Unravelling the Texan Wonder (scroll down for conclusion part 6!)

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Unravelling the Texan Wonder part 3

Modesty walked slowly towards the Texan Wonder. Her black high heels clunked the ground as she made each step. She circled the heroine and Eliza turned and followed her. Eliza had learned to be cautious, for all she knew Modesty could inject her with a drug or perhaps use a taser to electrocute her. At such a close proximity, anything was possible. In fact, all it would take is one blow from the Texan Wonder’s fists and Modesty’s frail mortal body would be rendered unconscious. The thought crossed her mind but she had to think of the lives at stake. The kidnapped girls!

“What is to stop me pummelling you like I did with your men?” Eliza said with her usual threatening and sassy demeanour.
“Oh my lovely, there are two reasons you should refrain from such behaviour” Modesty responded with her British eloquence. “The first is that we won’t be able to have some fun. The second of course concerns the prisoners I have in an undisclosed location. You don’t think I was stupid enough to keep them here?”
Eliza scowled at the villainess.

“I actually know a lot about you my dear” She continued.
“Then you know how powerful I am” Eliza said.
“Oh it goes beyond that. I know about the nature of your powers…….and your weaknesses…..I know how to defeat and destroy you once and for all”
Eliza laughed. “You are nothing to me, do you know what foes I have faced?”
Modesty circled the heroine, grabbed a leather whip and wrapped it lightly around Eliza’s slim waist and pulled her towards her. It was clearly not enough to restrain the mighty Texan Wonder. The heroine was just about the retaliate when Modesty began whispering in Eliza’s ear.
“hush little one…..think about the captives…..their lives are in your hands”
The Texan Wonder scowled again. She was waiting for the opportunity to end this situation once and for all. Eliza realised that she just needed to be patient.
“Lets return to our discussion……lets talk about your weakness” Modesty said
“I have no weakness!!” the Texan Wonder shouted.
“Oh really, I know what thoughts dance through your mind, especially when you are alone in your bed, I know what you think of as you strum your pink flesh….as you give into weakness”
“You’re disgusting!”

Modesty began rubbing and carressing the heroines shoulders.
“I know deep down you like that I am doing this to you, you are enjoying this…..”
The Texan Wonder ignored her but could not help the mild enjoyment she got out of it.
“Do you want to know why you are enjoying it?” Modesty asked.
“please enlighten me” Eliza replied with a tone that expressed how detestable she found Modesty.
“because I’m black, you love to be dominated sensually and savagely by black and brown villains”
The words struck a chord with Eliza, but they were somewhat hypnotic. The heroine did not even realise that Modesty’s hands had traversed to her breasts, caressing her red coloured bra and gold coloured breast plate.
“ugh let me go” Eliza broke free.
“I have had enough of this” The blonde bombshell screamed as she grabbed Modesty’s neck.
“You would risk the lives of the captives?” Modesty asked.
“I am willing to wager that you was lying, this whole thing was a set up, and for what reason I am trying to figure out” the Texan Wonder stated.
“I see that although you are blonde, you are not the bimbo I suspected” Modesty responded. “You are right my blonde princess, there are no captives!”
“Then you have sealed your fate!” The heroine replied.
“Is that so?” Modesty said as she stroked between the Texan Wonder’s cleavage from her neck downwards, the heroines' grip still clenched around her neck.
“I know you find me attractive, you’d love to have my luscious lips sucking away at your pink sex, wouldn’t you”
“you are truly vile!”
“Really? The thought of being pleasured by an ebony goddess such as I, is weakening you already, you see I know a lot about you. Lust drains you of your power”
“What?” the Texan Wonder replied confused.
“and your lust is specific, I know what you imagine in your the most darkest fantasies, you are naked before me!”
“no!” She cried out defiantly. “You’re coming with me now”
“But today is the day you fulfil your fantasies once and for all”
The words penetrated the Texan Wonders mind and imagination. Little did she know, the ideas had taken root in her subconscious.

