Wonder Woman: The Twelve Heroines of Christmas -- Last Updated: 24/12/18

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This story has been a work in progress from the beginning and I keep making changes throughout. If you have read this before, skim the changelog below to see where I have made significant changes via my diabolical edit powers. (Thanks tallyho)

12/27/19: Fixed problems with the ever changing number of elves.
Extended and cleaned up the Starfire rooftop battle.
Made all the formatting uniform throughout.

27/12/18: Night Twelve part 3
24/12/18: Night Twelve part 2
19/12/18: Night Twelve begins

12/17/18: Added Day Twelve.

12/12/18: fixed the "Did you forget about Huntress?" plot hole in the night eleven conclusion.

10/12/18: Added conclusion to Night Eleven.

Yet another December update: While I was working on the next segment, I found something I had written last year and really liked it. So, I added night ten, 22:59 to the beginning of the chapter containing the night eleven 01:22 segment. It gives more insight into what is going on. Enjoy.

Second December 2018 update: I am determined to complete this story this year and have already added a second update to this tale. Note there have been significant changes to the various chapters in the last six years, so you might want to just read the whole thing.

December 2018 update: Edits have finally corrected the inconsistencies in the later chapters and the intro to Night Eleven is up -- the last two heroines have been selected and introduced. See if you can guess who they are. Meantime prepare for an incredible battle in the next chapter which I will try to get up in the next few days in addition to working on the next chapter of Amazos.

December 2017 update: I just read this story again in prep for finishing and noted some inconsistencies and how the end was drifting away from the main theme. As a result, I will be doing some edits over the coming days to bring everything up to snuff and prepare for the grand finale, which I dare say, will surprise many of you.

December 2016 update: I began this story four years ago now, under the title of "Wonder Woman, A Christmas Story" and after the second chapter was totally bored with the direction it was taking. It was going to become one of those kinds of stories that I loathe to read where the action of the succeeding chapters becomes redundant reflections of the first.

While discussing with Tallyho his second Grace story, it occurred to me to take things in a totally different direction.

Heroines so far, in order of appearance:
Wonder Woman (of course)

The Twelve Heroines
Supergirl (Kara/Linda Danvers - twin sister to Power Girl)
Huntress (Helena Wayne)
Starfire (Koriand'r)
Power Girl (Kara/Karen Star - twin sister to Supergirl)
Black Canary (Dinah Drake Lance)
Mary Marvel
Troia (Donna Troy and twin sister of Drusilla Prince)
Darkstar (Drusilla Prince and twin sister of Donna Troy)
Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark)

For any of you who have read my stuff, you do know to expect a surprise plot twist in the end.

Pay close attention to the fact that night six was written by Centurion and used, in a version edited to fit into the storyline, with his permission. I must say it adds a lot to the tale. Confused? Read on.

Night One: Georgetown Park, Washington DC

Christmas season was a happy and festive time in Washington DC, which was now blanketed by a light covering of snow. Diana Prince was doing some Christmas shopping, something she had learned to do since coming to America. The mall was illuminated by Christmas lights and decorations and filled with the sounds of Christmas carols. Diana could not help but smile at the sight of the happy faces on the other people in the mall.

Maybe this will be a trouble free season for Wonder Woman. thought Diana, who, secretly, was also the beauteous, raven-haired Amazon heroine.

Suddenly, Diana was drawn from her reverie by the sounds of people applauding. Diana turned to see a horde of gorgeous women scantily clad in the trademark green of Christmas elves jumping or flipping with incredible agility along the mall's benches in a complex and highly difficult gymnastics routine. The long sleeved leotards of shiny green spandex scarcely contained the generous cleavage of the “elves” who continued their display of acrobatic prowess. The rest of their costume was typical, sheer white hose, shiny white wrist length gloves and black ankle boots with five inch spiked heels. It was this latter feature that was eliciting a comment of awe from the woman closest to Diana.

“How do they do that in such high heels?”

She continued to watch with amazement as the main character took the stage.

Fat, dressed in red, with a sack on his back and long white beard, he bellowed his well-known laughter

“Ho, ho, ho... Merry Christmas...Merry Christmas!!”

The women finished their routine with a flourish that centred Santa in their midst as he continued to speak in the traditionally loud and jovial voice.

“Merry Christmas, ho, ho, ho... Merry Christmas to one and all. Say, aren't my elves especially lovely and talented this year?”

Another round of applause and several wolf whistles was the enthusiastic response. The elves spread out, silently greeting the crowd, some of them positioning themselves next to the second rate mall security guards and taking full advantage of the fact that most of them were young single males.

The applause finally died down and Santa spoke again.

“The mall does not pay us to put on this show,”

His voice changed, suddenly sounding quite sinister,

“so we'll take a small collection! To work my Sexy Elves!!”

The words barely left his mouth before the women began robbing both the mall's shops and customers alike. The security guards were quickly overcome by Santa's Sexy Elves as the applause quickly changed to screams and cries of outrage.

Diana immediately knew what she had to do. Slipping away from the disturbance, she made sure she was alone. Spinning in place, Diana was instantly bathed in an aura of golden light. When the light faded she had been transformed, her generous cleavage now wrapped in the famous red and gold bustier, her star spangled pants covering a firm rear that filled the most fit woman with just a little envy. She was... Wonder Woman!! Her blue eyes sparkled with determination as she checked to make sure her tiara and magic lasso were secure while racing into action.

Emerging in the midst of Santa's Sexy Elves, the mighty Amazon started to scatter them with a variety of punches and kicks, even tossing a few across the room.

"No! My Christmas plans will not be foiled by a big breasted bimbo. Get her my Sexy Elves!!"

roared Santa Claus. Obeying their master's commands, Santa's Sexy Elves abandoned their crime shopping spree and charged towards Wonder Woman.

"Do your best girls! I'm bringing you all to justice!!"

called Diana as she assumed the fighting stance of the supreme Amazon Warrior. The powerful heroine easily dispatched the Elves as rapidly as they attacked, but suddenly she was assaulted from behind as a red gloved hand covered her nose and mouth with a damp cloth and an all too familiar odour filling her nostrils.

“Keep at her, ladies, I have just what she needs right here!”

Wonder Woman immediately sought to shake off this new threat, but Santa's Sexy Elves attacked with renewed vigour and their superior numbers began to turn the tide of battle.

Numerous hands grabbed her arms, legs and curvy waist. Wonder Woman fought furiously, throwing them off two, three, even four at a time, but each one seemed to be replaced by two more. Worst of all, they prevented her from dealing with the chloroform wielding woman behind her who kept the cloth in place as though it were glued to her face. Again and again she held her breath, trying to shake off her opponents and get rid of the insidious cloth. Each time she had to breathe she became a little weaker as the drug began to affect even her Amazonian constitution. Under the leadership of the devious woman behind her, the mighty Amazon was slowly wrestled to the ground where it would be more difficult for the heroine to fight back. Still Diana fought furiously trying to break free from the grips of Santa's Sexy Elves but the superior numbers and the drug eventually took their toll. Her incredible body no longer had the strength to fight.

Finally Diana could no longer hold up her head, the red-gloved arms cradling it and gently pillowing it on a pair of firm soft breasts.

“Shh, that's it, Wonder Woman, relax. It's OK girls, I have her now. Finish up and let's go.”

Firm but gentle hands caressed the sleepy heroine's breasts as they drew her deeper into the tender embrace. The damp cloth was removed and the woman's gloved hands explored every exposed inch of Diana's shoulders, neck, and chest before she felt them slide inside her bustier to fondle and tease her nipples.

"Noo” moaned Wonder Woman as they rapidly responded to the skilfully applied stimulation,

“Please -- stop!”

A tongue ran a slow circle around the edge of her ear, then a soft, intimate voice only she could hear said,

“Why? Don't you like the way it feels?”

A gentle pinch elicited another moan, and the woman giggled.

“Yes, I think that you do! Dream a little dream of me?”

Suddenly the cloth was in her face again, the powerful drug working more rapidly this time as Diana was no longer able to hold her breath.

An inverted blond santa capped head filled her vision.

“See you at the Fair Oaks Mall, tomorrow night, bring a friend.”

Slowly Diana's eyelids fluttered, her eyes turned up in her head as she fought to stay awake. Finally, inevitably, darkness overcame her. Tying the cloth in place with a bright green ribbon, the woman gently lowered Wonder Woman to the floor. Her hands once again sought and stimulated the heroine's magnificent breasts, speaking softly to them.

“You will remember my touch.”

No sooner had she finished speaking than the heroine's body stiffened, a gasp of extreme pleasure emanating from her mouth, then she slowly relaxed, drifting gently into the arms of Morpheus.

“Remember,” she whispered in Diana's ear, “Fair Oaks Mall, tomorrow night, bring a friend.”

Standing she crossed to Santa, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him with passionate abandon.

“Time to go, Santa, baby. Do your bit.”

He laid a finger on the side of his nose, giving a nod, then he and all his elves simply vanished, the mall like it was save for the heroine slumbering on the floor and sudden cries of “I've been robbed!!”
Last edited by dravatar 4 years ago, edited 40 times in total.
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Excellent beginning please continue!!
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Awesome start- can't wait for you to continue!
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Night Two: Fair Oaks Mall, Fairfax, Va

The next night, Wonder Woman found herself at the Fair Oaks Mall. She didn't quite know why she was there, nor was she entirely certain how she got there. Her first thought was to find someplace quiet and change to her guise of Diana Prince, get a little more shopping finished and figure out why she was there. Strangely, she felt compelled to go as Wonder Woman instead. It seemed rather strange to her, yet the strangeness didn't bother her. She needed to be there.

She wandered around the mall until she was stopped by a young blonde girl about seven years old.

“Are you really Wonder Woman?”


The young girl extended her hand,

“Pleased to meet you, I'm Jane.”

They shook hands. “Could I have your autograph, please?”

Diana kneeled, signing the proffered book.

“Thanks Wonder Woman, bring a friend.”

Diana looked at the young blondes face, the sinister smile melting to innocence,

“I'm sorry, my mind drifted for a second, what did you say?”

“I said 'I can't wait to show my friends.'”

“Oh! That reminds me, I need to call one of my friends!”

Wonder Woman touched the star on her tiara as she turned away, her words lost in the background noise of the mall. When she finished she continued to wander around for several more hours, being asked again and again if she were, in fact, Wonder Woman and subsequently for her autograph. Just when she was about to go home, the same show as the night before with a twist...

