Liberty League

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She was cold but still kept going despite it. Her bulky clothing hid the feminine figure that was…she didn’t even know her own name. Carol… ‘that seems right, but why?’ Carol was too deep in thought to notice the four men following her. One of the gangs in the city, they were looking for a little fun. As she continued to walk down the street the four men closed the distance to her. Carol was musing over her problem when she was violently shoved into an alley way.

One of the guys pinned her against the wall. His breath over her face stank and in not so very kind words he described what he and his buddies were going to do to her.
“No…please!” Carol screamed. The thug laughed and reached for her pants when from behind them a woman called out.
“Hey, jackass, want to leave that girl alone.” He and his four buddies looked behind them.
At the entrance to the alley three women stood. A brunet, redhead and a dirty blonde were looking at the guys with angry faces. The blonde wore a black t-shirt dark jeans and a matching demon jacket. Burnet had on a black blouse and a demon skirt with black tights, the redhead a long sleeved shirt with jeans. With smiles on their faces they looked at the new arrivals.
“Sure we’ll give her up, for you three.” He nodded and his buddies approached the girls. The blonde and the burnet looked at the redhead in the center. As the men closed, she nodded to her crew.

The blonde smiled and walked up to her guy. He grabbed her and then with ease she broke free of his grip and took him by his shirt collar and tossed him behind them. The burnet in jeans stepped forward and disappeared into a blur taking the gangster with her. Last but not least the redhead touched her guy. A pinkish purple glow came from her hand and he sank to his knees unconscious.
The fourth guy was then hit from the side by the burnet. Coming to a stop next to her she looked the girl over, “Are you okay?”
“Yes…how…did, you all?”
“Do that?” the Burnet smiled, “We’re metas. Carrie over there has superstrength, I’m Terri, as you saw I have speed, and our fearless leader is Katie. She is gifted with the ability to take powers from others.”

Katie, the redhead walked up and offered her hand, “Nice to meet you…”
Carol began to offer her name but then yelled, “Look out!” She shot her hand out and sent a blast of golden light right at thug that Carrie tossed over her shoulder. It struck him and knocked over the thug rendering him unconscious. The three girls looked at the girl they rescued and saw her potential.
Katie smiled, “why don’t you come to our apartment.”


“Good job girls let depart before more police show up.” Red Devil ordered her Imps. The three hench girls wore Playboy bunny like devil costumes, with red halter leotards, matching tights and devil horns. Red Devil was wearing her standard red bodystocking that included tail and horns. A red mask protected her identity and her trident acted as flamethrower, smoke screen and a few other surprises.

She had just robbed a fine jewelry store. Red Devil kept the police at bay by laying down her flames and smoke. With the job done, it was time to go. The four ladies made their way out of the store only to encounter another leotard and tights wearing lady, not one of theirs.

“Red Devil, so quick to get back on the job after you got out of jail?” American Star in her patriotic red, white, and blue. Landing from her hovering position she touched down and assumed a power stance. Allison was waiting for Red Devil to make the next move. Red Devil swore, ‘but it’s four against one, and I have my devil’s breath…’
“But of course American Star, I need to make up for my losses.” She smiled then ordered her hench girls into action. Allison assumed a fighting stance and watched as the three girls surrounded her and Red Devil took position in front of Allison aiming her trident at the heroine.
“Seems you’re out numbered American Star?”

“Not quite.” Allison smirked. Suddenly a bolt of lighting struck one of the hench girls, a icy blast took down the next, and finally the third was picked up by a flying red head. Electron landed next to American Star, Ice skated up on Allison’s right, and finally Fire, formerly Blaze landed next to her sister. The four criminals took a look at the girls.
“I’d like you to meet my friends, we’re the Liberty League.”

