Living in the shadow of the corona virus

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My two cents. Maybe an unpopular opinion but...

The Corona Virus doesn't give two shits about Christmas.

So until we've figured out how to stop it from killing people... neither should you.
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Femina wrote:
3 years ago
My two cents. Maybe an unpopular opinion but...

The Corona Virus doesn't give two shits about Christmas.

So until we've figured out how to stop it from killing people... neither should you.
We did the masks. We did the safe distancing. I know of no store I can go into that doesn't require a mask. There is no mass rejection of wearing masks. The mask wearing has gone UP not down.

So why are we having spikes? This isn't due to some red neck in West Virginia who thinks we didn't land on the moon or vaccines are mind control drugs.

And please do not (in general) start in with the "every little bit helps" virtue signalling. A paper towel isn't going to stop a tsunami.

And Corona does not give two shits about a BLM or antifa rally so maybe also scream at those people for not social distancing and not wearing masks while they are twerking and beating people up. Maybe they should do their "peaceful protesting" at home.

I don't know what it is with some people that they declare a rule, scream it in everyone's face, scream about how all the babies or grandmas will die... then immediately break the rule right in your face. I just saw and article about some restaurant owner getting arrested and shut down in California yet I don't see these "protestors" being arrested en-masse. And of course all the big corporations get to stay open. Hmmmm

Just apply the rules fairly.

Nobody can stopping this flu. Its apparent the social distancing and masks did not work because cases are rising and we are doing MORE of this.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Femina wrote:
3 years ago
My two cents. Maybe an unpopular opinion but...

The Corona Virus doesn't give two shits about Christmas.

So until we've figured out how to stop it from killing people... neither should you.
We did the masks. We did the safe distancing. I know of no store I can go into that doesn't require a mask. There is no mass rejection of wearing masks. The mask wearing has gone UP not down.

So why are we having spikes? This isn't due to some red neck in West Virginia who thinks we didn't land on the moon or vaccines are mind control drugs.

And please do not (in general) start in with the "every little bit helps" virtue signalling. A paper towel isn't going to stop a tsunami.

And Corona does not give two shits about a BLM or antifa rally so maybe also scream at those people for not social distancing and not wearing masks while they are twerking and beating people up. Maybe they should do their "peaceful protesting" at home.

I don't know what it is with some people that they declare a rule, scream it in everyone's face, scream about how all the babies or grandmas will die... then immediately break the rule right in your face. I just saw and article about some restaurant owner getting arrested and shut down in California yet I don't see these "protestors" being arrested en-masse. And of course all the big corporations get to stay open. Hmmmm

Just apply the rules fairly.

Nobody can stopping this flu. Its apparent the social distancing and masks did not work because cases are rising and we are doing MORE of this.
'The fuck does any of that have to do with not gathering into giant virus spreading congregations for Christmas?

but since you brought it up.

We do NOT do the masks. Just going to the grocery store on Thanksgiving I saw NO LESS than HALF the total population wearing a Mask. Just saying 'oh they put a recommendation to wear masks out and that didn't work!!!' Means absolutely nothing. It's not up to 'Them' whether wearing masks works, it's up to YOU AND ME to make that work by fucking WEARING THEM. If only half the world is bothering to wear a mask, then it's only half as effective. If only half of all retail places are taking the recommendations into their POLICY than the idiots who refuse to wear masks are just going to the stores that just 'can't be bothered' with the whole thing... and it is only half as effective. If only half of America takes a deadly virus seriously, than our response is only HALF as effective. Guess which half is causing us to fail?

Antifa's a fucking joke. They do practically nothing and have no power.

You want BLM to go away? Then start giving two shits about putting a vote toward something that benefits African Americans in areas where policies don't provide them any advantages. "Bah! I've never owned a slave, what do I owe!' is an acceptable if nihilistic stance to take, if you do it QUIETLY... but it's a worthless sentiment to bring to a table of discussion about solving a problem. None of us were alive during the worst of Slavery, nobody blames anyone alive for that. What the riots are about is basically just demanding that our country finally get its lazy ass around to finishing the reformations that it started and quit on when the inevitable difficulties arose.

So far, nine U.S. states have surpassed a rate of one covid death per 1,000 population.

