Heroineburgh Comics #4 continuous update

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Work has begun on another sexy issue of Heroineburgh Comics. Both Ben and Wayne have their complete scripts, along with all the photo references they need, and are at work on their pages.

Wayne is concentrating right now on the Kickstarter he is now running, for his first creator-owned book called Killionaire.
It's an "American horror murder mystery" about an anarchist anti-hero who goes around killing corrupt corporate executives.
You can back it here if you like:
But he'll be getting to the Heroineburgh project soon, and I'll start posting his stuff when he does.

In the meantime, Ben dropped a whole bunch of art on me today relevant to the first three pages of Heroineburgh Comics #4.
So, without further ado, here they are, showing the process along which he works..while keeping that spandex tight and the ladies lovely!

Ben begins with page 1, a big splash panel introducing the character of the gorgeous Indian villainess Kaliyuga in her natural environment -
her warehouse full of rocks and minerals and meteorites.

He begins by dividing the panel into two parts: left and right.

On the left, the warehouse room is filled with boxes and merchandise scattered about, giving it the feel of the warehouse from Indiana Jones.
Kaliyuga's figure is placed lightly into the frame.
Ben page 1 frame 1 partial left 2.jpg
Ben page 1 frame 1 partial left 2.jpg (293.31 KiB) Viewed 5244 times
On the right, there are more boxes and minerals, stored in a different configuration.
Kaliyuga's figure is situated into the scene.
Ben page 1 frame 1 partial right.jpg
Ben page 1 frame 1 partial right.jpg (359.04 KiB) Viewed 5244 times
Then on the left side, Ben fills in the frame with more merchandise and items, careful not to make the background look too busy.
Ben page 1 frame 1 partial left more items.jpg
Ben page 1 frame 1 partial left more items.jpg (347.81 KiB) Viewed 5244 times
Finally, he combines the two sides of the panel, creating one large splash.
Kaliyuga is in the middle, standing powerfully in her tight and shiny costume, her beautiful hair cascading down her shoulders.
She is waiting impatiently for the arrival of Sintilla. Her fist raised in the air will eventually be suffused with "Kirby crackle" to display her awesome power. Don't worry, in the final version, Ben will sculpt the 'bread loaf' appropriately - this ain't a Modern Marvel comic!
Ben page 1 frame 1 nearly complete.jpg
Ben page 1 frame 1 nearly complete.jpg (456.82 KiB) Viewed 5244 times
Then, we flip over to page 2. Here's panel 1, depicting Sintilla sneaking through the warehouse door. This one is still in sketch mode.
Ben page 2 frame 1 sketch.jpg
Ben page 2 frame 1 sketch.jpg (338.82 KiB) Viewed 5244 times
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Next, on Page 2 frame 2, we have the meeting between Sintilla and Kaliyuga.
Sintilla has arrived at the warehouse to deliver another dark-energy meteor to Kaliyuga for her usual mercenary payment.
But Kaliyuga is a bit impatient (and a bit cash-poor) and demands that Sintilla hand it over forthwith.

Ben again divides this panel into two parts for the foreground characters.

On the left, Sintilla arrives, holding the meteorite in her hand.
This is the sketch version of Sintilla.
Ben page 2 frame 2 left Sintilla sketch.jpg
Ben page 2 frame 2 left Sintilla sketch.jpg (197.12 KiB) Viewed 5241 times
This is the lined version of Sintilla.
Ben page 2 frame 2 left Sintilla lines.jpg
Ben page 2 frame 2 left Sintilla lines.jpg (120.07 KiB) Viewed 5241 times
And then, this is the nearly completed version of Sintilla. See Ben's notes about "bad boots" and "bad booty".
Sintilla looks like her sexy, slinky self just like Alicia in the live-action series.
Ben page 2 frame 2 left Sintilla more lines.jpg
Ben page 2 frame 2 left Sintilla more lines.jpg (160.72 KiB) Viewed 5241 times
On the right, Ben draws a curvy side-to-back angle of Kaliyuga, demanding that Sintilla give up the meteor. Looking super cute with her cape flying!
Ben page 2 frame 2 right Kaliyuga lines.jpg
Ben page 2 frame 2 right Kaliyuga lines.jpg (151.09 KiB) Viewed 5241 times
Then the characters are both placed on the background, which is a turned-around version of the warehouse items from the previous
page. As soon as he moves everything into position and figures out all the angles, the panel will be perfect.
Ben page 2 frame 2 combined sketch.jpg
Ben page 2 frame 2 combined sketch.jpg (300.37 KiB) Viewed 5241 times
More comic book action to come from Heroineburgh Comics #4!
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More preliminary art from Ben for Issue 4. It's great to see the process!

We're up to Page 2 Frame 3a. We call it "3a", because 3a is the foreground, while there will also be a background (in the blank space on the left)
called 3b.

Here in the foreground, we can see in Frame 3a the beautiful but evil and destructive Kaliyuga up close, as she reminisces about her origin story.
Frame 3b will eventually show her in her "nerdy scientist" form, as she scrutinizes the dark-energy meteorites under a microscope which will turn
her into a vengeful supervillainess overnight.

Ben's sketch of Kaliyuga's face, Frame 3a.
Ben page 2 frame 3a right Kaliyuga sketch.jpg
Ben page 2 frame 3a right Kaliyuga sketch.jpg (183.83 KiB) Viewed 5169 times
Ben's finished lines for Kaliyuga's face Frame 3a.
Ben page 2 frame 3a right Kaliyuga lines.jpg
Ben page 2 frame 3a right Kaliyuga lines.jpg (296.53 KiB) Viewed 5169 times
Page 2, Frame 4 - the beginnings of a big splash panel. Ben will probably touch up Kaliyuga's figure a bit - the neck is too long and the chin needs to come down a bit.

Here, we see the second flashback panel - the ultimate moment of power in Episode 15 when the insecure geologist Dr. Kalima Balakrishnan exclaims
"Give me the Dark Power!" for the first time, transforming into the confident and powerful supervillainess Kaliyuga, and blasting her new heroine enemies (Arogya the Healer, and Spectrina, the Mistress of the Rainbow) into unconsciousness. Ben did a good job here giving us some Marvel-style action and bombast with more of that Kirby crackle!
Ben page 2 frame 4 lines.jpg
Ben page 2 frame 4 lines.jpg (558.16 KiB) Viewed 5169 times
Page 2, Frame 5 - Back to the present: Kaliyuga doesn't want to pay Sintilla for the newest dark-energy meteorite. She wants to take it from Sintilla by sheer force! But Sintilla's precognitive powers allow her to avoid the blast. This annoys Kaliyuga quite a bit...but at least she is looking cute from the back.

