Impoverished Pedestal

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Neophyte Lvl 2
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Writers Disclaimer: This story is being co-written in googledocs by me and infogeek247. When we get to stopping points we will post them in sections on the site. As for the story itself, please be aware that in this universe super heroes don't exist (at this time). It very much mirrors real life. However, some folk, like the protagonist in the story, are treated and dare I say worshipped as super heroes or god-tier due to their stunning feats in the realm of sports and combat. It should also be noted that the protagonist's name is Valora, who should NOT be confused with any other character named Valora on this site or any other site. Lastly, in this universe professional wrestling is real, not scripted or fake or choreographed, lol (because it's still real to me damnit!). Thank you, and I apologize for my writing skill not being on par with most of y'all.



The crowd sung the praises of the greatest female combatant in combat sports history as she danced for them in the ring. It had been a long day for her; she’d been up since five in the morning getting the brand spanking new gym prepared for the Grand Opening. The day itself had been a thrilling one with energetic training seminars, fun games, and heaps of interviews with major news and sports networks who’d sought out the undisputed G.O.A.T. of female combat sports, “The Karate Cutie” Valora Thomas, to boost their ratings through the roof. And now, as night fell over New York City, she was able to pedal the festivities down to the final event she’d planned.

“Okay, okay, I need to stop making myself look silly with this dancing”, Valora exclaimed.

She stopped and bowed, eliciting a big applause from the crowd and media packed so tightly around the ring and walls of the gym. She took a moment to marvel at her accomplishment. She now had four mega-gyms, a series strategically placed coast to coast: Los Angeles, California. Dallas, Texas. Minneapolis, Minnesota. New York City, New York.

Life couldn’t possibly be better for her.

“Now, it’s time for my little special event…” Valora giggled excitedly. “One lucky soul out there will get the chance to go one on one with me and put the things I trained you to use in an epic effort to defeat me, soooo who’s it gonna be?”

She grinned a mile wide and did a slow twirl to survey the prospects. Some of the older (hornier) teen boys in the largely childrens crowd moved their way up front, eyeing the elite apex fighter clad so deliciously in her mega-cute pink and white wrestling shorts, matching top, and matching boots. “You”, Valora boomed, pointing at a little girl who’d climbed onto her brother’s shoulders to stand out among the throng.

“I like your go-getterness. Come on down..”

The spectators cheered the little girl as she was escorted into the ring and greeted by her hero, who asked for a name. “Emily,” the excited girl, all of eight years old, replied. Valora smiled and reminded Emily of some of the things that she taught earlier, and then the duel began.

It was a quick fight, with Emily capturing Valora’s arm and Judo tossing her up and over, then right into a DDT. Valora drew on her acting chops from her roles in the blockbuster series of super-hero movies she'd been featured in, and sold it like a champ by lying there sprawled out “unconscious”. Emily pinned her and another kid excitedly counted the 1-2-3!

Valora sat up “groggily” and raised Emily’s hand in victory, then awarded her a championship belt that mirrored one Valora had won.

Denise watched as Valora “performed”. She looked at the slightly taller, toned woman. There was no doubt she was good. She was also very beautiful, and the pink and white tight outfit showed off her muscles and her breasts and ass.

Denise was a very good wrestler herself. She was victorious in her fights, but was always compared to Valora, “Not as good”, “never match up”, “not as great or special as their “Katie Cutie”. Denise was on a different circuit, and she knew the woman did not know her. But she will soon. Everyone will know her name. She would show them, show that dark haired woman who was better, who deserved to be the champion. She knew it would take time, but eventually, even the great Valora will admit that she was better.

Denise was in blue tight leather pants, a light blue top and black boots. She was in the front of the crowd, making sure that she could see every move of the performance, and look for any advantage.

She watched as Valora held up the belt that would soon belong to her.

“Now, as always with these types of events, I’ll open the floor to a question and answer session.”

Valora gestured to the fans and many shot their hand in the air. One of the raised hands caught her attention the most because it wasn’t from the predominantly kids in the gym, it was from an adult clad in tight blue leather pants.

“Ma’am?” Val said curiously with a vexed brow and motioned to the woman. “Fire away”.

Denise smiled as she looked her up and down.

“I was wondering, have you ever been in the ring with a real woman who was a challenge for you? Someone who almost won over you, or have your opponents always been defeated?”

Valora didn’t like the tone of “real” woman the lady spoke of; it was borderline disrespect.

“All of my opponents have been a challenge to some degree. It’s very hard to come up with a fight plan to beat someone in professional combat sports. Everybody's elite.”

It was a true statement but Valora had made it look easy across two elite sports: MMA in the UFC and in professional wrestling at Extreme Wrestling Corporation and Southern Rebellion Wrestling.

Some of her fans expounded on this, boasting about Valora’s 22-0 record and UFC championship reign before her excursion into professional wrestling where she amassed the longest reigning EWC Television Championship reign before signing with SRW. Her only defeat had come in a tag team match where her partner was the one who got pinned and defeated, a detail that her fans made sure to clarify to the woman.

“Oh, I understand that you are undefeated, and who your opponents were. And someone good. But they never stood a chance of pinning you, or put you in danger of being close to losing. It could be your skill. Or maybe because you have not faced an opponent that is your equal… or better.” Denise said.

“It seems that you have never really faced a challenging opponent.” She added.

Val cocked her head.

“Could be my skill? It definitely was skill; those were tough women.” She corrected the mysterious woman.

“But I suppose I can see your point too. From an outside-in looksie it does appear I’ve never faced a challenge.” She conceded.

Valora gave her a small smile and nodded. She tried to move on to the next question giver, but....

“I may be an outsider, but I do know skill and ability. And your opponents while good, are not really up to your level. They really did not stand a chance against you. Did you do that on purpose? Make sure you did not fight someone at your skill level? So, you keep your appearance of being unbeatable?”

Denise eyed her with a genuine curiosity.

“Did your manager look hard to find challenging opponents? Maybe people outside of your league? Women who were not enthralled by the great Valora? Women who could pin you to the mat? Just like that young lady?”

Little Emily looked up at Valora with big eyes as Denise pointed to her. The tiny girl didn’t know what to make of any of this. Val gave her a big hug, whispered some encouraging words to her, and escorted her to the edge of the ring where her brother retrieved her.

“Ok, look..” Valora said, drawing a long breath while setting her gaze upon Denise’s. Valora was no longer smiling or cordial.

“I dunno who you are or w-”

“I’m Denise. Pleased to meet you.” Denise interrupted with a grin.

“Okay, Denise? I dunno why you’re pushing my buttons but I don’t appreciate it. You’re being rude and disrespectful toward not only me, but the opponents I faced, and these wonderful people here."

Val moved closer to her and looked down from inside the ring, noting Denise’s strong build.

“I never looked for easy fights. I took on those in the top 5 exclusively! I answered call outs on social media too. Anybody who knows me knows I’ll fight anyone, anytime, anyplace. Now, since you seem intent on aiming nothing but disrespect to me, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Valora motioned toward an exit door across the gym.

Denise moved towards the ring, standing just near the apron looking up at Valora.

“If what you say is true, and you have faced powerful, skilled women, then you should have no problem dealing with me, one on one then.”

She cast a daring look at Val.

“So, mighty Valora, will you do it, or, will you rely on others to make me leave?”

Val’s expression hardened. The whole scene with Denise finally clicked with her.

“Ah, I get it. You’re wanting your 15 minutes of fame. Seeking some kind of impromptu exhibition match against me I see.”

The prospect of seeing their hero in action, and quite literally beating some respect into the lady simply known as Denise, was too much for the crowd to contain and they began a vociferous demand for Valora to accept the offer. The Karate Cutie was reserved though, and studied Denise for a moment. Denise appeared as muscular as her, maybe a smidge more, and had a fighter’s gait. Val knew win or lose Denise’s name would be out there and primed for a career sky-rocket. It was a win-win for Denise. But for Valora, it could be disastrous. She would be walking in blind to the woman’s ability; Denise could be the biggest loser in the world or the next big thing.

Valora banked on the former though. After all, somebody in the jam-packed gym would have recognized Denise if she had a semblance of talent, especially those pro wrestling reporters in attendance who can tell you the exact height and weight of some no name jobber in a backyard wrestling league. Plus, well, she’s Valora Thomas - the undisputed G.O.A.T. of female combat sports. There’s a reason she’s the G.O.A.T. and, personally, Valora really really wanted to fist deliver some good old humble pie to the disrespectful woman.

“Fine. I accept. Just remember, you wanted this. Your 15 minutes of fame are going to be painful ones.”

The fans went into a frenzy as Denise made her way into the ring. Val performed some quick warm up exercises and fist-bumped little Emily at ringside before turning toward her adversary and miming a ringing of the bell to officially start the match.

Val took up the traditional pro wrestling stance but was surprised to see Denise walk to the center of the ring with a hand raised high, signifying the time honored tradition of a test-of-strength challenge. It’s normally done by men only, but apparently Denise wanted to do something extra special for her 15 minutes of fame.

Valora carefully obliged and the two locked up. The struggle commenced. For over sixty seconds the two enjoyed moments of getting the upper hand only to have the other surge into a comeback. Denise, frustrated with the stalemate, gambled and stepped into her, angling just right to suddenly swing the test in her favor. Val’s eyes shot wide open at the sudden shift and her toned legs quaked beneath her a moment before betraying her, causing Valora to drop to one knee!

“The only one in pain, woman, will be you. Enjoy being on your knees.”

Val growled defiantly; her body shook as she powered upward but Denise belted a primal roar and put all of herself downward, forcing Valora ever-so-slowly onto both knees in a grueling display of superiority. Without warning, Denise abruptly yanked her upward and Monkey Flipped their hero high and hard. Valora landed flat on her back to ring rattling effect, but, as she’d done countless times before, the G.O.A.T. sucked up the pain and scrambled to her vertical base. Denise was already on her though, and flattened her with a colossal lariat.

