The Electra-Escapades of Electrawoman and Dynagirl Episode 1: Welcome to the Playpen

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Neophyte Lvl 2
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On assignment for Newsmaker Magazine, Lori and Judy interview the recently paroled Ms. Dazzle, former assistant to the Sorcerer turned proud proprietress of the soon-to-be inaugurated Playpen Diner.

“Yours is an amazing story,” says Lori. “From jailbird to entrepreneur in no time. How did you do it?”

“I couldn’t have done it without the backing of my angel investor!” says Ms. Dazzle excitedly.

“Who might that be?” Judy butts in.

“Oh, I wish I could tell you! But given my dubious past, this angel wishes to remain anonymous for now. To avoid controversy, you understand,” replies Ms. Dazzle, in her typical ditzy innocence.

“Of course,” says Lori. “We got what we need. Thank you so much for your time.”

“Oh, thank you for your interest! And please don’t forget to mention tonight’s opening gala. The mayor will be there, as will the police commissioner and all of our city’s top business and community leaders.”

“We’ll put that right in the lead!”

“Wonderful! And could you also mention that the table of honor is reserved for Electrawoman and Dynagirl? I would have sent them personal invites, but the Electra Base isn’t listed in the phone book!”

“Don’t worry! We’ll put that in the article as well. It’s very kind of you considering they are the ones that brought you and the Sorcerer to justice.”

“That’s why I want to show them my gratitude! Thanks to them, I’ve seen the error of my ways and have been fully rehabilitated. Do you think they’ll come?”

“I’m sure they will,” says Lori with a laugh, “as soon as they read this article! Now if you’ll excuse us we have a story to file! “

“Of course!” says Ms. Dazzle.

Outside, Judy remarks, “Pinch me! I think I’m dreaming!”

“It just goes to show everyone deserves a second chance,” says Lori. “Now let’s get back to the Newsmaker newsroom. We have work to do!”

Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Back at the Newsmaker newsroom, Lori finishes transcribing the interview. She let’s the tape recorder continue to run as it plays back their good-bye chatter:

I’m sure they will, as soon as they read this article! Now if you’ll excuse us, we have a story to file!

Of course!

“Now for the headline,” muses Lori with Judy looking over her shoulder.

“How about … " begins Judy after a pause, only to be interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming from the tape recorder, followed by the sound of someone dialing a rotary phone.

“Shhh! Listen!” says Lori.

Ms. Dazzle’s voice is heard: It’s Ms. Dazzle … Yes, I’ll hold.

“We must’ve accidentally left a hot mic behind!” says Judy.

Lori raises her hand up to silence her.

A message? Ms. Dazzle’s voice continues. Sure. Tell my “angel investor” to keep an eye on the Newsmaker Magazine website. I just gave a star performance to two of their most respected journalists! Ms. Dazzle hangs up the phone. Oh, won’t Polly Piglotta be proud! she gloats.

“Polly Piglotta!” exclaims Judy. “The nefarious mob boss?”

“Hmmmm, it sounds like she’s the one behind the Playpen Diner. Cavorting with known criminals, that’s a violation of Ms. Dazzle’s parole!”

“What are we going to do?”

“I’d say its time for Electrawoman and Dynagirl to pay Ms. Dazzle a visit!”

Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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From inside the Playpen Diner, the doorbell is heard, followed by the clicking of high heels on the ceramic-tiled floor. A young woman dressed in a pink teddy leotard with a squiggly pig tail in the back, tan hose, pink heels, pink bowtie, and a pink piggy-ear headband answers the door.

On the other side are Electrawoman and Dynagirl.

“Oh!” says the woman in pink in surprise. “Electrawoman! Dynagirl! I’d … I’d normally say welcome to the Playpen Diner, but I’m afraid we’re not open yet.”

“Electra masquerade party!” blurts out Dynagirl, giving the woman the once over.

“Oh, do you like it?” she asks, twirling before them. “These are our Pretty Piggy uniforms.”

“Pretty Piggy?” inquires Electrawoman with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, that’s what the wait staff goes by here. You know, Hugh Hefner had his Playboy Bunnies, Ms. Dazzle has her Pretty Piggies.”

Electrawoman and Dynagirl exchange glances and shake their heads in disapproval.

“Anyway,” says the Pretty Piggy, “I’m Sally. How can I help you?”

“Well, Sally,” begins Electrawoman, “we’d like a word with Ms. Dazzle, if we may.”

