Batgirl's Psychologist

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mhh, that sounds perfect, this latest update is wonderful, can't wait for more
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ohhh, this addition has me curious
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Good section, seems Supergirl is careening down a similar path as Batgirl with a potential exxxtacy addiction on top to speed things along.
Sounds like Batgirl is about to live through some interesting times, looking forward to the continuation.
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* * *

Supergirl quickly discovered she needed to fuck Ms. Marvelous. She had been struggling to resolve her feelings of betrayal and humiliation at the hands of Batgirl and Peter. The two of them had forced her into a subservient role for their sexual pleasures. She could not burn away the image of Peter wiping himself off on her cape, nor could she forget how it felt to walk out of Peter’s cottage with her costume and cape practically glued to her body from all the cum. There was also the matter of her degrading night at Superheroine HQ.

Controlling and dominating the fawning Ms. Marvelous helped allay a part of Supergirl’s shame. Having a beautiful woman being willing to do whatever the Girl of Steel wanted served to boost her ego. Supergirl managed to convince herself Ms. Marvelous was an actual superheroine to enhance her own sense of dominance: mastering Ms. Marvelous the superheroine gave Supergirl the sense of power and self-confidence that had been partially stripped from her by Batgirl and Peter.

So while Supergirl was busy banging her new fuck-toy on a regular schedule—and while Ms. Marvelous was busy acquiring a fairly regular supply of Exxxtasy from one of her more influential customers—Batgirl increased the frequency of her sessions with Dr. Kinsey. The two met on a now bi-weekly basis as Batgirl’s packed schedule ironically required more of Dr. Kinsey’s help: Miss Gordon had to maintain a consistent presence at the Gotham City Library; the Gold Avenger was scheduled to work three-nights-a-week at Superheroine HQ; Batgirl had to be on patrol at least two-nights-a-week, and that was barring any unforeseen spike in crime; and Barbara needed her social life and plenty of rest. All of Batgirl’s personas needed to meet with Dr. Kinsey to maintain a semblance of her balance and sanity, so the sessions were extended to 90 minutes.

Dr. Kinsey was fully aware of Batgirl’s tumultuous mental condition. In order to maintain the hierarchy of her personas, Dr. Kinsey made a point of consistently referring to Barbara as Batgirl. As had been previously emphasized to Barbara, Batgirl was the one true identity—all the other roles were designed and adjusted to supplement Batgirl with her various needs: an undercover identity, a steady source of significant income, an innocent social life.

But at all times, Dr. Kinsey made certain it was Batgirl who experienced the most powerful and significant sexual gratification. The difficulty was not merely satisfying Batgirl’s sexual appetites but expanding them. The Gold Avenger was receiving her own share of sexual attention; some of her regular clients had been able to provide her a few satisfying orgasms.

Dr. Kinsey had prepared for this eventuality, but at times providing Batgirl with novel and exciting sexual experiences taxed her ingenuity. Nonetheless, maintaining Batgirl at the center of Barbara Gordon’s universe was essential to Dr. Kinsey’s plans. The other identities had their values and would continue to serve their respective purposes, but the subterfuge hinged on Barbara Gordon submitting completely and entirely to Batgirl’s whims and desires.

With the extra 30 minutes added to each meeting, Batgirl’s sessions became more focused on the psychological ramifications of the Gold Avenger. There was still a strain from the sexuality of the Gold Avenger’s activities at the club. The issue was not the matter of sex—Batgirl had come to experience plenty of sexual pleasure and punishment—but a matter of subservience. When Batgirl had sex, she was in charge…at least most of the time. Batgirl chose the place, position and person—she decided on whom she would bestow the privilege. But the Gold Avenger was told when and how and whom to fuck. And despite the Superheroine HQ’s standards and the clients who could make her climax, there were still those few she found repulsive; letting those disgusting scumbags fondle and fuck her was revolting.

Dr. Kinsey helped Batgirl strengthen her mental barrier between her role as the Gold Avenger and her identity as Batgirl. The two analyzed the work of sparrows from State School 4 and the Romeos used by the Stasi. They discussed the recent work of Kirsten Fong and Jane Bond. They evaluated the benefit of the work from the club and the insight gained from the Gold Avenger’s honey pot. The impromptu history lessons served as an appeal to Batgirl’s new ethos. Dr. Kinsey emphasized the sacrifice made by those women—their strength in casting aside the archaic concept of sexual propriety—to be of service to their country. Wasn’t Batgirl as strong as those women, if not stronger?

Aside from giving Batgirl more diverse sexual experiences, getting the heroine laid as frequently as possible was the other key aspect of Dr. Kinsey current plan. The more Batgirl fucked, the less significant the act became. As a result, the ramifications of the Gold Avenger’s sexual submissions at Superheroine HQ depreciated to little more than another form of detective work. And by contrast, Batgirl’s sexual encounters became more satisfying and significant forms of fucking.

But one more push was necessary for Batgirl to separate herself from her previous chaste incarnation as Gotham’s Secret Protector. The opportunity presented itself with the abrupt uprising that came to be known as the Overrun Gotham Revolution. The movement was set off by the release of a security video to Gotham Central News, and Batgirl was unexpectedly caught in the middle of the sudden uprising.

The recent economic downturn combined with one of the coldest winters in Gotham had the city on edge. But when Gotham’s power was severely impacted by a severe polar vortex, parts of the city were plunged into an icy darkness.

The catalyst to the subsequent riots was the near death of a young runaway. No script could have been better written or more predictable. Visuals of the girl, huddled in rags and freezing in the exterior entry to one of Gotham’s most expensive luxury condominiums, proliferated throughout the city. Despite the rolling blackouts, social media apps found ways to spread the story to almost all of Gotham. The inevitable inflammatory and accusatory headlines provided the clickbait to drive more and more people to read the various editorialized news stories blaming Gotham’s elites.

And the accusations were not without merit. Government officials seemed to be doing little more than spouting sympathetic platitudes to the masses. The wealthy retreated behind gates and security systems; the poor were left to fend for themselves as social program quickly ran through supplies and funds. It was not long before riots began to flare up.

Batgirl had mixed feelings on the conflict. Law and order dictated she protect the wealthy from the rioters; a sense of justice dictated she support the protesters from police crackdowns. Had Batgirl consciously chosen a side, she would have avoided the unfortunate beatdown and subsequent humiliation. But the heroine remained noncommittal in order to avoid alienating her fan base and her support.

Unfortunately for Batgirl, she presumed too much of her reputation and abilities. Her debasing demise took place on a frosty January night in Robinson Park. The night marked the real start to the Overrun Gotham Revolution as droves of enraged protesters faced off against police in riot gear. Batgirl had mistakenly assumed her appearance could help de-escalate the tension. She had figured the protesters would support her as she protected them when Gotham’s police could not, and she knew the police would support her as she repeatedly assisted them in catching criminals.

Though the protest had been organized offline, Gotham P.D. was aware of the incipient incident and were prepared for the incident. Barricades were set up and overtime was paid out to ensure a strong presence. The goal was to have a powerful show of force in order to quell the uprising and limit any property damage.

Protesters began gathering shortly after eight o’clock. Several people had set up speakers which blasted music to energize the masses. Once the crowd reached a point of critical mass, the music was turned down and a handful of people with megaphones stood on a makeshift stage to address the protesters. The primary message was to make a mark tonight and set off the Overrun Gotham Revolution.

The first three speakers whet the crowd’s appetite for destruction, but it was the fourth speaker who effectively galvanized the crowd and catalyzed the subsequent clash with the police. Her appearance was mesmerizing, and she was especially eloquent and moving in her address to the protesters. She first appeared on stage wearing a large parka and a mask. Once the crowd quieted down enough to suit her, she removed her parka and stood before them dressed in a black body suit. Despite the gritty and serious tone of the occasion, the people were awed by the woman. And though both she and Batgirl were wearing dark skintight outfits, the woman’s attire somehow fit the severity of the night’s circumstances, whereas Batgirl's costume came off as a sorority chick dressed in a tight miniskirt and high heels going out to the bars on a frigid winter night.

The woman’s powerful physique and sensual curves captivated the masses and her voice impelled them to action. She spoke eloquently of how the night would be a part of Gotham’s history, how it would serve to wrestle the power away from the elites and return it to the people. When the last of her mellifluous words fell upon the crowd, the entranced protesters promptly moved en masse directly towards the police barricade as the music—once again blared in the background—served as the soundtrack to the forthcoming storm.

Conflict was inevitable, but for a brief moment there seemed to be a glimmer of hope as Batgirl made her appearance. It seemed as though the heroine simply materialized from the darkness—no one had seen her arrival, but suddenly there she was: standing in the space between the two sides in her vibrant black-and-yellow costume. She held up her hands in an attempt to halt the marching protesters, her bright yellow gloves shimmering in the moonlight.

At first, Batgirl’s plan seemed to be working: her sudden appearance had stopped the protesters in their tracks. There was an uneasy silence brought on by the surreal vision of the solitary superheroine standing in the open field. Despite being a fairly consistent presence in Gotham, the sight of Batgirl still created a sense of awe and wonder.

Feeling an unwarranted sense of confidence, Batgirl began her preplanned speech to protesters and police. Unfortunately for the overconfident superheroine, her words fell on muffled ears. As she tried to calm both sides with palliative platitudes, she soon realized her words could barely be heard—the police had on helmets and visors, the protesters’ ears were covered by beanies and skullcaps, and the speakers blaring counter-culture music further suppressed Batgirl’s words. The few who could hear her were unimpressed: Batgirl’s attempt to appease both sides and remain impartial did not inspire either side.