“And flat on your back.”

It stunned the crowd for a moment but their faith in Valora spurred a rally of cheers for their hero. Some reporters from the major news and sports media conglomerates feverishly dialed up their bosses at HQ and got the live feed going, and eagerly waited to comment on what was to come.

Denise did not give Valora time to rest as she ran up to her and body splashed her against the ropes, as the champ had just stood up, her arm hitting her chest first hard, then followed by her muscular body. They could feel the ropes give slightly as Denise pressed her hard.

Then Denise grabbed her right wrist and left shoulder, Valora could feel the strength in her grip. She was recovering from the hit on the ropes as she felt herself being pulled hard. Denise concentrated and with the hold on her wrist, whipped her hard into the corner, her back hitting it hard.

Denise knew not to charge her, as Val was still too strong. She stood there smiling at her.

“Come on sweetie.. I'm not done with you yet.”

Valora cautiously stayed in the corner to assess the situation and to convalesce the pain coursing her back. The embarrassment of being overpowered and outclassed so fast sent a flush of warmth through Val’s cheeks. The G.O.A.T. pondered her opponent. Through the course of her dominant career Valora had fought many women of various levels of physical strength, but the grip Denise had held her with felt less like a human grip and more like a mechanical vice. Had Denise's parents made her play with grip strengthening devices instead of Barbie dolls growing up?

“Tick-Tok. Tick-tok. I only have 13 minutes of my 15 minutes left, Valley-Val. Time’s a wastin. Don’t make me drag you out of that corner."

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Denise confidently paced in the middle of the ring as Valora ignored her haughty talk and shook out the throbbing pain within her athletic frame. Denise switched into the classic wrestlers stance as Valora approached and reciprocated. Val made the first move, lunging for the traditional elbow-and-collar-lockup, but then slipped behind Denise with the speed and grace of a cat. The ruse worked! She clamped her nemesis into a waist-lock from behind. Denise instinctively squatted to make it difficult to lift and slam her, but that was what Val had counted on and she suddenly released her with a slight push. Bunching the muscles in her strong, succulent legs, Valora leapt into the air and thrusted her feet out like twin pistons into her shoulder blades.


The dropkick rocketed Denise into the corner chest first. She spun back around, more pissed than hurt, but Valora had already closed the distance and slid under the bottom ropes to the outside of the ring. Before Denise could react, Val grabbed both of Denise’s shins and pulled with all her might, sending her comically to the mat face first. Valora held onto Denise’s left leg and slammed it hard against the steel ringpost. The disrespectful adversary groaned and grimaced. She tried again but Denise managed to push her off with her other leg and trudged to a stand.

Like a dog to a bone, Valora dove back inside the ring and soccer kicked Denise’s left leg as the crowd went wild! Denise wobbled but didn’t fall, so Valora spun through and hammered her across the back with a scintillating whirlwind spinning hook kick, then kept spinning and ripped a hard sweep under both of Denise’s legs which felled her at last. More ovation from the crowd rocked the facility. They knew it was all over but the crying now, and so did Valora. The G.O.A.T. had wounded her lickity-split, just like she’d done so many before her.. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

“You were saying?” Val quipped to Denise in retaliatory smack talk.

The crowd roared as their real life super-heroine raised a fist, signifying a vaunted signature move was coming that would pave the way to finish the insolent transgressor quick, fast, and in a hurry. And to avoid any more embarrassment that befell her moments ago.

Val sped across the ring, tearing up the canvas in her wake, and bounced from the ropes with great velocity. She took wing, soaring through the air with her right fist cocked back in preparation to land the Super-Woman Punch.

Her eyes bulged with disbelief as Denise inexplicably sprung to life and closed the gap between them, grabbing Valora into a belly-to-belly position briefly before spinning to her right side to stay off her damaged appendage. A collective “Nooo” reverberated through the building as Denise spiked Valora with a power-slam that sandwiched her between the canvas covered pine and Denise’s muscular body.

“Jesus Christ!” Bellowed Dale Ogden, ESPN fight news correspondent, momentarily forgetting he’d been dispatched live on air.

Dale gathered his composure and addressed the camera.

“Fight fans, we’re here in NYC at the grand opening of Valora Thomas’s training center where an impromptu exhibition match between the greatest fighting female of all time and a virtual unknown from the crowd named Denise has broken out.”

He shook his head with an even mix of excitement and shock. Even his mustache wiggled with anxiousness.

“And I gotta tell ya, this Denise lady has been putting the work in on Valora. She’s been manhandling her thus far. This is stunning, folks!”

Dale was also elated that he had stayed the full day at the event like some others had done. Reporters from several stations had taken their bits and pieces from Valora earlier and called it a wrap. Suckers!

Inside the ring, Denise shook her left leg and sneered at her downed foe, who lied supine nursing her back.

“Your little stunt would’ve worked on anyone else but me.” Denise remarked.

Since Valora had such a hankering for Denise’s legs, the villainous woman was obliged to give it to her. Garnering some limpily speed from the ropes, Denise lifted herself off the mat a little and dropped her right leg down across Val’s chest with a reckoning that would garnish a grin from Hulk Hogan himself.

Denise kept her right leg over Valora’s chest. She shifted her weight, making sure to pin Val’s right arm, the one closest to Denise, under her. She then moved her leg to above her firm breasts as she grabbed her hair and lifted her head up, and slipped her left leg under her head and then moving her right leg, quickly scissored her head. The pain in her leg had receded a bit, yet it still hurt, but Denise knew she could take the pain as she crossed her ankles and secured the scissors.

As Valora was recovering, Denise grabbed her left wrist, the one farthest from her and pulled it to her, gripping it tight as she pulled it over to her. With Denise’s manacle like grips on her only free wrist, other arm pinned, and the scissors in place, Valora was up shit creek without a paddle or a boat.

Val was alarmed at how overwhelming the mysterious woman was. She was definitely stronger than Valora. She seemed to be speedier too. Worse, she appeared to be tougher. She had taken that combo and rebounded like a female terminator. And now? Denise had taken a standard head scissors lock, used by all professionals as a rest position or transition hold, and modified it into something simple but dangerous - and for the first time in the legendary career that saw Valora reach goddess-hood, her fans were witnessing their unconquerable paragon wilting a little under the might of another.

Denise grinned at the audience and then at Val. She saw Valora’s top. “Mmmm.. a nice souvenir…”

The statement startled Valora. She can’t be serious!

“Demons will be eating snow cones in hell before you collect a souvenir from me!” Val yapped back at her, despite being in no position to make such a statement.

“I did not come all this way to lose… girl.” Denise replied.

“So you did come from hell?” Valora snarked, only buying time to figure out an escape from the hold.

The Karate Cuite knew better than to try and yank her wrist free. Denise’s grip was unbreakable, especially with both hands clamped on her wrist. It would be a waste of strength and energy. Valora felt Denise’s powerful thighs flex and push against her neck and head slowly. The pain traveled through her head, neck, and shoulders. An intense pressure joined it. Panic would have set in on any other warrior in this predicament, but Valora is no ordinary warrior. She is the greatest to ever do it.

Valora steeled herself and planted both feet on the mat. With a sudden, explosive burst, Val bridged up using only her legs since it’s her legs that are the only things available to get out of this mess. As she bridged, Denise squeezed harder and shifted her body against the direction of the bridge. Val screeched and the bridge collapsed. The pain was crippling and the G.O.A.T. was finding it increasingly laborious to breathe.

“Trouble… champ? Not as easy as you thought?”

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Val planted her feet and bridged once more, twice more, a third time. All for naught. Denise’s counterplay was on point. Valora was exerting an enormous amount of energy trying to break free. Too much energy. The pain and pressure of the hold was also becoming too much for even the greatest, it was like her head was going to pop like a grape soon. A spike of lethargy swam inside Val’s brain, making her sleepy. She was about to pass out. Panic finally crept into Valora’s psyche.

Val frantically planted her feet at a wider berth and lifted off with a furious buck and bridge. Every pore, fiber, and muscle stood out in high stress as Valora walked the bridge and desperately flung her left foot onto the bottom ring rope nearest her feet. In regulation singles matches this would automatically force the hold to be broken or suffer a disqualification by the referee.

“There’s no ref here sweetie. We never did say what kind of match this was gonna be either.” Denise warned while refusing to release the hold.

Valora’s glazy eyes widened at the realization and she flailed her legs hectically.

“But I don’t want any excuses from you about rope break rules and technicalities later on either, soooo..”

With that, Denise begrudgingly let go and stood up. She lorded over Valora, watching her sputter and wallow. She noted the sheen of sweat on Val’s body, and how it contrasted against her own which had not a drop to surface yet.

Denise backed up and posed a bit, showing off her muscles and curves, as she observed Valora slowly get up onto all fours, a swath of sweat over her face and chest. Valora’s chest heaved a bit as she took deep breaths, the redness in her face slowly fading.

“You seem tired, a bit short of breath.”

She moved over to the champ and drove her boot into her back and pushed her back down to the mat, her chest hitting first, as her arms and legs splayed out. Denise kept her foot on her back for a few seconds, showing her control over the undisputed greatest as she drove a bit of air out of her chest.

“I know you have more in you….” She looked around the gym and grinned.

She rubbed her foot onto her back.

“Let’s see what this gym has to offer.”

Denise bent down and smacked Valora’s ass hard, making sure the microphones could pick it up. The audience was livid at Denise’s grandstanding. None of the opponents Val had previously vanquished dared to showboat when given a rare upper hand over her, they treated such a thing as a godsend and worked urgently to capitalise on it. The collective abhorrence for Denise was perfectly understandable though, given no other opponent had previously dominated Valora, until now.

Denise understood this and ignored the ridicule as she went through the middle rope to the outside and grabbed Valora’s foot, pulling her out by her foot so she landed on the padding outside of the ring. Val went splat on the ground, as Denise backed up.