“Oh great a bunch of college girls playing Justice League! Get them!” Red Devil snared. Her three Imps charged the gals. Allison, Erin, Sara took the hench girls, Shannon had to deal with the flame wielding villainess. Red Devil blasted the former supervillainess with flames, only to watch them have no effect on Fire.
“Remember, flames are my specialty?” Fire joked with Red Devil.
“True my dear, but what about gas?” Red Devil aimed her trident and smoky gas came from the ends, except it wasn’t smoke. Shannon inhaled the white gas and became dizzy and sleepy. Instantly weakening she fell to her knees and used a hand to keep her up. ‘Got to… fight it’, Shannon thought. She coughed once more and fell to the ground, the knock out power of the Devil’s Breath working quickly.

“Sis!” Ice said freezing the Imp she was fighting to a building. She skated at the villainess; Red Devil was waiting for her. Flames lanced out and Ice threw up a wall of her namesake, which blocked the fire but melted the ice wall. The heat took its toll weakening Sara slightly. Erin had Sara covered, firing off an electrical blast from her hand that struck the trident Red Devil held. Shorting the device out, Red Devil dropped it and was caught in the arms of American Star who ran behind her. The police arrived and the Liberty handed over the villainess and her help.


“Man I hate knock out gas!” Shannon exclaimed taking off her mask. She collapsed onto the couch in the flat and took a sip from the coke in her hand. She looked incredible in her new costume. A red leotard with orange sequence made up the main part, red gloves, tights and a mask completed her new costume.
“Well you’d think as a bad girl that you would have more experience with the stuff.” Erin laughed standing in her new costume. It was a dark blue leotard with white on the shoulders and sleeves and the scientific symbol for an electron on her chest.
Topped off with a dark blue skirt that went to mid thigh, opaque tights and her mask completed the outfit.

“Hey, that was Katie’s kinky little thing, not mine.” Fire defended herself. Allison entered the room in her PJs. She looked over her little band; Sara was eating some ice cream at the kitchen while Erin and Shannon exchanged jokes. She had gotten the idea for them to form a team when she and Erin had first run into Ice and Fire. They had been captured, Allison was knocked out by chloroform spray, and Erin made herself vulnerable by exhausting her power charge. As a result they both became bound with Spider Queen’s web and dearly died from the poisonous web. Luckily Fire and Ice came and rescued the two heroines. Since then and Allison’s offer, they had formed their team.

The four ladies had cleaned up DC in the recent weeks. Working out of their rented loft which was huge, they didn’t have the money for a fancy command center like some of the other teams. Luckily Allison’s sister Anne had set them up with some hidden high tech equipment and computers. So far they hadn’t ran into any real trouble. Of course that only meant something would happen soon, of course.


“You can’t remember anything?” Carrie asked in surprise. She handed the hot coca mug to Carol who had changed to some light blue PJ pants and a matching tank top.
“Nothing from before two weeks ago…its scary.” She replied slipping the mug of chocolate.

Katie Helms, better know as Fade, watched the girl with curiosity. Carol’s memory loss was bad, but worked for her and the Sorority of Sin. Her little creation had started out as a revenge squad against American Star and her friends. After that failed thanks to Electron and Emerald, the Sorority was now working for profit and American Star’s defeat if the opportunity presented itself.

“I woke up in a field in Virginia. I was wearing this weird black outfit that hugged my body.” The skin tight garment was by her baggy clothes, “I stole some clothes and began heading towards a city. Then these weird powers kept coming on.”
Carol described everything she remembered about her various powers, ability to shoot energy beams from her eyes or hands, glow like a lamp, even turn into light and move fast. ‘If she could learn more how to control her powers, she could become a powerful member of the Sorority’ Katie thought to herself.

Their members included her, Vigor, Velocity, Silhouette (Kerry Kross), Magpie (Gillian McGuire). Terri and Carrie had been with her since the beginning of their villainess days. Blaze had turn good so there was a need to get some new help. Kerry Kross had crossed a powerful villain who as of yet hadn’t reappeared, so she needed to make some friends in the criminal underworld and some money. She had decided to start with Katie’s group. Gillian, Magpie, was lying low in DC for the moment. As soon as she had enough money though, she was returning home to take on her foe Cardinal.