“I admit you are attractive, but if you think just because you are black combined with a little foreplay you can defeat my powers you are very much mistaken. Furthermore I am not so weak willed….time for you to come along Modesty. It was a desperate gamble but you’re going to jail” The heroine said with her usual confidence.
As soon as she finished her sentence Modesty tried to pull the Texan Wonder’s grip away from her neck. She simply could not get free.
“Its no use Modesty”
The villainess smiled which disorientated Eliza for a second. Just why would she be smiling she wondered?
Modesty saw her last opportunity to test her theory finally. If this failed then her hypothesis and gamble would be a failure, but in her predicament she had no choice. Modesty slammed her fist into the Texan Wonder’s solar plexus. Eliza was surprisingly winded slightly which shocked her, she had never felt anything like it before, let alone from a mere mortal. He grip loosened and the ebony vixen followed up with a side thrust kick from her high heeled boot into the heroine’s jaw.
“aaaah” she cried as she collapsed to the floor slightly dazed. She looked up to see Modesty towering over her with a victorious look in her eyes. There was something about the whole scene that turned Eliza on. The sight of this dominant African Goddess standing over her tapped into her own private sexual fantasies. But she had no idea that such fetishes could de-power her. Eliza could sense that she had been weakened by Modesty’s sensual touch and mental race play projections, but it was clear that she still possessed enough of her powers to end this quickly.
Modesty removed her boots slowly and walked over the the Texan Wonder. She placed her right foot lightly on the heroine’s breast place.
“You do look very sexy on your back, so defeated. Now suck my toes….” she commanded
“Never!” she replied. The heroine threw Modesty back as she sprung into action again.
“You may have weakened me but I am still clearly powerful enough to finish you” She said standing with her hands on hips. Modesty groaned with her face flat on the floor. It was clearly over. Or at least that was what she wanted the Texan Wonder to think.
“SUBMIT” she shouted as she turned around and unleashed her leather whip that she had been hiding. The blow struck like a scorpion’s tail and lashed the star spangled panties of the heroine. A full forced blow unleashed upon her pussy.
“uuuuugh” the blonde belle staggered back, her hands reaching to shield her wounded pubic area. As she attempted to do so, Modesty moved quickly. The ebony vixen was trained in dancing, gymnastics and martial arts and she knew that all she had to do was drain the Texan Wonder of her power and then she could beat her one on one. Before Eliza knew it, Modesty’s strong right hand was clamped over her pussy whilst her other hand grabbed the back of her neck. Her right hand began squeezing and massaging. Pain and pleasure combined.
“no….I must……resist” The Texan Wonder whimpered
Modesty’s hands were skilled she knew exactly what to do. The Texan Wonder’s womanhood was being held hostage.
“I know you are still quite powerful, but now that your most sensitive parts are in my hands you would be wise to not make any sudden movements” Modesty said.
Eliza could feel it. She was becoming weaker and weaker.
“You like that don’t you?” Modesty asked. She could see the facial expressions of Eliza. Half enjoyment, half agony.
“You want to see my hands dominate your pussy, own your pussy….”
“You have no strength, give in, submit, be weak, I’m breaking your will and you are liking it”
Modesty could feel the wetness increasing, slowly drenching her hands. She slowly managed to pass her two fingers into her pants and attempt to penetrate the Texan Wonder’s wet hole. It was tight and did not yield easily. As soon as Eliza realised what was going on she stamped her high heeled cowgirl book on Modesty’s bare foot and followed it with a headbutt. Modesty screamed in pain as she fell to the floor again.
The Texan Wonder used the time to focus again. She could either retreat or stay and fight.
“A super heroine never retreats” she thought to herself. However Eliza was unsure as to how much more she had been weakened by the ebony goddess’ dominant touch.
“Thats it! No more niceties!” Modesty shouted.
“Get her Lothar!”
Suddenly a large brute came out of nowhere, his mighty python arms wrapped themselves around the Texan Wonder. She could see his dark skinned biceps, triceps and forearms tense and constrict. She fought back and was shocked to discover that she was struggling against this mere mortal’s might.
“Noooo, Must…..get …….free”
She could feel his huge appendage harden and press against her butt. The experience aroused her and therefore weakened her even more. The mighty Goddess that is the Texan Wonder could feel her strength slowly leave her body.
“no, I can’t let this happen!” she said to herself, but no matter how much she tried she could not break free. And Modesty was walking towards her with that familiar devilish smile.