Sketch version of the panel.
Ben page 2 frame 5 sketch.jpg
Ben page 2 frame 5 sketch.jpg (235.78 KiB) Viewed 5169 times
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Now on to page 3 of Issue 4. Here are the first 2 frames. More work in progress!

So, Ben drew Page 3 Frame 1 in two different perspectives.

This first one is a straight-on wide shot. Here, we see Arogya the Healer and Hellfyra Mistress of Flame arriving at the door of "Geology Rocks", the erstwhile business/warehouse of Dr. Kalima Balakrishnan, aka Kaliyuga. They formulate their plan of attack. I like this one because it shows the beautiful heroines up close or midrange.
Ben page 3 frame 1 front angle.jpg
Ben page 3 frame 1 front angle.jpg (409.34 KiB) Viewed 5168 times
The other version of Frame 1 is a bird's eye view of the entryway. In order to put it together, Ben had to draw the heroines separate and place them into position.

First he did Arogya the Healer. You can see her Hindi logo, her cape flying, and her shadow.
Ben page 3 frame 1 just Arogya.jpg
Ben page 3 frame 1 just Arogya.jpg (116.4 KiB) Viewed 5168 times
Then he drew Hellfyra, complete with her shadow.
Ben page 3 frame 1 just Hellfyra.jpg
Ben page 3 frame 1 just Hellfyra.jpg (132.38 KiB) Viewed 5168 times
Then he placed them together in a bird's eye view panel of the warehouse door. The lighting is coming from the lantern above.
Ben page 3 frame 1 top angle.jpg
Ben page 3 frame 1 top angle.jpg (348.82 KiB) Viewed 5168 times
*Which version of the panel do you prefer? (the straight-on version, or the bird's eye view version). Comment below if you like!

Page 3 Frame 2 shows Hellfyra entering the warehouse confidently, armed for battle with the flames erupting from her hands.
Ben is working on tightening up the costume design so that it look as much like the video version of Hellfyra (played by Sasaya) as possible.
The goal is for Hellfyra to be as fierce and super-sexy as possible. So, this is a preliminary sketch of Frame 2.
Ben page 3 frame 2 sketch.jpg
Ben page 3 frame 2 sketch.jpg (266.63 KiB) Viewed 5168 times
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Meanwhile...on the front cover for Heroineburgh Comics #4, our illustrious cover artist Jason Wright (over 600 credits for DC Comics as colorist)
is hard at work.

We talked about the layout of the characters on the cover, and so far we have a rough sketch of how things are going to look,
plus I made a couple of suggestions to tighten things up.

On the left, you'll see Kaliyuga dominating Hellfyra, threatening her with blasts of Kirby Crackle.

On the right, X-Machina has turned evil (continuing the story from Issue 3), becoming the techno-organic entity called Ultra-Machina
(a little bit Jocasta, a little bit Rom the Spaceknight, and a lot of female Ultron energy)
and she is menacing her friend Cybrina with an army of dragonfly-shaped robot drones.

The operative word here is Peril! (it's not just for the 1970s anymore)

My only two suggestions were
1) No matter how threatening Kaliyuga looks, she still *also* has to look super-beautiful and attractive (the 'Maleficent' paradox).
2) Cybrina's hairstyle will ultimately look more 1980s like the videos: short, blue, and spiky like a hot frontwoman of a New Wave band.

Here's the sketch!
Heroineburgh Comics #4 cover sketch by Jason Wright.jpg
Heroineburgh Comics #4 cover sketch by Jason Wright.jpg (645.28 KiB) Viewed 5124 times
Meanwhile, I also hired Jason to do yet another character sticker. The character of Vigilanta (who, until Episode 20, was just the police captain
Margaret 'Peggy' Moyers) hasn't gotten her own sticker, so Jason created one.
Vigilanta sticker by Jason Wright.jpg
Vigilanta sticker by Jason Wright.jpg (427.09 KiB) Viewed 5124 times
We'll be debuting this sticker in real life when the actress Elizabeth (who plays Vigilanta) will come with us to HeroesCon in Charlotte NC
in June 17-19. But, the Forum gets to see it first!
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More great preliminary work by Ben on Issue 4.

Page 3 Panel 3 - Sintilla runs away from the conflict with Kaliyuga when the heroines arrive on the scene.
She prefers to save her skin. Cute booty on the run!
Ben page 3 panel 3 sketch.jpg
Ben page 3 panel 3 sketch.jpg (424.75 KiB) Viewed 5063 times
Page 3 Panel 4 - Single line sketch of Hellfyra to be combined with Kaliyuga in a battle shot.
Ben page 3 panel 4 right just Hellfyra lines.jpg
Ben page 3 panel 4 right just Hellfyra lines.jpg (166.79 KiB) Viewed 5063 times
Page 3 Panel 4 - Sketch of Hellfyra in her battle against Kaliyuga. Force bolts against Hellfire: THRAKOOM!
Ben page 3 panel 4 combined sketch.jpg
Ben page 3 panel 4 combined sketch.jpg (336.16 KiB) Viewed 5063 times
Page 3 Panel 5 - Ben's first attempt at a close combat scene between Kaliyuga and Hellfyra.
Ben page 3 panel 5 sketch.jpg
Ben page 3 panel 5 sketch.jpg (244.6 KiB) Viewed 5063 times
Pafge 3 Panel 5 -
Kaliyuga moves in at close range to punch Hellfyra with a mighty blow: WHAM! UGH!
Note the powerful Kirby crackle emanating from Kaliyuga's fist.
Ben page 3 panel 5 better sketch.jpg
Ben page 3 panel 5 better sketch.jpg (262.4 KiB) Viewed 5063 times
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Finally, we have some art from Wayne! His first submission for Heroineburgh Comics issue 4.

Instead of starting at the beginning of the script, he randomly began on page 13.
I think it was because he was excited and had some good ideas for this scene where Cybrina enters the cyberspace
inside X-Machina's "Ultra-Machina" nanosuit and fights some dragonfly-shaped robo-drones.

Here's the panel (Page 13 Panel 4) where Cybrina attacks the drones with her Kirby-crackle lightning.
344397470_971710493824028_7477280944893925844_n.jpg (50.67 KiB) Viewed 5004 times
And then here's the Page 13 art in sequence:

1) Cybrina peers around the corner in the hall of Heroine League headquarters, to find the evil Ultra-Machina brutally attacking Poderosa
by burning the soles of her feet (Poderosa's weak spot).

2) Cybrina grabs Ultra-Machina around her torso, and transmutes herself into data to enter the cyberspace inside Ultra-Machina's nano-circuits.

3) Finding herself in a cyberspace corridor, Cybrina sees a fleet of dragonfly drones flying towards her, ready to attack.