“Merry Christmas, ho, ho, ho... Merry Christmas to one and all. It looks like we have a special guest here at the mall tonight. Maybe we can encourage her to join me and the lovely Ms Santa right here on the stage. Ladies and gentlemen, Wonder Woman!!”

The applause was suddenly deafening and the raven-haired heroine, not too reluctantly, took the stage. Holding her hands up for silence,

“It's a real pleasure to work with a man who only thinks about the welfare of others and who works so tirelessly on the behalf of children all year long.”

“Wonder Woman is partly right, I used to work for the benefit of others, but now...”

Diana couldn't help but note the abrupt change in his voice.

“I think my helpers should take a collection.”

Suddenly everything came flooding back, but it was too late. She felt a powerful sensation pass through her body as Ms Santa's hands found her breasts.

“Remember.” The soft voice whispered in her ear.

Her body stiffened as she felt the weakness of chloroform wash over her, even though no drug had been applied. Her body rapidly reached an aroused state, though the woman had not yet done anything other than to take hold of and cup her breasts. Her body began to glow softly... the mysterious Ms Santa gently fondled her breasts and teased her nipples,

“Just relax, Wonder Woman, you can't do anything to stop this!”.

Diana watched helplessly as the sexy elves attacked with well honed precision, the soft glow seeping out of her body and into the hands that were torturing her breasts and nipples as Ms Santa whispered into her ear. She heard a soft moan of pleasure, then a louder one as her body arched into an orgasm. She realized the sounds were coming from her as the orgasm continued for almost fifteen seconds and her moan became a scream of passion.

Ms Santa dropped to her knees, leaning back as the glow travelled in streams from Diana's body to hers,

“Your body has even more energy than Mrs Santa's! I'm going to enjoy you so much.”

A hand grabbed her long blonde hair, lifting her into the air with ease,

“Not if I have anything to say about it!”

“Ahhhh!!! Girls!!! A little help, please?”

A powerful hand tossed the blonde villainess to the side as the 'elves' changed missions and attacked the floating blonde in blue spandex. For her part, Supergirl just floated there, allowing them to wear themselves out on her unmoving form until they were all in range. One thirty second spin later and they were lying around, singly or in piles, groaning.

The maid of might dusted off her hands, "Well, that's that!"

"Those fingers in my hair That sly come hither stare That strips my conscience bare Its witchcraft."

Ms Santa walked into view as she sang, fixing her best come hither stare on the heroine, staring deeply into her eyes.

"No!" Supergirl gasped as she felt compelled to return the sexy villainess' gaze. She tried to look away, but found she couldn't, any more than she could stop the hands that were reaching for her breasts.

“Surprised, Supergirl?”

The villainess began to caress an unresisting Linda's breasts. Not that she didn't try , but she found herself unable to, suddenly and totally overwhelmed with an irresistible passion building within her, her arms dangling uselessly by her side. Supergirl's struggles lapsed rapidly. Her power of flight failed her, feet touching the floor. Her body falling back into one of the elves waiting arms as a helpless Wonder Woman looked on. The sexy emerald clad elf both held her up and prevented her from backing away.

“How???” The single interrogative trailed off into a sigh.

“Magic, Supergirl, magic. Oh, I can't cast spells or anything like that but I am a magical being, able to absorb and use magical energy. See, Mama was a Succubus, giving me that mesmerizing look. It also means that...I've got that mag-ic touch."

She sang the last few words as she caressed the heroine's chest eliciting a soft moan, then giggled.

"You seem especially susceptible to magic, say like this?”

Her fingers glowed, drawing the heroine's nipples into hard little buds that were even visible through her costume.

"And with all the magical energy I just absorbed from Wonder Woman, you don't stand a chance."

Her next words were whispered, "Now, kiss me!"

Suddenly Supergirl could not take her eyes off the full sensuous lips in front of her. Lips that seemed to beckon her, to tug at her very soul. She tried to resist, but slowly, inexorably, she moved her lips closer and closer until, finally, she was kissing the Christmas clad vixen. A strange glow became visible through their lips as the heroine's energy passed between them. Linda's back arched in an orgasm that was as powerful as it was silent, then the glow subsided as she slipped into a coma.

“Bring her along, girls!”

Ms Santa turned, crossing to the still fallen Wonder Woman.

"Supergirl's not magic -- how did you?"

Ms Santa put a finger up to her luscious lips, a look of deep concentration on her face. "Did I forget to mention that I can absorb any bio energy and convert it into magical energy? Silly me!"

Giggling, she knelt next to the helpless heroine, picking up where she left off, her fingers playing the Diana's bountiful breasts like a concert pianist getting the most out of a particular instrument. Once more the glowing streams formed, travelling up the villainess' arms. Slowly the glowing streams diminished, vanishing into the gorgeous blonde vixen,

“Now you just take this....”

as on the previous evening the heroine's body stiffened, a gasp of extreme pleasure emanating from her mouth. Her body slowly relaxed as the blonde leaned over, whispering

“and store this for me like last night. I will collect it from you tomorrow when your body has added its own magical energy to it.”

A soft kiss on Diana's forehead and the last of the glow disappeared from Diana's body... her eyelids fluttered as she struggled to stay awake...

“Thanks for bringing me Supergirl, it was a thoughtful gift.”

...to understand what had happened...

“I could never have defeated her without your help. Bring me another one tomorrow night?”

...but she slowly drifted off into the bliss of slumber. Her last sensation the pleasant touch of this woman's hands on her breasts, her last sight that of the 'elves' gathering around Santa, holding an unconscious Supergirl.
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This work has been retitled and is being updated. Please see the first post for more information.
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Can't wait. :)
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WOW! Awesome!
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Welp, you've got my interest.

Are all 12 heroines going to be DC, or are you going to mix some Marvel/Original heroines in there?
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That depends. I have to know the heroines to write them. On the list so far:


Helena Wayne (Good suggestion, more interesting than Bertinelli, in a way)
Barbara Gordon
Mary Batson
Dinah Lance
Karen Starr

Likely, but can be bumped:
Donna Troy
Cassandra Sandsmark

Making a total of ten, of which I need twelve, so at least three more are required.

Working on chapter three now.
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dravatar wrote:That depends. I have to know the heroines to write them. On the list so far:


Helena Wayne
Barbara Gordon
Dinah Lance
Karen Starr

Likely, but can be bumped:
Donna Troy
Cassandra Sandsmark

Making a total of nine, of which I need twelve, so at least three more are required.

Working on chapter three now.
In that case, might I propose that you jettison the two Wonder Girls and go with 6 DC and 6 Marvel?
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How about Starfire, Vixen, Selena Kyle(she's been heroine-ish a couple times in her career), and Batwoman? Or Gypsy?
You know, it's pretty sad that we have to hem and haw to find enough DC heroines(sans the ladies of the LSH)to fill a roster of a mere dozen!
Loving what you've done so far.

My 2 cents.
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Enjoying the story, but I think Supergirl went down a little too quickly.

Anyway, I'm putting in my vote for the Xmen heroine Rogue. Plus Susan Storm from Fantastic Four.

As for other DC females, I say keep one of the Wonder Girls at least.
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Night Three: Tyson's Corner Center, McClean, VA

Diana was mystified, twice in as many nights she had awakened in a shopping mall with no memory of how she had gotten there. The police officers who had responded to the mysterious robberies had no clues. The only thing they could report was that five had been robbed, each larger than the last. The only thing the heroine could do with that was to find a likely target, stake it out and hope it would be next. She had called Barbara, but Babs was busy with something else.

“I should be free in a couple of days, but if it's a detective you need, why not Helena, she's nearly as good as I am, even better when it comes to combat.”

“Sounds good, Babs, when can she be here?”

“Tomorrow, I should think. I'll give her a call.”

A short time later, Diana wondered if she really needed a detective to figure out which mall would be hit. It seemed that, at least lately, she was as much a target as the malls. She wondered why, but still lacked answers, maybe Helena could help her figure that out. Meantime, Tyson's Corner Center seemed as good a bet as any.

This time Diana decided to wait in the security office. Sitting there offered her a total view of the various goings on, but nothing was happening. The security guard with whom she shared this monitor duty seemed a little distracted by her presence, something to which she had become accustomed over the years. Her train of thought was interrupted by the rather abrupt appearance of Santa and his retinue. It was odd because there were so many Elves, but the show was on the schedule. Diana raised an eyebrow, it all seemed familiar somehow. She watched as the guards were surrounded by the attractive ladies, then she knew. Basic strategy, target and isolate the greatest threats before beginning your attack.

“I have a feeling this is it.” she stood to leave.

“Should I alert the guards?”

“Only if you can do it without tipping off the thieves.” she called as she rushed out the door.

Santa was the one to stop, she thought, so she headed for his position. This was also basic strategy, take out the general and the troops are easier to deal with.

She stayed with the service corridors as long as possible, even going outside first to make an exterior entrance as close to Santa's location as possible. In less than two minutes she saw him, a very attractive blonde woman draped on his arm and dressed in a manner similar to his, only much more revealing.

“Stop this, you fake Santa! Don't you care that your thievery will ruin Christmas for so many?”

To her surprise, it was the woman who replied,

“You have no idea!” she purred, “See, this is the real Santa.... he works for me now...”

she tugged his beard playfully, “Don't you, Santa baby?”

He smiled through the beard as she ran a hand down the front of his fur coat and turned.

“How else do you think I could pull this off?”

she asked as she sauntered towards the astonished Wonder Woman.

Recovering quickly, Wonder Woman challenged the woman,

“I don't know how you did this, but surrender now and it will go easier on you.”

“I think...” The woman ran the last three steps, her fist swinging, “that you should surrender to me!”

The heroine easily snagged the swinging fist, effortlessly tossing her across the floor to land a few feet away.

“I'm stronger and faster than you are and more highly skilled than even the Batman. You really have no chance.”

The woman flipped up to her feet, demonstrating her own skill, then spun into a powerful kick to the heroine's head, one that was stopped cold in a steely grip.

“If you keep this up you may get hurt.”

“Or I may hurt you!”

Ms Santa's other foot left the ground, using the Amazon's own grip on her ankle as an anchor, kicking out at the heroine, but even as she moved, Diana tossed her aside. The woman landed awkwardly, slowly pulling herself to hands and knees before standing.

“You really shouldn't have done that, Wonder bitch!”

Wonder Woman looked almost bored, “Are you going to surrender now or do I need to get tough?”