To be continued
Last edited by sensualbarbarian 2 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Great premise and great story. Can't wait to see Texan Wonder completely defeated.
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Part 4 is on the way soon!
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You gotta consolidate all of these into one topic thread. I know the idea is to get hype for each part of the release but its courtesy to not clutter the entire category page with chapters of your story. When you update your story thread it will automatically move up to the top, and its better for the longevity of your story if all the chapters can be found in ONE thread already organized in chapter order instead of forcing your readers to go on an Easter egg hunt through the archive for chapters of your story. If later down the line you're worried that your story is too far down the list to gain traction you can always just add a 'bump' response at the bottom to slide it back to the top.
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Thanks for that. I was not sure at the beginning and debated with myself, so I appreciate your advice. Part 4 will be posted here soon.
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Unravelling the Texan Wonder part 4

Lothars arms continued to squeeze the oxygen out of the Texan Wonder’s body. She could feel herself black out, and a feeling of fear and disbelief over came her.
“I can’t believe this! I have never felt this before….I am actually losing…..his strength is immense and I simply cannot break free…….the woozy feeling is overwhelming by body…..and his strength over me is turning me on!” Eliza admitted to herself.
Modesty walked closer to the imperilled heroine. The Texan Wonder knew that if she did not act soon it would be the end.

She dug deep to draw forth power that would give her a second wind. She could sense a light, a spark given to her by the Elysium goddess Allaria. As soon as Modesty was upon her she unleashed her legs, wrapping them around her. With her superhuman power she lifted the ebony vixen over the head of Lothar which caused the two bodies to fall upon him, bringing him to the floor. The Texan Wonder stood and backed away. It was her chance yet again to escape but she decided to stay and fight. The second wind had boosted her confidence. Hands on hips she was ready.

“As expected your plan fail..….mpgh!”
The Texan Wonder was interrupted by another strong large hand that suffocated and almost smothered her entire face.
“Well done Mike!” Modesty said.
“Texan Wonder, I would like you to meet my other right hand man, Mike..”
Eliza’s body was lifted and bound by his strength Even with her second wind she was still weakened. She had underestimated her recovery abilities. Lust was clearly the thing that would bring defeat and doom to her life!
The blonde southern belle however was not going to allow these brutes to take her down. She instantly broke free. Lothar joined the fray and the two muscular oafs ran towards her with the speed of American footballers. Modesty sat on her sofa to watch.
The fight began with the Texan Wonder being gored by both men. They slammed their hulking muscular frames into her, crushing her body in between both of their shoulders.
“UUUUGH!” the force knocked the wind out of her. She was dazed. That was when the blows to her face and body began. Both men unloaded a melee of strikes. Eliza just couldn’t think. Only her unconscious mind activated. The experience of being physically dominated by the two dark skinned men aroused her once again. Modesty watched with delight whilst pleasuring herself as the Texan Wonder fell to her knees. Suddenly Lothar lifted her up like a rag doll and crashed her back on his knee with such speed.
“aaaaaaargh!” She screamed. Luckily her invulnerability prevented any serious injury, but her weakened state allowed her to feel pain. She tried crawling to the exit. As she reached the door, Mike stood in her way. She looked up and noticed his pants were down. His well hung appendage was exposed to her eyes. It reminded her of the inter racial porn films she had watched in private. She heard another Lothar behind her. As she struggled to her feet she noticed he too had his pants down. His 8 inch black vein was ready for sex. She saw that the girth of the two men’s cocks were wide and strong. She felt feint standing between the two men, the subject of all her sexual fantasies and essence of her weakness as a super heroine.
“why didn’t Allaria warn me about how powerful lust can defeat me…?” she asked herself.
Lothar wasted no time. His hands mauled her breasts.
“NOOO let me go!” the Texan Wonder wriggled but could not break free of his vice like hands dominating her breasts. She grabbed his wrists.
“mmmmm ggggarrrh” she grunted, pulling at his wrists away from her breasts. Just as she was starting to get his hands to move, Mike went for the kill ending her resistance. His hand grabbed and crushed her vagina. Squeezing the entire pubic region whilst his thumb pressed hard into her clit.
“uuuuugh……no….you can’t!” Eliza shouted.
All her sensitive erogenous areas were being attacked and dominated. She had never felt so turned on and helpless all at the same time.
In the meantime Modesty had become well and truly wet from watching and masturbating.

The two brutes were laughing and the mighty Texan Wonder was slowly succumbing to the lust.
“Thats right Texan Wonder, your fantasy of being fucked by two black cocks entices you, just give in my darling…” Modesty said in her sleek English accent. Eliza could feel herself yearn for the fulfilment of her fantasy, and it was there for the taking. All she had to do was give into them and surrender all her strength and power. She could hear a voice in her head that was melting her iron will power.
“enjoy the lust….”
Was it Modesty’s, or her own subconscious?
Eliza closed her eyes and began breathing. She made a prayer to her Quantum Goddess deep inside her mind.
“Oh Allaria, Goddes of Elysium…..give me the power to resist”
“I hear you my child” the Goddess’ voice responded. Then Eliza saw a flash of purple inside her mind. She opened her eyes and felt some of her strength return yet again. A third wind! With that burst of energy she removed Lothar’s grabby hands with ease. She cracked her knee into Mikes jaw causing him to let go of her pussy. She then grabbed both of Modesty’s henchmen by the back of their necks and smashed their heads together sending them into unconsciousness. It was over.

