Gushing Over Magical Girl (Winter 2024 Anime streaming on HIDIVE)

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Femina wrote:
3 months ago
I've brought up no politics but what are relevant to the topic. I've said nothing about presidential campaigns or reds vs blues or the 'wokes' or the trumpeters. That was Dazzle and you (you albeit sarcastically). My contributions to the topic have been about the show, and that I don't consider it a good thing to be on television. If Half the members of this site can whine about 'woke' dystopias 24/7 without reprisal, I find it oddly discriminatory to suddenly take offence to my 'politics' concerning very relevant discussion specific to this topic thread.
I would say judging/criticizing/condemning another country for what kind of content they show on their public television is political. I mean... thats kind of literally the definition of political. "relating to the government or the public affairs of a country"

Someone here made a post about content thats arguably SHIP adjacent and you turned the conversation toward condemning the country
Femina wrote:
3 months ago
So Japan is just airing hentai on television now huh?

Can't say I see this as a positive.
Which is essentially derailing someones post and aiming to turn it into a political conversation.

Am I comfortable with hentai? Most depictions of it - no. But if you want to have a conversation about what kind of content is allowed to be discussed on this board - you can make a new topic to discuss it instead of hijacking this one.
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Femina wrote:
3 months ago
SHL wrote:
3 months ago
Femina wrote:
3 months ago

Can't say I think there's much of an argument to be made that I was sidetracking the comment thread. It's a thread about a blatantly pornographic magical girl show on public television... I talked about my concerns with it, which seems perfectly on topic IMO.

But I can throw a wet blanket if it helps.


You know all the girls in this show are 14?

But hey, I guess it's not pedophilia if it's from aNoThEr CoUnTrY!

Can we lock this thread now?
Why would this thread get locked? Cause you disagree with what Japan allows on public television?
That was sarcasm, so I guess i'm excused? But seriously, I'm pretty sure we aren't actually supposed to be discussing podophilic content on the website. Shevek was once reprimanded just for bringing up that Ladybug show in the past, I don't personally see why this is any different... in fact it's worse as there's clear nudity and sexual themes present IN THE SHOW and the clips and images put up here. So THAT'S why I'd hope this gets locked.
And IMO if you want to get into debates about politics on this board - you should be prepared for pushback before reaching for the 'thread lock' escape lever
I've brought up no politics but what are relevant to the topic. I've said nothing about presidential campaigns or reds vs blues or the 'wokes' or the trumpeters. That was Dazzle and you (you albeit sarcastically). My contributions to the topic have been about the show, and that I don't consider it a good thing to be on television. If Half the members of this site can whine about 'woke' dystopias 24/7 without reprisal, I find it oddly discriminatory to suddenly take offence to my 'politics' concerning very relevant discussion specific to this topic thread.
You should also know (as I am guessing you are no expert on Japan) that this kind of content is highly debated in their government about whether or not it should allowed in their country whatsoever. But sure - it's your legal right to criticize a whole country because of what you read on a 'porn forum'.
Good, maybe that means they'll take this show off the air. To answer the rest of your diatribe I'll point you above to where I point out my criticism in this instance is narrowed specifically to the topic in question, that of pornography on public television. Nowhere in my originating discussion did I even narrow my opinion down to Japan. I hold this opinion uniformly based upon my awareness and understanding of human psychology, particularly in juveniles. That's it, and I think it's a perfectly fair and valid perspective to hold.

Glad we could clear this up. If this is too political for any of you I can't be bothered about it anymore.

Now you can all resume discussing and defending the show about 14 year old girls being sexualized nonconsensually on publicly aired television. Whatever. I'm done with this thread now, if you're smart, you should be too. This is bad juju.

P.S. We've talked about this in the past just on discord SHL, my stance on this really shouldn't surprise you. I do apologize if my responses appear to be leaping down YOUR throat specifically, I don't really mean to be, I was simply flabbergasted by the concept that I was somehow out of line criticizing pedo porn on public tv just because it's occurring in Japan. My larger point remains exactly as I've stated directly enough times now that I can confidently just put this to bed now. I'm done now. You can all go on with your day now without worrying about little old me wagging my finger any further.

General P.S. - I don't mean to imply anyone here specifically or otherwise is leaping full tilt into podophilic content, I don't KNOW any of you or what drew you to this topic thread, most probably the majority of y'all simply didn't care enough about the nature of the show to bother even looking into it enough to know, but y'all should be made aware of it just the same. It doesn't change the crux of my originating opinion either, the fact that it's pedophilic smut on public television only STRENGTHENS my perspective on the matter, but I'm opposed to porn on public TV full tilt, full stop regardless.
I'm an on and offer here, if Miraculus Ladybug is against the rules because of her in universe age then clearly this would be too, but I of course would disagree with such a rule.

But I have a feeling you only really get outraged at something like this when it's Anime. As I said before Supergirl is functionally also a Teenager character no matter how one back of the box blurbs may insist otherwise. It's a cartoon so they in no way resemble real middle schoolers. Content made using Real Children is abhorrent, this is fine.
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SHL wrote:
3 months ago
Which is essentially derailing someones post and aiming to turn it into a political conversation.
Having the same handful of people do this to nearly every topic on the forum is a real fucking drag. I've been left feeling there's very little point trying to have any kind of real conversation here. Even when you're trying to talk positively about a SHIP or SHIP adjacent topic the same few people come in and derail things in almost the same exact way and just suffocate the thread. I know I'm kind of guilty of what I'm bitching about by bringing up how tiring the same circular arguments are but fuck it, this thread is already a total shit show.
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Okay... no. I've allowed some ODD stuff on this thread to go by cause you all successfully put me on the defensive, but I'm not playing this stupid game anymore right now.

I gave my 2 cents already but that was before I had done any research into this show at all, so now you've got my ATTENTION.

