Roll of the Die 2: The Rise of Latexa

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Hope you've enjoyed the first installment of the new Roll of the Die series.

Its subject matter is supposed to be a more prurient version of Dial H for Hero, with the addition of wish fulfillment.

If you haven't read the first story, I suggest you read it first before beginning this one, so you won't be confused.


Now that we've introduced the main heroine, I thought it would be cool to add a sexy villain team, kind of this universe's version of Harley and Ivy.

I'll be adding parts to this second installment until it's finished. If people enjoy the series, I'll continue it on with further chapters.

Thanks for checking it out!


"...and then, the cops took me away. Judge committed me to the psych ward, and here we are, about to both get out after a couple of grueling weeks!"

Siva Gress, the petite goth girl with far too much eyeliner, black lipstick and pale makeup caked on her face, had just finished telling the story of her exploits in the comic book shop to her roommate in the psych ward.
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"Yeah, but I still can't believe that part about the magic die. It really can turn you into any kind of superhero that you can imagine?" asked her companion, a small homely sprig of a girl with bright red hair named Lexa. She was an artist, and scattered about her side of their shared room were numerous canvas paintings - on the walls, on the desk, on easels, and even stacked up on the floor - scary and splotchy abstractions, all created with colorful latex paints. 

The guards frisked the pair every morning for weapons, of course, but paint brushes and cans of paint were never any problem, since the institution wanted to encourage creativity as part of the therapy. And Lexa had been stacking the paintings up for the past hour, preparing them for transport.

"Yup, it really can," nodded Siva. "And it doesn't have to be a hero in that boring, tired traditional sense. As long as you're the superhero of your own story, it seems to be fine. I can't wait to get my hands on that die again and become Aggressiva once more. I felt so sexy and powerful! Plus, I really need to get rid of those kids, including my ex-boyfriend, so that I can keep that die all for myself. Of course, I'll probably make a few changes to my power set and my costume, if it will allow me to do that..."

"Whoa, wait a second, you're going to go after it?" Lexa went wide-eyed, still not entirely convinced that Siva's tale wasn't based mostly in a deluded fantasy, but willing to play along. They were in a psych ward, after all. "You have to let me in on that action. I have a character I've been designing that I'd love to become. And don't worry, I'm fairly sure you're going to like her a lot. She's pretty hot, take my word for it. You like me a lot already, don't you?"
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The red-haired Lexa leaned in and kissed Siva gently on the lips. In only a couple of weeks together in their shared room, the pair of petite girls had made love passionately several times. Siva hadn't forgotten her crush on her ex-lover Max, or her hateful mad-on for his new bitch Sonia, but her feelings for both were beginning to be mitigated by her new steamy relationship with Lexa, who was really expert at scissoring, and also a very good listener.

And the psych ward administrators, always thinking of ways to administer therapy on the cheap, encouraged love affairs between roommates, so it was all above board and even helped move up their mutual release date, which was coming up in a little while. They'd received their notification papers for decommission yesterday.

"Well, let's just say I think of you fondly," joked Siva, making Lexa pout just a bit. "Of course I like you, silly! Despite the absurdity of living in this place, at least it kept me out of jail and gave me the chance to meet you. And yes, you can come along on this caper. I'd love to see your character, and we're going to need your skills with breaking and entering to gain access to our beloved magical MacGuffin...."

Lexa had been interred after a wild burglary spree she had committed at art supply stores across the city. Because she hadn't stolen money - just cans of paint, brushes, and other assorted accessories - the judge, known for his liberal leanings when it came to nonviolent offenses, had determined her to be mentally deficient and immediately committed her to the psych ward. "My skills? What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure that there's only one place they could be keeping that die," explained Siva. "I know the layout of the comic shop really well from when I used to go out with Max. We used to fuck in the back rooms while getting high in the mornings, just like he does with that bitch Sonia now. But getting in there is the tough part, and you can help me with that. The reward is obvious!"

If this supposed die even exists, Lexa thought to herself. But who cares, it'll be a fun adventure, and it'll give me that awesome adrenalin high I get from stealing other people's art supplies. This dreadful place certainly hasn't cured me of that addiction, even if they think they have. 

"And you're sure they have art supplies there? Like those little bottles of acrylic paints the nerds use to paint their tiny metal figures?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes, of course. There's a whole shelf of them," nodded the petite Siva, who slung a small carrying bag over her shoulder. All of her personal possessions were inside it. "Steal as many as you like, if you need them for your art projects."

"You know, it's pretty cool that we're both into latex, even if we use it for...ah...very different things. That's one of the reasons I've come to care for you so much, not an easy feat for a usually depressed goth girl. Of course, the fact that you make me come like a beast doesn't hurt either!"

"And you squirt like a damn fountain, too!" Lexa chuckled. "Let me just finish wrapping up these last few paintings, and we should be set to blow this popsicle stand. We'll make plans at your apartment, and you can fill me in on the details. You don't mind if I stash my artwork there for a little while, right? I need a good cup of coffee and a sexy quickie from you to clear my head before we make plans as a team of criminal masterminds. Does that sound good?"

"Sure does!" beamed Siva, with a rare smile on her usually gloomy complexion. She imagined pinning Lexa up against the wall of her apartment hallway, making her moan as she thrust her hand in and out of that tight little ginger pussy. It was an exciting prospect, indeed, and she was all in for it: "My fingers are ready to fuck!"

Suddenly, a distorted announcement blared over the PA system, which had speakers in every single one of the inmates' rooms. "SIVA GRESS! LEXA TATE! Please report to the front desk in the next five minutes!"

The two girls looked at each other with anticipation. "That's us!" exclaimed Lexa. "Let's go, girl!"

Carrying the bundle of paintings under one arm, Lexa lovingly grasped Siva's hand, while her partner gave her a supportive glance.

They strode together out the door of their living quarters at the mental asylum for the last time, and into the blinding light of day.


It had been a couple of weeks in the world of Sonia and Max as well. 

After the whole incident of Siva Gress turning into an evil supervillainess and causing mayhem and destruction in the comic shop, Sonia thought that it was safer if her alter ego Crimsonia did not go public yet.

After all, nobody had seen her in the spandex costume except Siva, and anything that goth girl blurted out while committed to the psych ward was probably regarded as the ravings of a madwoman, and possibly a matter of medical privilege with her psychiatrist anyway. They didn't have to worry about her, at least not for quite a while.

And meanwhile, Sonia and Max had locked up the magic red die in the combination safe in Dan's office, located one room behind the staff area where the two smoked pot and had sex on Monday mornings. Sonia hid the "instruction sheet" that came with the die safely in her house, so nobody else would figure out what the die was for, and she simply told Dan that she was temporarily keeping it secure as a valuable promotional item. 

But Sonia also recalled with great delight the incredible power and pleasure she felt when the die had granted her the form of Crimsonia. The beautiful long hair, her gorgeous full breasts, her contoured body in tight spandex, the whoosh of the silky red cape, even the feel of the sexy leather thigh-high boots...all of it had perfectly fulfilled her long-dormant fantasy to become a superheroine.

