Written With ChatGPT

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:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
look at this guys!

As the sun set over the city, a Catwoman stood atop a rooftop, her tail swishing in the wind. Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her and turned to face her enemy, Batgirl.

"Ah, the dark knight's apprentice. I expected better from you," the woman said, grinning wickedly. "But then again, you've always been a mere shadow of your mentor."

Batgirl narrowed her eyes, ready to fight. "I may be in his shadow, but at least I'm not hiding behind a mask like a coward."

The two women leapt into action, trading blows with the agility of felines. As they fought, the woman taunted Batgirl with her philosophical musings.

"You see, we are all just playing our roles in this grand theatre of life. The hero, the villain, the victim. But who is to say which is which?" she mused, dodging a punch from Batgirl.

"Enough with your nonsense," Batgirl growled, landing a kick to the woman's side. "We have a duty to protect this city from those who would do harm."

"But what is harm, really? Is it the physical pain we inflict upon others, or the emotional suffering we cause?" the woman asked, parrying Batgirl's next attack with ease.

The two women continued to fight, each with their own unique style and philosophy. But in the end, Batgirl emerged victorious, leaving the woman with a final thought.

"In the end, it's not about the roles we play or the philosophies we espouse. It's about doing what's right, no matter the cost."
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Mr. X
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I can see this being used by producers to generate scripts for shoots. I have a hotel room, heroine, I want x,y,z to happen.
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Any sites that hold stories or people make stories using Chat?
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I think it may actually be really useful for editing. I when I wrot my book there were a couple of paragraphs where the re-write was hard to do. I could see tossing a paragraph in and asking the AI to clean it up. I tried it and came out pretty well.
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Mr. X wrote:
1 year ago
I can see this being used by producers to generate scripts for shoots. I have a hotel room, heroine, I want x,y,z to happen.
Oh, mate!
I think long before GPT was invented, many producers were using such a system. Only instead of a bot it was young trainees. :hq:
Look at TV series and films after 2015 or so, and you'll see.
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I know, Femina. As an engineer, I am quite conscious about the internals of AI.
To me, AI output compares to fucking an inflatable doll: It may work (somehow ;) ) for some, but I prefer the real thing that has a soul.
Part of the appeal of a text, that was written by a human, is their act of "sharing their fantasy world".
Part of the appeal of "real" art to me is that it involves skills that somebody had to invest time into, along again "sharing fantasy".
(This implicitly answers also if I consider "art" that took no skill to create as "art": No. Its a creation.)

I am not really interested in the fantasy of a computer, let alone if I do not know what the AI shares with the googles, facebooks and other data thieves of this world.

The bigger concern however is that human creators will now be drowned under an AI created... flood and quit producing.
It happened with hand drawn art in the erotic fantasy domain when 3D appeared, it now will get broader...
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Fantasmo wrote:
1 year ago
The bigger concern however is that human creators will now be drowned under an AI created... flood and quit producing.
It happened with hand drawn art in the erotic fantasy domain when 3D appeared, it now will get broader...
I think people can tell the difference. I see AI art packs sold on places like DLSite. While they look good there is no story or plot, just anime girls in various situations. Once people catch on this is just AI generated the requirements will go up.

And I think it still takes skill to use the AI. I can handle you a pencil and paper right now but that doesn't mean you know how to draw a comic book.
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My point was the "drowning" under the flood: There are already some sites that became useless because I don't have the time or desire to filter out the very few interesting contributions in an avalanche of "uninteresting stuff", to stay polite.
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Fantasmo wrote:
1 year ago
I know, Femina. As an engineer, I am quite conscious about the internals of AI.
To me, AI output compares to fucking an inflatable doll: It may work (somehow ;) ) for some, but I prefer the real thing that has a soul.
Part of the appeal of a text, that was written by a human, is their act of "sharing their fantasy world".
Part of the appeal of "real" art to me is that it involves skills that somebody had to invest time into, along again "sharing fantasy".
(This implicitly answers also if I consider "art" that took no skill to create as "art": No. Its a creation.)

I am not really interested in the fantasy of a computer, let alone if I do not know what the AI shares with the googles, facebooks and other data thieves of this world.

