Neutron Woman & Atom Girl

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Two short years ago, graduate student Brianna Thomas was working late in the molecular biology lab at Central Technical University. The bookish, but beautiful, Brianna juggled a full course load while still pursuing a dance career as a cheerleader for the local professional basketball team, the Central City Scorpions. As a 'Stinger,' the nickname of the dance squad, the tall buxom blonde Brianna enjoyed something of a 'double life.' By day, our brainy beauty wore a lab coat and glasses while she worked on her masters in science. At night, Brianna wore skin tight spandex as she danced at rehearsals and the games. On this particular night, she was working with an experimental chemical compound she believed could alter the cells of the human body, allowing physicians to possible shrink the growth of any cell-based disease. As Brianna cautiously experimented with small doses of this unstable compound, a visitor joined her in the lab. A fellow 'Stinger,' the lovely petite brunette Kasey Collins dropped by to see what her bookworm teammate was up to so late at night. As Kasey was a bit of a party girl, the cute undergrad stopped by on her way to another party, not knowing the dangerous situation she was about to create.
As Brianna lightly tapped the beaker containing the unstable mixture, all that was required for an accident was the simple opening of a door. Kasey entered only to hear her foxy teammate scream as the beaker before her began to spew a green smoke that rapidly filled the room. A simple movement of the door and the sudden, yet slight, change in air pressure caused the chemical compound to react violently. As Brianna was enveloped in the green vapor, Kasey could barely turn to leave before being overcome herself in the smoke haze. After both girls were rendered unconscious by the violent chemical reaction, they both awoke a couple of hours later, feeling tired but relatively normal. It wasn't for a couple of weeks later before the effects of the green smoke would be known...
The unstable cell-altering chemical cocktail allowed Brianna and Kasey to shrink themselves to a height of only eight inches while still retaining the stength of a normal woman. Actually, the taller Brianna shrunk to become eight inches tall as the shorter Kasey became seven and a half inches tall. The girls worked together to soon master their shrinking ability, being able to get smaller virtually on command. Realizing the great gift that accident had created for them, the blonde Brianna and brunette Kasey used their gift to help fight crime in the heavily populated Central City area. Adopting the crime-fighting alter-egos of Neutron Woman and Atom Girl, the tiny masked spandex-clad heroines created costumes and tools to help use their small size to their advantage. Treated with a similar chemical compound to gave our girls their power to shrink, their spandex leotards and tights would stay form-fitting as they altered their size on command. Brianna, in her Neutron Woman costume, wore a green sleeved leotard with yellow gloves, tights, belt, eyemask, and booties. Kasey favored tying her long brunette hair in a ponytail in her guise as Atom Girl while rocking an orange leotard with red gloves, tights, belt, eyemask, and booties. With the help of portable, and extremely tiny, compressed air jet-packs created by Central Tech's famed engineering department, the sexy crime-busting dynamic duo of Neutron Woman and Atom Girl became nationally known. Still keeping their secret identities hidden for all save themselves, Brianna and Kasey continued as students at Central Tech and sideline stunners on their well-known dance team, frequently disappearing when the scourge of a sinister supervillain threatened their fair city.
One this lovely Central City day, Brianna and Kasey lounged by the pool in the small off-campus apartment they shared. Catching some rays and keeping the tan that the Stinger Girls' director insisted they maintain seemed to be the order of the day. In their secret lives as spandex-clad superheroines, our girls know that plans can change at a moments notice.
"Ah, Kasey," inquired a disapproving Brianna, "is it possible that your swimsuit could possibly be any smaller? This is a public pool, not a nudist resort."
"Hmmm," scoffed a giddy Kasey, wearing a micro-mini pink string bikini, "sounds like you're jealous with all the guys staring at me. Besides, I'm looking to get that all over tan...and how dare you say I'm almost nude!"
"Well, if I was hanging out of my bikini like you are," chided the busty blonde Brianna, wearing a more modest royal blue two-piece, "I'm sure everyone would be looking at me too."
