Lady England: Curse of the Dark Yogi

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Lady England: Curse of the Dark Yogi part 1

It had been many decades since Lady England had faced the evil sorcerer, Darius. Her immortality had preserved her beauty and youth as the powers of Avalon and the fairy realm flowed through her body. Since then, Lady England attained greatness and fame as a Superheroine member of the Lighting League in the modern age, fighting alongside her fellow heroes such as the Texan Wonder, captain invincible and Dr Shadow.

Olivia Knight flew through the air in her white and red crossed costume. As she did so her thoughts travelled back to her most recent mission. She had successfully busted a sex slave ring in the East of London. The girls however appeared to be in a hypnotised trance when she found them. It reminded her of her encounter with the villainous Dark Yogi so many years ago in Primrose Hill, London. She had always been on her guard, preparing for his return. Deep down she knew that one day she would have to face him again in combat.

Lady England arrived back at her apartment in Chelsea and stealthily transformed back to her civilian identity. She was no longer a government agent and preferred her leadership role at the League. It was late and Olivia was looking forward to a decent nights rest for once. After showering, she consumed a simple dinner with a glass of wine. At that moment she received a call from the Lighting League.
“Hey Olivia, it’s Eliza….”
“Good to hear from you….to what to I owe the pleasure of a late night call from the mighty Texan Wonder?”
“you seemed quite spooked after todays successful mission, so I just wanted to check on you”
“Thats kind Eliza……Its just……”
“did you see the state of the captured women?”
“yes…..mind control……trust me Lady E, I myself have been there”
“I remember……but Modesty didn’t use magic when she broke you”
“no she didn’t…….my weakness was enough to break my will”
“hmmm…….my powers give me great intuitive senses……and as my powers are a product of magic and alchemy I could sense that sorcery was at work….and a very familiar sorcery that I encountered years ago…..I’m sure I am just being paranoid. How are things at Headquarters?”
“hmmm…. things are tense….Dr Shadow has been even extra quiet and broody since I kicked out Power Cat from the team…Captain Invincible is the usual chauvinist. Still threatened by the leadership roles you and I fulfil…..and he’s always trying to defeat me in training……”
“I guess he fails constantly?”
“yep! No man gonna beat this tough cowgirl!”
“glad to hear it….I have always loved your sass….any interesting missions?”
“Just a Jihadi organisation……the CIA say that one of their members is super powered….calls himself the Iron Jihadi….Looks like I am going to have to give him a taste of the stars and stripes”
“good luck with that……nothing you can’t handle…Anyway I am off to get a good nights kip……goodnite”
As Olivia lay her head down to rest she was out like a light in minutes. She found herself floating in astral form like a jelly fish underwater. Weightless. She noticed she was in her Lady England costume. She had much experience using her powers to achieve astral projection and dream walking. But there was something strange this time. She did not feel as though she was in control. Then the voice spoke.
“It is wonderful to meet you again Lady England, it has been much too long” the deep baritone said.
“I had a feeling you had crawled back out of the woodwork….like the slimy worm you are….”
“The last I saw you… was in quite a……how should I say…predicament..”
Lady England was silent and refused to respond to him on his terms.
“I seem to remember you retreating cowardly….I don’t think I have ever faced such a villain as weak as you!”
Darius laughed.
“This time things are different, very different…..where have I been all this time? That is the question you should be asking.”