It was difficult not to obsess over the experience, and after two weeks, she finally gave in to her deepest desires, picking up her cellphone and ringing Max on a Sunday night.

"Hey Max? Yeah, it's me, Sonia, of course. Hey, I was thinking...our weekly Monday morning session is coming up, and I was wondering if we could bust out the die and try a little superhero action for once. Yeah, I'm serious. If we get there two hours early, we should have the time to act out a really hot scenario."

"If you want, you could bring along a cosplay as well to spice things up. Hey, how about that Daredevil outfit you wore last Halloween? I really liked the way your muscles looked in it, and that bulge in your crotch. OK? Cool. Bring ol' Hornhead along, and I'll see you at 8 am at the store. Get some sleep now - don't beat off thinking about me, eh? Ha ha! See you tomorrow..."

However, Sonia was unable to take her own advice, which she had just given to Max about the evils of masturbation. She was so turned on by the thought of becoming Crimsonia again that she had to pull the rubber electric vibrator out of her nightstand just to give herself some relief.

Stimulating the sensitive interior of her vagina with the softly buzzing device brought back the flood of emotions that she had experienced while in her superhuman form: desire and lust, valor and strength, and an overwhelming confidence which she had never possessed before.

"Oooohhhh! I can't believe how good it felt to wear that have those powers!" she assured herself, as the vibrator made her shudder inside with unbridled joy. "I need that feeling again...I've got to have it!"

After a few minutes, she attained an orgasm intense enough to calm her down a bit. But she knew that it would be nothing compared to the transcendent beauty she would have, once she rolled that die at the store.

Exhausted, she curled up on her couch and fell fast asleep, still cradling the sex toy and its extension cord in her arms.
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It was very early on a Monday morning, and the goth girl Siva Gress and her red-haired companion Lexa Tate were climbing up the back fire escape to Fantasia Comics.

The night before, they had engaged in a fruitful session of fingering each other's pussies, and their eagerness to return to the scene of Siva's crime was energized by their renewed affection for each other.

"You're sure you can get in?" asked Siva, clambering her way up the iron ladder right behind her girlfriend, who already had her eyes on the office window.

"Oh yeah, no sweat!" Lexa replied, inspecting the seal between the pane and the frame. "I've got this crowbar here in my backpack, and usually I can find a small crack to insert it and pry the lock apart. Let me just...CRACK!...ah, there it goes!"

Lexa looked around to make sure nobody was in the back alley watching them - the coast was clear! She gave Siva a little kiss for good luck, then slid open the window pane and slipped inside. Siva followed behind immediately.

The two girls were rather petite, so it was easy for them to crawl in and drop down onto the floor of Dan's back office. Lexa slid the pane back down behind them and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah, there we go. Nobody will see us. That's just so we have some privacy," explained Lexa. "Now, where do you think they would be keeping that magic die we're looking for?"

Siva pointed at a black safe on Dan's desk, which had some digital buttons on the front of it. "It's got to be in that safe. That's exactly where Max would be putting any valuables, and by now, he and Sonia have probably made up some excuse about why the die would need to be kept there. Anywhere else is too out in the open. I'll see if his old combination works - I saw behind his back when he punched it in a couple times, and they probably haven't changed it out of laziness. We used to come back here to fuck and smoke pot."

"Ha ha, that's funny!" grinned Lexa. "I notice he keeps some other valuable items in the office, too," she remarked, glancing at the bookcase of rare action figures in the corner, and then settling her eyes on some boxes of acrylic paints, before watching Siva examine the safe. "These are high-end paint sets. I could never afford to buy them!"

"Well, you're welcome to them, once we get the die and get out of here," Siva answered distractedly. "Now, let me focus on the lock. Did the numbers spell out E-V-I-L-W-O-M-A-N? I think they did, that would sound like Dan's sense of humor. Let me see if that works, and....CLICK! CLICK!..looks like it does!"

The door to the safe swung open, and inside, on top of what looked like some important business papers, sat the red die! Lexa lunged forward, grabbing the die and inspecting it in her hands before Siva could react. "So...this is the fabled magic die? Looks ordinary to me, if a bit oversized..."

"Give that to me, Lexa!" Siva glared at her impatiently, her eyes burning with greed to possess the object. "I need to show you how to..."

"How to use it?" Lexa retorted. "You already told me how. And I'm the one who got you in here, right? So I'm the one who gets first crack at it. Providing it's even real, anyway!If not, at least I can steal all of those paints..."

"Oh, it's very real," Siva nodded. "Fine, I'll let you go first, but I'll need it afterwards, right away, OK?"

"No problem," nodded Lexa. "Now, let's see, I'll just roll the die on the desk over here. Oh,'s coming up on six, just like you said. All I have to do now is wish, right? Good. I want to become the superpowered character whom I've imagined for so long. Make my wish a reality!"

As it had done before for Sonia and Siva, the die began to glow brightly, but this time the glow was purplish, and within seconds it had surrounded the diminutive, five-foot-two redhead with a brilliant violet aura. She began to feel the power of the die infuse her cells with an energizing warmth.

"Oh my god ! You were right!" exclaimed a surprised Lexa. "This is no joke! There's some kind of energy inside me...uuuhhhhh!'s starting to make me change!"

"Yeah, I told you this would happen. You're going to feel very horny soon," replied Siva. She momentarily forgot her desire for the die, and stood there open-mouthed, listening to Lexa scream AARRRGGGHH! with a mixture of pain and pleasure as her body expanded to more attractively heroic proportions.

Lexa's hair turned purple, and her face became beautiful and alluring, as her lips turned an enticingly bright red.

The change profoundly affected Lexa's physique as well - her legs and arms extended, growing dense and muscular, while her abs became tightly defined. Her torso shot up several inches, her tiny breasts expanded to a C-cup, and her toes burst out of the front of her shoes.

The strain all of this growth put on her clothing finally tore apart the fabric SHHHRIPP! of her T-shirt and jeans across all the seams, her bra strap snapped and her panties ripped asunder.
All of Lexa's mundane garments fell apart like mere rags, falling on the floor. Her shoes were discarded and useless. She was now nearly five-foot-ten and totally naked and barefoot, admiring her new shapely body by running her hands over it in the sheer wonder of the moment.

"My God, do I feel sexy!" exclaimed Lexa. "You were right about that, Siva. Worth every bit of the pain for this magnificent final result. Check out my body now!"

"Yeah, I'm looking at it. I must say, you looked pretty hot ripping out of your clothes," remarked a stunned Siva. "I guess you don't have a costume...but do you know what your powers are in this form?"

"Oh, yes," nodded Lexa, smiling ear to ear with pride. Usually in a depressed mood, she'd never felt as joyous as right now. "I've thought about having them since childhood when I first dreamed up this alter ego. How about I just show you? Paints, come to me!"

Siva's newly empowered girlfriend simply lifted her hand, and an entire box of acrylic paints flew off the shelf in the storage area, as if lifted by mental telekinesis. This was, in fact, one of Lexa's brand new powers that she was showing off. But she wasn't done yet.