"Speaking of looking," sighed a disgusted Kasey, "that creepy guy from the third floor is staring at us from his window...what a little perv..."
The conversation was broken by a special bulletin on the radio, announcing that the infamous supervillain Phinneus Fiend and his sidekick/girlfriend Veronica Vile were on the loose. It seems the terrible twosome had robbed the downtown branch of the Central City National Bank, using their gimmicked booby trap devices and dirty tricks to pull the heist.
"Did you hear that?," Bri whispered to Kasey. "Phinneus Fiend, the nerdy master villain with an arsenal of gadgets and criminal devices is back..."
"With his goofy, yet equally evil, galpal, Veronica Vile," added the now serious Kasey.
"It looks like we'll have to cut this day of fun in the sun short, Kase," Brianna insisted, sitting up from her poolside towel.
"...and I'm really going to make Fiend and Vile pay for interrupting one of my few days off," hissed Kasey in a low voice, also rising to her feet to make a speedy trip back to their apartment, "and you should really watch it with that word 'short.'"

Once inside their modest apartment, Brianna and Kasey quickly shedded their sexy swimwear to change into something slightly less revealing. In mere moments of getting the news that Phinneus Fiend and Veronica Vile were back in Central City, Bri and Kase had donned their colorful spandex and lycra costumes before shrinking to much smaller versions of themselves. The sexy costumes held their form wonderfully as shrank to eight inches tall and their tiny jet-packs were secured on their backs as they prepared to fly off into the warm Central City afternoon. Neutron Woman and Atom Girl were on the case, as usual, now that the trickiest of villains were on the prowl.

Not far from the apartment Brianna and Kasey shared sat a simple storefront with a "For Lease" sign hanging in the doorway. It was the kind of rundown commercial area where "For Lease" signs were very common as only a seedy liquor store on the corner looked to still be open. The particular abandoned store that would be of interest to a pair of enterprising young tiny superheroines might be the one with the sign above it reading, "Fiendishly Funny Gags and Joke Store." Inside, as you might have guessed, sat a man with a 1950's Beaver Cleaver haircut and thick horn-rimmed glasses. Clad in a loud plaid sportcoat and matching tacky slacks, along with his signature bow-tie, Phinneus Fiend looked even nerdy with his white socks and bulky black loafers. As always, at his side, was the raven haired woman in black, Veronica Vile. A lovely woman by most accounts, her lily white skin contrasted shocking with her long black hair and the tight black dresses she favored. Veronica looked upon her dorky partner lovingly and gently massaged his neck as he counted the loot from the bank heist earlier in the day.
"Phinneus, my fiendish darling," purred Ms. Vile, "another job well done...and more of this beautiful money than we can count. I must say, your exploding smoke-bomb bow-tie worked perfectly."
"Aw, Veronica," huffed the impatient Mr. Fiend, still concentrating on counting the money, "you keep talking and I lose count."
"Smile, Phinneus, honey," Veronica breathed in his ear. "The trick yo-yo worked perfectly to tie up the paralyzing perfume kept the tellers away from the alarms...everything went why can't you just enjoy yourself."
"Of course, my dear," smiled Phinneus, "I'm sorry. Besides, this is chump change compared to the score we're working on...Mr. Graham Wellington has been in touch and has a little job he'd like us to carry out for him."
"Graham Wellington, the world famous curator of the Central City Museum of Natural History?!?," gasped the riled Ms. Vile. "He seems like the type that would be looking to put two people like us behind bars, not ask for our help."
"Oh no, love, you've got him all wrong," explained Phinneus. "At his mansion in Central Heights, he keeps his own private collection of the rarest and most valuable items..."
"...and we're going to gain his confidence and then sneak in and steal the good stuff," interrupted the tempetuous Veronica.
"No, not in this case," continued Mr. Fiend, "you see, Mr. Wellington has offered us a very, very large sum to, well, secure, a couple of rare items he'd like to add to his collection."
"Hmmm, you've peaked my interest," Ms. Vile purred. "What does he want us to steal?"
