Kamen America Vol. 2 Kickstarter

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Arachna looks like it's going to be a great comic. But there are a few other sexy comics that have been around for a while which have garnered attention in the crowdfunding scene. Other than Patriotika, Firebitch, and Ardanna, there's also:
Kamen America, by Tim Lim and Mark Pellegrini (creators of My Hero Magademia, Wall-Might, and Black Hops).

Kamen America is basically a Captain Marvel parody, but done in the style of anime/manga, released in 64-page graphic novels.
"Carly Vanders" is a super-strong, superpowered fashion designer in a very sexy outfit, fighting equally sexy supervillainesses.
The interior art is good (as long as you're OK with manga style) and the cover art is super hot.

Tim has six days left on his Kickstarter for Volume 2, and if you haven't caught up yet, you can also get Volume 1 as part of
the bundle, and also a Swimsuit Calendar with exclusive art.

The whole thing is rather inexpensive, and I think it's worth supporting. But see what you think. Right now this campaign
has a week left on the clock. We just backed it!

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Looks fab.
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For unknown reasons kickstarter always rejects my attempts with italian ''postepay'' debit cards (i think kickstarted banned postepay or postepay banned kickstarted, or both ! lol)

I'll wait for the indiegogo campaign, just like i did for the first volume...
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You are welcome to wait for the IGG...some people prefer to only use that platform anyway, for perfectly legitimate reasons.

I just got a handful of updates from Tim Lim about Kamen America #2...the book is on its way shortly to backers.
Tim is definitely going to have to concentrate more heavily on Kamen America, now that a certain president is going to leave office.

No shortage of sexy indie comics nowadays for those of us who still like beauty with their art!
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Any chance of sharing some of the peril action? I’m intrigued by the comic, but I have no idea how much peril is involved.
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Oh there is a fair share of peril in the first volume.... she is pwned badly by the russian villainess.
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Helstar, I don't know if you got your latest Kamen America package, but I did, a few days ago.
Both Volumes 1 and 2 arrived in their "super-shiny spandex" foil editions, bagged and boarded and in perfect shape.
And it also came with a "National Waifu Association" cloth patch!

As indicated by that waifu reference...in order to enjoy this comic, you have to be able to tolerate the "American Anime" style of
art, as opposed to classic American superhero comic art. But Kamen America and the Russian girl, Misha (later known as Kamen Comet) both look great in their tight costumes, and the stories are OK, if a little decompressed. In the second volume, we meet more
Kamens (including a cute Asian one) who are both allies and antagonists. Most of the time, they are fighting various kaijus, but soon we find out who is behind the kaiju epidemic..and that's the development which will lead to the 3rd volume.

So, for the high quality of production, the reliability of shipment, and the subject matter, these books are a recommend. I can easily put them in my Top Ten superheroine comics for the new decade. And as far as other American Anime, we'll see what Adam Warren continues to offer with Empowered.....
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No I am waiting for the Indiegogo campaign, already subscribed. Also, I buy the digital versions and not the physical ones (I live in EU so I prefer this way)
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