Batgirl suddenly became intensely self-conscious. The floodlights were like a giant spotlight shining down on a solitary figure giving an oral presentation to a hostile crowd. Though fearless in the face of physical danger, Batgirl was just as susceptible to the fear of public speaking as anyone.

It seemed as though everyone picked up on Batgirl’s feeling. There was a common realization of the oddity of a woman dressed in an inappropriately sexy skintight costume standing between a righteous group of protesters and an anxious squad of police officers. Batgirl’s sexy superheroine costume clashed terribly with the somber and serious nature of the occasion. Whether it was due to already having seen one woman dressed in a skintight outfit or to the annoyingly effervescent yellow of Batgirl’s costume—or both—the protesters were done with the superheroine.

Sensing the unease of the crowd, Batgirl stumbled through the last portion of her scripted speech while trying to quell the mounting desperation building inside her. She realized she wanted to get away as quickly as possible—her attempted palliative overture had painfully fallen on deaf ears, and her body had begun shivering as the chill had penetrated her costume.

Things would have gone better for Batgirl had she chosen to align with one side. But with the protesters and the police in aggressive mindsets, both sides saw Batgirl as aligning with their opposition.

“What the fuck?! Batgirl’s standing with the cops?!” The voice came from within the mass of protesters.

“Get that rich bitch!” another voice reverberated from the crowd.

The protesters suddenly surged forward just as the police floodlights turned on. Partially blinded by the bright lights, Batgirl recoiled, took a half step backwards, and suddenly found herself flailing for balance—her boot heel slipped on a patch of ice, and before she could regain her balance she fell hard to the ground. Her head bounced off the frozen turf, temporarily stunning the superheroine. By the time she cleared her head, the crowd was on her.

As Batgirl tried to get to her knees, she was jostled and shoved back to the ground. Batgirl was kicked around by protesters as they rushed the police barricades. Dazed and in pain, Batgirl writhed on the ground as she was trampled by the charging mass of humanity. She did her best to brace herself against the heavy boots pounding her body, but a wicked kick to the face knocked her senseless.

Smoke grenades landed nearby as the barricades were broached by the protesters. Between the fog and the smoke, visibility was severely limited. Amid the muck and the mud and the mass of humanity lay a nearly unconscious Batgirl. She was disoriented, wet and covered in mud.

The last of the protesters finally moved past the fallen superheroine on their way towards the barricades when Batgirl finally regained her senses. Crawling on all fours, the fallen superheroine slowly dragged herself towards the cover of a distant line of trees—she needed shelter and time to regroup.

But as Batgirl slithered through the mud towards the line of trees, something hard slammed against the back of her head. Her body went limp and her head flopped into the muck. Discombobulated and in real pain, Batgirl could barely feel herself being roughly dragged through the mud by her cape. She vainly tried to regain her bearings but her head was pounding and the cold had fully penetrated her costume. Her body was shivering as it was pulled across the open field in the direction of the trees. The freezing temperature was paralyzing, and the throbbing pain in her head kept her off-balance.

When Batgirl eventually recouped some of her wits, she became aware of a dim light above her. She blinked a few times to focus on the light. Her body was warming up and she was slowly beginning to regain her senses. A kerosene lamp was hanging on a metal bar. Batgirl gradually discerned the canvas above the lamp was a tent. Then she noticed her utility belt lying beside her. Just as her body began relaxing in the warmth of the tent, Batgirl realized the warmth was coming from the removal of her soaking wet and muddy costume. Her top had already been removed and her skintight pants were being peeled off—they were already down to her ankles!

“Damn! Batgirl’s ice cold!”

The voice was gruff; there was no intimation of concern.

The superheroine was abruptly aware that this was no helpful protester, this was a group of three masked men with ill intent. Two of them were holding her down as the third grabbed ahold of her bright yellow thong and ripped it off of her.

“Let’s heat things up for her,” jeered the men holding Batgirl’s torn thong.

Before she could rouse herself to attempt an escape, Batgirl was roughly penetrated by the man kneeling behind her.

“Oh!” Batgirl gasped. Her body, still shivering from the cold, bounced against the ground as she was rudely fucked from behind. At first the superheroine tried to wriggle out of the men’s grip. Had she not been so affected by the cold and had her head not been pounding, Batgirl would have made quick work of the three degenerates. But in her current condition she was helpless. Head down, Batgirl found herself simply allowing the men to have their way with her.

Despite the degrading circumstances, Batgirl could not help herself: in contrast to the chill surrounding her, the warmth of a man inside of her felt so good! And though she knew she should continue trying to escape, being pumped with a hard and hot cock was what she realized she wanted right now. Her initial groans of disgust became moans of desire. Her hips moved in rhythm with the man’s thrusts.

Batgirl’s escape was inevitable once her body warmed up to the men’s advances. Dr. Kinsey’s work had made her capable of mentally focusing on recovery and not being consumed by the current predicament.

The two men holding the superheroine down had to have their time with Batgirl, regardless of the risk. And by the time the third man had his way with her, the superheroine was hot, sweaty and fully alert while the three men were limp, relaxed and careless.

The men had seen how enthralled Batgirl was in being fucked. Once the first two men had climaxed in and on Batgirl, they realized they did not need to restrain the superheroine in order to fuck her. The third man spread out Batgirl on her back and pounded her from above as the other two men simply watched in fascination at the way the beautiful masked woman bucked and moved in a trance of sexual ecstasy.

As Batgirl felt the third man approaching climax, she tightened her hips about his waist and rolled him onto the ground. Straddling the man from above, she bounced up and down on his hard cock, grinding her body against the man’s as fast as she could as she sensed he was on the verge of climaxing. All the time Dr. Kinsey had worked with her to control herself sexually paid off: Batgirl orgasmed moments before the man. She let herself enjoy the moment, then deftly pulled the man’s cock out of her wet pussy just as he reached his climax so the man would cum on her—she wanted his warmth spread over her thighs and hips.

Having climaxed, Batgirl’s mind was refocused and she quickly assessed her circumstances. She needed more warmth before she could make her escape. As the man lay panting on the ground in sexual satisfaction, Batgirl rubbed his cum over her body to gain more warmth—she was sweating but the icy wind was penetrating through the tent’s thin fabric. The other two men were also on the ground, lustfully watching Batgirl as she seductively rubbed cum and sweat all over her body.

Suddenly and without warning, the superheroine attacked! She had slowly moved to her feet, holding the men in a trance with her seductive sensual caressing of her body. The men were entirely under her spell as she slowly moved closer to them. They were caught off-guard: Batgirl was wearing only her mask, gloves and boots; her nudity gave them a false sense of security.

“Up for another round?” Batgirl cooed at the two men.

“She wants another go!” exclaimed one of the men as he began to unbuckle his belt. As he began to lower his pants, Batgirl unleashed a fierce kick to his head that knocked him out cold before his body hit the ground.

Before the second man realized what had just happened, Batgirl leapt on him. She led with her head, smashing his face with a powerful head-butt. She barely felt the blow, thanks to the kevlar lining of her mask. Batgirl straddled the man as she pounded his head with blow after blow until his body lay motionless beneath her. Then she turned to look at the last man. He took one look at the suddenly savage superheroine and fled.

Batgirl picked up her costume. It was damp but no longer soaking wet. The adrenaline from her escape had dissipated and Batgirl was suddenly exhausted and freezing cold. Gingerly, she pulled her costume back on and snapped her utility belt back in place. Her body ached from the stomping she had taken out on the field. Batgirl stood outside the tent and tried to remember where she had hidden her motorcycle, but her mind was unfocused. She began limping back towards the site of the protest in the hope doing so would trigger her memory.

It was an exhausted and bedraggled Batgirl who eventually found her way to the open field where the police and the protesters had been clashing. The floodlights were still on, but the clash had moved south of the initial conflict.

Batgirl caught site of two officers who were overlooking the injured and fallen. They looked up to see the superheroine making her way towards them. Her bedraggled appearance made it clear she needed some assistance. One of the officers, a woman with an athletic build in her late 20s, rushed to Batgirl’s side.

“Can we give you a hand Batgirl? asked the female officer.

“Would you…would you give me a ride to my bike? It’s…parked by the…” Batgirl’s voice trailed off. She tried to shake her head to clear her mind, but it only added to her pounding headache.

The male officer had a hard time not ogling the muddied and disheveled superheroine. There was something about her bedraggled appearance that captivated the man. He turned to his partner to avoid letting Batgirl sense his inappropriate thoughts.

The female officer took charge of the situation. “We’re just about done here. Why don’t you wait in the squad car and we can help you to your bike?” She indicated the police car parked near the barricades. Batgirl nodded.

“I’ll unlock the doors. Let yourself in and we’ll take care of you after we finish here.” The officer pressed a button on her key fob and the car lights lit up as the doors unlocked. Hugging herself to stay warm, Batgirl slowly made her way to the car and sat down inside. She was thoroughly exhausted. Feeling the full impact of the night’s events, she lay down on the back seat and closed her eyes as she waited for the officers to finish.

The bouncing of the car over uneven terrain awakened the slumbering superheroine. She slowly sat up.

The female officer looked over her shoulder. “You look like you’ve had a rough night.”

Batgirl nodded but said nothing.