The heroine was tired from the physical onslaught but knew she had to continue. The Texan Wonder could hear Modesty clapping.
“Well done my darling……I guess that’s that then….I will have to come quietly”
The Blonde avenger eyed the barefoot ebony Goddess with suspicion.
“In fact I would have surrendered if not for one little detail” Modesty continued.
“And what would that be?” The Texan Wonder said whilst slowly getting her breathe back.
“It didn’t matter if Lothar and Mike beat you or not…..their job was just to make sure you was standing right where I needed you to be”
The Texan Wonder raised an eyebrow.
“Just what do you mean by that?” She inquired.
Modesty pulled out a small remote from her panties. As she pressed a button. Suddenly metallic tentacles arose from the ground and bound the Texan Wonder ankles and arms.
Shock overcame Eliza as she attempted to break free.
“Its no use you bimbo. In your weakened state these tentacles will hold you. They were made by a particular super villain that you actually defeated before…..a young lad that calls himself the Nerd”
Eliza remembered. She had taken down that 18 year old perverted little letch who battles the forces of good using his superhuman intellect.
“It may take some time Modesty, but I will break free and then I am not holding back anymore” The Texan Wonder said defiantly.
“Oh my lovely, I don’t think you quite understand what a predicament you are in and what dirty things I have in store for you now”
Suddenly a device came down from the ceiling. It was a VR head set. It wrapped itself around Eliza’s head and eyes.
“I promised the Nerd that I would send him a video copy of what I am about to do to you my courageous blonde cowgirl…..now we are going to take your power drainage to the next level….get ready to be fully weakened!”
“No! Is that even possible……I have to find a way to break free!” She said to herself in distress.

to be continued
Neophyte Lvl 2
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might I suggest editing the post title to show that partfour is up
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Thanks for that. I suppose ill have to do that everytime I post a new part
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Part 5 is on the way soon!
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Chapters 3 and 4 were very good, waiting for the next one, congratulations for that story
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Unravelling the Texan Wonder part 5

“What are you doing?!” The Texan Wonder shouted as Modesty slowly caressed her breasts and torso.
“I think it’s time we got you out of that tight uncomfortable looking costume, don’t you think?”
Modesty pulled out a knife and began sliding it along Eliza’s flesh.
“You think I’m scared?” The heroine defied.
“Oh you misunderstood my darling!” Modesty replied. Using the knife she cut through her red, white and blue coloured bra, defiling the Texan flag. The gold Elysium armoured parts of her outfit fell apart. The Costume melted off her torso finally exposing her breasts.
“You have the form of a goddess!” Modesty complimented.
Even through the VR helmet, Eliza scorned at Modesty and the ebony vixen could feel her glare.
The Texan Wonder’s breasts were large but not too large. The proportions were a tribute to her tall, sleek yet athletic physique. They were almost too perfect, strong, natural and firm; a gift from the Goddess Allaria. It was necessary that Elysium’s champion and indeed the super heroine champion of the US and Texas; had the most amazing feminine bodily assets.
Modesty couldn’t resist. She began stroking the Texan Wonder’s voluptuous breasts.
“mmmm so delicious” she said with primal desire.
“You disgust me!” The Texan Wonder said. Deep down however she knew there was nothing she could do and it felt good to have her white, slightly pink coloured breasts dominated sensually by this depraved ebony villainess. Modesty kissed them, a slight peck on both.
“These are mine now, your breasts are mine” she said with dominance.
“uuugh no!” The Texan Wonder struggled, but she could feel herself slowly become wet.
Modesty traced her knife down the centre of the heroine’s torso, travelling down down south. She placed her other hand on her vagina area and held it as if to show that she possessed it.
“This area is mine too” she said. The Texan Wonder gasped.
Ruthlessly Modesty cut Eliza’s star spangled pants and removed them. She smothered her own face with them and inhaled. She licked the wet patch that had emerged there from the constant weakening of the Texan Wonder’s body.
“Your wetness is proof of your weakness” She confirmed. The heroine groaned in response.
“Whats happening to me……ugh I feel so unconfident” The Texan Wonder said.
“Yes my darling, it is music to my ears to hear you say that” Modesty replied.
The Texan Wonder couldn’t believe it. She actually said that out loud when it was meant to be in her mind. The southern super belle’s mind and body was betraying her. A part of her wanted Modesty to hear that statement of defeat, it just came out unintentionally. She felt embarrassed and searched for her confidence again.
“In fact……I…..I will win and…..” Eliza stumbled on her words. Modesty cut her off.
“You have already lost my little cowgirl. Let’s get on with your complete power drain now should we?”
“what’s going on? What is she going to do next? I have only known victory in my life, Ive always won….as a super heroine and in my career. I am not sure if I have the will to resist when the pressure is pounding me and breaking me down” the Texan Wonder said to herself.
Eliza’s senses were blocked by the VR helmet. She could not see clearly. Suddenly she heard a click. As if Modesty had flicked a switch somewhere.
“You’re going to love this” the sexy villain said.
A screen flashed before the Texan Wonder’s eyes. When it cleared, the images were both tantalising and familiar.
“did Modesty hack my laptop?” Eliza thought to herself.
The VR headset played videos of interracial porn. Scenes of hulking black men, inhumanly large and long dark skinned cocks, and pale skinned beauties being penetrated and dominated. The film really turned her on and Eliza tried to close her eyes but the sounds were just as lustfully delicious.
“I hope you enjoy this Texan slut……I have seen your laptop, I know what your preferences are” Modesty laughed.
“How dare you!!” the heroine cried.

