Heroine Transformations

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I hope they get posted, and you approve :|
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Sorry for the double post, but did you both disappear off earth? I've been waiting years for additional content, please don't deprive us all!
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I have not gotten anything yet to review
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Why did he post then hold out for a week? I'm really excited to say any new developments in this series, official or unofficial...
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I cannot speak for Converter, of course. He has simply told me that he is nearly done with one sub-chapter. The other is, at this point, only an idea in his head and nothing is written down yet.
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The Converter
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Sorry, I probably posted a bit sooner than I should have. I did have a first sub chapter almost fully written but I hadn't finihsed the ending. I'm afraid I still haven't as I've been working. It will be done by the end of the week!
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Sounds good... are you almost ready?
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The Converter
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Finished finally. Sent to RK today via e-mail for his approval. I have three ideas for other stories on the same theme but nothing written down yet. If RK likes this one then I'll try to write my other ideas into stories but I can't give promises on how long it will take me. This one took a lot longer than I expected.
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No cheese?
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OK, I read what Converter sent me....

I am sorry to say this (Converter, writing these chapters takes me a long time too, I know how hard it is), but I would really prefer that it NOT get posted as part of the HT storyline.

There are a few reasons:

It deals with the moments immediately following when Poison Ivy has Wonder Woman/Countess look into the mirror. I would rather not have that period in time detailed, but leave it up to the reader's imagination.
Also, in my mind Wonder Woman is much more powerful than Poison Ivy or Catwoman, and somewhere along the way in my story I sort of made Countess the prime villainess in charge, or at the very least on par with the other two. What Converter wrote makes her subservient to them, which is not what I had in mind.

I'm sorry if I'm letting people down by saying that I don't want what Converter wrote to become part of the "official" storyline.

Converter, please don't be offended or take this the wrong way. I really do appreciate your work and how long it takes to do this stuff.
www.flyingsuperheroes.com - please contact me for your editing, and visual and audio effects needs.

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Well I think he has a right to post what he does as fan service and NOT as some official continuation of the series.

After all, he went through the time and trouble ... if what you mean is that he shouldn't post this at all, I don't think that is right, even if it does not depict what you wrote 100% as intended.
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The Converter
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I'm not offended and I see your point entirely. I actually did intend for the Countess to be the boss which is why she takes the initiative but it seemed a bit early on in proceedings for her to enjoy equal status. Like I said before it's your story and I respect your wishes.

You've kick started my imagination so I'm fairly confident that the body of the content will appear shortly as an original story with original characters.
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rb - Converter is free to do whatever he wishes, but when I read his sub-chapter I just felt it put an angle on the story that I didn't wish to have in the "official" Heroine Transformations timeline. But he (or anyone else for that matter) can post anything he likes as a sort of "un-official" chapter.

Converter - I think it would be AWSOME to get your own story going! With HT I just take characters from various superhero setting and mash them together to form a storyline. But mine is not the only popular storyline involving superheroines and mind control (and I am making a wild assumption that it is, indeed, popular. I really have no idea how many HT fans there are out there). I would welcome and applaud any and all stories that use these themes to create popular fiction.
www.flyingsuperheroes.com - please contact me for your editing, and visual and audio effects needs.

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For those interested, after taking a break of I don't know how many years and saying that I wouldn't write any more...I am working on the next chapter of Heroine Transformations. Should be up relatively soon.
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I approve of this message.
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Looking forward to this!!!
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I adore this story! First read it ages ago and really got me into the genre. Can't wait to see it filmed!

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Thanks for the words of confidence :)

I remember that I used to bang out the chapters in one afternoon or within a day or two, but this chapter is taking MUCH longer to write. I am done with the first draft, however, so now its just a matter of reading it through again and editing it to get everything just how I want.
www.flyingsuperheroes.com - please contact me for your editing, and visual and audio effects needs.

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Chapter 7

Walking along the college green, Buffy Summers couldn’t help but roll her eyes and laugh to herself at all the attention she was getting. Her extended adventures in Sunnydale had resulted in her now being slightly older than the main body of students at RK University, but her looks and body were still in top condition and she drew plenty of wandering eyes from the guys on campus.

Not that any of that was her concern at the moment. If she didn’t hurry, she was going to be late for her meeting at Delta Delta Delta sorority house. Now that she was securely in her mid-20’s, she felt joining a sorority was kind of silly, but her friend Willow had urgently requested she come to the Open House.

Willow had joined a year earlier, and for months afterwards nagged her on and on about how much fun it would be if they were sorority sisters how Buffy should join too. “You’d be a cinch to get in if I sponsored you,” she had exclaimed to her friend. But Buffy wasn’t interested. Since she came to college, she wanted to focus all of her energies on her studies.