4) Cybrina hits the drones hard with her electricity powers.
344297873_931703414647076_3312390877073267516_n.jpg (127.05 KiB) Viewed 5004 times
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New panel from Ben - this is apparently a re-working of Page 3 panel 2 with Hellfyra making her grand entrance.
The action is beautiful, but I did mention to him that Hellfyra needs to be quite a bit more buxom.
Not sure why it's so hard these days for artists to draw ample breasts - it's almost like they're afraid to do it sometimes, as if they'd be stepping over an invisible line. Anyway, all anyone has to do is look at a Fem Force comic to see how to draw a sexy superheroine, It is what it is..
Ben page 3 panel 2 hellfyra.jpg
Ben page 3 panel 2 hellfyra.jpg (272.78 KiB) Viewed 4959 times
Jason has almost finished the cover for Issue 4.
This is very close to the final version, but there will be some minor color corrections and moving the captions a bit further down to the bottom of the page (I'm not crazy about blocking the view of Hellfyra's belt).

Anyway...hope you like it!
Heroineburgh #4 cover art almost done Jason Wrigh.jpg
Heroineburgh #4 cover art almost done Jason Wrigh.jpg (1.68 MiB) Viewed 4959 times
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New report on Heroineburgh Comics issue #4.

Things are moving along quite nicely!

- The cover by Jason Wright is done, received and paid for. It looks basically like in the previous post above except for a few subtle changes.
It's Jason's best cover yet!

- Wayne has completed outline sketches for all of his eight pages! (pp 9-16)
Over the next month, he'll be fleshing out the art, inking and coloring, and then we'll get together for a marathon lettering and editing session
(usually takes about four hours).

Here are the results so far:

- pg 9 Splash page: The super-cyborg Ultra-Machina (the evil incarnation of X-Machina) takes off in the air, while the villains who created her (Vaporia and Drake) watch with malicious intent from the ground.
issue 4 wayne pg 9 splash.jpg
issue 4 wayne pg 9 splash.jpg (351.66 KiB) Viewed 4857 times
-pg 10 Ultra-Machina arrives at the Heroineburgh Headquarters and challenges the heroines to come out and fight.
The heroine on monitor duty (who is supposed to be Lunessa - Wayne drew Arctica by mistake and will have to change it) calls in the heroine for the alert.
Three heroines emerge to engage Ultra-Machina in battle: Poderosa and Jinniyya from the air, and Arctica from the ground.
issue 4 wayne pg 10 sketch but panel 2 is wrong.jpg
issue 4 wayne pg 10 sketch but panel 2 is wrong.jpg (539.5 KiB) Viewed 4857 times
-pg 11 The peril begins!
Ultra-Machina overpowers Jinniyya in the first panel, Poderosa in the second, and Arctica in the third.
issue 4 wayne pg 11 sketch.jpg
issue 4 wayne pg 11 sketch.jpg (545.42 KiB) Viewed 4857 times
-pg 12 More peril!
Poderosa is slammed straight through the headquarters building by Ultra-Machina's mighty blow, with the debris falling below.\
(note: the chest logo is wrong and Wayne will fix it. It should say '16', as in Channel 16, the station which Poderosa works for, not '18'.)
issue 4 wayne pg 12 sketch but the 18 chest logo is wrong.jpg
issue 4 wayne pg 12 sketch but the 18 chest logo is wrong.jpg (658.7 KiB) Viewed 4857 times
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-pg 13 more peril!
Cybrina peers around the corner while the evil Ultra-Machina looms over Poderosa who is sprawled on the floor. The cyborg knows the heroine's greatest weakness (the bottom of the soles of her feet are vulnerable to injury) and is about to strike the final blow.

Then Cybrina grabs Ultra-Machina and uses her cybernavigation powers to enter the cyborg's internal systems.
As soon as Cybrina enters cyberspace, she is attacked by a fleet of dragonfly robot drones and has to destroy them to defend herself.
issue 4 wayne pg 13 sketch.jpg
issue 4 wayne pg 13 sketch.jpg (425.4 KiB) Viewed 4852 times
-pg 14 even more peril!
Cybrina finds a 'door' in the cyborg's internal system and wrenches it open using her super strength.

Then she finds X-Machina inside, bound up on a St. Andrew's cross. The cyborg has the personality of her host body captive!

X-Machina tells Cybrina about the virus in the next room. Cybrina meets the virus, and it calls for her destruction.
Luckily, she blows the virus up, freeing X-Machina from her cyborg prison.
issue 4 wayne pg 14 sketch.jpg
issue 4 wayne pg 14 sketch.jpg (605.12 KiB) Viewed 4852 times

-pg 15 splash page

X-Machina, Cybrina, Poderosa, Arctica and Jinniyya are on cleanup duty, trying to put the destroyed headquarters back in order.
issue 4 wayne pg 15 sketch.jpg
issue 4 wayne pg 15 sketch.jpg (652.29 KiB) Viewed 4852 times
- pg 16 three subplots move the story forward

1. Captain Peggy brings Kaliyuga the Destroyer t0 City Hall jail with a power dampener. Kaliyuga tells them they can't hold a goddess for long.
The Mayor tells Kaliyuga to shut up, and he yells at Peggy about the headquarters destruction.

2. Spectrina secretly meets with Drake in the warehouse, agreeing to spy on the Heroine League for the Black Faction in exchange for the freedom to commit small crimes for profit.

3. Arctica watches Frija lift a really heavy steel beam to help clean up the League headquarters. Frija says that she wants to make sure that no heroine is turned evil again. But little does she know that Spectrina is betraying the League!
issue 4 wayne pg 16 sketch.jpg
issue 4 wayne pg 16 sketch.jpg (175.32 KiB) Viewed 4852 times
Well...look at this: Ben came in today with a new panel: Page 2 panel 5.

Kaliyuga attacks Sintilla with a shattering blast! But Sintilla avoids it because she can predict where it's coming.
The battle of hot ladies in spandex!
350369887_172233332460833_4178803630285609830_n.jpg (129.62 KiB) Viewed 4828 times
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You get to see the coloring process, as Wayne is almost done with coloring in his 8 pages (pp 9-16).
As soon as that is accomplished, I'll go over his place and we'll do a marathon lettering and editing session in one pass. It's gonna be fun!

Page 9 - The evil Ultra-Machina takes off into the sky, as her mentors/activators Vaporia and Drake watch gleefully
from below. She has sworn to destroy the Heroine League!