Mask. Off.
SHL wrote:
3 months ago
Femina wrote:
3 months ago
I've brought up no politics but what are relevant to the topic. I've said nothing about presidential campaigns or reds vs blues or the 'wokes' or the trumpeters. That was Dazzle and you (you albeit sarcastically). My contributions to the topic have been about the show, and that I don't consider it a good thing to be on television. If Half the members of this site can whine about 'woke' dystopias 24/7 without reprisal, I find it oddly discriminatory to suddenly take offence to my 'politics' concerning very relevant discussion specific to this topic thread.
I would say judging/criticizing/condemning another country for what kind of content they show on their public television is political. I mean... thats kind of literally the definition of political. "relating to the government or the public affairs of a country"

Someone here made a post about content thats arguably SHIP adjacent and you turned the conversation toward condemning the country
Femina wrote:
3 months ago
So Japan is just airing hentai on television now huh?

Can't say I see this as a positive.
Which is essentially derailing someones post and aiming to turn it into a political conversation.

Am I comfortable with hentai? Most depictions of it - no. But if you want to have a conversation about what kind of content is allowed to be discussed on this board - you can make a new topic to discuss it instead of hijacking this one.
With all due respect. This is a COWARDS argument. One I've watched drive away member after member from this website over the last half a decade or so and has become increasingly tiresome. You stand on your soap boxes and so long as what you say is harmonious to the group it's not political, but anytime anyone has anything to say about the topic that's against that groups comfort or opinion, you lot throw the word 'politics' into the arena as if nobody knows why. SHL... you had BETTER be Japanese yourself to be making this bull shit argument right now. I have already clarified my stance on this as nation neutral, I'll give you that my first post seems focused on Japan, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that as you are not a mind reader, you couldn't know my contextual meaning in that post as it was short, had the word Japan in it, and a criticism of porn on television... something that occurred because I was speaking about the specific show in question which happens to be in Japan. If it had been from France, I'd have written 'so they're airing pornography on public TV in France now?" if it had been in America, I'd have posted the same, but fair, you can't know that. You aren't psychic and I can't reasonably expect a person to be... but you've gone on well beyond what's rational with this perspective at this point.

I'm about to make a refutation that's STUPID, which I should reasonably never have to do... because the accusation itself is STUPID. If criticizing this show being on public TV in Japan just because I'm not from Japan makes my opinion on it 'political', YOU and the rest of this board aren't allowed to PRAISE it, or fawn over it or get off on it either because the vast majority of you all aren't Japanese and your defending it is ALSO political. See how that works? See how that DUMB SHIT doesn't have any fucking place here? See how I don't enter into every thread on this site and right off sneer down my nose at all of you invoking the 'politics' defense whenever I disagree with you? That's because I know the SPIRIT of the rule.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, youngin', see I was HERE when the 'no politics' rule came down from the high Hypnotics himself. The rule was implemented and stipulated, with GOOD REASON, during Trumps first election cycle because our election partisan positions on the site were TEARING IT APART, the SPIRIT of the rule has always been in relation to the presidential election, and extended to the war between the extremely aggressive republican\democrat social war (and this isn't politics, this is fucking history lesson!) the spirit of the rule was never, and HAS NEVER been to PREVENT DISCUSSUION of the topic, or to lob at whomever you like to shut them up because you don't like what they're fucking saying or the 'vibes' they're giving off, and doing so has resulted in members, longtime members, leaving one after another as a certain throng of assholes continued to bandy the word 'politics' willy nilly turning a once thriving and diverse population into a stymied fucking CIRCLE JERK!

There's two genders on this website right now according to this group, Men, and politics. Two countries, America... and politics. Two ideologies, the anti-woke... and politics. That ain't how it fucking works, you aren't magically apolitical just because your end is the majority or in agreement. I came here and gave my two cents about pornographic cartoons on public television, which the show in this thread IS. That is WELL within the bounds of the topic, and shutting that down is NOT in the spirit of the 'no politics' rule no matter how much it makes you all uncomfortable to be reminded that you are whacking off to 14 year old magical girls!

So again, respectfully.... fuck off with this shit. I'm being kind to you as well, because now there's this...
Superheroinegirl22 wrote:
3 months ago
I'm an on and offer here, if Miraculus Ladybug is against the rules because of her in universe age then clearly this would be too, but I of course would disagree with such a rule.

But I have a feeling you only really get outraged at something like this when it's Anime. As I said before Supergirl is functionally also a Teenager character no matter how one back of the box blurbs may insist otherwise. It's a cartoon so they in no way resemble real middle schoolers. Content made using Real Children is abhorrent, this is fine.
SHL perhaps you'd like to explain to Superheroinegirl22 how old Supergirl is in Generation Zod, why you have disclaimers in front of each and every one of your videos strictly, indisputably, and DESPERATELY calling attention to the ages of everyone and everything involved in a superheroine porn production. That it doesn't matter how old a viewer wants to pretend a character in your videos is, their REAL age is "18 OR OLDER" and that's the FACTS, because if it weren't you would be in a WORLD of shit.

Superheroinegirl22... I advise you to reassess the powers of your imagination for your own good while there is still time. When you imagine supergirl every night you go to bed, AGE HER THE FUCK UP! I'm sorry to inform you that you're DEAD WRONG. My feelings of outrage at this have got nothing to do with it being Anime. I'm a nerd too! I watch Spy x Family. I've watched ALL of Sailor Moon's original run AND Crystal. My problem has nothing to do with Anime, and everything to do with, first, pornographic anime on public TV but MORESO after doing the BRIEFEST internet search on the subject, to the fact its PEDOPHELIA content on public TV! Being a cartoon doesn't magically make pedophilia okay, comic book Supergirl being a teenager doesn't magically make pedophilia okay! The PORN you watch of Supergirl... is porn of a Supergirl who is, say it with me, '18 or older!' and I defy you to find a publisher here who disagrees.