With another mental command and a wave of the hand from Lexa, several individual paint bottles rose out of the box and hovered in the air, each unscrewing itself until the caps flew off. Then, the bottles floated right above Lexa's exquisite naked superhuman body and dumped their contents across her shoulders and chest, the paint dripping down across her lovely breasts and abdomen until it finally came to rest as a solid, forming a sort of dark, bluish skintight costume.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" the purple-haired girl groaned in sensual ecstasy, reveling in the tactile arousal of the cold paints congealing across her skin, as she licked her shiny red lips in satisfaction.

"That feels so good! I love the touch of the latex against my sexy body, but even more than that, I love controlling it...shaping it to my will! This transformation has given me such incredible power!"

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" that's your power, then?" Siva asked. "Along with super strength, I assume, due to those amazing sculpted muscles. A very specific power, I would think...the ability to control latex?"

"Yes, very specific," replied the artist girl flirtatiously. "But don't worry, you'll see, I can do a lot of things with this power. Just wait until I let you get your hands on me. I can probe your every orifice, caress every inch of your skin with tendrils of this substance. Its very touch is heavenly, as you should know, having worn it as the alter ego you've talked so much about, the diabolical Aggressiva. I would love to see her!"

"Well, yes," admitted Siva. "My latex costume did feel incredibly tight on my superhuman body, and that definitely turned me on while I was battling that bitch Crimsonia. Which reminds me, Lexa, you'll see my ultimate form soon, now that you're finished using the die..."

"Lexa?!!" her companion interrupted. "Not any more! Not by a long shot. While I am in this form, you should no longer address me by my old name. Call me what I have become...what I truly am. I am now the goddess of the paints. I am....LATEXA!"

She posed sensually and powerfully for her girlfriend, flexing her muscular body and displaying how tightly the latex hugged her breasts and torso. Siva felt a fire stirring in her crotch, a pooling of moistness in her nether region. The very sight of Latexa was causing her to ache deeply with desire, making her pussy drip with anticipation.

Just imagine what her latex touch would be like!

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"Yes, Latexa," acknowledged Siva. This was no mere roleplaying game - her girlfriend had literally become a sexy supervillainess, straight out of a comic book. "It's like you've become a living deity of the arts! But I think it's time for me to reciprocate as Aggressiva. Just let me through to roll that die..."


The two girls whirled around, staring at the door to the outer office, suddenly frozen with fear and surprise.

There wasn't supposed to be anyone in the store this early. But on the other side of that door, someone was giggling up a storm!
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Lesbians, cosplay, heroines & villainess sex....what a world..what a world!!!
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batgirl1969 wrote:
9 months ago
Lesbians, cosplay, heroines & villainess sex....what a world..what a world!!!
Thanks, Batgirl! Aren't all of those sexy aspects what this Forum is about, after all? :)
Now, on with the story.....


Both Max and Sonia showed up just before 8 am at the front door of the comic shop, each excited to experience an extended version of their weekly pot-smoking fuckfest.

"Hey," Sonia nodded to Max as they clomped up the stairs to the second story. Her heels were making clicking sounds because she was wearing a pair of spiky goth boots. "I found these in my closet - I thought they looked hot. Did you bring that Daredevil costume, like I asked?"

"Yeah," Max replied with a wicked smile, switching into macho mode. "And it's just as tight on my gloriously ripped body as you remember it. You're gonna want to get your hands on that huge bulge in my superhero crotch, I guarantee it!"

"I certainly hope so!" grinned Sonia, striding in her hot boots with Max back to the employee room, where they kept their lockers with their personal items. Both of them lit up a couple of fat blunts, and lounged back in a couple of plastic chairs, just enjoying each other's company for a few minutes.

Max showed Sonia a comic book he'd found in the back issues bin: a little-known heroine from the AC Comics universe known as Dragonfly. Sonia knew about Fem Force, but she hadn't seen this comic before. The Dragonfly character was very sexy and desirable, clad in a tight blue suit with super-strength and flying abilities. But that wasn't what was most unusual about her.

"She's a character created entirely by wish fulfillment," Max described. "See - here's the perfect quote in this panel from issue 8 that finally explains her secret origin: 'Dragonfly is everything Nancy desperately wishes to be, but feels she isn't...her dream of perfection brought to life.' That sounds like you and Crimsonia."

Sonia nodded. "Yeah, it does, quite a bit. The only difference being that I'm not really desperate. I'm just really grateful that the die came into our lives, whoever sent it. It's really important to me, and I'm not taking it for granted."

"Hey, babe, then why don't you hold out for a little while on becoming Crimsonia?" suggested Max. "You know I've always loved your body just as it is. Why don't we keep it just like old times for now, and then you can roll the die for a big grand finale? As long as we're done well before 10 am, it should be OK, right?"

"Sure, Max," nodded Sonia. "Why don't you go back into the shop and slip into your costume? Meanwhile, I'll hang back here and reawaken the primal lust of the nerdy comic store girl within me, who needs to be rescued by the intrepid Man Without Fear. We can reverse our roles later on!"

Sonia began disrobing, pulling her black T-shirt over her head and exposing her perky little breasts. Max lingered in the back room for a preview of them, but Sonia shooed him away. "Go ahead already, Max! Get into that outfit. We only have two hours to do this!"

Max closed and locked the door behind him. Sonia took her jeans off and removed her panties, then planted her naked body on the wooden table where she and Max often sorted comics from the latest distributor shipments, wearing nothing but her sexy goth boots.

Being a Monday, though, there were no comics left to sort, and the table was clear, which meant she could spread out and stimulate herself, getting her pussy wet and ready for when this ersatz Matt Murdock burst in with his tight spandex uniform and his rock-hard erection.

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Rubbing her clit gently for a couple minutes, Sonia began to sigh with pleasure, and her body was more than receptive by the time Max re-entered the room, dressed head to toe in a perfect Daredevil cosplay, even wearing the cute mask with the little horns.

"Miss? What seems to be the problem here?" he got into his roleplay. "I'm Daredevil, and I heard a cry for help. Do you need my assistance?"

"Daredevil! Oh my stars!" Sonia swooned, reclining back on the table and presenting her moistened genitals to her cosplaying boyfriend for his delightful inspection.

"You're so handsome! Yes, I need your help," she continued, reaching out and grabbing his cock under his tight spandex crotch. "I need this to grow like a redwood tree. I need you inside me, filling me up, Daredevil. Please don't deny me this pleasure!"

"Of course, my lady," answered Max in character, feeling his dick begin to stiffen. "But first, I need to sample your lovely little tits. I want to lick them a while, and make you moan with pleasure. I'm not just a superhero, I'm also a master of foreplay!"

"Yes, oh yes," the naked Sonia enthused. "Please do that, Daredevil...please!"

No sooner did Max begin to caress her small breasts with his gloved hands and apply his tongue eagerly to her nipples, however, than she began to giggle uncontrollably,

"Hee hee hee! I'm sorry, Max," apologized Sonia, her body shuddering. "Not only are you giving me spasms of pleasure, but I'm also very ticklish today for some reason. Hee hee hee! Ohhhhhhhh!"