“What’s that?” Denise pointed to the white and gold themed wall labeled Wall of Heroes that’s the cornerstone of the gym - the first thing people see when they’re about to enter the gym proper.

Valora remained flat on the pads. Her body was still racked with affliction done upon her by Denise. Her lungs still burned some. She wasn’t used to enduring such a sustained, thorough beating - which was the only downside to being so dominant for so long.

Valora’s answer to Denise’s question did not come in the desired timeframe, so the mysterious terror snatched Val up by the hair and corralled her into a headlock. She escorted Val toward the wall in question, gesturing her hand authoritatively at the fans in her way who part like the Red Sea.

As they approached the wall, Denise kept the headlock but lifted Val’s face to look at the framed pictures. It was a long wall chock full of framed pictures of children in various hospitals, obviously sick and possibly terminal by the looks of it - however they were all smiles in that moment of time because their hero, Valora, was there with them helping them to kick the asses of their illnesses. Intermingled with those pictures were some of Valora with US Troops overseas when she did USO tours with other celebrities during the OIF war efforts.

“Aww” Denise cooed at one picture, which showed Valora with a Make a Wish kid who simply wanted to help her do her open workout session and be her cornergirl during a big upcoming title defense.

“I bet she wishes she would have saved that wish for right now, to wish you out of the serious ass beating you’re getting” Denise joked. “And I bet you wished you had the same fight in you right now that those kids did” She added as she squeezed the headlock.

Valora suddenly brought her right hand up and pushed at the back of Denise’s right elbow while simultaneously reaching up with her left hand and raking her fingernails across her eyes. Denise shrieked from the unexpected tactic and released the headlock. Denise had made a terrible mistake when using those kids as a mock to Valora. It’d filled her with resolve, which the Karate Cutie used to surge forward, spinning and thrusting her left leg into Denise’s bread-basket with such force it knocked her back a few feet.

“HOW DARE YOU” Valora thundered!

Denise doubled over in pain but remained upright. Undaunted, Val sped for her, and did a baseball slide between her parted legs while walloping her with an uppercut as she went. Valora popped up behind her before she could retaliate, and blitzed her kidneys with a salvo of knee strikes that buckled her. Denise swung a desperate spinning backfist but Val ducked it and caught her clean with a Discus Forearm smash across the face, causing her to twirl.

As Denise came out of the twirl she turtled up into defensive mode, and weathered the storm of punches and kicks that pummeled her torso. She had studied enough film on the G.O.A.T. to know her tendencies, all she had to do was wait for her to do something predictable. Valora slammed her shin into Denise’s left leg then pivoted wide and spun 360 degrees, heaving her legendary right leg high and hard like a reaper’s scythe toward Denise’s head.

But Denise bolted forward, having seen it and timed it, and captured Val’s leg on her right shoulder. Before Valora could remove it, the villainous woman brought her left arm up and trapped the leg in place, while simultaneously grabbing Val by the throat with her right hand. Valora braced for the impending sweep-and-slam takedown but Denise instead lifted her up a few inches off the ground and sprinted with her in tow, trucking a good ten feet with no brakes right into the Wall of Heroes.

The spectators nearly came unglued with their vehemence. The impact was fierce enough that some of the pictures fell to the ground and a crack in the wall was born. Their lament was the farthest thing from Denise’s mind though. While Valora was recovering, Denise pushed her stronger body toward the wall she had Valora pinned against. The extreme flexibility of Val’s trapped leg allowed Denise to push in so far that the hiked leg became pinned against the wall - with the knee touching the wall and brushing against the side of Val’s face.

“Well, you are flexible, good... “

Denise urgently gripped Valora’s nearest wrist and pinned it against the wall. Valora wailed in her predicament and tried using her free arm to push Denise off, and when that didn’t work she lobbed a volley of punches at her, but Denise dipped her head on the other side of Val’s trapped leg, furthest away from the Karate Cutie’s reach which made it impossible to connect.

Denise was not surprised by her own skill, but by the unusual position she was in. Val’s leg was by her head, with her holding the same side wrist close. Val’s other leg was on tip-toe.

“No rope is going to save you now, girl. You’re mine.”

There was no defiant rebuttal from Valora like there was before. The G.O.A.T. was genuinely worried, because Denise was right on one thing: there was no ring rope break to save her and Valora had no answer for the unusual and painful position she was in.

Denise moved her hand from Val’s neck and grabbed her free wrist and slammed it hard against the wall, holding it and the champion against the wall. Denise knew Val would not submit that way, and she had so much more punishment to give her. She had a good layout of the gym, and she formed a plan quickly.

“No rope, no ring, just a woman who is better than you, who is going to kick your ass all over your pretty gym.”

Denise pushed her hard against the wall, driving her held thigh hard into the wall as she took her left leg, closest to the tip-toe foot and thrust it out sideways into the booted calf of that foot, increasing the spread of her legs. Val gritted her teeth and struggled against the woman’s advance, her beautiful and impressive physique flexing and stressing against Denise’s more powerful one. It was to no avail.

“UNGFFPH!” Valora grunted out with a final surge for liberation. “...shit!” Val whined when her attempt proved futile.

"What the hell!?!?!" Gina unlocked her cellphone and pressed one of the many notifications she was getting inundated with. Her heart was already racing from seeing the #fightvalorafight tags as she plopped into the lunchroom chair to begin her minuscule 15 minute work break. Had her favorite fighter and wrestler been in a freak car accident? Had she suffered a sudden, dangerous illness that had her on life support? She knew for a fact Valora wasn't scheduled to compete in anything that night, because she's her biggest fan and would know about it.

She frantically jammed the notification icons and was directed to their sources. They were mostly from Twitter, which already had short video clips of the exhibition fight posted by sports channels and by fans. The unsettling clips didn't make sense to her. Surely that wasn't Valora featured in them? The whole thing had her flummoxed so she sought out the replies to the Tweets on the various videos to piece together what was going on.

TBC by YOU the reader. We've decided to do something different here that involves YOU the one reading this. For the next 72 hours we will allowing IN CHARACTER (In story) posts to be made in this thread/story.

This means you will post IN CHARACTER as a fan or celebrity who will be the author of one or more of the tweets that Gina is reading. Obviously this means your character would have been watching the breaking news of the fight and posting tweets/comments on it.

Please only post once, but you can have three IN CHARACTER tweets/comments in that one post, and can make the remark(s) about any part of what's happened since Gina is sifting through multiple video clips and their attached replies. Is your character shocked? Is your character a Val fan? Is your character a Val hater since all G.O.A.T.'s have their haters?

Lore wise, when it comes to fame and skill level, Valora is a blend of Ronda Rousey (pre Holly loss, when Ronda was indestructible), Hulk Hogan, GSP, and the Rock -- Just for reference. And we will be using some of the IN CHARACTER tweets/comments in later parts of their feud.
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OOC: I went overboard with it. lol.
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Awesome story
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Twitter post on fight
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Denise then looked at Valora and planted her left and right legs together quickly, drove her head between Valora's breasts and quickly bent at the knees. She shot up and backwards, pulling on Valora’s wrists and trying to flip the wrestler over her head as Denise’s body fell backwards to the floor. As she fell, she brought her feet up and into the abs of the Karate Cutie to increase her flip, and launched her through the air.

Going splat in the wrestling ring or on an octagon mat hurts well enough on its own, but at least there’s some give to them that prevents competitors from suffering bigger injuries. The hard floor Valora landed on offered no such protection, and she lied there frozen in pain after the crash. Denise rolled onto her knees and popped up to a stand. A dull pain ached between her ribs and hips from the blistering barrage to the kidneys Valora had gifted her with, so she made no mad-dash to follow up. She knew she had time judging by the G.O.A.T.’s scrunched and pained countenance and inability to get up right away.

"Ohhh you bitch, you're gonna pay." Denise hissed.

As Denise sauntered toward her prey, the parents of the kids and teens that made up the angry mob lambasting the terrible woman emerged in force. The exhibition match had gotten out of hand and they began collecting their offspring and pulled them a safe distance away. Several of the kiddies were bawling over their super-heroine-come-to-life and were whisked away toward the exit doors by their concerned parents.

The two bulky security guards Val hired for the event surfaced and formed a buffer between the two fighters and the throng, now that the contest had spilled away from the ring.

“I hope Valley-Val paid you well. You’re gonna need it for all the therapy sessions to come when you witness the things I’m gonna do to her.” Denise stated matter of factly to the two men.

The black shirted beefcakes exchanged troubled glances and spoke briefly about intervening in the fight itself. But, like Valora, they’re also fighters and wrestlers, and the warrior code was strong in them so they decided not to intercede. Val had accepted the challenge and would have to honor it.

Denise shifted her focus back to Valora and smirked. The embattled fan-favorite had scurried into the free weights section on her hands and knees. There was no rhyme or reason to it. No plan. Valora knew she needed to create as much distance as possible to hopefully figure something out since everything she’d done to Denise had floundered.

Val’s supporters shouted warnings of Denise’s impending arrival and Valora desperately pulled herself up with aid of a workout bench. Using the huge gym mirrors, she ascertained Denise’s frame wading through the glob of people and making a beeline toward her in a jog. The G.O.A.T. shifted so her back was toward the bench and when Denise barreled upon her she slipped to the side, dropped down, and scissored the brute’s leg leg at the shin. The rudimentary drop toehold tripped Denise face and chest first onto the bench.


Denise yelped and clutched her visage. Though pain was still pulsing through her back, Valora made it to her feet before her nemesis did and wrangled her into a side headlock. The Karate Cutie sprinted forward with Denise in tow and leapt up just over the bench. She let gravity pull both of them down, causing Denise’s face to impact the bench again, squashing it between Valora and the bench. A titanic sigh of relief pervaded the facility followed by rabid applause.