So with all due respect, with NO intent whatsoever to be polite to this MADHOUSE of a topic thread, I IMPLORE the powers at be to look at what's happening here, the myriad voices of DENSE idiots defending pedophelic content, and put. an. END to it before it rots our fucking brains any further!
shevek wrote:
4 months ago
Episode 4
1 minute: Baiser has all three heroines suspended in mid-air above the city. She has covered them in gooey slime which is infesting every crevice of their bodies, causing them to grimace with discomfort but also seemingly with pleasure. Then she abruptly departs. "Finish what you started, bitch!" says Magenta. She seems to be mad that she has been "edged".
4 minutes: Utena's mascot blackmails her, telling her that he'll reveal to her Mom that she has been secretly reading porno mags unless she fights Magenta.
5 minutes: No transformation, but Utena is suddenly Baiser. She uses a barrage of animated scissors to cut Magenta's costume to ribbons. Magenta's entire naked body is exposed except for strategically placed shreds over her nipples and pussy, and she is too embarassed to fight.
8 minutes: The next day, Baiser and Magenta battle again, but this time, Magenta has created a costume with pasties over her nipples and pussy that can't be removed (see below). They clash, but the fight ends with Baiser embracing Magenta and placing her face right in front of Magenta's breasts. It's not clear whether they make out, but later that night, the other heroines find Magenta blacked out on the playground.
17 minutes: The magical trio goes for a photo shoot, and the magazine editor says that they'll sell lots of copies of the magazine because the photos are so sexy. The force field generator protecting the media building gets broken, and Baiser and Leoparde invade to fight the heroines.
20 minutes: There is a furious powerful battle. Sulfur engages her huge power fists, and Baiser willingly rips off most of her costume, smiling because she feels more sexy when she fights with lots of skin exposed. Azure is briefly wrapped up again in tentacles, but there are no close-ups of that. The villains win the battle, making the heroines thoroughly exhausted, but they leave again. Resting on the ground, the heroines feel exhilarated after their fight.
magenta in pasties.jpg

It should be noted that the very last lines in the outro theme translate to: "accept my love, this top-shelf fetish".

Episode 5
This one starts a little slow but it gets pretty good.
5 minutes: Utena and Kiwi meet a little girl named Korisu, who transforms into Nero Alice. Utena thinks Alice is cute but assures Kiwi that she is also cute.
7 minutes: Alice uses a little toy as a lure to trap the three heroines in a locked building full of gigantic monster toys. Then the heroines start acting strangely: Magenta turns into a lesbian and starts coming on to Azure, while Sulfur turns into a toddler who wants to "milk" Azure's breasts.
10 minutes: A naked lesbian three-way with both Magenta and Sulfur suckling on Azure's breasts while Azure imagines herself as their "mommy".
Then Magenta begins rubbing Azure's pussy from behind, and Azure shrieks with pleasure.
18 minutes: This is a very hot scenario. Utena takes Korisu's broken doll home, fixes it and brings it back. However, she catches a bad cold. When Utena returns the doll to Korisu's home, the little girl realized that Utena is sick. She transforms into Nero Alice and creates a dollhouse hospital room, placing Utena inside on a hospital bed. Korisu ages up into a sexy female doctor with long blond hair. What follows is a doctor-and-patient fetish scenario: Dr Korisu sticks a tongue depressor in Utena's mouth releasing sticky drool. Then the Dr indicates that Utena should get undressed. Utena takes off her shirt and bra, and the Dr presses her cold stethoscope against Utena's bare nipple making her sigh with pleasure. The Dr then takes out some cold cream and rubs it all over Utena's naked skin. Then the Dr takes out a syringe, and Utena says "I need a shot? Please be gentle. The Dr then bends over Utena and it looks like she's about to make love to Utena when the scene blacks out. When Utena regains consciousness, she is once again in Korisu's house and the cold is gone.
So, it seems like with every episode, they step up the fetish scenarios to more and more complex and intricate.
Interested to see where they'll go next now that we have three villains vs three heroines.

sulfur squeezing azure's breasts.jpg

azure drools with pleasure as magenta and sulfur suckle on her tits.jpg

magenta and sulfur pleasure azure.jpg

dr korisu covers utena's breasts with cream.jpg
Do your fucking research people, all these titties belong to 14 year old girls! If pointing that out to you lot is too political I don't give a fuck! This WEBSITE isn't run from Japan, and these 14 year old titties are on THIS website! Still wanna get off on it? Go to the dark web where you belong! Get off your party lines and wake the fuck up!
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Femina wrote:
3 months ago

Do your fucking research people, all these titties belong to 14 year old girls! If pointing that out to you lot is too political I don't give a fuck! This WEBSITE isn't run from Japan, and these 14 year old titties are on THIS website! Still wanna get off on it? Go to the dark web where you belong! Get off your party lines and wake the fuck up!
Wait, who in America right now is introducing sexually explicit books and concepts to 14 year olds in school and media? Transing, sex discussions, books depicting sex acts and how tos, drag dancing, constantly pushing sexual ideas on children who don't know anything. Children at pride parades with bondage? Who's doing that?
Who promotes this? ... -drag-show

And you're upset about this anime? How is this anime any different than the progressive garbage that schools are promoting right now. Also do these animes encourage children to mutilate their bodies through transition... children who were NEVER trans?

I find it horrific that some of the people who condemn these anime have no issue with the horrific crap being promoted in progressive schools TO CHILDREN.

Oh this is wrong but lets encourage a confuse, low self esteem 14 year old to yeet their teets.

And I love how progressives attacked kiddie beauty pageants yet now have trans kids shows and trans kids beauty pageants.