“Oh, okay. Follow me.”

The Electraduo walk behind Sally as she leads the way across the diner.

Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Ms. Dazzle sits at her desk, going over the final preparations for the evening’s opening gala when she hears a knock on her office door.

“Who is it?” she sing songs, her eyes still downcast on the papers before her.

“It’s Sally. I’m here with Electrawoman and Dynagirl. They’d like to have a word with you.”

Ms. Dazzle’s head snaps up. “Electrawoman and Dynagirl?” she echoes in disbelief. “Here?”

The door opens and in walk the crimefighting duo. They stand before Ms. Dazzle in the classic superheroine stance: hands on hips, feet shoulder width apart.

“Electrawoman! Dynagirl! What a pleasant surprise!” says Ms. Dazzle. “I was hoping you’d join us for the opening gala, but I wasn’t expecting you this early.”

“We’re not here for your opening gala,” says Electrawoman sternly. “The gig is up, Miss Dazzle. We know who your angel investor is: Polly Piglotta. Fraternizing with a known criminal. That’s a parole violation.”

“You’re Electra-busted!” says Dynagirl triumphantly, jabbing an accusatory finger in her direction.

“How … how did you find out?”

“The question, rather, is what can you tell us about Polly Piglotta. And what this establishment is really all about,” says Electrawoman.

Unbeknownst to the Voltage Vixens, Sally is slowly creeping up behind them, carrying a futuristic looking bazooka-like weapon.

“If you do,” Electrawoman continues, “Dynagirl and I will put in a good word for you before the authorities.”

Miss Dazzle notices Sally and, regaining her cool, smiles at the duo. “Of course,” she says slyly. “Polly intends to use the Playpen Diner as a front for money laundering. But I think it has additional … let’s say shocking potential!”

“Oh? And what might that be?” asks Dynagirl cockily.

“To ever so discreetly and creatively do away with anyone who gets in her way … as you two are about to find out. Now, Sally!” Miss Dazzle calls out as she ducks behind her desk.

Sally zaps the Diode Duo from behind with the futuristic weapon, sending white crackling lightning-like rays at them, causing the two girls to shake uncontrollably a la Batgirl versus the alvino ray gun. Sally zaps them for a good 10 seconds, giving Miss Dazzle an exquisite view from under her desk: the quivering figures of the Voltage Vixens, shaking from their shapely legs to their firm breasts. When Sally finally lays off the trigger, bringing the show to an end, Miss Dazzle emerges from behind the desk.

“Well done, Sally!” she praises.

“I … I can’t … move!” says a surprised Dynagirl.

“Very observant, Dynagirl,” says Miss Dazzle with a smile of sinister satisfaction.

“What … what have you done to us?” demands an equally stunned Electrawoman.

“You’ve both been paralyzed from the neck down,” explains Miss Dazzle. “The Sorcerer did not remain idle behind bars, you see. When I got out, he shared with me the design specs of his latest invention, a laser gun especially created with the two of you in mind. It blocks your neurotransmitters, making it impossible for you to make any voluntary movement, leaving you utterly defenseless, the perfect state for us to exact our vengance.”

“Electra damsels in distress!”

“Indeed, Dynagirl. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an important call to make. Ms. Piglotta will be pleased to learn about this serendipitous turn of events. Sally, take our early birds into the kitchen and prep them for this evening’s festivities.”

Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Ms. Dazzle and Polly Piglotta enter a very white kitchen together. Ms. Dazzle is wearing an apron over her traditional magician’s assistant outfit and a chef’s hat on her head. Polly is dressed in a very revealing pin-stripe outfit.

“This surprise menu change better be really special,” says a visibly annoyed Polly. “Not like that Newsmaker interview you told me to look out for.”

“Oh, it is!” replies a beaming Ms. Dazzle. But then her excited smile turns into a confused frown. “What do you mean about the Newsmaker article?”

“I’ve been refreshing their website ever since I got your message and there’s no exclusive on the Playpen Diner.”

“That’s odd,” says a consternated Miss Dazzle. Then, regaining her spirits, “But never mind. Wait till you see what I plan to cook up for tonight! I think you’ll agree it will more than make up for any lost press.” She sweeps her arm toward a curtain before them. “Sally, if you will!”

Sally, who had been standing by the curtain in her Pretty Piggy outfit, pulls it back, revealing Electrawoman and Dynagirl standing side by side on separate circular platforms. Both are perfectly still in the classic superheroine stance (legs shoulder-width apart, hands on hips), and both are naked save for their boots, belts and gloves.