[The only thing I want to add to his splash panel is a "Cybertech Systems" logo on the building so that readers are better informed of the location of this event.]
Issue 4 Wayne page 9 art almost done.jpg
Issue 4 Wayne page 9 art almost done.jpg (370.5 KiB) Viewed 4670 times
Page 10 - In panel 1, Ultra-Machina arrives at the headquarters, hovering above the building and calling the heroines out to fight and face defeat.
Panel 2 shows the lovely Lunessa calling out the heroine troops. In Panel 3, Jinniyya and Poderosa engage Ultra-Machina in battle from the air,
as Arctica provides ground support from a high ledge of the building.
Issue 4 Wayne page 10 art almost done.jpg
Issue 4 Wayne page 10 art almost done.jpg (407.1 KiB) Viewed 4670 times
Page 11 - Using her built-in cybernetic combat protocols, Ultra-Machina dispatches all three heroines with ease!
She blasts Jinniyya in her exposed midriff with a force beam; she wallops Poderosa across the sky with her super-strength; and then she applies a heat ray to the cold powers of Arctica.

[Wayne needs to change Poderosa's hair color in the second panel from red to brown.]
Issue 4 Wayne page 11 art almost done.jpg
Issue 4 Wayne page 11 art almost done.jpg (419.75 KiB) Viewed 4670 times
Page 12 - Poderosa is in grave peril as she is knocked cleanly through the wall of the Heroine League's headquarters, leaving a gaping hole and destruction in the wake of her impact. Poderosa cannot be physically hurt this way, but she can be stunned momentarily.

[The sound effect SHKOOM! needs to be finished up.]
Issue 4 Wayne page 12 art almost done.jpg
Issue 4 Wayne page 12 art almost done.jpg (520.19 KiB) Viewed 4670 times
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Page 13 - Ultra-Machina strides down the hallway of the League headquarters, towering over Poderosa who is lying on the floor. The cybernetic
villainess is about to administer the killing blow, burning Poderosa to death through the vulnerable soles of her feet!

Waiting around the corner, Cybrina sees her chance to strike, and grabs Ultra-Machina from behind. Simply a more complex hybrid of computer and human, Ultra-Machina presents no issue for Cybrina to transform herself into living data and invade the cyborg's systems.

The first thing Cybrina sees upon entering the inner domain of Ultra-Machina is a fleet of dragonfly data drones, designed to repel invaders.
She engages them in battle, destroying all of them with her "Kirby crackle" blasts.

[Wayne only needs to finish coloring that yellow part in the first panel.]
Issue 4 Wayne page 13 art almost done.jpg
Issue 4 Wayne page 13 art almost done.jpg (576.58 KiB) Viewed 4669 times

Page 14 - Cybrina wanders down the hallway of the cyborg's electronic pathways, searching for the room where X-Machina's consciousness
is being kept captive by her evil counterpart.

She finds X-Machina in grave peril, tied to a virtual St. Andrew's cross which prevents her from escaping. X-Machina shouts to Cybrina that she must destroy the host cybervirus which is infecting the heroine's body. Cybrina finds the virus and destroys it!
Issue 4 Wayne page 14 art done.jpg
Issue 4 Wayne page 14 art done.jpg (553.65 KiB) Viewed 4669 times

Page 15 - With Cybrina having saved the day, everything goes back to normal. X-Machina thanks Cybrina for saving her, while the three heroines
who fought against her evil alter ego make plans in their conference room to rebuild the League headquarters.

[Wayne will be adding lots of destroyed Nanobot parts to this panel, with debris littering the floor and walls.]
Issue 4 Wayne page 15 art almost done.jpg
Issue 4 Wayne page 15 art almost done.jpg (383.89 KiB) Viewed 4669 times
Page 15 - Concluding our issue #4, Captain Peggy brings Kaliyuga the Destroyer down to the County Jail, and while the villainess vows to escape and resume her agenda of havoc and destruction, the Mayor yells at Peggy for the shortcomings of the Heroine League.

In a secluded warehouse, the sneaky turncoat Spectrina makes a pact with Drake to lend assistance to the Black Faction.

In the final panel, the heroines continue their clean-up mission at League headquarters. Here, Arctica is showing discussing with Frija how they can avoid being taken over by nanobots in the future. Frija loves to show off her bodybuilding might by lifting heavy things like a two-ton steel beam.
Issue 4 Wayne page 16 art almost done.jpg
Issue 4 Wayne page 16 art almost done.jpg (454.58 KiB) Viewed 4669 times
Maskripper should like this book a lot: the majority of the heroines are wearing beautiful masks.

Hopefully we'll have some more artwork from Ben pretty soon!
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So, Wayne is pretty much finished with the art, and I'm going over to his house on Friday to do the lettering and editing on his eight page, all in one four-hour pass. Should be fun and satisfying to get that half finished.

Meanwhile, Marvin received an amazing "Comicsburgh" crossover action pinup from his Filipino artist, Mark Louie Vuycankiat, who has worked in comics since the early 90s. This is going to be a back-over pinup for Heroineburgh Comics #4.

See you if you can spot the three Heroineburgh characters who are in this crossover lineup, along with characters from Beowulf, The Edge and Theme of Thieves. They are Vendetta, Savanna and Arctica. (as soon as it gets colored, it'll be ready to go)
Comicburgh Banner V2.jpg
Comicburgh Banner V2.jpg (6.83 MiB) Viewed 4590 times
Meanwhile, Ben is still a bit behind, but I finally heard from him. Got some rough sketches for page 5, which begins a story about plant-powered heroine Gardenia and her sidekick intern, Zinnia.

He didn't do panel 1, which is the establishment shot.
Panel 2 shows Becky Bloom and Xenia Rozinski in their civilian forms, poring over a blueprint of a warehouse where developer Mason Brick is dumping toxic waste.
Heroineburgh #4 Ben p5 panel 2.jpg
Heroineburgh #4 Ben p5 panel 2.jpg (332.31 KiB) Viewed 4590 times
Panel 3 shows Becky expressing her concern about Brick's crimes, and the need for her and Xenia to investigate them.
She removes her glasses sexily. You want a hot nerdy Jewish girl, this is one right here!
Heroineburgh #4 Ben p5 panel 3.jpg
Heroineburgh #4 Ben p5 panel 3.jpg (241.79 KiB) Viewed 4590 times
Panel 4 shows Becky transforming into the lovely Gardenia, queen of the plant world. Next to her will be Zinnia, her sidekick with the trusty stun gun (which always seems to jam up when she needs it! it's an ongoing trope)
361417988_1024668458691151_6718598555960078982_n.jpg (345.44 KiB) Viewed 4590 times
362143611_1600122257144385_4620425952352336176_n.jpg (173.87 KiB) Viewed 4590 times
I really like how Ben has depicted the contrast between the characters: Gardenia is a gorgeous voluptuous woman, fully developed and mature (think Poison Ivy). While Zinnia is a smaller girl fresh out of college who still wears a tight costume but has a much more boyish and thin figure.

Underneath the Zinnia drawing you can see my script that Ben is working from!
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Ben's up to page 6 now as far as sketches go.