Spare the outrage.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 months ago
Femina wrote:
3 months ago

Do your fucking research people, all these titties belong to 14 year old girls! If pointing that out to you lot is too political I don't give a fuck! This WEBSITE isn't run from Japan, and these 14 year old titties are on THIS website! Still wanna get off on it? Go to the dark web where you belong! Get off your party lines and wake the fuck up!
Wait, who in America right now is introducing sexually explicit books and concepts to 14 year olds in school and media? Transing, sex discussions, books depicting sex acts and how tos, drag dancing, constantly pushing sexual ideas on children who don't know anything. Children at pride parades with bondage? Who's doing that?
Who promotes this? ... -drag-show

And you're upset about this anime? How is this anime any different than the progressive garbage that schools are promoting right now. Also do these animes encourage children to mutilate their bodies through transition... children who were NEVER trans?

I find it horrific that some of the people who condemn these anime have no issue with the horrific crap being promoted in progressive schools TO CHILDREN.

Oh this is wrong but lets encourage a confuse, low self esteem 14 year old to yeet their teets.

And I love how progressives attacked kiddie beauty pageants yet now have trans kids shows and trans kids beauty pageants.

Spare the outrage.
Whatabout parades! Whatabout Maaaars! Whatabout Tic Tacs and bubblegum!

We've already discussed this, I turn you toward my first response to your bringing this up. Go on, it's on page 1. Show me pornography and sexualization of children and I will join hands with you to denounce it as wrong. NONE of these whataboutisms changes the fact that you're all here defending a topic thread about naked 14 year old girls. That's what's happening HERE, right NOW, on THIS thread.

Is this REALLY the fuckin' hill you're all gonna die on?
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Femina wrote:
3 months ago
Okay... no. I've allowed some ODD stuff on this thread to go by cause you all successfully put me on the defensive, but I'm not playing this stupid game anymore right now.

I gave my 2 cents already but that was before I had done any research into this show at all, so now you've got my ATTENTION.

Mask. Off.
I’m not reading all that. You made it political. I called you out. You obviously can’t handle criticism

You are a thread hijacker. You are faking outrage to make it about you. IMO this forum doesn’t seem to be a good fit for you, so I personally recommend you touch grass and stop signing in for awhile
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Femina wrote:
3 months ago
Okay... no. I've allowed some ODD stuff on this thread
You've "allowed"?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

This isn't you're damn blog, you're not "allowing" anything here.

Seriously, all you do is bitch and fight. You seem to HATE it here. Most everyone who is constantly butting heads while you derail nearly every thread seems to hate you being here.

Just. Stop.

As someone else said, take a break from the site and go touch some damn grass. Or at the very least go spend your digital time somewhere else.
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OK, folks, Femina has to look at her own rants and realize for herself that she is vastly overdoing it, but also...maybe for the good of the sanity of everyone in this thread (and by extension, everyone in this forum), this thread should at least be locked, or at most DELETED ENTIRELY from the Forum (if such a thing is possible - I would hope that MH wields absolute power).

I would rarely, if ever, advocate such censorship, but in this case, it might be best for everyone involved. I really like being on SHF - I've even made some IRL friends because of it - and would hate to see anything being jeopardized here because of the discussion of one anime show.

Hypnotic, what say you?
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I've overdone nothing. We're talking about a pornographic television show with pedophilia. You've all lost your god damn minds.
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shevek wrote:
3 months ago
OK, folks, Femina has to look at her own rants and realize for herself that she is vastly overdoing it, but also...maybe for the good of the sanity of everyone in this thread (and by extension, everyone in this forum), this thread should at least be locked, or at most DELETED ENTIRELY from the Forum (if such a thing is possible - I would hope that MH wields absolute power).

I would rarely, if ever, advocate such censorship, but in this case, it might be best for everyone involved. I really like being on SHF - I've even made some IRL friends because of it - and would hate to see anything being jeopardized here because of the discussion of one anime show.

Hypnotic, what say you?
I don’t think this thread needs to be locked cause one person is having a public meltdown. People here shouldn’t feel hostage to the feelings of one person

And like I said before - if us as a community need to have a conversation about what is or isn’t allowed on this forum for this grey area - that should have in it’s own topic discussion and not shoehorned here by someone trying to go on political tirade and borderline slander of other community members

This whole forum exist in a taboo grey zone, we can’t be held hostage by one individual who is spiraling out regarding questionable content
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Imagine that that, Pedophilia... a grey area.
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Femina wrote:
3 months ago

Is this REALLY the fuckin' hill you're all gonna die on?
If I have to die on that hill I will take as many kid mutilators with me.
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Femina wrote:
3 months ago
Kick-Ass was a far better film than it was a comic book.
... my god... why are you... reading comic books featuring... dare I say it? ... could I say it? ...oh lord

I can't

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SHL wrote:
3 months ago
Femina wrote:
3 months ago
Kick-Ass was a far better film than it was a comic book.
... my god... why are you... reading comic books featuring... dare I say it? ... could I say it? ...oh lord

I can't

Do please keep your shit to the relevant topic thread if you please, I haven't gone HUNTING you throughout the website now have I? Kick-Ass isn't a pornographic film.

Sooooooo curious, when can we expect you to start casting underage actresses for your films? Seeing as it's just a grey area and all.
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Femina wrote:
3 months ago
SHL wrote:
3 months ago
Femina wrote:
3 months ago
Kick-Ass was a far better film than it was a comic book.
... my god... why are you... reading comic books featuring... dare I say it? ... could I say it? ...oh lord

I can't

Do please keep your shit to the relevant topic thread if you please. Kick-Ass isn't a pornographic film now is it?

Sooooooo curious, when can we expect you to start casting underage actresses for your films? Seeing as it's just a grey area and all.
And yet - you are the forum publicly discussing a comic book that you've read... where the main character is 15 years old and his girlfriend whose in high school gets raped... and talking about how you enjoyed the movie better than the comic book?