Polly Piglotta gasps in surprise and clings to Miss Dazzle’s arm in apprehension.

“Presenting Electra Entree and Dyna Dish!” announces Ms. Dazzle.

“Electra menu items!” exclaims Dynagirl.

Polly Piglotta looks at the crimefightresses in disbelief. “Why don’t they arrest us?”

“Sally zapped them with the Sorcerer’s paralyzing laser.”

“Incredible,” says Polly in amazement.

“Yes, this pair of battery-powered bimbos will be unable to make any voluntary movements for the next couple of hours or so. Which is all the time we need to take care of them.”

“Just what is it you intend to do with us?” asks Electrawoman, mustering all the defiance she can in her naked helplessness.

“As you are well aware, my dear Electrawoman, tonight is the Playpen Diner’s opening gala. I had hoped to have the two of you as my guests of honor, but now that you’ve uncovered the truth about me, I’ve had to adjust my plans. You see, despite your best effort to crash the party, the gala will go on. And you two diode daredolls will indeed be there, but not as my special guests. Oh, no! You’ll be gracing the table in another, oh so much more delish way.” Ms. Dazzle licks her lips.

“I don’t like the sound of that!” says Electrawoman with a gulp.

Miss Dazzle laughs. “But first let’s get you ladies properly attired for the Playpen.” Miss Dazzle turns to Sally, who has been joined by anoher pretty piggy. “Girls, if you will.”

Sally approaches Electrawoman while her colleague tends to Dynagirl. First, the hapless heroines have piggy-ear headbands put on their heads.

“There,” says the waitress tending to Dynagirl as she strokes the hapless heroine's hair. “Now you have the ears to go with your pigtails.”

Then a pink bowtie is tied around each heroine’s neck. Lastly, a pink coiling piggy tail is afixed to the back of their belts.

“Ohhhh,” coos Sally, taking a step back to admire her handiwork. “You two make such ravaging pretty piggies!”

“Electra may-I-take-your-order!” says Dynagirl.

“Not quite apt words, Dynagirl, for you won’t be doing the serving tonight,” Ms. Dazzle corrects her. “Oh, no, dearie, rather you’ll be the one being served! Girls, let’s get these two lucious ladies basted!”

The pretty piggies approach the hapless heroines, each holding a jar with a viscous substance in one hand and a basting brush in the other. Sally, grinning slyly at Electrawoman, dips the brush in the jar and stirs. Then she pulls out the brush and starts stroking Electrawoman’s knees right where her boots end. Meanwhile, her cohort does the same to Dynagirl.

“Electra-sticky situation!” exclaims Dynagirl.

“Sticky and … tingly!” adds Electrawoman in alarm as Sally’s brush slides up her thigh.

“What is that stuff?” asks a fascinated Polly Piglotta.

“My special sauce, concocted from Spanish fly and about a dozen other potent aphrodisiacs,” explains Miss Dazzle. “It’s sure to spice things up!”

“I’ll say!” says Polly, a wide grin spreading across her face. “I think its having an effect already!” She giggles as she points at Electrawoman’s and Dynagirl’s pert nipples.

“Indeed! Soon enough we’ll have these two tasty tarts bubbling in their own juices,” declares a self-satisfied Miss Dazzle.

Polly and Miss Dazzle laugh at Electrawoman and Dynagirl as the pretty piggies baste them. Slowly and sensually the brushes sweep up the girls’ legs, around to their backsides, across their hips, and over their thighs, inching upwards on each leg.

“Oh, Electrawoman! I feel so aroused!” sighs Dynagirl, closing her eyes and licking her lips.

“I know,” replies a wide eyed Electrawoman. “But we must try to resist our feminine urges, Dynagirl … and maintain our chaste resolve!”

Amused by Electrawoman’s words, the pretty piggies lock eyes and giggle. Then they knowingly nod to each other and place the brush between their victims’ legs. Slowly they pull the brush over Electrawoman’s and Dynagirl’s sex, eliciting loud moans and causing both heroines to roll their heads in ecstasy.

“My goodness!” says a wide-eyed Electrawoman as she regains her composure.

Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 213
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great start! looking forward to more!
Posts: 109
Joined: 11 years ago

Love the start... and a story about different heroines. Thank you.
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
Posts: 10
Joined: 15 years ago

Thanks! Here's the next scene ...