What does that mean? I live in British Columbia, Canada. Our population is about five million, so if we met that criteria we would have 5,000 covid deaths. We've had 384 deaths. Why is it so much lower? Our public health officer is smart and has power. Our citizens largely obey guidelines, and when they don't the guidelines change to rules. Our economy is mostly open, though some gyms and indoor fitness classes have been temporarily closed because of rising case numbers.

The worst hit U.S. states aren't just doing worse than B.C., they're doing at least 13 fold worse. That's staggering. Nine months into this pandemic there is still no national strategy to protect Americans. Healthcare workers can't get enough PPE. Hospitals around the country are reaching capacity. There are long and growing lines at food banks and covid testing centers. Evictions are starting to rise. six million people remain unemployed due to the pandemic. What is the president doing? He's inventing reasons for why he lost the election while people across the nation get sick and die.

Yesterday was the biggest American airline travel day since the pandemic began. In two weeks your spiking numbers will spike some more. Then it'll be Christmas. January 2021 is going to be a mass tragedy in the U.S.
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50m facing food shortages but hey at least the stock market is great.
The is the 21st Century not the 12th.
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Quite the conversation! - But the issue in the US comes down to pretty much one factor that makes them the worst developed nation on earth when dealing with Covid-19.


Of all first world nations, the US is the one country without socialised medicine - why does this affect Covid? Late attendance at hospital.

In the UK people attend at the first minor cough - in the US studies are finding people are leaving it late. That has a MASSIVE effect on Covid outcomes.

In addition - ICU beds in many, many parts of the US are severely lacking compared to population size. This is the same everywhere globally, but exacerbated by the for-profit nature of the US healthcare system.

Both sides of the US political divide are to blame for the state of healthcare in the US.
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Bunch of anti masker twats causing trouble in London.
You got dick heads saying "we were just walking and the police started arresting us for no reason " - the whole gathering is illegal you morons, that's the reason.
(no need for police brutality or heavy-handedness but if you break the law you can get arrested)
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red panel.jpg
red panel.jpg (9.01 KiB) Viewed 9233 times
THESE masks make wearing them much more enjoyable! of course the wearer has a nice fat ball gag in their.mouth and there is also an N95 under this mask so just think...we can go public...IN BDSM gear totally ballgagged and no one knows or cares! btw I have this on order from Amazon in black
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swampy170 wrote:
3 years ago
Quite the conversation! - But the issue in the US comes down to pretty much one factor that makes them the worst developed nation on earth when dealing with Covid-19.


Of all first world nations, the US is the one country without socialised medicine - why does this affect Covid? Late attendance at hospital.

In the UK people attend at the first minor cough - in the US studies are finding people are leaving it late. That has a MASSIVE effect on Covid outcomes.

In addition - ICU beds in many, many parts of the US are severely lacking compared to population size. This is the same everywhere globally, but exacerbated by the for-profit nature of the US healthcare system.

Both sides of the US political divide are to blame for the state of healthcare in the US.
There's a LOT of truth to this. Often if I've got some illness I simply lay at home and deal with it since going to the hospital for ANYTHING will break your home economy for years in the US if you aren't either already wealthy or just entirely poverty stricken. There's a whole lot of people in the middle of that whom choosing between going to the hospital or just staying home and hoping you don't die so that you aren't causing your family economic stress are questions you find yourself balancing as though they are equal.
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I simply do not understand this reluctance to wear the mask thing. How does someone having to wear a mask infringe upon someone's freedom? It simply does not cost anyone anything to wear one. The good news is that if you are in my area and are in a supermarket without a mask, you will be asked to leave immediately, which I am 100% on board with, the bad news though is that at my work you will not be allowed on the premises without a mask, but some foolish dummies think they are cool fighting this mask thing by wearing it underneath their chins. Really stupid. Being a a selfish dick is no way to live.
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The first documentation of our national identity is called the Declaration of Independence.
The first suggestion yelled out at the brainstorming session was "You can't tell us what to do!"

And if you tell us it's GOOD for us? That's a double Hell no!

Sure, we like the idea of sacrifice -- but it has to be HEROIC sacrifice.