Suddenly Lady England felt herself falling violently. She screamed helplessly as the shock gripped her. She was so used to being powerful and in control. Eventually she found herself on a hard surface. The voice continued to speak.
“I have been training……in dimensions beyond your wildest and most violent nightmares…..I have learnt from the most powerful entities……this is but a drop in the ocean of my power” Darius boasted.
“This is my dream and my mind……I am leaving!” Lady England shouted as she took to the air. Her escape was halted by powerful chains, wrapping themselves like a spiral around her entire body. She struggled to break them but failed to do so. The chains were invincible.
“No my dear…….this dark abyss is my realm……and you are no match for me!”
“UUUUGH…..must….break free!” Lady England fought with all her strength. It was no use. Darius laughed again.
“You are too weak! I have you already!!”
The chains disappeared into mist and Lady England found herself sucked into a black hole behind her. She found herself falling again…..deeper and deeper into the darkness. She landed on something sticky. It was a giant cobweb. Again she simply could not break free. It was as if Darius was throwing her around like a puny toy from one bondage fantasy to another.
“You are sick!” she shouted
“why thank you…..I prefer the word depraved myself. I want you to experience pure helplessness!”
She looked in terror as a giant black widow spider came crawling towards her. It was the size of car and translucent liquid was pouring from his mouth. Olivia had a fear of spiders as a child, Darius must have been probing her mind but she refused to give into fear. She closed her eyes.
“This isn’t real” she said to herself. But she knew only too well that it was possible to die in the astral plane. As she opened her eyes the creature was upon her, she could smell it. It sunk its fangs into her neck causing instant paralysis.
Lady England’s mighty body froze. She felt her skin burn with pain. A feverish sickness consume her as the giant spider began wrapping her up like an Egyptian mummy with its webbing. She felt herself suffocate as the sticky fluid covered her face and fill her nostrils.
“NOOO! I’M LADY ENGLAND! I CANT BREATHE!!” She slowly fell into unconsciousness .
When she awoke she was free and well. On her hands and knees on the ground, face down in defeat. Breathing hard she stood to her feet.
“Fight me face to face you cowardly swine!” she screamed.
“A fight is what you shall get…..but not with me…..not yet…” Darius replied. A loud growl disturbed Lady England’s outburst. Out of the shadows came a beast. At least 8 feet tall, hairy, probably weighing 500 pounds of muscle. She wasted no time and charged into the animal with her fists. Her hands shattered on impact.
“AAAAAAARGH!” she screamed in pain. She launched spearlike kicks against the creatures body which had no effect causing nothing but damage to her own shin and feet. She collapsed to her knees in pain.
“why is this beast so powerful, why am I so weak! Where are my powers!!” she panicked.
The beast slapped her to the floor and then proceeded to pummel her.
“Enjoy the beating Lady England!” Darius mocked.
Lady England felt the pain of her defeat….and death was on its way soon.
“noo….please… this cannot be!” she said to herself. “There is nothing I can do…..I’m….helpless!!”
She could feel her bones crunching under the fragility of the hairy behemoth. The final blow woke her up from her slumber. She screamed as she rose from her bed in a cold sweat. Breathing hard. She immediately hit the shower to calm her nerves. The warm water soothed her long lean, shapely body. As she wore her bathrobe to return to her bedroom, she sat down to process what had happened. She looked at the mirror in front of her.
“was that real? has Darius really returned?”
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Great start of Lady England's second encounter with Dark Yogi! Assuming this is taking place in the present day, it's been 60 years since their first fight, and Lady E is 100 year old?
Aside from her hair color changing from blonde to burnette-red, what other changes is the current version from the original version? Is she still 5'10"?
Dark Yogi definitely grows as a villain, sending others to weaken his opponent first. Hoping his erotic tantric magic is also stronger with eve more tricks too!
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Thanks for the message. Yes I believe Lady England is much older now. Like Wonder Woman she is immortal. She is 5'10. There will be no other major changes. However I have decided that her powers come from Avalon and the fairy realm. Her powers were given to her by the guardians that dwell there, namely, Nimue the lady of the lake, Merlin and Gwynevar the Fairy Queen. Maybe I will re write an origin story as I mentioned that her body was fused with the magic of excalibur and alchemical potions that were injected into her.
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Perhaps the revised origin story can incorporate her fight against the nazi occultists? Even against the soviet scientist?
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I will eventually do a world war 2 story with nazi super villains, and then eventually a cold war one with communists.
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Lady England: Curse of the Dark Yogi part 2

It happened again. Another slave ring was reported and Lady England was on the case. This time her intel took her to the tropical south east Asian island of Singapore. A country known for being an advanced financial and technological hub, and at times, a hub for organised crime and super villain activities. England’s mighty rose burst through the wall of a skyscraper. Hovering in the air she accessed the situation. Below her were 8 masked members of the sword of Kali, a demonic cult from India headed by Darius himself. Many were armed with rifles. They wore red masks in the shape of some beast like God. In the centre of the room was a magic circle, constructed out of goats blood. The dead animal’s carcass was discarded to the left of the circle. In the middle of the circle were a group of five young women, all naked and slowly falling into a trance as one of the SOK’s sorcerer’s was chanting some incantation in front of them and outside the circle.

The men began firing at Lady England. She glided her long lithe body, and danced through the bullets. One zoomed passed her fiery autumn hair. She landing on the ground with a threatening stance, the men continued to concentrate their fire upon her. As the bullets flew of her and she found it quite irritating. One by one she dispatched them and finally punched out the lights of the sorcerer, thereby disrupting the ritual. The women immediately awoke from their trance.
“Quick lets go…..we have to get out of here!” Lady England said to them. The young women began to smile.
“Thank you Lady England” she said as she stepped closer attempting to kiss her. The heroine resisted but the others began caressing her from behind.
“what are you doing?! We have no time for this!” she cried.
“we have all the time in the world….we just want to thank our heroine and saviour” said the young lady in front of her. The others giggled. Lady England was reminded of what happened so many years ago in Primrose Hill and how her friends were also victims of this lustful magic. The predicament she was in reminded her that even the mighty Lady England was defeated by the same magic. As the women touched her, Olivia remembered how good it felt to lose control.
“Enough!” Lady England shouted as if she was a school teacher disciplining a group of school girls. “Its time to……”
Suddenly Lady England felt a sharp pain in her head causing her to fall to her knees.
“uuuuugh! Cant focus……what’s wrong with me!?”
The women laughed and some of the henchmen that Lady England had beaten into unconsciousness were slowly waking up. Noticing the mighty Lady England on the floor, woozy and weak; two of them walked towards her and the group of mind controlled nymphs. One of them dragged Lady England to her feet, holding her arms from behind. The other masked henchmen immediately began striking her exposed toned belly. She could actually feel the blows.
“uuuugh!! Oof! why do I feel the pain?!” She thought to herself. The man continued his cruelty by launching blows into her chest. She was never particularly busty, but her breasts were’t small either. They were a perfect size, supple and shapely. They moulded around the fists of her assailant as he rammed his hammer blows into her famous white coloured and red striped bra. Then she heard the Dark Yogi’s voice in her head.
“Seems as though defeat is becoming a regular experience for you Lady England when it comes to me” Darius said. She knew he was communicating with her telepathically.
“I hope you get out of this mess….I shall send you the coordinates of my location….there will meet….I challenge you to face me!”
In that moment the Dark Yogi sent the address to Olivia telepathically. Lady England’s mind was confused. She wanted to respond to Darius but was being dominated by his henchmen’s blows. She knew that Darius’ psychic attack was responsible for a weakened state. All seemed hopeless for Englands mighty rose, and she felt that in this situation she would be defeated by mere thugs and would not even get the chance to battle Darius himself.