Angered, the woman executed a perfect high low kick combination, one aimed at the heroine's chest, the other at her right knee.

Diana sidestepped and brought a blow down on the villainess chest almost too fast for the eye to follow.

“It would seem you are determined to take a self destructive course of action.”

Wonder Woman unclipped her lasso from her belt, swinging it out into a loop that settled around the woman's shoulders as she flipped back to her feet.

“Game, set, and match.”

Drawing the lasso tight, the heroine began reeling in her catch.

“Now, let's have a little chat, shall we? What did you do to Santa.”

“I used my power to enslave him.”

Drawing her in close, “Can you release him from your power?”



“I was hoping you'd ask.”

Ms Santa whispered, her lips moving towards Diana's, a white shining mist drawn from her now open mouth being swallowed by the villainess. The Amazon warrior struggled to move, but combat skills matter little when you are paralyzed.

“Getting you to snag me with your lasso was a risk, but I had to get close enough to catch you with your guard down. How else was I to collect what I gave you last night?”

The lasso dropped from limp fingers as Diana's body stiffened, her lips moving towards those of the villainess.

Ms Santa pushed her to the ground.

“Sorry, no kisses for you, I have something better in mind. Now, where was I... yes, the reason Santa is so entranced is that he is truly in love with the person I replaced. He even married her and they grew old together. When I replaced Mrs Claus, becoming the her he idealized in his subconscious, I was able to cloud Santa's mind, controlling him, altering him.” She waved her hand dismissively, “The power of all doppelgängers over the loved one's of their target. Usually I can only harness the energy of a single being at a time, but with your help, I have a better plan than just replacing you. Even if that plan fails, you have more energy than the erstwhile Mrs Claus and it is so much more delicious. The only downside of having you instead of her is that I'll lose control of Santa, but that was going to happen Christmas Eve anyway.”

Ms Santa retrieved the fallen lasso, “Now, let's see what this lasso of yours can...”

The sound of shattering glass interrupted the villainess' train of thought, a svelte purple clad heroine dropping in from overhead, a crossbow bolt snagging the lasso by its eye and pinning it to the floor.

“I think I've heard enough.”

Spike heeled boots hit the doppelganger's back and drove her to the floor, an arm bar, a knee pressed against the spine, and a combination choke, or sleeper hold, to immobilize her. Only then did the Huntress look up.

“Are you okay, Wonder Woman?”

Huntress started to squeeze her choke, her elbow shutting the flow of both the carotid artery and the jugular vein, cutting oxygen to the brain. Usually fifteen seconds, sometimes as long as thirty and the recipient of such a hold was out for the count. Ms Santa's free hand reached towards the heroine's breasts.

“I don't swing that way!”

Helena's heeled boot had been carefully designed for just such a situation as this, a heel just long enough, an angled gap between heel and sole designed to snag and pin almost any sized wrist to the ground, which she did, leaving the villainess completely helpless. This was already taking longer than thirty seconds, giving the elves time to close on her even as Ms Santa's struggles lessened. Still Wonder Woman remained motionless.

“If you can pull yourself together, I could use a little help here.”

Huntress lifted her knee from the villainess spine while still retaining her hold, striking out behind her with a booted foot and dropping the nearest elf to her knees.

“Wonder Woman! Snap out of it!”

The second elf avoided the boot, grabbing Huntress from behind, but Helena doggedly held her hold until Ms Santa quit moving.

Gloved hands released the red clad blonde and she fell forwards the last few inches to the floor as those same hands clapped the ears of the person holding her. The hold was instantly released as Huntress rolled away and to her feet, pivoting in a roundhouse kick that took the closest elf completely out of the fight. Her crossbow came up, firing and taking out the heel of one of the charging elves as her foot came down, tripping her up so that she fell in front of and tripped up two more. They wouldn't be out of the fight, but the tangled heap they were in should buy her some time to... she dove forwards as she was attacked from both sides, the two elves colliding with each other. Holstering her crossbow as she rolled to her feet, she unfastened her cape, using it to entangle three more. A side kick took care of the one on her right but the elf running towards her from the front used this moment to dive forwards, closing the gap far more rapidly than Huntress had calculated. She felt the hands closing around her throat even as she fell back to land awkwardly, the elf landing on her with both knees and driving the wind out of her. Thumbs pressed into her carotid artery and her jugular vein, the world beginning to dim. Her mind told her she only had fifteen seconds, her legs twitched as she tried to lift them, lack of oxygen depriving the muscles of the strength to do so. Digging deep she lifted her hands, pressing thumbs into eye sockets until she was rewarded by a scream of pain and blood flowing to her brain once more. Thirty seconds, that's all she needed to get back in the game. Somehow, even as she was trying to unseat the elf pinning her, she didn't think she was going to get it.

Just at that moment another elf moved rapidly towards her in her peripheral vision. Before she even had time to think, the flying elf had smashed into the one that was on top of her, knocking her across the room and leaving them both unconscious.

“Are you alright?”

Helena coughed before replying,

“It's about time you joined in, though I did have them right where I wanted them.”

Diana smiled, “I could see tha...”

Both Elves and Ms Santa vanished as if they were never there. “They're gone!!”

“Not to worry, Wonder Woman."

Huntress slowly climbed to her feet.

"Given what Batgirl told me, I suspected something like this might happen, so I put a tracker on Ms Santa when I landed on her. Shall we wrap this up?”
Last edited by dravatar 4 years ago, edited 11 times in total.
Elder Member
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Nice fight!
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Sure was! Now THAT was the Huntress!
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Night Three Part 2: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

A plane hovers overhead, disgorging two female figures, one darkly clad, blending into the night, the other brightly clad in red, white, and blue.

A whispered conversation,

“This is definitely the place, there's Santa's sleigh right over there.”

“So, a trap, right?”

Diana nodded.

“You hit them from the back, I'll hit them from the front.”

They split up. Mere minutes later, Diana hears Helena in her ear,

“three, two, one...”

There's a bang as the rear door supports are blown and the door falls inwards. Diana gives her door a kick so that it also falls, just a bit more rapidly. She steps over the door,

“Knock, knock!”

Ms Santa is just standing there in the middle of the room, profile on to both heroines as they enter. There is a curtained off cubicle behind her.

“Welcome to the party! As you can see, we've been expecting you. NOW!”

The elves step out of the shadows, surrounding each of the heroines, then going into what is obviously a well rehearsed attack. Helena finds herself on the defensive before she has time to think. Ducking to avoid a kick at her head, she pivots into an open palm strike, countering an attack from the side and taking one out in the process. Rolling over the top of an attempted tackle, she lashes out with her foot, taking down another before landing in the middle of three more.

“Isn't the proliferation of cameras wonderful? It gave these girls the chance to study all your moves!”

Helena stomped on the toe of the elf she had rolled over and who was now trying to grab her from behind while the other three closed in,

“No problem, I'll make up some new ones!”

A knee to the groin and a quick jab to the throat take down two, at least in the short term. Smoke pellets explode on the floor, when it clears, Huntress is gone!

Diana is having better luck, simply ducking, grabbing one by the ankles, then swinging her around like a wrecking ball, taking down nine of the elves in a matter of seconds. The remaining five back outside the radius of her swing and as far apart from each other as possible. Wonder Woman throws her human weapon away, taking down yet two more in the process.

Helena, now outside the ring of elves, uses dim mak to temporarily paralyse two of her opponents from behind, taking them out of this fight, before she is discovered. Two more find themselves dangling from their ankles twenty feet in the air before any organized resistance can even begin to be mounted, leaving her five active and two recovering to deal with. Two quick steps, a leap, and a spin puts a scissor neck lock on the nearest. The elf tries to dislodge her from her shoulders even as she uses the extra height to take out two more, one of whom tried to drag her from her ride's shoulders.

"Ouch, gotta love the elbow for close quarters!"

Across the warehouse, Diana waited until her last three opponents closed in, grabbed the outside two and smashed them into the third.

The Amazon warrior turned, watching Helena.

“You want help?”

Helena took out two more with carefully aimed crossbow bolts, watching them tumble into each other and land in a heap. following up with knockout gas bolt for good measure.

“No, I got this!”

she called as her ride slowly sagged, unconscious to the floor.

“I'll be with you in three...”

A forward roll into an uppercut takes one down for the count.


A snap kick to the back of the knee with an elbow strike to the base of the skull.


A back kick to the solar plexus nerve centre stops the last elf in her tracks, she slowly sinks to her knees presenting her chin for the knockout blow. A pivotal punch with Helena's full body weight behind it delivers.

"That just leaves Ms Santa over there."

Ms Santa claps,

“Bravo! You two really are good!”

“Stow the compliments and tell me where Supergirl is!”

The heroines walk towards the villainess. Diana suddenly finds that she can't move or speak when she's about ten feet away.

Helena closing more rapidly from further away than Diana is unaware that her steps are being guided until she reaches her mark and is, likewise paralysed.

Beams of light shoot from behind the curtain, incinerating it.

Suddenly the two heroines know exactly where Supergirl is. She was at the point of the third angle of the equilateral triangle the heroines now formed. The light beams strike the two heroines, connecting them to the girl of steel, then meet halfway between them, giving sides of bright light to the geometric shape.

The light leaves each of their heads, simultaneously striking Ms Santa, who begins to rise into the air until an equilateral pyramid is formed.

The villainous Ms Santa spreads her arms, revelling in the inrush of power as she slowly rotates, one full circle, then a little more until she is facing the helpless Huntress.

Slowly she descends down the angle to land right in front of her.

“You, my dear Huntress, are going to be a game changer!”

Her lips move towards the heroine's, the light now coming out of Huntress' slightly parted lips. They touch in a kiss and Huntress like Supergirl before her, spasms in pleasure, sighs, and softly slips into a coma.

Ms Santa turns towards Wonder Woman,

“Your turn!”

Diana feels herself pivot towards the villainess, her world spinning, unable to see, lost in the kaleidoscope of colours.

"Somehow, I will stop you!!"

"But my dear Diana, I own you now!"

Her mind chilled at the use of her real name.

"Now just you relax and forget all about this."

Moments later, as her vision clears...

“You have no idea, do you?!”

Ms Santa purred,

“See, this is the real Santa.... he works for me now...”

she tugged his beard playfully,

“Don't you, Santa baby?”

He smiled through the beard as she ran a hand down the front of his fur coat and turned.

“How else do you think I could pull this off?”

she asked as she sauntered towards the astonished Wonder Woman.