How dare you support comic books that showcase pedo shit! MODS LOCK THE THREAD... WE GOT A LIVE ONE

You are at the very least being a hypocrite. And you are also blindly ignoring the fact that I said "Am I comfortable with hentai? Most depictions of it - no. "

You are the grey zone. You are being disingenuous. And you were being political. Sorry!
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SHL wrote:
3 months ago
Femina wrote:
3 months ago
SHL wrote:
3 months ago
Femina wrote:
3 months ago
Kick-Ass was a far better film than it was a comic book.
... my god... why are you... reading comic books featuring... dare I say it? ... could I say it? ...oh lord

I can't

Do please keep your shit to the relevant topic thread if you please. Kick-Ass isn't a pornographic film now is it?

Sooooooo curious, when can we expect you to start casting underage actresses for your films? Seeing as it's just a grey area and all.
And yet - you are the forum publicly discussing a comic book that you've read... where the main character is 15 years old and his girlfriend whose in high school gets raped... and talking about how you enjoyed the movie better than the comic book?

How dare you support comic books that showcase pedo shit! MODS LOCK THE THREAD... WE GOT A LIVE ONE

You are at the very least being a hypocrite. And you are also blindly ignoring the fact that I said "Am I comfortable with hentai? Most depictions of it - no. "

You are the grey zone. You are being disingenuous. And you were being political. Sorry!
Criticizing pornography and pedophilia on public TV is not politics you coward, you know why you keep trying to make it politics. It's a cowards tactic, and it's been pushing good people off this website for YEARS. You're all acting like supporting this topic thread is somehow NOT exactly the same thing as my criticizing it. It's pathetic. I've just done you the courtesy of not trying to get you shit canned by bullying you with the label of politics. I apologize for the 'when are you gonna cast' comment. That was low. I've spoken to you out of the forum, I know you're not a pedophile. I've also heard you get grumpy when someone takes an argument with you OFF the board. So I'll thank you to keep my conversations on other threads off this one, and I'll do you the same courtesy.
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Femina wrote:
3 months ago
Criticizing pornography and pedophilia on public TV is not politics you coward, you know why you keep trying to make it politics. It's a cowards tactic, and it's been pushing good people off this website for YEARS. You're all acting like supporting this topic thread is somehow NOT exactly the same thing as my criticizing it. It's pathetic. I've just done you the courtesy of not trying to get you shit canned by bullying you with the label of politics. I apologize for the 'when are you gonna cast' comment. That was low. I've spoken to you out of the forum, I know you're not a pedophile. I've also heard you get grumpy when someone takes an argument with you OFF the board. So I'll thank you to keep my conversations on other threads off this one, and I'll do you the same courtesy.
Coward / Pedophile / Blah blah whats with all the name calling? Its very immature behavior

You are doing no one a courtesy, as your behavior is alienating and if this is you 'containing' whatever it is you want to do - you are doing a bad job at it

If you weren't so pressed and heated - you'd maybe see that I agree with you. What I don't agree with is how you went about this tirade of nonsensical shit. YOU SHOULD MAKE YOUR OWN TOPIC TO DISCUSS WHAT THE COMMUNITY DOES OR DOES NOT ALLOW


Should this community be cool with this kind of content? OPEN A NEW THREAD AND DISCUSS IT
Should this community tolerate people who are borderline calling other members on the forum pedophiles because they don't 100 percent agree with your beliefs? IMO no, it shouldn't

But these things aren't up to me. This is a community. And you are giving some massive main character energy.

Get a grip on yourself and your behavior. Stop name calling people who oppose your behavior. Get off your high horse

And take a break from the internet, for realllllll
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It sounds like Femina has no idea that the creator of this thread is in fact a Woke, I don't desire to bring my Politics here but since you've made it Political and seem to think everyone against you is an Anti-Woke, I am an Anarcho-Comunist Trans Woman who likes when fictional White Male Character are turned into Women of Color in the Reboot.
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Superheroinegirl22 wrote:
3 months ago
It sounds like Femina has no idea that the creator of this thread is in fact a Woke, I don't desire to bring my Politics here but since you've made it Political and seem to think everyone against you is an Anti-Woke, I am an Anarcho-Comunist Trans Woman who likes when fictional White Male Character are turned into Women of Color in the Reboot.
Okay I'm going to respond to you, and you alone now as the creator of this thread. I don't think anyone else want's to hear from me anyway. This will not be an attack on you.

Look, who you are is immaterial to me in every way imaginable, and not in a judgmental or handwavy sort of way. What I think about any particular member, particularly one I don't know, shouldn't factor into my major objections about this thread. Obviously I've gotten pretty heated with SHL, my discourse with him HAS become material in a problematic way, so I'm disengaging with that. YOU I don't know at all, that frees me up to tackle what I feel about the subject, and NOT the person. Originally I was just voicing my disapproval that another brick in what I consider to be a necessary division between our fantasies and the mainstream had been picked out of the wall, which is why my original comment is very short... It also wasn't much ALARMED either, just my 2 cents. It wasn't until I poked into the show myself after that I realized the show was about little girls, at which point my disapproval became an objection. I get that Anime fucks with peoples perceptions, it's hard to tell how old the characters are at a glance sometimes, I've seen dozens of 'hottest anime women in the world' lists with Sailor Moon and other underage anime characters on them for brief periods before the people who put it up realized 'oh wait Sailor Moon is a kid?' and taken them off (and of course some don't.) I don't mean to BLAME you or anyone else for getting 'Trap't... but I just don't see how there's any arguments to be made that this stuff should be discussed here, a lot of what we discuss on this thread is Grey area, as MANY have pointed out above, child sexual content is NOT a grey area. I can't see how anybody is looking at this and saying 'well Femina's opinion is that any 14 year old girl porn is bad... but her opinion is hashing the vibes!' It's not my opinion that 14 year old girl nudity is bad.... It's the LAW that depictions of 14 year old girl nudity is a crime punishable by enormous penalties... in the country where this website is hosted.

We have precedent.