It was the loud giggling that the two miscreant girls heard on the other side of the locked door. Siva knew immediately who was making that sound.

"Oh no, it's Sonia!" Siva whispered to her superhuman companion. "And if she's making those noises, then Max has to be with her. They're not even supposed to be here. They're two hours earlier than when Max used to bring me back here to fuck!"

"Oh, that's just great!" complained Latexa, the paint covering her body turning different colors as she displayed flashes of anger. "So we're trapped in here while those two fuck obliviously like bunnies? I don't accept that. I'm going to deal with her in my own way. You're about to see another of my superpowers in action!"

"No!" whispered Siva. "You shouldn't alert them that we're here. I don't want to get caught again!"

But it was too late - Latex had made up her mind. Siva witnessed in amazement as her superhuman girlfriend extruded an amorphous strand of dark blue paint from her skintight covering. The tendril stretched and lengthened until a portion of it extended under the crack at the bottom of the door.

"I've got complete control of my wonderful smooth and shiny latex, like an extension of my body," the artist girl explained. "I can slip it through any crack or hole. It's a simple matter to slide the latch open with it from the other side....ahhhh, I feel the lock now...CLICK!...there it goes!"

As Latexa retracted the paint tendril back into her body, the door opened wide, and the two criminals beheld an outlandish scene they had never expected: Max was clad head to toe in a bright-red Daredevil costume that highlighted every delicious inch of his muscular frame, and Sonia the comic shop clerk was stark naked, sitting up on a table and letting Max kiss her all over her adorable little tits.

Hearing the lock make its clicking sound, both of the store employees ceased their lovemaking as they whirled around and looked towards the back office to see why the door to the back office was suddenly open.

They were just as surprised: Sonia saw a muscular purple-haired woman she didn't know, her sexy body covered in what looked like Dan's colored latex paints. Tendrils of latex paint hovered in the air around the woman, waving like the tentacles of an octopus. The woman looked enraged and unhinged - she must have used the die to turn into whatever freakish monster she had become.

And right behind her was....Siva, who was banned from the store after creating such havoc weeks ago. She must have broken in somehow through the back window, and this other girl must have gotten hold of the die after they opened the safe. From her former relationship with Max, Siva must have known how to get inside the safe. There was no other possible explanation. Damn Max for being too lazy to get Dan to change the combination!

Realizing immediately the extreme danger this situation posed with the die in the hands of an enemy, the stark naked Sonia leaped up from the wooden table, steadied herself on her high-heeled goth boots, and lunged through the back office door, making a straight beeline for the magic object, which was sitting on the desk.

"Noooooooooooo!" screamed Sonia, hoping that the volume of her voice would distract the women, and that her split-second timing would convey her to the intended target before it was too late!
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It was obvious from their dumbfounded expressions of total surprise that both the paint-covered woman and Siva hadn't expected Sonia to be there, and also that they were somehow in cahoots in a plot to acquire the die for themselves.

She had only one chance to remedy this dangerous situation which could expose her secret, and she took it, dashing for the desk with complete abandon and screaming like a wild woman. The very naked Sonia quickly snatched up the die, and with a look of trepidation on her face, retreated immediately into the front office, slamming the back door shut and locking it with the turn of a deadbolt.

She hoped that adding the security of the deadbolt would give her the short time she needed to properly invoke her superheroine form. The prospect began to arouse her sexually, despite the perilous circumstances, especially since she was already hot and bothered from her interrupted makeout session with Max. But she needed to avoid distraction and assume responsibility for the matter at hand.

"Max!" Sonia shouted. "Siva's back there! I don't know how she got in, but there's another girl back there who must have rolled the die and gotten powers! She looks sexy but rather threatening. Why didn't you change the fucking combination to the safe?"

"I'm sorry, Sonia," Max whined, looking a bit pathetic like a puppy dog. "I just didn't think of it, in all the confusion with Siva a couple weeks ago. I know her pretty well, and I thought she was getting helped at the asylum. I certainly didn't imagine she would try something like this brazen."

"Well, she did," Sonia retorted impatiently, bringing the die to the table and rolling it quickly. "I'm feeling really horny, too, so we might as well get this show on the road. Got to make the change!"

Max nodded, checking the die to make sure that it had come up on the six. Sonia confirmed that it did, and placed her hands on her naked hips in a resolute stance, proclaiming with a grandiose tone, "And now, with this imminent threat of supervillainy at hand, I have no choice but to remedy this problem in the most active manner possible. I wish to become...CRIMSONIA!"

Max was still sitting on the table in his tight Daredevil costume, where he and Sonia had been making out a few minutes earlier. At his girlfriend's first mention of her superheroine persona, his cock stiffened like iron inside the costume's crotch in anticipation of what was to come. He knew exactly what her fantasy was, and he didn't have long to wait for it to be realized.

"Aaaarrrgggghhhhhhh!" groaned Sonia with a blend of both pain and pleasure, as the changes to her physical body got underway immediately. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes in sheer ecstasy as her short, stubby body began to expand and grow several inches taller, filling her frame out with alluring and audacious curves, from her fertile hips to her tapered waist, and generating the dense musculature in her arms and legs that characterized her superhuman form.

Her small, perky breasts swelled into luscious Double-D cups with huge pink areolae, attracting the attention of Max's riveted gaze. Sonia rubbed her moistening pussy, which was engorged with vital blood. She moaned softly, reveling in the lush forest of curly brown pubic hairs which were sprouting from her mons veneris, as Max's eyes widened with wonder.

As her eyeglasses fell to the floor, rejected and unwanted, the comic book nerd girl quickly underwent a serious upgrade in her facial appearance. Her features became extremely beautiful like a supermodel, with stunning wide eyes, a flawless alabaster complexion, and full bright-red lips, while her short brown hair extended into long and luxurious tresses which cascaded down her smooth shoulders. She was truly breathtaking to behold, and Max was drinking in every lascivious second of it.

Sonia ran her hands down her own perfect naked body, tracing tantalizing circles around her enlarged breasts with the very tips of her fingers, as she became intimately stimulated by the rush of energy burgeoning just beneath her nigh-invulnerable skin. "Ooooohhh! What an incredibly hot transformation," she marveled to herself, loud enough that Max could hear. "That was so intense that it felt almost like an orgasm as I went through the change. I love what I've become!"

And indeed, what she had turned into was the iconic, statuesque amazon she had been two weeks earlier, an awe-inspiring paragon of peak fertility and majestic power. But of course, there was still something missing.

"Got to get that sexy suit on. Let's go!" shouted the superhuman being formerly known as Sonia, as she grabbed the pile of her own civilian clothing, the T-shirt and shorts and sneakers she had removed in order to have sex with Max.

The moment she touched them, the garments began transmuting into an amorphous reddish fluid which flowed up her arm and began to cover her skin, conforming to her mental commands. A scintillating red flash of light obscured her entire body for the merest moment, almost blinding Max, who was staring directly at her hourglass figure.