Recovering quickly, Wonder Woman challenged the woman,

“I don't know how you did this, but surrender now and it will go easier on you.”

“I think...”

The woman ran the last three steps, her fist swinging,

“that you should surrender to me!”

The heroine reached out to catch the fist, only to discover it was a feint as Ms Santa stepped inside her block and Diana felt a dizzying blow to the side of her head.

“Ouch! Gotta love the elbow for close quarters!”

The villainess giggled, grabbing a handful of hair and yanking towards a rising knee. A knee that caught Wonder Woman right between the top of her nose and her tiara.

“I'm stronger and faster than you are, thanks to Supergirl's powers and almost as highly skilled, thanks to Huntress. You really have no chance.”

She easily tosses Wonder Woman across the room, then too fast for the eye to follow, zooms over to catch her. Diana shouted in Ms Santa's ear, watching as the villainess, unused to Supergirl's hearing sinks towards the floor as she battles a sudden and intense bout of tinnitus.

Diana unclipped her lasso from her belt,

“Speed, strength, and skill are all important, but sometimes tactics are more important."

The loop drops around Ms Santa's shoulders even as the villainess hands reach for Wonder Woman's breasts. Letting the lasso fall, Diana grabs the wrists in a vice like grip.

“Not this time, blondie!”

“Well, I only wanted a little time to recover. Besides, you like my touch. Remember?”

The word echoes through the heroine's mind, getting louder and louder. She releases Ms Santa's wrists, covering her ears, but it doesn't help.

“What's the matter Wonder Woman, did you forget that I own you? Don't worry, it will all be over in three.”

She turns as if to leave, pivoting into a back kick to Diana's solar plexus nerve bundle. She slowly walks around the gasping heroine, who is valiantly trying to restore normal lung function.


A snap kick to the back of the knee drops Wonder Woman to her knees. Hands reach over her shoulder, a voice whispers sweetly in her ear.


Fingers reach inside her bustier teasing her nipples.


she gasps, still struggling just to breath.

“Why? Don't you like the way it feels?”

A gentle pinch elicits a soft moan, Ms Santa giggled.

“Yes, I think that you do! Now if you'll just store this for me...”

Her fingers glow and Diana's body reacts even faster than the night before, arching into a powerful orgasm that ended in a long, drawn out moan that emptied her lungs.

"You're getting the hang of this. Soon you'll crave it, do anything for it."

She nipped the heroine's earlobe playfully.

"You might as well relax and enjoy it."

She giggles, her right hand continuing to torment Diana's nipples while her left one closes tightly over the heroine's mouth and nose, stifling the end of her moan before she could inhale. It pulls her head gently, yet insistently to the pillow of the breasts behind her.

“Good night Princess, I know you will dream of me yet again. Thanks for Huntress, bring me Starfire next time, will you? The warehouse, tomorrow night. You take the door, send her in through the roof.”

Tears streamed down Diana's face, her body continuing to react to the unwanted attention her nipples were receiving while her world slowly faded to black.
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Ms Santa is Smart!!
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This is getting better and better.
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Night Four: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

Diana moaned softly, the sound many make when they awaken in the morning. She rolled over, the silk sheets gently rubbing against her skin. Wait a minute, she thought, I don't have silk sheets!

She woke a little more, realizing she was still in her Wonder Woman costume. She sat bolt upright, confused,

“What am I doing in my costume!”

She looked for her cell to check the time, it wasn't on the nightstand where she normally left it. She rose and went into the kitchen, the clock on the microwave read 9:42.

“It should be light out already, what's going on?”

The message light on her phone was blinking, she pushed the button to check her voicemail.

“First unheard message, December 14, 5:27 PM.”

A look of astonishment came over her face, she had lost an entire day!

“Hi Diana.”

It was Steve's voice, probably calling to ream her out for missing work without calling in.

“Sorry about that awkward moment in my office this morning. I really don't know what came over me, but you're right, it wasn't professional to kiss you like that.”

She pressed four to replay it just to make sure she had heard it correctly. She had, but she certainly didn't remember Steve kissing her. What in Hades was going on? He went on,

“I'll meet you for coffee in the morning, like we discussed. Sorry again.”

She sat down heavily as the second message played, "Second unheard message, December 14, 6:39 PM"

“Di, Babs. Did you and Helena have a good night out on the town? Call me.”

Helena. Damn! Helena was probably still at that warehouse. She tapped the star on her tiara,

“Connect me to Starfire, please.”

“This is Kori, what's up Diana?” So young, why was she calling her anyway, maybe she should...

“Kori, want to help me clean up a small matter tonight?” ...what was she saying?

“Sure, your place or mine?”


“Twenty minutes!” She could already hear Kori flying through the air as she closed the connection.

Bruce needs to have the noise cancellation worked on a little more, she thought. It may work great for the supers and the hawks, but not so well for Starfire. Wonder why?

Twenty five minutes later they were at the warehouse where she had last seen Helena, the doors had been replaced.

“I'll go in from the front and distract them. You come in through the roof and attack from the rear. These people are dangerous and their leader is tricky. She already has Supergirl and Huntress.”

Without further ado, Diana kicked down their newly repaired door, no cute quip this time, she charged over the fallen door and into the warehouse. All she could see were Kara and Helena, standing still as statues in the middle of the space. She slowed, looking carefully around. What was taking Kori so long? She walked towards the heroines, somehow drawn to them, to a particular spot. When she got there she came to a standstill. There was something familiar about... she suddenly remembered everything, just before her mind went blank.
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Night Four, Part Two: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

Starfire arced up over the roof and down towards the skylight. Calculating the distance so that she could fly straight through the shattering skylight, she fired off a pair of starbolts, two for the maximum impact on whoever would be in the warehouse. Two so the distraction would give Diana the same edge that kicking in the door was giving her, only it didn't work out that way. Her starbolts had no effect on the skylight at all.

She veered away, “It's a trap!” Her comm only returned static. It would be inaccurate to state that her starbolts did nothing, as they were absorbed by whatever was protecting the skylight and hurled back at her. She fell towards the skylight, her vision blurring.

Starfire hit pavement face down, something sharp impacting with her spine. A foot stepped on the back of each shoulder as her arms were pulled in an apparent effort to dislocate them. Her vision cleared and she flexed her arms forwards. Not as strong as Wonder Woman, Kori was still strong enough to resist the pressure being put on her arms. Still, if she didn't do something soon, leverage would eventually win out. She wasn't tireless and they were ganging up, at least two pulling on each arm now, not to mention the spiked heel grinding into her spine.

Kori twisted her hands around, grabbing the wrists that were restraining hers and shot a starbolt out of her fingers. The two on the left were touching each other, so that bolt went through both of them. She also got one on the right, taking three of the five out of the fight. Those three worked like dominoes, falling into the other two and knocking them off. Rolling to her back, Starfire flipped to her feet. A quick glance round revealed that about twenty remained, all closing from their previous positions of concealment at a rapid pace.

“I could easily take them out with my starbolts,” she thought, “but these are just the foot soldiers, I'll save the firepower for whoever is behind this!”

Starfire launched herself into battle, revelling in combat in the way of a warrior born. Flying to her right, keeping low, tackling the nearest and carrying her along with ease as she ploughed into two more. She took the time to insure that each blow was a knockout. Landing, she tossed the one she carried into the group behind her, delaying them. Floating about three feet off the ground, Kori dispensed devastating kicks at those around her, each one a knockout blow to the head. This took out six more leaving her about ten left. A quick count revealed the number to be fifteen. Fifteen skilled and now wary opponents, three of whom were still trying to untangle themselves from under the body she had dumped on them.

Starfire had only glanced away from the other six, but it was enough to launch the first concerted attack since she had broken free. Two attempting to tackle her, one below the knees, a second at the waist. A third aimed a perfectly executed roundhouse kick at her head. Even as she admired the skill of the kick she deflected it down into the head of the one tackling her at the waist. Her free fist stabbed past the thigh and into the crotch, causing the kicker to spin, not into a graceful landing where she was ready to continue the battle, but into a painful doubled over position from which she would not soon rise.

The three behind her had succeeded in disentangling themselves one from another and losing the unconscious missile that had struck them down in the first place. They would be on their feet in another second. Starfire dove into a forward handspring, flipping her feet into two separate and well targeted kicks, perfect knockout blows. She thought back to the first time she saw Dick execute this move, then flipped her legs low, spinning into an ankle strike that knocked her next target backwards into the last of this group.

Quickly she turned to face the three advancing behind her, a punch, an elbow strike, and one more punch and they, too, were out of the fight.

The last five surrounded her, floating in and out of range while firing off well timed strikes. Each blow came at her from behind or as she turned to meet another blow and they were beginning to have a cumulative effect, slowing her somewhat. She stopped trying to react, closing her eyes.

The first time she and Dick had sparred he had wiped the mat with her: a princess and warrior trained since birth.

He had smiled affably, "You have the skills, but you're also undisciplined when you fight. Just focus and you'll be almost unbeatable."

She focused now, spinning and intercepting the fist that would have struck her kidney, redirecting it across her body and into a second opponent while delivering a knee to the groin and an elbow strike to the back of the neck.

"And then there were four!"

She closed on the nearest one, firing off a palm strike to her solar plexus, stopping her in her tracks. A rolling hip-lock put her down and out on the ground between her and the last three.

"Sorry, three."

She waded right in, a toe stomp to the left, a backhand blow to the right and a powerfully thrown left to the gut in front of her. The uppercut that followed set the one in the middle on her back and out of the fight. A quick pivot kick sweeping out behind and to her left as her left fist once again struck out, this time to the jaw and with such force it snapped her opponent right around. They hit the rooftop at the same time. She looked around, they were all down and out. All 27 of them. That was when she got struck with force in the small of the back by a booted foot.

One of those she had taken down was apparently not out. Likely the one she had taken down with the ankle strike, her fall probably cushioned by the one she had fallen into. All this went through her mind as she was falling forwards, adjusting her fall into a forward roll and springing lightly to her feet, pivoting and facing her last opponent. A silent opponent. It suddenly occurred to her that not one of these elves had spoken a single word. She was too slow, the last elf had her neck in a flying leg lock even as she turned.

It didn't matter, even if their skill level had been equal, she was simply stronger, which Kori proved by simply staying upright and prising those powerful thighs apart. She succeeded, a smile on her face as she body slammed this final elf to the ground, this time making sure she was, indeed, unconscious.
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Good fight scene.
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You won't see the next fight coming until it is too late!
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Night Four, Part Three: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

Starfire turned towards the warehouse, the small door in the midst of the larger sliding door was standing open. Cautiously she entered, looking left, right, up, down... listening... keen senses trained to combat from an early age on the alert.