Hostile alien invaders? I'm ready to fight!
The situation's so dire I need to make my own mask out of a t-shirt? I've got a bandana with a skull on it, will that work?
Now what kinda ammo-- Okay, support the troo-- We're not sending troops?
I'm just supposed to go to work? Stay home!? YOU JUST WANT US TO HIDE?? Nah, man, these colors don't run!
You want me to wear these colors to cover my *face*? am I supposed to adjust it without touching it? Well it's uncomfortable!
And it looks like what women wear in that part of the world that hates us for no reason.
Screw this. Do I look like the kind of guy who puts up with wearing protection?
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Imagineer wrote:
3 years ago
The first documentation of our national identity is called the Declaration of Independence.
The first suggestion yelled out at the brainstorming session was "You can't tell us what to do!"

And if you tell us it's GOOD for us? That's a double Hell no!

Sure, we like the idea of sacrifice -- but it has to be HEROIC sacrifice.

Hostile alien invaders? I'm ready to fight!
The situation's so dire I need to make my own mask out of a t-shirt? I've got a bandana with a skull on it, will that work?
Now what kinda ammo-- Okay, support the troo-- We're not sending troops?
I'm just supposed to go to work? Stay home!? YOU JUST WANT US TO HIDE?? Nah, man, these colors don't run!
You want me to wear these colors to cover my *face*? am I supposed to adjust it without touching it? Well it's uncomfortable!
And it looks like what women wear in that part of the world that hates us for no reason.
Screw this. Do I look like the kind of guy who puts up with wearing protection?
This right here is pretty much it. Us American's are conditioned a little something like coddled preschoolers with delusions of grandeur. I expect the anti-mask thing has MOSTLY to do with being the coddled preschooler. In their heart of hearts I believe the real crux point of refusing to wear a mask is probably something as childishly simple as 'buuuut it makes my nooooooooose itch!' but then so that they can live with themselves over this bit of infantile cowardice, they bunker down in the fiction of Heroic American independence and formulate the delusion that refusing to make their nose itch is for some kind of rebellious cause... and not just, you know.... being an ignorant, murderous Virus's accomplice.

This Christmas! I'm getting my Grandma a deadly virus, not because I'm a sad sack infant who blubbers at the mildest discomfort, but for the IDEALS OF AMERICA!
or something like that... probably wouldn't fess up to gifting their family a virus though... when it outbreaks in the party they'll go all shell shocked and look around their family and be like 'but... there was no warning at all?'
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I believe in rugged individualism, in being, living life to the fullest, expressing one's individuality, I just don't want to be someone who is responsible for inadvertently infecting another person and them losing their lives over my callous disregard for another person's life. I do think you are right on point with that fake hero, tough guy, iconoclast thing Femina. Nothing "heroic" though in my eyes in possibly contributing to the death of another person with some jerk's refusal to wear a mask.
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The issue around the persecution of "anti-maskers" is they're quite correct.

There's a substantial and growing body of evidence, that masks have limited-to-no impact on stemming the spread of Covid-19, recent - as-in published last week.

The data says masks are little more than a device to make people feel better, but are doing very little to stem the spread of Covid-19. It's mostly spread by direct surface contact of infected bodilly secretions (sweat, spit, snot etc) - and the aerosol spread is readilly able to get through the vast majority of masks after roughly 15 minutes, as if there is no mask at all, due to saturation of the mask.

Covid-19 is a bit more virolent than a standard flu, but less deadly in all but the 75+ age group.

Further, recent studies have shown roughly 50% of the UK population had immunity to it in March - due to the prevalence of a cold virus with the same proteins identifiable by the immune system.

Essentially, it's not that much of a risk really any more. Several analyses show the UK pandemic ended in July - and what we're currently seeing is a standard seasonal increase, due to Covid-19 being endemic.

That's the UK however, the US is TOTALLY different. Due to the vastness of the US population, the first wave hasn't even hit many communities - and many of those predominantly rural communities have 10-20 ICU beds. Without a vaccine, there's still massively more damage the virus can do in the US.

swampy170 wrote:
3 years ago
The issue around the persecution of "anti-maskers" is they're quite correct.

There's a substantial and growing body of evidence, that masks have limited-to-no impact on stemming the spread of Covid-19, recent - as-in published last week.

The data says masks are little more than a device to make people feel better, but are doing very little to stem the spread of Covid-19. It's mostly spread by direct surface contact of infected bodilly secretions (sweat, spit, snot etc) - and the aerosol spread is readilly able to get through the vast majority of masks after roughly 15 minutes, as if there is no mask at all, due to saturation of the mask.