"Well, not to be too cryptic," reasoned the master villain Phinneus Fiend, "but why would we rob the busiest bank in Central City in broad daylight, getting a huge amount of media coverage, and then choose as our hideout a place that used to the home of Fiendishly Funny Gags and Joke Store?"
A very broad smile crossed Veronica Vile's bright ruby red lips as she knew immediately what her partner had been planning.
"You see," Mr. Fiend sneered fiendishly, "the Central City Police are simply too understaffed and, pardon me for saying, too stupid to grab the obvious. A couple of little ladies, and I mean little, will be visiting us very soon. It seems that the cunning curator, Mr. Wellington, would like our help in adding a couple of tiny superheroines to his vast collection."
"Neutron Woman and Atom Girl," hissed the seething Veronica. "Sending them off to a glass case or cage would be a fitting revenge from what they did to us...but shouldn't we be careful...its not like picking a fight with the two most famous crime-fighters in Central City is usually a good idea."
"Darling, Ms. Vile, you worry too much" grinned the optimistic Phinneus. "We have our full arsenal of tricks and traps, all our devious devices at our disposal as we lie in wait for the tiny titans. We can prepare for them as we know they'll arrive shortly...ready to spring a series of sinister surprises on the unsuspecting micro-sized spandex superchicks"
"Oh Phinneus, I love to hear you when you talk this way," gushed the beaming Veronica Vile. "Set down a few traps for Neutron Woman and Atom Girl...get revenge...and then get paid."
"What better revenge, sweet Veronica," laughed the villianous Fiend. "We draw a huge sum of money while condemning Neutron Woman and Atom Girl to a fate worse than death."
Veronica Vile planted a passionatre kiss on the cheek of the geeky Phinneus Fiend, clearly enjoying the sinister plan Mr. Fiend had concocted.

After a trip to Central City National, the lovely Neutron Woman and Atom Girl made their way to the rundown commercial area where Phinneus Fiend and Veronica Vile where likely hiding out after their brazen bank heist, the store that housed Fiendishly Funny Gags and Joke Store. Still flying about in their shrunken sizes, our miniature heroines arrived on the scene in the late afternoon.
"Fiendishly Funny Gags and Joke Store," commented Kasey, a/k/a Atom Girl, "it almost seems too easy."
"Knowing Phinneus Fiend and Veronica Vile," added Brianna, a/k/a/ Neutron Woman, "we are likely walking into a trap."
"With the slap on the wrist they got for the last time we captured them," Atom Girl explained, "I can see why they'd return to Central City...and pull off such a brazen heist."
"Be that as it may," reasoned Neutron Woman, "this whole scenario smells like a trap. I think their is a skylight in these buildings...let's see if we can get a better look and confirm these villains are hiding out in this abandoned joke store."
The tiny spandex-clad super-cuties flew upward, via their compressed air jet packs, and saw Phinneus Fiend and Veronica Vile counting their ill gotten gains from the bank robbery from the dingy skylight above the deserted store. Our heroines had found their quarry, but they both agreed that their search had been far too easy.
"Let's see if we can find a way inside," Neutron Woman ordered, "and see if we can get the drop on these two."
"I'm with ya," chimed in the poytailed Atom Girl, "but I think they might be ready for us...they have been in the past."
"Right," Neutron Woman interjected, "I'm sure Mr. Fiend has a trick or two up his sleeve awaiting us..."

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I had received some positive and (very) negative feedback concerning these character...some really don't like the corny villains and some didn't like the shrunken heroines. I will continue these story, but if people really don't care for it, I won't. I'm kind of throwing these out there for feedback...any comments positive or negative will be considered and appreciated.
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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The characters are great Franco99 please continue. You've really captured the Batman tv show spirit with these characters.
Neophyte Lvl 4
Neophyte Lvl 4
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I wish I was a better writer so that I could contribute, but Franco I really like your story!
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mask hunter
Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
Posts: 44
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WOW Franco... I really like the story!! Great begining. Love the detail in the dialogue. Great story so far...Looking forward to see the peril that awaits the tiny Tights wearing duo!!