The Texan Wonder’s rebellion was silenced quickly when she felt Modesty’s ravenous mouth go to work on her pink clit. She sucked and licked, utilising her skilled tongue and mouth in ways that were unknown to the Texan Wonder’s body. Vibrating pulses of pleasurable energy shot up her spine to her head. She used all her mental will to fight back and push back the surrendering feelings, and the sensual electrification of her most womanly parts. It was not to be, as Eliza’s powerful feminine will was broken. The combination of the porn that was penetrating her mind, the black on white skin, and Modesty’s tongue, her ebony dominance over her blonde angelic beauty; was simply too much for Eliza. She was enthralled by the experienced of becoming an object of desire. Her mind shut down and she was speechless. And then out of nowhere,
“uuuuuuuuuuugh!” she came hard and fast. Despite all the Texan Wonders super endurance and stamina, this was not the case in the sexual realm. She was naturally weak.
As she drowned in her own orgasm, her body wiggled and writhed against the metallic tentacle bonds. As the pleasure consumed her, she forgot all about her identity as a super heroine.

The Texan Wonder could feel it. A total and utter depletion of her super strength, power and abilities. She was nothing more than an ordinary woman. She lay lifeless and hanging with her arms stretched out, still bound by the tentacles. She could feel Modesty approaching.
“ugh what happened?” Eliza said as Modesty stroked her face and removed the headset.
“Don’t worry darling, you have taken your first step in your path to enslavement” the ebony villainess replied.
Modesty noticed that the heroine was still wearing her red, white and blue cowgirl boots. With the Texan Wonder still dizzy, dazed and woozy, Modesty removed them to expose her shapely feet and pink toes. She threw the boots aside and helped the southern blonde to an upright position.
“you….may have drained me…..b b but I have …..enough…fight” the Texan Wonder said.
“I was hoping you would say that……although now all your powers are gone I still want you as fit as a fiddle for what I have in store for you next”Modesty said.
“What?!” The Texan Wonder said. “ Hasn’t she done enough to me?!” She thought.
“Still so sassy I see, even after experiencing my ebony dominance…..we need to continue my love” Modesty replied.

The Texan Wonder was just about to protest when she felt those familiar restraining arms lock around her body. It was Mike and Lothar and without her powers they felt 10 times stronger. She fought back with had little strength she had. Her training as soldier and experience as a dancer and cheerleader paid off as she gave the two brutes a hard time. That was until Lothar unleashed a club across her sunshine haired head which sent Eliza immediately into the darkness of a slumber.

To be continued
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Good chapter and our heroine is in an increasingly difficult situation
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It will only get more difficult for her!
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A quick sketch I did of a similar contraption that the Texas Wonder is bound in minus the tentacles. Perhaps one to use in the future for another heroine :otto:
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part 6 is on the way soonish
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Unravelling the Texan Wonder part 6

The Texan Wonder awoke in a strange place. She was lying down on the canvas of a boxing or wrestling ring. The light disorientated her vision as she slowly stood to her feet. She noticed that she was still naked. To her left she saw her costume in tatters, hanging on the wall like a trophy.