“So where are we taking you?” asked the male officer.

“Towards the North Woods by the Robinson Park Reservoir please,” Batgirl replied quietly.

The man gently turned the car northward. “You got it Batgirl.”

The female officer leaned towards the man and spoke in a hushed voice. Batgirl could not make out what she was saying so she slouched down in the back seat and waited for the squad car to make its way to the Robinson Park Reservoir. She closed her eyes.

“Here we are,” said the male officer as the squad car came to a stop just below the reservoir.

Batgirl started. She had briefly dozed off. Blinking hard, she regained her bearings as she looked out the window and saw the moonlight glinting off the surface of the reservoir.

“Thanks,” Batgirl mumbled as she fumbled with the interior door handle.

“That won’t work. Let me get it for you.” The female officer got out of the car and opened the backdoor. Batgirl took his extended hand and stepped out of the car and into the chill of the night.

But just then, she felt her other hand grabbed by the officer and was roughly spun around. The cold had slowed her reflexes and before she could react, she was handcuffed!

“What are you doing?!”

Batgirl’s mind whirled. Was she being arrested? She was a vigilante after all. But wasn’t Gotham PD on her side? After all, she had helped reduce the city’s crime rate. And there were numerous times she had assisted in the apprehension of various criminal threats. Had she been inappropriate in her attempt to suppress the night’s conflict? What possible issue could these guys have with her? And why now? They could have arrested her back at the field.

The answers should have been obvious to Batgirl: they were hardly original and not the least bit unexpected.

Fully restrained, Batgirl was rudely shoved up against the squad car and for the second time that night, she had her pants roughly yanked down and her legs spread out.

But she was not taken right away. Despite her conditions, Batgirl mounted an impressive defense. Freezing, sore, beaten and handcuffed, the superheroine initially held off the inevitable with her powerful legs. She viciously unleashed a kick to the male officer’s midsection and, momentarily freed from her captors’ grip, fled towards the nearby forest. But with her arms bound behind her and her pants dangling from one of her boots, she had difficulty maintaining her balance in the muddy conditions and soon found herself slipping, sliding, flailing and inevitably falling to the ground. Before she could get to her feet, the officers were on her.

“Cuff her boots together,” ordered the female officer.

“I’m on it,” the man replied.

Properly restrained, the two officers took their time sensually explored the helpless heroine’s body. The male officer stood behind Batgirl and pulled up her top. While he fondled her breasts, the female officer played with Batgirl’s pussy. Accepting her fate, Batgirl let herself relax as best she could. The surge of endorphins released as her body prepared to climax once again, temporarily mitigating the impact of the debilitating cold. And when the female officer gently pushed her baton inside Batgirl’s pussy, the heroine’s body shuddered and went limp as she let herself cum.

“Ohhhh…” Batgirl moaned in reluctant pleasure.

“She’s all warmed up. Why don’t you finish her off properly?”

The question was more of an order to the male officer. The bulge in his pants needed satisfying and Batgirl was the person for the job.
The female officer pulled out the soaking wet baton from Batgirl’s pussy and spun the heroine around to face the male officer who was unbuckling his belt.

“Just relax and enjoy this Batgirl,” she whispered in the superheroine’s ear.

The words had an edge to them, and for a moment Batgirl tried to resist the inevitable. She clenched her thighs tightly to prevent penetration.

“Give it up Batgirl!” The man was not to be denied this deliciously exceptional indulgence.

“Noooo!” Batgirl squealed. “I can’t let you do this to me!”

“I said give it up superheroine!”

It was titillating to refer to Batgirl as a superheroine: it reinforced the reality of the ultimate fantasy of fucking a powerful woman.

Batgirl squeezed her thighs as tightly as she could, trying as best she could to keep the man from penetrating her. She grit her teeth as she felt the man’s hands forcefully prying her thighs apart.

“Please…you don’t have to do this,” begged Batgirl as she felt her thighs begin to weaken.

“I don’t have to…but I want to!”

Batgirl continued to wriggle in her restraints, making things exceedingly difficult for the man. With her boots handcuffed and her thighs flexed tightly together, penetrating Batgirl was no easy task.

The female officer grasped the heroine by the back of her mask and issued an ultimatum that extinguished the last of Batgirl’s resistance. “Listen up Batgirl, you’re fucked either way. Either we fuck you literally or we fuck you metaphorically. My partner is going to get inside your pants or under your mask. Your choice Batgirl: you either keep your dignity or your identity.”

Batgirl was too cold and too exhausted to put up any further resistance or come up with some manner of escaping her captors. Her head dropped in acceptance of her predicament.

“So which is it: the literal or metaphorical fuck?”

“Literal,” whispered Batgirl.

As the male officer prepared himself, the female officer unlocked the handcuffs on Batgirl’s ankles. Savoring the moment as best he could, the man gently caressed Batgirl’s naked thighs before spreading them apart. Then, grasping Batgirl’s firm ass, he pulled Batgirl towards him and slowly penetrated the superheroine. Feeling Batgirl’s warmth as his hard cock pushed deeper into the heroine’s pussy was so arousing he almost climaxed upon initial entry. But the exquisite treat of superheroine sex was not to be rushed; Batgirl’s stunning body was to be savored.

Batgirl closed her eyes and let her body bounce against the man as he pounded her while the woman, standing behind her, fondled her tits. The freezing temperatures had already hardened Batgirl’s nipples, and the woman’s expert massaging made them practically rock-hard. The cold also helped the man delay his climax and he was able to fuck the superheroine in several positions before the inevitable orgasm.

But when he could hold off no longer, the man bent Batgirl over the hood of the squad car. Holding Batgirl’s cuffed hands high above her head, the man pounded Batgirl from behind until at last he climaxed. Buried deep inside the superheroine, the man let himself cum.

Batgirl herself had climaxed twice during her taking, and she was panting in exhaustion and sexual satisfaction.

“Now let’s get you to your bike,” said the female officer as she removed the handcuffs from Batgirl’s wrists. “But put your pants back on before you get back in the car. I don’t want to clean up your mess Batgirl.”

The comment was more humiliating than the fucking. Batgirl blushed beneath her mask as she quickly pulled down her top. She fumbled with her pants as she tugged at them, trying to pull them back over her hips.

“Let me help you with that.” The male officer grabbed Batgirl’s pants from behind and gave them a forceful yank. Batgirl let out a mild yelp as she was lifted off the ground by the thrust.

“Alright, let’s get going,” said the woman.

Back in the car, the three drove along the edge of the forest until the female officer pointed in the direction of a line of redwoods.

“There it is.”

Barely visible in the darkness behind a large redwood tree was a protruding wheel.

The officers pulled up beside the trees and got out of the car. The man walked over to Batgirl’s motorcycle and whistled as he looked it over. He called over to Batgirl, who was still sitting in the back seat of the car. “Pretty sweet ride Batgirl! You do the paint job yourself?”

Batgirl quietly nodded. She did not care to engage in any conversation, she just wanted a hot bath and a long night’s sleep.

“Not sure I would have added the yellow design, but that’s a quality paint job.”

The male officer walked back to the squad car. Holding Batgirl by her waist, he helped Batgirl to her feet. But just as Batgirl began to anticipate her release, she felt a tugging on her mask! The man began slowly pulling it back.

“No! You promised!” Batgirl screamed in desperation as she blindly grabbed the man’s wrist. She could not see with the mask being pulled back—face was almost exposed! Desperately she clutched at her mask, trying to pull it back into place.

“I can’t help it Batgirl, I’ve got to see who’s behind the cowl.”

But just as the man was about to overpower Batgirl’s feeble attempt at keeping her identity hidden, a solitary word stopped the man.


The word was hushed yet sharp. The male officer froze.

“We will allow Batgirl to leave without any further violations, and that includes her identity.”

The man—exceedingly reluctantly—released Batgirl’s mask. It snapped back sharply against her face and she fell to the ground from the force. The man stepped away from her and stood still as if awaiting orders. The female officer kneeled down beside the dazed superheroine and whispered something in her ear. Then she stood back up and pointedly addressed the male officer.

“Put Batgirl on her motorcycle and take no more liberties with her,” ordered the woman as she stood up.

Batgirl was unceremoniously dragged by her cape through the mud over to her motorcycle.

“Here you go,” said the man as he lifted her up and dropped her on the motorcycle seat. Then he walked back to the squad car. A moment later, the officers were gone and she was alone.

Batgirl sat in a heap on her motorcycle, shivering in the cold as she rubbed her wrists. It took a while before she felt capable of riding. During this time, she focused her thoughts on recovery and avoided thinking of any aspect of the night’s humiliations. When she finally felt competent enough to drive, she gingerly revved the engine.

In the distance, Robinson Park exploded with flashes and explosions as the conflict continued deep into the night. But the night was over for Batgirl. She quietly sped off in silent shame and resignation, utterly degraded by the night’s events.

The night was unlike any of her previous shameful sexual degradations. She had genuinely believed she was going to be embraced by both sides, that Batgirl could diffuse the tension and prevent the protests from escalating into a riot. She had failed on every level. Furthermore, Batgirl had presented herself in such a manner that both sides saw her as a distraction in opposition to their cause: the protesters viewed her as a pawn of the police; the police saw her as an ally for the agitators.
Last edited by sugarcoater 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
Ignore any virtue-signaling; it's clearly just you.

Ignore any activism; it clearly doesn't exist.

