocks arguments about being bullied by everyone not him that you're constantly making. Thank fuck for Andrew Neil eh? (is a phrase nobody ever thought they'd say)


Things with "woke" agendas that have been really good:

- In the Heat of the Night
- Roots
- Handmaid's Tale
- Get Out
- Black Klansman
- A Time to Kill
- Django Unchained
- The Wide Sargasso Sea
- Mississippi Burning
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
- American History X
- 12 Years a Slave
- About a million episodes of Star Trek, notably "Far Beyond the Stars" from season 6 of Deep Space Nine

And a little something you might have heard of, uh
- The Merchant of Venice

Was Captain Marvel really all you could think of?
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Damselbinder wrote:
4 years ago
Things with "woke" agendas that have been really good:

- In the Heat of the Night
- Roots
- Handmaid's Tale
- Get Out
- Black Klansman
- A Time to Kill
- Django Unchained
- The Wide Sargasso Sea
- Mississippi Burning
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
- American History X
- 12 Years a Slave
- About a million episodes of Star Trek, notably "Far Beyond the Stars" from season 6 of Deep Space Nine

And a little something you might have heard of, uh
- The Merchant of Venice

Was Captain Marvel really all you could think of?
Of the ones you mentioned Roots was not Woke as it was historical. A time t kill did not make Jake Briggance look bad or stupid, Guess Whos coming to diner was not Woke

None of the real Star Trek aka the ones tyhat followed Roddenbury's Blue print were Woke

woke is attacking those who are different. Manufacturing the lie of the Patriarchy, or Hands up don't shoot or that islamists are misunderstood or Antifa are not Brownshirts Nazi wanabees.

Woke is facism for this century

Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Damselbinder wrote:
4 years ago
Things with "woke" agendas that have been really good:

- In the Heat of the Night
- Roots
- Handmaid's Tale
- Get Out
- Black Klansman
- A Time to Kill
- Django Unchained
- The Wide Sargasso Sea
- Mississippi Burning
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
- American History X
- 12 Years a Slave
- About a million episodes of Star Trek, notably "Far Beyond the Stars" from season 6 of Deep Space Nine

And a little something you might have heard of, uh
- The Merchant of Venice

Was Captain Marvel really all you could think of?
Of the ones you mentioned Roots was not Woke as it was historical. A time t kill did not make Jake Briggance look bad or stupid, Guess Whos coming to diner was not Woke

None of the real Star Trek aka the ones tyhat followed Roddenbury's Blue print were Woke

woke is attacking those who are different. Manufacturing the lie of the Patriarchy, or Hands up don't shoot or that islamists are misunderstood or Antifa are not Brownshirts Nazi wanabees.

Woke is facism for this century
Roots was not woke. Jesus. Do I need to say anything else?

Seems to me that "Woke" means basically, to you, "anything egalitarian that I disagree with." It may help you in general to, when you use words, to use them in the way that others use them. That way, people will understand you.