“Well, I better go to bed so I can get moving in the morning.” Carol said as she placed her empty cup on the table.
“Nonsense Carol. Listen I know you’re pretty freaked out by the events of the past two weeks, your strange powers, memory lost, those thugs, but please stay with us.” Katie offered.
Carrie took the lead next, “Yeah we can help ya with those powers of yours, what do ya say?”
Looking around the room at the girls she saw friendly smiles and remembered how they helped her in the alley, “Okay, thank you everyone.”


“So what do you think is up with her?” Kerry asked Katie as they cleaned up some dishes. Carol had gone to bed in the guest room.
“She definitely has memory lost, which means we can write a whole new chapter with this girl. Her powers are more than a match for most of the heroines out there and villains. If we can slowly work her over to the Sorority we’ll be the top villains in the country.” Katie replied with a smile.
“Okay”, Kerry said, “But watch out I see that look in her eyes.”
“What look?”
“The one those heroines have, of innocence and wanting to do good.” Kerry warned.
Katie thought about that, “Then we’ll just have to make her think she’s doing good for us.”

Carol tossed and turned in her sleep. Her dreams were coming back. A flash of light here, a massive explosion, someone screaming her name, then blackness…and pain! She sat straight up in bed. Looking at the clock she saw the numbers glowing 3:50 AM. Taking slow breaths she looked out the window, the full moon lighting her room. Getting out of bed she looked out the window and closed her eyes. For some reason the light on her skin felt good.

Okay first part is up. I promise more peril and action in the next update. Hope everyone enjoys
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Very nice setup. You have the makings for a classic battle royale here. I look forward to the next installment and more insight into Carol's background...
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“Thanks for the shopping guys!” Carol said trying to hold her bags. Katie, Carol, and Carrie had gone shopping to get Carol some more clothes. This was the first time that she had found real happiness in two weeks. Katie and her friends had been real caring and helpful. In the three weeks she had been with the girls she had gotten a temporary identity, Carol Evans, control of her powers, and a wardrobe.
“Hey no problem Carol, we needed an excuse anyway.” Carrie laughed.
Katie was leading the group and saw a good spot to stop and eat, “Hey that’s a great little café, come on.”

While the two villains and Carol headed for the café, two heroines were finishing their lunch.
“Ah, best salad on the planet.” Sara said placing her fork down and then sipping from her coke.
Shannon shook her head, “You should really eat some meat sis, get a corn beef sandwich next time.” The sisters decided to go out for some Saturday lunch while Allison, Erin, and Anne (Allison’s sister) went to the mall. Sara was wearing a light blue blouse with a black skirt. Light white hose and sandals completed the look. Shannon had her normally straight red hair in curls and she had some glasses on her nose. Her red blouse went well with her jeans.

As the two were paying the bills, Katie and her pals took a seat and looked through the menu. While she was flipping through it, Sara had taken a moment to look around the café. She settled on a redhead sitting at another table going through a menu, ‘where have I seen her before?’ Sara thought. As she searched her memory it suddenly hit her like a ton of bricks.
“Fade!” she said almost too loudly.
“What?” Shannon asked not getting it. Sara pointed and Shannon instantly recognized her old partner in crime.

“Well, let’s pay them a visit.” Shannon said reaching for her purse. Her sister placed a restraining hand on her arm.
“Whoa Sis, let’s hold up for a second. We can’t just attack them here, look around.” Sara used her hand to indicate all the people around in the café.
Shannon sighed, she hated being behind on all the heroine rules, “Okay so what then?”
“Let’s get somewhere where we can change, keep an eye on them than after they’re away from the café take them down.” Sara explained. Shannon nodded and the two heroines headed to an alley to change.