A sexy blonde, clad in red fur with white fur trim stepped into the light, the heels of her calf high black boots clicking on the concrete floor, the sound echoing in the dark empty warehouse.

“What have you done with Wonder Woman!?”

The blonde came to a stop, filling the warehouse with silence. Kori stepped towards her, her own boots making nary a sound, despite the heels. “Your army is down and you have lost, it would be well for you to surrender. I will ask again, what have you done with Wonder Woman?”

“Allow me to introduce myself, Starfire, in this guise, at least, and for awhile longer, I am Ms Santa. Already I have defeated the famous Wonder Woman, along with Supergirl and Huntress. With that in mind, do you really think I should surrender to you?” She made a dismissive gesture, “besides, you're asking the wrong question.”

Starfire, still cautiously approaching her, hands ready to fire, suddenly stopped, a look of confusion on her face. “What do you mean?”

“You asked me what I have done with Wonder Woman. You might equally have asked what I did with Supergirl and Huntress, but still you would not be asking the right question. You might ask what I intend to do with you.” She saw the look on Starfire's face, “Okay, you wouldn't, but you might.”

Kory interrupted, “Get to the point!”

“Very well, my dear Starfire. The question, well, questionS that you should be asking are...” Starfire was now about five feet from the villainess, “where are Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and Huntress?” she smirked as if she were about to reveal a naughty secret, “and... what are they going to do to you!?”

Starfire heard the crossbow bolt and turned, plucking it from the air. “Did you really think to bring down a warrior born so easily?” She hurled the bolt away.

Heading towards Huntress she was hit from behind by Supergirl's flying tackle. “Not really, Huntress was just a distrac...” Supergirl screamed as Kory reached back, grabbed the bottom of each side of her ribcage, and released a pair of starbolts into her. She fell to the ground, stunned.

Ms Santa swiped her hand from the third corner of the room and Wonder Woman attacked, her tiara striking Starfire with great force. The tiara bounced off Kory's armor, doing little damage as Helena dropped from above, wrapping powerful thighs around her fellow heroine's neck and starting to squeeze. “Time to go nighty night, Starfire!”

“Surely you won't use a starbolt on poor Huntress, will you?” Ms Santa added, “What if you did her permanent harm?” Starfire grabbed Huntress ankles even as the leg sleeper was beginning to have effect and simply pulled them off, spinning once and tossing the purple clad heroine at the rapidly advancing Wonder Woman, knocking her down. “So, you're controlling them somehow!” she said as she flew towards the fallen Diana.

“How did you guess?”

“I have trained with these warriors and they have much more skill. Wonder Woman would have caught Huntress and used her momentum to hurl her back at me even as Wonder Woman herself continued her attack.”

She unclipped the lasso from Diana's belt, “Her weapon will force you to release...”

A powerful hand clamped on her wrist, “I believe that is mine!”

The lasso was snatched from her grasp even as she wrenched her wrist from Wonder Woman's grip. “NO! With that I could save you! Release you all from her control!”

Starfire fired a starbolt at Wonder Woman, intent on regaining the lasso, but it was easily deflected.

Starfire, surrounded now by the three heroines, spun in place, looking for a new strategy. Ignoring all three of them she flew towards Ms Santa. A wall of light formed between Kory and her target, linking the three heroines in the shape of an equilateral triangle. She tried to stop, but she was too close. Kory gasped as the force seemed to drain her, slamming her back into the center of the three heroines. The precise center.

“You'll not get at me that easily, my dear Starfire! No, I'm afraid you must defeat your friends first.”

Launching herself skywards, she tried to fly over the barrier, only to discover that it was really an equilateral pyramid of light that formed as she neared its perimeter. Once again she was slammed into the concrete in the precise center of the three heroines. The three of them closing slowly towards her. She launched herself at Helena, hoping to break the form, but Huntress snatched her from the air, hurling her back towards the center as well.

Ms Santa, now standing just outside the shrinking barrier was laughing, not an evil villainous laugh, but a laugh that was both delightful and musical at the same time. “It's all over now, my dear Starfire.” She paused in momentary concentration, then smiled, “You have lost, it would be well for you to surrender!”

Firing bolts rapidly at all three of the heroines, she tried to plow Huntress out of alignment once more only to be snagged in the coil of a lasso. Wonder Woman was pulling her back towards the center once more, now a mere six feet. “I am a warrior born! I will not yield!”

They closed in on her, her arms pinned to her side by the coil of the unbreakable lasso, kept taut by the strength and experience of the Amazons most amazing warrior. “I will NOT YIELD!”

Starfire's body began to glow as Supergirl's hands pressed on her shoulders, forcing her to kneel. Five seconds, that's all she needed, five seconds and she could release all her stored energy at once. Even as she had this thought, skilled hands gently caressed her breasts, moaning as she drank in all the energy that Kory was trying to summon. “Oh yes, Starfire, feed me!” She felt a fire building in her even as the strength left her body. Never had she felt such unnatural desire before. It must be that woman! “I... will... nnot... yyield!”

Starfire felt her lips drawn towards the luscious pair in front of her like a moth is drawn to the flame. She knew she should not kiss them, but they whispered promises of bliss to her. Did a moth know the flame would be its destruction? She felt their lips touch, felt as if her soul were being ripped from her body.

Her vision seemed to tunnel in on the face in front of her until it was all she could see. She heard a helpless whimper and realized it was her. She felt her body stiffen in a climax such as she had never known.

Everything slowly faded to a blackness in which she was alone. An ever encroaching blackness that seemed at once to both swallow and crush her. "Let me go!" Her inner voice yelled over and over. But each time she heard herself yell, it was more distant, more faint than the last until, finally, the darkness became silence.
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I never would have thought of Starfire! Great!
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Awesome story! Loving it. Going in a great direction, and hoping to read some more soon.

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Night Five, Part One: Diana's Apartment

Darkness: the absence of light.

Darkness was not scary or evil in and of itself. Darkness was null. Emptiness. You might not like emptiness, but you had no need to fear it. I was afraid: not of the darkness, you do not fear the absence of light, but of something... someone? It was hiding in the darkness, taunting me with silence.

You might think me paranoid, but you're not here. You can't know what is there. Stalking me. Watching my every move. Stealing... I fell to my knees, no longer having the strength to stand. Many times I have been in battle. Many times I have known fear. Those who have been in battle and said they were not afraid are either lying or mentally unstable. I try to stay away from those last. Even Bruce knows fear, and he is the bravest man I know. A good friend, a great ally. I wish he were here now instead of pursuing Ra's Al Ghul.

Fear is a healthy thing, it alerts you to danger, it triggers the release of adrenaline. A warrior learns to use fear, to remove the source of the fear by facing and defeating it. Fear itself never held any terror for me... until now. Fear, stealing my strength, my ability to move, to fight. This fear, this paralysing terror...I have never known before. Still I battle on, fighting not the foe, but the fear itself.


Diana's eyes moved rapidly, visible through her closed eyes. Her skin glistened with a cold sweat. Her tiara, gleaming in the brilliance of the sun shining through her bedroom window, firmly on her brow. She lay still, unmoving save for the normal movements of life. The rising and falling of her breast within the red and gold of her armour. Her pulse beating in her neck. So still was she that, if not for these signs, one might think she was dead.

Yet her breathing was rapid and shallow, her pulse throbbed heavy and quick at her throat. She would awaken tired, exhausted, from this battle. A battle being fought in the mind of her slumbering form. A battle being fought...


I run, I keep running, I can't stop running. Running from her. I know it is her. I know her, she is so familiar... and yet... not. A deeper darkness in the dark. A shadow where it is impossible for a shadow to be. A shadow pursuing me tirelessly.

Already I have tried to fight her, a black shape amongst the blackness. My blows had passed through her with no effect, yet her hands had closed around my throat. Silent, taunting, strangling... I couldn't breath!!! I lashed out with everything I could!!! NOTHING WORKED!!!

She giggled, a cute little sexy giggle! Like some bimbo giggle! She was giggling and KILLING ME!!! Abruptly she released me and I had run. Run like a coward, unable to turn and face her.

I heard her call after me, her voice like a harsh half-whisper shouting in my head.


Her words sent ice pounding through my veins. I kept running. I couldn't stop! My heart beat ever faster with the effort and the fear. I ran and ran until I hid something hard. A single light came on: a display case, inside... NO!!! It was Supergirl...Kara!!!


The sun continued to sink towards the horizon, its reflection moving slowly across the tiara of the sleeping Amazon. A figure sits on the side of the bed, feminine fingers stroke her hair, a voice, a very familiar voice softly adds to her torment.

“Remember Steve? I've just spent the last three hours with him. Not here, of course, his place. Remember where you would never go? How you were afraid to give the wrong impression?”

Delicate fingers ran along her jawline,

“Well, you don't have to worry any more. He got the wrong impression, then I straightened him out. You have no idea what a tiger that perfect gentleman is once you finally get him in bed!”


Kara! Helena! Kory! All here, all helpless.


The voice taunted me. I looked in the direction of the voice.

"Remember Steve? I've just spent the last three hours with him. Not here, of course, his place. Remember where you would never go? How you were afraid to give the wrong impression?”

He was there, next to her. Her Steve, standing there in the light next to a very familiar silhouette. Delicate fingers run along his jawline, he kisses her.

Time seems to stand still as she cries out! “No Steve! Not with her!”

“Well, you don't have to worry any more. He got the wrong impression, then I straightened him out. You have no idea what a tiger this perfect gentleman is once you finally get him in bed!”

I feel the hot shame of tears on my cheek, taste the salt of them in my mouth. “This can't be happening!” I think as I slowly sink to my knees. The shadow steps towards me, black shiny hair, a black corset and equally black stockings tucked neatly into black heels. Parts of her body begin to take on the color of golden tanned flesh. Blue eyes sparkle in a familiar face...


Diana's eyes snap open as the sun disappears behind the horizon. She has met the enemy and the enemy is her!
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A background note: I have postulated something that the folks at DC have not. Supergirl and Power Girl are identical twins sent to Earth in ships very different from the one that Jor-El designed for Kal. In my view of Kryptonian society, the names of twins have an identical spelling but follow different specific pronunciation rules for the first and second sibling. This difference is based on a reality of a human language: Chinese has 12 major dialects and many more minor ones. These dialects are so different from one another that two people may have as much difficulty understanding one another as the Germans and the French, but the written characters are identical enabling the characters to be written and the words to be understood. There are no corresponding pronunciation rules that could provide an accurate rendering of their name in English, but then they are Kryptonians, right? I may write a story explaining all this some day, in the meantime, please enjoy.