Also, I think you'll find fascism is the fascism of this century.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Femina you miss the point or you are ignoring it
I am not, I'm responding to your point while trying to remain on topic.
Woke has permiated the TV and movie industry and has targeted people
This is my problem with your/others nebulous usage of the term 'woke'. You just wrote above that you believe woke is a term to demonize people such as Antifa and people who share Antifa like qualities and then turn around and use the term to also lambast ANY movie with even a scent of political motivation antithetical to your own political views. There isn't a 'point' to miss here because the point is nebulous, the TERM is nebulous with no factual definition. It's a made up term used to demean an opponent. Every bit as politically motivated as the things it demonizes for being political. *shrugs*
White males and Jews are the main targets
and again I don't see this. While I can at least spot the area where the white male feels vaguely threatened, I've not seen anything in the entertainment medium at large targeting Jewish people or their religion. I do NOT count extremist groups hate-points to be valid factoids in this particular discussion. Whether or not Antifa or modern underground neo-nazi organizations have a problem with the Jewish people simply don't exist in SUPPORTED national quantity enough to convince me that they have any real impact in the media at large and how its presented, particularly as I simply do not see Jewish hate advertised in any way in the broader media (Though I acknowledge that I can't account for all the varying NEWS outlets state to state/network to network, just the 'general populace television' as presented)
My point remains you can make a great movie or show with a non white male without demeaning that group
Fair enough, and I don't believe anyone with a valid critique would argue that it can't be. I myself would like to see less FICTIONalized depictions looking FOREWARD of how bad white people are to black people and think a healthier angle would be to simply present optimistic stories about people of all walks working together while acknowledging each others various ethnic and social differences and struggles... but that wouldn't remove the past, and anything that's taking a look BACK at real events or taking inspiration from real events doesn't do us any favors by cleaning things up and pretending. FORGETTING the past is only bad.
DS9 Avery Brook lead character but the other white males not playing aliens were developed characters
Voyager same thing with female lead
Didn't watch much of either of those things, can't form an opinion, but as they are both considered more 'classic Star Trek' it doesn't surprise me, if we're talking about DISCOVERY, my point stands that its problems are so numerous and all encompassing that what race/gender plays what barely even matters. I expect people love DS9 and Voyager for a whole host of reasons, the gender/race of the Captain being merely one factor in a plentiful canvas. Discoveries entire Canvas is a muddled mess, so picking out one flaw in the canvas and calling that the base problem simply does not make sense to myself as a basis of argument.
Damselbinder wrote:
4 years ago
Was Captain Marvel really all you could think of?
I just don't think anybody saying that they liked 'Django Unchained' (or any higher art film tbh) and aren't actually part of Antifa quite registers to the sorts of people who'd say "You like this thing so you are 'one of them!'" quite like the IT factors of the Marvel films... tailored argument to the perceived crowd... But for the record, NONE of the Marvel films are as good as 'Django Unchained' (or ANY Tarantino film for that matter save maybe 'Death Proof' from my point of view)
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago

woke is attacking those who are different. Manufacturing the lie of the Patriarchy, or Hands up don't shoot or that islamists are misunderstood or Antifa are not Brownshirts Nazi wanabees.
So by this definition then we are all in agreement that Trump and likeminded individuals are Woke as SHIT right? xD
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After reading the statements Banks made, I do feel find the film's poor takings somewhat gratifying. However, plenty of people did go and see it, and presumably some enjoyed it. There is a market for both sex-negative wokester movies and stuff asleep people like me would like to see. All they need to do is stop spending so many millions on making films, and they wouldn't need so many people to have to go to see each film to break even. It's strange how they manage to blow so much money.
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ivandobsky wrote:
4 years ago
After reading the statements Banks made, I do feel find the film's poor takings somewhat gratifying. However, plenty of people did go and see it, and presumably some enjoyed it. There is a market for both sex-negative wokester movies and stuff asleep people like me would like to see. All they need to do is stop spending so many millions on making films, and they wouldn't need so many people to have to go to see each film to break even. It's strange how they manage to blow so much money.
'asleep' people O.O Is that a thing people call themselves... please god tell me its not. :( That's got to be the saddest thing I've ever seen written out as a 'positive' moniker for an individual or group of people in my entire life. It makes it sound like being part of a controlled dystopia.
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ivandobsky wrote:
4 years ago
After reading the statements Banks made, I do feel find the film's poor takings somewhat gratifying. However, plenty of people did go and see it, and presumably some enjoyed it. There is a market for both sex-negative wokester movies and stuff asleep people like me would like to see. All they need to do is stop spending so many millions on making films, and they wouldn't need so many people to have to go to see each film to break even. It's strange how they manage to blow so much money.
The movie bombed at the box office.

I don't think there was a demand for another Angels reboot, To me a mere male(in Banks eyes) I want the Angels to be smart and sexy. That's why the TV Angels (first 4 ) were so much better.

But Banks is following the Larsen/Whittaker/Burnham(sorry can't remember the ST actress real name) of attacking their critics.