“Valora’s back in this thing, ladies and gentlemen,” Dale Ogden said enthusiastically. “Just when it looked like this Denise lady had all the answers, Valora changed the questions.” He continued to maneuver himself and his trusty cameraman into position for the best angles possible.

Valora worked her way to her vertical base and noticed an item on the gym floor that some lazy person didn’t have the integrity to put it back where it belonged. She snatched up the ten millimeter thick, four inch wide leather powerlifter’s belt and remembered the humiliating slap on the ass Denise gave her earlier.

“You want to humiliate me?” Valora's sweet, honeyed tone of voice dripped with disdain.

The G.O.A.T. moved in behind Denise as she was recovering on the bench, then fired a hard kick into her back, forcing the despicable woman to double over the bench. Valora eyed Denise’s voluptuous buttocks for payback and reared back with the heavy duty belt, making sure that the metal buckle and tongue were facing Denise’s derriere, then swung it down across those meaty cheeks like she was wielding the finger of God.


Denise howled and her eyelids peeled back, revealing huge, bugged oculars. The crowd went bonkers and requested that she keep going!


Another whack across the rump sent the sound echoing across the building, even being heard over the jubilant voices of Valora’s loyal people.

Denise hollered, which fueled Valora more.


“Why do you hate me!” Valora bellowed at her.

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The whacks hurt, but Denise was still in the fight. She knew Val was getting into it, and that was her mistake, 'she thinks I am done', Denise thought as she waited for the belt to be raised. She saw Val's’ body, her breasts, as she raised the belt up again.

This time, Denise rolled and pushed her hands on the floor on one side of the bench as she used her knees to pull her back.

The belt just hit the bench with a * Swack *

Denise did not waste time and as Valora bent low with the smack, Denise grabbed her head and slammed it hard into the bench. She then raised her right boot and drove it into her back. She grabbed the belt.

“Why? Because, you are a stuck up bitch… who never really fought a real challenger.”

She raised the belt up and drove it down on her ass. The sound of belt to flesh reverberated throughout the gym with a loud report.

“Until today!” She whacked her again on the other cheek. Valora squealed and blocked her butt with her hands

“And I am going to show these people that you are not a better fighter.” She whacked her as many times as Valora whacked her, lashing and bashing the G.O.A.T.’s hiney and hands. Then she grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to a bending/standing position and threw her to the floor.

‘I am!”

Denise stalked her as she low crawled on her elbows away from her. The mysterious woman snapped the belt in her hand as she followed her prey, using the noise as an intimidation factor that seemed to work since Valora quickened her crawling. Denise spotted a workout machine up ahead as well as some jump rope, and formulated something in her mind.

Setting the belt down, Denise bashed Val across the back with a stiff kick then picked her up into a cradle carry position like a parent would their child and then dropped to one knee, pulverizing Valora’s spine across it. Denise wasn’t done either. She stood up with Val still in the carried position and drove her down again across her knee, then again, and one more time before shoving her off the bent patella.

“You are going to remember this bitch! Remember me.. The woman who beat your ass!”

Valora wailed in agony as she lied on her side, back arched to deal with the affliction ravaging it. Denise retrieved the jump rope and tied one end in a sizable loop, like a lasso of sorts, wonder woman style. From there she slung the loop end over Val’s head and chest and arms, then pulled the slack out with a hard tug. Valora realized her peril too late but tried valiantly to escape, only to find her arms trapped at her sides and unable to move her upper body lest it be done by her diabolical captor. She tried bolting to a stand using her legs, but was quickly tugged right back down hard.

“You are not going anywhere. You are going to learn what defeat feels like. And people will know I did it!”

Denise jarred Valora silly with a knee strike to the temple that caused her to see many stars orbiting her field of view. The terrifying woman maintained hold of the other end of the rope while moving over to the multi-station workout machine. Denise noticed a cable dangling from one of the stations which had no bar or weight attached, so she grabbed the looped end and pulled it down. She pulled on the jump rope, dragging Val closer to her, then dropped the held end of the jump rope long enough to tie Valora’s gorgeous long dark tresses into several knots in, on, and around the cable’s coupling.

A sense of dread overcame the rowdy crowd as Denise then walked over to the machine and pulled the metal pin from the zero pounds of weight placement it was in by default. More dread overcame them as they witnessed the cruel lady lift up several of the heavy weights in the machine’s stack and secure the steel pin into a slot indicating a lot of pounds of weight.

A sinister grin swept over Denise’s features as she simply released the slotted weights into a freefall. As the weights dropped, the cable tightened hard in an instant, and when they finally landed onto the unslotted pile of weight the cable brutally snapped Valora up to her vertical base, the hero’s hair nearly being ripped from her scalp - and in some cases literally ripped from her scalp.

A blood curdling cry erupted from Valora’s trembling lips as an unfathomable amount of pain crippled her braincase and scalp. She instinctively tried to reach up and free herself but couldn’t because her arms were still trapped at her sides by the jump rope looped-and-lassoed around her upper body.

Denise quickly moved over and retained hold of the loose end of the jump rope, then pulled hard on it as she back pedaled away from the workout machine. This only made things worse for the greatest of all time, because she was essentially being pulled in two directions, with her hair and scalp caught in the middle.

“I have waited sooo long for this.. To put you in your place. Under my control.”

Denise spotted the powerlifter’s belt she discarded a moment ago and nabbed it up with one hand while keeping control of the jump rope with the other. She eyed Valora's world renowned buttocks again - a pair of buns that her cute pink and white shorts were having a terrible time suppressing under its fabric. Denise was still pissed about the humiliating spanking Val gave her a minute ago, so she reared back with the belt and brought it across the derriere so legendary that it has entire YouTube “fap compilations” video playlists made in honor of it (and rightfully so, since her glutes have the perfect blend of thickness, volume, roundness, and athletic-fitness).

Denise adjusted their positioning a little, so they were facing the huge, long mirrors that gym goers use to adjust their workout form and stare at how amazing their bodies look. She wanted Valora to see herself in her helpless position. Denise wanted her in a new humiliating position. She took the end of the jump rope and bound her hands behind her back, tight, keeping her arms tight to her sides.

“You’re not getting free without help, Valora. And I am not going to do it. They are, if they obey me.”

Denise made sure Val was looking at herself in the mirror as Denise stroked both her ass cheeks. Denise waited for a reaction, any kind, for better or worse, but to her surprise all she saw was Valora's stunned expression through that sweat and pained soaked countenance. Denise was violating her. It was molestation. A legitimate criminal act punishable by jail time. There was no way a grown woman of elite fighting pedigree like Valora could register such a thing at this moment. It was simply an audacious, indescribable act that could not be planned for.

“Since you liked to give me spanks, It is only fair that I return the favor.”

She looked at the people. “Now, you people will film this.. You filmed all her victories, you can film her defeat. And, you will get to free her helpless ass, if I see that posted on her YouTube.” Denise said as she took out her phone.
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Another amazing chapter, can't wait to read next part
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She then wailed on Valora’s ass five straight times, right across both cheeks as the wrestler was bound and helpless, forced to stay in that position. The cries that shot out from Valora’s mouth were heartbreaking. A ripple of fright was thrust upon her loyal fans as they heard their hero's yelps. Denise saw her ass pink up quickly as she exposed one of Vals firm cheeks briefly and then covered it up.

She wailed on her 5 more times ignoring her cries, which seemed to drive her more.

“Time for you to learn your new place in the Wrestling League.”

Denise freed the cable that was holding up Val’s head, but held on to the wrestler's hair and then slammed her head and chest down on the bench, so she was laying on the bench, legs on either side, ass up.

Denise then put her boot on the back of her neck slowly to show she was in control. She then looked at the reporters and the spectators.

“Now, we are going to see if you can count to five! I’ll stop spanking her when I hear that magic number.”

“NO! DON’T DO IT PEOPLE!” Val screamed, lips trembling. “DON’T LET HER WIN!” Val cried.

With a shrug, Denise wailed on her ass cheeks with force far worse than what she’d done moments ago. Each rise and fall of the behemoth belt was quicker and harder than the previous. Many began yelling at her, even threatening her. It only intensified the sadistic spanking.

Suddenly, Denise stopped and looked upon the masses with a look like “really?”

“You people must be enjoying this because I don’t hear you counting. All you have to do is count to five, that’s it, just five little cracks across her ass.” Denise said, a look of disbelief etched on her features.

She cracked Val’s ass again with it, and it honestly sounded like a gunshot going off. Valora let out her most blood curdling scream following it.

“1” Denise goaded them… “Do I hear a ‘1’ ?” she enticed.

All Denise got was more yelling and nasty ridicule (even from the young ones) and threats.

“Have it your way then.”

Once again Denise tore across Valora’s butt cheeks like Hitler’s blitzkrieg across Europe. With each lash Valora buckled wildly with her legs and feet, trying to find any kind of purchase. She was bound and under Denise’s complete control through. As the ferocity of the cracks increased to obscene levels, Val’s hectic bucking began to wane.

“1”.. Finally.. Alas… a few came to their hero's aid to meet Denise's cruel ultimatum.

Denise continued her mauling of Valora’s ass though, urging them to continue to the 5 count with a nod of the head.

“2” More joined in.

“Noooo nn- n-don’t c-c-ount” Valora bravely screamed out, but the pitifullness in her tone spurred them on.

“3” more shouted angrily.

“S-st…...op” Val tried telling them, but her voice was lost and stressed from the crying and screaming she’d done in her torment, and thus her voice was but a whisper of sorts.

“4” They roared in dismay. Valora’s hectic bucking with her legs and feet fell dormant, inert, as did her whimpering.

“5” They boomed amid more ridicule and some of the nastiest name calling Denise had ever been called, and she’d been called a lot of bad names.

Finally, thank God, Denise stopped. She checked her phone to see if they’d held up the other end of the deal too, and grinned as she saw multiple videos of Val’s desecration uploaded exactly to Denise’s specifications.