As Katie, Carol, and Carrie finished their lunch, watching from above Ice and Fire waited. Sara had used her special transformation crystal in her necklace while Fire still preferred wearing her costume under her clothes. As they watched the trio a plan was formed.
“All right I’ll freeze Fade since she’s the most dangerous.” Ice said.
Shannon took her cue, “I’ll deal with Katie since I can kind of match her strength…”
“Kind of being the word Shan, remember she’s stronger than everyone on the team even Allison.” Sara cautioned. Her sister’s superstrength wouldn’t win out in a direct contest with Vigor.
“Relax Sis, we’ll be fine.” Fire said, “Look! There they go!”
Sara looked down and saw the three girls leaving the table. Fire took her sister under her arms and then lifted up. Next she floated down and let Ice off in the alley, while she flew up again to make her attack.

“That was great; man I hope I knew about that place before my memory loss.” Carol joked. They shared a laugh and were going to take a short cut back to their flat when a blue and white figure came to a stop in front of them.
“Hold it right their Fade, Vigor.” Ice said skating to a stop.
“Ice!” Carrie hissed.
“Hey don’t forget the fire.” Shannon called out landing behind the three girls. Katie looked at the two heroines, ‘Crap! Surrounded, how to get out of this…” she glanced at Carol.

Carrie made the first move charging Ice. Fire worked fast and covered her sister, grabbing the stronger woman from behind and taking her airborne. Carol was shocked by this; out of nowhere two girls in costumes had come out of nowhere and attacked her friends! She was about to ask for an explanation when the one called ice focused her vision on Katie and froze her in place. Only Katie’s head was exposed she was covered in ice all the way to her toes.

“WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!” Carol screamed. Sara was stunned by the question. She hadn’t recognized the girl as a know villain and didn’t know what her powers were, but how could she be with Katie and Carrie and not know what they did.
“You should know since you’re with them.” She answered cockily.
Carol was getting angry when Ice froze her in place. In the air Vigor couldn’t fight back with nothing to push against so Fire was able to hold her.
“That’s enough!” Carol yelled. She concentrated and her hands glowed with energy. Suddenly the ice trapping her melted, surprising Sara, she fired another of her freeze blasts when Carol responded in kind, glowing white beams came from Carol’s eyes and met Ice’s.

The two beams pressed against each other till Carol gained the advantage. Her lasers overwhelmed Ice who was blasted back as they hit her. Sara slammed hard into the pavement about fifty feet away. Turning to see the airborne Fire, Carol leapt into the air. Her legs glowed bright golden yellow yet retained their shape. She shot into the sky and headed right for Fire. Shannon saw her sister take that hit and was turning to deal with this superpowered girl when she hit by a similar blast but coming from Carol’s hands. Fire was surprised that the blast wasn’t as strong as it seemed. She realized that she had actually absorbed some of the energy, but that didn’t mean it still didn’t have some effect.

She was forced to release Vigor who was caught by Carol. Setting her down, Carol then attacked Fire again with her laser blasts. Shannon dodged left and right, rolling like a fighter jet. She decided to retaliate and fired off her own powers, twin streams of flames. Carol stopped in mid air and was consumed by the fire. Shannon stopped her attack, worried the girl might not have had the invulnerability to deal with the attack. As the smoke cleared however, she saw Carol untouched. Floating there, Carol still had her arms and hands covering her face, but the air around her shimmered gold and white.

Fire was just as surprised as Carol, ‘some sort of energy shield?’ she thought. As the two fliers battled, Ice was getting up off the street. Looking around for the girl who had attacked her she found nothing. Sara also noticed that Fade was missing, her ice prison in broken chunks on the pavement. As she searched for the villainess, Sara was grabbed from behind. She struggled but found herself in the arms of Carrie Stone, Vigor. In front of her was a smiling Katie.