It works as well as Kyrie Irving's thousand word Instagram attacking Boston Celtic fans last night
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It's called show BUSINESS for a reason. It's all about getting enough people off their couches and into the theatres. The minute it becomes primarily about being "woke", attacking the patriarchy, or any of this other PC culture bullcrap, a film's goals become muddled and confused, and the entertainment and business goals of a film, which should be a primary focus of any commercial entertainment endeavor get the short end of the stick. Banks film was an unmitigated failure. As a Boston native, I thank you for the last line of your post Dazzle1. I hope everyone here has a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
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bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
It's called show BUSINESS for a reason. It's all about getting enough people off their couches and into the theatres. The minute it becomes primarily about being "woke", attacking the patriarchy, or any of this other PC culture bullcrap, a film's goals become muddled and confused, and the entertainment and business goals of a film, which should be a primary focus of any commercial entertainment endeavor get the short end of the stick. Banks film was an unmitigated failure. As a Boston native, I thank you for the last line of your post Dazzle1. I hope everyone here has a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
"Old man yells at cloud"

Movies fail when they are bad. Often politically motivated films are bad because they have to narrow a thread of substance. This isn't something that's specific to leftist films. Go watch 'Atlas Shrugged' and be prepared to chuckle at the most hilarious usage of a genuinely acted 'NOOOOOOOOOOO!' ending ever filmed... then watch its sequel and realize that the first movie was at least a film.
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Femina wrote:
4 years ago
'asleep' people O.O Is that a thing people call themselves... please god tell me its not. :(
We prefer the term "unconcious buyers".
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
The movie bombed at the box office.
It still made revenue. I don't know what "loss" really means in the context of Hollywood. Still might be advantageous as a tax minimisation/neposism scheme. Also, looking at Hollywood as a whole, annoying preachy partisan films might put off filmgoers, who will then be energised to go to the "classic" Angels re-reboot if it ever comes around. Stuff like Joker got a boost from people reacting to crazy media, twitterati etc.

IIRC Banks made statements to the effect of
1) "This film is for women, not stinky boys"
2) "this movie failed because men didn't watch it"

, which is funny, but a lot of people did go and see it. Just stick with 1) and don't spend more money than you expect to take in. Plenty of films appeal to one of the sexes over the other and are commercial successes. Probably stuff like "The Notebook". The Director did make a film that some people like. That it "bombed" or whatever is arguably more a failure of the producers (please don't check the list of producers, it partially defeats my point).

Merry USA Christmas everybody!
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I feel its pretty safe to say this one bombed and bombed hard. I don't think to many folks here are doubting that. I think the question is whether or not its 'wokeness' is what sunk it... which I doubt.

I mean, many of the same people complaining about 'wokeness' whined about the 'wokeness' of Captain Marvel, which is in the billion dollar club. That alone seems proof enough that 'wokeness' alone even by their own definition isn't some trueism factor for a films success or failure... I mean, Banks didn't complain that the movie had failed because men didn't watch it until AFTER it had failed... so that's not even a factor in its failure.

Hell... now that I think about it, Charlie's Angels could have simply bombed for not being a Marvel movie in today's theatrical financial environment...
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Femina wrote:
4 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
It's called show BUSINESS for a reason. It's all about getting enough people off their couches and into the theatres. The minute it becomes primarily about being "woke", attacking the patriarchy, or any of this other PC culture bullcrap, a film's goals become muddled and confused, and the entertainment and business goals of a film, which should be a primary focus of any commercial entertainment endeavor get the short end of the stick. Banks film was an unmitigated failure. As a Boston native, I thank you for the last line of your post Dazzle1. I hope everyone here has a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
"Old man yells at cloud"

Movies fail when they are bad. Often politically motivated films are bad because they have to narrow a thread of substance. This isn't something that's specific to leftist films. Go watch 'Atlas Shrugged' and be prepared to chuckle at the most hilarious usage of a genuinely acted 'NOOOOOOOOOOO!' ending ever filmed... then watch its sequel and realize that the first movie was at least a film.
The interesting thing to me is it is that judging on past history, even quite a number of liberals get turned off of when a TV series or film decides to impose their leftist ideology in entertainment. My case in point is when the Supergirl series went off the rails when they started the storyline with aliens citizenship rights (allusion to our own issues with illegal immigrants) had a fraudulent alien President Marsden, and general issues regarding discrimination and maltreatment of aliens residing on Earth, that while many might align themselves with the larger issues portrayed on the show, that the ham fisted way in which the writers injected real world politics into the show seemed to turn off people of all political persuasions, that even if one agrees on the larger points of issue, that the series was not the right platform to tell those allegorical stories and "educate" us all on one of the hot button issues of the day. Sure, we had some fascinating (I know, I 'm a dork) debates on the constitutionality of some of the twists and turns in that storyline, but if my memory serves me correctly, we were largely united in our disdain for the writers attempt to inject politics into an entertainment (and yes I use that term loosely) show.