“Excellent, you obeyed well. Now, people will see that this bitch is not the all powerful woman, they think she is.”

Valora was mostly listless. The only movement found in her was the erratic spasms of her butt cheeks, which were going crazy, and whispered utterances from her trembling lips. Denise tossed the belt away and flicked her phone to the video recorder and pressed play. She moved to Val’s ass and knelt by it, shooting a video-selfie as she peered upon the damage done. Denise marveled at how deep a shade Valora’s cheeks had become, which stood out in such high contrast to the hero’s caramel colored skin. There were welts atop welts, and some bruising had already set in.

Denise showed her one of the videos that are out there now. The Karate Cutie's eyes filled with sorrow and rage, tears spilling from them and tumbling down her cheeks.

“Now, Valora, I am going to have them untie you. Since you can’t. I am going to the lounge to rest.” Denise knew that the Lounge was like a hub, where all the other rooms spread off of. Val would have to go through it.

She pulled back Val’s head and looked deeper into her eyes. “You can either go in there and admit that I defeated you and that I am better…”

She stroked Val’s cheek. “Or, challenge me… and end up worse than this…”

Denise said as she put her foot once more on her back.

“You can free her once I leave…and film this weak girl as you do it. “ Denise said grabbing a towel and a water bottle and leaving the area.

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They swarmed Val as soon as Denise was out of sight. Some videoed. Some took pictures. The media reported as they’re supposed to. But most came to her aid and untied the helpless hero. Many offered her waters and gatorade. Some consoled her and cheered her to get back up. Only a few were wise enough to lend her their arms, and as she took them, they lifted her up and escorted her toward the exit doors.

Val’s battered body and her even more battered buttocks made it a difficult task, but the constant rehydration and movement began to rejuvenate her enough to know where they were taking her. It was obvious they wanted her to steer clear of the heinous Denise. She balked. Despite getting her ass kicked and vigorously humiliated thus far, she wasn’t gonna get put out of her own yard by some piece of shit with an unreasonable hatred of her.

“No”, she croaked and forced herself free of their holds. She trekked in the opposite direction, stumbling here and there until her footing was correct. The majority in the crowd urged her not to go, but she defiantly waded into the lobby where Denise was sitting.

“Oh, wow. Back so soon? I take it the quick turnaround means you concede defeat to me wholly?” Denise snapped, teeth bearing with confidence.

To her surprise, Val didn’t reply. She watched as the Karate Cutie walked toward the door leading into the pool and spa area. Val then turned around to face her and simply gestured for her to “bring it”, before pushing the door open and disappearing behind it.

Denise perked a brow. She seemed impressed by Val’s antics. The deplorable woman stood up and shoved some fans out of the way as she strode toward the door.

“Are we playing hide and seek now, little girl?” Denise snarked, chuckling as she cautiously opened the door, fist doubled and ready for action.

Denise suddenly shoved the door open hard, hoping to pin Val behind it if the Karate Cutie had sought to use that method to ambush her from behind it. But Val wasn’t there. In fact, Val didn’t appear to be anywhere in the spacious room dominated by single and multi-person lavish tubs and small pools. One by one Denise went about checking inside the pools. Some were empty. Some had water and steam coming off them. Each was lacking Val’s appearance, and her impatience grew.

“Come out you cowardly bitch!” Denise bellowed.

Her wish was Valora’s command. The G.O.A.T. emerged from one of the filled pools that she hadn’t searched yet. It was the nearest one to her. In her hands Valora held one of the hoses that led to one of the empty pools nearby. She wrapped it around Denise’s neck from behind and yanked back hard, and as she did this she pulled Denise toward the inside of the pool so that the vile woman wouldn’t have a solid surface to get footing to resist.

Val wanted her to be terrified, too feel what she had felt from her already. She wanted Denise to think she was going to do something evil, like drown her or something. She wanted Denise to whimper and to cry!

Denise felt the hose on her neck and she coughed a bit and grunted as she was pulled further inside the pool. Denise was a bit scared, but she had fought in a number of odd places, water being one of them.

She grabbed the hose around her neck and pulled it a bit to give her some air, and she took a deep breath, and moved her legs and moved it backwards and hooked it on the calf of Valora. Once there, she pulled her leg forward, pulling on Val’s leg, hoping to get her off balance as she used her other foot to hit the bottom of the pool and push herself backwards, in the direction Val was pulling her, hitting her body to knock her back, with the body hit and the leg pull and send them both under the water.

Panic set in for Valora. She wasn’t an underwater fighter. This was the last place she’d ever planned to be fighting someone. In fact, it’d been a desperate attempt to surprise Denise and get the upper hand once and for all. Yet again, however, the vile challenger had turned the tables. Val was now the one feeling as though she could whimper and cry. Val knew she had to get out of the pool and NOW.

“UNNGFF!” Val grunted in a muffle, mouth opened from the deep, sudden elbow thrust into her fit tummy. Water rushed down her gullet and she felt her lungs burn. Had this now turned into a fight to the death instead of an “exhibition” match? Denise whirled around and to Val’s surprise relented in her assault. The G.O.A.T. watched Denise push away from her and begin climbing out of the pool. A wave of relief washed over Valora and she followed in her wake, hoping to catch her from behind as she crawled out.

When Valora breached the surface she spat out the water-logged contents in her lungs and gasped for air. Denise had already climbed out and in a bit of desperation of her own had grabbed the nearest object in sight - a nearby pool chair. The chairs were the assorted kind, some with metal frames, some with wood, some with aluminum. Denise turned on her heels and swung the wooden framed seating instrument at Val’s head, but it whiffed as the Karate Cutie ducked back into the pool for a split-second.

Undeterred, Denise raised the chair overhead and plodded toward the pool, mouth spilling out unladylike things followed by a shriek as Valora re-emerged in a flash, driving the metal head of the hose right into the sadistic woman’s kisser. She dropped the chair and stumbled back nursing her lips. Valora climbed out of the pool with urgency and dragged the hose with her to bring about more punishment, but the length ran out so she begrudgingly tossed it aside and took up the chair instead.

“Take a seat, Denise” Val hissed, swinging the chair at her head. Val pulled short though, sensing Denise was going to block the attempt, and spun low with her leg, sweeping Denise’s feet out from under her. The villainous woman fell flat onto her back. With nothing but urgency in her, Valora raised the chair high and brought it down HARD across Denise’s chest and stomach multiple times. Denise belted a horrible sound and instantly curled into a ball, the wooden frame of the chair having collapsed and broken against her flesh. Valora raised what little bit of the chair was left and swung more blows down across her side. The chair was unusable now, so she tossed it aside and looked over the prone form of the horrible woman.

“’re going to pay for what you’ve done” Val sneered out. “I’m going to make you tap…” she added. It was only now that Valora heard the rowdy cheers from the crowd outside the door. Since there was only one door in and out of this room, the security men had stood in its frame preventing the flood of people from entering. Only a few had eye shot of what was going on and were relaying it to everyone else.

Her fans had suffered also, which filled her with even more resolve. Val took a deep breath and caught sight of the pool themed pictures of herself mounted on the walls of the pool and spa room.




She knew exactly how she wanted to end this bitch now. Valora approached the prone and groaning harlot and positioned her so she’s facing the picture on the wall that features Valora sitting in the chair by the pool, then with cruel efficiency she placed Denise into an Inverted Scorpion Deathlock…

like this

Denise’s eyes bulged. Her body trembled as every sort of pain afflicted her expanse. A loud groan and cry escaped her lips. And to make matters worse she had to deal with this all the while looking directly at the beautiful picture of the woman she’d sought to destroy here tonight.

OOC: Sorry for long delay(s). Work and life's been rough but seems to be clearing off now. This is all on me. My writing partner has been stellar in replying. I'm so sorry folks!
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Denise felt the pain in her arms and back as she was in the hold. She would pay for this, once she got free. Denise tried to wiggle and shift her weight to try to get free, but found herself caught tight. She also heard the strain of Valora as she held the heavier woman up off the ground.

Denise felt Valora’s arms hold hers and realized she was stronger. She could get her arms free and that would put her chest down on the floor, then she would have to get her legs free. Then she came up with a plan.

“Give up! I can hold you here all day until you submit!” Valora commanded, the labor in her voice betraying her words. Denise belted a cry as more pain blitz'd through her affected areas. Denise snapped her head back over shoulder best she could and looked at her. She wanted Val to see the defiance in her eyes and wanted to also see Val’s reaction when she realized there would be no submission of Denise.

Not tonight. Not ever.

Denise couldn’t make good eye contact though, but from what little bit she could see, Val was starting to tire from the exertion she was putting into the hold. Denise even glimpsed a faint tremble in one of Val’s legendary legs.

Denise had her plan when she saw the faint tremble in Val’s right leg. Denise got herself ready, feeling Val’s arms and then quickly tensed her arms and spread them out as wide as possible and then forward.

“No! NOO!” Val cried.

She felt Val's arms release their hold as Denise’s power proved too much.

As Denise fell to the floor, chest first, she grabbed a hold of Val’s right foot and pulled it hard towards her, using both of her hands to get a grip on it. Once on the ground, she spun from her chest onto her back, using Val’s held foot and her locked legs for leverage. She kept them locked around Val, squeezing her as she twisted her opponent to the side.

Val yelped! The pain rocketed through her right leg and knee. The G.O.A.T. knew Denise was trying to implement a kneebar submission hold, and she almost had it in. Valora tried placing her free foot on Denise’s buttocks so that she could push on it hard enough to pluck her leg free and slip out, but she found that Denise had her hips and legs locked too firmly in place.