Suddenly a portal opened, and two raven haired women walked out. One was dressed in a revealing costume that was decorated in the colours of Singapore’s flag. A tight red and white bikini. Her face was covered in a red mask with a white star but it was clear that she was Oriental and perhaps a native of Singapore. She also wore bracelets and clearly looked like a warrior. She was barefoot and stood in a fighting stance for a moment as she exited the portal, clearly martial arts was something she had mastered. She was no more than 5 foot 6, but despite being petite she had a lean, athletic cheerleader physique. Her breasts were small, but she had naturally hard nipples that pierced through her costume. Her companion was taller, perhaps 5 foot 9. She was dressed in a green costume that covered her large breasts and her lower orifices. However her pants were thong like, clearly to accentuate her busty and curvy shape. She was also lean, but had long muscles. She wore long green heeled boots with gold metallic knee pads. She also wore gold bracelets, shoulder pads and her head and face were covered by a helmet and green visor. However her nose and mouth was still visible. A green winged like cape flew behind her.

Lady England remembered them in the Lighting League’s files. They were super heroines of Asia known as the Guardian Blades. They practiced an ancient magical martial art known only as mystic dancing.
“Mantis Blade! Lets perform attack plan alpha….and quickly!” The barefoot, red and blue coloured heroine commanded. The two of them took to the air ninja like and unleashed a spray of dark like projectiles. Each of the hypnotised hostage girls were struck in the neck rendering them unconscious. The two henchmen of Darius threw the weakened Lady England to the floor as if she was nothing more than an ordinary mortal damsel. They attempted to attack the mysterious oriental heroines. Two more henchmen surrounded the two of them aiming their rifles at their heads. The two of them smiled at one another and clearly held back as they showed inhuman agility and martial prowess. A golden sword emerged from the bracelets of the one named Mantis blade as she closed the distance with lighting speed, slicing the opponents rifle in half. The red masked, bare foot heroine finished the other henchman with the most perfect flying kick. In the space of two breathes the fight was over.

The two female warriors helped Lady England to her feet. The mighty English rose had a bruised ego, she never liked being rescued.
“Are you ok?” the one in red asked.
“Yes…..Thank you…..I am grateful…..I was struck by a psychic attack from the Dark Yogi….”
“Yes…I take it you have heard of him?”
“Indeed we have…. we Guardian Blades often deal with his operations in the region”
“well I know where he is now…..he sent me his coordinates telepathically before you entered the scene. What is your name?”
“I am Singapore Swan….this is Mantis Blade. If what you say is true we should accompany you…”
“I am afraid he has requested that I come alone….I have faced him before….this is something I must do alone….I must battle him by myself….”
“Are you sure….you don’t look so good…you western super heroines are quite weak willed and lack stamina, a villain like him will always exploit that”
“I assure you Singapore Swan, my will is strong as ever. The psychic attack drained me but I recover fast, my full power is already returning”
“Are you sure? We recently came across your friend sometime ago, Texan Wonder. She was easily beaten by the Dark Yogi’s henchmen and even admitted defeated….she submitted to mere henchmen verbally….”
“I am afraid the Texan Wonder was going through a bad time….her powers were off….but she has completely recovered now”
“That is the other problem with you western heroines, you rely too much on your powers”
“and you don’t use powers!?
“we do of course as you saw yourself, however even without our powers we have ferocious martial arts skills. Without your powers, any one of us could beat you Lady England”
“I would like to see that one day, I am always up for a spar, but for now I must depart….If I allow you to come I risk Darius not turning up to the invite, he will know if I am not alone, he already made that clear. Then I do not know how long I will have to wait to bring him to justice once and for all”
“very well….good luck Lady England”
The two of them shook hands and Lady England took to the sky, flying out of the window in pursuit of the Dark Yogi.
“This time I will be ready for all of his attacks…..his psychic projections will not work. I already am using my magical shields to protect me so I am prepared….”

Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Can't wait for the 1v1 fight; it does seem Lady England is getting into a habit of losing to Darius, 2 for 2 so far. Maybe one day even his henchmen, the SOK sorcerers, can defeat her in single magick duel. Could it be the case of the more times she loses to him the more domination or advantages he gains in the next fight? Or the more she fell to a particular type of attack, the more effective that attack is the next time?
Maybe the lady of the lake and the faerie queen will need to ste in a future confrontation?
It will also be interesting if there are power drain scenarios.
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There will be plenty of interesting things to come :)
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Lady England: Curse of the Dark Yogi Part 3

Transforming back to her civilian attire, Olivia journeyed to the location that Darius had telepathically transmitted to her mind. It was located in a part of Singapore known for high levels of organised crime and informal sector activities. The Dark Yogi had clearly disappeared into the jungle of the black market. Walking around the bustling market places and being a foreigner; Olivia stood out among the nightlife. She had decided to dress as a harmless tourist wearing a tight t shirt, sunglasses, jean shorts that exposed her legs from he thighs and red coloured flip flops. 

Walking down an alley she walked towards the booming noise of a night club. This was exactly the address that Darius had given her. Strange how she automatically knew where to go but she was used to the ways of magic . As she walked towards the security of the club, 3 large Chinese men walked towards her. The men wore mean faces with a clear intent to harm. 
“Oh I’m sorry, can you give me the directions to…” Olivia feigned naïveté. The men had no time for foreign tourists and grabbed her by the shoulders attempting to escort her elsewhere. Olivia had quite enough. Kicking off her flip flops she burst into action. A judo shoulder throw dealt with one of the men who was holding her. An elbow to the jaw of the other saw the man floored. There was one left. Remembering Singapore Swans amazing flying barefoot kick, Olivia decided to be playful and mimic her new ally. Feeling inspired she launched herself with ease, immediately perfecting the move striking the foes chest. 
“Hmm….i think I’ll enjoy this kung fu malarky” she said to herself smiling. 

As Olivia entered the club her ears were confronted with the loud beat. The venue was packed with bodies. She walked through the dancing crowd, passed the DJ and walked through the back door exit. She went down a flight of stairs and found herself in front of a door. The door was wooden, looked very old and had a symbol on the front. It was a demonic face like the masks that the henchmen she faced earlier wore. It sent a shiver down her spine but as always, Olivia confronted her fears. In a flash of magical lighting she transformed to Lady England. Donning her white and red crossed boots, panties, bra and long gloves with her. Her tiara glowed with beauty. She opened the door and entered. A blazing portal of energy greeted her and instantly sucked her in like a vortex. As she exited on the other side she stepped into a a realm of blackness, much like the place she saw in her dream. But this was real, she was not astral projecting and she knew it. There was a silvery light in the centre which illuminated the entire space. 

Darius stepped out of the light, standing some metres before her in his familiar red thonged pants. His face looked more rugged than before but his body was as ripped as ever. Lady England was somewhat in awe but she knew not to be distracted by him, for the dark yogi was forever her enemy. 
“Welcome to this place. You will notice my dear that this is neutral ground…..I would like us to face each other full powered with no advantages”
“That sounds fair, and my senses tell me that you are telling the truth” 
“I wish to prove to myself that I can defeat you. Last time we met you was clearly more powerful. Without the help of my hypnotised slaves you would have won” 
“I am glad you acknowledge that….”
“I can also tell from your magical shields that my tantric lust magic will not work on you this time” 
“ I propose a wager” 
“If I lose I will come with you and you can bring me to justice.” 
“And if I lose?“ 
“You become my slave, my mate and my wife…..forever” 
“Forever is a long time I am afraid I have other things on my schedule” 
“I see you fear defeat after our last encounter…..victory has made you soft and weak willed.”

Lady England knew that Darius was trying to get under her skin. However she was willing to make the gamble, her confidence was such that she knew exactly how she was going to beat him.
“Ok…..I will accept your wager…but that is only because I know that this is the day that you are vanquished once and for all…..I will not hold back anymore…”
“So today Lady England finally becomes a warrior and no longer the pure superheroine? Is killing me truly in your nature?”
“I will do what needs to be done….the world has suffered enough from your evil deeds!”
Her body began to glow. In a flash of magical light Darius was momentarily blinded. As the villain opened his eyes again he was in awe at the sight of his opponent. She stood before him in all her majesty and regal feminine strength. Her breasts were now covered in shining silver armoured cups, her sex was protected by a chastity belt of the same material. Her torso was covered by a corset in the colour of white and the symbol of the red cross. Her long boots were also armoured and glowing silvery white. She wore the same red gloves and tiara but in her right hand was a long broad sword, and in her left was a shield. On her back draped a cape in the English flag. She was clearly ready to slay a beast, and what a perverted beast Darius was. The Dark Yogi felt an ounce a fear. For all this time, was Lady England really holding back?
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Now the fight is on! Finally getting to see what the implant is and how it's going work?!
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Lady England: Curse of the Dark Yogi Part 4

Lady England charged forward with the intent to end Darius. The Dark Yogi hovered backwards, allowing her to chase. The pursuit lasted for a while, with Lady England waiting for the right opportunity. She saw one and went for his head, Darius ducked with ease but she charged her shield into his body sending him to the ground. Darius landed on his feet.