Posts: 115
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Neutron Woman & Atom Girl Part II

Our teeny titans of justice, airborne courtesy of their mini-titanium compressed air jet packs, hover above the building as they peer into a broken skylight that give them some idea of the activity, and the occupant, below. Looking into a darkened area of the long-abandoned joke store, a solitary male figure appeared to be sitting beside a large pile of money, the ill gotten gains from the brazen bank heist earlier in the day. The beautiful Brianna Thomas, now clad in her skin-tight green and yellow guise of Neutron Woman, and her partner, the comly Kasey Collins, also in her sexy orange and red alter-ego of Atom Girl, braced themselves for an evening full of action and surprises. The masked mini-marvels had a clear point of entry, but, like everything else in this case, it appeared far too easy.
"I don't like this, Neutron Woman," cautioned the wary Atom Girl, seemingly floating in mid-air, "I don't like this one bit. I can tell by the heinously out-of-style haircut that Phinneus Fiend is down there, but where could the equally dangerous Veronica Vile be? This all smells like a Fiendish trap."
"I agree, Atom Girl," nodded Neutron Woman. "The devious duo of Fiend and Vile wouldn't make it this easy unless it was all part of some putrid plot. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to walk right into it."
"I understand," noted Atom Girl, "we've got to let them make the first move. Yet, that fact doesn't exactly soothe my nerves."
"Atom Girl, we're a team, a superheroine team," smiled a confident Neutron Woman. "We can team up to defeat these two like before...even in our shrunken state, we retain our normal strength...with our speedy jet packs keep us mobile and our tiny fists pack a mighty wallop."
"I appreciate the pep talk," Atom Girl sighed, "but let's not forget how crafty Fiend and his female flunkie can be."
"I haven't forgotten," Neutron Woman continued, "but we need to remain calm as well as cautious. Remember, both of us have mastered the ability to control our shrinking powers. Growing back to normal size is always an option when we find ourselves in a situation where our smaller stature isn't an advantage."
"Right, besides, if we can catch Phinneus Fiend off guard," Atom Girl chirped hopefully, "we'll have the element of surprise on our side."
"True, maybe taking him out with a double-team can end this quickly," cautioned Neutron Woman, "but we need to be wary of Veronica Vile...she might be away at the moment, but I seriously doubt it..."

From the skylight high above, the flying micro-heroines enter the empty old store and drift downward carefully as not to attract attention. Being only eight inches tall not only helped in getting in tiny spaces, the nearly silent high-tech air powered jet-packs combined with their miniature frames to eliminate any of the telltale noise when sneaking up on an unsuspecting villain. Our sexy stealth super-chicks advanced on the unmoving, and hopefully unaware, Phinneus Fiend has he appeared to be busy counting his loot. Looking around the dimly lit room as they descended, nothing seemed to be stirring. Once they got close to the felonious Phinneus Fiend, Neutron Woman and Atom Girl hovered side by side, ready to lower the boom with a well placed double-team of powerful punches. Just before advancing, our diminutive duo nodded to one another silently to signal the start of their choreographed combined movement.
Just as the teeny heroines prepared to pounce on the seated Phinneus Fiend, a darkened figure tiptoed out of the shadows. Armed with a small butterfly net in one hand and a can of aerosol spray in the other, Veronica Vile, the shapely woman in black, snuck up behind the hovering heroines and was ready to answer the heroines' question as to her whereabouts.
"Welcome, petite pests," Ms. Vile announced, spraying the contents of her aerosol can in the direction of Neutron Woman and Atom Girl. "Try a soothing dose of my mind-numbing Vile gas."
Neutron Woman and Atom Girl quickly spun around in surprise just as the misty cloud of knockout gas was sprayed at them. Moving quickly, our tiny titans raced off in opposite directions. The heroines got close enough to sniff the smelly stench of Vile gas, but flew off swiftly enough to avoid falling victim to the foul sleep-enducing fumes. Atom Girl was forced to change direction rapidly as Veronica Vile took a swipe at her with the butterfly net, just missing becoming captive in the nylon netting.
