The Protectors: An Origin Story: Chapter One: Homecoming

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Chapter One: Homecoming

Nicolette LaCroix idly ran her fingers along the banister, her face relaxed in pleasant memories. Twenty-six, tall and slender with generous curves, she looked very like her mother had done, right down to the long black hair and dark fiery eyes.

She entered the library, the furniture still draped in white cloth and uncovered a leather wing back chair. A chair that, apart from being one of the more valuable pieces of furniture in the place, was very valuable to her. It was in this chair that she had spent many hours, sitting in her father's lap in the happy days of childhood innocence. A single tear rolled down her cheek, but she did not wipe it away. She spoke in a soft whisper, “I miss you Papa.”

She turned and uncovered a second chair, her mother's. Here she had heard so many wonderful stories, cuddled up in her Mama's arms, safe from everything and surrounded by the love that caring parents have to give. Her voice is filled with the anguish of deep felt loss, “Oh, Mama!”

She stood there awhile longer as her people worked in the other rooms, granting her the privacy she sought, then she crossed to and uncovered the third chair, where she had sat when she got older. Where her parents had taught her the beginnings of wisdom. She remembered the last time she saw them as if it were yesterday, though it had been twelve long years.

She had entered the library to find both Mama and Papa sitting there, waiting for her. “Sit down, Nicolette, your mother and I have something important we need to discuss with you.” Puzzled and nervous at her father's use of her given name, she had sat in her chair. “Things have changed, Niki, an evil organization has rooted itself here, in our city, threatening to destroy it, to destroy our home. Your mother and I are going to fight back against it, but it will be dangerous. Far too dangerous for you to stay here. So... " he paused, took a deep breath, then continued, "... we are going to send you to your mother's people for awhile.” His hand had raised to quell any protest before it began, “Only for a little while. We'll bring you home just as soon as it is safe, and meanwhile, Besnik will look after you.”

She had liked Besnik, he had been like a great big teddy bear to a girl of fourteen, she had not known that he was so much more than that. Her voice had been soft as she replied, “OK, Papa.” Papa had smiled, but there had been sadness in his eyes, “It will be OK, Niki, you'll be home before you know it.” She had nearly cried then, “But I'll miss you Papa, you and Mama.”

Her voice was soft, but firm now, as she spoke again. “I miss you Papa, you and Mama, but I'm home. I'm home and I promise to finish what you and Mama started. I promise.” She turned and left the room, rejoining the organized chaos of reopening a home that had been closed for so long.

Chapter Two
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An intriguing opening. Good luck with this.
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Thank you, DrD.
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