Suddenly he began reciting some incantations and made various hand movements. The Dark Yogi’s hands began to glow purple and he threw magical projectiles at Lady England who immediately parried them with her shield. In her distraction the Dark Yogi saw his chance, he slid by her and unleashed his tantric touch, caressing fast and sensually alongside the exposed flesh of her thigh.
“I’m afraid that your attacks have no effect Darius! Your sensual tantric touch will not weaken me this time!”
The Dark Yogi was shocked as she backhanded him with her shield arm. Jumping high into the air she attempted to land upon the evil sorcerer with a killing strike using her sword. It would truly be a blow that would end him once and for all. Darius knew this. The words came forth from his mouth again and as if possessed, his eyes turned black. He rose up like a rigid wooden board or a vampire that would rise from a coffin. He greeted Lady England’s attack by catching her sword with his two hands just above his head.
“I told you I was more powerful, my training throughout the dark dimensions with demonic entities make you inferior to me in every way now!”
Lady England gasped as she saw Darius grunt and scream, his muscles increased in size, pulsating with veins. With one violent movement he snapped her sword’s blade in two. Lady England was stunned by his power. Darius launched a blow to her face which she blocked with her shield. The blow was charged with the dark energy he had focused in his bulging muscles. It was just for a moment but when his fist landed upon her shield, her protective weapon was shattered, blowing the two opponents away from one another as if they were caught in the aftershock of a bomb blast.

Lady England stood to her feet.
“I don’t need weapons to crush you, fiend!”
She noticed the Dark Yogi’s muscles had returned to their normal size. His eyes were no longer black.
“ENOUGH!” Lady England cried as she ran towards him. Her armoured boot connected with his jaw. The valiant English maiden fired a barrage of blows at him. Darius was helpless to defend himself after his previous attack. She rattled his brain enough times, grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the ground. Her knee pressed into his chest rendering him immobile. She raised her hand to finish him with the killing blow. There were no quips, no one liners, just her fist that came down towards him.

It was at that moment that he enacted his plan. Over 40 years in the making, all those years ago in 1968 when he faced her in Primrose Hill, London. During that battle Darius had to escape, but as Lady England was overwhelmed by the tantric spell that he had cast on her body, and the sexual stimulation from his mind controlled female slaves; she broke as the desire ensnared her in its lustful grip. In that moment before he disappeared into a portal, the Dark Yogi was able to enter her mind and leave a gift deep in her unconscious, unbeknown to her. A piece of his soul, his energy and magic was embedded deep inside her psyche; something that only he could ignite like a bomb, at the right moment.

It was like a flash of images before her eyes, a blurry delirium. Lady England felt that her body’s chemistry was being overcome by a foreign magical substance, a spell! The images were sexual. She saw herself naked, in the arms of Darius and the desire was consuming her.
“No! Uuuugh! not again!” she said as she remembered his tantric attacks years ago. Lady England took a few steps backwards, away from her opponent on the floor. She fell to her knees, her hands on her head.
“get…..out of my……mind!” she shouted. Darius smiled as he stood up and walked towards her.
“I knew the spell would work. I left this deep inside your mind….it would defeat you from the inside out….do you really think I would waste my energy and risk my life fighting you head on! This whole lure was a trap, one I set up decades ago…..It was the only way to end you Lady England! I knew you could not resist an invitation to face me again. You obsessed about catching me….and your pride was so hurt years ago…But your pride will be your destruction!!”
“you… bastard!!” she fought back against the intoxicating lust. It was like an hyper horny acid trip. She stood up and reached for the Dark Yogi, their hands interlocked ready for another round.
“Stubborn as ever, Lady England!”
The Dark Yogi pushed her back into the ground. She was weakening and his grip felt superior and stronger this time. The magic was taking root inside her mind and Darius saw a chance to soften her resolve. Her mind was like wet clay in his hands now, and he saw an opportunity to break her will.
“uuuugh…..I…..I must!” Lady England shouted as she pushed back.
“you can’t” he spoke deep inside her mind.
“get out of my head dammit!! I will win!”
“I am stronger….feel me”
Darius squeezed her hands and Lady England began to feel fragile.
“uuuugh I….I must fight….I want to fight on…”
“You can’t win my love!”
“I’m not your love, and I will win!!”

Lady England was on her knees as she continued to push back.
“I….I….cant!” she yielded as her arms grew tired.
“Now admit I am stronger and that you have lost!!” Darius commanded.
“Never!!” she defied. “And my armour still protects my vulnerable feminine parts…you will never vanquish me!”
“Never underestimate my newly acquired power!” Darius pulled Lady England into him with a bearhug. He began to crush her. Her attempts to break free were of no use. She felt like a weak English damsel in his arms, helpless and inferior to his manly savage strength. Her armoured breast plate began to crack against his chest. He yanked her in with a mighty pull.
“uuuuuugh!” she moaned as her breast plate broke, she felt herself become faint. As Darius released her she lay limp and semi conscious in his right arm.
“You are nothing but a weak damsel now, your power is gone!” he said as he removed the breast plate and threw it to the floor along with the cape decorated in the English flag. He tore off her corset and discarded it to the side. All she had left was her shiny silvery boots, and her chastity belt that protected her sex. Lady England was tired. She was breathing hard as if she had run a marathon. In and out of consciousness she had to express her last defiant bursts while she lay in his arms, her chest exposed.
“You…you….may have beaten me…..but the chastity belt is enchanted… will never have me”

