Fallen Angel

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Well as promised, I finally finished my first heroine tale. Again, it's a little dark in nature, but at least it's on topic this time...

Gina McBright was an up and coming song stress. She had everything going for her, beauty, talent and brains. Gina was a perky girl who was discovered by big time record promoter Don Oswald. She had submitted a demo to the offices of A&S Recording studios in Las Palmas and it caught the ear of a studio engineer who then submitted the demo up the food chain and so forth and so on until it got into the “right” hands. Don personally saw to it that Gina would be made into a superstar.
Gina was a kind and a perky girl with a good heart. While in high school, she excelled in athletics as a member of the swim team and track team. At 5’6” and 115 pounds, with blue eyes and blond hair, Gina was a physical specimen. She would go on to be selected as prom queen and graduated 3rd in her class. Gina enrolled at the University of Las Palmas and had selected Music Theory as her major. She had determined that she wanted to teach music at the elementary level.
One night as a sophomore, on a dare Gina and her roommates went to a karaoke bar and got wasted. Gina’s roommates coaxed Gina to go up on stage and sing Vision of Love by Mariah Carey. Even though Gina was tipsy, she belted out the song in tune. The crowd went wild. At first, Gina did not know what was happening, but suddenly she realized what she was born to do. Later that week, she began rehearsing tunes at a fever pitch and finally got up the courage to record a demo. And with that, the rest was history.
Flash-forward a couple years, Gina was now a 23 year-old icon. She graced the cover of countless magazines and practically became the face of the MTV generation. She had a string of top 10 hits and had sold out massive venues across the globe. But fame was not without a price. Tabloids began to report of in-fighting in Gina’s camp and that she was not getting along with her background singers. There were even reports of Gina having an affair Don Oswald himself.
Gina took some time off after her last tour to recuperate and lay low. After a couple months off, she would begin recording her third album. Stress in the band was at an all time high. Several band members accused Gina of becoming diva and that her ego was out of control. Nothing could be further from that truth, but such was life in the cutthroat record business. Gina was devastated that she was being perceived in such a negative light.
One night, while working on her album, Gina was in the studio late laying down some tracks. It was a strained evening with everybody at each other’s throats. Finally, she told the band to take a break and meet back in the studio after 90 minutes. Gina decided to take a nap in the control room and hopefully reconvene with a more positive attitude. Just as Gina began to doze-off she heard a strange noise in the hallway. She quickly got up to investigate. As she got out into the hall, the lights went out and there was a loud crash. Suddenly, almost out of nowhere, two figures in black appeared before Gina. Before she could get a chance to process what was happening, one of the assailants shot Gina in the chest, killing her instantly. As news of Gina’s death reverberated through the world, many were shocked by the violent nature of the crime. The crime itself was never solved and the music world had lost one of its brightest stars.
Flash-forward several years, Las Palmas has become one of the roughest places in America. Crime was at an all-time high and apathy was equally high. At some point, it seemed as if the police force was overwhelmed. In the streets, there was an urban legend growing that a white angel would appear at random crime scenes. Many people reported that they saw flashes of white that appeared to look like an angel while others claim they saw some sort of apparition. Strangely enough, wherever reports of this “apparition” were made, crime appeared to be on the decline. This would go on for some time until the crime rate began to drop to post-war levels. The tabloids flocked to the story dubbing the white apparition as the “Angel of Las Palmas”. Network newsmagazines were interviewing everyone from the homeless to apprehended criminal about the “sighting”. The city of Las Palmas was caught in the “White Angel” hysteria.