“Well Ice, it’s a pleasure.” She smiled, excited at seeing the heroine in her ice skater like costume struggling uselessly in Carrie’s grasp.
“Fade, American Star had some nice things to say about you.” Ice grunted still struggling with Vigor.
“Oh I bet she did, tell me, did she mention this?” Fade leaned forward and grabbed Ice’s hand. Her parasitic powers activated in a purplish pink glow and Ice felt weakness grip her body. All her powers flowed like river through her arm and into Fade, leaving a sick weakened feeling in their wake.
“NO…stop, you…can’t…” Sara moaned feebly as her energy was sucked dry. After only a minute of contact she passed out her head falling back onto Vigor’s shoulder. Katie released her and smiled, feeling like a million bucks she loved draining people’s strength away. Superheroines were the best of course. Taking aim she lined up with Fire who still fought with Carol. Without much though she fired an icy mix from her hand and it connected with the flaming vixen.

Shannon grunted as the blast hit her. She hadn’t seen Fade absorb her sister’s powers and was shocked by the strike, thinking her sister missed. Falling from the sky she tried to melt the icy remains off her costume. It was too late though, she was weakened from the blast and the energy coming from Carol. Shannon landed right into Vigor’s arms. Fade walked over and touched Fire’s nylon covered legs, running her hand up and down them.
“Oh Blaze, couldn’t talk you in to rejoining the sorority?” she asked.
“Bite me…what did you do to…”
“Ice? She’s taking a little nap. It seems losing her powers just leaves her oh so tired.” Katie taunted. Shan struggled for a moment but had no strength to challenge Vigor; Fade was already feeding on her powers through her legs. Fire’s last act was to reach for a small hidden button on the thin orange belt on her waist, depressing it she passed out.

Carol landed and looked at the two girls who were her friends, “Why did they attack us?”
Carrie looked at Katie who of course had an answer, “They are out get us. They have done terrible stuff to us, assaulting us, knocking us out, and neutralizing our powers.”
It was half the truth but Carol didn’t know that, “That’s horrible…what do we do?”
“We need to take them with us because their friends will be here soon.” Katie explained.
“Why?” Carol asked.
Katie placed a hand on Carol’s shoulder and smiled, “Because we can turn them into the proper authorities once they all come to us.”
Thinking about it, it made sense to Carol, “Okay, let’s get moving.”


“That was fun.” Anne said as she came through the door. Right behind her, Allison pushed her sister into the apartment. She was paralyzed from the waist down; Anne had suffered an accident while doing an uneven bar routine years before. Since then she hadn’t been able to walk. After giving her a push into the apartment, Anne took over rolling her wheelchair forward.

Erin was right behind the two and closed the door, “I can’t believe you bought her that dress Allison.”
“Hey it wasn’t that bad…”
“Allison if it was cut anymore along the leg she wouldn’t have a dress.” Erin pointed out. Anne turned herself around, “Hey I’ll be sitting down the whole time.”
Allison chuckled but Erin hesitated, she knew Anne accepted her handicap but still it was a little uneasy for her to laugh at it.
Noticing it, “Erin its okay.”

“Sorry…” They were interrupted by the sound of a beeping. Allison noticed it was coming from her. Reaching into her purse she removed a beeper device. On it a message flashed, L.L SOS…FI…SOS. Her eyes opened wide she almost screamed.
“Shannon and Sara are in trouble.” Allison explained.
“Where?” Erin asked.
“Hold on gals.” Anne said. Wheeling herself over to a flat panel on a wall, she placed her hand print on it. The device slid up and a computer screen appeared. On the side of her wheelchair, Anne brought up a small laptop like computer. She connected it to the main computer and started working. Allison smiled, her sister’s legs may no longer work but her mind was sharp as ever.