The basting of the hapless duo continues, as the brushes stroke their bellies and lower backs, then up their ribs and finally up to their breasts, circling their pert nipples and sweeping over them, causing Dynagirl to coo and Electrawoman to bite her lower lip. “Oh, my,” she sighs in a state of excited distress.

The pretty piggies leave no inch of Electrawoman’s and Dynagirl’s bodies unbasted. As the brushes apply Ms. Dazzle’s hot sauce to their shapely figures, the girls can’t help but coo, lick and bite their lips, and roll their heads in ecstatic bliss, all the while alternating from being wide-eyed to closing their eyes amid sighs and moans.

Finally the basting comes to an end with a final stroke of their necks just below the pink bowties. The pretty piggies step back to get a better view of the heroines’ now glistening bodies.

“Oh, Electrawoman,” sighs Dynagirl, glancing down at her body. “I’m all aflutter with Electra-excitement!” She bites her lower lip and tilts her head back.

“Hang in there, Dynagirl,” encourages Electrawoman, her eyes wider than they’ve ever been. “This is certainly the most deviant peril we’ve faced yet!” She closes her eyes and licks her lips.

“How yummy,” remarks Polly Piglotta, unable to take her eyes from their sauced-up bodies.

“Now that we’ve brought these two to a simmer, its time to make them boil over,” says Ms. Dazzle.

“How do you intend to do that?” asks Polly.

“By stirring their passions. Just follow my lead. Girls, if you will.”

The pretty pigges hand Ms. Dazzle and Polly their jars and brushes.

“I’ll take care of Electrawoman,” says Ms. Dazzle. “You tend to Dynagirl.” The villainesses walk up to their respective victims. “First,” instructs Ms. Dazzle, smiling up slyly at Electrawoman, “stir up the sauce and get as much of it on the brush as you can, like so.” Ms. Dazzle whips up gobs of sauce on her brush and Polly follows suit. “Then apply it to her maidenhead like so,” continues Ms. Dazzle, placing her brush lightly on the statuesque blonde’s sex. Polly does the same to Dynagirl. Both girls sigh audibly. “And then, slowly and gently at first ... swat that twat!”

As the brush slaps between her legs, the blonde let’s out a gasp. “Oh! Good heavens!”

“Now do Dynagirl,” encourges Ms. Dazzle with a twisted grin.

Polly begins to slap the brush lightly on Dynagirl’s venus mound, causing the pigtailed cutie to go, “Ah, ah, ah!”

“Now gradually pick up the intensity and speed, like so,” explains Ms. Dazzle, slapping the brush harder and more quickly on Electrawoman’s womanhood, causing her to moan loudly. Polly follows her lead and makes Dynagirl go, “Eeeek!”

“That’s it, Dynagirl!” she teases. “Squeal for me!”

“Ohhhhhh! Oh … dear!” goes Electrawoman as the brush slaps her pussy.

“Ah! Oh! Electrawoman … mmmm … I can’t … Ah! … take much …. Ohhhhh … m-m-more of this!” says Dynagirl.

“D-d-don’t … ohhhh … give them the … ahhhh … satisfac … ohhhhh,” trails off Electrawoman as she closes her eyes and rolls her head in ecstasy.

The pace of the pussy slapping quickens and its intensity increases, sending droplets flying as the hapless heroines moan sexily throughout. In short order, Electrawoman and Dynagirl are brought to loud climaxes. Their knees buckle while they remain locked in the classic superheroine pose: legs shoulder-width apart and hands on hips. With the girls spent, Miss Dazzzle and Polly take a step back.

“Electra-slap me silly!” says Dynagirl, panting as she catches her breath.

“Mmmm, that really whet my appetite,” says a smiling Polly Piglotta as she licks her lips. What’s the recipe call for next?”

“A very special ingredient,” replies Ms. Dazzle. She calls over her shoulder to the pretty piggies: “Girls, bring me the eggs.”

Posts: 109
Joined: 11 years ago

Love the story. May have to think up something for an unused heroine.
Elder Member
Elder Member
Posts: 402
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Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Great job. Electra Woman and Dyna Girl are my favorites, especially Dyna Girl.

Love how Ms. Dazzle turns out to be more than the Sorcerer's ditzy moll. She's very smart and evil in her own right. Wouldn't it be something if she succeeds where her former boss failed twice and finally do in the Voltage Vixens. She's already outsmarted them (Electra-embarrassing) and humiliated them more than he ever did.