I think the key objection to the Supergirl storyline was the "ham-fisted" part, not the politics part. I have no problem with writers injecting current issues into their work, provided it is done skillfully and in a way that doesn't make the story strictly of this moment, but more general and timeless. Star Trek made Uhura an important part of the bridge crew. At the time that was bold, but it made sense. The program Madam Secretary did an excellent job of incorporating current political debate into a show, often addressing issues quite directly, but with some grace. I say "did" because this season (the final one, I believe) they have lost the subtlety and become a bit insufferable.

People don't like being beaten over the head with political messaging. Even if the messaging seems reasonable, if it's too overt the audience will become annoyed or bored. Ultimately, writing matters...a lot.
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I think there's actually probably as much truth that hardcore leftist, what some people would call 'SJW' sorts are about as sensitive and narrow minded in what they want to watch/see get made as the hard right and it's plausible to at least ponder that, were the industry making more films championing the right and denouncing the left I don't personally believe there wouldn't be the same sort of oddball power struggle we see today. Human beings are weirdos, and human beings in today's political climate are basically conditioned to want for absolute comfort and safety to such an extreme that once they see anything mildly upsetting or uncomfortable, their lifestyles have informed them that the correct response is to ignore/turn away from that uncomfortable thing rather than to observe it and learn from it...

Afraid I didn't see much of Supergirl passed season 2 or so. The CW DC shows tend to turn me away mostly with some genuinely terrible scripting long before anything they have to say politically has a chance to. Everybody loved the Flash when it aired, yet by my money Agent Carter was a substantially better made comic book TV show at the time and it got cancelled after season 2... which was right around the time the Flash was telling such riveting stories as the time they deduced that F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. was an acronym randomly because two people got to talking about one time a character went scubadiving with her boyfriend. You know, cause since 'S.C.U.B.A.' ecists *GASP* what if FIRESTORM is an acronym! Try that in the internet search! OMG it brought up!
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I just wanna point out that every example of “woke” films failing you listed are also remakes/reboots. The problem isn’t wokeness. The problem is a lack of narrative risk taking. Movie studios are terrified of losing money so they won’t take risks on new stories. I’m sick to death of reboots. I actually refuse to watch them. The problem is a lack of innovation, inventiveness, and especially originally storytelling.
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Bert wrote:
4 years ago
I think the key objection to the Supergirl storyline was the "ham-fisted" part, not the politics part. I have no problem with writers injecting current issues into their work, provided it is done skillfully and in a way that doesn't make the story strictly of this moment, but more general and timeless. Star Trek made Uhura an important part of the bridge crew. At the time that was bold, but it made sense. The program Madam Secretary did an excellent job of incorporating current political debate into a show, often addressing issues quite directly, but with some grace. I say "did" because this season (the final one, I believe) they have lost the subtlety and become a bit insufferable.

People don't like being beaten over the head with political messaging. Even if the messaging seems reasonable, if it's too overt the audience will become annoyed or bored. Ultimately, writing matters...a lot.
I think that if you watch Madame Secretary, or the West Wing, Designated Survivor, or others of that ilk that, that there is a reasonable expectation that political issues will be raised, I mean how in the heck to you avoid them? I think if shows of that nature did avoid contemporary political topics they would rightly be criticized as ignoring the world we presently live in and missing the chance to use the show as a platform to make larger ideological points on the world at large, an opportunity missed. Supergirl on the other hand is a much more out of left field platform show candidate in which to incorporate political messages, ideology, or ideas, especially if you had watched previous seasons of the series where those issues were not so overtly addressed, that the sudden infusion of politics was jarring, so glaringly obvious a departure from previous seasons and episodes. If I want to watch a show imbued with political messages I will watch shows that do it well such as Madame Secretary or the West Wing, not a DC Comics superhero show. The writers also obviously sucked at writing those political episodes as well.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
If I want to watch a show imbued with political messages I will watch shows that do it well such as Madame Secretary or the West Wing, not a DC Comics superhero show. The writers also obviously sucked at writing those political episodes as well.
FYT (fixed your thought) It's these writers of DC Comics superhero shows that suck at writing.