“Okay I’m tracking the distress signal…here it came from 51st and 72nd. Then it moved…here.” Anne pointed to a location on the map. The GPS locator was beaming from an apartment complex across town.
Allison turned on her game face, “All right…we’re going.” She reached for her blouse and unbuttoned it, revealing her white star on American Star’s leotard. Erin thumbed a bracelet on her wrist and a wave of electricity washed over her and she was in her Electron uniform.
“All right let’s go slowpoke.” Electron joked.
“Hey some of us enjoy the classic traditions of costume change thank you.” Allison said back as she placed her mask on.
Anne had checked the registry for the apartment and came up on a dead end, “Be careful sis…this apartment registry is fishy.”
“Always sis.” Allison turned. She and Electron headed for the window and then took off from it.
“You better be Allison, I’m too use to having a sister, don’t screw up.” Anne said as she watched them fly away.
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Beautiful action! I'd love to see a video of Ice and Fire getting their powers siphoned off by Fade. I keep picturing Ice as a combination of DynaGirl and ice skater Sara Hughes.

Cannot wait to see where this one goes next!
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Last edited by cthulhu1 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Allison and Erin flew through the afternoon sky heading for the distress signal sent by Sara and Shannon. While the heroines came to the rescue, Ice and Fire were being bound tightly together. Good old fashion black nylon rope now bound the two heroines to each other. Sara and Shannon were facing each other back to back. Rope pinned their waists and backs together. Each girl also had their writs and ankles, Sara’s skates had been removed.

Carol watched all this with deep thought. ‘Why did they attack us? Katie said it was because they were out to get the girls’ yet they hadn’t said why. Something was screaming in her that she should help these helpless heroines, yet didn’t Katie and her friends take her in?
“Cosmic thoughts?” Kerry Kross asked as she came up next to Carol.
“Nothing really…what are you going to do with those two.” Carol asked.
Kerry smiled, “Katie’s using them as bait for the other two.”
“Other two?”
“Yeah American Star and Electron. These two, Fire and Ice, are friends with them, so with these girls captured they definitely will be coming after them.”
Carol paused thinking it over, “So these other two ladies are after you too?”
“Yep. You’ve been a great help Carol, probably the best addition to our team.”
“Team?” Carol pondered. She still didn’t know about the sorority.
Kerry saw she screwed up and covered her tracks, “Oh Katie will explain it.”

American Star and Electron could see the apartment building.
“Alright, straight in or stealth?” Erin asked.
Allison thought it over, “Stealth. We need to find Sara and Shannon then regroup.”
“Got it, I’ll go in from the west, you take the east.” Electron said then angled her flight to the left. Allison changed direction and went for the right.

Allison found a side room to enter from and carefully opened the window. Sliding it open she quietly made her way inside. A quick peek showed it to be a typical room. Books, clothes, girl stuff was all over the place. She crept forward and found a door. Peering through the crack American Star could see a large studio apartment much like the team’s own. Then a figure walked by clad in black.

She wore a black leotard, tights, and mask. Allison searched her memory to match the face with a name. Finally it clicked, Silhouette better know as Kerry Kross. The girl had no powers and was still pretty new in the villain business. ‘If she has Sara and Shan she did something to get them, probably knocked them out, got to be careful.’ As Kerry came closer she made her move. Bolting through the door she slammed into the villainess and knocked her to the floor.

Smiling she assumed a powerstance and looked down at Silhouette, “My, aren’t we dressed for work? Going somewhere or just getting back?”
“Actually I was just getting a coke.” Kerry answered resting on her elbows and back. Allison grabbed the front of Kerry’s leotard and lifted the young woman off the ground.
“Alright where is Fire and Ice?” American Star demanded.
Getting angry Allison tightened her grip and punched Kerry in the gut, “I’ll ask you again where are they!”
“Alright! Alright, don’t hurt me. They’re in there, that room.” Kerry pointed over Allison’s shoulder. Star threw the villainess and she landed on a couch with a thud. Walking over American Star kicked the door in and saw Fire and Ice unconscious and bound.
“Hold on gals.” Allison said and knelt down to free the two. As she began to unbind the heroines a click sounded and suddenly a blast of light went off. Blinding Allison she backed away from her friends. Her vision was filled with bright light she stumbled around blinking trying to clear her sight.