We took down ALL the Ladybug stuff specifically due to concerns about pedophilia, and that's not even a show ABOUT underage kids in sexual situations and scenarios, it was just a show about underage superheroes and that ALONE was enough for the powers that be to decide it was better left off this particular discussion board. THIS show IS a show about underage kids in sexual scenarios. I also understand your point about Supergirl in the comics being young... but beyond that, she's almost never a teenager right? Can you accept that and meet me there? In the films, the TV show etc. She's usually a grown woman, and usually BECAUSE the creators of those things have a recognition that people idolize and fetishize her and thus it's just WISER to age her up. The imagination of fiction is a powerful thing, fictional characters can and DO grow up, it leaves a lot of leeway and wiggle room for people to imagine said things. But this show isn't that, it's not our imagination. This show IS about naked 14 year old girls... right? That's not my opinion, that's the FACTS of what it is right? There's actual pictures of it on page 1. Look I'm trying to be calm about it now. I REALLY don't want to feel like I'm in a roomful of folks that are HONESLTY talking about this show and defending it on nature of what it is, I'd rather believe you are primarily just now annoyed with, and aligned against me for whatever reasons they've each come to. Fair enough, I've been loud... but the fact I've never been THIS loud before basically in my LIFETIME on this website (As a MILLENIUM MEMBER!) should clue some folks in that I feel pretty strongly about this.

This show, should not be on this website. I can see the initial spark of interest, I can see WHY someone would see it out of the corner of their eye and start a thread about it, and mistake it for something its not.

I'll leave it here, for realz this time, being as calm and conciliatory as I can be and disengaging forever from this topic thread for the sanity of everyone involved. I don't feel this is good material for the website, I don't feel it should be talked about here. There are theoretically good discussions to be had... I don't think this website is the place for those discussions, I don't think any healthy discourse about this kind of material can be had here. There's plenty of hentai shit out there that's SHiP adjacent material that isn't also concerning underage children... I have NO issue discussing those, or objections to the discussions about them being made on this board.

Farewell. I apologize for 'derailing' the thread... but I sincerely hope you actually think about what I've said and not just how you feel about me at the moment.
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Femina wrote:
3 months ago
Superheroinegirl22 wrote:
3 months ago
It sounds like Femina has no idea that the creator of this thread is in fact a Woke, I don't desire to bring my Politics here but since you've made it Political and seem to think everyone against you is an Anti-Woke, I am an Anarcho-Comunist Trans Woman who likes when fictional White Male Character are turned into Women of Color in the Reboot.
Okay I'm going to respond to you, and you alone now as the creator of this thread. I don't think anyone else want's to hear from me anyway. This will not be an attack on you.

Look, who you are is immaterial to me in every way imaginable, and not in a judgmental or handwavy sort of way. What I think about any particular member, particularly one I don't know, shouldn't factor into my major objections about this thread. Obviously I've gotten pretty heated with SHL, my discourse with him HAS become material in a problematic way, so I'm disengaging with that. YOU I don't know at all, that frees me up to tackle what I feel about the subject, and NOT the person. Originally I was just voicing my disapproval that another brick in what I consider to be a necessary division between our fantasies and the mainstream had been picked out of the wall, which is why my original comment is very short... It also wasn't much ALARMED either, just my 2 cents. It wasn't until I poked into the show myself after that I realized the show was about little girls, at which point my disapproval became an objection. I get that Anime fucks with peoples perceptions, it's hard to tell how old the characters are at a glance sometimes, I've seen dozens of 'hottest anime women in the world' lists with Sailor Moon and other underage anime characters on them for brief periods before the people who put it up realized 'oh wait Sailor Moon is a kid?' and taken them off (and of course some don't.) I don't mean to BLAME you or anyone else for getting 'Trap't... but I just don't see how there's any arguments to be made that this stuff should be discussed here, a lot of what we discuss on this thread is Grey area, as MANY have pointed out above, child sexual content is NOT a grey area. I can't see how anybody is looking at this and saying 'well Femina's opinion is that any 14 year old girl porn is bad... but her opinion is hashing the vibes!' It's not my opinion that 14 year old girl nudity is bad.... It's the LAW that depictions of 14 year old girl nudity is a crime punishable by enormous penalties... in the country where this website is hosted.

We have precedent.

We took down ALL the Ladybug stuff specifically due to concerns about pedophilia, and that's not even a show ABOUT underage kids in sexual situations and scenarios, it was just a show about underage superheroes and that ALONE was enough for the powers that be to decide it was better left off this particular discussion board. THIS show IS a show about underage kids in sexual scenarios. I also understand your point about Supergirl in the comics being young... but beyond that, she's almost never a teenager right? Can you accept that and meet me there? In the films, the TV show etc. She's usually a grown woman, and usually BECAUSE the creators of those things have a recognition that people idolize and fetishize her and thus it's just WISER to age her up. The imagination of fiction is a powerful thing, fictional characters can and DO grow up, it leaves a lot of leeway and wiggle room for people to imagine said things. But this show isn't that, it's not our imagination. This show IS about naked 14 year old girls... right? That's not my opinion, that's the FACTS of what it is right? There's actual pictures of it on page 1. Look I'm trying to be calm about it now. I REALLY don't want to feel like I'm in a roomful of folks that are HONESLTY talking about this show and defending it on nature of what it is, I'd rather believe you are primarily just now annoyed with, and aligned against me for whatever reasons they've each come to. Fair enough, I've been loud... but the fact I've never been THIS loud before basically in my LIFETIME on this website (As a MILLENIUM MEMBER!) should clue some folks in that I feel pretty strongly about this.

This show, should not be on this website. I can see the initial spark of interest, I can see WHY someone would see it out of the corner of their eye and start a thread about it, and mistake it for something its not.

I'll leave it here, for realz this time, being as calm and conciliatory as I can be and disengaging forever from this topic thread for the sanity of everyone involved. I don't feel this is good material for the website, I don't feel it should be talked about here. There are theoretically good discussions to be had... I don't think this website is the place for those discussions, I don't think any healthy discourse about this kind of material can be had here. There's plenty of hentai shit out there that's SHiP adjacent material that isn't also concerning underage children... I have NO issue discussing those, or objections to the discussions about them being made on this board.