Toward the end of last year and over the summer Buffy and Willow had drifted apart as Willow spent more and more of her time with her sorority friends. But then late last night Willow had called and told Buffy that she urgently needed to come to the Open House tomorrow. “You’ve got to come to this Open House and take a look around with me. Something’s kind of weird is happening here.” That piqued Buffy’s attention and she tried to get more details from Willow “I’m not sure what’s wrong, but the House officers have been very quiet and secretive for the past week. You’d think they would have been out running all over town to get ready for Open House night, but they haven’t. They’ve closed off the Grand Room for the past week and have just been squirreled away in there. And there have been a couple small equipment deliveries, but the stuff is always under covers as they roll it into the Grand Room then they shut and lock the doors. I can hear noises so I know they’re working on something in there, I just don’t know what.”

Buffy tried to press Willow for more information, but she couldn’t give any more details. “Please come, Buffy. Something very weird is going on at the House and I want to find out what.”

So despite having two papers to write and an exam to prepare for, Buffy’s curiosity and desire to help a friend won out, and she was now rushing across campus to meet up with Willow.

As she rounded the last street corner she saw the DDD house up ahead. It was a huge house, but there seemed to be no activity going on around it. Since it was Open House night she would have expected to see a flurry of activity, but the house seemed very quiet. “Maybe I’m too late to get in,” she thought, but then she saw a young freshman-age girl come out of the house and walk by with a dejected look on her face. “What’s going on in there,” Buffy asked the girl, “I thought this was Open House night.”

The girl threw up her arms in disgust and replied, “I thought so too, but that bitch at the front desk said they weren’t taking any more candidates. I can’t believe this! The flyer I got said Open House began at six o’clock and its only ten past six!”

“Calm down,” Buffy replied, “I’m sure there’s just been some mistake.”

“You bet there’s been a mistake! I’ve waited all summer for a chance to rush at Delta Delta Delta, and now it’s all been for nothing! I should have never gotten my hopes up!”

Buffy continued to try to calm the girl down. “Take it easy. My name is Buffy Summers. What’s yours?”

“Lana…. Lana Lang.”

“Well Lana, I’m sure this can all be worked out. I’m on my way in there now. Why don’t you come with me and we’ll see if the two of us can muscle past whatever teeny-bopper airhead they have at the front desk and get in there.”

Lana hesitated. “I’m sure you’re not going to have any more luck than I did.”

Buffy smiled. “We’ll see about that. I’ve got a friend in there who may be able to help. And I can be pretty….. persuasive….. when I want to be.”

Buffy’s attitude seemed to perk Lana’s spirits and she asked, “You really think you could get me in there?”

Buffy exclaimed, “Absolutely! Come on, let’s go.” The two girls turned back toward the entrance to the house.

Buffy opened the front door of the DDD house, revealing a small-but-quaint lobby and archway leading to the next part of the house, and a stairways leading up- and downstairs. In the center of the room was a young, read-headed woman sitting at a reception desk. She was dressed in a nice purple dress, but sticking out from under the table Buffy could see she had on purple, latex boots, and she wore rather severe eye and face makeup, making here look somewhere between a hooker and a goth. She was looking down, concentrating on doing her nails and seeming oblivious to Buffy and Lana.

After waiting a moment to marvel at the woman’s failure to notice them, Buffy walked up to the desk. “Excuse me,” she said in an irritated tone.

The redhead, looking like she was startled, spoke to Buffy with a bubbly voice, “Oh, hi! My name is Daphne. Welcome to Delta Delta Delta. Can I help ya? Help ya? Help ya?“
Buffy glanced sideways at Lana and whispered, “See? Airhead.” She then turned her attention to Daphne. “My name is Buffy Summers. I’m here about the Open House,” she said as she held up one of the sorority flyers.

Daphne replied, “Oh, you’re here about that! I’m sorry but we’ve already taken in all the girls we’re going to let rush this year. Better luck next year!”

Lana echoed back to her in a mocking tone, “ ‘Better luck next year’”,then looked at Buffy, “See? That’s all she told me before!”

Buffy leaned over the desk toward Daphne but remained diplomatic. “Daphne, my friend and I have been looking forward to rushing all summer.” She laid her hand down over Daphne’s and applied just a slight bit of pressure. “I’m sure you can squeeze in two more.”

Daphne looked down at her pinned hand, then back at Buffy and said, ”Um….. ah….. let me see what I can do.” Buffy released Daphne’s hand as she picked up her telephone and pressed three buttons to call somewhere else in the house.