Be very careful!
Don't be indoctrinated!
Ignore your common sense!

Everything is entirely normal and ignore the radical changes to culture.
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Millenium Member
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I added the new material to the second-most-recent update in order to properly blend the action together. There is more to the scene in the works, but here is where things go for the moment.
Ignore any virtue-signaling; it's clearly just you.

Ignore any activism; it clearly doesn't exist.

Be very careful!
Don't be indoctrinated!
Ignore your common sense!

Everything is entirely normal and ignore the radical changes to culture.
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Location: Usa

sugarcoater wrote:
1 year ago
I added the new material to the second-most-recent update in order to properly blend the action together. There is more to the scene in the works, but here is where things go for the moment.
wow lovely update, i see batbitch having fun fucking the way she likes it.

My little suggestion to Ms. psychologist, she should have her own super outfit sewed for her personally her sexy Batgirl to enhance and maximize their cooperative sessions
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Alice wrote:
1 year ago
sugarcoater wrote:
1 year ago
I added the new material to the second-most-recent update in order to properly blend the action together. There is more to the scene in the works, but here is where things go for the moment.
wow lovely update, i see batbitch having fun fucking the way she likes it.

My little suggestion to Ms. psychologist, she should have her own super outfit sewed for her personally her sexy Batgirl to enhance and maximize their cooperative sessions
That is a good idea and something I am working on. Dr. Kinsey will perhaps soon have an alter-ego to assist her superheroines and their needs...
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sugarcoater wrote:
1 year ago
Alice wrote:
1 year ago
sugarcoater wrote:
1 year ago
I added the new material to the second-most-recent update in order to properly blend the action together. There is more to the scene in the works, but here is where things go for the moment.
wow lovely update, i see batbitch having fun fucking the way she likes it.

My little suggestion to Ms. psychologist, she should have her own super outfit sewed for her personally her sexy Batgirl to enhance and maximize their cooperative sessions
That is a good idea and something I am working on. Dr. Kinsey will perhaps soon have an alter-ego to assist her superheroines and their needs...
mmh that sounds interesting, I'm curious what alter ego the beautiful Dr. Kinsey, in your story
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It was an exhausted and bedraggled Batgirl who eventually found her way to the open field where the police and the protesters had been clashing. The floodlights were still on, but the clash had moved south of the initial conflict.

Batgirl caught site of two officers who were overlooking the injured and fallen. They looked up to see the superheroine making her way towards them. Her bedraggled appearance made it clear she needed some assistance. One of the officers, a woman with an athletic build in her late 20s, rushed to Batgirl’s side.

“Can we give you a hand Batgirl? asked the female officer.

“Would you…would you give me a ride to my bike? It’s…parked by the…” Batgirl’s voice trailed off. She tried to shake her head to clear her mind, but it only added to her pounding headache.

The male officer had a hard time not ogling the muddied and disheveled superheroine. There was something about her bedraggled appearance that captivated the man. He turned to his partner to avoid letting Batgirl sense his inappropriate thoughts.

The female officer took charge of the situation. “We’re just about done here. Why don’t you wait in the squad car and we can help you to your bike?” She indicated the police car parked near the barricades. Batgirl nodded.

“I’ll unlock the doors. Let yourself in and we’ll take care of you after we finish here.” The officer pressed a button on her key fob and the car lights lit up as the doors unlocked. Hugging herself to stay warm, Batgirl slowly made her way to the car and sat down inside. She was thoroughly exhausted. Feeling the full impact of the night’s events, she lay down on the back seat and closed her eyes as she waited for the officers to finish.

The bouncing of the car over uneven terrain awakened the slumbering superheroine. She slowly sat up.

The female officer looked over her shoulder. “You look like you’ve had a rough night.”

Batgirl nodded but said nothing.

“So where are we taking you?” asked the male officer.

“Towards the North Woods by the Robinson Park Reservoir please,” Batgirl replied quietly.

The man gently turned the car northward. “You got it Batgirl.”

The female officer leaned towards the man and spoke in a hushed voice. Batgirl could not make out what she was saying so she slouched down in the back seat and waited for the squad car to make its way to the Robinson Park Reservoir. She closed her eyes.

“Here we are,” said the male officer as the squad car came to a stop just below the reservoir.

Batgirl started. She had briefly dozed off. Blinking hard, she regained her bearings as she looked out the window and saw the moonlight glinting off the surface of the reservoir.

“Thanks,” Batgirl mumbled as she fumbled with the interior door handle.

“That won’t work. Let me get it for you.” The female officer got out of the car and opened the backdoor. Batgirl took his extended hand and stepped out of the car and into the chill of the night.

But just then, she felt her other hand grabbed by the officer and was roughly spun around. The cold had slowed her reflexes and before she could react, she was handcuffed!

“What are you doing?!”

Batgirl’s mind whirled. Was she being arrested? She was a vigilante after all. But wasn’t Gotham PD on her side? After all, she had helped reduce the city’s crime rate. And there were numerous times she had assisted in the apprehension of various criminal threats. Had she been inappropriate in her attempt to suppress the night’s conflict? What possible issue could these guys have with her? And why now? They could have arrested her back at the field.

The answers should have been obvious to Batgirl: they were hardly original and not the least bit unexpected.

Fully restrained, Batgirl was rudely shoved up against the squad car and for the second time that night, she had her pants roughly yanked down and her legs spread out.

But she was not taken right away. Despite her conditions, Batgirl mounted an impressive defense. Freezing, sore, beaten and handcuffed, the superheroine initially held off the inevitable with her powerful legs. She viciously unleashed a kick to the male officer’s midsection and, momentarily freed from her captors’ grip, fled towards the nearby forest. But with her arms bound behind her and her pants dangling from one of her boots, she had difficulty maintaining her balance in the muddy conditions and soon found herself slipping, sliding, flailing and inevitably falling to the ground. Before she could get to her feet, the officers were on her.

“Cuff her boots together,” ordered the female officer.

“I’m on it,” the man replied.

Properly restrained, the two officers took their time sensually explored the helpless heroine’s body. The male officer stood behind Batgirl and pulled up her top. While he fondled her breasts, the female officer played with Batgirl’s pussy. Accepting her fate, Batgirl let herself relax as best she could. The surge of endorphins released as her body prepared to climax once again, temporarily mitigating the impact of the debilitating cold. And when the female officer gently pushed her baton inside Batgirl’s pussy, the heroine’s body shuddered and went limp as she let herself cum.

“Ohhhh…” Batgirl moaned in reluctant pleasure.

“She’s all warmed up. Why don’t you finish her off properly?”

The question was more of an order to the male officer. The bulge in his pants needed satisfying and Batgirl was the person for the job.
The female officer pulled out the soaking wet baton from Batgirl’s pussy and spun the heroine around to face the male officer who was unbuckling his belt.

“Just relax and enjoy this Batgirl,” she whispered in the superheroine’s ear.

The words had an edge to them, and for a moment Batgirl tried to resist the inevitable. She clenched her thighs tightly to prevent penetration.

“Give it up Batgirl!” The man was not to be denied this deliciously exceptional indulgence.

“Noooo!” Batgirl squealed. “I can’t let you do this to me!”

“I said give it up superheroine!”

It was titillating to refer to Batgirl as a superheroine: it reinforced the reality of the ultimate fantasy of fucking a powerful woman.

Batgirl squeezed her thighs as tightly as she could, trying as best she could to keep the man from penetrating her. She grit her teeth as she felt the man’s hands forcefully prying her thighs apart.

“Please…you don’t have to do this,” begged Batgirl as she felt her thighs begin to weaken.

“I don’t have to…but I want to!”

Batgirl continued to wriggle in her restraints, making things exceedingly difficult for the man. With her boots handcuffed and her thighs flexed tightly together, penetrating Batgirl was no easy task.

The female officer grasped the heroine by the back of her mask and issued an ultimatum that extinguished the last of Batgirl’s resistance. “Listen up Batgirl, you’re fucked either way. Either we fuck you literally or we fuck you metaphorically. My partner is going to get inside your pants or under your mask. Your choice Batgirl: you either keep your dignity or your identity.”

Batgirl was too cold and too exhausted to put up any further resistance or come up with some manner of escaping her captors. Her head dropped in acceptance of her predicament.

“So which is it: the literal or metaphorical fuck?”

“Literal,” whispered Batgirl.

As the male officer prepared himself, the female officer unlocked the handcuffs on Batgirl’s ankles. Savoring the moment as best he could, the man gently caressed Batgirl’s naked thighs before spreading them apart. Then, grasping Batgirl’s firm ass, he pulled Batgirl towards him and slowly penetrated the superheroine. Feeling Batgirl’s warmth as his hard cock pushed deeper into the heroine’s pussy was so arousing he almost climaxed upon initial entry. But the exquisite treat of superheroine sex was not to be rushed; Batgirl’s stunning body was to be savored.

Batgirl closed her eyes and let her body bounce against the man as he pounded her while the woman, standing behind her, fondled her tits. The freezing temperatures had already hardened Batgirl’s nipples, and the woman’s expert massaging made them practically rock-hard. The cold also helped the man delay his climax and he was able to fuck the superheroine in several positions before the inevitable orgasm.

But when he could hold off no longer, the man bent Batgirl over the hood of the squad car. Holding Batgirl’s cuffed hands high above her head, the man pounded Batgirl from behind until at last he climaxed. Buried deep inside the superheroine, the man let himself cum.