Covid-19 is a bit more virolent than a standard flu, but less deadly in all but the 75+ age group.

Further, recent studies have shown roughly 50% of the UK population had immunity to it in March - due to the prevalence of a cold virus with the same proteins identifiable by the immune system.

Essentially, it's not that much of a risk really any more. Several analyses show the UK pandemic ended in July - and what we're currently seeing is a standard seasonal increase, due to Covid-19 being endemic.

That's the UK however, the US is TOTALLY different. Due to the vastness of the US population, the first wave hasn't even hit many communities - and many of those predominantly rural communities have 10-20 ICU beds. Without a vaccine, there's still massively more damage the virus can do in the US.
Could you source all the studies to which you are referring, please?
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A lot of that just isn't true.
It's not just the 75+ age group for starters, chronic asthma sufferers, emphasema, lung disease, and a whole host of others are at risk, any one whose immune system is struggling with an existing illness.

It's not just dying this causes long term health issues in approximately 20% of survivors. The UK suffered around 80,000 excess deaths this year, considerably more than the 50,000 plus Covid deaths we are reporting and the figure is rising and we have so far had a very mild winter.

Even if masks only save 1% of the deaths when you are dealing with tens of thousands infected and dying even that is surely worth doing?

So you're saying all the areas where they have brought in mandatory mask wearing since March and the R rate falls... is coincidental?
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swampy170 wrote:
3 years ago
The issue around the persecution of "anti-maskers" is they're quite correct.

There's a substantial and growing body of evidence, that masks have limited-to-no impact on stemming the spread of Covid-19, recent - as-in published last week.
Citation required.
The data says masks are little more than a device to make people feel better, but are doing very little to stem the spread of Covid-19. It's mostly spread by direct surface contact of infected bodilly secretions (sweat, spit, snot etc) - and the aerosol spread is readilly able to get through the vast majority of masks after roughly 15 minutes, as if there is no mask at all, due to saturation of the mask.
Citation required.
Covid-19 is a bit more virolent than a standard flu, but less deadly in all but the 75+ age group.

But we have vaccines against flu, and flu has a much shorter time before showing symptoms. This means that there's a much longer interval between people becoming infected and them realising it, during which they may be spreading their infection.
Further, recent studies have shown roughly 50% of the UK population had immunity to it in March - due to the prevalence of a cold virus with the same proteins identifiable by the immune system.

Citation required.
Essentially, it's not that much of a risk really any more. Several analyses show the UK pandemic ended in July - and what we're currently seeing is a standard seasonal increase, due to Covid-19 being endemic.
Citation required.

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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
So you're saying all the areas where they have brought in mandatory mask wearing since March and the R rate falls... is coincidental?
Vox recently wrote a roundup of the various studies that compared data from counties in the US that implemented a mask mandate, and those that didn't. The results are quite stark. Clearly the data shows masks make a big difference, and the researchers reckoned that the effect would have been even stronger if more Americans had chosen not to ignore the mandate in areas that imposed them. ... s-covid-19

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It's unbelievable that when faced when overwhelming evidence, some people would rather resort to "fringe studies" to justify their actions...
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Whilst social distancing is extremely important, in the UK you just have to look at the lack of PPE for health care workers, in the early days. When they had smocks and had gloves and could wash hands etc but didn't have masks many died. Due to the profession social distancing was impossible, so the difference in the lesser death rates now that they have them, is clearly down to mask wearing (not exclusively I'll admit, but its a very big part)
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swampy170 wrote:
3 years ago
The issue around the persecution of "anti-maskers" is they're quite correct.
No the issue around the 'persecution' of "anti-maskers" is...

They're killing people, and pretending either willfully or ignorantly like this isn't a global disaster. The 'issue' is, anti-maskers are fucking delusional and only listen to their facebook social circles for news as though Bob from accounting is more knowledgeable about virology than the fucking CDC.