Buffy and Lana looked on as Daphne spoke on the phone. “Excuse me……. Sorry to bother you…….may I speak with… yes……yes, but…I know, but the girls here are insistent.” There was a slight pause before Daphne spoke again. “Yes…… Mistress, I have two girls here who would like to come in and join you….. hold on….” Daphne cradled the phone on her shoulder as she looked back at Buffy and Lana. “What are your names?”
“Buffy Summers and Lana Lang,” Buffy replied with authority.

Daphne repeated the names into the phone and waited a moment, then spoke “Yes Mistress, as you command,” and she hung up the phone.

Lana laughed and she spoke to Daphne, “You call the president of your house ‘Mistress?’”

“She isn’t the house president, but yes, everyone refers to her as Mistress,” Daphne replied. “You will soon learn why. Our Mistress is sorry for the confusion and apologizes, but she would like to invite you into the grand room to being your rush.”

Lana looked back and questioned, “Seriously?”

Daphne replied in her bubbly voice “Totally seriously!”

Lana brighten up with a wide grin then asked, “Buffy too?”

“We just need to clear up a little bit of paperwork on Buffy, but soon she will be right in to join you,” Daphne responded. A pair of double doors under the archway seemed to open on their own to another, darkened room as Daphne offered, “Go right on in.”

Lana smiled gleefully as she responded, “Yay!” Then she turned to Buffy and said, “see you soon!”, as she quickly rushed through the doors that seemed to close all too quickly behind her and a locking mechanism was heard.

Buffy thought she caught the faint whiff of smoke as the doors closed and turned to Daphne, “You know, you really shouldn’t allow smoking in the house. I think it’s some kind of health code violation, and besides it’s a really, really bad habit.” Daphne stared back at her blankly as she continued, “now, about that paperwork…”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Summers,” Daphne explained, “but the Mistress has ordered that you not be let into the grand room of Delta Delta Delta.”

Buffy wasn’t taken by surprise in the least, and in fact had been expecting this. “Now see here, you little redheaded, either you let me in there or I’ll-“

“Buffy!” Buffy looked up to see Willow descending the staircase, dressed in her usual cover-alls and, thankfully, no make-up. Willow was smiling ear to ear as she got to the bottom of the stairs and asked, “What’s going on here? Is there anything I can do to help?”

Buffy responded, “There sure is, Willow. This ‘sister’ of yours, Daphne, doesn’t seem to want to let me in.”

Daphne then said, “As I explained to Ms. Summers here, the Mistress has ordered that no one else be let in. I’m afraid I have to ask her to leave.”

Willow pleaded with Daphne, “Oh, are you sure? Buffy is my friend and came here because I asked her to. Are you sure we can’t make an exception?”

“Wait a moment,” Daphne looked sternly at Willow, “are you trying to use your status as a current Delta Delta Delta Sister to influence sorority policy, and get a personal friend in?”

Willow stuttered, “Well, uh, no. That is….uh…. I just wanted to-“

Daphne continued, “because that is against greek policy.” She looked squarely at Buffy and declared, “Ms. Summers, I am going to have to ask you to leave immediately.” She then turned to Willow and said, “And as for you, Willow Rosenberg, by trying to use sorority status for personal gain, I hereby strip you of your Sisterhood status.” She stood up as she pointed to the front door, “please leave the House immediately!”

At that point Buffy had had enough. “Now listen up, you bubblegum bimbo. We are going in whether you like it or not. Now are we going to do this the easy way, or the fun way?”

Daphne considered Buffy’s threat, began to cry out, “Velm- *ugh*!”, before taking spinning crescent kick from Buffy. The boot landed right on her temple, sending her crashing to the floor and leaving her unconscious.

Buffy landed from her kick and declared, “Why don’t they ever want to do it the east way.” She rushed over to the doors that Lana had disappeared through and tried to open them, but it wouldn’t budge. She turned to her friend and said, “Willow, help me.” Willow rushed over to help her friend and the two of them took turns pushing and pulling with all their might, but the door wouldn’t budge.

After a minute Buffy asked Willow, “This door isn’t moving an inch. Is there another way in?”

Willow considered for a moment. “No, this doorway is the only way into or out of the grand room.”

Buffy was annoyed but undeterred. “Dammit! Ok Willow, stand back.”

She backed up to give room for a flying kick into the door when Willow suddenly perked up, “Wait a minute! The basement! There’s a door into the grand room from the basement, we can get in that way!”

Buffy looked at the stairway leading down to the basement and said, “You were right, Willow. I’m sorry I took so long to get here but something weird really is going on. I hope the ‘Mistress’ doesn’t mind uninvited guests. Come on, let’s go!” The two of them disappeared down the stairs.