Up to this point Denise had proven to be a tank, able to absorb large amounts of damage and then deal out the same. She’d pulverized and battered Valora like an unstoppable juggernaut, but now Val began to understand she had more depth than that. She had a submission game too. It was a grim realization. One that prompted Valora to go buck wild in the scramble. She did the only thing she could, given the positioning. Val jammed her free foot into Denise’s elbow repeatedly, then jammed it into her hands, eventually knocking Denise’s grip loose.

Valora pulled her right leg to free it from Denise’s legs, but the villainous woman did the unexpected and bolted to a stand instead of trying to transition for re-capture or a different submission like Valora had expected her to. Denise swiftly drove her foot deep into Valora’s crotch like an NFL punter would a pigskin.

“UNGFFPH!!” Valora grunted, eyes crossing.

The blow was completely illegal in all rules based combat sports, but for the purposes of this exhibition match it did the job Denise wanted it to. Valora had been momentarily stunned. Denise stood over Valora as she laid curled up, nursing her lady parts. Val’s body was there for the offering, free for Denise to contort and mangle to her heart’s content. Her mind wandered on what cruel move she could put her into.

Denise bent down and grabbed Valora by the leg and pulled her over to one of the tubs with a hose, similar to the one that Valora used on her. Once there she pulled Valora up to her knees and moved behind her, grabbing both of her arms and pulling back hard, her knee pressing into her back.

“I want this next move to hurt, bitch… you like bending people? Making them submit or tap out?”

She reared her back again, pulling back harder before letting her knee go and pulling Val onto her back. She let her rest for a second before pressing her foot onto her chest. “Not so big now, are you?”

She put the nozzle of the hose, right where she wanted on the floor, and then grabbed the legs of Val, and started to turn her body over into a Boston Crab.

But she felt some resistance. Val had turned her battered body in the opposite direction of the way Denise was turning. No big deal Denise thought, so she continued on, relying on her power to overwhelm Valora and force her over. It started to work, but as she tried to step over, Val shot her hand out and blocked Denise’s leg at the shin.

It was a simple but effective counter. Denise’s balance had been hindered some, so she ripped her foot free of Val’s hand and quickly turned to the opposite direction she’d originally tried to herd Valora into, but the G.O.A.T. didn’t fall for the sudden switch-a-roo and employed the same defensive countermeasure, again shifting Denise’s balance off enough to stymie the hold.

“Oh you’re gonna play that game, bitch?” Denise growled at her, frustration evident.

Denise plucked her foot free from Valora’s grasp again and faked a bid to turn her over, but then suddenly bent lower and adjusted her grip to behind the back of Val’s knees instead of the back of Val’s calves. Valora reached up to grab a handful of her hair but Denise stood upright fully, which brought Valora onto the back of her shoulders and leaving her no avenue to deliver the same countermeasures she’d used moment’s ago.

“Got you now… bitch!” Denise said s as she held her tight.

“Nooo.. damnit!” Valora screeched out, as the realization hit her.

Denise could have done so many painful moves, but this is not just about wining, this was about showing her and her precious press how much a fake she really is.

She slid her hold from Valora’s knees to her ankles, holding them together as she lowered her down a bit to bring her stomach in the right position, then she drove her boot into the champ's abs, and pressed down hard. Valora’s eyes crossed. Denise felt Val's strong, muscular abs as she ground her boot into them.

“Let’s soften these abs up a bit.”

Denise did a light stomp on Valora’s breasts, driving some air out of her.

“Mm… nice tits”

She then shifted her position and held her ankles together, her body against Val’s thighs as she looked down at her helpless foe. She grinned evilly as she leaned forward, bending Valora’s legs toward her head.

“I think it is time for the world to know your true place, loser.” Denise said as she moved her leg forward and pressed it down on the side of Val’s head. Making sure her face, pressed down by her boot, was staring at the cameras. Her legs closer to her body, as her ass became more vulnerable as it was lifted a bit off the floor.

Denise smiled at the crowd as she posed, holding Val's feet in place with one hand as she whacked her now present ass hard. Valora grabbed Denise’s boot that was keeping her head pressed against the floor, but didn’t have the power to push it off given her vulnerable position.

“DON’T WATCH! TURN AWAY!" Valora cried out at the camera probing above the heads of the two beefy guards who are still doing a good job at keeping the fans at bay in the doorway.

“Here she is, everyone. The greatest of all time.” Denise remarked mockingly, while stinging Valora’s already bruised and ravaged buns with a smack.

“Most 10-8 rounds in MMA history, male or female. Bravo!” Denise battered Val’s ass with another smack.

“14 Knockout of the Night Awards.” Another slap.

“6 Submission Hold of the Night Awards.” Powerful slap across the ass, sending an echo out.

“Never lost a round.” She spat in her hand this time, before striking it menacingly across Valora’s compromised rump. Val squealed and wiggled frantically to break free.

“Never been pinned or submitted. Right here, everyone. Here she is.” Denise windmilled her arm over and over again, gathering speed and power, then rifled it down hard against Valora’s buttocks with enough force that the sound of impact reverberated around the gym and made Valora yelp like an injured puppy.

Suddenly, a powerful burst of water blasted Denise in the face. Valora, in her desperation, had managed to finger-fumble upon the water hose Denise had placed near them for god knows what horrible reason a few moments ago.

The blast wasn’t particularly painful for Denise, but it caught her so off guard that she relented her hold on Valora. It was all Valora needed too. The Greatest of All Time shot a foot up, clocking Denise right under the chin. While Denise stumbled back grasping her chin, Valora slowly turned onto her belly and started to push herself up.

Denise watched her for a moment and then went forward and grabbed Valora’s arms, pulling them back hard as she drove her knee into her back as she was forced to Kneel in front of Denise.

“This is where you belong, you losing bitch, on your knees.”

Denise held her there to make sure all the cameras got a good look at their champion in the humble pose. Denise then dropped Valora’s right arm, still holding her left, wrapped her free arm around her neck, and pulled her fast to her feet, tightening the grip on her neck.

She turned and pulled her opponent around the room a bit and then dropped the other arm as she faced the people at the doorway. She then wrapped her arms around her foe, Valora’s back to her chest.

“You were a bad girl bitch, cheating with the hose. Now, you get punished.”

She quickly picked her up in the tight hug and dropped her ass down hard on her knee as Denise stuck it out.

Once it hit she released the hug and stood up.

“Now, bad girl, you will beg to be spanked!”

Valora crawled. She tried to get back to her feet but her body protested. Crippling pain housed her tailbone and lumbar region. Never had she encountered a focused attack on her buttocks region. Such strange tactics. It was surprisingly effective though.

Valora found purchase thanks to some of the pool chairs and pulled herself up, surprised she’d not been attacked with any follow up assault. She felt Denise’s presence lurking near her though and sent the best mule kick she could muster at her. It didn’t have much steam on it, and was in fact captured by her tormentor.

Denise spun her around so that she was face to face, but Val dropped to her knees before Denise could attack and thrusted a Shotokan palm-strike into Denise’s vagina. The villainous woman yelped. Her knees buckled inward. Seizing her moment, Valora summoned the legendary Von Erich “Iron Claw” and clamped it on Denise's “lady part”.

Denise was paralyzed. Valora surged, draping Denise over her shoulders in a Fireman’s Carry position and coming to a stand. The damage Val had sustained in her lower regions was too much for her to reach full vertical base, so she angled toward the array of pool chairs and spilled Denise into them with a move in wrestling called a “Death Valley Driver”.

The crowd went bonkers seeing Denise crashed through the collection of wooden, metal, and aluminum chairs. The beefy guards at the door were getting pushed back into the pool room more. The exertion Valora had used hampered her body’s willingness to stand let alone crawl, so the Karate Cutie inched herself over on elbows and slung her body over Denise’s. With no referee to actually count the pinfall, Val did it herself as the fans who could see the pin counted with her.




Somehow Denise bucked a shoulder up thus breaking the pinfall attempt. Val rolled off her and laid there soaked in sweat and residual pool water that made her entire body shiny and glistened. She simply couldn’t believe it. The G.O.A.T. wisely laid there moments more to let her body recuperate as much as possible. When Denise started moving more, Valora ambled up to a hunched stand and grabbed her by the hair.

Denise smacked Valora’s forearms away then stood up long enough to wrap her hands around the back of Val’s head while simultaneously placing the crown of her head at Valora’s nose. She then dropped to her knees with swiftness and force. An audible crunch reverberated from the impact, and once released the G.O.A.T. clutched her now badly hurt and swollen nose. She barely had time to register what’d happened before Denise chop-blocked her legs out from under her.

Like Valora moments before, Denise rested a beat. She’d proven tougher than Valora thus far. Her body was thicker, bigger, but now it too was showing signs of wear and tear from the “exhibition match”. One thing that hadn’t changed was her scowling expression, which she pinned on her downed foe once more.

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Denise moved over to the woman as she held her nose for a few seconds hoping to ease the pain. She drove her foot hard into Valora’s abs as she lay there, then pressed her foot hard onto her chest, between her breasts as she bent down and grabbed her right wrist, as she continued to put her boot between the large breasts.

Then with the hand secured, she drove her other foot hard into Valora’s mound and ground it deep as she grabbed her left ankle and pulled it up. Now standing on her foe, she pulled on both the arm and the leg, pulling them up and towards her body, her strong muscles bulging as her foot now pressed her chest, then other on her mound.

She then held the two limbs together, and then held them in front of her.

“Ohh. you are so going to pay, loser… I am going to destroy you in front of all your fans.”

As she held her, she bounced a few times on her body. She stomped her foot hard on her breast, once...twice… a third time...and then taking her heel drove it hard into her mound. Valora’s eyes crossed. Her lungs spent. The crushing pressure and pain in her chest, tummy, and vagina felt like she was being crushed like a car in a junkyard.

“Get used to it, bitch… on your back, and under my feet!”

Val felt faint. She could barely breathe.

“When I get through with you… you’re not going to be able to leave this place without help.”