Part of me kind of wishes they kept their full costumes on for the peril. Dyna Girl's costume in particular is my favorite superheroine costume. It would have been kind of cool to see how permeable their leotards and tights are.

Still a great story, though. Can't wait for the next installment.
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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In the palm of her hand, Ms. Dazzle shows Polly Piglotta two love eggs, one yellow and one pink.

“Now that we’ve gotten Electrawoman’s and Dynagirl’s juices flowing, we’re ready to insert these,” she explains to Polly.

“Wh-what are those?” asks Dynagirl with trepidation. “And what do they do?!”

“Why these are love eggs, my dear Dynagirl,” responds Ms. Dazzle, “and they are about to scramble what’s left of your… how is it you put it, Electrawoman?” asks Ms. Dazzle, turning to the blonde. “Ah, yes … your chaste resolve!”

Electrawoman gulps.

“You’ve heard the age old question,” continues Ms. Dazzle, turning again to Polly: “Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Well, in this case, its who’ll cum first, Elecrawoman or Dynagirl,” says Ms. Dazzle, pointing to each one as she says their names and then bursting out in laughter together with Polly.


“Or better put: Electra-cock-a-doodle-doo!” corrects Polly, eliciting another wave of uproarious laugher among the villainesses.

Miss Dazzle hands the pink egg to Poly and gestures her to approach Dynagirl. Meanwhile, she steps up to Electrawoman.

“Tell me, Electrawoman, what do you think of my toys?”

“I can’t say I much care for them.”

“No, I wouldn’t suppose a goody-two-shoes like yourself would. At least not at first sight. But I dare say I’ll have you gushing over this little plaything soon enough!” And with that said, Miss Dazzle slips the love egg in between Electrawoman’s love lips, eliciting a gasp from the heroine.

To Electrawoman’s left, Polly Piglotta is teasing Dynagirl.

“Ready for some fun and games, my pretty, pigtailed playmate?” she taunts.

“Electra- … Oh!” goes Dynagirl as the love egg is inserted in mid Electra-exclamation.

“And now its playtime!” says Ms. Dazzle, holding up a yellow and a pink remote control. She hands the pink one to Polly. “Now Polly, let’s celebrate our grand opening by showing these two hapless heroines what the buzz is all about!”

Laughing and turning to the freshly-basted duo, the villainesses point their remotes at each superheroine’s exposed pussies.

With a click of a button on the yellow remote, Ms. Dazzle sets Electrawoman humming.

“Good … h-heavens!” says Electrawoman as her hips buck involuntarily.

Polly follows suit and clicks the button on the pink remote, causing Dynagirl’s body to react in the same way.

“Electra … g-g-good v-v-vibrations!” goes Dynagirl, tilting her head back.

“Hang in there … D-D-Dynagirl!” says Electrawoman, breathing heavily. “D-d-don’t give them … ohhhh! … t-t-the …. s-s-satisfaction of … oh! ... goodness gracious!”

“Of seeing you cum?” Ms. Dazzle finishes for her with a sinister smile. “By the way, Polly,” she says addressing her partner in crime while still ogling her distraught Electra-captive, “these love eggs have five power settings. Feel free to experiment. Personally, I like to crank it up and then quickly bring it down a notch. Kind of like giving her a jolt. Like this!”

She zaps Electrawman who lets out a yelp as her hips buck.

“Or how about building her up to a crescendo like this?” says Polly with a sadistic smirk as she points the remote at Dynagirl and presses the button, moving her up the intensity scale. Dynagirl responds to each change in speed with a higher pitched “Ah!”, eventually letting out a high pitched shriek as the highest setting pushes her over the edge to a shuddering orgasm.

Polly and Ms. Dazzle point and laugh at the distraught duo of daredolls as they zap them with the remote, causing them to twitch, moan and let out sharp yelps.

“Oh, what fun! I could play with my little Dynadoll all night!” Polly gushes with excitement.

“Yes, well, we do have a dinner party to get ready for,” Ms. Dazzle reminds her. “Now that we have their juices flowing, it’s time for the next step in the recipe ... to introduce these two to the Girlie Gourmet 5000!”

Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 213
Joined: 15 years ago

great story so far - hoping for a losing ending for our heroines! maybe losing their minds.
Elder Member
Elder Member
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Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Is there going to be more?
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