But when the flash dissipated, she was fully clad in her tight and shiny spandex costume, the red-and-black bodysuit cinched firmly up against her crotch, and the convenient chest window perfectly showcasing her enormous cleavage. The outfit was completed with a stunning burgundy cape that unfurled around her figure as if it was alive, and a pair of black leather thigh-high boots which accentuated her long, gorgeous legs.

"I am once again...CRIMSONIA!" the superheroine exclaimed with pride, posing confidently with her hands on her hips, and pointing at the back office door. "And I'm ready for action. Let's see exactly what kind of criminal mischief is going on in there!"
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Simultaneously in the back office, the young lesbian lovers were reacting to Sonia's brash sortie with a mixture of rage and panic.

"So that's the bitch Sonia whom you were telling me about?" grumbled Latexa to her human girlfriend. "I'm pretty pissed that she got the best of us. She just ran in here, yelling her damn head off to startle us, and scampered away with the prize that we'd been planning to steal this whole time. How fucked up is that, Siva?"

"It's pretty bad," the goth girl admitted. "I mean, I was supposed to transform into Aggressiva again, and you and I were going to have wild latex-on-latex superhero sex in this very office, and then abscond with the die well before those two even got here. I had no idea they'd show up this early, and now I have no way to fight them for it."

"What do you mean, lover?" the powerful, statuesque Latexa bent down, kissing her goth girlfriend sweetly on her black lips. "You've got me! I'll battle them tooth and nail with my powers!"

"Yes, and I appreciate that," smiled Siva, "but if I get caught this time for breaking and entering, I go to prison for a long stretch, not a couple weeks in a mental institution. And you won't be there, giving me the affection and support for which I love you so much. I'm not sure I could handle that level of trauma without a breakdown. I need to get out of here, quickly!"

"Ah, I understand," nodded the muscular goddess of latex paints. "Don't worry, Siva. You need to be free to plot your revenge. Slip out the back window and run home to my apartment, where I granted you such sensual pleasures last night. I'll run interference with them to allow you to escape. Then I'll defeat that bitch, Sonia, and hopefully glide out of here triumphantly with the magical MacGuffin. What do you say?"

"That sounds good, Lexa...I mean, Latexa!" Siva corrected herself. She gave her brave lover one final kiss on the lips, and then slid the window open, climbing out onto the fire escape and racing down the alley.

Latexa heard her footsteps receding, then whirled around to face the door. She tried opening it with the doorknob, but was locked tightly from the other side with a deadbolt, using mechanisms too small for her latex tendrils to slip through. The annoying obstacle blocking the path to her target sent her into a fit of rage.

"That impudent little comic book whore!" her breasts heaved as she voiced her extreme impatience. "She thinks that a mere metal door can stop me, seeking to keep me from what I desire! She will learn soon the error of her ways. No one is permitted to stop a goddess from achieving her aims. No one can defy the power of Latexa!"
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Clenching her fists and flexing her muscular frame, she concentrated on manipulating the paints which formed a tight costume over her naked flesh. Multiple tendrils of latex paint leapt from her body, hardening into a steel-like substance. Each tendril grew several fingers and gripped the sides of the door frame with clasps like iron. Focusing her power of kinesis on the tendrils, she began to tug mightily at the door frame.

"AAARRRGGGHHHH!" bellowed Latexa, straining as the door began to crack at its sides, and she heard a CREAK! as the hinges started to weaken. The metal itself began to buckle and bend, and one by one SNAP! SNAP! the hinges snapped off the door frame and flew across the office, landing CLANK! in a corner. Within a few more moments, Latexa's strenuous tugging had ripped the entire door completely off its moorings.

She retracted her latex tendrils back into her costume, and then stepped forward, gripping the sides of the 200-pound security door with her hands. With her muscular super-strength, she picked up the entire door as if it was light as a feather, and tossed it towards the back wall the office with a loud CRASH! where it impacted against the window pane, causing the glass to be smashed into little jagged shards. Latex was so possessed by irrational anger that she didn't care what level of damage she caused!

On the other side of the open portal, however, Sonia was clearly visible. Only, she wasn't Sonia anymore. Just as Siva had described, Sonia had transformed into an incredibly sexy superheroine with luxurious brown hair, wearing a very tight red spandex costume that showed off her iconic cleavage in a "boob window" similar to that of the DC Comics heroine Power Girl!

Scanning Sonia's new form across her billowy cape and black leather boots, Latexa was momentarily impressed and aroused by this impertinent superheroine's curvaceous body. Striking a powerful pose with her hands on her hips, this "Crimsonia" presented a truly alluring sight, right down to the visible camel toe bumps under the tight crotch of her bodysuit.

In her normal human form, the nerdy aspiring artist Lexa would have been the ultimate fangirl of this voluptuous Amazon, lustily rubbing one out in her bedroom to high-resolution photos on the Internet. She might have imagined making passionate love to the gorgeous superheroine following a daring rescue from danger.

"Save me, Crimsonia!" she would have pleaded in her private, desperate throes of desire, "and let me caress you all over your tight costume, giving you undreamt-of pleasure as your just reward!"

But it was an entirely different ballgame now that she possessed the vast abilities of Latexa. There was no imbalance of power, no unrequited adulation of the feeble for the strong. There was only an overwhelming penchant for dominance and control. Thus, she quickly composed herself, remembering her girlfriend Siva and the importance of regaining possession of the magic die, which would give her the power of Latexa forevermore, possibly even rendering her technically immortal!

It was this malevolent and enraged incarnation of little red-haired manic pixie Lexa, now become physical power incarnate as the supervillainess Latexa, which stormed through the torn door frame of the comic shop's back office, shouting her challenge to the busty superheroine who foolishly stood in her way. Once again, a dozen tendrils extended outward from her painted costume, writhing in the air like venomous black snakes, ready to strike lethal blows at the command of their mistress.

"You have what is rightfully mine, and I will take it back! Prepare to be crushed, Crimsonia!"
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The crimson-clad superheroine was flabbergasted. This purple-haired supervillainess, whoever she was, was obviously so strong that she was able to tear a locked metal door right off its hinges! And she was very angry, too - obviously searching for the die that Sonia had so deftly snatched away.

Crimsonia, to be frank, was also more than a little bit horny. She had just come down moments from the orgasmic high of her nerdy comic geek body exploding into a strong and beautiful superhuman form, and then quickly becoming encased in a very tight spandex costume. But if that wasn't enough of a continuous erotic fantasy, she now beheld a nearly naked woman in front of her, her torso and abdomen covered in sticky latex and her muscles rippling with power.

It was by no means the traditional "good-girl" costuming style to which Sonia was usually attracted in the comics, but this villainess had a dangerous allure all her own, and as Crimsonia, she was not immune to those charms. In fact, she felt a bit of wetness seeping into the crotch of her bodysuit - luckily, the fabric had the function to quickly absorb it and avoid embarrassment. But the situation was clear - much like her youthful comic book fantasies had imagined, this superheroine business was certainly getting very sexy!