Denise looked down at her and saw the fluttering of Valora’s eyes and how they were crossing more and more over and toward the top of her head.

“Well go on, Valora. Get out of this. Counter it.” Denise mocked.

The G.O.A.T. couldn’t despite using her free limbs to feebly assault Denise in a pitiful token effort.

“Ya can't, can you?” Denise proudly boasted and eased up a tiny bit.

Valora’s bruised and swollen face scrunched in pain and affirmed the statement with a nod of the head. Who could escape a hold like this? It wasn’t something Valora ever encountered during her legendary career in MMA and professional wrestling. This was some weird femdom fetish stuff. Something foreign to the Karate Cutie.

Val’s confirmation filled Denise with glee because she’d expected some measure of defiance.

“Tell ya what, Valoser, I’ll relent on this under one condition. Ask me to spank you.”

She couldn’t be serious! Valora’s crossed eyes uncrossed a moment and some defiance crept back in. Denise applied more pressure and pulled at the limbs, making it feel like she would pull them clean from Val’s body. Through the horror and pain, a thought came to Valora. If she agreed to the terms, she would be let out of the hold. Sure, she would be spanked, but Denise had spanked her a few times already anyway, and it’s all out there for the world to see and gif.

Getting another spanking would allow her some recovery time though. Her butt had become numb from all the swelling and bruising of the spankings earlier, so she could take it and recoup then form a comeback and put this bitch down! This crazy demand from Denise might actually work in her favor!

Reluctantly, Valora closed her eyes and squeaked out, “Spank me.”

Denise’s eyes grew large as saucers. Her jaw even dropped a little. She couldn’t believe Valora actually said it.

“Oops. Did I say ask? I meant beg. Beg me to spank you.”

Val hesitated but not for long… “…. Please spank me.”

A she-devilish grin overcame Denise’s countenance, “Say no more..”, she replied and released her, but to Valora’s dismay she kept a vice like grip on the same wrist and ankle as she transitioned to a kneeling position and draped Valora across her knee tummy first.

“You know… I think you deserve to be in another position.” Denise said as she grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up and onto her feet. She then drove her free fist into her stomach.

“Since you like stretching my body so much, I think I will do the same.” She said as she drove her fist hard again into her abs. She then pulled her over to a wooden case that held pool gear and with a push, drove Valora’s head right into the rack.

“I didn’t forget about the chair, bitch!” She said as she picked up a piece of the chair and with a swing, whapped it hard across her ass. She then tossed it aside and grabbed her head and pulled her up, she spun her around until her back was at the case, and then pulled her back across it. Her back on the case, feet not quite on the floor, and her abs there and stretched in front of Denise.

She then held Val by the hair to keep her over the case and then raked her nails down hard from between her breasts to her abs and then raked them across her abs. Val made a desperate attempt to claw Denise’s eyes but the woman pulled her head away in time and buried a volley of punches into those sexy six pack abs Valora worked all her life to attain. In an instant, Val was swooped away from the case and contorted, turned, bent and horribly stretched into the agonizing professional wrestling hold known as the Abdominal Stretch!

(Something like this)

Denise had snatched up the piece of wooden chair she spanked Val with a moment ago and walloped the Karate Cutie across the abs with it. Not once. Not twice. A whole bunch of times. Enough to redden and welt the rippling sexiness that defined Valora’s tummy. When that was done, Denise discarded the wooden piece and hammered her free balled fist into the G.O.A.T.’s ribs and stomach with a ferociousness that only ended when her arm got tired.

“I am going to show the world that I am better and you are nothing but a little bitch!” She said as she first tightened up on the stretch and then stopped the stretch and shifted it to a full nelson, her arms up under Valora’s arms, locking them behind her neck.

“After this, I am going to fuck you up in the next room, and then end you in the ring.”

She poured on the pressure as she pushed her head down towards her breasts, her chin almost at her chest. “Take a good look at them loser… because those are going to be next.” She said as she held the nelson, backing herself up to a wall, her back to it so she had something to press against when she drove her knee up into the Champ’s ass. One time hits her ass, then Denise bears down causing Valora’s legs to shake and then buckle a bit, spreading a bit so that Denise next knee drives hard into her pussy.

Denise laughs and then shifts the nelson and wraps one arm around her neck, so that her head is behind Denise, Denise arm over her neck, bending her back, exposing her breasts and abs again.

Denise starts to hammer away at her breasts as she pulls on the already hurt abs.

“Submit.. Bitch, and I may end this.”

But Valora doesn’t submit. Perhaps she would if she could, but right now her body was in too bad a shape to work with her mind. Her eyes lolled in her head, fluttering somewhere between the land of lala and the present. Mumbles spilled from the battered great’s lips. Incoherent. Denise sneered, knowing she may have very well just beat this bitch’s ass TOO much for her to submit to her.

“LET HER GOOOO!” the sheer volume of the yell startled Denise. To her shock, she saw a behemoth of a woman charging at her, having bulldozed past the embattled security guards holding the fans at bay at the door. This wasn’t just any woman though; it was Pound Cake. One of the few fighter’s who ever gave Valora a run for her money in the ring. She’d been watching the horrific “exhibition match” unfold on TV and had seen enough.

Denise let go of Valora but not in time. Pound Cake slammed into Denise like a truck, spilling the juggernaut of a woman onto her leather clad ass. Seeing Val drop to the floor in a heap, Pound Cake knelt beside her to check on her. She noticed the flood gates had opened in her wake, and the fans were rushing in. Thinking quickly, Pound Cake ordered the fans to aid Valora out of the room and to safety. It was an order they obeyed without question, while a few got some cheap shot in on the downed Denise before running away.

“Bout time you picked on someone your own size little girl” Pound Cake bellowed as she stood her 5’8” 300 pound obese frame between Denise and the fleeing fans with Valora in tow. Denise rolled onto all fours and began rising as Pound Cake plodded toward her, meaty hands outstretched to maul the woman who’d been mauling the great woman she so fondly respected. As she reached down, Denise moved swiftly, violently. In an instant, Denise brought the thick chunk of discarded wood against Pound Cake’s chin, landing right on the soft button that fells all foes regardless of size or toughness.

Pound Cake stood there like a timeless statue, frozen for a moment, before toppling right over onto her back. Denise had struck her so hard that the wood splinted and broke. Denise rose fully and stomped the shit out of Pound Cake’s face. It was totally unnecessary, and that fact dawned on Denise. Leaving Pound Cake there, she bolted out of the room to hunt down her main prize. She saw her across the gym and made a mad dash for her, power shoving the few brave fans and security folks who dared to get in her way. As she barreled down on Valora, she raised her foot and Big Booted her in the back, knocking her free from the fans and sending them fleeing in every direction.

"Did I say you were done, cunt?"

Denise bent down to retrieve her, but when she tugged on her, Valora threw a desperate uppercut that dinged her under the chin. Denise saw stars for a fleeting moment and before she knew it, her legs were swept out from under her. Valora urgently mounted her, screeching something unintelligible. Valora picked up a medicine ball near them and struggled to lift it over her head due to the damage her body had endured, but in the end was able to.

However, Denise grabbed it before she could bring it down. A brief tug-of-war happened over it but Denise won and tossed it aside. Val tried to reassert dominance of position but it was too late. Denise rolled her over and mounted her, then pummeled her with hammerfists for a moment, dazing the G.O.A.T. Denise grabbed the medicine ball and stood up, pinning Val to the floor with a boot as she did so. From there she SPIKED the medicine ball like a football hard onto Valora’s impressive, sexy six-pack abs. She repeated the attack three more times, relishing in the dismay from the fans and the crossed eyes of her foe.

“Alright all you reporters and photographers, get ready. I’m about to make history. I’m going to pin the unpinnable Valora for the 1…2….3!”

She gestured like some kind of showman as she circled Valora, taking her time to build up the suspense. The media did as instructed. They jockeyed for the best position and prepped for the unthinkable. Denise eased Valora up by the hair of the head then shoved Valora’s head between her legs. From there she delivered one of the most devastating moves a professional wrestler can use on someone.

The famed and destructive …. POWERBOMB!


Although the padding on the cardio room floor provided some protection from the hard floor underneath, the sheer violence and power of the move wiped out the champion to a degree unfathomable. Denise rested on her knees after delivering the brutal move and tossed a nod at the media.

“I bet you thought if Valora was ever defeated it’d be an epic encounter. A war. A battle that came down to the wire, where one little micro-mistake cost her the match. I bet you thought even the pin itself would be honorable - a dramatic hooking of the leg as drama abounded with every slap of the mat from the referee. Ha! Nope. I’m about to end this bitch’s whole career.”

With that said, Denise placed the back of Valora’s legs on her shoulders then pushed forward, forcing Valora’s knees to rest either side of her head. Denise then pinned Val’s wrists to the floor with her hands, although unneeded.

From there, Denise slammed her pelvic region vulgarly into Valora’s private areas in a sexually charged disgusting way.


Denise raised her pelvic region higher, wiggled it some, then drove it down harder than she did the first time.


Once again Denise raised her pelvic region, this time farther than she had done twice before. Denise let out a primal roar as she SLAMMED her pelvic region violently, disgustingly into Val’s private areas with such ferocity that the sound echoed in every corner of the building.


The flashes from the media camera bulbs dazzled the venue. Many bulbs busted from the sheer volume of button pushing. Denise peeled herself back and let Valora rest before her, motionless, legs spread wide but still resting on her shoulders.

“I think it’s time to finish you off, bitch.”

Denise looked to the ring and smiled. …

“And I have the perfect place. I am going to take you down in the ring, your new ring. The first battle fought, is where you were destroyed, left spread out in submission.”

Denise bent down and grabbed Valora’s arm and shoulder and lifted her up to her feet. Once there, she pulled Valrora to the ring. She held her right arm behind her as she stood behind her and grabbing her hair, pulled her head up and forced her to look at the ring.

