Happenings In The Hyp-Verse 2.0

General discussions about superheroines!
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Hey guys,

I'll try to be brief, but here goes.

Nothing is happening at the moment. I'm just taking some time off to think and create. I've felt like the well has run dry lately after 8 years and I felt like I should be doing something more innovative.
Plus, I felt like I wasn't utilizing my studio in the fullest, so I was also just taking time to think about how I would do that.
So what I did was I just stepped away and started doing other things.

But then a funny thing happened, some of the production designers from Vivid came by and saw the space and they started renting it out for some of their smaller productions, and I was exposed too all different kinds of equipment and I got a chance to see first-hand how some top notch videos are made. And that got me really excited about making videos again.

I also made some great connections in the fim, makeup, lighting, set design and sound departments. Not to mention some of the hottest girls in the industry came walking through my doors and I didn't let that opportunity go to waste, either!

So now i am upgrading everything. Video cameras, still cameras, lights, etc. I am putting together a team of very talented individuals who can really help me take things to the next level.

But the most important aspect of this is something I thought about the other day, it's going to be the new way for me to deliver some great content to you guys and I'm going to wait until my first release is ready, which will be about a week.
It's going to be very in-tune with my mindset but I also think you're going to love the new format. So stay tuned, things are about to get good again in the Hyp-Verse.

And for my long time fans who have been voicing their opinions about the direction we are going in, Im actually going to be headed back the other way.

I started doing a lot of g/g in our videos because I liked girls and I think g/g is hot. But after doing it for a few years it felt repetitive so I want to take that in a different direction. It's hard to shoot a good g/g superheroine scene. Mainly because the girls are working with their friends, and they are attracted to each other and they want to enjoy the scene. Then there's me yelling CUT! NO! You can't appear like you're enjoying it! ACTION!.....NO! CUT, YOU'RE STILL SMILING! ACTION!!...CUT! Ugh I give up, do what you want! :smart: But I have a vision now of how i will be shooting them in the future which I think will be much more realistic. Well, as realistic as it can be in a fantasy video.

BUt I miss doing the simpler videos, with a lot of foot worship and the costumes staying on and less sex.. so there will be a mix of everything now.

I also have to deal with condensing the sites into one cohesive site. The word Hypno is just taboo now for websites. If you've noticed Clips 4 Sale removed the word Hypnotic from my site name, so now it just says World Of Superheroines. I used to fight that with C4S every year when VISA renewals came up. This year I just let it go.
So now my store is World Of Superheroines until I change it. Whenever I get to it.

But for the sites, I think everything that isn't actual sex will go into the Underworld site. Hypnotics World will just become a pointer and link dumpster. Ahh, well, it was fun while it lasted.

AND, I think Mighty Hypnotic has to have a timely demise and come back as some uber mutated super strengthed version of himself. Without the word Hypno. The Mighty Tic. :lol:
Anyway, enough ramble.

For all of you that asked about customs, yes the offer is still available, and yes I'll be shooting them very shortly.

So that's it.
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I'm hoping that your new direction will still involve that Jayden Cole WW vid where she gets wrapped in chains and played with that was discussed on the forum last year!

Glad to see you are doing alright, sometimes things can burn you out and it's good to take a few steps back and reflect and think on things.
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It's tough when you loose your 'mojo'.

I was on the UK fetish scene for the best part of ten years; not just attending events but helping to organise and host them too.
Being surrounded by people in nylon and latex and leather who want to get jiggy with it (in various ways) might sound like a dream come true, and in many it ways it was :D
But, the burn out came and a quiet night in with a bottle of wine and a DVD became an almost perverse pleasure.

I hear you, is what I'm trying to say.

Anyway, it's great that your enthusiasm is back and I really like the sound of what you're planning!
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I knew this would totally happen some day. There's something that sets you apart from other producers. You always strive to improve. And it's great. I'm honestly excited about this and have been happy to see your work evolve over the years.
Visit the Misc Topics forum if you'd like to see a hypno subforum get created...
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Mr. X
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Yeah went through that phase too where I got tired of girls. Seriously it happens. When you have three busty models sitting around you and you just don't care its time for a change. Plus its not like you can do anything with them anyway so its like a diabetic having candy bars hanging around their head all the time. Also I got tired of movie production. So many competitors, so much expense for sets and models, so much editing. With Poser I just create material out of nothing and the models ALWAYS do as I want.

So I hear you on the break thing. Can fully understand.
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Take all the time you need. it's nice to hear what's going on, even if there isn't a lot going on. ;)
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Looking forward to whats upcoming MH especially if you've got some softer stuff. Can completely understand needed to recharge your batteries.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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You deserve a break MH! I and many others will be here to snatch up your next release, whenever that may be.
Neophyte Lvl 3
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I just saw you released something on clips4sle that looks really good.
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