Nevertheless, she persisted in her confident superheroic stance - she was the valiant Crimsonia, and she couldn't let a sexy villainess dissuade her from the swift justice she must administer. With her incredible level of strength, one good punch should be sufficient to knock her opponent out. So she lunged forward and swung her clenched right fist at the purple-haired woman's jaw, expecting to hear a CRACK! as the force of the mighty blow reverberated in the comic shop.

But the impact never came. With blinding quickness, this upstart paint-covered girl had caught Crimsonia's fist in her hand and began slowly pushing it back. The heroine groaned in response, straining visibly against the muscular villainess with her face in a mask of surprise.

"Yes, it's the mighty Crimsonia I've heard so much about!" her foe taunted her. "You thought you were the only one with strength? Not any more. I've dreamed of this all of my life, and the die gave me exactly what I desired. So now, I'm going to use it to its full extent. And that means your destruction!"

"But...uhhhhhh....what are you?" groaned Crimsonia as she attempted to push her attacker backwards into the office, but to no avail.

"Fool!" shouted the villainess as she pressed her forceful. "You will fear the name soon enough. You will call me.....LATEXA! Aaarrrrggghhhh!"

With a rage-filled thrust, Latexa whipped her left fist as hard as she could into Crimsonia's nubile torso, all the better to injure those presumptuously large breasts popping out of the window in her costume. The collision sent Crimsonia careening backwards through the air, and CRASH! knocking over a stacked display of Funko Pops on the far wall.

Crimsonia had been thrown into a vulnerable position, splayed out on the floor and covered in the little plastic Funko Pop boxes which had fallen all over her body. She wanted to deploy her super speed to quickly remove them, so that she could stand up and return to the battle, but her mind felt cloudy, and she was distracted by...the pain?

Agonizing bursts of pain shot through Crimsonia's breasts, which were bruised by the sheer impact of Latex's mighty blow to her chest. She didn't even know that she could be seriously hurt in this form - apparently, she wasn't completely invulnerable, at least as far as other superbeings created by the die were concerned. This could be a real problem!

"Uuuuhhhhhh..." Crimsonia groaned in pain, sprawled out on her back with the red cape crumpled beneath her, and caressing her sensitive breasts to in an attempt to ease the suffering. "My boobs...what did you do to them?"

Latex strode over confidently to where Crimsonia was lying on the floor and towered over her, admiring the sight with cruelty in her expression. "Oh my, that is quite a turn-on, watching you feel yourself up, so helpless and in such pain! But I'm not here for the BDSM potential. I want the die, and I'm willing to kill you to get it. Now, where the fuck is it?"

"I'm not going to tell you that...uuuhhhhh..." moaned Crimsonia, as she continued to writhe in agony inside her gorgeous red costume, unable to soothe her own aching breasts. "I'll beat you...evil never wins...uhhhhhh..."

"Oh, I don't think you will!" boasted Latexa. "And if you don't give up the goods, things are going to get a lot worse. For example, I smash your cunt!"

Latexa stomped with her bare foot right onto Crimsonia's prominent camel toe, clearly visible under the tight crotch of her outfit. The impact wasn't hard and piercing, like it would have been with the usual heeled boot of a supervillainess. Instead, Crimsonia felt the intimate contact of the bottom of Latexa's sole right on top of her pussy, pressing down hard and crushing her clitoris, inducing both searing pain and blissful pleasure at the same time! She screamed with a mixture of dread and ecstasy.

"Oh...I know, you poor thing," Latexa ridiculed her supine foe. "The 20,000 nerve endings in the bottom of my foot are up against the 10,000 nerve endings in your pretty little vulva. You can't decide whether to go for the climax or to pass out from shock! Pretty cool, huh? I love humiliating you like this, but I'd love it even more if you gave up the die!"

"Nooooo! I won't do it..." moaned the superheroine in distress, her mind still dazed from the sensual overload, and her pussy bruised and swollen from Latexa's foot grinding into it. "You will never have the don't deserve it..."

"Oh, yes I do!" retorted the enraged Latexa. "How dare you say otherwise! All my life, I've been a spurned artist, trampled underfoot, and now that I have this power, I am never letting go of it. Why would I want to ever go back to that plain weakling Lexa Tate? But I digress, and the supervillain monologue must wait. So, if cuntbusting you isn't the key to getting what I want, then maybe another more lethal method will work!"

Latexa stepped back a few feet, and on the ground, the tortured Crimsonia watched with both fascination and horror as a dozen sticky tendrils of blue-black latex rose from the villainess' shoulders and breasts, climbing into the air above her body and swaying like snakes. Each tendril had developed primitive digits on its tip, like the grasping appendages of a squid or an octopus.

Crimsonia gasped, a lump of fear rising in her throat. What was this deranged lunatic going to do, she wondered, with all of those tentacles?
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Crimsonia didn't have to wait very long to discover why Latexa had generated a batch of new tendrils from her painted body.

Lying on the floor, the valiant superheroine was still suffering the pain of the assaults that her new nemesis had inficted upon her. Her breasts were aching from the blow of Latexa's mighty punch, while her pussy was throbbing and distended from the crushing pressure of Latexa's bare but powerfully muscular foot. She was in no position to resist, and that was what the maniacal supervillainess was counting on.

Two tendrils gripped Crimsonia tightly around her beautiful neck and slid her gradually and deliberately up the wall behind the Funko Pop display. "Oh no! She's choking me!" the superhuman being formerly known as Sonia thought to herself, gasping for air as she became barely able to draw breath into her body.

But what Latexa had planned was no mere persuasion by asphyixation - not by a long shot. Concentrating on her restricted airway, Crimsonia was barely able to feel two tendrils caressing her long, reddish-brown hair, until they began to tug more insistently, sending spasms of pain through her scalp.

However, she was much more aware of a third tendril which gently stroked her plump red lips for a few seconds, and then thrust itself into her mouth, pushing her tongue down so she couldn't speak at all. It was getting even more difficult to breathe, as all she could manage were brief snorts of life-giving air through her nostrils.

But several more blue-black extensions which attached below her neck were the ones really inflicting the humiliating damage - as she was being choked by Latexa, she was also being groped and raped!

Two of the tendrils had stretched open the cleavage window of her red spandex costume, exposing her breasts fully to the air with their wide areolae and rock-hard nipples like two little mountain peaks. They were squeezing and kneading her receptive mammary flesh, sending paroxyms of delight shuddering through Crimsonia's body, even as she could still hardly breathe.

Another two smaller tendrils dug under her shiny outfit and made a beeline for the seldom-seen area under Crimsonia's arms, tugging insistently on the small, lovely tufts of reddish-brown armpit hair growing underneath. The tendrils ensconced themselves under her sensitive pits, taking advantage of the natural ticklishness Sonia already had in her civilian form, which was augmented by her superhuman form. She twitched and convulsed, unable to contain her inexplicable glee at Latexa's probing touch.