As the two women made their way across the floor of the basement, Buffy could tell when they were underneath the grand room due to all the footsteps she heard above her. But more interesting to her was the machine on the floor of the basement. A smooth, elegant design, it was roughly cylinder shape, about three feet in diameter, and stood up from the floor about five feet tall. It had a domed, smooth-metal top that reached almost to the ceiling of the basement, and immediately above it was a round, closed metallic iris trapdoor that led up to the grand room. It did not appear to have any sort of on/off switch, or buttons of any type, but was humming softly.

Buffy gestured to the machine and asked Willow, “That doesn’t look like any kind of washing machine I’ve ever seen. Do you know what it is?”
“No idea,” Willow responded, “I’ve never seen it before. The basement was part of the house that’s been locked off for the past week. I don’t like the looks of it, though.”

Buffy nodded in agreement. “Tell me about it,” she said, “what do you think we should-“

Buffy was interrupted by a loud voice coming from upstairs that said, “Come, come girls. Let’s finish getting your costumes ready.”

Buffy whispered to Willow, “I want to see what’s going on up there!” Willow pointed to the nearest staircase, then the two of them quietly worked their way up toward the grand room. The stairs went up a few feet, then turned a corner and went back on themselves and ended in a closed double door. The noise of all kinds of activity from upstairs masked their approach, as Buffy gently opened the doors a crack to see inside.

In the center of the grand room she saw the trapdoor to the basement, and above it there was more strange machinery set into the ceiling. There were five chairs set up evenly around the trapdoor and five extremely beautiful girls, including Lana Lang, sitting in each of the chairs. Each of the girls was wearing a tight corset of some color, and they were each in the process of either fitting into boots of varying lengths, or slipping on long gloves.

In the center of the room, standing atop the trapdoor, Buffy saw a tall blonde woman with boots and fishnet stockings, wearing a black leather bodysuit, who was lecturing the girls on makeup application. Walking around between chairs was another redheaded woman dressed in an identical fashion, helping in the application. “Now girls”, the blonde said, “in order to complete your looks, you need to make sure your face and eyes are done up perfectly. Please use the mirrors to make sure you have done everything you can to make yourselves look fabulous.”

Taking a closer look at the two standing women, Buffy saw that both were wearing what she considered to be too much makeup, and each looked like some sort of hooker. “Why the hell is she dressing up the girls this way,” Buffy whispered, “what kind of initiation is this?”

Seated in one of the chairs, Lana was busy applying and perfecting her application. “I have to admit, Ms. Lori, this is one of the weirdest meeting I’ve ever been to. You said getting dressed up like this for Halloween is part of the initiation, but Halloween is still over a month away. Besides, what if we want to get dressed up as something else?”
“Oh, come dearie,” the redhead said as she came around to inspect Lana’s makeup, “Of course you are going to get dressed up this way. It’ll be so much fun, dressing and acting like sexy sluts.”

The other girls In the room had already finished their application, and each looked as perfectly artificial as could be. Although Lana had been super-happy to be joining Delta Delta Delta, she looked around and realized that between their outfits, lipstick and makeup, all the girls looked like sex toys, herself included. “I’m not so sure about this, Ms. Judy,” Lana said as she tried to squirm away from the redhead, “maybe I just want to be Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween.”

“Oh no”, Judy said as she gently but firmly held Lana in place, “you are definitely going to want to stay this way.”

Watching Judy deal with Lana, Lori stepped away from the center of the room and said, “now pay attention, girls, this is the best part.” Lana stopped her attempts to escape as she and Buffy watched all that happened next.

The equipment in the ceiling of the room seemed to come to life as all sorts of parts began moving and a large, central light began to cast down a dull, red light onto the floor. In the center of the room the iris trapdoor slid open and the domed cylinder in the basement rose up into the floor.

After a moment, the cylinder stopped and the dome opened, revealing a large, dark crystal. The crystal slowly began to pulsate with inner energy as it lifted up out of the dome, seeming to magically rise and float in the air. Various sounds of awe and amazement came from girls as they watched the crystal rise into the air, but all were silenced when the crystal reached eye level. At that moment, the overhead light came alive a fired down a laser-like beam into the crystal, and five beams shot out of the crystal into the eyes of each of the seated girls, captivating and controlling each of them.