Page 6 is going to be a semi-splash (2/3 page) with a panel of Serpenta attacking Zinnia from Zinnia's POV at the bottom.

Here's one view of the background in the construction zone where Gardenia and Zinnia are going to be confronting Mesmera and Serpenta in
a showdown. You can see that Gardenia and Zinnia are crouched in a Charlie's Angels pose. Gardenia is attacking with her vines, while Zinnia
is aiming her stun gun.
Page 6 panel 1 background view 1.jpg
Page 6 panel 1 background view 1.jpg (278.75 KiB) Viewed 4534 times
Here's another view of that same scene. Not sure which one Ben will use yet, but I like the first one a bit more as far as the reader's orientation.
Page 6 panel 1 background view 2.jpg
Page 6 panel 1 background view 2.jpg (243.92 KiB) Viewed 4534 times
Here's the details of Mesmera going on the attack with her hypnotic powers, while Serpenta is crouching on the platform, getting ready to leap at Zinnia and try to scratch her face off!
Mesmera and Zinnia p6 panel 1 detail.jpg
Mesmera and Zinnia p6 panel 1 detail.jpg (141.61 KiB) Viewed 4534 times
Close up details of Gardenia and Zinnia in their defensive stance.
Gardenia and Zinnia defensive p6 panel 1 detail.jpg
Gardenia and Zinnia defensive p6 panel 1 detail.jpg (380.6 KiB) Viewed 4534 times
Page 6 Panel 2 sketch of Serpenta leaping at Zinnia, POV. She doesn't normally have claws in the videos, but I'll allow it in the comics, as it's a way
to make her seem even more threatening and scary.
page 6 panel 2 Serpenta leaping sketch.jpg
page 6 panel 2 Serpenta leaping sketch.jpg (254.99 KiB) Viewed 4534 times
And finally, here's something I didn't see before: Ben did a couple of practice sketches of Kaliyuga before he settled on one to complete the detailed splash panel on Page 1.

The Kaliyuga figure he drew in the front of this drawing is pretty hot, and reminds me of the superheroine comic book covers in the 90s where
the hips are cocked to one side while the breasts jut out, and the heroine looks very confident (plus it doesn't look distended, like some of
J Scott Campbell's stuff sometimes does, so nobody is gonna ask 'where are her organs?').

This won't go in the main comic book art, but I'll probably include this sketch on the inside front cover as an example of Ben's sexy sketch process.
Kaliyuga sexy alternate pose for page 1.jpg
Kaliyuga sexy alternate pose for page 1.jpg (3.63 MiB) Viewed 4534 times
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Oh my, some sexy stuff coming down the pike as Ben continues his work apace to finish his half of Heroineburgh Comics #4.
(Almost everything else is done!)

Page 5 Panel 3 (element 1)

Gardenia in her civilian form as lovely environmental activist Becky Bloom - revised to be more buxom and zaftig by Ben.
She removes her glasses and her body slowly swells to physical perfection, her cleavage growing and peeking through her blouse as she initiates her transformation into Gardenia. Very hot!
Ben page 5 panel 3 Gardenia prepares to transform.jpg
Ben page 5 panel 3 Gardenia prepares to transform.jpg (239.4 KiB) Viewed 4452 times
Page 5 Panel 3 (element 2)

Zinnia in her civilian form as Becky's college-age assistant Xenia Rozinski. She is cute and svelte (contrasting with the busty Becky)
in her business suit, a little boyish looking, but when she's in costume, her figure looks like a thin girl but in tight spandex.
She's the Robin to Gardenia's Batman.
Ben page 5 panel 3 Zinnia prepares to transform.jpg
Ben page 5 panel 3 Zinnia prepares to transform.jpg (221.2 KiB) Viewed 4452 times
Page 6 Panel 2
Full-fledged drawing of Serpenta leaping out at Zinnia to rake her with venomous claws. From Zinnia's POV, she is wielding her stun gun.
Sexy and dangerous!
Ben page 6 panel 2 Serpenta leaps at Zinnia.jpg
Ben page 6 panel 2 Serpenta leaps at Zinnia.jpg (431.93 KiB) Viewed 4452 times
Page 7 Panel 3
Ben leaped ahead a bit because he was inspired to draw some sexy peril which I put in the script.
Here, the villainess Mesmera, in her tight spandex, has her body constricted and her hair pulled by the heroine Gardenia
in an attempt to calm her down with a dose of plant hormones and knock her out. We'll see if that method works, eh?
Ben page 7 panel 3 Mesmera in peril.jpg
Ben page 7 panel 3 Mesmera in peril.jpg (406.03 KiB) Viewed 4452 times
And we're not done with today's installment of sexy peril. This might be one of the hottest panels Ben's ever drawn.
(We already did almost this exact scenario in Episode 17, so he had some great photo stills to work from.)

Ben jumped back to page 4 to work on a panel where the beautiful Arogya the Healer is squeezing Kaliyuga the Destroyer's gorgeous body from behind, trying to restrain her so she can't unleash her powerful destructive force blasts (aka, Kirby crackles). While they are in physical contact, spandex to spandex, Arogya is able to activate her ability as a living biological battery to drain Kaliyuga of her negative energy, thereby attempting to weaken her enough for capture and internment in the power-dampening prison.

However, it's not going to be easy task to corral the rogue geologist, who writhes mightily in her foe's tight grip. On a rampage of devastation, Kaliyuga won't give up easily, as she literally believes that she is a goddess, and thus above such mortal concerns as morality and justice.

This brings up an interesting philosophical dilemma for the Forum: if a powerful heroine puts a villainess in serious danger of being defeated by torturing, harming or weakening her, is that considered "peril" even though it's happening to the bad girl? (or is it just "punishment"?)

I certainly hope it does! But give us your opinion if you think otherwise.
Ben Page 4 Panel 3 Arogya restrains Kaliyuga.jpg
Ben Page 4 Panel 3 Arogya restrains Kaliyuga.jpg (216.7 KiB) Viewed 4420 times
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More sexy situations from our upcoming fourth issue of Heroineburgh Comics!

Page 7 Panel 3
Mesmera in her tight spandex costume writhes inside Gardenia's constricting vines...her cute butt sticking up in the air, and her face contorted
with frustration as her hair is pulled. It's almost as if she's enjoying her predicament. This is going to be amazing panel of peril once it's completed!
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Page 4 Panel 2
I wanted to have Kaliyuga's power drained slowly by Arogya: the valiant and beautiful Hindu superheroine seizing the advantage over the chaotic
and sexy Hindi villainess. But Ben took it to a new level - there are going to be "special FX" as we visibly witness the dark power being drawn out of Kaliyuga's body by the efforts of Arogya.