The Present:
Dawn was approaching in Las Palmas. Gina returned to the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town from another night of patrolling. She entered in through the skylight in the ceiling with the grace of a gymnast. Gina had no trouble maintain her secret identity as the Avenging Angel because she was already “dead” and there were no repercussion. Shortly after being shot almost six years earlier, Gina saw what she thought was a dove as she took her last breath. Little did she know that that image would signal the start of her new life as the White Avenger? Since her death was premature and had gone unsolved, Gina was chosen by the “Order” to become the next Angel. Apparently there is a history of female “angels” dating as far back as the 1300s. Selected based on the individuals past life and the way they died, these angels became agents and against the forces of Malthus. Unseen battles have been waged for centuries between the forces or light and dark. Gina was selected to be the next warrior on the side of light.
Gina’s costume was a white spandex bodysuit that completely covered her from neck to toe. She also wore a white cloak that completely shrouded her face in darkness. Since Gina was “dead”, no earthly force could harm her. Only agents of Malthus could touch her. She could generate a white light of high intensity that rendered her foe in a catatonic state. She also carried a mystical white handgun that shot shards of pure white plasma. This was strapped to her thigh like a western gunslinger. Over the years, Gina had defeated countless criminals and occasionally battled Malthusian agents and had become quite a skilled warrior for the “Order”. But a presence was lurking that may prove to be too much even for Gina to handle.
Malthus sat in his throne in the Ninth Realm, a plane that existed beyond this reality and pondered his next move. Six years did not appear to be a long time in the grand scheme of things, but Malthus grew more and more impatient at watching Gina continually dispatch agents and other denizens of the dark. Gina was proficient enough in the “Ways of the Order” that she made it look easy at times and the Ninth Realm was becoming a dumping ground for her victims. Malthus finally came up with a plan to make it personal. He found an individual that had so much animosity towards Gina in her past life that it would be next to impossible to Gina to match up with her. Gina’s next opponent would be none other than one of her own backup singer, Roxanne Dewitt.
Roxanne hated Gina passionately. She felt that Gina was a diva and treated those below her as second-class citizens. Roxanne was a new member to the Ninth Realm by way of a drug deal gone bad. Roxanne was the prime candidate to take out Gina and Malthus made sure that she would succeed. He outfitted her in a shiny PVC leotard that had a plunging V neckline. The neckline itself was covered with a black sheer nylon fabric. She wore shiny black opaque tights without shoes and completed the look with a black cape. She basically had the same powers as Gina except they were black in nature. Instead of carrying a gun, Roxanne carried a foot long machete with a spike knuckle hilt that she kept strapped to her right thigh. At 5’9” and 135 pounds with raven black hair, Roxanne looked more like a sadistic dominatrix than an agent of Malthus. The time of reckoning had come, dark was ready to battle light in a game of death.
It was 11pm on the night of the 16th and Gina was well into her rounds as the protector of Las Palmas. It was a relatively quiet night as there was little activity in town. Gina scanned the dark skyline while perched on a horizontal flagpole on one of the many towers in Las Palmas when she noticed a strange dark flash off into the distance. She dismissed it as a raven or a bat, but somehow, Gina could not shake this feeling dread in the air. Gina swung up on the flagpole and leaped across to the next rooftop some 25 feet away. Although Gina could not fly, she could leap great distances. Gina continued on with her patrol and even managed to thwart a random robbery or two, but she still could not shake the sense of dread that hung over her. Gina was apprehensive and with good reason. As she stood on a rooftop at the edge of town, there was a flash of lightning and she saw what appeared to be a female silhouette streak across the skyline. Instinctively, she leapt across random rooftops in an attempt to catch up to the mysterious dark figure. As Gina was mid-flight between two buildings she felt a sudden weight shift and was driven into the ground what such a violet force that she almost went through the ceiling. She grabbed the back of her neck and looked around and saw nothing. Whatever had her attacked was gone just as fast. Gina stood up, still slightly dazed from the phantom attack. Before she knew it, she felt a blow across her jaw but no one was in front of her. She felt a small trail of blood flow from the corner of her mouth. It was the first time she had seen her own blood since the night she “died”. She assessed that her attacker either had super speed or some type of teleportation ability. Fear began wash over Gina.
Gina straightened up her form and braced for whatever was ahead. At that moment, another flash of lightning blazed across the night sky. Gina’s eyes widened as she took in the form in front of her. She was in shock once she realized that it was Roxanne. Gina asked her how she could turn to the dark side. Roxanne shouted that they were never friends and that she hated Gina from the moment they first met. Gina glazed into Roxanne’s eyes and only saw hatred and absolutely no trace of fear. There would be no reasoning with her. Gina was in for the fight of her life.
The two warriors stood on the rooftop assessing the situation. Gina knew she could not physically match her opponent in a straight up fight and would try to outwit her. But Roxanne was not about to fall for any of Gina’s tricks. After what seemed to be an eternity, Gina decided to throw the first punch, a straight jab towards Roxanne’s chin. Before Gina had a chance to connect, Roxanne had shifted her body weight and gracefully sidestepped the blow. Roxanne managed to catch to punch in midair and twisted Gina’s arm around and gave it a good yank, then connected a devastating blow of her own with the heel of her right palm to Gina’s nose, shattering the bone instantly. Gina had no clue what had happened. In the time it took her to throw one punch, Roxanne had managed to nearly separate Gina’s shoulder as well as fracture her nose. Gina could not tell which hurt more.