Night Five, Part Two: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

Kara hovered in the night sky thinking back to Barbara's call.

“Both Helena and Kori have turned up missing since I got that call from Diana. She doesn't remember what is going on, so it's better to watch her and see for yourself. And Karen?”


“Linda's missing, too.”

She had felt the anger and pushed it down... if anything had happened to her twin sister...

“One more thing, fill me in before you go in to try and rescue them, okay?”

“Sure thing.”

She had found Diana the first place she looked, her apartment. Oddly, she was sleeping in her costume and, if her respiration and pulse were any guide, none too well, either. There was an abrupt change in both heartbeat and breathing about thirty seconds before an anxious Diana leaped out her window and onto the wing of her plane. Kara had to turn on the speed to keep up as Amazon science took the craft silently to supersonic speeds.

Thirty-eight seconds later Diana dropped to the ground outside a warehouse, running inside. Kara tried following her with her x-ray vision, but found that she lost her the moment she entered the building.

“Damn, must be lead.”

She tried to call Barbara, but something was blocking transmissions. She should go and report, but what if they were gone by the time she got back? She did exactly what Barbara knew she would do, she went right in.

And ran right into the sexy elves. It really wasn't much of a fight. She didn't even break a sweat. 23...22...21... each time she said a number, another elf was out for the count, less than a minute later, all twenty-seven are out cold.

A single pair of hands clapping sounded behind her,

“Bravo, sis, you really know how to take out the helpless!”

Karen spun around, looking at Linda,


While their first names looked the same in English, they did not sound the same in Kryptonian,

“Where have you been?”

Linda didn't answer, instead she crossed the distance between them at the speed of lightning, both fists impacting in Power Girl's stomach.

Karen Starr, Kara, Power Girl, the woman who was all of these flew backwards, stunned, out of control. Her twin sister Linda Danvers, Kara, Supergirl was still pushing her backwards, her fists now alternating as they continued to pound on her abdomen with a force she had never felt before. She smashed into a heavy steel column. It glowed but did not bend or even dent. More punches to her stomach, but she was no longer shocked into inaction by the shock she felt at being attacked by her twin.

Power Girl grabbed the fist of the next punch in her blue gloved hand and countered to Linda's head with everything she had. Supergirl was knocked backwards about eighteen feet, coming to a stop on two feet and one hand. Even as Linda rose to her feet, Karen noticed that she was in the midst of a glowing pyramid: Diana, Wonder Woman at the nearest corner, then Koru, Starfire and Helena the Huntress at the other two. The red clad blond at the top of the pyramid she didn't recognize. It was only this woman who spoke.

“Welcome, Power Girl. As you can see, I have enough influence among you heroines now to insure that it was you who would appear tonight, that it was you who would be trapped within the pyramid of the three warriors.”

Supergirl slowly walked towards her, speaking in the other woman's voice.

“And that it was you whom your own sister, Supergirl would capture for me!”
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Finally got upto date with this.

Superb fight scenes and a great premise, the whole thing gets better and better but also more and more interesting.

The one thing I would suggest though is to have different protagonists speaking in separate paragraphs, in some exchanges you do have to be on the ball to work out who said what initially before it becomes clear.

I'd also just echo some of the earlier posts - the excellent quality of the later fights (and they really are superb) just kinda emphasizes that Sg got taken down a bit easily,imho.

Really good stuff, and a vast improvement on the original, just in terms of approach as the first was more light in style. This has a 'high noon' showdown building kind of a feel, and of course the title promises a lot more to come.

And I can't wait!
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Night Five, Part Three: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

Three warriors? Power Girl wondered, keeping her eye on her sister, who stopped a short distance away as if waiting for something. She thought about it, Diana and Kori were definitely warriors... as for Helena? She certainly fought like a warrior.

The blond went on,

“I know you two share a weakness for magic but, while I was glutted with power when I captured Supergirl and bent her to my will, I have to utilize my powers more efficiently now.”

She smiled a bewitching smile,

“Not to worry, the outcome will still be the same.”

“I doubt that. I've always been far more skilled than my sister.”

Laughter filled the air, coming from every mouth in the room except her own. Then those same voices spoke,

“Mama was a succubus and Daddy was a doppelgänger, your skills mean nothing to my powers!”

Searing heat shot at her eyes so fast she barely had time to react, blocking with her own heat vision.

“If you thought distracting me would allow her to catch me off guard and blind me, you've made a miscalculation.”

Her heat vision started pressing her sister's back towards her, then it changed colour as they all spoke again,

“It is you who have miscalculated. In the pyramid of warriors you cannot win!”

Linda's heat vision, somehow enhanced with Kori's starbolt energy suddenly surged towards Power Girl's eyes. She closed them, ducking her head to protect her eyes as the energy smashed into her head, driving her backwards into the side of the pyramid for the second time, this time momentarily stunned and sliding to the floor.

Supergirl was on her far too fast for the normal eye to follow, grabbing Karen by her hair and hurling her across the confines of their energy arena, racing her, beating her there by just long enough to connect a super powered punch right between Power Girl's breasts, stunning the heroine's entire body and sending her flying back in the direction she came until she once again crashed into the side of the pyramid shaped energy field. Karen could barely think as she was sliding down once more, her dazed eyes looking up and seeing the scantily clad blond hovering at the top of the pyramid. A burst of heat vision shot forth from her eyes headed towards what she hoped was the key to this whole battle.

“N O ! ! !” The blond screamed.

Supergirl, already flying back towards her, altered her trajectory, intercepting the impact of the blast. The pyramid had flickered for an interval too small for the human eye, but Karen had seen it even as Linda's body glowed strangely before it dropped like a rock to the floor. If at first you don't succeed, try again, right? Even as she shot her heat vision a second time, the energy of the pyramid adjusted, sealing the blond in the outer edge. The energy of her heat vision seeming only to strengthen the pyramid, Power Girl instead marshalled her energy, pulled herself up, and carried the fight to her sister. Render her unconscious and then deal with the pyramid. Simple military tactics – defeat in detail. Linda was just beginning to rise when Karen's fist hit her right across the jaw with everything she had.

Supergirl's head snapped to one side from the force of the blow. It had no other effect and Linda continued to rise to her feet. Power Girl swung again only to find her fist trapped in the powerful grip of her sister. A grip that began to squeeze with more reserve of strength than Linda should have... Diana! Somehow Diana's strength was being added to Linda's! Even as the thought went through her mind, skilled fingers struck nerves in a precise way, numbing the entire right side of her body in the same way that Karen had often watched Helena take down a more powerful opponent. Understanding came way too late. It didn't matter which point she struck, she was fighting them all. All their skills, all their knowledge, all their power. Supergirl executed a spin kick to the back of her knees, dropping her to her knees. She had to hold on, if she failed here, this woman would become even more difficult to stop. Like a snowball rolling down the side of a hill.

Supergirl stepped behind her, grabbing her hair and tilting it back. The blond's voice was coming out of Linda's mouth once more,

“Don't worry, I'm still softening you up.”

Power Girl took the cheap shot, her elbow connecting with her sister's groin, doubling her over.

“Sorry, Linda, but whatever it takes, I have to stop her now!”

Down, but not out by a long shot. Grabbing Linda's ankle, she swung her into the side of the pyramid with all the force she could still muster. While Supergirl hurled across across the arena and into the barrier, Karen struggled to her feet. A blue clad heroine slid down to the floor as Karen took her first step. Her right side, still quite numb, had feeling returning to it slowly. If she could just have a few seconds more.

Power Girl hovered towards her fallen sister with caution. She had to make sure Kara could not recover until this was all over. Lowering herself to the floor, she drew back and exploded with a powerful left hook. Supergirl snapped her eyes open, deflecting the blow with her left hand, causing her to overextend her body, leaving her left side completely unprotected. The fingers of Linda's right hand executed a dim mak strike to her unprotected nerve clusters, paralysing her left side. Less than a second after stiff fingers delivered the devastating blow, an elbow came down between Karen's shoulder blades driving her to the floor. She tried to push herself up with her right hand, but it still wasn't functioning fully. Supergirl, now bending over her prey, smiled and struck the nerves in Karen's right side, paralysing it for a second time.

Power Girl, now completely helpless at the feet of her sister, was lifted to her knees and held there by her hair, clear blue eyes looking down at her without pity.

“Now that you're defeated, dear sister, it's time to break you.”

Linda's free hand caressed her face, then down her neck and over her breasts with a light touch.

“And that is going to be deliciously fun, don't you think?”

Karen looked at her sister with shock,

“Why are you doing this? Fight it! You can – “

Helena was there, whispering in her ear, “She can't resist me any more – “

Kori whispered in her other ear, “ – than you can.”

Kori's hands caressed her breasts, light tingles of energy driving into them. She had to admit it felt good, but it was certainly nothing that threatened to turn her into one of these zombies that surrounded her. If she could have sufficient time, her paralysis would wear off, then she'd strike Helena and Kori, eliminating the power base for that pyramid, then she'd strike that blond.

Supergirl and Huntress knelt on either side of her, fingers lightly teasing other parts of her body while Kori continued to torment her breasts. Finally their fingers came to rest on the nerves that had been the focus of the blows that had so devastatingly paralysed her. Fingers deftly manipulated those nerves, sending a wash of pleasurable sensations across Karen's entire body.

The blonde approached,

“This was much easier with the others, taking control of their conscious mind, overwhelming it with magic that you can't begin to comprehend.”

She ran red gloved fingers over Karen's face,

“But I need to hold onto that power, to marshal it for something special, so we need to take a low powered approach to dealing with you, Kara.”

Power Girl was surprised, she had pronounced her name as a Kryptonian would, distinct and different from her sister's name.

“So, are you ready?”

Her body was pleasantly tingling all over, but it was barely a distraction. The blonde's fingertips moved lightly across her body, her face a mask of concentration.

“I think that you are!”

Fingers reached for and gently squeezed her nipples causing her body to arch in a powerful orgasm.

Karen's eyes focused on the lips in front of her,

“Yes, you are ready. Submit your will to mine.”