“Morning darling” The familiar voice of her captor spoke.
The Texan Wonder saw ahead of her, at the opposite side of the ring; Modesty in a red sexy wrestling leotard. She was barefoot and her two bruiser henchmen were preparing her for what seemed to be a fight. It was no surprise who her opponent would be.
Modesty continued to elucidate the Texan Wonder’s predicament.
“I think you get the gist of what is going on here. I have always been confident in my fighting ability. During my travels I received training from the House of Blades, a martial arts and warrior order dedicated to training the worlds greatest fighters and assassins. I always wondered…..If not for their super powers…..how would a superhero fare against me…..?”
“I assure you, I am more than your equal even without my powers” Eliza said firmly.
“Yes I know you was trained in the army…..I know you have fighting abilities, martial skill, and physicality of a dancer and gymnast….But I know I can destroy you in a fight for three reasons”
Eliza raised her right eye brow with curiosity.
“Firstly, you have not faced an opponent like me. I am better than you, stronger than you. Secondly you have grown soft due to your reliance on your superpowers and therefore you only know victory. Finally, you have a weak will…..”
“I certainly do not!!” The Texan Wonder retorted.
“Oh have you forgotten how we took you down?” Modesty replied”
“you used dirty tactics and lured me into a trap…..it was the only way you could drain and de power me…..” Eliza said.
“No darling, you are just weak…….I am your weakness…..and now we will discover just how weakened you can get! ”
Eliza felt a dent in her confidence.
“I can’t lose this fight……I have to win” she said to herself.
“If you win…..you may go free…you can even bring me to justice….” Modesty continued.
“Then let’s get this show on the road…..” the Texan Wonder said confidently.
“May I wear some clothes?”
“No! I like you just the way you are”
This made Eliza even more angry and frustrated than she was.
“I am going to punish you bitch” the blonde heroine said. “I will not be humiliated anymore!”

Moments later the two opponents were brought to the centre of the ring. Lothar stood between them as a would be referee.
“I trust the two of you will have a fair, clean fight. Everything is allowed, the winner is the one who completely dominates the other and gets a submission. Eliza starred at Lothar with a piercing glare.
“I doubt fairness is something I will expect with you as the ref”
“Don’t Worry Texan slut, I have made it clear to Lothar that I want no intervention. I want to prove to myself that I am better than you, stronger, faster and to hear you submit to me verbally and expose your weakness” Modesty said.
“You will regret this” the Texan Wonder replied.
The two were ushered to their corners.
“FIGHT!” Lothar’s deep loud voice echoed.

The two female warriors immediately lock hands. Their muscles tensed against one another. Although the Texan Wonder was stripped, naked and humiliated but she was determined to win. Modesty on the other hand wore her red coloured dominatrix costume with pride. Their feet pressed into the canvas and Modesty could feel Eliza’s strength. A tried and tested soldier and athlete even without her powers. Eliza felt it, she knew she could beat her. That was until Modesty said those words.
“I defeated you already”
It was like being slapped across the face with electricity. Something happened to the blonde heroine’s confidence. Modesty pulled her in and then dropped her body and grappled one of Eliza’s legs taking her to the ground. The ebony vixen was well versed in grappling, wrestling and jujitsu. Modesty mounted Eliza, but the blonde avenger easily flipped her over head. She followed with a knee to Modesty’s head.
Eliza then continued with a punch across Modesty’s jaw sending her into the ropes. Dazed and confused, the Texan Wonder saw her chance and wrapped her arm around her opponents neck in a lock, hoping to turn it into a choke. The villainess looked to be on her way to defeat but something snapped inside her.
“NO! I AM BETTER THAN HER!” she said to herself.

The hammer fist smashed with merciless power on top of the Texan Wonder’s naked pussy. Eliza was shocked as the blow caused her body and muscles to turn to jelly. She immediately yielded Modesty from the head lock. She winced in pain and staggered around, holding her crotch. Then she noticed the feeling, the sensation. A powerful weakness was taking her.
“Ive already been power drained……how much weaker can I get?” the heroine said to herself.
The Texan Wonder did not know that even without her powers, and after being drained; her weakness as a super powered heroine remained. But truly how much more de powered could she get?
Modesty smiled as she noticed her foe limping and walking around tip toes on her sexy bare feet. Eliza could feel that although she had no more power to be drained by her ebony opponent, her weakness to lust and domination from a dark skinned villain would have an additional effect on her once her power was drained. If her body can no longer be drained, this weakness would effect her mind. The Texan Wonder could sense it, she was becoming more submissive!