Kaliyuga's perfect body is convulsing helplessly within her shiny costume, She tilts her head back, screaming in futility, as Ben depicts every element you want to see in a supervillainess: gorgeous hair, luscious breasts, long legs in high-heeled boots. Can't wait for this one to be fleshed out, too!
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Update: it's now inked! You can now see even better the agony of Kaliyuga's dark power being drained as she writhes in frustration!
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Page 7 Panel 1

Even more peril for our supervillainesses, as the beautiful and dangerous Serpenta gets shocked by Zinnia's stun gun.
Yeoowch! Initial sketch.
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More peril and power for our supervillainess Mesmera in Heroineburgh Comics #4.
New sketches by Ben are for page 7 panels 4 and 5.

In Page 7 Panel 4, Mesmera struggles more as the vines constrict her sexy body in her spandex costume.
Special squeezing attention is given to her waist, her butt, and her cute breasts which pop out as the vines get ever tighter.

But she is thinking to herself, "Gardenia doesn't know how strong I've become!'
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In Page 7 Panel 5, Mesmera displays her new strength, snapping the vines in an incredible display of power!
Her muscles ripple and flex under her spandex costume, and her beautiful long hair tosses into the air as she escapes her bondage.
Is Gardenia in danger of losing the battle?
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More art soon from the concluding page by Ben!
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Ben's been a little slow on the art this month, but I'm keeping an eye on him.

In the meantime, we got the back color pinup all finished by The Edge's colorist Luis!
This is original art by Filipino artist Mark Vuycankiat (aka Mark V) who does all the interior art for my friend Marvin's comic, The Edge.

It represents a Comicsburgh universe crossover, with three characters each from Heroineburgh, The Edge, Beowulf, and Theme of Thieves
all emerging from a portal created by The Edge's sexy redhead, Interim (on the left, she has teleportation powers).

This version will appear on the back cover of Issue 4 of Heroineburgh Comics, and I won't be showing it *anywhere* on our social media
(just the black & white version) other than here on SHF. So you have a exclusive look at Vendetta, Savanna, and Arctica!
Comicburgh-Banner-V2_colors.jpg (2.21 MiB) Viewed 4200 times
Also please note: I'm having an excellent DeviantArt pinup artist do a pinup version of Gardenia, also for the back cover.
He specializes in the fetish of boot removal, and I had him draw a boot removal pose for Gardenia which is as sexy and coquettish as possible.
(Plus very 60s retro)

Here are the two sketches. I'm giving the Forum a chance here to contribute to the editing of our comic book by picking which sketch gets fleshed
out into the full boot-removal art piece. My friend and fellow comic creator Marvin has already weighed in, and his input is very respected, but I won't tell you which one he picked in order not to prejudice you.

Just say #1 or #2 and if possible say why. I'll leave this go for a day to see if I get any responses. Thanks so much!
Gardenia 1.jpg
Gardenia 1.jpg (88.88 KiB) Viewed 4173 times
Gardenia 2.jpg
Gardenia 2.jpg (99.19 KiB) Viewed 4173 times
Update: Nobody posted a preference so between Marvin's choice and a couple of the heroine actresses I asked, we're going with #1.
When finished, the pinup will include:
- a full color depiction of Gardenia removing one of her long brown boots while smiling at the viewer
- a glimpse of her gorgeous booty as a convenient off-screen fan blows a bit of her skirt up
- a bit of her left shoulder bared as the costume strap slips down
- a bit of her bare left breast visible from beneath her costume
- a very coquettish look of 'Oh! You caught me in private removing my boot! Why don't you stay and watch me take off a bit more!"
- a caption which says "Gardenia - Environmentally Friendly Boot Removal"
I'm hoping it's going to be a very breathtaking pinup which will provide a nice sexy tease on the back cover. Still totally PG-13 but appealing to the sophisticated fetish sensibility. Win/win!
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Here's an 'alternate version' of the Gardenia pinup by DA artist Batmad, which will appear on the back cover of Heroineburgh Issue 4.
This one is going to be a free insert sticker. The real pinup is going to have a different layout of the text.
Gardenia-Heroineburgh prelim for sticker.png
Gardenia-Heroineburgh prelim for sticker.png (15.24 MiB) Viewed 4076 times
Also, more progress from Ben.

Page 2 Panel 3 is a flashback which shows Dr. Kalima Balakrishnan in her previous 'nerdy scientist' form, being pestered for information about the dark energy meteorites by Spectrina and Arogya. The heroines don't have any clue yet that Kalima will transform into the powerful and sexy evil goddess named Kaliyuga the Destroyer.

(a version of this, looking different, also appears in Episode 15)
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Ben Page 2 panel 3 line and ink.jpg
Ben Page 2 panel 3 line and ink.jpg (383.33 KiB) Viewed 4020 times
Page 3 Panel 3 is super-thief Sintilla slipping out the back door with her stolen meteorite while Arogya and Hellfyra battle Kaliyuga to try to subdue her.
First a sketch, and then a line-drawing version. We're getting there!
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More progress from Ben on Issue 4.

This panel shows the beautiful Arogya kneeling over Kaliyuga, draining the last of the negative energy from the supervillainess.
Kaliyuga is lying prone, looking very sexy knocked out in her tight costume. But she is also helpless and power-drained.
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Panel closeup of Hellyra with her hands aflame in her lovely tight costume, showing all of the "fiery" details on the fabric.
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Early sketch of Arogya outside the warehouse, with Hellfyra standing next to her to support her, as she releases the negative energy up into the sky.
If she didn't, the power would corrupt her from within and turn her evil like Kaliyuga, and nobody wants that! (except maybe the villains)
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A line sketch that Ben sent me today (please do not repost, as he isn't finished yet) showing a multitude of scary faces inside the negative energy rays that Arogya is emitting. Ben even threw in a few devils, which is fine. We'll probably tone down the 'spikes' on the sides of the rays, but the general idea is to show the intense evil that she extracted from Kaliyuga, and the agony of releasing it.
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Ben is almost bringing Heroineburgh Comics #4 to its sexy conclusion with his sketches of the final panels of his last page.
Now comes the coloring part. But here's what I received today:

Closeup of Gardenia and Zinnia sneaking into Mason Brick's condo development, looking for the toxic waster cannisters he's dumping.
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The sinister Serpenta blasts Zinnia with the hypnotic rays from her eyes! Zinnia drops to the ground, writhing in pain as she tries to resist
Serpenta's mental takeover!
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Gardenia and Zinnia unconscious in a heap on the floor, sprawled out in their tight costumes!
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The supervillainesses Mesmera and Serpenta (both with hypnotic powers!!) stand powerfully in their sexy costumes, and gloat over their defeat of the heroines...but Mason Brick tells them not to kill their fallen foes, lest they bring the authorities down on them.
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Oh...and we have to add this. Jeff Hicks (from the Youtube channel World Class Bullshitters and from the crowdfunded comic book success Stealing Solo) is drawing a back cover pinup for us of Lunessa, mistress of the moonlight, in a sexy pose in front of her local 'goth club'. Here's the sketch version, and I think he'll have the completed and colored version soon.
lunessa sketch by jeff hicks.jpg
lunessa sketch by jeff hicks.jpg (257.8 KiB) Viewed 3759 times
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"Fleshing out" the panels Ben was sketching above....his second story in Issue 4 ends with the heroines defeated (Spoilers!).