We aren't 'Persecuting' anti-maskers, persecution implies we give two shits about their political or religious beliefs in this context and that the reasons for the ire are BECAUSE of those affiliations. We don't. I don't give two shit's what Anti-Maskers BELIEVE. Democratic Anti-Maskers are as fucking stupid and dangerous as Republican anti-maskers. Religious or agnostic, you choose not to wear a mask, you are deciding your personal comfort level is worth more than people's lives because you're a grown-ass infant.
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^^^ Sooooo....does this mean we're doing the Stonehenge set tomorrow? :giggle:
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Stonehenge? Where the demons dwell?

Where the banshees live (and they do live well)?
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Femina wrote:
3 years ago
No the issue around the 'persecution' of "anti-maskers" is...

They're killing people, and pretending either willfully or ignorantly like this isn't a global disaster. The 'issue' is, anti-maskers are fucking delusional and only listen to their facebook social circles for news as though Bob from accounting is more knowledgeable about virology than the fucking CDC.

We aren't 'Persecuting' anti-maskers, persecution implies we give two shits about their political or religious beliefs in this context and that the reasons for the ire are BECAUSE of those affiliations. We don't. I don't give two shit's what Anti-Maskers BELIEVE. Democratic Anti-Maskers are as fucking stupid and dangerous as Republican anti-maskers. Religious or agnostic, you choose not to wear a mask, you are deciding your personal comfort level is worth more than people's lives because you're a grown-ass infant.
The anti-maskers as you call them are simply not sheep. And the numbers show the masks are not working. The US has an 88% compliance rate for maskes. DCD said if we were above 80% things would be fine. These people are not causing any spike.

Its the zealot maskers that are the problem. They are the ones not only demanding masks but willing to jail people in the process. Its the equivalent of throwing a virgin in a volcano.

Numbers are UP. Mask wearing is as high as possible. Masks clearly are NOT reducing numbers.

Also if your solution requires everyone to comply you are setting yourself up for failure or a constant conflict.

And go to a Mcdonalds. Look at the 5-10 people packed together in the back. How is that social distancing? Why do the big companies get to stay open but small businesses have to close? None of this appears to have lowered numbers.

So yes people who are real liberals defy an authoritarian edict to wear masks when its obvious they do no real good and that "obeying your authority figures" is plain nonsense.

My American friends, I'm so sorry you have to live under such a direct existential threat. The ignorance and selfishness of many of your fellow citizens is exposing you to greatly increased risk compared to many other advanced countries. I hope you can find ways to stay safe for another six to nine months, after which vaccines and better treatments should help turn the corner on this pandemic.
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Mask wearing is not as high as possible.
Masks clearly ARE reducing numbers. See Vox link above.
Where McDonald's franchisees can stay open, so can other restaurants under the same rules. There are places where the rules aren't being followed / aren't adequate, and employees are imperiled -- profit over people -- but ditching the rules is not the answer.
Vaccines require a high level of compliance. A functional society requires a high level of compliance.
Some things are obvious.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
The anti-maskers as you call them are simply not sheep. And the numbers show the masks are not working. The US has an 88% compliance rate for maskes. DCD said if we were above 80% things would be fine. These people are not causing any spike.
I didn't coin that? I didn't even bring that up. I was responding to someone else using the term, but it is what they are 'Anti-Mask wearers' What would you call them? Chezawazers?