If the domination from Modesty continues beyond the power drain, the onslaught would have the effect of making her mentally and spiritually submit and give into enslavement. The Texan Wonder simply could not resist the prospect of being a white slave to a power black or brown villain..

Despite this reality, Eliza leaned on the ropes hoping to get her breathe back.
“I will not give in!” she shouted as she charged at Modesty. The villainess had the heroine exactly where she wanted. The Texan Wonder fought with rage and Modesty could read her moves easily. She always believed she was a better fighter than her. Her martial skill honed by years of training in various parts of the world and the notorious House of Blades. The de-powered Texan Wonder was a good fighter but it was clear that Modesty was better. It wasn’t just about physicality, she had outsmarted Eliza.

The ebony vixen moved ninja like through Eliza’s moves, as if she was an animal moving past branches of a forest. She sent a blow into the blonde avenger’s right breast.
“ugh” Eliza moaned and threw a hook. Modesty ducked and sent a sharp upper cut to the heroine’s groin, followed by another blow to her other breast. The Texan Wonder appeared stunned completely. Her arms were down and she was walking in circles slowly as if delirious.
“Ive got to shake this off……but I feel so in need of discipline and punishment……a part of me enjoys this…….no!” Eliza said to herself.
Modesty saw her chance and grappled the Texan Wonder to the ground, mounting her in the process, whilst trying to keep her opponent firmly on the ground. The heroine struggled back by shrimping to the side and then attempted to arm bar Modesty. Eliza’s strength of will was amazing, fighting against her very weakness.

As Lothar and Mike watched the two female warriors battle they began to feel aroused. The sight of sexy feminine physiques locking and rubbing themselves around one another was quite the sight for their masculine eyes. It was like a game of chess, each woman attempting to get to a dominant position but it was clear that the Texan Wonder was wearing down from the pressure. Her will was weakening and submissive thoughts continued to enter Eliza’s mind.
“give up and surrender…..you cannot win…you are too tired and I’m too strong for you” Modesty taunted. The words echoed back to the Texan Wonder in her own voice, internally. But she fought on. Eventually, her tiredness caught up with her, and she felt her body give way to Modesty’s pressure. This allowed the villainess to get the once mighty Texan Wonder in a strong ankle lock. The heroine squirmed and rolled struggling to get free.
“SUBMIT” shouted Modesty and she yanked on the Texan Wonder’s foot
“Never!” Eliza cried back. Suddenly Modesty bit her opponent’s toes and started sucking sensually.
“mmmm” the Texan Wonder moaned.
“are you sure you don’t want to submit?” Modesty said in between the sucking and kissing of her foot. Eliza had had enough. She drew forth everything she had and launched a kick with her other foot. Modesty saw it coming and dodged it easily but her opponent had managed to break free. The Texan Wonder that was all she had left and she could see the exit and finally decided to retreat but in her low energy state she was slow and sluggish. Modesty swept the heroine off her feet and she landed on her back with a loud slam.
“ugh I can’t win this…..”she said to herself. Modesty mounted the Texan Wonder once again. Every time Eliza fought back Modesty would overpower her with ease by squeezing her nipples.
“do you submit”
She still wanted that verbal submission from Eliza’s lips.
“I know what would finish you off once and for all” she said. Modesty forcefully stabbed her two fingers into the Texan Wonder’s already sopping wet pussy.
Her fingers danced majestically inside her pink flesh. As she finger fucked with a gathering speed, the Texan Wonder knew it was over.
“submit to me now! Your pussy belongs to me, I own it, all it took was my fingers to dominate and defeat you!”
“I…..I….” Eliza hesitated for a moment and then finally surrendered to Modesty’s superior power.
“uuuuuugh yes yes! I submit to you! I accept that you have defeated me!” she yielded and it felt good to her.
“You did well to resist for so long, but in the end your weakness will always beat you.
The Texan Wonder was speechless. Lying on her back panting. She felt high from the release but she also felt humiliated. The heroine slowly stood to her feet. Stripped naked, beaten, tired. She walked towards Modesty with her frown upon her face. It appeared she was still going to resist. Although defeated could at least she could do was refuse to submit, and not give Modesty that satisfaction.