Darius noticed it. The silvery armoured pants with a pad lock on the front, embedded into the armour.
“hmmm. I wonder how warm, moist and wet you are underneath by now….?”
“ugh….I assure you….I….I am as dry as ……the desert…”
Darius laughed mockingly.
“All locks can be broken…..much like your mind Lady England….”
“No….you pig! You…..have not broken……..mind”

Darius began his sexual symphony by interrupting her outburst with a kiss. He stole her mouth and Lady England began to feel that she was no longer herself. His hand teased her naked pink nipples. She remembered his touch, and her yearning. Resting weakly in his arm she groaned feebly as he began sucking and licking her hard nipples. His hand caressed the outside armour of her chastity belt. Their eyes met and lady England’s look seemed to be asking for mercy. Of course the heroine was too proud to verbalise her yielding will power. He continued to suck her nipples.
“Uuugh, suck….all you want….th….the belt… protected….no spell can break its….magic!” Lady England said in between her tantalised exhaustion. 
“Oh my dear lady England…..your knowledge of magic is amateur at best. You’ve always been more of a warrior enhanced by magic. And I learnt secrets, I have trained my will power to godly levels!” 
“I’m winning and you know it! The belt will break. When I was in the insectoid realm, I trained with the evil sorcerer Kotalath. I trained with him for 100 years although time passed differently there and here. That realm is harsh and chaotic beyond your wildest imagination. But I got something invaluable from the training”
“The will power of a dark god. All magic is will and imagination….all spells can be broken by a godly mind!” 
Lady England could not resist the way he sucked and teased her nipples. The seed that Darius had left to grow inside her mind had risen into a lustful tree, one that was rooted in her psyche. She came as he sucked her right teat and she was ashamed of herself and her inability to resist him. 
“Now you are ripe!” Darius said. Lady England could see a third eye emerge on his forehead . It glowed purple and a beam of light emerged from it and penetrated her belt. He focused the energy’s force upon the belt. She could feel it, her whole body felt hot and she felt an overwhelming tingling. She fought back but she felt herself getting weaker. 
“Uuugh he’s using his will power to break 
my chastity belt….his mind and will….it’s so strong….and mine….is….wavering!” Lady England thought to herself. 
“Now you see the extent of my will power….I can will the breaking of your protection spell, the breaking of your armour! I can will the breaking of your mind and strength!” 
“No….I….resist you!!” 
She could feel his will power beam vibrate all the nerve endings of her clit, she could almost experience his mighty mentalist energy inside her. 
“This is a dark tantric mind control technique….I break you not by controlling your mind but my mastering your pussy! Your mind will follow!”
But her mind and body contradicted her words as she came again.
“Uuuuuuuuuugh!” The belts padlock shattered into smitherines. Darius smiled as he un-clipped the side of the chastity belt. All he had to do now was open it like a door. 

Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
Posts: 24
Joined: 8 years ago

Very graphic description of the magic duel, I like it.
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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Hope you all enjoy the upcoming conclusion and alternative ending!
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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Lady England: Curse of the Dark Yogi Conclusion

As Lady England lay drained in her enemy’s arms she knew that her humiliation had just began. Her magical armour had been obliterated by the Dark Yogi, whose powerful mental will had broken her chastity belt that was protecting her sex. With the padlock destroyed, Darius was able to open her silver steel pants. It unfurled like a door exposing her tantalised flesh. He noticed that her shaved pink oyster was glistening with her juices and was wet and engorged with blood after the two mind ripping orgasms that he gave her.

Darius tore away her pants and removed her boots. He slowly placed her on the ground and began tasting her clitoral flesh.
“uuugh….mm…he’s….too good!” she moaned.
The villain sucked all clit and took it inside his mouth, swirling her it around in his warm palate.
“At long last, I have Lady England….her pussy is mine finally!” Darius said to himself. His victory had been a long time coming. He had planned this for so long and to finally own Lady England was too much for him. His lizard brain had taken over as he became ravenously primal.

She came on his tongue willingly.
“no….I must not yield…” she said softly as her orgasm lessened. Darius smiled as he inserted two fingers into her vagina which was as wet a running tap. He took his fingers out and tasted the sweet juices of England’s once powerful rose. He then inserted the fingers back inside and began the vibrating pressure, moving his forearm and wrist with a speed and energy suitable for a super powered being such as Olivia. She looked down and noticed a purple light emerging from her lower abdomen. She knew it was his hand, charging with his tantric magic. A part of her was so overcome with passion that she wanted nothing more than to verbally submit to her soon to be master.
As she came, her fountain juices sprung forth from her divine cave, showering the Dark Yogi like a sprinkler. Lady England was stunned and on her back still. She could not get up, and she didn’t even want to get up. She yearned for his hardness inside her. Had the mighty heroine fallen so low into defeat?