Batman back in the 1960s had an excellent show looking at the Penguin running for mayor and showing entertainment versus the issues. Poking fun at pollsters and how they could produce numbers in favor of a candidate by selective choices of participants.

Smallville did a few episodes on stock manipulation of Luthorcorp and looking at elections too.

Arrow was usually decent looking at political issues because they focused on solutions instead of just complaining about problems.
It has become worse in the last few seasons.

Supegirl doesn't even try to hire decent writers and it has gone downhill one just about any story. Flash has also gone downhill with decent characters, but only one decent episode in the last few years.
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"Woke" and "SJW" aren't meaningful terms.
They're bludgeons. Fist-shaking jargon for bogeymen stereotypes used to rouse rabble.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Damselbinder wrote:
4 years ago
Things with "woke" agendas that have been really good:

- In the Heat of the Night
- Roots
- Handmaid's Tale
- Get Out
- Black Klansman
- A Time to Kill
- Django Unchained
- The Wide Sargasso Sea
- Mississippi Burning
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
- American History X
- 12 Years a Slave
- About a million episodes of Star Trek, notably "Far Beyond the Stars" from season 6 of Deep Space Nine

And a little something you might have heard of, uh
- The Merchant of Venice

Was Captain Marvel really all you could think of?
Of the ones you mentioned Roots was not Woke as it was historical.

A time t kill did not make Jake Briggance look bad or stupid, Guess Whos coming to diner was not Woke

None of the real Star Trek aka the ones tyhat followed Roddenbury's Blue print were Woke

woke is attacking those who are different. Manufacturing the lie of the Patriarchy, or Hands up don't shoot or that islamists are misunderstood or Antifa are not Brownshirts Nazi wanabees.

Woke is facism for this century
This is the stupidest man-baby bullshit click bait topic ever. And Dazzle's posts are more often than not the epitome of man-baby propaganda.

I'll tell you what woke is (like I have in other thread)...

Wokeness is the awareness of racial injustice and social injustice that the Allied forces had, and the Axis powers didn't. I'm glad wokeness won, and racial and social injustice by the ultra un-woke (to a level beyond utter horridness) lost.

Woke fought facism and saved the earth at the time from might-have-been nazi worldwide tyranny.

Woke is not facism; woke is salvation from facism.

Roots is absolutely woke. Roots was 'historical?' What the hell does that have to do with anything?

A Time to Kill is absolutely woke.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? is absolutely woke.

Star Trek's TOS bridge crew was 60's version of woke.

Yep, lots of successful woke movies and TV.

And wokeness had zilch to do with 2019 Charlie's Angels box office mehness. One big reason IMO people had little interest in it from beginning is its top liner was Kristen Stewart as opposed to Cameron Diaz (2000 Charlie's Angels box office = $259,736,090, budget = $90,000,000)!

Also plenty of movies that aren't woke have been box office bombs.

"Get woke go Broke" titled youtube videos and forum threads is man-baby click bait marketing that is flat out fallacy, a total lie, a they-so-sad, wish-it-were-true, lard-for-brains, zero scientific, made-up myth.
Dazzle1 wrote: Regarding BatWoman and this is for both you and the other poster. google the ratings. If they eliminate the gratutious male bashing on Batwoman it would work better
Google the ratings and what? And see that Batwoman beats out Supergirl, Arrow, Black Lightning, Dynasty, Charmed, Nancy Drew, Riverdale, Legacies. Only The Flash and Supernatural top Batwoman (and Supernatural is gone after this season).