Farewell. I apologize for 'derailing' the thread... but I sincerely hope you actually think about what I've said and not just how you feel about me at the moment.
I firmly believe there is no correlation between being aroused by nominal underage Cartoons and real life Pedophilia or Epimiphlia and that's why I don't think this or Ladybug or Sailor Moon should be an issue. Real middle schoolers doesn't have Tits like these and that's why I think having a moral Panic about it is Silly.

Characters like Supergirl likewise don't look like real Teenager either, but the idea that that's their presumed age as far as narrative setting goes is the default pop cultural understanding of them which is why some Moral Gaurdian out there feel a Supergirl Video saying she's 18 in the Disclaimer is just an excuse.

There is a difference between what I like in Feitsh videos and what I prefer from an actual Superhero show. I'm confident this story is one where Good will prevail in the end (maybe not in season 1 but in the long term) with all the Villain being Redeemed as is typical for a Magical Girl show. What I'm hoping will be special about show is that in the process it'll have a moral about Normalizing Kink. Utena starts the show ashamed of her Sadistic Dom tendencies and now has shamed Azure for being a Masochistic Sub, I'm hoping both can find peace with their inner desires.
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I think I get what you're saying Femina

Also, guys you don't have politics in the US (similar problem in the UK now too), you have a red team and a blue team and people support their teams (hilarious watching from the outside republicans support hamas and iran because that's what their team needs to do to oppose the blue team) - you see it above with Mr X knee jerk posting "well your team's trying to trans kids! here's a parade in Spain!" - totally not femina's point but really helpful for me.

I don't have an issue with ladybug, it's like totally spies, a mainstream show that people project onto. Ranting that the teen titans or supergirl or whoever are "young" is missing the point (hell Juliette or romeo and juliette is supposedly 14). What you do in your head is your business.

I am just sad that anime has for a few years been getting worse and worse and relying on churning out younger and younger girls - I think in part to feed a western neckbeard community hungry for it. if cowboy beebop was made today, I guarantee faye and julia would be 8 year olds clumsily passed off as 1000 year old clones or something.

I'm not trying to ban anyone's fapbait, there is even an argument that an outlet via AI or cartoons is a decent safety valve, but these shows just aren't for me.
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Anime being like this is nothing new, Sailor Moon was also in Middle School.
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lionbadger wrote:
3 months ago
(hilarious watching from the outside republicans support hamas and iran
Sorry to veer into politics, but this is actually not happening, Lionbadger.
The supporters of Hamas and Iran are almost entirely Leftists and Islamists.
Maybe you're thinking of Republicans opposing the war in Ukraine?
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Here are some information about the show:
Copied from Wikipedia.

It premiered on January 3, 2024, on AT-X and other networks.[6] The series is airing fully censored on most television networks, partially uncensored with censored audio on AT-X and some streaming sites, and will feature fully uncensored visuals and uncensored audio on home video releases.

This is not a show targeted to children, but it's also not hentai. It's in the ecchi category. Nothing new as many shows have pushed the envelope further to get to this point. Show like Redo of Healer is worse because of the serious and dark tone.

With that said, as a spanko, here are some of my favorite scenes or screenshots. :giggle:
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep1-Spank-05.jpg (302.36 KiB) Viewed 2307 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep1-Spank-07.jpg (276.46 KiB) Viewed 2307 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep1-Spank-09.jpg (271.04 KiB) Viewed 2307 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep1-Spank-10.jpg (275.07 KiB) Viewed 2307 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep1-Spank-11.jpg (318.89 KiB) Viewed 2307 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep1-Spank-12.jpg (366.4 KiB) Viewed 2307 times
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These are all from episode 1.
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep1-Spank-13.jpg (378.6 KiB) Viewed 2305 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep1-Spank-17.jpg (346.98 KiB) Viewed 2305 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep1-Spank-19.jpg (347.38 KiB) Viewed 2305 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep1-Spank-20.jpg (242.4 KiB) Viewed 2305 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep2-Whipping-01.jpg (203.62 KiB) Viewed 2305 times
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They are all from episode 3 of the uncensored version.
Not a spanking scene but I love the hogtied position while dangling, and there are a couple of breast slapping.
Last one is an aftermath of a fight. She doesn't get spanked but her cheeks turn red after receiving a lightning/electricity attack.
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep3-Azure-01.jpg (323.81 KiB) Viewed 2299 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep3-Azure-02.jpg (288.22 KiB) Viewed 2299 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep3-Azure-03.jpg (290.03 KiB) Viewed 2299 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep3-Azure-04.jpg (315.92 KiB) Viewed 2299 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep3-Leopard-01.jpg (163.98 KiB) Viewed 2299 times
Last edited by WonderSlave 3 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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And from episode 7. I'm sure there are things people may like from the other episodes like tickling and babying.
No spanking, but a great sawhorse position with arms and legs restrained to the tail.
It does have 1 screenshot of breast whipping.
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep7-Azure-sawhorse-01.jpg (232.84 KiB) Viewed 2289 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep7-Azure-sawhorse-02.jpg (162.53 KiB) Viewed 2289 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep7-Azure-sawhorse-03.jpg (217.89 KiB) Viewed 2289 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep7-Azure-sawhorse-05.jpg (189.56 KiB) Viewed 2289 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep7-Azure-sawhorse-06.jpg (257.62 KiB) Viewed 2289 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep7-Azure-sawhorse-07.jpg (209.39 KiB) Viewed 2289 times
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Part 2 of my favorite scenes from episode 7.
Azure didn't receive a spanking but her butt cheeks are pink like she did. Probably from sitting on the sawhorse. :giggle:
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep7-Azure-sawhorse-09.jpg (168.56 KiB) Viewed 2284 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep7-Azure-sawhorse-10.jpg (315.67 KiB) Viewed 2284 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep7-Azure-sawhorse-12.jpg (211.98 KiB) Viewed 2284 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep7-Azure-butt-01.jpg (168.85 KiB) Viewed 2284 times
GushingOverMagicalGirls-Ep7-Azure-butt-02.jpg (185.47 KiB) Viewed 2284 times
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This seems like the kind fo show that wants to cover as many Fetishes as possible so I imagine there will be a Spanking focused segment eventually.