And if that wasn't mortifying enough, two more tendrils made short work of the fabric neatly cinched up against the crotch of her bodysuit, as RRRRIPPP! they tore it wide open, revealing her swollen and bruised genitalia in all their feminine glory. The maniacal Latexa's eyes went wide with admiration at the shape of her foe's tight, perfectly formed pussy, surrounded by a beautiful grove of curly, auburn pubic hairs, but she wasn't there to be a mere tourist.

Within seconds, the two tendrils formed the shape of penises, each about nine inches long, and after Latexa licked them sexily with her tongue to lubricate them, the forced penetration began in earnest. One of the tendril-dildos shoved itself deep inside Crimsonia's inviting cunt, its considerable girth immediately stimulating her vaginal walls.

Even as she struggled to inhale precious oxygen and skirted the edge of consciousness, the imperiled superheroine could feel Latexa's prosthetic cock ravaging her G-spot, over and over and over again. The waves of ecstasy overwhelmed her dimming senses, and her eyes rolled up in her sockets from rapturous pleasure. She could feel herself skirting the edges of sexual climax but not quite yet reaching it - that could also be intentional on the part of her foe.

But Latexa's sadistic assault of raw, lustful hedonism knew no bounds, as the second penis-tentacle spread Crimsonia's gorgeously thick butt-cheeks apart and propelled itself deep into her anus. Despite her history of sexual escapades with Max, the comic book nerd girl had never been fucked in the ass before, and as the sanctity of her delicate posterior was violently rent asunder, the pain intensified across her entire body.

The muscles inside her anal cavity were strong, but apparently not invulnerable, since she hadn't imagined them to require that attribute. The flesh stretched and tore like tissue paper as the tendril-dildo methodically pulsed in and out like the piston of an engine. She wanted to scream and even beg for release, but with the other tendril occupying almost her entire mouth, she couldn't utter a word, or even barely a sound.

"Mmmmffff!" was all that Latexa could hear coming from her victim's mouth, swollen with an invasive tentacle. But Latexa was much more loquacious, launching into a revelatory monologue even as she continued to sexually torment her hapless opponent.

"Ahhhh! I've dreamed of this moment since I was little. I always thought they never went far enough in the movies and TV shows with what the villains could have done with Batgirl and Supergirl, with Wonder Woman and Black Widow. I wondered what would happen if I was in charge of that scene of utter humiliation of a confident, sexy heroine..."

"....And now here I am, all grown up and fucking you in every available orifice! You can't see straight, you can't think straight, you can barely even breathe. But I'm making you suffer and squeal like no superheroine ever has before. It's nice to have goals, and it's even nicer to achieve them!"

Crimsonia could hear Latexa's cruelly taunting words, but she could barely process them through the haze of both pleasure and agony simultaneously wracking her body. In real time, it had only been a few minutes since the rage-filled woman's assault began, but the torment already seemed like it was prolonged for eons.

Only a few minutes earlier, she had been the mighty, voluptuous Crimsonia, fair of form and bursting with power as the apex realization of her perfect superheroic fantasy. Yet now, she had suddenly become the ultimate damsel-in-distress, quickly approaching her complete defeat and perhaps her demise, as well.

Would Crimsonia perish here this day in the comic shop...screaming and sobbing inside, not even able to achieve orgasm, while suffering such excruciating pain?

The helpless superheroine begged every goddess she could think of for a swift, merciful end, but none answered.
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Monday morning was not going well for comic book nerd-girl Sonia Crimm.

She had started out positively by getting herself psyched for her weekly clandestine comic shop sex with her doting boyfriend Max, who was wearing a tight, bright-red Daredevil cosplay just for the occasion. Sonia, on the other hand, was feeling way more lustful these days, thanks to her newfound ability to transform into the incredibly sexy superheroine, Crimsonia, by means of a magical roll from a 20-sided die.

All of that expectation, however, had gone out the window. much like Max's jealous ex-girlfriend, Siva. Crimsonia was in the throes of an extreme sexual experience, to be sure, but it was nothing that she could enjoy, let alone share with her boyfriend, wherever he was at the moment.

The lovely, brown-haired superwoman in the tight red spandex bodysuit was currently being raped by an insane supervillainess named Latexa, whose secret identity Sonia didn't even know, although she assumed she might be friends with Siva. Raped might literally be an understatement, as the shocking truth was that Crimsonia was being violated by Latexa's flexible, snakelike paint tendrils in every conceivable orifice: molesting her ears and nostrils, gagging her mouth, tickling her armpits, and achieiving double penetration simultaneously in her vagina and anus...and this was after Latexa had already bruised her sensitive breasts and tender pussy with her bare hands and feet!

Sheer agony melded with intense pleasure inside Crimsonia's superhuman body, setting every nerve aflame. The sensation was so overwhelming that Crimsonia was only moments away from passing out and possibly never waking up, and yet Latex was very careful not to permit her to orgasm, in order to torment her even further in what might be her final hurrah.

"How does it feel, bitch? I'm getting ready to slaughter you!" Latex barked angrily as she pounded away inside her foe's cunt and asshole. "But I don't think I want to see you perish just yet. I'll go find your little Daredevil boyfriend and force him to let me ride his cock until I come. He'll blow his load inside me, right in front of your sorry do-gooder ass for maximum humiliation. Then, and only then, I'll kill you once and for all!"

In her painful stupor, Crimsonia vaguely heard Latexa mention Max's name, and she wondered, "Where is that guy now? I didn't see him turn tail and run out of the shop, so maybe he's somewhere in the back looking for....oh, there he is!"

Over Latexa's shoulder where all of her tentacles were attached, Crimsonia saw through the bloody haze of her obscured vision that Max was silently sneaking up behind Latexa, holding something shiny and red. He raised up the object and bashed Latexa over the head with it CLANG! thinking that it might knock her out. Instead, his action merely caused the angry villainess to turn around, rubbing her head in annoyance.

"Ouch! What was that? It gave me a headache," she complained, finally noticing Max in his tight red Daredevil costume, holding a heavy fire extinguisher and sporting a huge bulging erection in his crotch from his excitement at living in a live-action comic book.

"Oh, it's you, Crimsonia's little boy with his adorable boner! I was going to come looking for you anyway, and here you are! So sweet and romantic that you tried to save your sexy girlfriend. Too bad I'm too strong and powerful to be hurt by a mere metal object like that!"

"I really just wanted to get your attention, so that I could do this!" Max shouted at her bravely. He quickly pulled the pin on the nozzle of the extingusher, and a huge cloud of ice-cold fire retardant gas shot out at Latexa, covering her entire body in a nebula of chemicals. "It's normally good at breaking down oil to put out fires, so I wonder what it'll do to you?"

The catalytic reaction between the extinguisher fumes and the shiny, sticky paint covering Latexa's muscular body began almost immediately. The blue-black latex all over her shoulders and breasts, dripping down all the way to her crotch, started to lose its luster, turning jet black and flaking off her body in large chunks.
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Latex's bright purple hair began to change color, as well, reverting to the bright red dye which she wore in her regular civilian form as artist Lexa Tate. Her attitude as the confident, maniacal supervillainess was unraveling, and all of the tendrils, which had been busy penetrating every open hole in Crimsonia's body, suddenly retracted. The tentacles abruptly decayed into black dust and crumbled to the floor. Crimsonia was very happy to be able to breathe again, but the villainess Latexa was screaming almost incoherently with rage.