"Suffering stink bomb," Atom Girl exclaimed in full speed flight, "that was close."
"Spread out, Atom Girl," Neutron Woman shouted, darting artfully in the air, "we'll be too quick to catch!"
Phinneus Fiend rose from his seat, a bit perturbed that Veronica Vile's sneak spraying had been unsuccessful. While the nerdy villain was less than pleased, he knew he needed to act quickly. As Neutron Woman jetted off without obstruction, Atom Girl bounced about recklessly to avoid the butterfly net aimed in her path. Much to Mr. Fiend's good fortune, the erratic flight of the distracted Atom Girl had our heroine crashing directly into the fortified pocket protector on Fiend's tacky plaid jacket. Bouncing off the chest of the dorky ne'er-do-well, Atom Girl was stunned and groggy for a brief moment and a brief moment was all Phinneus Fiend needed to grab the small spandex-clad superfox out of the air.
"Gotcha, Atom Girl," Phinneus remarked mockingly as he clutched the nubile body of the younger heroine in the palm of his hand. "Ms. Vile...quickly...a spray her with your Vile gas before she can grow back to normal size."
Atom Girl shook off the cobwebs from the sudden stop to realize her dire situation. Mr. Fiend had her arms and legs pinned in his slimy clutches, with only her head sticking out of his bony fist, and the aerosol can wielding Ms. Vile fast approaching. If she couldn't break out of his grip or retain her regualr size, Atom Girl would be the sleepy captive of Central City's craftest villains.
Acting quickly, Neutron Woman spotted her partner's perilous pickle and changed course to intercept the advancing Veronica Vile. As Atom Girl squirmed in the sweaty grip of Phinneus Fiend, Veronica Vile arrived and trained her nozzle of her can of Vile spray toward Fiend's tight fist. Before Veronica could release the stinky, sleep-enducing spray into Atom Girl's vulnerable face, a flash of green and yellow raced between the devious duo. With her right arm extended rigidly in front of her in full-speed flight, Neutron Woman knocked the aerosol can from Ms. Vile's hand and sent if crashing harmlesly to the floor with a tinny rattle.
"Arggghhh, you insolent little insect," shouted the furious Veronica Vile, knowing another opportunity was thwarted by the speedy movements of the small agile heroines.
Just as Atom Girl realized that she was momentarily spared from getting a face full of knockout spray, she threw her arms forward and kicked her legs out. With the strength of a normal well-conditioned female athlete, Phinneus Fiend's feeble grip was no match for Atom Girl's forceful extension of her well-formed limbs. Just to make sure that Fiend would release her from his grasp, Atom Girl chomped down with her tiny mouth to bite his thumb, adding injury to insult.
"Owwww," squealed Phinneus Fiend with a high-pitched squeak as her hand was forced open with Atom Girl jetting off. "That hurt you malicious little mosquito..."
Atom Girl paid little attention to the Fiend's insults as she raced off in great haste, glad to be free of his sweaty palms and glad to escape another close call. As Neutron Woman flew off, out of the range of the now furious felons, she was joined by Atom Girl and they floated down to a work table out of the villains' sight for a chance to regroup.
"Nice work, Neutron Woman," Atom Girl muttered softly between heaving breathes. "You saved me from a blast of that putrid Vile gas...and then, well, who knows?"
"No problem," Neutron Woman whispered, "but I just wish I could have grabbed that can of stinky sleeping gas instead of knocking it to the floor...give those two a dose of their own Veronica is free to use it again."
"From where I was standing," Atom Girl gushed, "you did just fine, partner."
"Anyway, lets stay out of sight for a moment," Neutron Woman replied, still intently focused on the task at hand, "and decide what to do next..."
"Well, a villain is most vulnerable when he or she is angry and irrational," explained the now calmed Atom Girl, "you taught me that. Giving them a chance to regroup and spring another surprise or two might be a mistake we can't afford."