Batgirl herself had climaxed twice during her taking, and she was panting in exhaustion and sexual satisfaction.

“Now let’s get you to your bike,” said the female officer as she removed the handcuffs from Batgirl’s wrists. “But put your pants back on before you get back in the car. I don’t want to clean up your mess Batgirl.”

The comment was more humiliating than the fucking. Batgirl blushed beneath her mask as she quickly pulled down her top. She fumbled with her pants as she tugged at them, trying to pull them back over her hips.

“Let me help you with that.” The male officer grabbed Batgirl’s pants from behind and gave them a forceful yank. Batgirl let out a mild yelp as she was lifted off the ground by the thrust.

“Alright, let’s get going,” said the woman.

Back in the car, the three drove along the edge of the forest until the female officer pointed in the direction of a line of redwoods.

“There it is.”

Barely visible in the darkness behind a large redwood tree was a protruding wheel.

The officers pulled up beside the trees and got out of the car. The man walked over to Batgirl’s motorcycle and whistled as he looked it over. He called over to Batgirl, who was still sitting in the back seat of the car. “Pretty sweet ride Batgirl! You do the paint job yourself?”

Batgirl quietly nodded. She did not care to engage in any conversation, she just wanted a hot bath and a long night’s sleep.

“Not sure I would have added the yellow design, but that’s a quality paint job.”

The male officer walked back to the squad car. Holding Batgirl by her waist, he helped Batgirl to her feet. But just as Batgirl began to anticipate her release, she felt a tugging on her mask! The man began slowly pulling it back.

“No! You promised!” Batgirl screamed in desperation as she blindly grabbed the man’s wrist. She could not see with the mask being pulled back—face was almost exposed! Desperately she clutched at her mask, trying to pull it back into place.

“I can’t help it Batgirl, I’ve got to see who’s behind the cowl.”

But just as the man was about to overpower Batgirl’s feeble attempt at keeping her identity hidden, a solitary word stopped the man.


The word was hushed yet sharp. The male officer froze.

“We will allow Batgirl to leave without any further violations, and that includes her identity.”

The man—exceedingly reluctantly—released Batgirl’s mask. It snapped back sharply against her face and she fell to the ground from the force. The man stepped away from her and stood still as if awaiting orders. The female officer kneeled down beside the dazed superheroine and whispered something in her ear. Then she stood back up and pointedly addressed the male officer.

“Put Batgirl on her motorcycle and take no more liberties with her,” ordered the woman as she stood up.

Batgirl was unceremoniously dragged by her cape through the mud over to her motorcycle.

“Here you go,” said the man as he lifted her up and dropped her on the motorcycle seat. Then he walked back to the squad car. A moment later, the officers were gone and she was alone.

Batgirl sat in a heap on her motorcycle, shivering in the cold as she rubbed her wrists. It took a while before she felt capable of riding. During this time, she focused her thoughts on recovery and avoided thinking of any aspect of the night’s humiliations. When she finally felt competent enough to drive, she gingerly revved the engine.

In the distance, Robinson Park exploded with flashes and explosions as the conflict continued deep into the night. But the night was over for Batgirl. She quietly sped off in silent shame and resignation, utterly degraded by the night’s events.

The night was unlike any of her previous shameful sexual degradations. She had genuinely believed she was going to be embraced by both sides, that Batgirl could diffuse the tension and prevent the protests from escalating into a riot. She had failed on every level. Furthermore, Batgirl had presented herself in such a manner that both sides saw her as a distraction in opposition to their cause: the protesters viewed her as a pawn of the police; the police saw her as an ally for the agitators.
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The newest section was added both directly above as well as to the overall scene involving the protest in Gotham Central Park. This event is going to lead to the change in Batgirl's identity as Dr. Kinsey will be introducing her to a variation of Batgirl: Batbitch. The psychologist will be pushing Batgirl to embrace an edgier version of Batgirl as a method of working through the night's events and accepting the need to work more outside the law...which will lead to some interesting situations.

Supergirl will be returning to the scene soon, for those who want to see more of her in action.

For those of you who have been interested in the story and are willing to share your thoughts and reactions, I very much appreciate reading your contributions and suggestions. And, as always, please let me know of any typos or issues with the writing.
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excellent update, i like how batgirl with her sex skills can seduce cops to make batgirl a perfect ass fuck. My suggestion, I propose that ecstasy affects Supergirl in the way pink krypton does, making Supergirl start wearing her new version of her super outfit made of red blue rubber-nano gloss material accentuated by her red leather-nano high gloss tight boots, this makes that SG is sexually horny
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Good update, I wonder what the female officer whispered to Batgirl; her price for stopping the de-masking, or maybe she already figured out who was under the mask and plans future blackmail?
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I think Ms. psychologist Eva Kinsey and Ms. Police officer Ashleigh Kaine, who got promoted from detective to officer position having a lot in common that she won't let Police Guy know who is hiding behind the mask of seductive Batgirl. After Dr. Kinsey helped get her promotion in exchange for Kaine protecting and caring for Batgirl's sexual desires. And Ashleigh gladly agrees, remembering how she and Batgirl shared a wonderful time together at Ashleigh's apartment
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Alice wrote:
1 year ago
I think Ms. psychologist Eva Kinsey and Ms. Police officer Ashleigh Kaine, who got promoted from detective to officer position having a lot in common that she won't let Police Guy know who is hiding behind the mask of seductive Batgirl. After Dr. Kinsey helped get her promotion in exchange for Kaine protecting and caring for Batgirl's sexual desires. And Ashleigh gladly agrees, remembering how she and Batgirl shared a wonderful time together at Ashleigh's apartment
Very keen eye Alice! Indeed, Detective Kaine was on the scene. As for what she whispered, I'll leave it up to readers to guess...for now...
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when can we expect an update on this excellent story?
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The latest update is coming now. It is the set-up to Batgirl taking on her new mantle. Please feel free to share any thoughts as feedback is very much appreciated.
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* * *

Dr. Kinsey gave Batgirl the necessary push shortly before the Overrun Gotham Movement concluded. Batgirl had initially revealed her mixed feelings concerning the campaign: her connections to law enforcement caused her to hesitate supporting the protesters, but her co-workers at the Gotham Public Library and her friends at Superheroine HQ had turned out in force to support the Overrunners. The aftermath of the Gotham Central Park protest was the final catalyst for the push for Barbara Gordon to abandon the previously chaste version of Batgirl and to embrace a new incarnation of the superheroine.

The first 20 minutes of Batgirl’s session was a slow and shameful admission of her failed attempt to quell the uprising in Central Park. And despite her plan to leave out the details with the police, Batgirl inevitably found herself revealing every last detail of the night’s events.

After Batgirl finished her recollection, Dr. Kinsey sat back in her chair and closed her eyes. Batgirl bit her lip in anticipation of Dr. Kinsey’s reaction. The psychologist remained in deep thought for a long minute before she broke the silence.

“Did you see the officers’ badge numbers?” Dr. Kinsey asked as she leaned forward in her chair and looked directly into Batgirl’s eyes.

“Uh…I…I don’t…”

Batgirl suddenly realized the reason she could not remember the officers’ badge numbers was because their badges had no numbers!

“It’s okay, I imagine between the freezing cold and the injuries and the…distractions…spotting their badge numbers would have been a bit much to ask of anyone.”

“It’s not that!” Batgirl protested. She felt as though Dr. Kinsey was criticizing her detective abilities. “They didn’t have any badge numbers! I remember now!”

“Are you absolutely certain? You realize you’re suggesting these were not actual police officers.”

Batgirl stopped to reflect on the night’s events. It had been quite convenient that the two officers just happened to be in the area when she had stumbled out onto the field. And their willingness to stop what they were doing to help was odd. Yet how did the female officer know who she was?! Batgirl was not ready to reveal that last detail to Dr. Kinsey—not so much because she did not trust the psychologist, but because she did not want Dr. Kinsey’s disapproval at the moment. Batgirl needed support, not criticism.

Dr. Kinsey could see Batgirl needed a boost.

“Let’s move on. We need to look at what’s next for you.”

“What do you mean?” Batgirl was curious.

“It’s time for the next stage of Batgirl’s evolution. Gotham needs to be led in a new direction, a better direction, and who more fitting than Batgirl—a badder and bolder Batgirl—to lead the way?”

The question, phrased in a rhetorical manner, appealed to Batgirl’s bruised ego; the description piqued Batgirl’s growing interest. Reinventing herself was a novel and intriguing concept!

“What do you have in mind?”

“We start be establishing a social media presence for Batgirl. She needs to reach out to the citizens of Gotham, especially the younger and disenfranchised citizens. The older generations have grown fat and wealthy by taking from Gotham’s common people, leaving little opportunity for the younger generations. Just look at the real estate market—what Millennial or Zoomer can afford to live in Gotham? Rent is exorbitant. And yes, jobs are plentiful but careers are scarce. There’s little future for someone growing up in Gotham today.

“Batgirl is going to change that. She is going to be a power for the people. Her exploits will serve to highlight to injustice of the system working against the younger generations. Her presence will galvanize the youth to stand up against the patriarchy that has held back those not born into Gotham’s noble class.”

Dr. Kinsey went on for a good five minutes, dropping various buzz words and faddish phrases, appealing to Batgirl’s ego as well as her desire for justice, until Batgirl was mostly convinced of the need for the heroine to evolve into whatever Dr. Kinsey had in mind.