Power Girl tried to resist the command, but her eyes remained focused on those lips. “I – “

The image of the lips burned in her brain like fire, driving away her very thoughts as she tried to order them. The orgasm she was experiencing continued to rock her body. Helena, Kori, and Linda continued to stimulate her body, touching her exactly as she wanted to be touched at that very moment. How could they know?

“Because I know.”

The blond answered her thoughts and she felt she must give in, must kiss those lips in surrender.

"Nooo!!” she wailed softly even as she leaned forwards and lips met hers in an explosion of bliss that wiped every thought from her mind and her body finally collapsed into unconsciousness.
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Great job Doctor A!
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Heroine Six, Part One: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

Black Canary flipped backwards, barely evading a coordinated strike by three of her opponents. She cringed at the thought of how barely she was holding her own. Seventeen minutes against twenty-seven opponents, each possessed of martial skills on par with her own and their strategy was working. She was alone and they kept after her in two's or three's, rotating in fresh combatants while she was gradually worn down. More odd was the fact that her friend and fellow heroine Diana, known to the world as Wonder Woman, was standing in front of some blond that was dressed like some slutty female Santa, unmoving and trance-like while surrounding her were Supergirl, Power Girl, and Starfire. Together with Huntress, floating overhead, they formed some kind of an invisible energy pyramid that precluded the possibility of either calling for help or escaping and returning with some.

She thought back to the call she'd gotten from Diana at 7:34 that very morning.

* * *

“Hi Dinah, Diana.”

Dinah Drake Lance was a little confused, why is Diana calling me on my cell instead of...

“Could you come for a visit? Not anything official, you know how information on those channels gets around.”

She thought the JLA channel would be insecure? “Sure, I could get a plane down – “

“Too much chance of that being noticed and this really needs to be kept low key.”

What's going on? “Well, if I got out of here now, even by motorcycle, I could reach you a little after eight tonight.”

On the other end of the phone, Diana, clad only in her panties and bra, was looking through her closet.

“That would be great, meet me at – “

Diana rattled off the address of the Blair Road warehouse, then listened as Dinah read it back.

“Great – “

she turned away from the closet, looking at the figure on the bed.

“I'll see you then!”

Hanging up the cell, she stroked her hand gently up Wonder Woman's sleeping body.

“See, Diana, that wasn't so hard.”

Her fingertips caressed the heroine's breasts, eliciting a soft moan. Eyelids moved in reaction to the nightmare.

* * *

There was no longer anywhere for me to run. I was trapped, pinned against the wall, my own self warring against me. Her fingers toyed with me, building an unwelcome passion for her within my frame. I moaned, not wanting to, but unable to help myself.

“Already your body has surrendered itself to my will. Tonight, with your friend's help, not only will I add Black Canary to my collection, but I will finally gain complete control of you as well. I will become you and you will merely be the source of my substance. Not only during the hours of daylight, when I am able to become your mirror image and tap into your subconscious, but all the time and with complete access to your conscious mind as well!”

* * *

Miss Santa, for want of a better name for her, stood behind Wonder Woman, one hand on the back of the heroine's head. Diana felt the hand there, the woman's presence in her mind forcing her to relive that part of the nightmare that had led her friend into this trap. She wanted to yell at her, to tell her to run, but her body wouldn't move, her vocal chords remained silent. Diana watched as Dinah realized it was only a matter of time if she kept fighting the battle this way, as Black Canary decided the only chance she had was to do the very thing Wonder Woman knew would actually spell their doom. Then a mouth opened and a clear perfect note, pitched at the upper limits of human hearing, the cry of the canary, more felt than actually heard, pierced every square centimetre of the warehouse with its awesome power.
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And now, a word on avatars...

As someone who enjoys reading the works of Tallyho, I find myself frequently eyeball to screen with his avatar, my favourite aircraft, the Supermarine Spitfire, an airplane significant because it, along with the Hawker Hurricane, changed the course of the second world war, preventing Hitler's Luftwaffe from winning the crucial air war over the British Islands, from winning what was to become known as the Battle of Britain. (Historical note, tally ho was also used by RAF pilots to signal the beginning of combat.)

I couldn't very well use the Spitfire as my own avatar but, being an aircraft aficionado, still thought the idea of aircraft for an avatar to be a very good one. For this reason, I selected my second favourite aircraft, the Lockheed L133, an aircraft proposed to the US Army Air Force on March 30, 1942, and which could have been the first supersonic jet aircraft ever built. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_L-133 and the Discovery channel's 'Planes That Never Flew' for the full details.
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And the tension mounts.... :)

I was actually going to ask you what aircraft it was, youv've saved me the trouble.

Nice lines on it, I can see why you like it, its not a plane I was familiar with.

(You probably know Doc, but 'tally ho' was originally a fox hunting term meaning that the quarry was sighted, hence used to announce an attack, just an fyi for those who didn't)
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I was actually going to ask you what aircraft it was, youv've saved me the trouble.

Nice lines on it, I can see why you like it, its not a plane I was familiar with.

(You probably know Doc, but 'tally ho' was originally a fox hunting term meaning that the quarry was sighted, hence used to announce an attack, just an fyi for those who didn't)
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Great story. Hoping we can get some more! Thanks
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Are you saving the climax of this for the upcoming holidays?
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Watch for an upcoming episode of Wonder Woman: Birth of The Chloro King coming soon!
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Heroine Six, Part Two: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

A perfect note pierced the semi-darkness. High, clear, and laced with supersonics, it sliced through the night air. Even Superman and Solomon Grundy had fallen before its devastating power, yet it seemed to be having no effect on the Elvish horde the Black Canary wished to take down. True, they were no longer attacking her, but they weren't falling either. Seeing that it was not working, she tried to stop, but the note would not be silenced. Beyond her control it continued to ring forth with perfect clarity and power. Dinah had never felt so helpless in her life. The power of her cry being sucked from her as she herself stood paralysed, unable to do anything but continue to sing with no idea where the breath to do so was coming from.

The Elves began to float a few inches off the ground, unmoving, like statues at attention. The position of these unmoving statues began to change, forming nine triangular layers around Diana and the Christmas clad vixen who held her captive. As the final three Elves formed their triangle, her note took on an azure glow, revealing the conic shape of the sound moving away from her. She helplessly watched her now visible sound, as it gently wrapped around the three Elves on the outer perimeter of the layered triangular pattern. It was as if these three were black holes sucking in all the power of her cry. The glow spread along the lines of the triangle they formed, moving from each corner towards the centre where they came into contact with the next trio of elves who formed a nested inverted triangle whose points bisected the lines of the outer triangle. This trio of elves formed lines between the three of them, forming another glowing equilateral triangle in the air and repeating the pattern inwards with the next trio until the final trio of elves had lines of light that went from one to the other and from each of them to Diana. The helpless heroine and her Christmas clad captor rose into the air until they formed an equilateral pyramid with those innermost Elves. (See image at the end of this post.)

Diana's eyes did not – could not blink. They stayed open, unable to alter the target of their gaze, staring deeply into the eyes of the gloating blond in front of her.

“It is time, Diana, time for you to surrender. You may as well, you know, you can't resist... you CANnot resist... you canNOT resist.”

Diana was not known as Wonder Woman by chance and not only for her physical prowess. In spite of the fact that she could not resist, she was asserting her will with every ounce of her being. Clinging to her identity and the uniqueness of it with a tenacity that astonished her captor.

“Very well... have it your own way! I WILL have you soon enough!”

Miss Santa reached out with both hands, gently caressing the breasts of the paralysed Wonder Woman, her hands taking on a pink glow. The helpless heroine's eyes glazed over as she softly moaned.

“Do you really think you can stop me? I have complete control over your body, Amazon. My lightest touch evokes desire. I can cause you to sleep, taking twelve hours of your life each day and using that time to control your friends. They want the you that is me more than they want the real you.”

Miss Santa's whole body began to glow pink with the energy she was absorbing, her demeanour changing as she drank it in.

“Mmmmmm, the desire pouring through you is sooo delicious! Now you just wait here, I'll be right back.”

Levitating upwards, the blond vixen stopped as she neared Helena, “Ready to do your part?”

The heroine's eyes bored into her angrily, “Go to hell!”

“Oh my, I had no idea you felt so hostile towards me.”

The villainess suddenly smiled, “Maybe I can fix that!!”

She moved closer, the pink glow that surrounded her enclosing her prey. Their breasts touched each other, the she backed away a couple of inches. What looked like pink lightning shot from the villainess breasts to those of the heroine as Helena moaned in a mixture of anguish and sudden arousal.

“Ironic, isn't it, that you who are called the Huntress shall play such a critical role in breaking the namesake of the Roman goddess, Diana the Huntress?”

The pink glow slowly shifted from Miss Santa to the immobile Huntress. Helena felt her hands clench into fists and tried to focus on breaking free of the field that held her. The field that turned her, Supergirl, Power Girl, and Starfire into an unbreakable barrier.

The energy abruptly stopped moving between the two of them, leaving Helena in a glowing pink field and leaving Miss Santa weakened and, to all appearances helpless as she slowly slid downwards to land in a crumpled heap at Diana's feet. Helena felt her hands and forearms moving, then cried out in frustration as they found her breasts.

“NO!” Even as she voiced her dismay, her fingers began to work on her breasts, gently teasing them and stoking the fire that already threatened to consume her. The pink glowing energy intensified as it drew from the Huntress own building sexual energy, intensified until she could no longer contain it. The energy moved onwards, flowing from Helena and into her three equally helpless companions at the base of the outer pyramid. One by one they began to glow with the pink energy.

Karen moaned helplessly as she felt the magic wash over her, her mind tired from her futile struggle to break free of the field that was turning her into a trap for her friends. She had awakened from a nightmare in which she had been beaten on by her sister to find that, while her mind was now free, her body was not. Angry at herself for having been so easily lured into the trap, she had ignored her sister's pleas to wait for a better moment. She just did not have the strength to resist when the time came and her hands found her breasts an all too willing target for the magic that now flowed through them. The moan grew louder as her own sexual energy was added to that flowing from Huntress and flowed from her towards the nearly identical body of her twin.

Linda was younger than Karen, thanks to the wormhole that had deposited her here years earlier. While Karen was still in space, she had been trained by Kal. That training had paid off and this time she was not caught by surprise. Marshalling her mental defences, she was successfully resisting the urge within her as the magic washed over her. It was hard, the energy flowing into her from Helena felt so good. It urged her body to join with it, to add to its power but her mind was fresh and strong. Her fists clenched by her side as she felt the opportunity. Slowly her body began to move, her right foot inched forwards. If she could just get her left foot there, the alignment that gave this field its strength would be greatly reduced and she might – the scream of ecstasy erupted from her as Karen's energy hit her. Her resistance collapsed and she felt her hands doing what they had been longing to do.