"Nooooooooooo!" protested Latexa, clutching her body as she felt her ability to control the latex slip away and clutched her naked skin in disbelief. She collapsed on her knees, sobbing incessantly. "My powers! I can't use them! I was so close to victory, to committing the ultimate evil act on my helpess foe, and now this! Arrrrrggghhhh!"
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With the loss of her latex powers due to the chemical treatment came other deficiencies, as well. The erstwhile villainess lost much of the rippling muscle tone in her arms and legs, the impressive six-pack of her abdominals shrank down considerably, her breasts reduced in size, and the beauty of her face receded. She began to look ordinary and plain, as befit her status as the rejected art nerd who was socially awkward and had no friends, other than the one companion who was currently a fugitive from the law.

But Max knew that Lexa's powers could very well return to full strength the moment she realized she could renew her wish, so he took the initiative quickly, as his girlfriend Crimsonia was recovering from her sexual assault experience, and in no shape yet to join the fray. He pulled out an item from the crotch of his Daredevil costume - what he had disguised as a huge testicle was actually the magic 20-sided die!

Rolling the die on the floor right next to where Latexa was kneeling and crying inconsolably,he noted that it came up a nine. Within seconds, all of the latex dust disappeared from her naked body, and her clothing re-appeared. Latexa was no more, and might never be again. The only persona that remained was the lowly Lexa Tate, rocking back and forth and rolling on the ground in utter frustration as she drowned her emotions in the sorrow of defeat.

" weak," Lexa whined. "So insignificant, compared to the goddess that I was for a little while. Got to get home to Siva and protect her...."

Crimsonia strode over to where Lexa was crying on the floor, each step in her thigh-high heeled boots growing in self-assurance as she mentally rebounded from the extreme assault she had endured. It would haunt her nightmares for a long time, but now was the time for action, not introspection.

"Ah, so that confirms it," Crimsonia said, towering over the quivering Lexa with her hands on her hips, waving over to Max to call the police. "You and Siva are girlfriends, and you planned this heist together. Well, you won't be seeing her for quite a long time. As Crimsonia, I believe in justice, and that's what you're going to receive. But I'm not above giving you a bit of punishment myself. This is for being such an incredible cunt!"

Crimsonia swung her fist and punched Lexa hard in the face CRACK! as the cartilage could be heard snapping inside the pathetic girl's nose. The heroine hadn't delivered the full force of her strength, as that could have killed a normal human. But life-giving red fluid began dripping out of Lexa's nostril, and at the sight of her own bloody injury, the timid Lexa fainted straight away, lying unconscious on the comic shop floor.

"Hey, Sonia, the cops are on their way. I'll give them a full report about the break-in," Max told his superheroine paramour. "I'll tell them we stopped her in a fight. But you didn't exactly need to break her nose like that!"

"Yeah, I did, Max," Crimsonia shook her head. "Think about it. This girl tried to destroy me. It wasn't all about the die. She's incredibly disturbed and had her evil intent from the start. She needs help, to be sure, but also to be taught a serious lesson. I hope she remembers that when she wakes up."

"Meanwhile, Max, I thought your idea about hiding the die in your costume so that it looked like one of your balls was brilliant!" she continued, giving him a thrilling brief kiss on the lips in appreciation. "I never would have known where to look for it. But can you tell me why it took so long to find that fire extinguisher? And how did you know it was going to neutralize her powers so well?"

"Well, I didn't know for sure, but I had a hunch, and your situation looked so desperate that I had to try it," he replied. "As for the extinguisher? You can blame that one on Dan. He's not very well organized for fire safety, and I had to search for it quietly in the background, hoping that Latex wouldn't notice while she was giving you the business. Eventually, I discovered it behind the register. Sorry about that!"

"Oh, I understand," nodded Crimsonia. "The important thing is that you saved me, and the shop too. I really love you so much for everything you do for me! Including these..."

The statuesque brunette superheroine reached over and cupped Max's balls under his cosplay outfit, stroking them gently with her powerful hands. His erection returned immediately, aroused as he was by Crimsonia's voluptuous form, but now was not the time for any more sexual escapades.

"Whoops! Sorry, I'm such a naughty girl," Crimsonia pouted flirtatiously. "But speaking of Dan, I notice that the clock on the wall says we need to open the store in ten minutes, and he'll be here a little later to check on us. So we'll have to wait for our next fuckfest adventure. I promise that next week, I'll let you come all over my huge tits, and you can watch me lick it up, OK? That should be pretty hot, right?"
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Max had to admit it was, admiring Crimsonia's full, round breasts which were still protruding out of her chest window where Latexa had extracted them. She had forgotten to re-adjust her costume in all the confusion, but she was tucking them back into her spandex now.

He bent down and picked the die up off the floor, handing it to Crimsonia. "Here you go. You'd better revert back to Sonia again so nobody walking in sees this by acccident!"

"Oh, I will," grinned Crimsonia, pointing at the far wall of the store. "But you forgot about that huge mess of Funko Pops over there which toppled onto me. I'm going to need to put them all back in their display lickety-split, and as you know, my sexy heroine body is really good at moving at super speed!"

Max watched in awe as Crimsonia restored the entire Funko Pop corner to its former organized glory, her red cape billowing behind her like a true superheroine as she sped around at several hundred miles per hour. Finished with that task, she rolled the die, which came up as a nine. Almost instantly, she reverted back to her civilian form as less-than-mild-mannered comic shop clerk Sonia Crimm, still naked in her high-heeled goth boots from when she was having sex with Max on the table.

Sonia looked down at herself in amusement. "Yeah, I'd getter get some clothes back on, Max. We don't want to give our customers the shock of their lives. You never know who might be triggered!"

While Sonia retreated to the back office, her boyfriend let out a hearty chuckle - there was so much sexy adventure happening in the store that even the owner didn't know about, let alone their loyal pull-listers. He went behind the counter and turned on the cash register, ready to welcome the first comic book sale of the day.

Meanwhile, across town, a shy, bespectacled red-headed librarian named Elizabeth Ration had just gotten off work for the evening. Nicknamed "Libby" by her fellow employees at the Central Library, she was known to be an avid comic book reader, and was looking forward to her monthly shopping pilgrimage to Fantasia Comics.

Wearing her cute pink sweater to protect against the chilly night air, she spent a few minutes patiently waiting on the sidewalk, tightly clutching her purse with tempered excitement. Then the bus arrived, and she hopped aboard, with visions of heroes and villains dancing in her head...
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So...did you enjoy this all the way to the end? If you did, please post and let me know.
As briefly mentioned below, I have an idea for another new character affected by the Roll of the Die, and the series will continue on if its gets some good response. Thank you!
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 159
Joined: 12 years ago

I really enjoyed these 2 chapters, very interesting
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