Gina retreated a couple stepped and almost lost her footing. She was already beginning to lose her nerve. She was bleeding profusely from her nose and had already swallowed mass qualities of blood. She wiped at her nose with her wrist and the area around her chest was speckled with the red liquid. At that moment, Gina pivoted on the ball of her right foot and made break for the next rooftop. She did not notice that the rooftop had a loose spot, which had caused Gina to trip as she tried to leap. Instead she fell and slid across the rough surface and to a stop right at the corner of the ledge. Gina quickly unclipped her holster and pulled out her handgun. She aimed down the sight but could not draw bead on Roxanne. By the time she was aware of what was happening, Roxanne was already straddling her. Gina shakily held up the gun but Roxanne effortlessly kicked it away from her. The gun fell harmless to earth below. “I want this to be a fair fight”, whispered Roxanne. Roxanne to two steps back and allowed Gina to get up. Roxanne was bouncing on the balls of her feet and beckoned Gina to attack. At that very moment, another streak of lightning went across the sky and it began to rain in sheets. Gina would not quit despite the pain and fear. She wheeled around and threw a spinning roundhouse with her left leg. Again, Roxanne caught the kick in midair. This time she grabbed the spandex covered ankle of Gina and threw it into an ankle lock and proceeded to twist rapidly shattering the bones in Gina’s ankle. Not wasting any motion, she drove her left fist into Gina’s knee effectively shredding every tendon in her knee. Gina let out a loud scream as the pain was excruciating. Roxanne then lowered her frame and performed a spinning kick knocking Gina’s right foot from under her.
Gina lay on the wet rooftop clutching her knee. She did not know how much more she could endure. Roxanne walked over to Gina and grabbed her up and before she knew it, Gina was being teleported to various spots around the city. The experience was terrifying and left Gina extremely disoriented. She must have seen flashes of 15 different locales in the span of 10 seconds. Finally Roxanne came to rest at the site of the old refinery way on the outskirts of town. The site was built on top a huge clay hill and red dust had covered just about every surface after years of neglect. The driving rain had managed to turn the entire area in front of the refinery into a thick mass of red mud. Roxanne stood behind Gina and whispered “I decided that I needed a little quiet time with you, away from all those prying eyes. It’s been a while”. And with that moved Roxanne moved around to face Gina and punched her in the ribs. She immediately winced in pain fearing that three ribs were broken. Gina had trouble breathing, but with every ounce of energy, the broken white avenger threw a kick that caught Roxanne off guard with her right leg. As Gina completed the kick everything seemed to slow down. She saw Roxanne wipe the corner of her mouth and then motion towards Gina’s foot. Roxanne caught Gina’s spandex covered foot and began to swing her around like a bat. Finally, Roxanne let go of Gina’s foot and Gina flew a good thirty feet away landing in the soft red mud with a deadening thud. Gina tried desperately to get up before Roxanne got to her, but the mud was too slippery for her. Every time she’d move, she’d only land on her face.
By this point, the once lily-white champion of light had been reduced to a broken and battered mess. The symbol of the “Order”, Gina’s white spandex catsuit had been torn to tatters. The glove portion of her right hand was completely missing; blood splatter completely covered the area around her chest. She had a big gapping tear down the right thigh of her costume, and her shattered left knee was exposed due to a big hole. She had endured countless abuses at the hands of Roxanne Dewitt and now Gina’s time as the Avenging Angel was drawing to a close.
Roxanne slowly let the moment sink in as she gazed at the barely conscious figure before her. She walked over to Gina and whispered that she was not going to kill her and that she would live to see another glorious day. Gina was too tired to respond. She thought that she had heard wrong, but what she heard was the truth. Roxanne grabbed a handful of fabric around Gina’s chest and picked her up with one hand. Two figures exchanged glances and then Gina saw Roxanne’s eyes turn completely black and then a strange black substance came out of her mouth. The black smoke appeared to have a life of its own and slowly swirled around Roxanne’s head before entering into Gina’s mouth, nose and eyes. Roxanne then threw Gina across the mud pit like a rag doll. Gina sat up and then rolled onto all fours and began to violently throw up. In between choking on her own vomit, Gina asked Roxanne “what did you do to me?” Roxanne looked back at the fallen heroine and told her that she had sealed her soul and that when she woke up next time she would be an agent of the Ninth Realm. Gina was still vomiting uncontrollably but managed to crawl to the stocking covered feet of Roxanne. Roxanne backed up and kicked Gina in the head for good measure. With that Gina passed out. Roxanne finally got what she wanted…Gina would be subservient to Roxanne for the rest of eternity. Roxanne turned her back on Gina and snapped her fingers and a group of humanoid shadows appeared out of nowhere and covered Gina broken body. The shadows completely covered Gina’s body and proceeded to tear off the remainder of Gina’s costume. The sound of spandex ripping blended in with Gina’s moans of agony. The shadows briefly hovered above Gina’s now naked form as if to show Roxanne that their job was complete and then as if in a magic show, the shadows turned into a black shroud and slowly covered Gina’s body. The Avenging Angel was carried off into the night for her transformation.
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Neophyte Lvl 3
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what a great story!

could you take a shot at a bionic woman story?
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Wow, thanks for the compliment!!!

i'm trying to sort out some ideas for a zatanna storyline. but i'd be more than willing to contemplate a run at jaime summers (hope i spelled that right)

thanks again
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however you want to spell it is cool........for the record, in the show it was Jamie Sommers.......she loved tan pantyhose!
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Last edited by cthulhu1 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Wow, thanks C!!! That means alot coming from you. I've toyed with the idea of coming back to this arc and as such left it open on purpose. I have other ideas that I'm trying to work out. Hopefully, I'll be able to share them in the coming year.

Thanks again!!!
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I'm going crazy with my Hero Machine....
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