The energy surrounding the trapped heroines began to intensify, finally taking the path of least resistance. A path that ended with Starfire. Kori struggled to control herself, but her hands would not obey. She felt them move towards her breasts and concentrated on returning them to her side. They moved back to her side then began to move towards her breasts once again. Again she was able to move them back towards her side, but they did not make it all the way back down before she felt them moving towards her breasts again. Again and again they moved towards her breasts. Again and again she was able to force them down. But each time it took longer and slowly, inexorably, she felt her hands inch closer ever to her breasts before she could reverse their direction.

“I am a warrior born! I will not submmmmm”

Finally her fingertips had made contact and she found herself facing a new struggle as she fought to contain the energy building within her. She screamed in frustration as the energy shot forth from her chest and into the back of the trapped Canary.
Dinah/Black Canary's cry. Overhead visual. The point of light at the top is Dinah's voice.
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Heroine Six, Part Three: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

Like the others, Dinah found herself increasingly aroused against her will the moment the pink energy field struck her. This altered the timbre of her voice. The azure energy flowing from her into the first of the twenty-seven elves slowly darkened, turning a deep purple. It flowed through each of the elves in turn, with no other apparent results until it reached Diana. Like her fellow heroines, the powerful Amazon found herself ever more aroused. Like Starfire, Wonder Woman fought back, unlike Supergirl, she had no reserves to resist.

She had been hammered on for six days, the last three of them while both waking and sleeping. Her hands wanted to betray her, to take her over the edge, to give her the climax she currently wanted so desperately. Still she hung on, fists clenched, muscles not moving a centimetre.

“You will not have me! I am Diana, Princess of Themiscyra, known to the world as Wonder Woman, a champion of the oppressed and a bastion against evil!”

The three elves that, with the helpless heroine, formed a pyramid, turned away from her, moving in a coordinated anticlockwise arc towards the next three elves. Wonder Woman began to rise in the air, rotating with their movement. When the reached the second set of elves, they became part of the larger pyramid and the energy flowing from the first set of elves into Diana steadily increased on an exponential curve. The energy surrounding these three elves and flowing into the Amazing Amazon eventually became so intense that it was too blinding to look at. Abruptly it, and the three elves, vanished.

The second set of elves turned and began to move in a coordinated arc, this one clockwise, until they reached the third set. Their energy also dumped into Wonder Woman's body as she rose into the air. For the very first time her hands moved upwards. It was less than an inch but it was movement. This trio also vanished in a blinding flash of light. Then it was the turn of the next and the next, one anticlockwise, the next clockwise. Each time Diana was levitated to be the apex of a new pyramid formed by the base of the next trio of elves. With each successive energy dump, the heroine found it increasingly difficult to resist. Finally she found herself part of the last pyramid and face to face with the blond villainess herself at its top.

A final flash of blinding purple light and they were all gone. Diana breathed a sigh of relief, her fists still clenched, forced them back to her side, and gazed defiantly at the obviously weakened and helpless Miss Santa.
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Very nice struggling to fight the passion.
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Great work Doc, but that opening paragraph of the previous post read a little like a geometry lesson! :D I needed the pic! I think a more general description ('the trio of elves fed the energy to the next level in turn' kinda thing might have worked better but thats just me.)

SUPERB STUFF! Great description of the energy flow and the heroines each trying to resist it in turn but failing. Fabulous work!

Really enjoying it and looking forward to the climax.

Very well done!
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Thanks everyone for the comments and PMs. I cannot tell you how many I got about Supergirl's capture being too simple. Let me put that to bed: she was sucker punched with magic and it was over before she had any opportunity to resist. If you are a huge SG fan you should note that in the most recent post she was the one who nearly ended Ms Santa's whole plot.

Still to come: the Wonder Twins (more on that later,) Wonder Girl, Mary Marvel, Jade, Batgirl, and a surprise guest!

I have just finished a read-through to get my mind squared away on all this and you should be seeing more shortly.

A note on how I view Doppelgangers: watch this film (see link below) or at least read the synopsis, it's my source material.

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The Wonder Twins? :blink:

I should hope that you've been doing some heavy-duty genderbending...
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Not quite, they're both female. Working on another story that will explain that which involves a boating accident, a time rift, WWII, and Hamlin Rule. Puzzle that one out if you dare!
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Heroine Six, Part Four: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

The voice the diabolical Ms Santa had used for an energy conduit was now silent. The Black Canary remained standing for a brief moment, then collapsed onto the floor.

Wonder Woman floated across from the helpless Ms Santa, outwardly a vision of calm confidence, inside much relieved that she had won such a close and difficult contest.

“It would seem that I can stop you after all.”

The two of them slowly rotate in a circle, orbiting the centre of the pyramid's apex. Ms Santa, weak as she was still managed to smile.

“You have resisted a distraction and lost the war. All that remains is for you to remember.”

Suddenly, memories flashed through Diana's mind...

Heroine One - Night Two: Fair Oaks Mall, Fairfax, Va

Ms Santa knelt next to Wonder Woman, picking up where she left off, her fingers playing the heroine's breasts like a concert pianist getting the most out of a particular instrument. Once more the glowing streams formed, travelling up the villainess' arms. Slowly the glowing streams diminished, vanishing into the gorgeous blond vixen,

“Now you just take what you helped me steal from your flying friend.”

As on the previous evening the heroine's body stiffened, a gasp of extreme pleasure emanating from her mouth. Her body slowly relaxed as the blonde leaned over, whispering.

“and store this for me like last night. I will collect it from you tomorrow when your body has added its own energy to it.”

A soft kiss on Diana's forehead and the last of the glow disappeared from Diana's body... her eyelids fluttered as she struggled to stay awake...

“Thanks for bringing me Supergirl, it was a thoughtful gift.”

...to understand what had happened...

“I could never have defeated her without your help."

No! It had been her power added to Ms Santa's that had overwhelmed Supergirl so easily.

"Bring me another one tomorrow night?”

Now all Supergirl's energy was in her and it felt so.... so good!!....she slowly drifted off into the bliss of slumber. Her last sensation the pleasant touch of this woman's hands on her breasts, her last sight that of the 'elves' gathering around Santa, holding an unconscious Supergirl.

Heroine Two - Night Three: Tyson's Corner Center, McClean, VA

Fingers reach inside her bustier teasing her nipples.

“N..no,” she gasps, still struggling just to breath.

“Why? Don't you like the way it feels?”

A gentle pinch elicits a soft moan, Ms Santa giggled.

“Yes, I think that you do! Now if you'll just store this for me, adding dear Helena's energy to that of Kara...”

Her fingers glow and Diana's body reacts even faster than the night before, arching into a powerful orgasm that ended in a long, drawn out moan that emptied her lungs.

"You're getting the hang of this. Soon you'll crave it, do anything for it."

She nipped the heroine's earlobe playfully.

"You might as well relax and enjoy it." she giggles.

Her right hand continues to torment Diana's nipples while her left one closes tightly over the heroine's mouth and nose, stifling the end of her moan before she could inhale. It pulls her head gently, yet insistently to the pillow of the breasts behind her.

“Good night Princess, I know you will dream of me yet again. Thanks for Huntress, bring me Starfire next time, will you? The warehouse, tomorrow night. You take the door, send her in through the roof.”

Tears streamed down Diana's face, her body continuing to react to the unwanted attention her nipples were receiving while her world slowly faded to black.

Heroine Three - Night Four: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

Wonder Woman looked at Starfire's lips willing them towards her own. She knew she should not kiss them, but they whispered promises of bliss to her. Of forbidden power. She felt their lips touch, felt the energy being ripped from the young body in front of her. She heard a helpless whimper and revelled in the power, in the control she had over the young heroine. A thought and she felt Kori's body stiffen in a powerful climax, felt her consciousness flee as she collapsed into a coma and a slow smile played over Diana's lips.

Heroine Four - Night Five: A Warehouse on Blair Road, Washington DC

Diana's fingers reached for and gently squeezed Karen's nipples, causing her body to arch in a powerful orgasm. She willed the kneeling heroine to look at her lips. She heard her voice speaking,

“Yes, you are ready. Submit your will to mine.”

She could sense Power Girl trying to resist the command and concentrated on breaking her will.

“I – “

The image of Karen's lips burned in her brain like fire, driving away every other thought. She must taste them. The orgasm continued to rock her prey's body as Helena, Kori, and Linda continued to stimulate it. Ms Santa spoke at her side,

“Because I know.”

Diana concentrated, you must give in, she thought, must kiss my lips in surrender.

“Nooo!!” Karen wailed softly even as she leaned forwards and Diana felt the explosion of bliss as she wiped every thought from Kara's mind and watched her collapse into unconsciousness.

The Present:

Diana's mind returned to the present, shaken by what her mind had seen, but refusing to believe the events she had just relived were true. She had just opened her mouth to challenge her Christmas clad opponent when she remembered Dinah.


Running over to her in concern, she knelt beside her, rolling the dazed and weakened heroine onto her back as she asked,

“Are you alright?”

Before Dinah could answer, Wonder Woman's hands, almost of their own volition, reached out and grasped the fallen Canary's breasts. Immediately Dinah gasped as her breasts and Diana's hands took on a brilliant purple glow.

Wonder Woman was stunned as she realized, not only what her hands were doing, but the effect of their touch. She had done this to the others. To Helena, Kori, Linda, and Karen. She remembered how good it had felt to drain them, revelled in how good it was feeling right now. Still, she was Wonder Woman and not by might alone. Steeling herself against what she was feeling, she removed her hands from Dinah and turned to Ms Santa, shouting.

“What have you done to me witch!!”

Partly recovered, Ms Santa took a single step towards her as she spoke,

“Not witch. Doppelgänger. As a witch I could use magic against you, as a Doppelgänger I am a being of magic. Something like you, actually, which is what makes you the perfect target for my plan. The perfect life to become. The perfect choice to become me.”
Last edited by dravatar 4 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
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More good stuff Doc. Hope it's not too long for the next one.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Neophyte Lvl 4
Neophyte Lvl 4
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Right, I fixed the end of the last chapter, as I was working on the next one, I realized I should wrap up in the present, so I added a couple of paragraphs to clean that up. As they say: "The plot thickens!"
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