I don't watch the Batwoman show anymore, but gratuitous male bashing I didn't even notice. Not why I stopped watching. I'll be watching the crossover tho.
the Scribbler

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it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

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it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

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^ nice post Scribbler!
I would hit a LIKE button if there was one.
One minor detail:
Batwoman gets only topped by the Flash on the CW, it is actually ahead of Supernatural: ;) ... n-ratings/

I hope the crossover might motivate you to tune in again on the show afterwards.
Vist my blog and its Youtube channel:

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theScribbler wrote:
4 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Damselbinder wrote:
4 years ago
Things with "woke" agendas that have been really good:

- In the Heat of the Night
- Roots
- Handmaid's Tale
- Get Out
- Black Klansman
- A Time to Kill
- Django Unchained
- The Wide Sargasso Sea
- Mississippi Burning
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
- American History X
- 12 Years a Slave
- About a million episodes of Star Trek, notably "Far Beyond the Stars" from season 6 of Deep Space Nine

And a little something you might have heard of, uh
- The Merchant of Venice

Was Captain Marvel really all you could think of?
Of the ones you mentioned Roots was not Woke as it was historical.

A time t kill did not make Jake Briggance look bad or stupid, Guess Whos coming to diner was not Woke

None of the real Star Trek aka the ones tyhat followed Roddenbury's Blue print were Woke

woke is attacking those who are different. Manufacturing the lie of the Patriarchy, or Hands up don't shoot or that islamists are misunderstood or Antifa are not Brownshirts Nazi wanabees.

Woke is facism for this century
This is the stupidest man-baby bullshit click bait topic ever. And Dazzle's posts are more often than not the epitome of man-baby propaganda.

I'll tell you what woke is (like I have in other thread)...

Wokeness is the awareness of racial injustice and social injustice that the Allied forces had, and the Axis powers didn't. I'm glad wokeness won, and racial and social injustice by the ultra un-woke (to a level beyond utter horridness) lost.

Woke fought facism and saved the earth at the time from might-have-been nazi worldwide tyranny.

Woke is not facism; woke is salvation from facism.

Roots is absolutely woke. Roots was 'historical?' What the hell does that have to do with anything?

A Time to Kill is absolutely woke.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? is absolutely woke.

Star Trek's TOS bridge crew was 60's version of woke.

Yep, lots of successful woke movies and TV.

And wokeness had zilch to do with 2019 Charlie's Angels box office mehness. One big reason IMO people had little interest in it from beginning is its top liner was Kristen Stewart as opposed to Cameron Diaz (2000 Charlie's Angels box office = $259,736,090, budget = $90,000,000)!

Also plenty of movies that aren't woke have been box office bombs.

"Get woke go Broke" titled youtube videos and forum threads is man-baby click bait marketing that is flat out fallacy, a total lie, a they-so-sad, wish-it-were-true, lard-for-brains, zero scientific, made-up myth.
Dazzle1 wrote: Regarding BatWoman and this is for both you and the other poster. google the ratings. If they eliminate the gratutious male bashing on Batwoman it would work better
Google the ratings and what? And see that Batwoman beats out Supergirl, Arrow, Black Lightning, Dynasty, Charmed, Nancy Drew, Riverdale, Legacies. Only The Flash and Supernatural top Batwoman (and Supernatural is gone after this season).

I don't watch the Batwoman show anymore, but gratuitous male bashing I didn't even notice. Not why I stopped watching. I'll be watching the crossover tho.
Woke is actually represented in 2019 by personal attacks by left wing SJW like you who are not interested in justice or rights but by manufacturing outrage to gain power or reinforce your in insecurities.

Woke are the brownshirts of today

ST TOS was an elegitarian concept of equality Wokeness is not interested in getting past race or sexism, they manufacturer hate as you do
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Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago

Woke is actually represented in 2019 by personal attacks by left wing SJW like you who are not interested in justice or rights but by manufacturing outrage to gain power or reinforce your in insecurities.
According to WHO!? You? Definitively, woke is just the past tense of wake. Meaning, you woke up. It's usage as slang terminology has no definative meaning from one person to the next. By this defenition attacks from right wing psychos AREN'T woke? For doing the same thing?

This is why 'Woke' is a dumb term.
ST TOS was an elegitarian concept of equality Wokeness is not interested in getting past race or sexism, they manufacturer hate as you do
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Charlie's Angels bombed because the show ended forty years ago and everybody who gives a fuck about it is dead.