“Once we have established a Batgirl social media account, you will want to read this to your followers.” Dr. Kinsey handed Batgirl a pre-written speech. “But beforehand, we need you to make a visual statement to go with your verbal statement. Something innocuous yet something that will resonate with the younger, more impressionable crowd.”

 Despite Dr. Kinsey’s seemingly extemporaneous thoughts, Batgirl sensed the woman already had the solution in-hand. “What do you have in mind?”

“You’re going to start using a different mask, one that will cover just as much of your face but not your hair. Batgirl is going to have a new hairstyle to mark the beginning of her new ethos. We want to further connect you with today’s youth. You’re already immensely popular with them; this, along with one other detail, will have them entirely willing to cover for you regardless of circumstances once you deliver your speech.”

Batgirl nodded. “I can do that.”

“And I want you to get a new hairstyle. You’re going to go with the Grrl-Power style: shave one side, let the other side grow long.” Dr. Kinsey paused, then continued. “And dye it pink.”

Batgirl hesitated. She missed her old style, and though the blonde look of the Gold Avenger was sexy, she was not eager to try a whole new style. And pink? It was so cliche!

“If I change my style that drastically, won’t people make the connection between Barbara Gordon and Batgirl when they see Barbara Gordon walking around with the same style as Batgirl right after Batgirl changes her style?”

Dr. Kinsey dismissed Batgirl’s concern. “For one thing, you certainly will not be the only Gotham girl flaunting that style after Batgirl shows off her new look. And for another, you have already shown yourself to be a big Batgirl fan. It would be only natural for you to mimic her style.”

“But pink? Seriously?”

“Yes.” Dr. Kinsey’s response was terse. “You’re going to be mainstream in your new style. For one, the public will not embrace a drastic alteration to their heroine. What you’re going to do is already quite the change for Batgirl.”

Batgirl was still hesitant. “I just don’t know…” Her voice faded out as she looked into Dr. Kinsey’s inflexible eyes.

“How long have we been working together now?”

“Almost two years,” Batgirl quietly answered.

“And during this time, have we not had several key breakthroughs?”

Batgirl nodded.

“And during this time, have you not become stronger and more effective as Gotham’s Secret Protector?”

Batgirl slowly nodded again. She desperately wanted to break eye-contact with her psychiatrist yet she could not look away from Dr. Kinsey’s glaring stare.

“I need you to say it Batgirl,” demanded Dr. Kinsey.

“Yes I have,” murmured the cowed heroine.

“Then why do you challenge me now?!”

Batgirl had no answer. She finally broke eye-contact and looked down at her boots, hoping Dr. Kinsey would continue and end the sudden and abrupt awkward silence.

Dr. Kinsey let the silence rear up and envelope the room. She could see Batgirl was uncomfortable, even beginning to perspire. She waited a moment more before reminding the ungrateful heroine of their progress—emphasizing how much she had changed from the once demure and prudish Batgirl who had first walked into her office 22 months earlier—and finally concluding with a recap of her humiliation at the hands of both protesters and police.

In order to properly manipulate Batgirl, Dr. Kinsey honed in on how utterly embarrassing it must have been for Gotham’s Secret Protector to be not-so-secretly sexually subjugated by two mere police officers—hardly the stuff of superheroines.

Then Dr. Kinsey moved the conversation to an earlier indignity.

“Think back to the time Batgirl climaxed at City Hall. Why do you think I was able to make her cum while delivering her speech to the public? It is because you know—even if you won’t admit it to yourself—how corrupt Gotham’s government truly is. When Batgirl orgasmed on the steps of City Hall, she was subconsciously showing her contempt for the institution.

“Consider why Batgirl enjoys being fucked by the Stratford Oakmont stock bros: she gets off on having those who represent Gotham’s profiteering fraudster bros satisfying her needs. And what could be more debasing for them than making them mere pawns to satisfy her sexual urges. Batgirl is in essence using those men as sex slaves.

“And now, after what happened at Central Park, you must realize Batgirl cannot remain the same prim and proper superheroine she has been. And let’s be honest, she has not been prim and proper for quite some time now. It is just that the public does not know this. Now is the time to for the public to see Batgirl as she truly is. She has always been a superheroine who stands against the system, she just never knew it. With my help, you have finally come to face the truth of who Batgirl truly is: a hardened bitch who does not take anyone’s shit.”

Batgirl was taken aback, both by the unexpected profane language and the reality Dr. Kinsey had described for her.

Dr. Kinsey continued. “You need to trust me Barbara, and in doing so you need to accept who Batgirl truly is. As we established early on, the more you deny your true self, the more difficult it will be for Barbara Gordon to be effective and at peace with her role as Batgirl.”

Batgirl followed most of what Dr. Kinsey was saying. After the unflattering description of her recent disgraceful debasement, she had a strong desire to separate herself from what had happened to Batgirl in Central Park, a desire further strengthened by the media’s report of the sordid details in their coverage of the night’s events. And though the reports were sympathetic to the superheroine, they humiliatingly described in excessive detail her impotence in diffusing the tension at the protest as well as her subsequent trampling and beating by the mob. There was no reporting on the sexual abuse Batgirl had endured, but the clickbait nature of recounting Batgirl’s debacle encouraged reporters to describe at length her ordeal, and the images of a muddied and overpowered Batgirl supplementing the articles further diminishing the vaunted image of the seemingly invulnerable Batgirl. The most clicked images were those of a bedraggled and helpless Batgirl being dragged by some masked protester through the mud.

Batgirl cringed as Dr. Kinsey finished her sordid summation of the desecration of Batgirl. Perhaps this new incarnation of Batgirl had some value. If nothing else, going back to the topic of this new identity would move the focus onto something more palatable.

“Okay Dr. Kinsey. What else do you have in mind?”

Dr. Kinsey smiled at Batgirl’s acquiescence. “You will wear a fake nose ring as Batgirl. It will be a subtle detail, but enough to add to the new ‘Grrl-Power’ look and leave Barbara Gordon a little more identity separation from the heroine as she will not have any nose piercing.”

Had Barbara Gordon been anything less than prim and proper for most of her life, she would have been embarrassed at the transparently obvious rebellious girl cliché Dr. Kinsey was describing for her new Batgirl ethos. But Dr. Kinsey had intentionally infused references to Barbara Gordon throughout the session to circumvent the potential pushback from Batgirl. Barbara was the weakest of Batgirl’s identities, and it was to her Dr. Kinsey pushed forth her plan. And with her lack of social media presence and limited interactions with people outside of her immediate social circle, Barbara Gordon was unaware of the trite cliche Dr. Kinsey was creating for her.

But the final request—if it could be considered a request—was a hard one for Barbara to swallow.

“I also want Batgirl to start referring to herself as ‘Batbitch’ You are going to transition from being the sweet and polite Batgirl to the bold and badass Batbitch. And this will come with a new uniform.”

“What?!” Batgirl recoiled at the suggestion!

Dr. Kinsey continued before Batgirl could mount a full protest. “Batgirl needs a harder edge to her ethos. And if you are serious about dismissing the patriarchal laws of our society, you need to let Batgirl make a real statement. Without these changes, you will be incapable of fully embracing your new role.”

“But Batbitch? Isn’t that a bit…harsh?”

“That is precisely the point! You need a harshness to your superheroine persona. You are the foil to the prim and proper Supergirl and her support of the status quo. You stand for the disenfranchised, those cast out of society for not being part of the mainstream, those who refuse to fall for modern society’s consumerism.”

Dr. Kinsey anticipated Batgirl’s initial revulsion at the thought of being “Batbitch”. She knew precisely where to poke and prod Batgirl’s pride to push her towards accepting her new identity, which inevitably included a defamatory detraction of the Girl of Steel. With great detail, she proceeded to paint a picture of Supergirl as an antagonist force representing the mainstream—the government and the patriarchy—standing against Batgirl and those relegated to living in the shadows. Without a force for the people, someone unwilling to bow to the establishment, what would happen to the common people?

By the time she had finished, Batbitch was almost ready to to take flight.

“When we meet next week we will go over the specifics of Batbitch.”

On her ride home, Batgirl fantasized over the thought of a new outfit. Dr. Kinsey’s delicious fashion sense titillated the superheroine with images of a newer, sexier, more daring costume.
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For anyone reading this story with a penchant for art, I would be both incredibly grateful and quite curious as to what you might imagine for the new Batbitch outfit. I don't know what I can offer as a motivation/bribe for your artwork, but perhaps a detailed scene of your choice or the addition of a character of your choice would be given for the best outfit (with the obvious caveat that it would need to make sense as the story evolves).
I apologize for the limited offer--hopefully that or just the natural creativity of those reading this story--can entice some of you to share your thoughts and artistic skills in this thread.
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I think Bad Bitch's shaved hair and earring in the nose, in my opinion, will spoil her sex naughty Batbitch look
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This is a very interesting story.
I especially like the scenes with just Dr. Kinsey and Batgirl, though those with Nyssa and Batgirl were quite fun as well.
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when can we expect a new update of this wonderful story?
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* * *

The week had passed by excruciatingly slowly for Barbara Gordon. The anticipation of the new costume had reached a fevered pitch for her. She had found herself doodling various permutations and alterations of the Batgirl outfit during some downtime at the Gotham City Library. With the slow nature of her job, Barbara had created a variety of designs while sitting at the reception desk. She was lost in reverie as she looked over her most recent version of Batbitch’s outfit when a voice startled her.