Each of them, that is, except for Lana Lang. She had been struggling to escape and was out of place when the light activated, and the beam aimed for her missed her eyes. She began struggling violently again the moment she saw that the other girls were immobilized. “Let me go, you psycho freak!” she yelled as she struggled. Lori/Elektra rushed over to help Judy/Dynamo control Lana, but it was too late. Lana’s flexibility and years of self-defense training kicked in as she brought her legs up and caught Dynamo’s head in a scissor hold, and she pulled herself up out of the chair while bringing Dynamo to the floor.

Watching Lana struggle and free herself, Buffy knew she had to do something. “Come on, Willow, let’s go!”

Just at that moment, there were a flash of light behind Buffy and she turned around to her friend, but it wasn’t at all what she expected. Gone was here plain-jane friend. Willow was now wearing knee-high black boots on her shapely, perfectly-toned legs. She wore a black thong, and above that a thin black bustier that just barely contained her much-larger-than-before breasts. Around her neck she wore a dark choker, and a long black cape completed her outfit. Her hair had changed color and was now jet-black, and her face was done up with heavy eye-liner and black lipstick. Her eyes were glowing purple-white as a deep shade of violet energy emanated from them. “A pretty neat trick, don’t you think,” Willow asked as she lifted her hands and an ethereal burst of magic shot out of them and struck Buffy.

The doors to the basement flung open as Buffy was crashed through them and onto the floor from the force of the magic blast. Buffy was dazed by the attack, but quickly shook it off and got to her feet, ready for a fight.

Lana, though, just wanted to get out of there after taking down Dynamo. “Come on, Buffy, let’s get out of here!”, she yelled as she started running as best she could in the thigh-high boots she was wearing toward the door to the lobby.

“Not so fast!”, Willow countered as she cast another spell at Buffy, This time, the magical flow shot out at Buffy and wrapped around her. Buffy felt as if she was suddenly tied up in a straight jacket and, try as she might, she couldn’t escape.

Lana made a beeline for the doors and flung them open to make her escape, but instead came face to face with the Countess. The sinister woman was just taking a drag from her cigarette holder as Lana opened the door, and she blew a long stream of smoke into Lana’s face. The smoke stopped Lana in her tracks and she just stood there, captivated. The Countess took another drag and again blew smoke into Lana face. “Good girl,” she said, “just breathe in the smoke.” Lana did as she was told. “You love this smell, this feeling. You love my smoke. You might even want to start smoking yourself.” The Countess offered Lana her cigarette holder. Lana took it and inhaled deeply, then let out a thick plume of smoke. She closed her eyes for a moment, and when they opened again they were glazed over a clear white. After taking a few more puffs, Lana gave the holder back to the villainess. She had lost her battle to escape and was becoming a pawn of the Countess. The Countess turned Lana around and slowly began walking her back into the room.

At the opposite end of the room, Buffy was held tight by the magical binds and could do nothing as Willow walked toward her. “Willow, what’s going on? Why would you do this?”, she pleaded.

She replied, “I met our Mistress a few days ago, The Countess. Through her, I learned of a new way to live. A better way that lets me use magic the way I want to use it. The girl that you knew as Willow is gone, I am the Black Witch!” Willow/Black Witch was now standing right in front of Buffy, and raised her hands and placed them on either side of Buffy’s temples. A new charge of magic was summoned up into each of the Black Witch’s hands, and she released the magic into Buffy’s mind. Buffy closed her eyes and recoiled against the attack.

With a wave of the Black Witch’s hand, the magical binds holding Buffy melted away, but she made no effort to escape. In her head, Buffy was fighting an internal struggle to maintain control. She gasped out, “No…… got to fight it…… can’t……loose….. control…..” She opened her eyelids and her eyes were flickering with a magical glow.
“My, my, you are a strong one,” the Black Witch said as she again brought her hands up to Buffy’s temples again and let more magical energy flow into Buffy’s mind. Buffy again closed her eyes as she fought.

“No!”, Buffy cried out, “I…can… keep…control….”

“You can’t”, the Black Witch said back.

“Can’t…..fight……I…..am….. Buffy….Summers….”

“You will become my new apprentice.”


Elektra and Dynamo moved to both sides of Buffy and held her shoulders steady as the Black Witch put her palm to Buffy’s forehead and said, “You are now… the Dark Slayer.”

With those words and a final burst of magic, Buffy’s struggles ceased and she came to attention before the Black Witch. When she opened her eyes they were glowing the same as the Black Witch.

“I am…. the Dark Slayer.”

“You are my apprentice…. and my lover.”

“I am your apprentice and your lover.”

“Come to me, my lovely little Slayer.”

Buffy/Dark Slayer was drawn into the Black Witch’s arms as the two embraced in a passionate kiss. Their tongues and bodies melted together, the Black Witch flared up her cape and wrapped it around the Dark Slayer, and the two women disappeared in a magic flash.