“When I fuck you and make you cum on my cock, you will instantly become my slave! The spell will be complete!!” He declared.
But Lady England’s words were cut short by the Dark Yogis dark skinned flesh sword ploughing its way through her feminine flesh. His angle, movement and shape was perfect. Her eyes rolled back and she arched with pleasure. It was music to his ears. To hear the once posh, imperious, falsetto voice; reduced to a horny submissive wail. It was his greatest achievement.
“You are nothing but my slut……Once a proud regal English super heroine…..but now vanquished…..and mere sex meat…..a slave to my desire….” Darius said as he continued his wonderful penetration.
“I….must…..” Lady England said in between her moaning.
“You will do nothing!” The Dark Yogi responded, beating her down with his words. The kinky tendencies of her regal haughty Oxford upbringing was always there in Olivia’s mind. She got off to BDSM and being tamed and taken down. The Dark Yogi was fulfilling her fantasies, she just wanted to submit.

Each thrust sent her deeper and deeper into absolute defeat. Closing her eyes she knew that she had two choices. Death or slavery. But without her power or any opportunity to fight back, she could never attain a warriors death. Closing her eyes she called upon the Goddesses of Avalon.
“Please… me….I have failed you…” she begged. She heard a voice speak back to her. It was the Lady of the Lake.
“This is your battle Olivia… have all you need”
Lady England felt forsaken and a failure. She closed her eyes. In the darkness she saw a light. The power of her spirit. Even as Darius was sexually destroying her body, her spirit was as powerful as even. Olivia realised that there was much about her powers she still did not understand. Magic is chaos after all. Before her eyes she saw an elixir in a vial. It was much like the one she drank before her transformation long ago. The Lady of the Lake spoke again.
“You can only do this once….after which it will be gone for sometime….”
Lady England understood immediately. She opened her eyes. A light emerged from her lower abdomen. It eclipsed the Dark Yogi’s purple illuminations. The villain looked in awe as a green vial emerged from the heroine’s belly. She quickly grabbed it, opened it and drank. Instantly she felt recharged and a second wind overcome her body. She looked at Darius defiantly as he continued to thrust her wet pussy. Lady England was still inferior to the villain in strength and she could not get free from his mighty cock.
“your tricks won’t work on me slut!”

Lady England’s body began glowing. Darius felt his cock being sucked and locked inside her.
“what is this?” he said in dismay, he suddenly felt overpowered.
“If I am to be your slave I will make a final resistance….both of us will die this day!” she said.
“nnoooooooooo!” the Dark Yogi screamed as the light consumed both of them an explosion. In the heat of the burning flame Darius unsheathed himself from her. She stood before him.
“Begone demon!” she shouted as he vaporised into nothingness. When the fire dissipated, Olivia stood in her full costume. The white and red crossed outfit with red boots adorned her body. Her tiara and bracelets shone with a new brightness. However Lady England noticed that the energy she had released was ever expanding. The light was consuming the room. Using her power she attempted to bring the energy back into her body. This proved to be a terrible mistake. It was too much for her. She had never felt such a chaotic force. Lady England fell to her knees and was consumed by a great explosion. There was no sign of either the Dark Yogi or Lady England.

A week later the Texan Wonder was searching for her missing comrade. Climbing through the clouds in her invisible saucer, she searched the planet below for signs of Lady England. The super powered southern belle knew she was alive and she was determined to find her. Unknown to the Texan Wonder, Lady England was long gone. But death had failed to claim her. In between dimensions…in a savage world far far away…..a fiery auburn haired beauty lay unconscious upon a green mossy jungle floor. It was damp. Her eyes fluttered as she awoke.
“Where am I?” Lady England said to herself as she heard the cacophony of animals all around her. She look up and noticed the night sky and three moons. It was obvious that she was no longer on Earth. She also noticed her costume was completely transformed. She was barefoot, in a very revealing attire made of white gold metal work that barely covered her breasts. A gold shapely cup covered her sex and was connected to a belt of the same colour and material. Her butt was completely exposed. Her tiara and bracelets remained, alongside decorative shoulder pads. She noticed that the red cross of her country's flag was displayed on her belt, bracelets and on a choker around her neck. Behind her she wore once again her cape in England’s flag. She truly looked like a princess and felt powerfully regal, in a primal and savage kind of way. What adventures will befall the mighty beauty that is Lady England as she is trapped in this world of the unknown?

Meanwhile, many dimensions away; a Dark Yogi floated astrally in an abyss of nothingness. His body was gone but he had managed to save his consciousness in ethereal form. He knew that he would be trapped in this astral prison for all eternity.
“There must be someway I can escape” He thought. But he also knew that if he did manage to escape he would be formless, without a body. Suddenly a portal emerged and a being dressed in black, with a long cloak and hood floated forward.
“you? Have you come to gloat after being defeated by your comrade? Or perhaps you wish to destroy me in astral form also?” Darius said.
“Oh no….I have a proposal for you… just might be useful to me…I will even give you a new body” the mysterious cloaked man said.
“I am listening….” Darius said with interest. “It is not everyday that a villain such as I is rescued by a super hero of the Lighting League…But I suppose if a superhero was to come to my rescue it would have to be you….Occultist”
The hooded hero and member of the Lighting League nodded in agreement. But why would this well known hero help a villain?