"When you're right, you're right," Neutron Woman nodded, ready to admit that she was being a bit too cautious. "Let's get them while while they're still bickering...I'll take Phinneus and you handle Ms. Vile...let's wrap this up and send those two back where they belong, behind bars."
"That's the spirit, Neutron Woman," Atom Girl softly cheered. "Let's move..."

As our itty-bitty brave superheroines restarted their jet-packs and emerged from their hiding place, they could still hear the two villains argue as they sped forth. From the distance, our heroines could hear that Phinneus had agreed that he and Ms. Vile needed to stop fighting and spread out to find Neutron Woman and Atom Girl. From the looks of things, it looked like he made that decision a moment or two too late.
"Phinneus, Look Out!," Veronica Vile shouted as she the first to notice that the tiny titans were back and closing in on them fast.
Mr. Fiend instinctively ducked as Neutron Woman jetted overhead, just missing a solid connection with her right fist on the back of his head. Veronica Vile nearly tripped over her own feet as she grabbed her handbag and fled from the area, running off to the darkened front part of the abandoned joke store. The streaking airborne Atom Girl followed her into the darkness, confident that the frightened henchwoman would offer little resistance.
As Ms. Vile and Atom Girl left the scene, Phinneus Fiend and Neutron Woman were left alone to face off with one another for a showdown. Once Neutron Woman completed her unsuccessful pass at a flying power punch from behind, she reversed direction to avoid the wall and keep a close eye on the tricky villain, knowing she was safer to square off with the Fiend from the front.
"Give it up, Fiend," Neutron Woman confidently ordered. "You are no match for my speed in a fight. Do yourself a favor and simply yourself the embarassment of taking a beating at the hands of a eight inch tall woman."
"Never, you arrogant action figure," Phinneus Fiend hissed, chewing feverishly on a large wad of bubble gum. Pulling the pink gooey mass of pink bubble gum from his mouth, Mr. Fiend reached back and hurled it in the direction of the hovering Neutron Woman. Our green and yellow spandex-clad supercutie easily dodged the gum wad and it stuck to the wall behind her, landing with a gushy sloppy sound.
"Is that the best you've got, Fiend?," Neutron Woman giggled. "Throwing your gum at me...I must say I'm a little disappointed, considering your reputation as a wily supervillian."
"You must think you're pretty tough, Neutron Woman," Mr. Fiend noted with a challenge, "but I must say I'm pretty decent in a fair match of fisticuffs...I'm standing right here if you're as tough as you say you are."
"After I wipe the floor with you, Fiend, and drag you back to jail," Neutron Woman boasted, "I'll try to remember how 'decent' your fighting skills are."
"Come get me, midget woman," Phinneus taunted, assuming a feeble fighting stance by adopting the posture of a 19th century boxer.
Neutron Woman narrowed her eyes under her yellow eyemask as a sneer curled her full pouty lips. Even if Phinneus Fiend was skilled in hand-to-hand combat, which he clearly was not, the speed and agility provided by our superfox's control of her powerful jet-pack gave her an advantage against any combatant. Readying her powerful fists to blast this cocky jokester, the senior heroine flew forward a full speed to deliver this knockout blow.
Just as Neutron Woman closed in at high speed with a punch to Mr. Fiend's face, Phinneus dropped his fists as the dorky red bow-tie on his neck began to spin rapidly, looking like propeller of a helicopter. The spinning tie moved so fast, in fact, it created a gale force wind that not only repelled Neutron Woman's advance, it blew her back at a high rate of speed.
"Holy wind tunnel...," Neutron Woman shouted, "going out of control..."
Being pushed back and helpless to control her flight, Neutron Woman was on a collision course with the wall behind her, thanks to Phinneus Fiend's hurricane tie. Mr. Fiend walked forward as the wind-blown superbeauty crashed into the wall, landing right into the sticky wad of pink gooey bubble gum the Fiend had thrown there. The disoriented heroine hit the sticky goop on the wall with a loud "SPLORT!." True to his tricky reputation, Phinneus had lured the overconfident Neutron Woman right into a trap, but he needed to act quickly before the miniature masked marvel could regain her bearings and grew back to normal size. Pinned upright against the wall with the gooey gum all over the back of her small, but curvacous, body, our heroine began to shake away the cobwebs from crashing against the wall. Even with the sticky padding to cushion the blow, the impact was still quite jolting, especially after being caught in the teeth of a vicious windstorm.