The CDC asked for 80% compliance rate basically a year ago when this shit STARTED. It is now months later after we've already been shit deep in Virus for most of the year. It's also only part of the solution. You've also got to quit congregating with others, stop gathering in churches, (and rallies yes), you shouldn't even really be driving across TOWN to hang with your family for Thanksgiving... but as wearing a mask is ONE of the things you should do to save lives, simply REFUSING to do so because in your uneducated opinion 'I don't think it's working' is a SHIT SOLUTION. Don't want to wear a mask? Study virology, find a better solution, and give it to the CDC. Do that... or do what the people who have already spent their lives doing that advise you to do. I.E. SHUT UP AND WEAR A MASK!
Its the zealot maskers that are the problem. They are the ones not only demanding masks but willing to jail people in the process. Its the equivalent of throwing a virgin in a volcano.
Numbers are UP. Mask wearing is as high as possible. Masks clearly are NOT reducing numbers.
*GASP!* You've caught us out!? We should clearly wander around coughing at each other instead!
Also if your solution requires everyone to comply you are setting yourself up for failure or a constant conflict.
When your options are 'Do this' or 'fucked' I think the CDC simply banked on people having a realistic sense of human preservation. I mean, yeah, clearly they were wrong, but still. It's not on THEM this is fucked. They are simply offering the solutions. It's on US (The royal US) for not fucking paying attention and trusting Steve next door's scientific opinion over the people whose job it is to study this shit (well and the idiot in chief doing his best to do anything he possibly can to not appear like the stupidest human being in any room... but that's another discussion). If you're advised to not drive off a cliff with you're friends and family in the car as a solution to the rising problem of people falling off of cliff's via the methodology of being driven off of them, the advisor of said advice isn't RESPONSIBLE for the failure to comply. The people to blame are the ones driving off of cliffs.
And go to a Mcdonalds. Look at the 5-10 people packed together in the back. How is that social distancing? Why do the big companies get to stay open but small businesses have to close? None of this appears to have lowered numbers.
Mcdonalds FEEDS people. Feeding human beings is considered one of the top priorities of keeping them alive. Now, my opinion on the Mcdonalds staff being all packed together notwithstanding, they at least appear to be taking every conceivable precaution. They wear masks and gloves, they hand shit out in little plastic containers at as arms length as they possibly can etc... I'm not saying their a more important food distribution source than any other... but the big corporations are among the few sorts of meal establishments that can lay out a policy and enforce it while still recuperating the cost of running during a pandemic like this.

Additionally, pointing out examples of problematic behavior as an argument against the advisement of unproblematic behavior doesn't magically make the problematic behavior advisable. It's certainly not an excuse not to wear a mask.
So yes people who are real liberals defy an authoritarian edict to wear masks when its obvious they do no real good and that "obeying your authority figures" is plain nonsense.
Someone knowledgable advises you to do something to keep yourself and others alive, and you cry 'YOU DON'T OWN ME! YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!'

You know how when you were five years old and didn't comprehend anything about a hot stove, and when you reached out to touch, your parent who KNEW MORE THAN YOU, slapped your hand away then took you aside to explain that it was hot, and thus dangerous to touch? Do you remember any of a hundred other little things just like that as you grew up? Well this a lot like that. A murderous virus that doesn't care about politics, religion, your level of intelligence or ignorance is killing people, the PARENTS of this situation slapped our hands away and took us aside to explain we need to wear a mask to prevent the spread... That's ALL this is. This is 'the man' trying to keep you from burning your hand on the stove... and instead of listening you're slapping your palm in the frying pan... then dragging your siblings in and forcing their palms into the frying pan... then taking the frying pan and smashing your more vulnerable family members heads in with it.

Be it on your own head when you or someone like you get someone you care about killed.

You can't cure stupid.
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Death cures stupid. You could be the first country nominated for the Darwin awards.
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Death cures stupid. You could be the first country nominated for the Darwin awards.
I think they self-nominated four years ago.
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Death cures stupid. You could be the first country nominated for the Darwin awards.
It doesn't though, or we'd all be smart enough to wear a mask.
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Femina wrote:
3 years ago
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Death cures stupid. You could be the first country nominated for the Darwin awards.
It doesn't though, or we'd all be smart enough to wear a mask.
Give it time
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Femina wrote:
3 years ago
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Death cures stupid. You could be the first country nominated for the Darwin awards.
It doesn't though, or we'd all be smart enough to wear a mask.
Give it time
We don't have any. Mr. X and his ilk are wandering around the Countries living room shouting like being asked to wear a mask or take ANY precautions at all is the equivalent of 'the British are coming!' Meanwhile my store is putting up signs again that toilet paper can only be sold at two units a customer....

We can't wait for the anti-maskers to all get themselves killed and wait for it all to blow over at the Winchester, we're already halfway toward frigging apocalypse over here, and if they don't get their noses out of their ass we're gonna be well and truly FUCKED.


No slight intended at our British cousins.
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That's alright none taken but I stand by my position - death does cure stupid
Just not quickly enough it seems.
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Isn't WW3 about to start anyway?? 2020 isn't over yet so hang on to your butts!!
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batgirl1969 wrote:
3 years ago
Isn't WW3 about to start anyway?? 2020 isn't over yet so hang on to your butts!!
No, its Wonder Woman 2 and I don't think it's fatal.
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
3 years ago
Isn't WW3 about to start anyway?? 2020 isn't over yet so hang on to your butts!!
No, its Wonder Woman 2 and I don't think it's fatal.
LOL!!! I meant World War 3!!! Between Iran & Israel

Yes, well, let's hope not.
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batgirl1969 wrote:
3 years ago
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
batgirl1969 wrote:
3 years ago
Isn't WW3 about to start anyway?? 2020 isn't over yet so hang on to your butts!!
No, its Wonder Woman 2 and I don't think it's fatal.
LOL!!! I meant World War 3!!! Between Iran & Israel
I know, I was teasing you for comic effect.