Each thrust sent her deeper and deeper into absolute defeat. Closing her eyes she knew that she had two choices. Death or slavery. But without her power or any opportunity to fight back, she could never attain a warriors death. Closing her eyes she called upon the Goddesses of Avalon.
“I beseech you Oh Nimue, Lady of the Lake….” Olivia pleaded.
“Give me the power…”
She was suddenly interrupted by the ghostly voice of the Goddess.
“You have failed us Lady England… must face this alone…in your weakened humiliated state we can do nothing for you”
Lady England felt forsaken. She felt like crying. Finally she controlled her emotions.
“Enough is enough, I must beat him!” She said to herself in an attempt to boost her confidence. She charged up the energy from her spirit in an attempt to overwhelm Darius. But the Dark Yogi could sense what she was up to. He began increasing the speed of his thrusts, as he did so his purple light increased.
“oh no……I can’t keep up with him…..uugh…ugh…uughh…..the pleasure is soooooo good!” Lady England said.
“Dont bother resisting slut!” Darius said. Once again he began telepathically sending mental images to her mind. She saw herself being pulverised by many cocks in everyone of her holes. The lustful men all having their way with her, and all them looked like Darius.
“You are like wet clay in my hands, and I am moulding you into what I want you to be!”
She could see an image of clay being moulded into a statue. It was a figure of her own visage, kneeling with her head low and her wrists crossed in submission. The epitome of defeat! Lady England sighed and finally surrendered.
“uuuuuuuuuuugh!” she screamed with pleasure, cumming on the Dark Yogi’s cock. At that moment he released his magical potent seed inside her.

The Dark Yogi slowly unsheathed his cock.
“It seems as though I vanquished you sexually and physically, but truly it has yet to be seen if you can ever be mentally broken” he said.
Lady England was tired and exhausted. Sweat dripped from her forehead and she was breathing hard.
“No Lord Darius……I admit defeat….you have beaten me…..I never stood a chance against you….you are superior to me in every way…I am just too weak and feminine to take you down and so….I submit to you willingly…” She said.
The Dark Yogi was amazed as his magic never changed shattered her mind. It was clear that she was defeated, but the beating that he gave her behooved her to submit to him of her own free will. She wanted to be enslaved.
“I just want to be weak in your arms…….my defeat at your hands has made me realise my true nature as a woman….I no longer wish to be a super heroine……I will be your willing slave and wife” she said kneeling down, lowering her gaze and raising her arms over head, binding her wrists together.
“I am glad you have finally accepted your destiny” Darius replied. Magically, the Dark Yogi manifested handcuffs and a collar out of thin air. He trapped her wrists with them. Then he clipped the collar around her neck. It had a leash which he held in his hand.
“These bonds are unbreakable and they will constantly drain you of your powers. Not that you can ever hope to beat me even at full power! From this day onwards you are no longer Lady England, you are no longer England’s mighty rose. You are now named Lady weakness, England’s enslaved rose!” He declared.
“yes Master Darius I am Lady Weakness, Englands enslaved rose!” she replied submissively.
“You may stand! Come slave we must get married soon….after which I wish to show you off as my prize to the rest of the world!”
Darius led Olivia by the leash. She followed barefoot and naked behind him and they disappeared into a portal.

Darius made sure he married the former Lady England for all the world to see, broadcasting it to the entire super hero community and the members of the Lighting League. His wedding was attended by various members of the super villain community, criminal underworld and dark sorcery circles. When Olivia kissed her master at the altar she was sincerely happy.
From then on Olivia’s life became one of a pleasure slave. Darius would fuck her in different ways. Some times sensually, other times punishing. He would play with her powers, giving her opportunities to fight back but his strength was always too much for her and she loved being beaten down and pinned as she struggled to physically resist his sexual onslaughts. Lust had turned her into a free spirited female, but one that served darkness. Olivia served her master as his leading henchwoman. Often he would unbind her and allow her to attain full power. She would dress in black boots, pants and corset. She would display her naked breasts with black nipple tassels and she would wear a black mask. She was known as Lady Destruction; the Dark Yogi’s enslaved right hand woman. However after a mission vanquishing superheroes she would return to her master and immediately strip and return to her chains and collar as Lady Weakness.

Together, the Dark Yogi and Lady Destruction recruited an army of super villains and dark sorcerers; and the with their combined might they vanquished many superheroes and destroyed the Lighting League, reducing their headquarters to flames. Even the mighty Texan Wonder was no match for both of them. The beautiful blonde superpowered Southern cowgirl fought well but was crushed by the combined might of the two of them, in addition to the shock of having to battle her former comrade, Lady England. The Texan Wonder was broken in ways that even Modesty Haze never managed to achieve. But that is another story……

Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
Posts: 24
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Great end to this chapter of Lady England. Guess we can see more of her adventure and perhaps more fights against Darius, maybe even against Occultist?! Does that last power from Nimue expel the soul implant or do we find out later in her further adventures? Nazi and Soviet next? Time travel from her current plane/dimension? So many possibilities...
Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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So many endless possibilities lol. For those that wish to contact me directly and make suggestions or learn about my custom stories you can email me at [email protected] :)
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 159
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Great history
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