Same thing would have happened if some idiots had tried to drop a big screen Mork and Mindy reboot.
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Femina wrote:
4 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago

Woke is actually represented in 2019 by personal attacks by left wing SJW like you who are not interested in justice or rights but by manufacturing outrage to gain power or reinforce your in insecurities.
According to WHO!? You? Definitively, woke is just the past tense of wake. Meaning, you woke up. It's usage as slang terminology has no definative meaning from one person to the next. By this defenition attacks from right wing psychos AREN'T woke? For doing the same thing?

This is why 'Woke' is a dumb term.
ST TOS was an elegitarian concept of equality Wokeness is not interested in getting past race or sexism, they manufacturer hate as you do
Defined by most independent critics you see on You Tube, Geeks and Gamers, Bowwstreet, Mecha Random 42 etc

suggest you listen to their videos
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Dazzle1 wrote: Woke is actually represented in 2019 by personal attacks by left wing SJW like you who are not interested in justice or rights but by manufacturing outrage to gain power or reinforce your in insecurities.

Woke are the brownshirts of today
Nope. Sorry.

Your Blue Man-baby Group doesn't get to redefine what woke means in order to falsely support your banal insecurities and fears of what the world will be like when everyone is actually treated as equals.

Woke is what I said it was. And not your dazzling delusional utterances based on your ilk's inability-to-think coherently, having lost grasp of reality with wrongheaded beliefs that you're clearly brainwashed by.
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Defined by most independent critics you see on You Tube, Geeks and Gamers, Bowwstreet, Mecha Random 42 etc

suggest you listen to their videos
!!!! Listen to dazzling delusional audio utterances in sad man-baby click bait videos on youtube?!!!

No thanks!!

So that's where you get your thoughts on this, from the stupidest people on earth.
Dazzle1 wrote: ST TOS was an elegitarian concept of equality Wokeness is not interested in getting past race or sexism, they manufacturer hate as you do
elegitarian defined in dictionary:
relating to or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.

woke defined in dictionary:
alert to injustice in society, especially racism.

Elegitarian and woke. Both champion equality, social justice, and anti-racism. Woke is being aware and alert to social injustice. All people are equal, and to not treat all people as equals, at the level your ilk aspire to, is social injustice. For nazi's to treat the jews as they did, as not equal by degrees of ridiculous magnitude, was social injustice of a bewildering, horrific nature. Proves my case, and the idiocy of your feeble comebacks.

So you're unwoke. That's not news.

But do try harder with your comebacks.
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

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Cover your eyes! & ears!
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theScribbler wrote:
4 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote: Woke is actually represented in 2019 by personal attacks by left wing SJW like you who are not interested in justice or rights but by manufacturing outrage to gain power or reinforce your in insecurities.

Woke are the brownshirts of today
Nope. Sorry.

Your Blue Man-baby Group doesn't get to redefine what woke means in order to falsely support your banal insecurities and fears of what the world will be like when everyone is actually treated as equals.

Woke is what I said it was. And not your dazzling delusional utterances based on your ilk's inability-to-think coherently, having lost grasp of reality with wrongheaded beliefs that you're clearly brainwashed by.
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
Defined by most independent critics you see on You Tube, Geeks and Gamers, Bowwstreet, Mecha Random 42 etc

suggest you listen to their videos
!!!! Listen to dazzling delusional audio utterances in sad man-baby click bait videos on youtube?!!!

No thanks!!

So that's where you get your thoughts on this, from the stupidest people on earth.
Dazzle1 wrote: ST TOS was an elegitarian concept of equality Wokeness is not interested in getting past race or sexism, they manufacturer hate as you do
elegitarian defined in dictionary:
relating to or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.

woke defined in dictionary:
alert to injustice in society, especially racism.

Elegitarian and woke. Both champion equality, social justice, and anti-racism. Woke is being aware and alert to social injustice. All people are equal, and to not treat all people as equals, at the level your ilk aspire to, is social injustice. For nazi's to treat the jews as they did, as not equal by degrees of ridiculous magnitude, was social injustice of a bewildering, horrific nature. Proves my case, and the idiocy of your feeble comebacks.