Oh my! Evil slinkly Serpenta is hypnotizing Zinnia with her snake stare! Zinnia tries to repel the snaky villainess but she falls victim and drops her stun gun. Writhing on the floor on her knees, Zinnia's petite but firm body squirms in resistance inside her tight costume. So sexy!
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"Just how I like my superheroines! Knocked out and helpless, sprawled out on the floor on top of each other!" said Every Villain, Ever.
"Shall I utterly destroy them for you, boss?" "Nah, that'll bring too much heat down on us from the League. Let's just grab the loot and vamoose!"
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Back cover pinup by Jeff Hicks (World Class Bullshitters, Stealing Solo) of Lunessa, mistress of the moonlight.
(This piece will be finished as soon as he adds a crescent moon and the Lunessa logo.)
Jeff imagined her as being rather curvaceous and thick, but she's still super hot. How do you like this one?
Lunessa.jpg (343.84 KiB) Viewed 3662 times
Also, for Page 5 panel 1's establishment shot, Ben drew the famous Phipps Conservatory botanarium, which serves as Gardenia and Zinnia's foundation headquarters in the Heroineburgh version of Pittsburgh PA.
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More progress from Ben. This is his last frame of his half of the comic: Page 8, frame 5.
Drake is carrying an unconscious Zinnia, while Serpenta and Mesmera are carrying Gardenia.
Their plan is to pile the knocked-out heroines into the van, and dump their limp bodies in front of the Phillps Conservatory,
where Gardenia and Zinnia will wake up not remembering what happened. So devious and perilous!

Wide angle sketch of the scene.
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Closeup, how it will look in Page 8 panel 5, drawn.
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Closeup, how it will look in Page 8 panel 5, inked.
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Ben is trying to fiddle a little bit with Serpenta's figure to make her as sexy as possible. Here's one version he came up with.
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Jeff Hicks' final version of the pinup of Lunessa, which will go on the back cover of Heroineburgh Comics Issue 4. Super hot!
You won't see this anywhere except in the comic itself!
Lunessa 2 (1).jpg
Lunessa 2 (1).jpg (275.43 KiB) Viewed 3222 times
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Shooting with Christina, Sydney and Jess R tonight, they'll arrive in about 15 minutes.

In the meantime, Ben has begun the sexy page layouts of Heroineburgh Comics issue 4. Panel after panel, it's just Peril! Power! Posing in tight Spandex! and Combat!

Superheroines the way you like them. (PG-13)

Page 2
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Page 7
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Page 8
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In case you thought that was all the action in Ben's half of Heroineburgh Comics issue 4 - no, it ain't.

Kaliyuga reacts as Hellfyra enters the warehouse behind her. Sexy side view of the annoyed supervillainess.
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Kaliyuga hurls her force blasts at Hellfyra.
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Hellfyra's hair is blown back as she counters with her fire blast.
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Explosion in the middle between the two heroines: THRAKOOM!
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Meanwhile, sexy Sintilla sneaks out the back door in her slinky tight costume.
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Page 3 putting it all together!
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Ben is killing it with the page 6 splash scene.

Originally we were just going to go with a big warehouse, showing the heroines in the middle, surrounded by the villainesses on their perches.
But there was far too much space left over.

So, Ben devised two little showcase panels for the supervillainesses (Mesmera and Serpenta) with broken boundaries to indicate "shock" and "danger".
They're posing in the most sexy way possible as they're being introduced to the reader.

Mesmera's hypnotic stance.
Ben page 6 splash bottom left Mesmera.jpg
Ben page 6 splash bottom left Mesmera.jpg (148.12 KiB) Viewed 2692 times
How the villainess panels will be transferred to the splash scene on page 6.
Ben page 6 splash panel placement.jpg
Ben page 6 splash panel placement.jpg (368.92 KiB) Viewed 2692 times
Ben decided to show this one off on his Facebook page. Serpenta fully inked.
Comics and cameltoe: two great tastes that taste great together!
Ben page 6 splash bottom right Serpenta.jpg
Ben page 6 splash bottom right Serpenta.jpg (106.5 KiB) Viewed 2692 times
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More sexy work from Ben as the pages start to come together.

Here's page 5 laid out and inked.

We're introduced to the environmental activist superheroine team of the Gardenia Foundation, with its office located in the famous Phipps Conservatory.

In the office, Becky Bloom is going over the plans of a nearby condominium development with Xenia.
Xenia says she has found evidence that the evil developer Mason Brick is going to be dumping illegal toxic waste beneath the development
for extra profits.

Becky is so incensed at hearing this offense against the natural world that she removes her glasses and begins to initiate her transformation. Her body becomes more voluptuous, as her cleavage bursts through her business attire. Her assistant Xenia looks on in awe.

Soon, Becky is no more, as she has transmuted her mundane civilian garb into a fantastic costume, becoming the formidable and alluring Gardenia, Mistress of the Green World. Meanwhile, Xenia has donned her own costume as Zinnia, Defender of Nature, and she wields her trusty stun gun.

The dynamic damsels roll up to the condo development and cautiously traipse through the front door in search of Mason Brick and the toxic waste.
Ben page 5 inks.jpg
Ben page 5 inks.jpg (470.8 KiB) Viewed 2691 times
Page 6 inks.

As they enter the main construction zone, they walk right into a trap!

On one side, the powerful Mesmera, Mistress of Hypnotism, prepares a devastating mental attack.

And on the other, Serpenta crouches like a coiled snake, ready to strike, to bite and to slash.
Ben page 6 inks.jpg
Ben page 6 inks.jpg (418.11 KiB) Viewed 2691 times
Ben is starting to color the panels. Here's his colored rendition of Mesmera's tight and shiny spandex costume.
Her hypnotic waves also kind of resemble those of Psylocke. That's OK. Some of what we do is definitely a homage to Claremont's X-Men.
Ben page 6 inset 1 mesmera colored.jpg
Ben page 6 inset 1 mesmera colored.jpg (298.79 KiB) Viewed 2691 times
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More nearly-finished pages coming in from Ben for Heroineburgh Comics issue 4.