Try and keep smiling everybody, black as each day is.
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five_red wrote:
3 years ago
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
So you're saying all the areas where they have brought in mandatory mask wearing since March and the R rate falls... is coincidental?
Vox recently wrote a roundup of the various studies that compared data from counties in the US that implemented a mask mandate, and those that didn't. The results are quite stark. Clearly the data shows masks make a big difference, and the researchers reckoned that the effect would have been even stronger if more Americans had chosen not to ignore the mandate in areas that imposed them. ... s-covid-19

Numbers are all over

Comparing various countries and their cases and mask mandates. No clear 1 to 1. Yes you can cherry pick places but that does not correlate. for example in Vox's first chart it starts in october and does not account for other issues. Why only october?

Here is compliance rates per country ... d-covid-19 ... top-covid/
More graphs per country one when mandates were implemented vs cases. Again no clear proof masks worked (or at least mandates worked) as nearly every graph shows upward trends in the last two months.

The current wave is not due to non-mask wearing. The numbers are not bearing this out. Vox only provides data from october in its first chart. Also something is fishy about Vox's chart because this is directly from the CDC about california ... california
And ... s_newcases

Note California, they had a dip of new cases in october where Vox took their snap shot but have had a horrendous spike in Nov even though they doubled down on mask mandates. In all six states they show a clearly uptick from october and this is with high US compliance rates and mandates.

Masks aren't working or if they do the numbers aren't show it.
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November's spike is just Thanksgiving. It was an INEVITABLE spike. Certainly California's November spike is little different from everyone else this month. November's numbers aren't comparable with the numbers based in months where the holidays aren't tempting people to be stupid.

We're into DEEP Holiday season now. Expect it to get worse, regardless of ANY uptick in preventative measures, taking precautions won't balance out the holiday splurge... but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still be taking precautions. Even ordinarily intelligent and careful people are going to be unable to stop themselves from gathering together for the Christmas/New Years season.

Masks work fine. Deciding you know more than the CDC because you've danced around on the web and looked at a few charts here and there doesn't make you an expert in Virology or preventative measures against viral vectors. Stop whining, stop acting like it's an incredible burden for you to act like a sensible human being, stop suffering under the delusion that standing in the way of efforts to prevent the spread is an act of anti-authoritarian heroics, stop being a baby and quit spreading your dangerous rhetorical bullshit! Most importantly, put a Mask on, keep six feet away from people outdoors, or at the very least refuse to do so QUIETLY where you're cancer won't spread.

If you don't want to be part of the solution, than the least you can do is not be part of the problem.

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Plus in the end of October you had those nice big superspreader events of Trumps with the rallies... That will manifest themselves as big spikes in ya know... NOVEMBER. Now this last week you've had millions travelling from all over to gather for thanks giving... which will manifest themselves as big spikes in DECEMBER and now there's about to be Christmas gatherings, which will manifest themselves as big spikes in... JANUARY.
'High compliance rates' my arse. I'd laugh if it wasn't such a tragedy.
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Plus in end of October you had those nice big superspreader events of Trumps with the rallies... That will manifest themselves as big spikes in ya know... NOVEMBER. Now this last week you've had millions travelling from all over to gather for thanks giving which will manifest themselves as big spikes in DECEMBER and now there's about to be Christmas gatherings, which will manifest themselves as big spikes in... JANUARY.
'High compliance rates' my arse. I'd laugh if it wasn't such a tragedy.
how about the superspreaders from the Biden victory celebrations (which liberal Mayors allowed) and all the protests on the bogus systemic racism accusations.