So you're unwoke. That's not news.

But do try harder with your comebacks.
Sorry Scribbler you are wrong

wokeness in 2019 is part of the SJW ideological purity test. Who agrees with me? Barack Obama

Try again
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lionbadger wrote:
4 years ago
Oh look a thread about conservative americans being pissy that other conservative americans are not conservative enough

That's original, what's next? A movie about how bruce wayne became batman?
OMG, I can foretell the future!
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As someone who comes from the other side of the ideological spectrum I do appreciate President Obama's comments on the cancel culture. I appreciate his candor on this issue. I think that most normal well adjusted human beings believe in equal rights and opportunity for people of all genders, races, and nationalities (unless you are here illegally). I think we have come a long way in the last 50 years or so with the realization that a woman can do anything a man can do, (please don't give me that stupid urinating while standing joke) and anyone who does not believe that, well, there is a cave waiting for you in a prehistoric era. I think the problem becomes when a male/female issue comes up is that with social media it becomes a race to see who is the most "woke", almost as if there is a prize at the end to see who is the most woke. This avalanche of pretense causes a social media version of the purge, where if you give someone a woke awareness test with 50 questions, and you agree with 48 out of the 50, many of the woke awareness PC police will hunt you down online and savage you for disagreeing with 2 of the questions. You will be the hunted for having a different point of view. Public discourse didn't used to be this way. We were able to civilly agree to disagree, have great back and forth debates in which you might learn something about the other side, we actually listened to each other, nothing of this talking at each other and sending memes online that looked liked they came from a third grader. Mature adults that disagree with each other ought to be able to have meaningful civil conversations without leveling insults and using divisive labels (yes I admit I have been guilty of this too but I'm trying to get better) to attack those we happen to disagree with. Is this toxic environment in which we have trouble communicating with each other something we want to pass on to our children and grandchildren? Don't they deserve better?
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bushwackerbob wrote:
4 years ago
please don't give me that stupid urinating while standing joke
Women can do that better than men. They don't need to aim.
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Ho-ly crap this thread is devolving fast into the realm of words meaning whatever the hell we as individuals want for them to mean on a societal level and damned be anyone in that social sphere whose definition of that word comes from facts and resources! They're just anti free-speech non-Americans! Fuck them they shouldn't be speaking right!

Fuck it. If you can't beat em' join em'
Dazzle1 wrote:
4 years ago
wokeness in 2019 is part of the SJW ideological purity test. Who agrees with me? Barack Obama
Try again
Hey I didn't know we were playing the who could throw out the craziest nonsense definition for a word contest. I wanna play!

Wokeness in 2019 is the brand new concept of butt fucking an albino penguin for recreational purposes and you can all go right to hell if you disagree! Who agrees with me? Donald Trump AND it cures cancer!
Try again!

So are we ever going to TALK about this or are you just going to keep fascistically spouting politically motivated stance tag-lines onto the screen and hoping that the world accepts the word for what you feel like it should mean in spite of such easily acquired debunking tools like the Google Dictionary?

What even is this anymore? Are we allowed to just make up whatever crap we like, get all our friends to say it and then 'tadaa' its OUR word now?

Who do I need to go to if I want to claim the word Smudge to mean anytime that an existing word gets redefined into a politically motivated slant with the hopes and dreams of dehumanizing an opposing viewpoint? Can we just call those people Smudge's now and since we all decide that its a thing, it's no longer recognizable as an insult?

Like I could say 'Dazzle1 and his ilk Smudged Woke' or 'Femina Smudged Smudge' and it apparently wouldn't be insulting because a small subset of society has claimed it as true?
Who do we go to for that?
Last edited by Femina 4 years ago, edited 5 times in total.

Serves all of y'all right for diving straight into Dazzle's troll trap.
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Nope, wokeness is the ability to see through the intransigent walls of denial and oppression that people build up when they realize that the very earth they thought they knew begins to crumble beneath them and a blinding light of truth spears into their brains and they understand the oneness of all creation, that the yin and yang are but opposing sides of the same dream.

Either that or their alarm goes off 20 minutes early and the snooze bar is broken. I forget which one is imposed wokeness.

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