But once again she felt a great sense of defeat overwhelm her mind and body, and she enjoyed it. She had been strong and powerful for so long but now she could release herself into submission and weakness. The mighty blonde southern super heroine felt a great need to please Modesty and worship her ebony dominance more. She exhaled a sigh, and as if she was a damsel in distress she fell to her knees in front of Modesty.
“You win……I am defeated…….let me worship you my dark skinned mistress….” the Texan Wonder said in a soft tone.
“It seems that you are nothing more than a weak woman now…..you was so powerful and regal but I took you down…..” Modesty said confidently.
“Yes you did…..I suppose I never stood a chance……I simply cannot fight against a villain such as you…..a dark skinned dominant always gets me….I have fantasised about it since forever.” It was unknown to Eliza where her kinky inter-racial fetish had come from. But it did not matter anymore. Her fantasy and lust had defeated her and finally was being fulfilled. The Texan Wonder was destroyed. Modesty grabbed her sunshine coloured hair as Eliza remained in the kneeling posture. She shoved her face against her red pants. Eliza eagerly removed them and started tasting her mistress.
“mmmm, from now on your name to me will be the Defeated Wonder”
“yes mistress….” Eliza said as she continued licking and sucking her mistress. “My name is the Defeated Wonder” she echoed Modesty’s command back.

It did not take long for Modesty to be brought to a climax. She had longed and had visualised it often. The research and work she had conducted, the foreplay, the battle, witnessing the Texan Wonder bound, beaten, struggling and now kneeling before he tasting her black flesh was too much. Modesty came all over the Texan Wonder’s face.

As Modesty came to her senses, she looked to Lothar and Mike.
“Boys come over her and enjoy the goods” She said as she sat on a sofa and continued stimulating her clit. The two hulking men walked over to the Texan Wonder’s defeated body and proceeded to conquer her. Eliza felt everything. Mikes mouth devoured her pussy as Lothar stole her mouth and mauled her breasts. They took it in turns, intuitively sharing the goods. Eventually their hardened phalluses were penetrating her holes. Her body lifted above their hips as Lothar entered her wet slit and Mike obliterated her even tighter ass.
“uuuuugh” she whimpered as her eyes rolled back. She completed lost track of time and had become entranced by the primal pleasure. Her fantasy fetish come true. Two hulking Afro American men, ravaging her body and having their way with her, the mighty Texan Wonder. As the three enjoined bodies moved to the floor, they looked like a creature from a horror film, a beast with three backs and six arms. But the noises Eliza made were enough to harden any man’s cock. And Modesty was wet as a rainy day as she watched and continued to strum her sensitive flesh.

After some time, Eliza Prince, the powerful southern belle heroine known as the Texan Wonder; came hard. Waves of pleasure drowned her body, filling every pore of her being. The primal dance came to an end as the two men unloaded as the heroine sucked away at the henchmen’s cocks. They continued to cover her body with their essence and Modesty wailed with pleasure as she came again on seeing the Texan Wonder vanquished by the manly cum.

The two men stepped away. Modesty walked towards her fallen nemesis who was half conscious and still greatly effected by the endorphins.
“You’re my property now….but I’m going to let you go…..wherever you are you will always remember this day…..and that I can beat you anytime, again and again” Modesty said as she yanked Eliza’s hair.
“uuuugh I am yours mistress…….I….I can’t resist you” She replied weakly.
“good girl” Eliza’s mistress and dominator replied.
And with those words, the ebony villainess landed one last blow to the Texan Wonder’s face, knocking her out immediately. She lay unconscious on the floor, drenched in cum.

“what are you going to do with her boss?” Lothar asked.
“We video taped the whole thing. Send one copy to the Nerd, as promised. Let that adolescent letch masturbate to his heart’s content. We made a deal not to make it public however. I don’t want the super villain community to know about this yet. The Texan Wonder is mine. But do send a copy to the superhero community and the members of the Lighting League. Let them know that a lowly criminal took down their most powerful asset”

Modesty had never felt so fulfilled. She had won, the Texan Wonder had been destroyed. Just how could Eliza Prince come back from this?

The End
Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
Posts: 44
Joined: 9 years ago

Really great story. Great ending! Thank you! Keep writing.
Elder Member
Elder Member
Posts: 461
Joined: 20 years ago

Excellent story!!
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 159
Joined: 12 years ago

great story, and the end was open to use the heroin in other stories
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 185
Joined: 4 years ago

Thanks again. The Texan Wonder will definitely return. And sooner than later :)
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