“That’s a pretty daring costume!” Alicia remarked as she looked over Barbara’s shoulder.

Barbara started. She was so engrossed in her drawing, her normally keen awareness of her surroundings had been dampened by the distracting design.

“You really think Batgirl would wear something like that?”

“I was just…” Try as she might, Barbara could not come up with a good reason for her drawing.

“It’s cool Babs,” Alicia laughed. “I think Batgirl’s pretty hot too.” She glanced back at Barbara’s design. “That’s a really good drawing!”

The compliment helped Barbara regain her composure.

“Thanks. It was just an idea I had.” She smiled back at Alicia. “Seems like Batgirl might want to try a few new looks.”

“I’ve always liked that black skintight outfit of hers,” Alicia picked up the drawing and looked it over, “but this would be one distracting costume!”

Barbara could not help herself. “Can you imagine how sexy Batgirl would look in an outfit like this one?”

Alicia gave her the compliment for which she was fishing.

Encouraged by Alicia’s words, Barbara continued. “I think she would be sexier than Supergirl. That cheerleader costume of hers is hot, but outfit would be stunning on Batgirl—she has bigger tits and a better ass than the Girl of Steel.”

Had Alicia not been distracted by the titillating drawing, she might have been taken aback by Barbara’s unusually crass words. But the visual, being so complimentary of Batgirl’s form, had Alicia nodding her head in agreement.

“It’s too bad Batgirl isn’t willing to show off her assets.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure of that,” said Barbara, who immediately regretted her words.

“What makes you say that?”

Barbara’s mind worked quickly. “I…I was just thinking of that spread she did a while back.”

“That’s right! I forgot about that! But wasn’t that for a fundraiser or something like that?”

Alicia handed the drawing back to Barbara.

“It was. It’s not like Batgirl would put herself out there like that just for her own financial gain!” Barbara was almost defensive in her tone as she placed the drawing in her desk drawer.

“Yeah, she’s too good for that.” Alicia was quick to agree.

“Still…” Barbara let her voice trail off. Part of her wanted to hear Alicia compliment Batgirl’s sexy physique, and part of her wanted to pick Alicia’s brain for alterations and adjustments to Batgirl’s costume transformation. As a Batgirl fangirl, Alicia would likely have some intriguing suggestions. Yet persisting in discussing Batgirl’s new outfit with Alicia might be risky. Alicia was a sweet college girl usually buried in her academic studies who would likely miss any connection between Barbara Gordon and Batgirl, but there was no need to continue with the conversation and take the chance…at least not at the moment.

“I’ll leave the next design idea to you.” Barbara winked at Alicia and surreptitiously locked her desk drawer.

But the final design was completed and subsequently modeled by Dr. Kinsey in her office during one of Batgirl’s more memorable sessions with the psychologist.

“Allow me to introduce you to Batbitch.”

Batgirl took a deep breath—she was on pins and needles. The weeks of anticipation were finally at an end. She was practically squirming in her chair as the door from Dr. Kinsey’s private chamber slowly opened. What she saw emerge from the anteroom thrilled her.

Dr. Kinsey—or more appropriately Batbitch—walked into the room. She was wearing a black mask covering the top portion of her face, a black top that looked like a sports bra with the word “bitch” written in a glowing yellow, very small and extremely tight black shorts, yellow knee-high boots and yellow skintight gloves, and a short black cape. A yellow utility belt clung tightly to her waist.

Batgirl was entranced by the shiny material highlighting all of Batbitch’s luscious curves. Batbitch made a point to move slowly and seductively as she showed off the new ensemble. The squeaking of the tight latex material was the only sound in the room.

“Note how the fabric stretches comfortably,” she said as she circled closer and closer around the entranced superheroine.

“I made a point to add your Bat-logo for the dot in “i”. Batbitch turned around to reveal the word “bitch” also written across the back side of the small black shorts. “So what do you think of it?”

Batgirl was speechless. She stared in awe as the psychologist began to perform a stunning and erotic dance routine. She made herself so alluring that Batgirl was suddenly overwhelmed with an insatiable desire to have Batbitch. She wanted her now!

“Come get a closer look,” whispered Batbitch. She seductively gestured with her index finger for Batgirl to approach her.

Batgirl complied. She stood up slowly and moved towards Batbitch as if in a trance. Dr. Kinsey took Batgirl’s hands and placed them on her chest. “The outfit is made of a fabric similar to yours…with a few enhancements.”

Batbitch let the superheroine touch her for a moment longer, then she turned around and arched her back. “How does it look from behind?”

Batgirl was captivated by the shine of the material covering and highlighting the curves of Dr. Kinsey’s tight ass. The word “bitch” written across the back of the short shorts titillated her. It was so crass yet so bold!

“Go ahead,” said Batbitch. She knew full well what Batgirl wanted. A moment later she felt Batgirl’s hands squeezing her ass.

“How does it feel?”

“It feels slick yet strong,” Batgirl replied as she moved her hands all over Dr. Kinsey’s ass.

“And what do you think of the mask?” Batbitch turned around and faced Batgirl. “It’s more revealing than your current version,” she reached behind Batgirl’s head and pulled Batgirl’s mask back on her face, “but it will still hide your identity.”

The two masked women silently looked at each.

Batbitch could see Batgirl’s nipples pressing against the tight black fabric of her costume. Moving closer to the superheroine, Batbitch pushed her breasts up against Batgirl’s. The only sound other than the two women’s heavy breathing was the squeaking of the two costumes as Batbitch gently moved her breasts up and down against Batgirl’s. Their nipples—practically piercing the fabric of their costumes—touched up against one another. Batbitch moved slowly and sensually, caressing and tickling Batgirl’s nipples with hers.

“So what do you think?” Batbitch cooed. Her face was inches from Batgirl’s.

“I…I think it looks…” Batgirl trailed off. Batbitch’s lips were almost pressing upon hers. Batgirl knew what was going to happen, but she wanted to extend the moment just a bit longer—a delicate balance of intense anticipation before a powerful release of indulgence. She closed her eyes and focused on the feeling of Batbitch’s voluptuous breasts pressing up against her own ample chest. Her lips gently touched Batbitch’s lips.

Then Batbitch abruptly cupped Batgirl’s crotch! Already wet, Batgirl had no way of controlling herself—she simply climaxed right then and there! The anticipation had been so powerful, Batgirl had no way to hold off on the first of her orgasms. Just the sight of the sexy psychologist in the provocative Batbitch outfit had practically pushed Batgirl over the edge and tumbling into sexual bliss.

Batgirl locked lips with Batbitch, kissing her passionately as she let herself cum to Batbitch’s fingering.

“Oh fucccckkkk,” gasped Batgirl between kisses as her legs buckled. The sensual vibrations of Dr. Kinsey’s gloved hand rubbing the skintight fabric pulled tight over her crotch was intensely arousing even after she climaxed. She fell into Dr. Kinsey’s arms. The vibration of the two skintight rubbery costumes moving against one another sent a charge of sexual energy into the two women.

As she kissed and sucked on Batbitch’s lips, Batgirl gave her body over to Batbitch.

It was then that Batbitch revealed her nature.

Batbitch proceeded to sexually dominate Batgirl. She made a point to assert her complete dominance over the superheroine; Batgirl had to see Batbitch as a powerful entity who was entirely in charge. Batgirl’s desire to be dominated sexually allowed Batbitch to exert total control over her—Batbitch was the dominatrix to Batgirl’s submissive.

As Batgirl climaxed a second time, Batbitch stepped back and let Batgirl tumble to the floor.

“I want you on your hands and knees,” Batbitch hissed in Batgirl’s ear. “You’re going to wear this collar for me.”

Batgirl got on all fours and allowed Dr. Kinsey to place the collar around her neck and lead her around the room on the leash. When Batbitch put her boot in front of the superheroine’s face, Batgirl knew what was expected of her: she lowered her head and proceeded to lick the boot. But when she looked up to see Batbitch’s reaction, the superheroine was stung by a slap across the face!

“I did not tell you to stop! Lick Batbitch’s boot until you can see your reflection in it!” Dr. Kinsey ordered the subservient superheroine. “If you do a good job, Batbitch might allow you to climax again.”

Batgirl polished the boot with her tongue until it shone brightly in the office’s dim light.

“Stand up against the desk Batgirl.” Dr. Kinsey released the leash, allowing Batgirl to rise to her feet and walk over to the desk.

“Bend over and spread your legs.”

Batgirl complied.

Dr. Kinsey slowly approached the superheroine. Positioning herself directly behind her, she removed a baton from her utility belt and slowly moved the rod up and down against Batgirl’s thighs. Then she began rubbing the rod against the tight black rubbery material covering Batgirl’s throbbing pussy. The vibration from the rod rubbing on the material excited Batgirl. She spread her thighs a bit further and pressed her hips back.

“Tell Batbitch what you want and she may grant it to you.”

“I want you to make me cum again!”

Batbitch slapped Batgirl’s ass with surprising force. “You will ask with respect!” Batbitch’s voice was harsh and commanding.

“Please! Please Batbitch, let me cum!” Batgirl found herself begging the woman. She was desperate for another release.

Batbitch slowly peeled back Batgirl’s tight pants and pulled them down to her thighs. Then, ever so gently, she began rubbing Batgirl’s exposed womanhood with the rod.