The bigger concern however is that human creators will now be drowned under an AI created... flood and quit producing.
It happened with hand drawn art in the erotic fantasy domain when 3D appeared, it now will get broader...
I mean... it's the begining of the end don't get me wrong. The moment I learned about Dallie 2 or whatever that one was called I knew.... the AI age is coming and eventually the singularity... at which point, what use will anyone REALLY have for human hands. I still basically refuse to use self checkout machines because I'm all too aware it's a self defeating principle that serves the unsustainable, short sighted, corporate model at the expense of raising the ever rising poverty line. The more we gain access to machines that can do the stuff we don't want to do, in theory, the more we should be free to pursue what we want... the problem is the mechanization process isn't coming with any semblance of relief for the average human being... just cutting costs and cutting manpower... and eventually it's going to come around when nobody can buy any of the shit our robots are making cause we stopped employing and paying anyone...

Nevertheless, my last point stands. Written language is much less susceptible by proxy of computation to the argument of theft as hand drawn artwork is. The principles of how language must work at it's core structures means that it's difficult to impossible to ever illustrate theft unless it's clear and evidently theft. I could easily imagine the machine spitting out a list of fifty drawn artists and the images they drew that fed into an AI art printout... I think that what you'd find of something similar attempted in chatgpt's printout of LANGUAGE is that it would read out tens of thousands of sources for how it came to provide the entry... at which point how can one even present the argument for theft, to whom, and then which entries inside the printout are identical or similar enough to one another to ALSO be considered theft if that's the route we want to take. How many human endeavors inspired by the works of ten thousand other people would similarly be labeled as theft? The answer is none.
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You can always tell something is off. It doesn’t work on me- the speech patterns, some anatomy done wrong- it’s like that scene in alien resurrection when Ripley sees her clones- that’s what AI art looks like to me. I don’t think it will ever replace the real thing.
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I use the self checkout. It’s quicker and provides me autonomy. It doesn’t eliminate jobs, it frees workers up for other activities. Word processing made writing infinitely easier because it eliminated much of the drudge. Imagine Jules Verne wrote 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by hand. If he wanted a copy that he could keep while he sent it off to a publisher, he had to hand copy it.

This technology isn’t more likely to end creativity any more than self checkouts are going end employment. New Technology just gives new ways people can create. I am all for technology saving me from picking broccoli or having to remember the correct spelling of every of every word I ever use. The problem isn’t getting rid of the cashiers, it paying enough for the non automated jobs to be able buy groceries.
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sneakly wrote:
1 year ago
I use the self checkout. It’s quicker and provides me autonomy. It doesn’t eliminate jobs, it frees workers up for other activities. Word processing made writing infinitely easier because it eliminated much of the drudge. Imagine Jules Verne wrote 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by hand. If he wanted a copy that he could keep while he sent it off to a publisher, he had to hand copy it.

This technology isn’t more likely to end creativity any more than self checkouts are going end employment. New Technology just gives new ways people can create. I am all for technology saving me from picking broccoli or having to remember the correct spelling of every of every word I ever use. The problem isn’t getting rid of the cashiers, it paying enough for the non automated jobs to be able buy groceries.
It does not free people up for other activities, I mean it would... in a perfect world where corporations recognized that such positions were needed, but they don't. There were 30 f'kn checkout stands that they built to accommodate everyone during high traffic shopping periods (such as black Friday) and now we're lucky if even half of those are manned on a holiday... we're lucky if TWO of them are manned during regular operational hours.

Now I have worked retail, so I forgive you for your optimism, but simply put the usual crop of five or six cashiers AREN'T NEEDED for most of the rest of the operating services by employment opinion, because it's worked fine for them to shunt all that workload onto a single person already. Yes, area leads do assist at registers, but they never EVER replaced the fact registers needed to be manned at all times. The old methods required area leads to have sub staff who were ordinarily working on the cash register and simply provided 'redundant' aid during low traffic. They've essentially replaced what would have been 4 or 5 employees needed for cashiers with one attendant to watch the self checkout zones.

Do what you want, but don't fool yourself, they did it so they could cut costs by cutting loose more staff and provide fewer jobs. We don't live in a fairy tail where corporations give a damn about lessening the workload on their employees, and retail is the absolute WORST for pushing absolutely as much responsibility on one solitary individual as humanly possible. Once they removed the need for extra staff in case they were needed at the register, the corporate mindset isn't 'now those people are free to assist the area leads!!! The mindset is 'now we can save money by not paying those people'. They don't care about the strain on their employees, they never have.