The Countess was guiding the entranced Lana back to her seat, and every few steps she would blow more smoke into Lana’s face. “Now, my little butterfly, why would you want to run away?”, she asked the girl, then suggested, “Its so nice in here, and you have some new, lovely clothes to compliment your new mind. Why don’t you just sit down here, and everything will become clear.”

“Yes…..everything…….will be…… clear….”, Lana toned as the Countess sat her back down in the fifth chair.

Now that each girl was enraptured by the light, the next stage of their enslavement began. All of the color drained out of their eyes as they stared into the light, and thin tendrils of magical energy began drifting out of the Dark Crystal and follow along the beams of light. The energy entered the girls’ eyes and into their minds, changing them forever. Some of the girls tried to put up some resistance, but none were strong enough to resist the power of the Crystal and soon each had her personality washed away as new, evil thoughts and desires took over.

An hour later, with their transformations complete, the laser light shut down and the Dark Crystal lowered back down into the container in the basement. Each of the five girls slowly came around, as if waking from a deep sleep. No words were necessary as they were overcome by feelings of lust and desire. That night the five all took turns exploring and pleasuring each other’s bodies and the bodies of their three new Mistresses. Hands massaged and pinched breasts that grew to full, luscious sizes, and the girls’ tongues licked all over – and inside – each other.

The next morning, the five girls exited the Delta Delta Delta sorority house together. Each wore black leather pants that seemed to be painted on, along with high-heeled shoes and a top with a very low V-cut. All five girls wore identical sun glasses. If anyone had seen underneath the glasses they would have seen eyes that were clear-white and pulsed with a slight glow. “Come on, girls,” said the young woman who until the night before had been known as Lana Lang, “let’s head for the girl dorms. There’s work to be done…..”
www.flyingsuperheroes.com - please contact me for your editing, and visual and audio effects needs.

"Now, don't try to get away! I am more muscular, more cunning, faster, and larger than you are....and, I'm a genius!"
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Wow, such a great addition to a marvelous story. I love the different twists you took and this definitely added something unique with the sorority theme, and having several seductions take place, which was pretty ambitious I must admit.

I am curious what happens to Buffy, and if there would be any Countess/Buffy interaction. Though, it was cool how you incorporated old characters and we saw the return of the Countess.

I can write more, these were my initial reactions =). This is history, it's been so many years!!
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As always, thank you for the words of support. :D
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just ready chapter 7 a quality bit of work, I do like it when people are mind controlled into willing slaves. Will have to get around to reading the earlier chapters. :D
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You definitely have to read the earlier chapters, especially the first couple....although this new on is good the others are a master piece!
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So.....should there be more chapters? :twisted:
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I liked it, although I have to be honest and say that I liked the first parts better. It's not a bad chapter, it's just that the first chapters contained more interesting characters than, with all due respect, Buffy and Lana Lang...
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Fair enough. I never really read comic books and don't know much about the less-popular superheroines, which is part of the reason that I went with Lana and Buffy. But before I do another chapter I will look into using actual "super"heroines again.
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Completely disagree. I think it adds a fresh touch. The previous chapters were not confined to any one universe. Why should this one?

I really liked the story and am curious to see more maybe with these characters, or more Countess/Ivy. I wonder if there is some central arc here, and a way to "conclude" it? Or at least conclude a part? (i.e. some final showdown, conversion, etc.)
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I'm not sure who you are disagreeing with, rb, myself or Blx.

I certainly do like bringing together as many different fantasy universes as I can into my story, but neither this latest chapter nor the last chapter involved what I consider "superheroines", and I can appreciate if some readers don't like that. If Blx (and perhaps others) think that the most interesting chapters are the ones involving super-powered heroines, then I have no problem with that and he is welcome to his opinion. :D

I would like to get back to using super-powered heroines again in the next chapter - actually, as I was thinking about it, I realized there is one popular and obvious superheroine that I haven't used - but I would like to continue to bring together as many genres as I can, so we'll see how it goes. I don't even have even the barest outline of a new plot in my head at the moment. :wink:

I would shy away from anything that would really be a "conclusion", because then that would really put a definitive end to the story. If I ever wanted to write more after that, I would have to come up with some outrageous "no, that wasn't really the end" add-on, or use the far-too-often-used-in-movies "prequel" - both are ideas that I dislike.
I think that the way I write my chapters, at any time any one of them could have served as a final, open-ended chapter. Undoubtedly, one day I really will be totally done with this story and whatever last chapter I did will serve as the last one. I don't think I'll ever do a "Countess is finally defeated as everything goes back to normal", because I want to leave it up to the reader's imagination as to what else might be going on, where the story goes and how it ends. :twisted:
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Why not do an episode where the Countess or another of the turned heroines are changed back but thru the course of the chapter they start to fall back into evil once more but try to put up a good strugle to fight it off.