Ben is really getting the hand of balancing the graceful and sexy with the powerful (a la the kind of 1980s comic art we want to emulate).

This is Hellfyra, activating the "Quexxon Power Dampener" she's going to use to contain Kaliyuga.
Ben page 4 panel 3b hellfyra.jpg
Ben page 4 panel 3b hellfyra.jpg (79.51 KiB) Viewed 2536 times
Page 4, pretty much inked and ready to go on to the coloring and lettering stages.

The panels in order:

1) Arogya grabs Kaliyuga from behind, and they engage in a battle of strength.

2) Subduing her opponent, Arogya begins to drain Kaliyuga of the negative energy to weaken her.

3) Hellfyra uses her fire powers to heal herself [on the left], then brings out the power dampener to help contain Kaliyuga [on the right]

4) Hellfyra watches in awe as Arogya releases Kaliyuga's negative energy with a cry of agony, shooting the beam straight up into the sky.
Ben page 4 inked.jpg
Ben page 4 inked.jpg (496.51 KiB) Viewed 2536 times
Page 8 panel of Serpenta and Mesmera.
Ben page 8 panel 4 serpenta mesmera.jpg
Ben page 8 panel 4 serpenta mesmera.jpg (202.67 KiB) Viewed 2536 times
Page 8 inked with additions.

1) Serpenta immobilizes Zinnia with her hypnotic snare.

2) Mesmera pummels Gardenia with her super strength.

3) The supervillainesses stand triumphant over the two heroines who are knocked out and unconscious on the floor.

4) Serpenta and Mesmera discuss getting rid over their foes, but their employer Mason Brick enters and tells them not to kill the heroines.

5) He instructs them to pick the heroines up and toss them into his waiting van.

6) Serpenta and Mesmera carry Gardenia out, while Brick holds Zinnia. They'll wipe the heroines' memories clean, drop them off at the Gardenia Foundation, and no one will be the wiser!
Ben page 8 inked with additions.jpg
Ben page 8 inked with additions.jpg (407.99 KiB) Viewed 2536 times
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Page 2 colored.
Couple mistakes Ben has to fix on panel 4 (Arogya needs her chest emblem, and her boots are gold, not black)
and this page is ready for lettering.
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We just got a great fan art submission of Poderosa which was apparently inspired by the photo posts of Christina (Poderosa) from the recent DuBois Supercon.

This rendition of Poderosa is by Filipino-American Ray P Francisco, who lives in California.
It will most likely go in our letters section where the fan art lives, for Issue 4.

Kind of a Disney meets anime style. She's got legs for days!
What do you think?
poderosa fan art ray cisco.jpg
poderosa fan art ray cisco.jpg (69.1 KiB) Viewed 955 times
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Ben is getting close to finally finishing this. Here are some finished colored panels from the Kaliyuga story.

Arogya sneaks into the back of Kaliyuga's warehouse hideout while Hellfyra keeps the villainess distracted.
Note the careful application of shine to Arogya's tight spandex outfit.
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Meanwhile, Kaliyuga is pummeling the hell out of Hellfyra. In a sheer contest of might, Kaliyuga's goddess level of strength has an edge over
the champion of hellfire,
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With Kaliyuga distracted, Arogya is able to sneak up behind Kaliyuga with a surprise attack. Using her biokinesis power, Arogya has made herself strong enough to pick the goddess up right off the ground. While Arogya has her in a tight grip around her waist, Kaliyuga can't find any purchase which would allow her to fire her seismic blasts at her foe, and she struggles in a fit of helpless anger.
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As Arogya siphons the negative energy out of Kaliyuga, the evil goddess experiences an incredible blend of pain and pleasure, convulsing as her eyes flutter, her lips purse enticingly, and her breasts heave up and down beneath her tight purple costume. As she loses her powers, she begins to slip into oblivion.
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Poderosa fan art - an alternate costume by Porcloyn.
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Poderosa action figure - AI prompts by Valerie Valasquez.
poderosa action figure.jpg
poderosa action figure.jpg (122.42 KiB) Viewed 722 times
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Almost done with the coloring. Ben is killing it with this amazing power and peril sequence. Sexy like the comics of yore!

Zinnia and Gardenia enter the warehouse, and they're surrounded by the supervillainesses Mesmera and Serpenta, who perch atop barrels and platforms preparing to strike at their enemies!
issue 4 sample 1.jpg
issue 4 sample 1.jpg (322.6 KiB) Viewed 413 times

Mesmera gathers up her psychic abilities to hurl a brutal mental blast. She looks incredibly sexy in her tight costume!
issue 4 sample 2.jpg
issue 4 sample 2.jpg (218.21 KiB) Viewed 413 times

Serpenta crouches on the platform in her tight shiny green costume, about to strike at her foe!
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issue 4 sample 3.jpg (206.81 KiB) Viewed 413 times

Before Mesmera can unleash her blast, Gardenia has her tightly ensnared in a tough tangle of vines, squeezing her body in painful restraint!
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Meanwhile, Serpenta bares her fangs and claws, leaping at Zinnia to rend and tear her flesh. Zinnia defends herself with a blistering stun blast from her gun!
issue 4 sample 4.jpg
issue 4 sample 4.jpg (177.28 KiB) Viewed 413 times
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Serpenta is injured by Zinnia's gun blast. She collects herself on the floor, covering a burnt hole in her costume which exposes a bit of her breast.
She will quickly recover, though.
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Mustering up the strength of her augmented musculature, Mesmera's body ripples with power under her tight costume as she snaps the vines holding her under control!
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Meanwhile, Serpenta gets the better of Zinnia, enthralling her with a hypnotic stare. Zinnia finds herself surprisingly aroused in her submissive state as she slowly slips into oblivion.
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Mesmera delivers a powerful punch to Gardenia, knocking her unconscious.
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The two supervillainesses stand around and gloating, posing in their sexy costumes, as they enjoy the sight of the heroines spread out helpless and unconscious in a heap on the floor. What will their evil developer boss, Mason Brick, order them to do with the limp bodies of the superheroines?
issue 4 sample 10.jpg
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MightyHypnotic wrote:
1 month ago
Good job! Looks great.
Thanks, MH!

Serpenta and Mesmera think so, too, as they stand triumphant behind their boss - the greedy real estate developer Mason Brick of the notorious Beechnut Capital.
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Then, he helps them drag the unconscious superheroines out to his waiting van. Doesn't mind getting his hands dirty.
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Will he give his sexy hirelings the green light to kill the hapless heroines? We'll find out when issue 4 comes out soon.

Our lettering and editing pass happens on Wednesday. Hopefully we can get all of the done in one session and start the layout so the comic will be ready for the first weekend in June (3 Rivers Comicon).
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