"Urrghhh...," groaned Neutron Woman, beginning to realize her predicament, "can't move...glued to the wall. Must clear head...grow normal size..."
The groggy blonde heroine in her bright and tight green and yellow costume fought to keep her eyes open and focus her mental powers to morph back into her regular size. She looked from side to side and saw how throughly she was stuck in this sticky bubble gum, clinging to her arms and legs as she tried to move them. Even her trusty jet-pack was useless as it was coating in the goop. The woozy Neutron Woman barely noticed Phinneus Fiend approach her, returning to captive heroine once he retrieved the aerosol can of Vile spray dropped by his henchwoman and a pair of tweezers.
"You fiend, no...," Neutron Woman mumbled meekly, knowing full well what was coming next. She saw the cannister of knockout gas being raised by Mr. Fiend and knew it was too late to escape this tacky trap.
"Nighty Night, Neutron Woman," Phinneus Fiend purred, ready to unleash a dose of Vile spray. "As usual with you costumed do-gooders, your overconfidence was your undoing..."
"Ohhh stinksss...," Neutron Woman moaned, taking a full body misting of the foul smelling sleeping gas. With her small stature, it took mere seconds for the spray to send her into dreamland. Neutron Woman's body went limp and her heavy head fell forward, still glued upright to the wall in Fiend's pink bubble gum goo.
The cheerful Phinneus Fiend smiled broadly as he removed the KO'ed Neutron Woman from the sticky goop with a pair of tweezers, pinching gently at her waist. Mr. Fiend was half way to collecting a very large sum of money from the cunningly corrupt collector, Mr. Graham Wellington, as he very carefully carried the small slumbering superheroine and desposited her into a beaker for safekeeping. The tiny Neutron Woman rested peacefully on the floor of her glass prison as Phinneus capped the top of the containment tube. Now he needed to see how his loyal henchwoman, Veronica Vile, was doing in capturing Atom Girl.

As Phinneus Fiend was securing Neutron Woman with wind power and bubble gum, Atom Girl was in flight in pursuit of the fleeing Veronica Vile. Flying a top speed, it didn't take long to close in on the high-heel wearing henchwoman in black. Heading into the darkness of the abandoned old store, Atom Girl was hoping to head Ms. Vile off before she could escape the building or, worse, get access to some of her tricky traps.
Fumbling to reach into her heinous handbag of vile contraptions as she ran, Veronica Vile found a large plastic toy pistol, colored in bright red with yellow trim. Knowing that the swift Atom Girl was hot on her heels, Ms. Vile spun around with gun in hand almost as the brunette heroine had completely closed the gap. Seeing Fiend's henchwoman turn with some bizarre weapon in hand was certainly a shock to Atom Girl and she did her best to stop quickly, moving out of the line of fire. As the junior heroine darted upward into the darkness, she heard a soft whoosh of air escape from the toy gun. Expecting some sort of loud bang, the real surprise came as the air was filled with floating soapy bubbles that streamed softly from gimmicky gun. Darting around in the darkness, dodging these translucent bubbles became a near impossible task.
"I don't know what's inside those bubbles," Atom Girl thought to herself as she flew in a jagged pattern to avoid popping any of Veronica's bubbles, "but I have a feeling I don't want to find out."
Atom Girl's curiousity was satisfied a few short moments later as one of the tiny bubbles popped in front of our agile heroine. Expecting some form of knockout gas to released, like Vile spray, Atom Girl instinctively covered her nose and mouth with her red gloved hands. What occurred was a small explosion, much like a firecracker tossed in the air. While virtually harmless to a normal sized person, the concussion of the blast to a seven and a half inch heroine was quite jarring. Once the first bubble burst blast, stunning the tiny Atom Girl, it triggered many of the bubbles nearby to pop. The multiple blasts sent the flying heroine bouncing about in the air like a pinball.