Oh and to answer your question defenately interested in you writing more chapters!
Zara of Armestia
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Would you consider a new heroine in your story like Zara? I just posted my introduction about her today! Perhaps having a new character would spark a new chapter for you? I am so excited I found this site!

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Hey there!

Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you... I've been gone on vacation this past week and was totally separated from any Internet access.

Anyway, I'm back now. I would be happy to incorporate Zara into a future chapter. I only have a very bare outline of a plot for the next chapter, but I may very well incorporate Zara into it! :wink:
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That would be so awesome to see you add Zara somehow into the story! :-D
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I'm very impressed! This story was SO good. What an exciting adventure. Thank you so much for writing it. It was a great job on a wonderful fantasy. I hope there will be a lot more soon. This topic shows up as most popular here. Not surprising...
The most exciting thing that I can imagine is girls turning lots of girls into eager lesbians. (both in fiction and even better in real life). There is really a big demand for this. A lot of sites are starting now where the focus is on getting girls hungry for lesbian sex and celebrating the women who are totally dedicated to getting as many girls as they can to become very active in lesbian acts. This just mirrors a growing behavior that is happening in colleges, offices, etc these days.
A recent trend among young girls and women is the fun and excitement that they are finding in enjoying lesbian pleasures. Why is this happening? Because most of these girls are trying lesbian sex and liking it... A LOT! Word gets out when a good thing is discovered, and most of the girls who have experienced the satisfaction
of some quality lesbian bliss, know that lesbian pleasure is one of the most wonderful experiences they've ever felt. Once these girls discover how much they enjoy lesbian delights and experience how fulfilling lesbian intimacy is, they never forget it. Women really do know how to pleasure a woman the best. Because they know what feels wonderful, experienced lesbians are experts at knowing what to do to a girl to rock her world and send her over the top. Over the top, and into intense lesbian passion. A girl who has experienced this, isn't likely to ever give it up. Her new appetites and cravings for that sapphic ecstacy compel to seek for more pleasure with women.
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Oh, as a 20yr old girl, I so have to agree with journey on this one....I agree 110%...nothing compares to it! And no I am not a lesbian.

Zara of Armestia
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Yes, you are so right journey! I don't consider myself to be Lesbian, but I have been with another woman more than one *giggle* and it is wonderful being taken care of without having to like give instructions all the time! I don't know about others but I have enjoyed being with just the right girl and she made me want to make her feel as good as she made me feel!

I have been wondering why so much is being written "Lesbian", we need more guys like Centurion to write how they are "men" and can "take" a woman, fantasy or not! So get to it boys! :-D
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Hey Tina and Zara, It occured to me that you (and any other girl loving women out there) might really like a book called:

"The Straight Girls Guide to Sleeping with Chicks" by Jen Sincero.

It can be found at amazon.com for $10.08 if you live in a country that they ship to.

It's amazeing how many very good and useful books about girl girl sex they have there. lol, no wonder it's called Amazon! :-)

I hope this dosn't come off as spammy, but I just thought this might be very useful to the girls out there who want girls, to help them get more sapphic action, and to encourage girls who haven't had the pleasure yet, to give sapphic satisfaction a try. Good luck and happy hunting.

Please write more stories like the one with the catwoman turning women lesbian, etc.
I love the girls hunting/seducing/converting girls theme.

I'd like to try my hand at writing some stories like this too if you would like them.

Have a great day!
Zara of Armestia
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Thanks, Journey2! I will check out that book! I would love to see you write a story! I have yet to write and put one up here yet about this character I created but I hope to soon! I also hope some day Rklein gets to add another chapter to this story and add Zara in as one of the characters! Maybe you will add Zara into one of your stories too, Journey2
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Journey2 we think a lot alike....those are my favorite scenarios too...the innocent girl is caught or corrupted by the older dominate lesbian. There is a great site called we live together and tyrannized lesbians..I love those sites..very cool especially the we live together girls..wish they would come to the east coast!
Also the couple seduces series are awesome..its always about an older married woman bringing a young hottie into the mix...these could easily be turned into superheroine scenes..the older evil couple capture the tight cute lil heroine..yummy!

There is something very special about another girl...we are just like that I guess???
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The post that was here has been moved for consolidation.
Last edited by Journey2 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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I dedicate a story to rklein for the story that inspired me to write, and to the girls that showed so much enthusiasm and encouragement to my first posts here.

