Then Came... [i]the Centurion![/i]

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Confession is good for the soul. I have to confess that I've been mildly obsessed with superheroines all my life. Like virtually every other teenage boy, I drew them, collected their pictures, and dreamed about them. As I got older, I began to see that writing stories in prose offered better and more subtle possibilities.

There's just one problem. I can't really share this hobby with anyone else, buddies or even girlfriends, because they might think I'm some kind of pervert. Does anyone else feel this way?
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Whatever you do. Dont compomise...Find someone to honestly share this way of life with you. I too had the same difficulty some 11 years ago until I met my wife and she encourage me to be open and honest. and she shares my enthusiasm for what I thought was oddity. I hope you find someone to share your life with..
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justnorm wrote:Find someone to honestly share this way of life with you.

Good advice!

I think that most of us felt this way at some point, if not all of us.
"Superheroines" is just a fetish like any other fetish out there. Something you experienced at a younger age left an impression
and now for the rest of your life you will probably have this fetish..

When I was 18 I told my girlfriend on the way home from dinner... I was quite scared she was going to leave me and tell everyone how disturbed I was lol...
I decided if I was going to tell someone I would not hold back so I didn't! I told her about how I liked peril, bondage, forced fantasies... The next thing I knew she was telling me about her fetishes... She didn't laugh or give me any reason to feel bad at all. A couple years later I started and found myself actually filming the one person I was most afraid to tell ;) Today... everyone in my life knows and I have ZERO issues telling anyone I meet and what I do for a living. Frankly I don't give a shit and I'm proud of my creations.

I would venture to say that most of the fans of the superheroine fetish keep it a secret. Just like Norm said though, find someone to share it with and don't compromise ;)
You will be way happier!

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I don't think there's anything odd about a superheroine fetish. Most of us were introduced to the characters in childhood or early adolescence, when most sexual proclivities form. The genre involves beautiful women in tight or skimpy outfits, often placed in bondage scenarios. I mean geez, most Wonder Woman comics were basically a how-to manual for BDSM. It's not all that unusual and even if it was, it's certainly not as different as a number of other fetishes out there. Embrace it and enjoy it; it's part of who you are and that's wonderful.
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My fetishes isnt with all Superheroines, Its mostly with Supergirl, Because she wears her costume under her regular clothes. I didnt even start this until my early 30's.... i picked up a Superman comic and Supergirl happened to be in it were she changed from Linda to Supergirl and I was hooked. Can't explain it. I just started to buys all her comics old and new... Most guys like their woman to be naked under their blouse and Im wanting a costume to be there..... Man, did I share too much... :D
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The same situation with me. At first I was embarrassed to talk about it but then my girlfriend wanted to have a discussion about what turns each other on
justnorm wrote:Whatever you do. Dont compomise...Find someone to honestly share this way of life with you. I too had the same difficulty some 11 years ago until I met my wife and she encourage me to be open and honest. and she shares my enthusiasm for what I thought was oddity. I hope you find someone to share your life with..
That is basically the same story with me too. Just be open, everyone has their own preferences/quirks and it's nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it would help deepen a relationship and make it more fun. =D>
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justnorm wrote: Man, did I share too much... :D

This is one of the LAST places you should worry about sharing too much ;)
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I guess I just grew up in a conservative part of the world. I had a friend tell me once that his new girlfriend made him cancel his subscription to Playboy and get rid of all his back issues. It wasn't that she was promising him that he didn't need them any more (hint hint), it was just that didn't think it was respectable.
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Centurian..its cool being "undercover" with fetished..imagine as a young girl if I walked around dressed as batgirl or in fetish gear, I would probably be kidnapped, raped and killed..that's why its safe and fun to live out fantasy here and maybe meet people at conventions, another safe place, where ytou can actually live out fantasy or role play. I don't think you are weird at free and love it! I consider myself a liberated young woman now..of course I would be cautious of putting myself in harms way for real...the few times I have ventured out in costume I have had some crazy approaches!

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batgirl1969 wrote:Centurian..its cool being "undercover" with fetished..imagine as a young girl if I walked around dressed as batgirl or in fetish gear, I would probably be kidnapped, raped and killed..that's why its safe and fun to live out fantasy here and maybe meet people at conventions, another safe place, where ytou can actually live out fantasy or role play. I don't think you are weird at free and love it! I consider myself a liberated young woman now..of course I would be cautious of putting myself in harms way for real...the few times I have ventured out in costume I have had some crazy approaches!



Didn't MD just have some Senator, or Congressman bash the whole comic book, superhero, heroine genre??? I only heard a "blurb" about it...but I know something was mentioned about some politician spouting off in regards to the comic book industry.

Glad I moved out of MD 10 yrs ago now....spent 34 yrs in Towson, and haven't regretted getting out of there. LOL!
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Didn't MD just have some Senator, or Congressman bash the whole comic book, superhero, heroine genre??? I only heard a "blurb" about it...but I know something was mentioned about some politician spouting off in regards to the comic book industry.

Glad I moved out of MD 10 yrs ago now....spent 34 yrs in Towson, and haven't regretted getting out of there. LOL!

You talking about this?

If so it is just a load of crap that will never amount to anything and likely be what destroys their career.

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Rye wrote:


Didn't MD just have some Senator, or Congressman bash the whole comic book, superhero, heroine genre??? I only heard a "blurb" about it...but I know something was mentioned about some politician spouting off in regards to the comic book industry.

Glad I moved out of MD 10 yrs ago now....spent 34 yrs in Towson, and haven't regretted getting out of there. LOL!

You talking about this?

If so it is just a load of crap that will never amount to anything and likely be what destroys their career.


That's probably it Rye....Thanks for posting the link. :) I only caught a very very little snippet of the story when I heard about it....basically "MD Senator has dislike for comic books"....upon hearing it, I just shook my head in disbelief and never followed up on it at all.

But you're right, she has some major egg to wash off her face after that mailing :lol:
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