"Nitro-glycerin bubbles," the giddy Veronica Vile crowed, "a special soapy mix created just for little flying pests like you and your blonde Barbie-doll partner...simple, but quite effective, don't you think?"
"Can't...keep...this up...much...longer," Atom Girl thought to herself as the pigtailed heroine kept getting rocked around the darkened room by the stunning bubbles popping around her. "no...control,...close...close to blacking...out."
Atom Girl petite nubile body grew weaker with each successive blast as she flopped about in mid-air, looking like a puppet left dangling. She was conscious, but stunned and unable to fly away. Seeing that Atom Girl was hovering helplessly, Veronica Vile set her nitro-glycerin bubble gun down carefully and reached back into her handbag. A spare can of Vile spray along with her small butterfly net were stashed inside and the weakened brunette heroine was ripe for the picking. Veronica scooped up Atom Girl in the net and the dazed costumed crime fighter simply flopped inside the nylon webbing. Ms. Vile pinched off the top of the net to prevent a sudden escape and shook the can of sleeping gas. Veronica then sprayed a sizable dose of the Vile spray into the netting that contained the captive Atom Girl.
"Ohhhh.....," Atom Girl meekly sighed as knockout spray made short work of the already exhausted tiny titan. Netted tightly and sleeping off a misting of Ms. Vile's putrid potion, Atom Girl joined her partner, Neutron Woman, in the slimy clutches of Phinneus Fiend and his evil henchwoman.
"Phinneus, honey," Veronica Vile cheered gleefully as she ran back to meet her partner with the defeated Atom Girl in tow, "I got her! I got her!"
Ms. Vile proudly extended the net containing the KO'ed small superheroine so Phinneus could get a better look. The Fiend smiled at his wicked henchwoman and reached inside the nylon webbing with his tweezers to gingerly remove the slumbering Atom Girl. Unaware of her peril, Atom Girl soon joined Neutron Woman on a table, contained in her own sealed glass beaker. Both of our sexy masked mini-heroines slept peacefully, thanks to a smelly spraying of Vile gas, helpless and at the mercy of Phinneus Fiend and Veronica Vile.
"When do we deliver these two tiny tarts to that Graham Wellington character?," Veronica asked earnestly. "And when do we get our reward?"
"Very soon, Ms. Vile," crowed the pleased Fiend. "I will be in touch with Mr. Wellington within the hour and deliver one of the heroines...he will get the second one once we are paid in full."
"Sounds good," Veronica nodded, "but the Vile gas will only keep them out for a couple of hours. What if they wake up?"
"Keep you Vile spray handy, my sweet," Phinneus Fiend explained. "The lids I placed over the glass tubes are vented with microscopic holes to allow them to breathe...simply spray the lid if one of them begins to stir. That will keep Neutron Woman and Atom Girl sufficiently contained and docile until I turn them over to Mr. Wellington's custody."
"Oh, Phinneus," cooed the appreciative Ms. Vile, "you've thought of everything."
"Of course, my dear," Phinneus purred, "I always think of everything. But let's not celebrate prematurely...I'm going to touch base with Graham Wellington to let him know that we have succeeded in defeating Central City's famed diminutive duo and discuss the terms of transfer..."
Two capped glass beakers sat on a bare wooden table, each containing a tiny captive comly costumed crime-fighter. As Neutron Woman and Atom Girl slept of the effects of Vile gas, they had no idea that this was but one part of a nefarious plot to make them exhibits in a malicious museum. The tiny costumed champions of Central City were to become collector's items, part of the collection of the evil wealthy curator, Graham Wellington.

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sorry, meant to include this not as a new topic, but in the topic containing the 1st bad
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Neophyte Lvl 4
Neophyte Lvl 4
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Awesome story so far franco! The miniature heroines is a great idea, look forward to the next chapter. =D>
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Please continue
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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