Corporate Practices and decisions like this are WHY the poverty line is steadily growing. The longer they push the unsustainable model of ever increasing profit margins, the worse it's going to get.
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Don't know if you have Trader Joe's in your area, but it's built a successful model built around good employees and low prices. I know many of their friendly and happy employees who have been there for years. They have smaller stores, covering most of the essentials and only one rather than 20 brands of deodorant etc. No self-checkout lines, but every employee works every task on a rotating basis from stocking, to collecting shopping carts, to giving out samples, to checkout. How do they do that? No unions, so no silly union rules that make it a cheaper and easier choice to replace cashiers with machines. Just saying there's still a place for folks to do things right rather than the way everybody else does.
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joejanus wrote:
1 year ago

Don't know if you have Trader Joe's in your area, but it's built a successful model built around good employees and low prices. I know many of their friendly and happy employees who have been there for years. They have smaller stores, covering most of the essentials and only one rather than 20 brands of deodorant etc. No self-checkout lines, but every employee works every task on a rotating basis from stocking, to collecting shopping carts, to giving out samples, to checkout. How do they do that? No unions, so no silly union rules that make it a cheaper and easier choice to replace cashiers with machines. Just saying there's still a place for folks to do things right rather than the way everybody else does.
I mean... that's great and all, but I'm not really talking about Trader Joe's am I? I'm talking about the giant corporate megastores that have slowly and methodically infected the world to the point they are typically the most feasible place for the poverty stricken to shop at... and now those same jerks who hedged off the markets from smaller grocery outlets promising how they were bringing work to the neighborhood... are hedging off looking for any excuse whatsoever to hire fewer workers and mechanize the industry.

Here's the bold faced truth of it. It isn't difficult to comprehend. It's BASIC 1+1 mathematics sort of logic. If no one is being paid, no one can buy shit. So the more we mechanize, the fewer we employ, the fewer we pay, the less is being bought... and eventually we will reach the plateau. It's COOL don't get me wrong, and the RIGHT government style would enjoy a whole new epoch of mechanization... but Capitalisms is NOT that governing style. Capitalism NEEDS people to buy shit... and for people to buy shit, people need to be employed and people need to be paid. It's not fucking rocket science.
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Valid points made, Femina, but how about we get back to the topic of the quality of AI writing that will most certainly put me out of "business" based on productivity alone.
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Yeah sorry. In my defense it was a pretty natural digression since it's all still about technology, but it IS a digression and I've said my peace.
DrDominator9 wrote:
1 year ago
Valid points made, Femina, but how about we get back to the topic of the quality of AI writing that will most certainly put me out of "business" based on productivity alone.
It's a little bit worse than that imo... It supresses my interest in writing anything myself cause I can just flip on ChatGPT, write a decent prompt and just keep generating stuff... and it was HARD to work up the energy to write already as it was... my only consolation here is I've always been fairly personal with what I make and share already so there's at least no interest in posting anything ChatGPT generates for me as my own work or something... but it's still killing any interest in putting pen to paper for myself and that... probably will only get worse the more powerful these things become.
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Here's mine ChatGPT generated story on my first try:

"Once upon a time, in a distant city, there lived a young woman named Maya. She was a talented and determined fighter who had dedicated her life to protecting her city from the forces of evil. Maya had trained extensively in martial arts and had developed incredible strength and agility.

One day, a new threat emerged in the city. A group of superpowered villains had arrived, wreaking havoc and causing destruction wherever they went. Maya knew that it was her duty to stop them, and she put on her skintight spandex suit, ready for battle.

Maya raced through the city, using her incredible speed and agility to dodge the villains' attacks. Her spandex suit hugged her body tightly, allowing her to move with ease and agility. With each strike, Maya's muscles flexed and bulged beneath the fabric of her suit, demonstrating her incredible strength.

The villains soon realized that they were no match for Maya. They tried to use their powers against her, but Maya was always one step ahead. She fought with grace and precision, using her martial arts skills to take down her opponents one by one.

As the battle raged on, the people of the city looked on in awe at the sight of Maya in her skintight spandex suit, fighting to protect them. She was a symbol of hope and strength, a true hero.