“This, bitch, is where you will learn your lesson. I am the better woman.” Denise said as she scooped her arm and rammed it between Valora’s legs and lifted her off the floor, her other arm now on the back of her neck, as she lifted her opponent and moved her across her chest, and then, lifting her up a foot, she heaved Valora through the ropes and into the ring. She then leapt up on the apron and over the top rope.

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Denise ragdolled her up from the mat and slung her into the ropes, setting up another nightmarish move, but somehow, someway, Val managed to hold onto the ropes preventing herself from being thrown into the throes of the diabolical woman. Denise charged forward at breakneck speed, looking to quickly quell any more recovery from Val, only to see Valora dip low with the top rope in tow. Up and over Denise went, like something out of a cartoon, and landed unceremoniously onto the thin pads outside.

Valora fell onto her back inside the ring, unable to mount an offense. Despite the building coming to life with rallying cries from her fans, their hero remained in the ring trying so very hard to climb to her feet. Denise, ever the terminator-lady, rebooted and rose, kneeing onto the apron and stepping between the top and middle ropes.

“PLUNGGHH” Denise grunted as Valora seized the middle cable and pulled it upward into her tormentor’s crotch. Success! Valora repeated the act over and over again until Denise collapsed into the ring. The on-lookers and Valora herself were beside themselves. It must have been the same feeling Tom Brady fans get when he’s about to pull off a comeback from 20+ points down.

The Karate Cutie urgently draped Denise's throat onto the middle rope then shoved her knee into the back of her head while simultaneously pulling up on the ring rope. Choking the shit out of an opponent using this illegal tactic was a first time event for Valora, but at this point she honestly didn’t care. When she’d had her fill, she released her and shoved her back toward the center of the ring, where she ambled over and stung her with a Shining Wizard kick to the grill piece, followed by a float over DDT that spiked Denise so hard the ring rattled a little.

Ever the never-stay-down juggernaut, Denise slowly got back up and was welcomed back to the land of the vertical by a roaring discus elbow, followed by a spinning backfist that knocked spittle from her mouth and crossed her eyes. Denise threw a huge haymaker but Valora, still struggling to remain standing, went full Rocky Balboa and ducked under into a series of piston fire punches to the body. Everytime a haymaker came, Valora pulled a Balboa, and soon the unstoppable juggernaut’s tongue was hanging and she was on full defense.


The crowd chanted, daring to blow the roof off the newly built gym. And for the first time Valora bullied Denise, right into a corner where she emptied every last bit she had in her. All eight limbs came across Denise’s body from head to toe; elbows, knees, fists, kicks, headbutts, the whole nine. Denise’s knees bowed inward and for a moment she sagged, but Valora pulled her right back up and continued pulverizing her body like she was her own personal cherokee drum.

“Your 15 minutes are up, bitch!”” Valora gutted out through clenched teeth a moment before she looped her arm around Denise’s head and sprinted out of the corner with her, leaping high into the air and careening her face first into the canvas with the Running Bulldog move. Valora surged to a stand somewhat revitalized and motioned for her signature tornado spin kick finisher, and waited like a tiger for the pounce, as Denise wobbled up on noodle legs.

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The crowd drummed up the usual fanfare for this move, with the Wooooo Kabo- But Denise captured the spinning woman in mid air, and with malice in her movements she slammed her onto the mat with a Spinebuster.

Denise stood up and quickly drove her boot hard onto Valora’s chest, feeling her breasts squished under her boot, as Denise kept it pressed there for a few seconds so she could recover her breath. “You little bitch.” She said as she bent over and grabbed her by the hair and pulled her hard to her feel, keeping her hand at her waist and kept Val bent over.

She then swung her leg hard over Valora’s ass and dropped it hard onto her back, the force of the heavy leg, dropping down on her back, drove her body down hard to the mat, chest first. Valora lay on the mat, her legs splayed out as she moved a hand back to rub her back.

“Oh, no rest for you.” Denise said as she grabbed Val’s arm and pulled it hard behind her back as she grabbed her shoulder, and pulled her backwards hard onto her knees, Denise standing behind her. Denise shifted her shoulder hold to a hairpull and pulled her head back, exposing her chest. Denise swung her arm twice in the air and the final swing striking Valora on the chest, square between her breasts. The blow caused her to fall backwards.

“Think my 15 minutes are up bitch?!” She growled as she bent down and grabbed both of her wrists and pulled her to her feet. She grinned and whipped her hard into the corner, making sure she hit back first. She did not wait and moved up to her, before she could respond and put her boot up to her neck to push her head back and keep her in the corner.

“I am going to destroy you…Valora…”

Denise kept the boot placed against her throat and choked her to the point that alarm rose among the spectators, because Val’s face was turning a shade it shouldn’t. Then, abruptly, Denise switched gears and drove her muscular shoulder deep into Valora’s tummy with a mighty thrust. With Val sandwiched between her shoulder and the corner, Denise went buck-wild with a rapid series of shoulder thrusts, pulverizing those six pack abs of the adored legend.

In a sign of hope for the spectators, Valora came to life with a furious barrage of clubbing forearms and downward elbow strikes into the back of her tormentor, but it only seemed to fuel Denise’s rage. Instead of Denise relenting, the madwoman picked up the pace and drove her shoulder faster and deeper, the speed accelerating. One thrust in particular struck true and earned a yelp from Valora.

Val’s resistance evaporated. And then it happened. The fans went silent as Valora slumped her arms over either side of the ropes and resigned herself to her fate. She had surrendered. Denise realized it too, and this drove her into hyperdrive with the onslaught. Her shoulder thrusts became increasingly fast and brutal, to the point it seemed like she was operating in a real life fast-forward option, or maybe a human jackhammer with Val’s tummy as the pavement being obliterated. Val’s head snapped side to side, front to back, eyes bugged out and mouth agape with each terrorizing blow.

Those rippling muscles across Val’s abs that acted like armor against damage were reduced to mush and then alas, Densie grew tired and stepped away, allowing Valora to collapse out of the corner like a sack of potatoes.

“Not a bad day’s wages for 15 minutes of work, eh?” Denise gloated as she grabbed Val by the hair and dragged her to the middle of the ring like a caveman would his cavewoman. She put her in a sitting position at her feet then positioned herself behind her while keeping a handful of her hair.

“Since tonight has been my christening into the limelight thanks to your so-called GOAT of female combat sports, I think it’s time for all of us to share in the celebration. A gift for me. A gift for you. Trust me, you might hate me now, but in a few minutes you’re gonna love me!”

And with that, Denise undid the back part of Valora’s mega cute top. The crowd gasped at what might be happening, but didn’t turn their heads away either. Denise then grabbed the front of the top attire and playfully teased the crowd as Valora, still conscious but in no condition to do anything, provided no resistance to what might be coming.

“Thanks for the souvenir, cunt.” Denise quipped as she slowly, seductively, removed Valora’s top thus exposing the legend’s bare breasts to the world. A huge eruption of mixed reactions came across the building. Some screamed. Some gasped. Some shouted condemnation. And yes, some cheered. The camera flashes went off like something from a supermodel runway event. It was so bright that it nearly blinded Denise.

“HEY! Stop that shit! Y’all are acting like you’ve never seen a pair of tits before!” She growled at them. They obeyed. Denise whirled the top overhead in celebratory manner before stuffing it into one of her pockets. From there she yanked Valora up to a stand and put her in a full nelson. She made sure to grab Val’s hair and force her head up instead of sagging down, just so the people could see their hero’s face and Val could see them.

She then lifted her a few inches off the ground and paraded her around the four directions, allowing every single person to get a sight of their destroyed hero’s defeated form and bare breasts. An uncontrollable cry came from Valora. Her eyes became like fountains as she bawled her eyes out with enormous sobbing.

“Oh boo-hoo cry me a river bitch! Don’t worry, we’re almost done. I’ve pinned you. I’ve made you admit you can’t escape my submission hold. I’ve literally spanked you. Now? There’s only one thing left to do. Put your ass out for the ten count.”

The spectators begged Denise to not hurt her anymore, but the madwoman ignored them and violently swung Valora back and forth in the full nelson hold, ragdolling her. This only lasted a few moments before she released her and whipped her into the ring ropes. As Valora listlessly rebounded off of them, Denise clobbered her with a running big boot to the face. From there, Denise mocked the iconic Hulk Hogan by cupping her ear and inclining it toward the horrified fans, then ran the ropes and delivered a colossal leaping high altitude leg drop across Valora’ s throat and face.

She delivered it again…

And again…

And again…

After the fifth one she finally ceased and stood over the demolished legend.

“Alright everyone, let's have some fan participation. Everyone count to ten. Let’s hear it” she roared at the fans.

They didn’t oblige.

“Oh really? Not gonna count? Ok. Guess I’ll keep beating her ass then.”

The madwoman deliver yet another monstrous leg drop

Then another…

Finally the collective whole screamed out in submission and she once again stood over the fallen hero. To add insult to injury, she placed a boot upon her chest as the fans begin counting…








Denise leaned down and bitch slapped her across the face and tits.


Denise pried Val’s mouth open.


Then she spat inside Valora’s mouth.


The spectators urgently begged Denise to cease once and for all. She had proved her point a thousand times over. The madwoman surveyed the crowd then smiled and jiggled Val’s tits with her boot.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this special exhibition match, by way of pinfall, spanking, and knockout…. DENISE!!!!!!” The crazy lady announced in her best Bruce Buffer voice while producing Val's stolen top and hosting it above her head like it was a championship belt.

And with that, mercifully, Denise exited the ring still holding the top overhead like a trophy. After giving her booking card to some of the media people, Denise finally disappeared through an exit door with the top draped over her shoulder.

When the madwoman finally left, security and the spectators swarmed the ring to aid the battered and badly beaten legend who lie motionless like a bug splatted on a windshield, not even a faint muscle twitch to be seen.
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