Though she and Dr. Kinsey had engaged in numerous sexual escapades, she had never been with Batbitch. This was new and exciting! Playing the submissive was intensely arousing for Batgirl. When she felt Batbitch’s baton rubbing on her bare pussy, Batgirl creamed in ecstasy.

With the baton lubed by Batgirl’s cum, Batbitch held the rod directly behind Batgirl’s pussy. She let the superheroine anticipate the moment, paused a second longer, then pushed the rod slowly and firmly into Batgirl.

“Ungh!” Batgirl moaned in sweet sexual bliss. The hard rod felt so good inside of her! She relaxed her thighs to allow full penetration inside of her.

Batbitch reached around with her free hand and proceeded to finger Batgirl’s clit as her other hand pushed and pulled the baton in and out of Batgirl. The sensation of Batbitch’s gloved fingers manipulating her womanhood while the rod repeatedly penetrated her brought Batgirl to the verge of a powerful climax. Gripping the desk tightly, the superheroine prepared to let herself cum.

“Not until I tell you!” Batbitch shouted.

Suddenly, Batgirl felt her airway severely constricted. Batbitch had let go of Batgirl’s clit and was firmly gripping the leash around Batgirl’s neck. The strangling sensation startled the superheroine, and for a moment she was distracted from cumming.

Almost viciously, Batbitch kept the leash tight around Batgirl’s neck as she continued to penetrate her with the baton. Batgirl could just barely breath! The room began to spin and her legs felt weak and wobbly!

“Now beg for Batbitch to let you cum!” Dr. Kinsey ordered.

Batgirl was barely able to whisper an inaudible request. She was on the verge of blacking out when Dr. Kinsey slowly relaxed her grip on the leash.

“Beg for it slut!”

“Batbitch…please…let me cum,” gasped the desperate superheroine. She wanted to cum more than she wanted to breath!

“Now you may cum!”

Batbitch released the leash. Gasping to catch her breath, Batgirl found herself fully engulfed in a powerful orgasm. As Dr. Kinsey began manipulating her clit once again, Batgirl let herself completely go. Panting and moaning, the superheroine lost control and climaxed all over herself. Then she crumpled to the floor as the room spun out of control.

When Batgirl regained consciousness, she was lying on Dr. Kinsey’s couch.

“How was it?” Dr. Kinsey asked. The psychologist was seated behind her desk back in her professional attire.

Batgirl gradually regained her composure. She sat up slowly. Despite having been unconscious, Batgirl felt the sweet sensation of sexual climax coursing through her body.

“It was…amazing!”

Dr. Kinsey was pleased by Batgirl’s response. Though the reaction was what Dr. Kinsey had anticipated, hearing the superheroine confirm the purpose of Batgirl’s treatment pleased her. The night had to be memorable for Batgirl, which was all-the-more challenging considering how frequently she had made Batgirl climax.

“Then I think you may want this,” said Dr. Kinsey. She picked up the wrapped box on her desk and handed it to Batgirl. Before Batgirl could ask about its contents, Dr. Kinsey continued. “It’s something I believe you will enjoy. Just wait until you get home to open it.”

Batgirl nodded in affirmation. She was curious as to what it could be and how it connected to the night’s events.

“And if you don’t mind, text me your thoughts once you do open it.” Dr. Kinsey smiled, “I’m actually quite interested in your reaction.”

“I will…and thank you!” Batgirl was unexpectedly enthusiastic. Between the thrill of erotic asphyxiation and the subsequent powerful climax, Batgirl was in a state of subtle yet sublime ecstasy.

“And I’ll see you next week?”

“Absolutely!” Batgirl confirmed as she got up from the couch. Tucking the package beneath an arm, she thanked Dr. Kinsey once again and walked out of her office.

Once Batgirl was gone, Dr. Kinsey walked into her anteroom and looked over the small but elegant bar on the far side of the room. ‘This calls for a bourbon,’ she thought to herself as she poured herself a drink. Then she sat back in the large leather chair beside the bar. A blissful feeling of satisfaction came over her. Batgirl had submitted to Batbitch, and with the powerful series of climaxes the superheroine had experienced, the memory of Batbitch being in control was seared into Batgirl’s mind. Forcing Batgirl into the position of the submissive to Batbitch’s authority reinforced the power of Batbitch. The superheroine had even begged to cum instead of being allowed to breath!

“It’s just a matter of time before Barbara Gordon discards Batgirl for Batbitch,” Dr. Kinsey gave her thoughts a voice; she relished the sound of the words.

“Batbitch,” Dr. Kinsey carefully enunciated the word, “here’s to you.” She smiled and raised her glass in a mock toast to this new permutation of Batgirl. Things were going to get quite interesting…

* * *
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Took a bit, but a new section has been added. As always, feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Supergirl will be reappearing again soon, but it was time for Batgirl to meet Batbitch. I have a few ideas of what Batbitch will do and what will befall her. That said, any further suggestions?
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Wow, that was great. One of the best chapters so far. :thumbup:
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sugarcoater wrote:
1 year ago
Took a bit, but a new section has been added. As always, feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Supergirl will be reappearing again soon, but it was time for Batgirl to meet Batbitch. I have a few ideas of what Batbitch will do and what will befall her. That said, any further suggestions?
mmh excellent Update, I have suggestions For Alicia to be gifted by Barbara, sexy tall black leather boots with a yellow bat symbol, and revealing her secret identity as Batgirl Batbitch, and propose to Alicia, sex/combat training and become a long Batgirl in the City so that Barbara can indulge in complete being Batbitch
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when can we expect a new update of this great Story?
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Alice wrote:
1 year ago
when can we expect a new update of this great Story?
I have already partially completed a few different sequences, but at the moment I don't know when I'll have enough done to post.
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sugarcoater wrote:
1 year ago
Alice wrote:
1 year ago
when can we expect a new update of this great Story?
I have already partially completed a few different sequences, but at the moment I don't know when I'll have enough done to post.
thank you for answering my question, will look into mine, i just updated my history
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That was incredible. I guess Batgirl is now completely corrupted.
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when can we expect a new update of this great Story?
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Playing around with AI these days (a big thanks to the people here who helped me find a good ad simple AI site to use). My goal is to add more visuals to the story. I'll be writing more as well, I just need my schedule to free up a bit.

Here is a first image of Supergirl performing at the strip club:
Supergirl strip club 1.jpeg
Supergirl strip club 1.jpeg (99.04 KiB) Viewed 6596 times
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And here are some images I'm working on for Batgirl as the Gold Avenger. Her mask is missing because 1) the AI is terrible at adding the proper style of mask, and 2) there will be a reason why she ditches the mask:
Gold Avenger 5!.png
Gold Avenger 5!.png (1.16 MiB) Viewed 6586 times
Gold Avenger 7!.png
Gold Avenger 7!.png (1.29 MiB) Viewed 6586 times
Gold Avenger 8!.png
Gold Avenger 8!.png (1.22 MiB) Viewed 6586 times
Gold Avenger 14!.png
Gold Avenger 14!.png (1.51 MiB) Viewed 6586 times
Gold Avenger stripper 3.png
Gold Avenger stripper 3.png (1.23 MiB) Viewed 6586 times
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sugarcoater wrote:
9 months ago
Playing around with AI these days (a big thanks to the people here who helped me find a good ad simple AI site to use). My goal is to add more visuals to the story. I'll be writing more as well, I just need my schedule to free up a bit.

Here is a first image of Supergirl performing at the strip club:

Supergirl strip club 1.jpeg
WoW SG looks so tempting in this version of her super outfit as she performs her naughty show😍
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sugarcoater wrote:
9 months ago
And here are some images I'm working on for Batgirl as the Gold Avenger. Her mask is missing because 1) the AI is terrible at adding the proper style of mask, and 2) there will be a reason why she ditches the mask:

Gold Avenger 5!.pngGold Avenger 7!.pngGold Avenger 8!.pngGold Avenger 14!.pngGold Avenger stripper 3.png
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Alice wrote:
9 months ago
sugarcoater wrote:
9 months ago
Playing around with AI these days (a big thanks to the people here who helped me find a good ad simple AI site to use). My goal is to add more visuals to the story. I'll be writing more as well, I just need my schedule to free up a bit.

Here is a first image of Supergirl performing at the strip club:

Supergirl strip club 1.jpeg
WoW SG looks so tempting in this version of her super outfit as she performs her naughty show😍
I really liked that pose too. If I were better at AI art, I would try to replicate that with a few subtle changes.
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sugarcoater wrote:
9 months ago
And here are some images I'm working on for Batgirl as the Gold Avenger. Her mask is missing because 1) the AI is terrible at adding the proper style of mask, and 2) there will be a reason why she ditches the mask:

Gold Avenger 5!.pngGold Avenger 7!.pngGold Avenger 8!.pngGold Avenger 14!.pngGold Avenger stripper 3.png
Love the Batgirl art! I’ve been waiting for the update of this story for months, and I’m not disappointed! As for the AI generated art, I’ve tried it a few times myself. Gotta say, the app I used wasn’t good at drawing layered content. For example, the AI usually failed to draw the shirt underneath an opening coat properly. I’m still struggling to get around that.
Will we see more scenes where Barbara fucks criminals (mobsters, gangsters, etc.) either as Batgirl or the Gold Avenger? The possibility that she eventually degenerates into the likes of Falcone is really appealing.
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I love coming back to read this wonderful story with Barbra as BAT BABS Batgirl Batbitch often
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When can we expect an update to your wonderful story?
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