In the end, Maya emerged victorious. The villains were defeated, and the city was safe once again. Maya removed her skintight spandex suit, revealing a strong and confident woman beneath. She knew that there would always be new threats to her city, but she was ready to face them head-on, as the fearless hero that she was."

It's meh for me & could be better
Just a man who loves powerful ladies in skintight spandex. Tight is right.
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Just sharing a one-shot I recently tried. I wouldn't say it's perfect, but I kinda like how this turned out. Let me know what you think: :D

The henchman, his eyes filled with a mixture of desire and malice, approached Darna with an air of confidence. She stood before him, her red two-piece bikini adorned with gold accents, accentuating her alluring curves. The sight of her sent a surge of excitement through the henchman's veins.

Darna, the Filipina superheroine, squared her shoulders and placed her hands confidently on her hips. Little did she know that this henchman was unlike any she had faced before. As they clashed, she quickly realized the vast difference in their strength. Her powerful blows, usually devastating to her opponents, seemed to have little impact on him.

A sudden blow to her midsection knocked the wind out of Darna, leaving her momentarily vulnerable. Gasping for air, she struggled to regain her composure, but the henchman seized the opportunity. With a swift motion, he tackled her to the floor, his weight pinning her beneath him.

Darna's eyes widened in shock as she felt the henchman's grip tighten around her throat. His hands constricted her windpipe, cutting off her oxygen supply. Desperate to free herself, her hands instinctively reached up to claw at his hands, her nails scraping against his flesh. But despite her valiant efforts, she could feel her consciousness slipping away.

As darkness closed in around her, the henchman triumphantly observed her fading struggle. He reveled in the sensation of her soft and smooth skin against his own, taking a moment to caress her body with his hands, savoring the curve of her hips and the suppleness of her thighs. His touch roamed, admiring her perfect legs and exploring the contours of her behind, reveling in the forbidden pleasure of his conquest.

Finally, with Darna unconscious and at his mercy, the henchman hoisted her lifeless form over his shoulder. He reveled in the weight of her body, feeling a perverse sense of satisfaction as he carried her away. The softness of her skin pressed against his shoulder, igniting a desire within him that he could not deny.

Leaving the scene behind, the henchman disappeared into the shadows, his captive superheroine in tow. The fate of Darna remained uncertain, her unconscious form at the mercy of her captor.
Check out my superheroine-related short stories here:

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brdiy wrote:
1 year ago
Just sharing a one-shot I recently tried. I wouldn't say it's perfect, but I kinda like how this turned out. Let me know what you think: :D

The henchman, his eyes filled with a mixture of desire and malice, approached Darna with an air of confidence. She stood before him, her red two-piece bikini adorned with gold accents, accentuating her alluring curves. The sight of her sent a surge of excitement through the henchman's veins.

Darna, the Filipina superheroine, squared her shoulders and placed her hands confidently on her hips. Little did she know that this henchman was unlike any she had faced before. As they clashed, she quickly realized the vast difference in their strength. Her powerful blows, usually devastating to her opponents, seemed to have little impact on him.

A sudden blow to her midsection knocked the wind out of Darna, leaving her momentarily vulnerable. Gasping for air, she struggled to regain her composure, but the henchman seized the opportunity. With a swift motion, he tackled her to the floor, his weight pinning her beneath him.

Darna's eyes widened in shock as she felt the henchman's grip tighten around her throat. His hands constricted her windpipe, cutting off her oxygen supply. Desperate to free herself, her hands instinctively reached up to claw at his hands, her nails scraping against his flesh. But despite her valiant efforts, she could feel her consciousness slipping away.

As darkness closed in around her, the henchman triumphantly observed her fading struggle. He reveled in the sensation of her soft and smooth skin against his own, taking a moment to caress her body with his hands, savoring the curve of her hips and the suppleness of her thighs. His touch roamed, admiring her perfect legs and exploring the contours of her behind, reveling in the forbidden pleasure of his conquest.

Finally, with Darna unconscious and at his mercy, the henchman hoisted her lifeless form over his shoulder. He reveled in the weight of her body, feeling a perverse sense of satisfaction as he carried her away. The softness of her skin pressed against his shoulder, igniting a desire within him that he could not deny.

Leaving the scene behind, the henchman disappeared into the shadows, his captive superheroine in tow. The fate of Darna remained uncertain, her unconscious form at the mercy of her captor.
You write some very vivid images!
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