We never hear the media criticize that
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Most if not all there were wearing masks (particularly in the Biden victory gatherings) and it was criticised at the time but was mostly spontaneous taking to the streets rather than organised planned events often INDOORS in deliberate violation of the medical advice your own administration was putting out.
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And now Scott Atlas has resigned.
Never rains, huh. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Most if not all there were wearing masks (particularly in the Biden victory gatherings) and it was criticised at the time but was mostly spontaneous taking to the streets rather than organised planned events often INDOORS in deliberate violation of the medical advice your own administration was putting out.
They were not and there was a limit of 25 for outdoor gatherings in both NY and Chicago, so they broke the rules just like Gavin Newsome broke the restaurant rules and Lori Lightfoot broke the rules and just like the almost every Democrat in power in a state has broken the rules.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
3 years ago
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Most if not all there were wearing masks (particularly in the Biden victory gatherings) and it was criticised at the time but was mostly spontaneous taking to the streets rather than organised planned events often INDOORS in deliberate violation of the medical advice your own administration was putting out.
They were not and there was a limit of 25 for outdoor gatherings in both NY and Chicago, so they broke the rules just like Gavin Newsome broke the restaurant rules and Lori Lightfoot broke the rules and just like the almost every Democrat in power in a state has broken the rules.
Do as I say and not as I do. One set of rules for thee, and one set of rules for me. Fools indeed.
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What have been the challenges in the UK?
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Talk of spikes etc. at this point. Irrelevant.

We have never got rid of a coronavirus that has become endemic, even those we do have vaccines for. It simply will not happen.

In fact, the only virus that was technically eradicated is Smallpox (technically, as we still see small outbreaks even now), and that is a fundamentally different proposition to Covid-19. We have never eradicated any other endemic virus in all of human history.

Covid-19 is here to stay, FOREVER. Vaccine or not.

It's not about "spikes" it's keeping those vulnerable protected, slowing the spread - which is what lockdowns do while also destroying vast swathes of businesses and giving people substantial other health concerns.

For the vast, VAST majority of the population - Covid-19 is of minimal risk. Certainly no more risk than a standard annual flu outbreak.

Calm down.

Yes, people's lives are ending due to Covid - their mean age is 82. People at the end of their lives die, it's a fact of life.
If not Covid-19, then flu, dementia, a cold, relatives who want their inheritance etc. Death is a fact of life.

I should also add, furthermore - younger people die too, yes. In fact, in the UK the average figure is a little over 2000 people per day - and we're actually slightly below the average currently. Covid isn't even in the top 10 reasons people are dying.
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swampy170 wrote:
3 years ago
Talk of spikes etc. at this point. Irrelevant.

We have never got rid of a coronavirus that has become endemic, even those we do have vaccines for. It simply will not happen.

In fact, the only virus that was technically eradicated is Smallpox (technically, as we still see small outbreaks even now), and that is a fundamentally different proposition to Covid-19. We have never eradicated any other endemic virus in all of human history.

Covid-19 is here to stay, FOREVER. Vaccine or not.

It's not about "spikes" it's keeping those vulnerable protected, slowing the spread - which is what lockdowns do while also destroying vast swathes of businesses and giving people substantial other health concerns.

For the vast, VAST majority of the population - Covid-19 is of minimal risk. Certainly no more risk than a standard annual flu outbreak.

Calm down.

Yes, people's lives are ending due to Covid - their mean age is 82. People at the end of their lives die, it's a fact of life.
If not Covid-19, then flu, dementia, a cold, relatives who want their inheritance etc. Death is a fact of life.

I should also add, furthermore - younger people die too, yes. In fact, in the UK the average figure is a little over 2000 people per day - and we're actually slightly below the average currently. Covid isn't even in the top 10 reasons people are dying.
You bring up some interesting incontrovertible facts and statistics about COVID. I think what your post is missing however is the human element. I think that if I had a parent or loved one in one of these facilities I would deeply resent being told to "calm down", or otherwise presume to tell people what they ought to feel in regards to this pandemic. Everybody is coming at this thing from different perspectives, some have family members for whom they have been unable to visit at these facilities, and there are those who live with older folks with compromised health issues. It's been almost 3 years now since my Mom passed, and If I am being honest with myself I would have to admit that my opinion on some of these more draconian lockdown measures might certainly be altogether different if she were alive today. Yes, you are quite right, death is a fact of life, but a COVID related death is something we all would like to avoid if at all possible. Whether one is 8 or 85, life is a precious gift at any age.