Suddenly she felt herself grabbed from behind. A familiar and unpleasant feeling swept over her. American Star’s strength began to fade from her body. Sinking into the arms of her attacker she may not have been able to see her foe but from the sickness and weakness coming in Allison knew who it was.
“Fade…” she said weakly feeling her powers slip away.
“Yes Star, how you feeling? I’m doing great, you not so much.” Katie smiled as she lowered the weakening heroine to the floor. Allison struggled to stay awake but couldn’t. Her eyes fluttered, once, twice, and finally closed.

Katie lowered Allison to the floor. She had changed into her sleeveless black leotard and opaque tights. Using her foot she rolled American Star onto her back. Then taking some black rope she bound Allison’s wrists behind her back and then sat her up. Quickly Fade bound Allison to her friends in the same way.
Fade reached for a Nextel on her belt, “Fade here, the Star is caught, how about the lighting?”
“She’s in my sights and Carol’s with me.” Answered Magpie.

Electron floated a foot above the floor not to trigger any noise. She had entered into a work area. Moving through the pipes and cables she saw nothing till she entered a hallway. Standing in front of her was a girl in a dark blue nylon bodystocking, purple cape, and mask with cowl.

“Magpie.” Electron said landing and getting ready for a fight.
“Electron, nice to meet you.” Gillian McGuire answered ready for a fight herself. She pulled out a strange looking gun and fired. A blob of blue goo flew at Erin and hit her in the chest. It pinned her against a pipe and wrapped around her upper body.
“It’s a new non-lethal weapon for the military.” She explained walking forwards, “It binds a person’s limbs together makes them immobile against any surface.”
Erin struggled but even her enhanced strength couldn’t break the goo. So she tried something else. Electricity cracked from her hands and burned through the goo freeing herself. Then with a kick she knocked Magpie back.

Landing on her behind, Gillian cursed. Electron removed the goo off her by charging her body. Walking forwards she then grabbed some small metal pipes on the floor and bent them around Magpie. Gillian struggled but she had no superstrength and couldn’t free herself from the pipes.
“Now how about you tell me where my friends are?” Erin questioned.
Magpie smiled, “Well my friend is right behind you, ask her.”

Erin turned and was hit with a blast of light. It knocked her backwards and she landed onto her side. Looking up she saw her attacker. She was a tall thin girl. Her body was in a skintight black suit. It wasn’t normal spandex and nylon. It kind of reminded Erin of the outfit Jessica Alba had on in the Fantastic Four movie, but thinner material.
“Who are you?” Erin said getting up.
“Carol, and I’m not going to let you hurt my friends.” The girl answered with determination.
Erin was surprised by the response, “Friends? So that’s what we call are partners in crime these days.”
“What?” Carol asked she was not faking her surprise. While the girl mulled over her thoughts Electron attacked. She sent out a blot of lighting from her hand to stun Carol. The moment her bolt stuck home however it was blocked by a yellow shield of light. Carol responded by making her hands glow and firing off twin balls of light.

Electron brought up a blast of electricity to block the attack and it worked. ‘She has some sort of shield, maybe I can break it’ she thought. Erin fired off twin lighting blots from her hands which hit Carol’s shield. The contest began, Erin pouring her attack onto Carol’s shield, which didn’t weaken. It was taking all her energy to keep up the attack. ‘Can’t…keep this…up long.’ Erin thought.

Carol didn’t seem to be tiring at all. A wave of weakness washed over Electron as her blast lost its power. Both blots cut out and she fell forwards onto her knees and hands. Panting she looked at the floor, “Need…to…recharge…” Using her sense for electricity she began to drain the room of its power more.
“Not so fast sweetie.” She heard. Erin turned her head and saw Vigor.
“You look a little out of it, here take a rest.” Carrie smiled as she kneeled next to Erin.