My first story here is about an Amazon princess...

The story sprouted here but was moved to it's own topics home so that it doesn't interfere with rkleins continuing masterpiece.

If you read it, please comment and suggest, so I can make it really good.
I expect to re-arrange the way the story fits together.
Last edited by Journey2 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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That little button that says "New Topic" on the previous page.... you really need to hit that button and develop this on a different forum page
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Hello everyone,

In recent months I have been slowly working on the next chapter of 'Heroine Transformations' and am wondering how people would prefer I post.

When I finally get done, would people prefer that I add it to this thread so that all chapters are in one place, or should I just post separately?
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It's still going? It's not dead?

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


On that note, I'd prefer it if it was posted here. Having them all together gives it a sense of... togetherness.
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No, HT is not quite dead yet. I've got at least one more chapter left in me.
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Okay... so a little heads-up for everyone:

Due to real-life issues and a general lack of ideas, RK has admitted that he's unlikely to ever finish this story. He was, however, gracious enough to give me permission to continue/reboot it. As an added bonus, he's given me what little material he's written so far for Chapter 8, and allowed me to continue it as part of this wonderful story.

I am working on finishing Chapter 8 right now, and quite frankly, I could go 50/50 on whether to keep going on with the story or finishing it at Chapter 8 and writing a new reboot (after all, it might not feel like the same story without RK's input). What say you all?
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At this late stage with so many iconic heroines already transformed, it's a bit of a poisoned chalice for you, Omega Woman. Your options for superheroines left to use are severely limited now.

A reboot might be a good idea. It would give you a shot at transforming the icons in your own way, rather than moving down the tiers of lesser known superheroines and characters who are only tenuously superheroiney.
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If you are going to do a complete reboot, then I would ask that you title it something other than "Heroine Transformations." That might allow your story ideas to stand better on their own and prevent the unavoidable "comparing reboot to original" debate.

(How many people prefer a reboot over the original.....really....)

Whatever great ideas you have for a story, I don't want them to be tainted by "this is better/worse than the original" argument
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Lovely story. Love how the villians brainwash the heroines one at a time.
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Its been quite some time since I've visited this forum, but thank you for the kind words.

Its nice to know that after all these years, there are still some readers out there who enjoy reading my story.
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I was looking through the web for some information about your stories. A friend had sent me a link to them, maybe four years ago(???) but I honestly had forgotten what the name of the stories were or where I had seen them, so I was web searching because the topic had come up in some chats in an online chatworld recently. I was only able to tell the other girls that I had read some stories (yours, rklein) that had been fabulously hot about superheroines. Today I found this forum with those stories posted here and I got a teensy bit breathless again at re-reading them.

I should start off by saying that I'm in my late 20's....and until a few years ago I knew pretty much nothing about comics or superheroines; with a few exceptions like knowing who Wonderwoman was, and having a vague idea that there could be a someone called a Batgirl (cause I knew about Batman from the movies) :ybat: I guess I only really knew about Spider-Man and Bat-Man (cause of their movies).. I remember when I read your stories the first time, at the insistence of my friend, I googled up the images of Supergirl just to know what she looked like, and I ended up googling Batgirls images too. Of course since the time when I first read your stories, I have gotten a lot more familiar with superheroines and comics; mostly thanks to all the fun movies that have been made ( Avengers, Iron Man, that dreamy Thor, the X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man .. etc )...and I do watch Arrow and Flash occasionally on television. So I guess now I am kind of a comic book girl too, except I think I've only ever read maybe 9 or 10 "comic book" books in my life :tongue:

What I can say for sure though is that your last chapter (8 or was it 7 ).... anyway the one with Buffy, Willow and Daphne ... really ...uhmm.. got me a bit hot, and breathless. I never considered Buffy a "superheroine", but I was a total fan of the series (and Joss Whedon) and even though I am not a lesbian, I always smile big when I see Alyson Hannigan in any series, just because she is in my head as forever being Willow. So, saying all that I was ... flooded with imagery by reading your final Chapter. oh my.... very hot. Mucho Caliente ~giggle~ So I guess I wanted to say, in Meg Ryan style..... "Yes, Yes..ohh yes.... yes I ..loved it... Yesss its so good YESSSS !!! More ...more..ohh please... gimme more. YESS ohhhh god.

To fin ish up, I am in my 20's and since I moved to the big city and learned of so many more things and had new experiences, I've gained uhmmm.... a couple of slight kinks, and wow... you hit on several of them in your stories. So... Yes, your work is still very appreciated.

Thats it... I talked too muches and now I feel like everybody is staring at me. I gotta run off and hide my face now. Byeee
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