It's adapted from a Manga so it's possible to know what's happen next on the show, but I haven't read it. It's still running and this Anime is slated for 13 episodes so we won't be seeing the end of the story anytime soon.
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Superheroinegirl22 wrote:
3 months ago
This seems like the kind fo show that wants to cover as many Fetishes as possible so I imagine there will be a Spanking focused segment eventually.

It's adapted from a Manga so it's possible to know what's happen next on the show, but I haven't read it. It's still running and this Anime is slated for 13 episodes so we won't be seeing the end of the story anytime soon.
Yes, but only 1 spanking focused segment so far. I know there's at least 2 more spanking scenes because of the manga, but only seen pictures. I'm refraining myself from reading for the surprise factor in anime, but very tempting because I'm so anxious to see what happens next. It also becomes a carousel where I'm waiting for my fetish to come around. At least the story is getting deeper, and it's still very fun to watch.
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Finally watched a few episodes. Holy hell is it a near perfect meeting of kink and magical girl genre! I get it might be too much "anime nonsense" for a lot of people, but for those into it this is a magical kink fest that leans so perfectly into kinky queerness in such a cute and sexy way.
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WonderSlave wrote:
3 months ago
Here are some information about the show:
Copied from Wikipedia.

It premiered on January 3, 2024, on AT-X and other networks.[6] The series is airing fully censored on most television networks, partially uncensored with censored audio on AT-X and some streaming sites, and will feature fully uncensored visuals and uncensored audio on home video releases.

This is not a show targeted to children, but it's also not hentai. It's in the ecchi category. Nothing new as many shows have pushed the envelope further to get to this point. Show like Redo of Healer is worse because of the serious and dark tone.

With that said, as a spanko, here are some of my favorite scenes or screenshots. :giggle:
It may not be targeted towards children, but there doesn't seem to be any restrictions for under age children to watch it
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There was that agent series for a while that was all upskirt and panty shots disguised as spy stuff.
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Mr. X wrote:
3 months ago
There was that agent series for a while that was all upskirt and panty shots disguised as spy stuff.
I think you're thinking of Agent Aika, not a show I was ever into but it was infamous.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
3 months ago
WonderSlave wrote:
3 months ago
Here are some information about the show:
Copied from Wikipedia.

It premiered on January 3, 2024, on AT-X and other networks.[6] The series is airing fully censored on most television networks, partially uncensored with censored audio on AT-X and some streaming sites, and will feature fully uncensored visuals and uncensored audio on home video releases.

This is not a show targeted to children, but it's also not hentai. It's in the ecchi category. Nothing new as many shows have pushed the envelope further to get to this point. Show like Redo of Healer is worse because of the serious and dark tone.

With that said, as a spanko, here are some of my favorite scenes or screenshots. :giggle:
It may not be targeted towards children, but there doesn't seem to be any restrictions for under age children to watch it
That applies to every show on any country that doesn't over-regulate. Even in the U.S. where nudity can be seen on late night cable TV. I don't know when this show is aired and whether if it's on network TV, but I would assume it's aired at late night like most in this genre do.

It seems now that all restrictions need to come from good parenting, and parental controls on devices, which are conveniently placed on all new devices now.
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WonderSlave wrote:
3 months ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
3 months ago
WonderSlave wrote:
3 months ago
Here are some information about the show:
Copied from Wikipedia.

It premiered on January 3, 2024, on AT-X and other networks.[6] The series is airing fully censored on most television networks, partially uncensored with censored audio on AT-X and some streaming sites, and will feature fully uncensored visuals and uncensored audio on home video releases.

This is not a show targeted to children, but it's also not hentai. It's in the ecchi category. Nothing new as many shows have pushed the envelope further to get to this point. Show like Redo of Healer is worse because of the serious and dark tone.

With that said, as a spanko, here are some of my favorite scenes or screenshots. :giggle:
It may not be targeted towards children, but there doesn't seem to be any restrictions for under age children to watch it
That applies to every show on any country that doesn't over-regulate. Even in the U.S. where nudity can be seen on late night cable TV. I don't know when this show is aired and whether if it's on network TV, but I would assume it's aired at late night like most in this genre do.

It seems now that all restrictions need to come from good parenting, and parental controls on devices, which are conveniently placed on all new devices now.
According to MyanimeList it airs at 23:30 JST or 11:30 PM, right before Midnight.
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So episode 8 set up the new group of Villains, things should get even more exciting now.
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Superheroinegirl22 wrote:
3 months ago
So episode 8 set up the new group of Villains, things should get even more exciting now.
Just got caught up and the refused submission of the blue magical girl and the punishment of the villainess was just chef's kiss if this kind of kink!
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They also covered gigantism on episode 8. Plot and character developments are fun to watch, especially since it's getting more complicated.
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I hope this show has an Otokonoko character eventually, I'd probably prefer they be one of the Magical Girls then one of the villains.
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Episode 9 just dropped.
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Episode 10 had some Yuri and then some kind of sticky bondage.
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Superheroinegirl22 wrote:
2 months ago
Episode 10 had some Yuri and then some kind of sticky bondage.
It was a solid episode with good smutty bits and and some damn fine kinkyness! Their building to an interesting place, can't remember last time I was watching an Anime weekly like this.
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Episode 11 went up late but it was pretty good.
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The season Finale featured Tentacles.
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Well, one of the Puritans of Antitube has made a video about the show.
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