Vigor placed a folded white handkerchief over Electron’s face. Erin smelled the chloroform and tried to hold her breath. Her body though needed oxygen and forced her to breath in the fumes. Robbing what little strength she had left, Erin’s eyes rolled into her head and she went limp on the floor. Carrie smiled and stood up to her full height. Carol walked over with Gillian after cutting the girl free with her laser vision.
“Nice job Vigor.” Magpie congratulated.
“Nah I didn’t do anything, thank Carol she did all the hard work.”
“I didn’t do anything. Tell me, what did she mean by partners in crime?” Carol asked. Uneasy silence came from that which kept Carol thinking, ‘These people don’t seem bent on hurting Katie and everyone else, they just wanted to help their friends.’

“Let’s get her tied up with the others.” Vigor said. Magpie stepped forward to do it, but Carol did instead.
“I’ll take her, you guys meet up with Katie.”

While the three girls went back into the apartment, Carol took the koed Electron to the room they held the other three in. Lying Electron on the ground she grabbed some of the rope then looked at the one called Ice. Checking to make sure the door was close she went forward and touched Ice on the cheek.
“Hey, wake up?”
Sara slowly awoke, last thing she remembered had been a chloroformed cloth going over her face. Now she saw a blonde that looked familiar.
“Oh, wait a minute.” Carol closed her eyes and her hair shortened and became brown. Sara now recognized the woman.
“You’re that girl who knocked my clock clean.” Sara said.
“Yes, tell me…why do you and your friends want to hurt Katie and the girls?”
Sara looked dumbfounded, ‘she doesn’t know’, “Because their criminals…”


“Where’s Carol?” Katie asked. There were a few shrugs. Then Gillian remembered.
“Oh she’s tying up Electron.”
“Yeah but she’s spent this much time on it?” Katie questioned. Fade walked over to the room where American Star’s Liberty League was tied up. Opening the door she saw only Carol standing their, a serious look on her face.
“Carol, where are they?” Katie asked.
“You lied.” Carol said, “You never told me you were criminals, that you tried to kill them, that you have lied, cheated, stole.”

“Fine, I didn’t mention that, but we’ve done nothing to take advantage of you. Carol, we’re friends.” Katie was closing.
Carol shook her head and looked at Katie, “Not anymore.”
Katie frowned and jumped forward ready to touch the girl and drain every bit of her light based powers dry. Carol was ready and fired off her energy blast. It knocked Katie down and stunned her. Kerry, Carrie, and Gillian were surprised by the sudden sound and light from the room that held the Liberty League members. They didn’t get far though, frozen in place then checked by Allison, Erin, and Shannon.

Sara turned off the TV that covered the girls’ latest series of arrests. Yeah Velocity got away but her crew was in jail and should stay there for a while. Everyone was in bed recovering from the day’s adventure. She saw someone looking out the window. Getting up she walked over to their newest member. Carol looked out the window deep in thought. She straighten up some and looked behind her.
“Hey Sara.” She said.
“Hi Carol, cosmic thoughts?”
Carol nodded, “I…feel used.”
“It’s okay; you didn’t know what was going on. From the sounds of it they were pretty nice to you.”
“So they could add me to their gang.” Carol sighed.
“Listen Carol, I know you’re feeling pretty lost now. I don’t know what to say other than, we’re here to help and till you get your memory back maybe we can be friends.” Sara offered. Carol looked at her and smiled, “Thanks.”

Carol again dreamt that night. It was a more detailed each time, space. Lights, explosions, someone screaming her name. Then she was holding something, it looked like a bomb. There was a blast of energy and then nothing. She sat up and slowed her breathing. The clock by her bed read 5:45. Slipping out of her covers she walked forwards and looked out her window. A sunrise was coming over DC. Orange and yellow rays were washing over; she soaked them up feeling great and calm. Even though she didn’t know about her past, she had people who would help her, and Wavelength would help them.

The End

I hope Everyone enjoyed L.L first adventure, and tell me what you think of Wavelength, Carol
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 203
Joined: 19 years ago
Location: North Carolina

Great story. Wavelength is a great character and the memory loss gives you lots of story possibilities. I can't wait to see if she gets a new costume. Looking forward to seeing more of her, so to speak. :^)
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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